磁盘分区类型--文件系统标志 (详细英文资料)


NOTE: All Partition Type values listed below are inHexadecimal.

Remember:Partition types do *not* necessarily specify a specific file system; e.g.,07h is used by both OS/2's HPFS and Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8'sNTFS (all versions).

00 : -- Should NOT be used in an actual table entry! It doesnot indicate anunknown type, but rather anempty entry; in which case, all other fields in that 16-byte entryshould bezero-filled as well.

Although there are253 possible partition type values (05h and 0Fh having been acknowledged as special use cases), you'll almost never see any but a handful of these being used today. This is primairly due to the popularity of the IBM/Microsoft operating systems (FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS), and the many flavors of Unix (such as BSD) and all the Linux distributions, which have mainly settled on using type83h for all their file systems; apart fromswap partitions, which are type82h.

Partition Types

01 : -- 12-bit FAT (remember: this is on hard disks, not floppy disks, so you'll rarely see this today).
02 : -- XENIX root
03 : -- XENIX /usr (obsolete)
04 : --16-bit FAT, partition; of sizesless than 32 MB.
05 : --Extended Partition, (also see 0F below).
06 : --16-bit FAT, partition; greater than or equal to 32 MB.
07 : --Installable file systemsHPFS or NTFS. Also, QNX and Advanced Unix.
08 : -- AIX bootable partition, AIX (Linux), SplitDrive, OS/2 (through Version 1.3),
             Dell partition spanning multiple drives (array), Commodore DOS.
09 : -- AIX data partition, AIX bootable (Linux), Coherent file system, QNX.
0A : -- Coherent swap partition, OPUS or OS/2 Boot Manager.
0B : --32-bit FAT
0C : --32-bit FATusing INT 13 Extensions.
0E : --16-bit FAT >= 32 MB, using INT 13 Extensions. 
0F : --Extended Partitionusing INT 13 Extensions; often means it begins past 1024 cylinders.
10 : -- OPUS 
11 : -- Hidden 12-bit FAT.
12 : -- Compaq diagnostics.
14 : -- Hidden 16-bit FAT, partition <32 MB,
             Novell DOS 7.0 (result of bug in FDISK?),
             AST DOS with logical sectored FAT.
16 : -- Hidden 16-bit FAT, partition >= 32 MB 
17 : -- Hidden IFS (HPFS, NTFS). 
18 : -- AST Windows swap file
19 : -- Willowtech Photon coS
1B : -- Hidden 32-bit FAT 
1C : -- Hidden 32-bit FAT, Ext INT 13 
1E : -- Hidden 16-bit FAT >32 MB, Ext. INT 13 (PowerQuest specific) 
20 : -- Willowsoft Overture File System (OFS1)
21 : -- reserved (HP Volume Expansion, SpeedStor variant)
             Oxygen FSo2
22 : -- Oxygen Extended
23 : -- reserved (HP Volume Expansion, SpeedStor variant?)
24 : -- NEC MS-DOS 3.x
26 : -- reserved (HP Volume Expansion, SpeedStor variant?)

31 : -- reserved (HP Volume Expansion, SpeedStor variant?)
33 : -- reserved (HP Volume Expansion, SpeedStor variant?)
34 : -- reserved (HP Volume Expansion, SpeedStor variant?)
36 : -- reserved (HP Volume Expansion, SpeedStor variant?)
38 : -- Theos 

3C : -- PowerQuest Files Partition Format
3D : -- Hidden NetWare
40 : -- VENIX 80286
41 : -- Personal RISC Boot, PowerPC boot partition,
             PTS-DOS 6.70 & BootWizard: Alternative Linux, Minix and DR-DOS.
42 : -- Secure File System,
             Windows 2000/XP (NT 5): Dynamic extended partition
             PTS-DOS 6.70 & BootWizard: Alternative Linux swap and DR-DOS.
43 : -- Alternative Linux native file system (EXT2fs)
             PTS-DOS 6.70 & BootWizard: DR-DOS
45 : -- Priam, EUMEL/Elan.
46 : -- EUMEL/Elan
47 : -- EUMEL/Elan
48 : -- EUMEL/Elan
4A : -- ALFS/THIN lightweight filesystem for DOS
4D : -- QNX 
4E : -- QNX 
4F : -- QNX, Oberon boot/data partition.
50 : -- Ontrack Disk Manager, read-only partition, FAT partition (Logical sector size varies)
51 : -- Ontrack Disk Manager, read/write partition, FAT partition (Logical sector size varies)
             Novell ?
52 : -- CP/M, Microport System V/386.
53 : -- Ontrack Disk Manager, write-only
54 : -- Ontrack Disk Manager 6.0 (DDO)
55 : -- EZ-Drive 3.05
56 : -- Golden Bow VFeature

5C : -- Priam EDISK

61 : -- Storage Dimensions SpeedStor
63 : -- GNU HURD, Mach, MtXinu BSD 4.2 on Mach, Unix Sys V/386, 386/ix.
64 : -- Novell NetWare 286, SpeedStore.
65 : -- Novell NetWare (3.11 and 4.1)
66 : -- Novell NetWare 386
67 : -- Novell NetWare
68 : -- Novell NetWare
69 : -- Novell NetWare 5+; Novell Storage Services (NSS)

70 : -- DiskSecure Multi-Boot

75 : -- IBM PC/IX

80 : -- Minix v1.1 - 1.4a, Old MINIX (Linux).
81 : -- Linux/Minix v1.4b+, Mitac Advanced Disk Manager.
82 : --Linux Swap partition, Prime or Solaris (Unix).
83 : --Linux native file systems (ext2/3/4, JFS, Reiser, xiafs, and others).
84 : -- OS/2 hiding type 04h partition;
( 84 : -- APM hibernation, can be used by Win98.)
86 : -- NT Stripe Set, Volume Set?
87 : -- NT Stripe Set, Volume Set?, HPFS FT mirrored partition.

93 : -- Amoeba file system, Hidden Linux EXT2 partition (PowerQuest).
94 : -- Amoeba bad block table

99 : -- Mylex EISA SCSI

9F : -- BSDI 
A0 : -- Phoenix NoteBios Power Management "Save to Disk", IBM hibernation.
A1 : -- HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant)
A3 : -- HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant)
A4 : -- HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant)
A5 : -- FreeBSD/386
A6 : -- OpenBSD
A6 : -- HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant)
A7 : -- NextStep Partition
A9 : -- NetBSD
AA : -- Olivetti DOS with FAT12

B0 : -- Bootmanager BootStar by Star-Tools GmbH
B1 : -- HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant)
B3 : -- HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant)
B4 : -- HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant)
B6 : -- HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant)
B7 : -- BSDI file system or secondarily swap
B8 : -- BSDI swap partition or secondarily file system

BB : -- PTS BootWizard (hidden) 4.0; but now also used by
              Acronis OS Selector to hide or create some partitions.
BC : -- May be an Acronis 'Backup' or 'Secure Zone' partition,
              when labeled 'ACRONIS SZ' (FAT32, LBA mapped, primary).
BE : -- Solaris boot partition
C0 : -- Novell DOS/OpenDOS/DR-OpenDOS/DR-DOS secured
              partition, or CTOS (reported by a client).
C1 : -- DR-DOS 6.0 LOGIN.EXE-secured 12-bit FAT partition
C2 : -- Reserved for DR-DOS 7+
C3 : -- Reserved for DR-DOS 7+
C4 : -- DR-DOS 6.0 LOGIN.EXE-secured 16-bit FAT partition
C6 : -- DR-DOS 6.0 LOGIN.EXE-secured Huge partition, or:
             Corrupted FAT16 volume/stripe (V/S) set (Windows NT).
C7 : -- Syrinx, Cyrnix, HPFS FT disabled mirrored partition, or:
             Corrupted NTFS volume/stripe set.
C8 : -- Reserved for DR-DOS 7+
C9 : -- Reserved for DR-DOS 7+
CA : -- Reserved for DR-DOS 7+
CB : -- Reserved for DR-DOS secured FAT32
CC : -- Reserved for DR-DOS secured FAT32X (LBA)
CD : -- Reserved for DR-DOS 7+
CE : -- Reserved for DR-DOS secured FAT16X (LBA)
CF : -- Reserved for DR-DOS securedExtended partition (LBA) 
D0 : -- Multiuser DOS secured (FAT12???)
D1 : -- Old Multiuser DOS secured FAT12
D4 : -- Old Multiuser DOS secured FAT16 (<= 32M)
D5 : -- Old Multiuser DOS secured extended partition
D6 : -- Old Multiuser DOS secured FAT16 (BIGDOS > 32 Mb)
D8 : -- CP/M 86
DB : -- CP/M, Concurrent CP/M, Concurrent DOS, or
             CTOS (Convergent Technologies OS).
DE : -- Dell partition. Normally it contains a FAT16 file system of about32 MB.
DF : -- BootIt EMBRM
E1 : -- SpeedStor 12-bit FATExtended partition, DOS access (Linux). 
E2 : -- DOS read-only (Florian Painke's XFDISK 1.0.4)
E3 : -- SpeedStor (Norton, Linux says DOS R/O)
E4 : -- SpeedStor 16-bit FATExtended partition 
E5 : -- Tandy DOS with logical sectored FAT
E6 : -- Storage Dimensions SpeedStor

EB : -- BeOS file system
ED : -- Reserved for Matthias Paul's Spryt*x
EE : -- Indicates aGPT Protective MBR followed by a GPT/EFI Header. Used to define a fake partition covering the entire disk.
EF : -- UEFI System Partition; defines a UEFI system partition (orESP). On Windows PCs, the ESP contains the NTLDR, HAL, Boot.txt, and other files that are needed to boot the system, such as drivers. The Partition GUID defines the ESP: "(PARTITION_SYSTEM_GUID, 0xC12A7328, 0xF81F, 0x11D2, 0xBA, 0x4B, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xC9, 0x3E, 0xC9, 0x3B)即ESP分区专门的 GUID {C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B}" Note: MBR disks can also have ESPs. UEFI specifies booting from either GPT or MBR. The ESP on an MBR disk is also identified by type 0xEF.However, Windows does not support booting UEFI from MBR disks or 0xEF partitions. (Reference:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/gg463525.aspx.)
F1 : -- SpeedStor Dimensions (Norton,Landis)
F2 : -- DOS 3.3+ second partition, Unisys DOS with logical sectored FAT.
F3 : -- Storage Dimensions SpeedStor
F4 : -- SpeedStor Storage Dimensions (Norton,Landis)
F5 : -- Prologue
F6 : -- Storage Dimensions SpeedStor

FD : -- Reserved for FreeDOS (http://www.freedos.org)
FE : -- LANstep, IBM PS/2 IML (Initial Microcode Load) partition, or...
( FE : -- Storage Dimensions SpeedStor (> 1024 cylinder?).)

FF : -- Xenix bad-block table








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