1.floor division: An operator, denoted //, that divides two numbers and rounds down (toward
zero) to an integer.
2.modulus operator: An operator, denoted with a percent sign (%), that works on integers and
returns the remainder when one number is divided by another.
求模取余:一种运算符,百分号 % ,对整形起作用,返回两个数字相除的余数。
3.boolean expression: An expression whose value is either True or False.
4.relational operator: One of the operators that compares its operands: ==, !=, >, <, >=, and
关系运算符:对比运算对象关系的运算符: == 相等 , != 不等 , > 大于 , < 小于 , >= 大于等于 ,以及 <= 小于等于。