Developing Applications Using the Caching Application Block

Enterprise Library 4.1 - October 2008

Developing Applications Using the Caching Application Block


This section describes how to use the Caching Application Block to develop applications. It explains how to enter configuration information for the application block, incorporate it into your solution, and select a backing store. This section includes the following topics:





All application blocks ship as binary assemblies and as source code. If you want to use the source code, you must compile it before you can use the QuickStarts and configuration tools. To learn how to compile the Enterprise Library source code, see Building Enterprise Library from the Source Code.

所有的应用程序块都是二进制编码也都是源代码。如果你需要用这个源代码,在你用quickstart和配置工具之前你必须编译它。学习如何编译企业库源代码,请看Building Enterprise Library from the Source Code

Enterprise Library 4.1 - October 2008

Entering Configuration Information


These procedures explain how to configure the Caching Application Block. Properties associated with the nodes appear in the right pane of the Configuration Console or in the Properties window of the Visual Studio Configuration Editor.


If you are going to use the Data Access Application Block as the backing store, you must configure that application block before you configure the Caching Application Block.


For details of the schema for the Caching Application Block configuration, see Source Schema for the Caching Application Block.

高速缓存应用程序块配置的计划细节,请看Source Schema for the Caching Application Block.

To add the Caching Application Block


1.       Open the configuration file. For more information, see Configuring Enterprise Library.

1.打开配置文件。更多信息,请参见Configuring Enterprise Library.

2.       Right-click Application Configuration, point to New, and then click Caching Application Block.


3.       The configuration tool automatically adds the Cache Manager node with default settings.

3.配置工作自动的加入cache manager节点伴随着一些默认设置。

To configure the cache manager

配置cache manager

1.       Click the Caching Application Block node.


2.       (Optional) Change the DefaultCacheManager property name. The default cache manager is used if the code does not specify a cache manager. Either enter a new name or select one from the drop-down list. The default name is CacheManager.

2.(可选的)改变DefaultCacheManager属性名称。如果代码没有指定一个cache manager的话,默认的cache manager将被使用。或者输入一个新名称或从下拉框中选择一个。默认的名称是cachemanager.

3.       Click the CacheManager node (if you renamed the cache manager, the node will have the name you assigned it).

3.点击cachemanager节点(如果你重命名了cache manger,那个结点将出现你指定的名字)。

4.       (Optional) Set the ExpirationPollFrequencyInSeconds property. This is the frequency of the timer that regulates how often the background scheduler checks for expired items. The unit is seconds; the minimum time is 1 second, and the default setting is 60 seconds.


5.       Set the MaximumElementsInCacheBeforeScavenging property. This is the maximum number of elements that can be in the cache before scavenging. The default setting is 1000 elements.


6.       (Optional) Rename the CacheManager node. The default name is CacheManager.


7.       Set the NumberToRemoveWhenScavenging property. This is the number of elements to remove after scavenging begins. The default setting is 10 elements.


By default, the cache stores items only in memory and assigns the value of the backing store to NullBackingStore. You can also configure the Caching Application Block to use database cache storage, isolated storage, or custom cache storage. Database cache storage uses the Data Access Application Block.


To configure the Caching Application Block for database cache storage


1.       Right-click CacheManager (if you renamed the cache manager, the node will have the name you assigned it), point to New, and then click DatabaseCacheStorage.


2.       The configuration tool automatically adds the Data Access Application Block. For information about configuring this application block, see The Data Access Application Block documentation.

2.配置工具自动加入数据访问应用程序块。关于配置这个应用块的更多信息,请参见The Data Access Application Block文档。

3.       Click the DataCacheStorage node.


4.       Set the DatabaseInstance property. This is the name of the database connection string. It must correspond to the name of a connection string in the Data Access Application Block configuration. Either enter the name or select it from the drop-down list.


5.       (Optional) Set the Name property by renaming the DataCacheStorage node.


6.       Set the PartitionName property. This identifies the portion of the database that the cache manager will use.


To configure the Caching Application Block for isolated storage


1.       Right-click CacheManager (if you renamed the cache manager, the node will have the name you assigned it), point to New, and then click IsolatedStorage.

1 右击Cachemanger(如果你重命名那个缓存管理器,那个结点将是你指定的名称),点击新建,然后点击IsolatedStorage.

2.       If you want to encrypt the information stored in isolated storage, right-click Isolated Storage, point to New, and click Symmetric Storage Encryption. The configuration tool automatically adds the Cryptography Application Block. For information about configuring this application block, see The Cryptography Application Block documentation.

2.如果你需要在独立存储中加密信息存储,右击Isolated Storage,点击新建,点击Symmetric Storage Encryption.配置工具会自动地加入加密应用程序块。关于加密应用块的更多信息,请参见The Cryptography Application Block文档。

3.       (Optional) Set the Name property by renaming the IsolatedStorage node.


4.       Set the PartitionName property. This identifies the portion of isolated storage that the cache manager will use.


To configure the Caching Application Block for custom cache storage


1.       Right-click CacheManager (if you renamed the cache manager, the node will have the name you assigned it), point to New, and then click Custom CacheStorage.

1.右击CacheManger(如果你重命名高速缓存管理器,那个结点将显示你指定的名称)。点击新建,然后点击Custom CacheStorage.

2.       In the Attributes property section of the right pane, click the ellipsis button (...).


3.       In the EditableKeyValueCollectionEditor dialog box, click Add to add a new name/value pair.


4.       In the right pane of the EditableKeyValueCollectionEditor dialog box, enter the key name and the value of the property.


5.       Add more name/value pairs as appropriate, and then click OK.


6.       (Optional) In the Name section of the configuration properties, change the name of the custom cache storage. The default name is CacheStorage.


7.       In the Type property section of the right pane, click the ellipsis button. To filter the list, in the Filter edit box type the string to use to filter the list, for example type "string" to filter for all classes containing the word "string". If the type you want is not included in the Assemblies folder, click Load from File or Load from GAC on the TypeSelector to find the assembly that contains the type you want.

7.在右面面板的Type属性项,点击ellipsis按钮。可以筛选列表,在筛选编辑框中指定字符串来使用筛选列表,例如敲入”string”,则筛选所有包含”string”字符的所有类。如果那个类型你需要不包含在源目录中,点击Load从文件中或者点击Load from GACTypeSelector上以找到你要的包含那个类型的源文件。

If you want to add another instance of the cache manager, right-click the CacheManagers node, point to New, and then click CacheManager. Repeat the preceding procedures. There can be only one default cache manager. Each instance of the cache manager must have a unique name.


 Usage Notes


The configuration settings for the Caching Application Block should reflect both an application's caching usage pattern and its system environment, such as the amount of available memory. For example, if an application adds items to the cache at a greater rate than it removes them when scavenging (this is a configurable setting), the cache will continue grow. Over time, this can cause memory starvation. Use the application block's performance counters to help tune the configuration settings for each application.


Enterprise Library 4.1 - October 2008

Source Schema for the Caching Application Block


This topic lists the XML elements and attributes used to configure the Caching Application Block. You can manually edit the XML data, but the Enterprise Library configuration tools greatly simplify this task. If you choose to manually edit the XML, use the schema information contained in this topic.


The configuration file has the following section handler declaration.



Copy Code


<section name="cachingConfiguration"



               Version= 4.1.0 .0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" />


The section handler declaration contains the name of the configuration settings section and the name of the section handler class that processes configuration data in that section. The name of the configuration settings section is cachingConfiguration. The name of the section handler class is Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.Configuration.CacheManagerSettings.


 cachingConfiguration Element


The cachingConfiguration element specifies the configuration of a Caching Application Block. This element is required.


Attributes and Child Elements


The following sections describe attributes and child elements of the cachingConfiguration element.




The following table lists the attributes for the cachingConfiguration element.






The Caching Application Block uses this cache manager if the application code does not provide a named instance of a cache manager as a parameter to the CacheFactory when it creates a cache manager. This attribute is required.


 encryptionProviders Element


The encryptionProvider element is a child element of the cachingConfiguration element. The encryptionProvider element lists the encryption providers that the backing stores can use. This element is optional.


add Child Element


The add element is a child element of the encryptionProviders element. The add element adds the name of an encryption provider. This element is optional. There can be multiple add elements.




The following table lists the attributes for the add element.





The name of the encryption provider. The name must be unique within the section. This attribute is required.



The type name of a class that implements the IStorageEncryptionProvider interface. This attribute is required.


 backingStores Element


The backingStores element is a child element of the cachingConfiguration element. The backingStores element lists the backing stores that the cache manager can use. If you do not specify a backing store during configuration, the block uses only the in-memory backing store. This element is required.


add Child Element


The add element is a child element of the backingStores element. The add element adds the name of a backing store. This element is required. There can be multiple add elements.




The following table lists the attributes for the add element.





The name of the backing store. This attribute is required.



The type name of a class that derives from the BaseBackingStore class. This attribute is required.



The name of an encryption provider. The name must be unique within the section. This attribute is optional.



If you are using the database cache store, this attribute identifies the section or portion of the database that the cache manager will use. If you are using isolated storage, it identifies the section or portion of the isolated storage that the cache manager will use. This attribute is required.



The name of the database instance. This attribute is required for the database backing store.



 cacheManagers Element


The cacheManagers element is a child element of the cachingConfiguration element. The cacheManagers element lists the cache managers. Cache managers represent instances of caches that can be used in the application. This element is required.


add Child Element


The add element is a child element of the cacheManagers element. The add element adds the name of a cache manager. This element is optional. There can be multiple add elements.




The following table lists the attributes for the add element.





The name of the cache manager. The name must be unique within the section. This attribute is required.



Sets the timer that regulates how often the background scheduler checks for expired items. This attribute must be a positive integer. This attribute is required.



Sets the maximum number of items that can be in the cache before scavenging begins. This attribute must be a positive integer. This attribute is required.



Sets the number of items to remove when scavenging begins. This attribute must be a positive integer. This attribute is required.



The name of the backing store to use with this cache manager. This attribute is required.



Enterprise Library 4.1 - October 2008

Adding Application Code


The Caching Application Block is designed to support the most common situations for storing data in a cache. When adding your application code, refer to the scenarios in the Key Scenarios sections and select the ones that best suit your situation. Use the code that accompanies the scenario either as it is or adapt it as needed.

高速缓存应用块被设计成支持大多数通用场景中在缓存中存储数据。当加载你的应用程序代码的时候,参考Key Scenarios节的场景,选择最适合的你的场景。使用那些场景中的代码或者直接使用或者修改成适合需要的。

To prepare your application


1.       Add a reference to the Caching Application Block assembly. In Visual Studio, right-click your project node in Solution Explorer, and then click Add References. Click the Browse tab and find the location of the Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.dll assembly. Select the assembly, and then click OK to add the reference.

1.加入参考到缓存应用控制块元中,在visual studio中,右击你的项目结点在解决方案窗口中,然后点击加入参考,点击修改标号键找到Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.dll元位置。选择并加载它。

2.       Use the same procedure to set a reference to the Enterprise Library Common assembly, named Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common.dll.


3.       Follow the same procedure to set a reference to the Enterprise Library Common assembly, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common.dll and to the ObjectBuilder assembly, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.ObjectBuilder2.dll.


4.       If you are using the database backing store, add a reference to Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.Database.dll and Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.dll.

4.如果你使用数据库后台存储,加载Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.Database.dll and Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.dll.

5.       If you are using the Cryptography Application Block to encrypt data in the cache, add references to Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Security.Cryptography.dll and Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.Cryptography.dll.

5.如果你在缓存中使用加密应用块加密数据,加入参考Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Security.Cryptography.dll and Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.Cryptography.dll.

6.       (Optional) To use elements from the Caching Application Block without fully qualifying the element reference, add the following using statements (C#) or Imports statements (Visual Basic) to the top of your source code file.



Copy Code

using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching;

using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.Expirations;

Visual Basic

Copy Code

Imports Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching

Imports Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.Expirations



For Visual Basic projects, you can also use the References page of the Project Designer to manage references and imported namespaces. To access the References page, select a project node in Solution Explorer, and then click Properties on the Project menu. When the Project Designer appears, click the References tab.



Next, add the application code. Generally, there are two steps to create code that uses the Caching Application Block:


1.       Create the CacheManager object.


2.       Call the appropriate method.


Each key scenario demonstrates how to incorporate these steps into an application.


Enterprise Library 4.1 - October 2008

Selecting a Backing Store


Each cache manager can be configured to store data only in memory, which means that it uses the null backing store, or each cache manager can be configured to store data both in memory and in persistent storage. The type of persistent storage is specified when you configure the backing store. Backing stores let cached data survive if the application must be restarted. In its original state, the Caching Application Block supports two types of persistent backing stores, each of which is suited to particular situations:

每一个缓存管理器仅仅在内存中能被配置可以存储数据,意味着它用null backing store,或者每个缓存管理器能被配置存储在内存和持久存储中的数据。当你配置后台存储的时候持久层的种类被配置。如果应用程序必须被重启,后台存储允许缓存数据再生。在初始状态,高速缓存应用块支持持久后台存储的两种类型,每一种适合特定的场合。

If you intend to perform caching in a multiple-server environment, such as a Web farm, see Considerations for Server Scenarios.

如果你打算执行缓存在多服务的环境中,例如web form,请看Considerations for Server Scenarios.

Developers can extend the Caching Application Block to support additional types of backing stores. For more information about this topic, see Extending and Modifying the Caching Application Block.

开发者能够扩展高速缓存应用块支持后台存储的额外类型。关于这个主题的更多细节,请看Extending and Modifying the Caching Application Block.


An application can use more than one cache; each cache will be represented by a cache manager in the application's configuration. The Caching Application Block does not support the use of the same persistent backing store location by multiple cache managers in an application. However, multiple cache managers in an application can have the same partition name.


 Using the Null Backing Store


The null backing store is the default option when you configure the Caching Application Block. It does not persist cached items. This means that cached data exists in memory only; it does not exist in persistent storage. The null backing store is suitable for situations where you want to refresh cached items from the original data source when the application restarts. It can be used with all the supported application types. For a list of these types, see Introduction to the Caching Application Block.

当你配置高速缓存管理器的时候,空后台存储是默认的选择。它没有缓存条目。这意味着缓存数据仅仅存在于内存中。它不存在于持久存储中。空后台存储适合于当程序重启时从原始数据源刷新缓存条目的场合。它能和所有的支持的程序类型一起使用。这些类型的列表,请看Introduction to the Caching Application Block

 Using the Isolated Storage Backing Store


Isolated storage is appropriate in the following situations:


  • Persistent storage is required and there are a low number of users.
  • 需要持久存储和一些小数量的用户
  • The overhead of using a database is significant.
  • 在上面使用数据库是有意义的
  • No database facility exists.
  • 没有数据库设备存在

For more information about when to use isolated storage, see Scenarios for Isolated Storage on MSDN. When configured to use isolated storage, the backing store is isolated by the cache instance name, the user name, the assembly, and the application domain.

更多关于什么时候使用独立存储的信息,请看MSDNScenarios for Isolated Storage。当配置使用独立存储的时候,通过使用缓存实例名、用户名、元数据和应用程序域,后台存储是独立的,


The isolated storage backing store is not compliant with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS). The .NET Framework IsolatedStore relies on non–FIPS-certified cryptography.


Isolated storage is suitable for smart clients and for server applications where each application domain has its own cache. Also note that because isolated storage is always segregated by user, server applications must impersonate the user who is making a request to the application.


 Using the Data Access Application Block Backing Store


By using the Data Access Application Block, you can store cached data in a database. Currently, the Caching Application Block includes a script to create the required database schema for SQL Server, and the application block has been tested against SQL Server databases. Developers can use other database types as backing stores, but they must modify the application block source code. Each database type must have a database provider for the Data Access Application Block and include a compatible schema.

The Data Access Application Block backing store option is suitable for smart clients and for server applications where each application domain has its own cache and where you have access to a database.

通过使用数据访问程序应用块,你能在数据库中存储高速缓存数据。通常情况,高速缓存应用块包含一个脚本为数据库建立需要的数据库计划。应用块已被测试过在没有SQL Server数据库的情况下。开发者能够使用其它的数据库类型作为后台存储,但是他们必须修改应用块的源代码。每一个数据库类型必须为数据访问块提供一个数据库提供者,包含一个一致的计划。数据访问应用块后台存储选项适合于智能客户端和服务器应用程序,每个应用域有它自己的缓存,你也可以访问数据库。

Each CacheManager object that is running in a single application domain must use a different portion of the database. A portion is defined as a combination of the application name and the cache instance name. The database can be running on the same server as the application using the cache or on a different server. The number of applications using a cache that the database can support depends only on the database's storage limits.


 Considerations for Server Scenarios


A single cache manager cannot be shared across application domains. Server applications that are deployed on multiple computers have a unique copy of an in-memory cache on each computer. This is also true for multiple processes running on the same computer, including Enterprise Services components that each run in their own process and use the Caching Application Block. Each process has its own copy of the in-memory cache.


Different applications should not use the same Data Access Application Block backing store instance and partition. Running different applications with the Caching Application Block configured to use the same database instance and partition can cause unpredictable results and is not recommended.


When the same application runs in multiple processes (for example, if the application is deployed on multiple computers in a Web farm), you can configure the Caching Application Block in one of three ways:

当相同的程序运行在多进程的时候(例如,如果程序在一个web farm中被配置到多计算机中),你能配置高速缓存应用块使用下面三种方法中的其中一种:

  • All instances of the application use the same database instance, but each instance of the application uses a different database partition. For more information, see Scenario One: Partitioned Caches.
  • 应用程序的所有实例使用相同的数据库实例,但是每一个应用程序的实例使用不同的数据库部分。更多信息,请参见Scenario One: Partitioned Caches
  • All instances of the application use the same database instance and the same database partition and all cache managers can read from and write to the cache. For more information, see Scenario Two: Shared Partition.
  • 所有的程序实例使用相同的数据库实例、相同的数据库部分,所有的缓存管理器能够读和写缓存。更多信息,请参见Scenario Two: Shared Partition.
  • All instances of the application use the same database instance and the same database partition and only one cache manager can write to the cache. All cache managers can read from the cache. For more information, see Scenario Three: Single Writer.
  • 所有程序实例使用相同的数据库实例和相同的数据库部分。但只有一个高速缓存管理器能够写高速缓存。所有的高速缓存管理器能够读缓存。更多信息,参见Scenario Three: Single Writer

Scenario One: Partitioned Caches


Scenario One is the case where all instances of the application use the same database instance but each instance of the application uses a different database partition. In this scenario, each cache manager operates independently. Although they share the same backing store database instance, each cache manager persists the cache data to a different partition. In effect, there is one cache for each application instance. When an application restarts, each cache manager loads its data from its own partition in the backing store.


If the application preloads the cache, each deployed instance of the application retrieves the data from the original data source. The preloaded data uses backing store storage space for each deployed application instance. This means that in terms of using the cache, deploying the same application to multiple processes is no more efficient than deploying different applications.


Deploying the same application to multiple servers, where each Configuration Application Block is configured identically (for example, all the application blocks have the same expiration policy), does not guarantee that the data in each backing store partition is identical. The data in the backing store partition duplicates the in-memory cache data of the cache manager configured to use that backing store partition. The contents of the in-memory cache vary according to how a particular instance of the application uses the cache. Because application requests are routed to different servers, the in-memory cache on each server is likely to be different. Therefore, the contents of the backing store partitions are also likely to be different. This means that even if all the applications are shut down and restarted at the same time, there is no guarantee that they will have identical data in their in-memory caches after each cache is initialized with data from the backing store.


Scenario Two: Shared Partition


Scenario Two is the case where all instances of the application use the same database instance and the same database partition and all cache managers can read from and write to the cache. In this scenario, each instance of an application operates against a unique in-memory cache. When an application creates a cache manager, the cache manager populates the in-memory cache with the data in the backing store. This means that if an application creates a cache manager when it starts, and if all of the application instances are started at the same time, each in-memory cache will be loaded with identical data. Because the applications are using the same partition, each application instance does not require additional storage in the backing store.


The only time data is loaded from the backing store into the in-memory cache is when the cache manager is created. After this, the in-memory cache contents are determined by the application instance using the cache. The way an instance of the application uses the cache can vary from one instance to another because requests are routed to different servers. Different instances of an executing application can have in-memory caches with different contents.


As an application adds and removes items, the contents of the in-memory cache change. The in-memory cache contents also change when the cache manager removes or scavenges expired items. As the in-memory cache changes, the cache manager updates the backing store to reflect these changes. The backing store does not notify cache manager instances when its contents have changed. Therefore, when one application instance changes the backing store contents, the other application instances will have in-memory caches that do not match the backing store data. This means that after an application restarts, the in-memory cache can have contents that are different from the contents it contained before the application restarted.


Applications can be notified when an item expires by subscribing to events that are provided by the cache manager. An application can use this notification to refresh the cache with data from the original data source. When the application adds the refreshed cache item to the cache, the cache manager also updates the backing store with this data. If the application is deployed to multiple computers, each instance of the application can receive the event and initiate requests to the original data source for the same item. These multiple requests can negatively impact the performance of both the application and the original data source. Therefore, using notifications to monitor expirations for the purpose of refreshing expired cache items is not recommended in this scenario.


Scenario Three: Single Writer


Scenario Three is the case where all instances of the application use the same database instance and the same database partition and only one cache manager can write to the cache. All cache managers can read from the cache. In this scenario, only one instance of the application writes to the cache. All other application instances can only read from the cache. The instance of the application that writes to the cache is the master. The in-memory cache of the master is always identical to the data in the backing store. The in-memory cache in each application instance is populated with data from the backing store at the time the cache manager is created. The application instances that can only read data from the cache receive a snapshot of the data. Because the application instances do not have the ability to refresh their caches, their caches becomes stale and shrink as items expire.







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