
      译:Portial_Liu 校:reddish
































      Why is filtration necessary?
      Aquarium water ages because organic matter originating from decomposing
      food residues and metabolic products of creatures and plants accumulates.
      In the course of time the accumulation of this waste impedes the
      biological development of the aquarium, plant and fish growth deteriorate.
      If too much waste accumulates this may lead to toxic effects.
      "Self-purification of the water" is an expectation that modern aquariums
      with their dense population and the resulting feeding requirements
      definitely cannot fulfil. Filtration tries to delay this process. In
      addition to this important bio-chemical task the filter must also provide
      optically clear water by removing leaf fragments, floating particles and
      minute substances.

      An attempt at collecting all pollutants by purely mechanical means with a
      very fine-pored filter (somewhat like a percolator filter) has very
      limited prospects of success.
      Only relatively large floating particles such as leaf fragments or food
      flakes can be removed. If the water were to be cleared of floating
      particles by such a method, the pores of the filter would have to be no
      larger than a maximum of 0.0005 mm. Due to the filtration resistance such
      a filter would become clogged almost at once.
      For the retention of all floating particles the choice of pore size would
      have to allow the trapping of all particles larger than the wave-length of
      light. This explains why even extremely thick wadding filters cannot
      remove turbidity.
      So how can aquarium filters purify the water and retain minute particles
      although the pore width of the filter material is several millimetres? It
      definitely cannot by a mechanical, but by an electro-chemical function. On
      the surface of the filter medium protein particles (size 0.001 - 0.00001
      mm) change their electro-chemical properties. They lose their solubility
      and settle on the surface of the filter medium. Further protein particles
      follow, covering the filter medium with a protein layer.
      This protein coating is highly adhesive and retains even fine particles.
      This explains why the filtration performance of new or freshly cleaned
      filters is not satisfactory. The adhesion does not become effective until
      after a few days, when sufficient protein has settled. If attempts at
      combating turbidity by cleaning the filter are made too soon the adhesive
      coating is destroyed and the aquarium remains turbid. Frequent exchange of
      the filter media also results in turbidity. The larger the surface of the
      filter medium, the better the adhesion for fine particles. However, too
      coarse a structure of the filter medium impedes the desired adhesion,
      therefore clay pipes are not very suitable. Very good results are achieved
      with Ehfisubstrat. Then bacteria begin their work of degradation. Bacteria
      feed on the partially degraded proteins (amino acids), and after oxidation
      they release lower-energy metabolic products, which, in turn, serve as
      food for other bacteria.

      The main components of organic pollution in the aquarium water are various
      kinds of protein degradation products. This organic matter is mineralised
      into an-organic compounds. As a result, there is enrichment with
      an-organic matter (example: nitrate, phosphate), which is physiologically
      far less harmful than their previous stages (ammonia, nitrite). Fish can
      tolerate it in much higher concentration.


      A simplified description of this "mineralisation" is as follows: Protein
      is broken up into polypeptides, then further into amino acids. These are
      further separated into ammonium/ammonia (depending on pH value) and carbon
      dioxide. This is followed by bacterial oxidation by means of bacteria, via
      nitrite to the final product nitrate. This is an incredible process:
      unfortunately it has a great disadvantage: it cannot work properly without
      a sufficient amount of bacteria.
      When a new aquarium is set up, bacteria are introduced together with the
      material, equipment etc. Unfortunately they cannot fully perform the
      process described above because in the early stages their number is too
      low. In favourable environmental conditions bacteria propagate very
      quickly. Propagation by division may happen every 20 - 30 minutes.
      However, it will take at least 3 - 4 weeks until a filter can degrade all
      occurring substances, and the aquarium should not be stocked with fish
      before the end of this waiting period. What is the reason? As described
      above, amino acids are broken up in two stages, via ammonium / ammonia to
      nitrite and then to nitrate. Two decisive groups of bacteria, nitrosomonas
      and nitrobacters contribute to this process. When the protein degradation
      begins, large amounts of ammonium / ammonia are released which the
      bacteria group of nitrosomonas gradually convert intro nitrite. It takes
      about 20 days for the nitrosomonas to propagate sufficiently to convert
      ammonium/ammonia immediately. At this point the bacteria group of
      nitrobacters have no incentive for propagation because there is no nitrite
      for nutrition yet. Only when supplied with nitrite by the nitrosomona
      bacteria do the nitrobacters begin to propagate and to convert nitrite
      into nitrate. This process takes about 20 days. Therefore, the propagation
      speed of the bacteria groups of nitrosomonas and nitrobacters determine
      the "running-in time" of a filter of approx. 3 - 4 weeks. Introducing
      previously used filter medium can speed up this process. However, this is
      only a small, if important, sector in breaking up protein products. From a
      chemical point of view protein consists of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen,
      sulphur and phosphorus. During degradation these individual components
      produce carbon dioxide, water, nitrate, sulphate and phosphate.

      To avoid a permanent increase of these final substances in the aquarium,
      the regular exchange of (parts of) the water is absolutely necessary.

      What does the dirt in the filter consist of? In all aquarium filters you
      find brown sludge. Is this a combination of food particles, residual
      faeces, or deposited protein? - No. Iron and manganese, two important
      plant nutrients, are scarce commodities in the aquarium; they have to be
      re-fertilised all the time. When the iron value is determined 2 - 3 days
      after the addition of fertiliser, this will show a decrease despite
      re-fertilisation, and the same applies to manganese. Where have the iron
      and the manganese gone? The answer lies in the brown sludge in the filter.
      For measuring purposes, the sludge must first be dissolved chemically, in
      the proof iron and manganese will be found again in profusion.
      Although chelate (a protective coating for iron and manganese) is nowadays
      added to the fertilizing substances in order to avoid oxidation, iron and
      manganese are deposited in the filter. The bacteria destroy this chelate
      coating comparatively fast, iron and manganese can again react with oxygen
      and are deposited as a brown "sludge".






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