在虚拟机Debian3.1,FreeBSD 6.1,Ubuntu 上安装Vmware Tools(英文版)

在虚拟机Debian3.1上安装Vmware Tools(英文版) 

1. Install software needed by VMware Tools 

(1)Install packages to build the kernel modules 
apt-get install autoconf automake binutils make cpp cpp-3.3 gcc gcc-3.3 kernel-headers-$(uname -r) 

(2)Find out where the kernel headers are (you may need this later) 
ls -d /usr/src/kernel-headers-$(uname -r)*/include 

2. Prepare and install VMware ToolsChoose one of a), b), c) or d). 

a) If you are running the VM inside VMware Workstation 5.5 

(1)From VMware Workstation: go to VM> Install VMware Tools 
(2)From the VM: mount the virtual cd drive 
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/ 
(3)Extract VMware Tools to /tmp/ 
tar -C /tmp -zxvf /mnt/VMwareTools-5.5.2-29772.tar.gz 
(4)Unmount the virtual cd drive 
umount /mnt 
(5)Now run the installer 
(6)When asked Do you want to run vmware-config-tools.pl?, answer "Yes". 

b) If you have VMware-workstation-5.5.2-29772.tar.gz on disk 
(1)Make sure VMware-workstation-5.5.2-29772.tar.gz is on disk inside the VM. 
(2)Extract the VMware Tools iso 
tar --strip-components=3 -zxvf VMware-workstation-5.5.2-29772.tar.gz / 
(3)Create a temporary mount point 
mkdir /mnt/vmtools-temp 
(4)Mount the iso image 
mount -o loop linux.iso /mnt/vmtools-temp 
(5)Copy VMware Tools from the mount 
cp /mnt/vmtools-temp/VMwareTools-5.5.2-29772.tar.gz /tmp/ 
(6)Extract VMware Tools to /tmp/ 
tar -C /tmp -zxvf /mnt/vmtools-temp/VMwareTools-5.5.2-29772.tar.gz 
(7)Tidy up 
umount /mnt/vmtools-temp 
rmdir /mnt/vmtools-temp 
rm linux.iso 
(8)Now run the installer 
(9)When asked Do you want to run vmware-config-tools.pl?, answer "Yes". 

c) If you have VMwareTools-5.5.2-29772.tar.gz on disk 

(1)Extract VMware Tools to /tmp/ 
tar -C /tmp -zxvf VMwareTools-5.5.2-29772.tar.gz 
(2)Now run the installer 
(3)When asked Do you want to run vmware-config-tools.pl?, answer "Yes".





在FreeBSD 6.1虚拟机上安装Vmware Tools(英文版) 

1. Install software needed by VMware Tools 
(1)Check if perl is installed in the VM 
perl -v 
(2)If If perl is not installed, run: 
pkg_add -r perl 

2. Prepare and install VMware ToolsChoose one of a), b), c) or d). 
a) If you are running the VM inside VMware Workstation 5.5 

(1)From VMware Workstation: go to VM> Install VMware Tools 
(2)From the VM: mount the virtual cd drive 
mount /cdrom/ 
(3)Extract VMware Tools to /tmp/ 
tar -C /tmp -zxvf /cdrom/vmware-freebsd-tools.tar.gz 
(4)Unmount the virtual cd drive 
umount /cdrom/ 
(5)Now run the installer 
(6)When asked Do you want to run vmware-config-tools.pl?, answer "Yes". 

b) If you have VMware-workstation-5.5.3-34685.tar.gz on disk 
(1)Make sure VMware-workstation-5.5.3-34685.tar.gz is on disk inside the VM. 
(2)Extract the VMware Tools iso 
tar --strip-components=3 -zxvf VMware-workstation-5.5.3-34685.tar.gz / 
(3)Create a temporary mount point 
mkdir /mnt/vmtools-temp 
(4)Prepare to mount the image 
mdconfig -a -t vnode -f freebsd.iso -u 1 
(5)Do the mount 
mount -t cd9660 /dev/md1 /mnt/vmtools-temp 
(6)Copy VMware Tools from the mount 
cp /mnt/vmtools-temp/vmware-freebsd-tools.tar.gz /tmp/ 
(7)Extract VMware Tools to /tmp/ 
tar -C /tmp -zxvf /mnt/vmtools-temp/vmware-freebsd-tools.tar.gz 
(8)Tidy up 
umount /mnt/vmtools-temp 
mdconfig -d -u md1 
rmdir /mnt/vmtools-temp 
rm freebsd.iso 
(9)Now run the installer 
(10)When asked Do you want to run vmware-config-tools.pl?, answer "Yes". 

c) If you have vmware-freebsd-tools.tar.gz on disk 

(1)Extract VMware Tools to /tmp/ 
tar -C /tmp -zxvf vmware-freebsd-tools.tar.gz 
(2)Now run the installer 
(3)When asked Do you want to run vmware-config-tools.pl?, answer "Yes". 



在Ubuntu Server 6.10虚拟机上安装Vmware Tools(英文版) 

1. Install software needed by VMware Tools 
(1)Install packages to build the kernel modules 
apt-get install autoconf automake binutils make cpp gcc linux-headers-$(uname -r) 
(2)Find out where the kernel headers are (you may need this later) 
ls -d /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)*/include 

2. Prepare and install VMware ToolsChoose one of a), b), c) or d). 
a) If you are running the VM inside VMware Workstation 5.5 

(1)From VMware Workstation: go to VM> Install VMware Tools 
(2)From the VM: mount the virtual cd drive 
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/ 
(3)Extract VMware Tools to /tmp/ 
tar -C /tmp -zxvf /mnt/VMwareTools-5.5.3-34685.tar.gz 
(4)Unmount the virtual cd drive 
umount /mnt 
(5)Now run the installer 
(6)When asked Do you want to run vmware-config-tools.pl?, answer "Yes". 

b) If you have VMware-workstation-5.5.2-29772.tar.gz on disk 
(1)Make sure VMware-workstation-5.5.2-29772.tar.gz is on disk inside the VM. 
(2)Extract the VMware Tools iso 
tar --strip-components=3 -zxvf VMware-workstation-5.5.2-29772.tar.gz / 
(3)Create a temporary mount point 
mkdir /mnt/vmtools-temp 
(4)Mount the iso image 
mount -o loop linux.iso /mnt/vmtools-temp 
(5)Copy VMware Tools from the mount 
cp /mnt/vmtools-temp/VMwareTools-5.5.3-34685.tar.gz /tmp/ 
(6)Extract VMware Tools to /tmp/ 
tar -C /tmp -zxvf /mnt/vmtools-temp/VMwareTools-5.5.3-34685.tar.gz 
(7)Tidy up 
umount /mnt/vmtools-temp 
rmdir /mnt/vmtools-temp 
rm linux.iso 
(8)Now run the installer 
(9)When asked Do you want to run vmware-config-tools.pl?, answer "Yes". 

c) If you have VMwareTools-5.5.3-34685.tar.gz on disk 
(1)Extract VMware Tools to /tmp/ 
tar -C /tmp -zxvf VMwareTools-5.5.3-34685.tar.gz 
(2)Now run the installer 
(3)When asked Do you want to run vmware-config-tools.pl?, answer "Yes". 






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