Visual Assist X for VS2022:提升开发效率的利器

Visual Assist X for VS2022:提升开发效率的利器

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在现代软件开发中,效率和准确性是开发者追求的核心目标。为了帮助开发者更好地利用Visual Studio 2022进行C/C++、C#、ASP、Visual Basic、Java和HTML等语言的开发,我们推出了Visual Assist X插件。这款插件不仅能够显著提升开发效率,还能通过智能感知、代码完成和重构等功能,帮助开发者更快速、更准确地完成代码编写。


Visual Assist X的核心技术在于其强大的代码分析和自动化功能。以下是该插件的主要技术特点:

  • 自动识别关键字和系统函数:通过深度学习算法,Visual Assist X能够自动识别各种关键字和系统函数,提供准确的输入提示和自动更正大小写错误。
  • 自动标示错误:插件内置了先进的代码分析引擎,能够实时检测代码中的错误,并通过高亮显示帮助开发者快速定位和解决问题。
  • 智能感知与代码完成:Visual Assist X提供了智能感知功能,能够在开发者输入代码时自动补全代码片段,减少手动输入的时间和错误率。
  • 重构功能:插件支持多种代码重构操作,如重命名变量、提取方法等,帮助开发者保持代码的整洁和可维护性。


Visual Assist X适用于多种开发场景,尤其适合以下情况:

  • 大型项目开发:在大型项目中,代码量庞大且复杂,Visual Assist X的智能感知和代码完成功能能够显著减少开发者的负担,提高代码编写的效率。
  • 多语言开发:无论是C/C++、C#、ASP、Visual Basic、Java还是HTML,Visual Assist X都能提供一致且强大的支持,帮助开发者跨语言进行高效开发。
  • 快速迭代开发:在快速迭代开发过程中,开发者需要频繁修改和重构代码。Visual Assist X的重构功能能够帮助开发者快速完成代码的修改和优化,确保代码质量。


  • 强大的自动化功能:Visual Assist X通过自动识别关键字、自动标示错误和智能感知等功能,极大地提升了开发效率。
  • 跨语言支持:插件支持多种编程语言,适用于不同开发需求。
  • 易于安装和使用:安装过程简单明了,用户只需按照安装向导的步骤操作即可完成安装。
  • 持续的技术支持:开发者在使用过程中遇到任何问题,都可以通过仓库的Issues页面进行反馈,获得及时的帮助和支持。


Visual Assist X for VS2022是一款功能强大且易于使用的插件,能够显著提升开发者在Visual Studio 2022中的开发效率。无论您是进行大型项目开发,还是需要跨语言进行快速迭代开发,Visual Assist X都能为您提供强有力的支持。立即下载并体验,让您的开发工作更加高效和愉快!

VisualAssistXforVS2022 VisualAssistXforVS2022 项目地址:

Visual Assist Build 2107 支持vs2017 官方原版加破解补丁 requires software maintenance through 2016.07.15 (General release.) NEW Added new refactoring Move Implementation to Header File. (case=10239) 6999, 8255, 8286, 9006, 9830, 10741, 10905, 11311, 11976, 12293 NEW Sort Selected Lines now supports ascending and descending options, as well as case-sensitive and case-insensitive options. (case=29858) 8876, 9194, 12143 NEW Smart Select now supports more granular selection when starting to grow a selection (enabled by default; reg value named SmartSelectEnableGranularStart). (case=90797) 12544 NEW Smart Select supports sub-word selection (disabled by default and dependent upon reg value SmartSelectEnableWordStart; reg values named SmartSelectSplitWordByCase and SmartSelectSplitWordByUnderscore). (case=97531) NEW Support for disabling multithreaded parse during solution load (Performance page of VA Options dialog). (case=97903) NEW Find Symbol in Solution dialog now optionally supports display of file and directory in dedicated columns (via context menu). (case=35181) 12054, 12566 NEW Added support for filtering hashtag cross-references from VA Hashtags toolwindow (via context menu). (case=96785) NEW Added button to open File Explorer to VA File History directory (Performance page of VA Options dialog). (case=98234) 12686 NEW Option to disable spontaneous tooltips in Open File in Solution, Find Symbol in Solution and Goto Member dialogs (via context menu). (case=98240) NEW Enhanced Open Corresponding File (alt+o) to support directory structure of some additional libraries. (case=96426) [VS2010+] Fix for VA Navigate Back (alt+left arrow) failing to return to recorded column position. (case=97613) 12649 Fix for Smart Suggestion of vector of shared_ptr. (case=96425) 12604 Fixed Smart Suggestion namespace qualification of enum values in user-provided sample. (case=98073) 12661 Fix for failure to deduce auto rvalue ref type in range-based for loop. (case=96952) 12617 Sort Selected Lines honors system locale. (case=97868) Fix for Create Declaration being confused by a function try block. (case=93234) Fix for failure of Goto to work with variable defined using decltype expression. (case=93387) 12485 Various fixes for Smart Select selections. (case=94946, case=95812) Improved auto type deduction in range-based for loops. (case=86248) Improved Smart Suggestions of template variables in certain scenarios. (case=91733) Fixed case in which parentheses were not automatically matched when complete with any character was enabled and '(' was used to commit the listbox selection. (case=97044) Improved results of Goto and Goto Related on namespace usages that reference nested namespaces. (case=68241) Fix for snippets inserted with incorrect line endings in empty files. (case=97752) 12655 Fixed case in which VA incorrectly handled static_assert in a class definition. (case=97232) When Goto is invoked on an external type in XAML, VA prompts to open the Object Browser (instead of searching it without prompting). (case=96541) Find Symbol in Solution dialog lists symbols defined in source files imported via nuget packages. (case=97175) Fixed case in which VA Outline reported incorrect range of a #define in certain situations. (case=97224) Add Missing Case Statements now supports switches on properties. (case=96542) Fixed parsing of D2D interfaces and types that implement them. (case=97120) Fixed case in which symbols defined via system include directories might be recognized in one solution but not in another. (case=97154, case=97190) Fix for Move Implementation commands not properly selecting moved code in some cases. (case=96852) Fixed case in which include resolution of files in system include directories might not be properly resolved. (case=97154) Fixed case in which VA Snippet was processed with different end results when executed with in-editor placeholder expansion vs placeholder expansion via dialog. (case=96968) Disabled implementation of case=4568 due to unexplained lag while typing templates in a specific situation (can be re-enabled via edit of reg value ReparseIfNeededMaxFileSize2). (case=98305) [VS2015 Update 3] Enabled in-editor expansion of snippet input placeholders. (case=95894) [VS2015 Update 3] When changing the state of the automatically extend multi-line comments setting, VA prompts to make the opposite action with the IDE provided feature in C#. (case=95605) [VS2012+] Fixed positioning of Goto and Goto Related menus when invoked in XAML files. (case=98462) [VS2010+] Fixed tab order in Snippet Editor. (case=98606) [VC6] Fix for deadlock in some situations after using Add Class. (case=98643) 12701




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