最近,准备把管理 DHCP 的批处理程序改成 PowerShell,从微软下载了一个模块文件,Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1。
# #
# Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1 #
# Powershell Module for DHCP Administration #
# Author: Jeremy Engel #
# Creation Date: 12.16.2010 #
# Modified Date: 06.22.2011 #
# Version: 1.8.2 #
# #
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public struct DHCPDNSConfiguration {
public string Level;
public bool AllowDynamicUpdate;
public string UpdateTrigger;
public bool DiscardStaleRecords;
public bool AllowLegacyClientUpdate;
public int Value;
public override string ToString() {
switch(Value) {
case -1: return (Level=="Server")?"(Default) Update by Client Request With Cleanup":"Inherited from Parent";
case 0: return "Dynamic Updates Disabled";
case 1: return "Update by Client Request Without Cleanup";
case 2: return "Dynamic Updates Disabled";
case 3: return "Update Legacy Clients and by Client Request Without Cleanup";
case 4: return "Dynamic Updates Disabled";
case 5: return "Update by Client Request With Cleanup";
case 6: return "Dynamic Updates Disabled";
case 7: return "Update Legacy Clients and by Client Request With Cleanup";
case 16: return "Dynamic Updates Disabled";
case 17: return "Always Update Clients Without Cleanup";
case 18: return "Dynamic Updates Disabled";
case 19: return "Always Update [Legacy] Clients Without Cleanup";
case 20: return "Dynamic Updates Disabled";
case 21: return "Always Update Clients With Cleanup";
case 22: return "Dynamic Updates Disabled";
case 23: return "Always Update [Legacy] Clients With Cleanup";
default: return "Invalid Configuration";
public struct DHCPFilter {
public string MACAddress;
public string Description;
public override string ToString() { return MACAddress; }
public struct DHCPFilterConfiguration {
public string Server;
public string AllowList;
public string DenyList;
public DHCPFilter[] AllowFilters;
public DHCPFilter[] DenyFilters;
public override string ToString() { return "AllowList - "+AllowList+"\r\nDenyList - "+DenyList; }
public struct DHCPIPRange {
public string StartAddress;
public string EndAddress;
public override string ToString() { return StartAddress+" - "+EndAddress; }
public struct DHCPOption {
public int OptionID;
public string OptionName;
public string ArrayType;
public string OptionType;
public string[] Values;
public string Level;
public override string ToString() { return OptionName; }
public struct DHCPReservation {
public string IPAddress;
public string MACAddress;
public string Scope;
public string Server;
public DHCPOption[] Options;
public DHCPDNSConfiguration DNSConfiguration;
public override string ToString() { return IPAddress; }
public struct DHCPScope {
public string Address;
public string SubnetMask;
public string Name;
public string Description;
public string State;
public string Server;
public DHCPIPRange[] IPRanges;
public DHCPIPRange[] ExclusionRanges;
public DHCPReservation[] Reservations;
public int Lease;
public DHCPOption[] Options;
public DHCPDNSConfiguration DNSConfiguration;
public override string ToString() { return Address; }
public struct DHCPServer {
public string Name;
public string IPAddress;
public DHCPDNSConfiguration DNSConfiguration;
public int ConflictDetectionAttempts;
public DHCPScope[] Scopes;
public DHCPOption[] Options;
public override string ToString() { return Name; }
public struct DHCPScopeStatistics {
public string Scope;
public string Server;
public int TotalAddresses;
public int UsedAddresses;
public int PendingOffers;
public override string ToString() { return Scope; }
public struct DHCPServerStatistics {
public string Server;
public int Discovers;
public int Offers;
public int Requests;
public int Acks;
public int Naks;
public int Declines;
public int Releases;
public System.DateTime StartTime;
public int Scopes;
public DHCPScopeStatistics[] ScopeStatistics;
public override string ToString() { return Server; }
function Add-DHCPExclusionRange {
Adds an exclusion range to a DHCP scope.
Add-DHCPExclusionRange -Server dhcp01.contoso.com -Scope -StartAddress -EndAddress
This example adds an exclusion range to the scope on dhcp01.contoso.com that is between and
$scope | Add-DHCPExclusionRange -StartAddress -EndAddress
Given that $scope is the DHCPScope object for subnet on dhcp01.contoso.com, this example accomplishes the same as the one in Example 1.
The Add-DHCPExclusionRange cmdlet is used to define a new exclusion range within a given DHCP scope. The return value for success is the parent DHCPScope object.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
.Parameter Scope
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPScope object or the subnet address of the scope. If entering the subnet address, the Server parameter must be defined and be the host of this scope.
Note: This cmdlet will process significantly faster if the Scope variable supplied is a DHCPScope object.
.Parameter StartAddress
This parameter signifies the beginning of the range of IPs that you want excluded from the addresses available for lease. The value for this parameter must be in an IP address string format (ie:
.Parameter EndAddress
This parameter signifies the end of the range of IPs that you want excluded from the addresses available for lease. The value for this parameter must be in an IP address string format (ie:
Name: Add-DHCPExclusionRange
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope] -and !$Server) { $Server = $Scope.Server }
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server scope $Scope add excluderange $StartAddress $EndAddress")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) {
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) {
$range = New-Object DHCPIPRange
$range.StartAddress = $StartAddress
$range.EndAddress = $EndAddress
$Scope.ExclusionRanges += $range
return $Scope
else { return Get-DHCPScope -Server $Server -Scope $Scope }
elseif($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
elseif($result.Contains("The command needs a valid Scope IP Address")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Scope is not a valid scope on $Server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
elseif($result.Contains("No items to display")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Scope must first have a defined IP range!" -ForeGroundColor Red }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red }
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) { return $Scope }
function Add-DHCPFilter {
Adds a MAC filter to the DHCP server.
Add-DHCPFilter -Server dhcp01.contoso.com -Deny -MACAddress 00-00-00-00-00 -Description "Example Filter"
Adds a deny filter for the given MAC address on dhcp01.contoso.com.
The Add-DHCPFilter cmdlet is used to add allow and deny MAC address filters to a given server.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
Note: This cmdlet will process significantly faster if the Server variable supplied is a DHCPServer object.
.Parameter Allow
This parameter defines the MAC address filter for the allow list.
.Parameter Deny
This parameter defines the MAC address filter for the deny list.
.Parameter MACAddress
This parameter defines the MAC address for the filter. The value for this parameter must be in one of three standard hardware address string formats:
.Parameter Description
This parameter defines the description of the filter.
Name: Add-DHCPFilter
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 06.16.2011
$MACAddress = $MACAddress.Replace("-","").Replace(":","")
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server v4 add filter $(if($Allow){"allow"}else{"deny"}) $MACAddress `"$Description`"")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) {
if($text.Count -ge 4 -and $text[3].Contains("not a valid DNS Server")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $($text[3])" -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
elseif($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
elseif($result.Contains("Address or Address pattern is already")) { Write-Host "ERROR: There is an existing $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLower()) filter for $MACAddress on $Server." -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
return Get-DHCPFilterConfiguration -Server $Server
function Add-DHCPIPRange {
Adds a range of IP addresses available for lease to a DHCP scope.
Add-DHCPIPRange -Server dhcp01.contoso.com -Scope -StartAddress -EndAddress
This example adds an ip range to the scope on dhcp01.contoso.com that is between and
$scope | Add-DHCPIPRange -StartAddress -EndAddress
Given that $scope is the DHCPScope object for subnet on dhcp01.contoso.com, this example accomplishes the same as the one in Example 1.
The Add-DHCPIPRange cmdlet is used to define a new range of IP addresses available for lease within a given DHCP scope. The return value for success is the parent DHCPScope object.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
.Parameter Scope
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPScope object or the subnet address of the scope. If entering the subnet address, the Server parameter must be defined and be the host of this scope.
Note: This cmdlet will process significantly faster if the Scope variable supplied is a DHCPScope object.
.Parameter StartAddress
This parameter signifies the beginning of the range of IP addresses available for lease. The value for this parameter must be in an IP address string format (ie:
.Parameter EndAddress
This parameter signifies the end of the range of IP addresses available for lease. The value for this parameter must be in an IP address string format (ie:
Name: Add-DHCPIPRange
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope] -and !$Server) { $Server = $Scope.Server }
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server scope $Scope add iprange $StartAddress $EndAddress")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) {
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) {
$range = New-Object DHCPIPRange
$range.StartAddress = $StartAddress
$range.EndAddress = $EndAddress
$Scope.IPRanges += $range
return $Scope
else { return Get-DHCPScope -Server $Server -Scope $Scope }
elseif($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
elseif($result.Contains("The command needs a valid Scope IP Address")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Scope is not a valid scope on $Server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red }
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) { return $Scope }
function Disable-DHCPScope {
Deactivates a given DHCP scope.
Disable-DHCPScope -Server dhcp01.contoso.com -Scope
This example deactivates the scope on dhcp01.contoso.com.
$scope | Disable-DHCPScope
Given that $scope is the DHCPScope object for subnet on dhcp01.contoso.com, this example accomplishes the same as the one in Example 1.
The Disable-DHCPScope cmdlet is used to deactivate scopes. The return value for success is the parent DHCPScope object.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
.Parameter Scope
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPScope object or the subnet address of the scope. If entering the subnet address, the Server parameter must be defined and be the host of this scope.
Note: This cmdlet will process significantly faster if the Scope variable supplied is a DHCPScope object.
.Parameter SwitchedNetwork
This is typically used for switched networks, or networks where multiple logical networks are hosted on a single physical network.
Name: Disable-DHCPScope
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
$val = if($SwitchedNetwork){2}else{0}
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope] -and !$Server) { $Server = $Scope.Server }
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server scope $Scope set state $val")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) {
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) {
$Scope.State = if($SwitchedNetwork){"Disabled(Switched)"}else{"Disabled"}
return $Scope
else { return Get-DHCPScope -Server $Server -Scope $Scope }
elseif($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
elseif($result.Contains("The command needs a valid Scope IP Address")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Scope is not a valid scope on $Server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red }
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) { return $Scope }
function Enable-DHCPScope {
Activates a given DHCP scope.
Enable-DHCPScope -Server dhcp01.contoso.com -Scope
This example activates the scope on dhcp01.contoso.com.
$scope | Enable-DHCPScope
Given that $scope is the DHCPScope object for subnet on dhcp01.contoso.com, this example accomplishes the same as the one in Example 1.
The Enable-DHCPScope cmdlet is used to activate scopes. The return value for success is the parent DHCPScope object.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
.Parameter Scope
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPScope object or the subnet address of the scope. If entering the subnet address, the Server parameter must be defined and be the host of this scope.
Note: This cmdlet will process significantly faster if the Scope variable supplied is a DHCPScope object.
.Parameter SwitchedNetwork
This is typically used for switched networks, or networks where multiple logical networks are hosted on a single physical network.
Name: Enable-DHCPScope
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
$val = if($SwitchedNetwork){3}else{1}
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope] -and !$Server) { $Server = $Scope.Server }
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server scope $Scope set state $val")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) {
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) {
$Scope.State = if($SwitchedNetwork){"Active(Switched)"}else{"Active"}
return $Scope
else { return Get-DHCPScope -Server $Server -Scope $Scope }
elseif($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
elseif($result.Contains("The command needs a valid Scope IP Address")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Scope is not a valid scope on $Server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red }
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) { return $Scope }
function Get-DHCPDNSConfiguration {
Retrieves the DNS update configuration for a given DHCP object.
Get-DHCPDNSConfiguration -Owner dhcp01.contoso.com/
This example retrieves the DNS update configuration for the reservation in the scope of on server dhcp01.contoso.com.
The Get-DHCPDNSConfiguration cmdlet is used to retrieve the DNS update configuration for a given DHCP server, scope, or reservation. If no configuration is defined, then the configuration from its parent is inherited, except at the server level, which uses the default configuration.
.Parameter Owner
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer, DHCPScope, or DHCPReservation object. It can also be a string representation of these objects, defined thus:
Name: Get-DHCPDNSConfiguration
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 04.22.2011
if($Owner.GetType() -eq [string]) {
switch($Owner.Split("/").Count) {
1 { $level = "Server" }
2 { $level = "Scope" }
3 { $level = "Reservation" }
default { return }
else { $level = $Owner.GetType().ToString().Substring(4) }
if(!($option = Get-DHCPOption -Owner $Owner -OptionID 81 -Force)) { return }
$value = [int]$option.Values[0]
$dnsConfig = New-Object DHCPDNSConfiguration
$dnsConfig.Level = $level
$dnsConfig.Value = $value
if($value -eq -1) {
if($level -ne "Server") {
if($Owner.GetType() -eq [string]) {
$parts = $Owner.Split("/")
$Owner = $parts[0..($parts.Count-2)] -Join "/"
elseif($Owner.GetType() -eq [DHCPReservation]) { $Owner = "$($Owner.Server)/$($Owner.Scope)" }
elseif($Owner.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) { $Owner = $Owner.Server }
else { return }
$dnsConfig = Get-DHCPDNSConfiguration -Owner $Owner
$dnsConfig.Level = $level
return $dnsConfig
else { $value = 5 }
if($value -ge 16) {
$dnsConfig.UpdateTrigger = "Always"
$value -= 16
else { $dnsConfig.UpdateTrigger = "ClientRequest" }
if($value -ge 4) {
$dnsConfig.DiscardStaleRecords = $true
$value -= 4
else { $dnsConfig.DiscardStaleRecords = $false }
if($value -ge 2) {
$dnsConfig.AllowLegacyClientUpdate = $true
$value -= 2
else { $dnsConfig.AllowLegacyClientUpdate = $false }
$dnsConfig.AllowDynamicUpdate = if($value -eq 1){$true}else{$false}
return $dnsConfig
function Get-DHCPFilters {
$filters = @()
for($i=$Start;$i -lt $Text.Count;$i++) {
$parts = $Text[$i].Split("`t") | %{ $_.Trim() }
if($parts.Count -ne 4) { break }
$filter = New-Object DHCPFilter
$filter.MACAddress = $parts[2]
$filter.Description = $parts[3]
$filters += $filter
return $filters
function Get-DHCPFilterConfiguration {
Gets the MAC Filter configuration for a given DHCP server.
Get-DHCPFilterConfiguration -Server dhcp01.contoso.com
Returns the Filter configuration for dhcp01.contoso.com.
The Get-DHCPFilterConfiguration cmdlet is used to retrieve the Allow and Deny MAC address filter configuration.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
Note: This cmdlet will process significantly faster if the Server variable supplied is a DHCPServer object.
Name: Get-DHCPFilterConfiguration
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 06.16.2011
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server v4 show filter")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) {
if($text[3].Contains("not a valid DNS Server")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $($text[3])" -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
elseif($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
$filterConfig = New-Object DHCPFilterConfiguration
$filterConfig.Server = "$Server"
$filterConfig.AllowList = if($($text[9].Split("=") | %{ $_.Trim() })[1] -eq "1"){"Enabled"}else{"Disabled"}
$filterConfig.DenyList = if($($text[10].Split("=") | %{ $_.Trim() })[1] -eq "1"){"Enabled"}else{"Disabled"}
$filterConfig.AllowFilters = Get-DHCPFilters -Text $text -Start 19
for($i=20;$i -lt $text.Count;$i++) { if($text[$i].Contains("Total No. of MAC")) { break } }
$filterConfig.DenyFilters = Get-DHCPFilters -Text $text -Start ($i+7)
return $filterConfig
function Get-DHCPIPRanges {
$ipranges = @()
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope] -and !$Server) { $Server = $Scope.Server }
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server scope $Scope show $Type")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("The command needs a valid Scope IP Address")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Scope is not a valid scope on $Server." -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
if($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
for($i=6;$i -lt $text.Count;$i++) {
if(!$text[$i]) { break }
$parts = $text[$i].Split("-") | %{ $_.Trim() }
$ipRange = New-Object DHCPIPRange
$ipRange.StartAddress = $parts[0]
$ipRange.EndAddress = $parts[1]
$ipRanges += $ipRange
return $ipRanges
function Get-DHCPOption {
Retrieves all or specific DHCP options and their values for a given level.
Get-DHCPOption -Owner dhcp01.contoso.com/
This example retrieves all the options set for the reservation in the scope of on server dhcp01.contoso.com.
$scope | Get-DHCPOption -OptionID 3
Given that $scope is the DHCPScope object for subnet on dhcp01.contoso.com, this examples retrieves scope option 3, the gateway address.
Get-DHCPOption -Owner $server -OptionID 81 -Force
Given that $server is the DHCPServer object for dhcp01.contoso.com, this example retrieves server option 81, dynamic dns configuration. For more information on why the -Force parameter was needed, please read its parameter
description under -full.
The Get-DHCPOption cmdlet is used to retrieve all or specific standard DHCP options and their values for a given server, scope, or reservation. Non-standard classes (eg: BOOTP) are not currently being recorded. The return value for success is one or an array of DHCPOption objects.
.Parameter Owner
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer, DHCPScope, or DHCPReservation object. It can also be a string representation of these objects, defined thus:
.Parameter OptionID
The value for this parameter must be the id of a valid DHCP option as listed by Get-DHCPOptionDefinitions.
.Parameter Force
This switch parameter is only needed if you want to retrieve options 51 (lease time in seconds) or 81 (int value for the dynamic dns configuration). These are otherwise not returned as their values are expressed elsewhere.
Name: Get-DHCPOption
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
$server = $null
$scope = $null
$reservation = $null
if($Owner.GetType() -eq [DHCPServer]) { $server = $Owner.Name }
elseif($Owner.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) {
$server = $Owner.Server
$scope = $Owner.Address
elseif($Owner.GetType() -eq [DHCPReservation]) {
$server = $Owner.Server
$scope = $Owner.Scope
$reservation = $Owner.IPAddress
else {
$parts = $Owner.ToString().Split("/")
$server = $parts[0]
if($parts.Count -gt 1) { $scope = $parts[1] }
if($parts.Count -gt 2) { $reservation = $parts[2] }
$command = if($scope){"\\$server scope $scope show optionvalue"}else{"\\$server show optionvalue"}
if($reservation) { $command = "\\$server scope $scope show reservedoptionvalue $reservation" }
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server $command")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
if($result.Contains("The command needs a valid Scope IP Address")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $scope is not a valid scope on $server." -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
if($result.Contains("client is not a reserved")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $reservation is not a valid reservation in $scope on $server." -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
$options = @()
$work = @{}
$optiondefs = Get-DHCPOptionDefinitions -Server $server
$option = New-Object PSOBject
$option | Add-Member NoteProperty OptionName("DNS Configuration")
$option | Add-Member NoteProperty ArrayType("UNARY")
$option | Add-Member NoteProperty OptionType("DWORD")
$id = $null
$block = $false
for($i=0;$i -lt $text.Count;$i++) {
if($text[$i] -eq "Command completed successfully.") {
if(!!$id) {
$option = New-Object DHCPOption
$option.OptionID = $id
$option.OptionName = $optiondefs[$id].OptionName
$option.ArrayType = $optiondefs[$id].ArrayType
$option.OptionType = $optiondefs[$id].OptionType
$option.Values += $work[$optiondefs[$id].OptionName]
$option.Level = if($reservation){"Reservation"}elseif($scope){"Scope"}else{"Server"}
$options += $option
if($block) {
if($text[$i].Contains("DHCP Standard Options")) { $block = $false }
if($text[$i].Contains("For vendor class") -or $text[$i].Contains("For user class")) { $block = $true; continue }
if($text[$i].Contains("OptionId")) {
if(!!$id) {
$option = New-Object DHCPOption
$option.OptionID = $id
$option.OptionName = $optiondefs[$id].OptionName
$option.ArrayType = $optiondefs[$id].ArrayType
$option.OptionType = $optiondefs[$id].OptionType
$option.Values += $work[$optiondefs[$id].OptionName]
$option.Level = if($reservation){"Reservation"}elseif($scope){"Scope"}else{"Server"}
$options += $option
$id = [int]($text[$i].Split(":")[1].Trim())
if($OptionID -and $OptionID -ne $id) { $id = $null; continue }
if(!$Force -and ($id -eq 81 -or $id -eq 51)) { $id = $null; continue }
elseif(!$id) { continue }
else {
if(!($text[$i].Contains("Option Element Value"))) { continue }
$desc = $optiondefs[$id].OptionName
$type = $optiondefs[$id].ArrayType
$values = $work[$desc]
$val = $text[$i].Split("=")[1].Trim()
if($type-eq"ARRAY") { $values += @($val) }
else { $values = $val }
$work[$desc] = $values
if($Force -and !($options | Where-Object { $_.OptionID -eq 81 }) -and $OptionID -eq 81) {
$id = 81
$option = New-Object DHCPOption
$option.OptionID = $id
$option.OptionName = $optiondefs[$id].OptionName
$option.ArrayType = $optiondefs[$id].ArrayType
$option.OptionType = $optiondefs[$id].OptionType
$option.Values += -1
$option.Level = if($reservation){"Reservation"}elseif($scope){"Scope"}else{"Server"}
$options += $option
return $options
function Get-DHCPOptionDefinitions {
Retrieves all DHCP options defined on a given server.
Get-DHCPOptionDefinitions -Server dhcp01.contoso.com
This example retrieves all the options defined on server dhcp01.contoso.com.
$server | Get-DHCPOptionDefinitions
Given that $server is the DHCPServer object for dhcp01.contoso.com, this example accomplishes the same as the one in Example 1.
The Get-DHCPOptionDefinitions cmdlet is used to retrieve all DHCP options defined on a given server.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
Name: Get-DHCPOptionDefinitions
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
$options = @{}
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server show optiondef")
if($text[2].Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
for($i=7;$i -lt $text.Count;$i++) {
if(!$text[$i]) { break }
$parts = $text[$i].Split("-") | %{ $_.Trim() }
if($parts[2] -eq "to") {
$parts[1] = $parts[1]+"-"+$parts[2]+"-"+$parts[3]
$parts[2] = $parts[4]
$parts[3] = $parts[5]
$option = New-Object PSOBject
$option | Add-Member NoteProperty OptionName($parts[1])
$option | Add-Member NoteProperty ArrayType($parts[2])
$option | Add-Member NoteProperty OptionType($parts[3])
if($options.Keys -notcontains [int]$parts[0]) { $options.Add([int]$parts[0],$option) } #Needed if clause for some weird funkiness on Windows 2003 servers
return $options
function Get-DHCPReservation {
Retieves all or specific DHCP reservations for a given scope.
Get-DHCPReservation -Server dhcp01.contoso.com -Scope
This example retrieves all reservations in the scope on dhcp01.contoso.com.
$scope | Get-DHCPReservation -IPAddress
Given that $scope is the DHCPScope object for subnet on dhcp01.contoso.com, this example retrieves the reservation.
The Get-DHCPReservation cmdlet is used to retieves all or specific DHCP reservations for a given scope. The return value for success is one or an array of DHCPReservation objects.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
.Parameter Scope
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPScope object or the subnet address of the scope. If entering the subnet address, the Server parameter must be defined and be the host of this scope.
.Parameter IPAddress
The value for this parameter must be in an IP address string format (ie:
Name: Get-DHCPReservation
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
$reservations = @()
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope] -and !$Server) { $Server = $Scope.Server }
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server scope $Scope show reservedip")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("The command needs a valid Scope IP Address")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Scope is not a valid scope on $Server." -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
if($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
for($i=7;$i -lt $text.Count;$i++) {
if(!$text[$i]) { break }
$parts = $text[$i].Split("-") | %{ $_.Trim() }
if($IPAddress -and $parts[0] -ne $IPAddress) { continue }
$reservation = New-Object DHCPReservation
$reservation.IPAddress = $parts[0]
$reservation.MACAddress = [string]::Join("-",$parts[1..6])
$reservation.Scope = $Scope
$reservation.Server = $Server
$reservation.Options = Get-DHCPOption -Owner $reservation
$reservation.DNSConfiguration = Get-DHCPDNSConfiguration -Owner $reservation
$reservations += $reservation
return $reservations
function Get-DHCPScope {
Retieves all or specifics scopes for a given server.
Get-DHCPScope -Server dhcp01.contoso.com
This example retrieves all scopes on dhcp01.contoso.com.
$server | Get-DHCPScope -Scope
Given that $server is the DHCPServer object for dhcp01.contoso.com, this example retrieves the scope
The Get-DHCPScope cmdlet is used to retieves all or specific DHCP scopes on a given server. The return value for success is one or an array of DHCPScope objects.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
.Parameter Scope
The value for this parameter must be the subnet address of the scope.
Name: Get-DHCPScope
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
$dhcpScopes = @()
$scopeList = @{}
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server show scope")
if($text[2].Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
for($i=5;$i -lt $text.Count;$i++) {
if(!$text[$i]) { break }
$parts = $text[$i].Split("-") | %{ $_.Trim() }
foreach($address in $scopeList.Keys) {
if($Scope -and $address -ne $Scope) { continue }
$dhcpScope = New-Object DHCPScope
$dhcpScope.Address = $address
$dhcpScope.Server = $Server.ToString()
$dhcpScope.SubnetMask = $scopeList[$address][0]
$dhcpScope.State = $scopeList[$address][1]
$dhcpScope.Name = $scopeList[$address][2]
$dhcpScope.Description = $scopeList[$address][3]
$dhcpScope.IPRanges = Get-DHCPIPRanges -Server $Server -Scope $address -Type "ipRange"
$dhcpScope.ExclusionRanges = Get-DHCPIPRanges -Server $Server -Scope $address -Type "excluderange"
$dhcpScope.Reservations = Get-DHCPReservation -Server $Server -Scope $address
$lease = Get-DHCPOption -Owner $dhcpScope -OptionID 51 -Force
$dhcpScope.Lease = if($lease){$lease.Values[0]}else{0}
$dhcpScope.Options = Get-DHCPOption -Owner $dhcpScope
$dhcpScope.DNSConfiguration = Get-DHCPDNSConfiguration -Owner $dhcpScope
$dhcpScopes += $dhcpScope
return $dhcpScopes
function Get-DHCPServer {
Retieves a specific DHCP server, or all DHCP servers in the current domain.
Get-DHCPServer -Server dhcp01.contoso.com
This example retrieves the DHCP server object for dhcp01.contoso.com.
The Get-DHCPServer cmdlet is used to retieve a specific DHCP server, or all DHCP servers in the current domain. The return value for success is one or an array of DHCPServer objects.
Note: Due to the nature of calling netsh commands from powershell, this cmdlet can take an exceptionally long time to complete.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter must be the name or FQDN of the DHCP server.
Name: Get-DHCPServer
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
$dhcpServers = @()
if(!$Server) {
$configDN = ([adsi]"LDAP://RootDSE").configurationNamingContext
$objADSearch = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$objADSearch.SearchRoot = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://CN=NetServices,CN=Services,$configDN")
$objADSearch.PageSize = 1000
$objADSearch.Filter = "(&(objectClass=dhcpClass)(dhcpIdentification=DHCP Server object))"
$objADSearch.SearchScope = "OneLevel"
$serverList = $objADSearch.FindAll() | %{ $_.Properties["cn"][0] }
else {
$result = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server")
if($result -is [array] -and $result[0].Contains("Lists all the commands available")) { $serverList = @($Server) }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
foreach($name in $serverList) {
$dhcpServer = New-Object DHCPServer
$dhcpServer.Name = $name
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$name show server")
if($text[2].Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red; continue }
else { $dhcpServer.IPAddress = $text[2].Split("=")[1].Trim() }
$dhcpServer.DNSConfiguration = Get-DHCPDNSConfiguration -Owner $dhcpServer
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$name show detectconflictretry")
if($text[2].Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red; continue }
else { $dhcpServer.ConflictDetectionAttempts = [int]($text[1].Split(":")[1].Trim()) }
$dhcpServer.Scopes = Get-DHCPScope -Server $name
$dhcpServer.Options = Get-DHCPOption -Owner $name
$dhcpServers += $dhcpServer
return $dhcpServers
function Get-DHCPStatistics {
Retieves the DHCP statistics of a specific server.
Get-DHCPStatistics -Server dhcp01.contoso.com
This example retrieves the DHCP statistics for dhcp01.contoso.com.
$server | Get-DHCPStatistics
Given that $server is the DHCPServer object for dhcp01.contoso.com, this example accomplishes the same as the one in Example 1.
The Get-DHCPStatistics cmdlet is used to retieve the DHCP statistics of a specific server and its scopes. The return value for success is a DHCPStatistics object.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
Name: Get-DHCPStatistics
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server show mibinfo")
if($text[2].Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
$serverStats = New-Object DHCPServerStatistics
$serverStats.Server = "$Server"
for($i=2;$i-lt$text.Count;$i++) {
if(!$text[$i]) { break }
$parts = $text[$i].Split("=") | %{ $_.Trim().Trim(".") }
switch($parts[0]) {
"Discovers" { $serverStats.Discovers = [int]$parts[1] }
"Offers" { $serverStats.Offers = [int]$parts[1] }
"Requests" { $serverStats.Requests = [int]$parts[1] }
"Acks" { $serverStats.Acks = [int]$parts[1] }
"Naks" { $serverStats.Naks = [int]$parts[1] }
"Declines" { $serverStats.Declines = [int]$parts[1] }
"Releases" { $serverStats.Releases = [int]$parts[1] }
"ServerStartTime" { $serverStats.StartTime = [DateTime]$parts[1] }
"Scopes" { $serverStats.Scopes = [int]$parts[1] }
"Subnet" {
$scopeStats = New-Object DHCPScopeStatistics
$scopeStats.Scope = $parts[1]
$scopeStats.Server = "$Server"
$parts = $text[++$i].Split("=") | %{ $_.Trim().Trim(".") }
$used = [int]$parts[1]
$parts = $text[++$i].Split("=") | %{ $_.Trim().Trim(".") }
$scopeStats.TotalAddresses = $used+[int]$parts[1]
$scopeStats.UsedAddresses = $used
$parts = $text[++$i].Split("=") | %{ $_.Trim().Trim(".") }
$scopeStats.PendingOffers = [int]$parts[1]
$serverStats.ScopeStatistics += $scopeStats
return $serverStats
function New-DHCPOptionDefinition {
Creates a new option on a given server.
New-DHCPOptionDefinition -Server dhcp01.contoso.com -OptionID 200 -Name TestOption -DataType IPADDRESS -IsArray
This example creates option 200 on server dhcp01.contoso.com with the name, TestOption, and an accepted value as an array of IP addresses.
$server | New-DHCPOptionDefinition -OptionID 200 -Name TestOption -DataType IPADDRESS -IsArray -Description "A test option."
Given that $server is the DHCPServer object for dhcp01.contoso.com, this example accomplishes the same as the one in Example 1 with a description too.
The New-DHCPOptionDefinition cmdlet is used to create a new option on a given server.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
.Parameter OptionID
An integer between 1 and 254 that is not currently used by another option.
.Parameter Name
A self-explanatory string value.
.Parameter DataType
A string value for the data type of the value(s).
The available options are:
.Parameter IsArray
A boolean value for whether the accepted value is unary or an array.
.Parameter VendorClass
A string value for the name of the vendor class of DHCP options. If none is given, the Standard DHCP Options class is used.
.Parameter UserClass
A string value for the name of the user class of the DHCP option. If none is given, the Default User Class is used.
.Parameter DefaultValue
A string value for the initial value of the option, if not explicitly defined by an admin.
Success = String message
Failure = NULL
Name: New-DHCPOptionDefinition
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
$arrayInt = if($IsArray){1}else{0}
if(!!$VendorClass) { $VendorClass = "vendor=`"$VendorClass`"" }
if(!!$Description) { $Description = "comment=`"$Description`"" }
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server add optiondef $OptionID `"$Name`" $DataType $arrayInt $VendorClass $Description `"$DefaultValue`"")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) { return $result }
elseif($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red }
function New-DHCPReservation {
Creates a new reservation within a given scope.
New-DHCPReservation -Server dhcp01.contoso.com -Scope -IPAddress -MACAddress 00:00:00:00:00:00
This example adds a reservation to the scope on dhcp01.contoso.com for the IP address of
$scope | New-DHCPReservation -IPAddress -MACAddress 00-00-00-00-00-00
Given that $scope is the DHCPScope object for subnet on dhcp01.contoso.com, this example accomplishes the same as the one in Example 1.
The New-DHCPReservation cmdlet is used to create a new reservation within a given scope. The return value for success is the parent DHCPReservation object.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
.Parameter Scope
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPScope object or the subnet address of the scope. If entering the subnet address, the Server parameter must be defined and be the host of this scope.
.Parameter IPAddress
The value for this parameter must be in an IP address string format (ie:
.Parameter MACAddress
The value for this parameter must be in one of three standard hardware address string formats:
.Parameter Name
A string value temporarily assigned to the unused reservation. Once the reservation is active however, its name will change to the client's.
.Parameter Description
A self-explanatory string value.
Name: New-DHCPReservation
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope] -and !$Server) { $Server = $Scope.Server }
$MACAddress = $MACAddress.Replace("-","").Replace(":","")
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server scope $Scope add reservedip $IPAddress $MACAddress `"$Name`" `"$Description`"")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) { return Get-DHCPReservation -Server $Server -Scope $Scope -IPAddress $IPAddress }
elseif($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
elseif($result.Contains("The command needs a valid Scope IP Address")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Scope is not a valid scope on $Server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red }
function New-DHCPScope {
Creates a new scope on a given server.
New-DHCPScope -Server dhcp01.contoso.com -Address -SubnetMask -Name TestScope
This example adds a scope for the subnet on dhcp01.contoso.com.
$server | New-DHCPScope -Address -SubnetMask -Name TestScope
Given that $scope is the DHCPScope object for subnet on dhcp01.contoso.com, this example accomplishes the same as the one in Example 1.
The New-DHCPScope cmdlet is used to create a new scope on a given server. The return value for success is the parent DHCPScope object.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
.Parameter Address
The value for this parameter must be in an IP address string format (ie:
.Parameter SubnetMask
The value for this parameter must be in an IP address string format (ie:
.Parameter Name
A self-explanatory string value.
.Parameter Description
A self-explanatory string value.
Name: New-DHCPScope
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server add scope $Address $SubnetMask `"$Name`" `"$Description`"")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) { return Get-DHCPScope -Server $Server -Scope $Address }
elseif($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red }
function Register-DHCPServer {
Registers a given DHCP server with Active Directory.
Register-DHCPServer -Server dhcp01.contoso.com -IPAddress
This example registers dhcp01.constoso.com, and the IP address of, as an authorized DHCP server in Active Directory.
The Register-DHCPServer cmdlet is used to register a DHCP server with Active Directory.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter should be the FQDN of the DHCP server.
.Parameter IPAddress
The value for this parameter must be in an IP address string format (ie:
Name: Register-DHCPServer
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 03.15.2011
$list = Show-DHCPServers
foreach($item in $list) {
if($item.Server -eq $Server -or $item.IPAddress -eq $IPAddress) {
Write-Host "ERROR: The specified server is already present: $($item.Server) [$($item.IPAddress)]." -ForeGroundColor Red
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp add server $Server $(if($IPAddress){"$IPAddress"})")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) { Write-Host "SUCCESS: $Server was successfully registered in Active Directory." -ForeGroundColor Green }
elseif($result.Contains("already present")) { Write-Host "ERROR: The specified server is already present." -ForeGroundColor Red }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red }
function Remove-DHCPExclusionRange {
Removes an exclusion range from a DHCP scope.
Remove-DHCPExclusionRange -Server dhcp01.contoso.com -Scope -StartAddress -EndAddress
This example removes the exclusion range from the scope on dhcp01.contoso.com that is between and
$scope | Remove-DHCPExclusionRange -StartAddress -EndAddress
Given that $scope is the DHCPScope object for subnet on dhcp01.contoso.com, this example accomplishes the same as the one in Example 1.
The Remove-DHCPExclusionRange cmdlet is used to remove an exclusion range from a given DHCP scope. The return value for success is the parent DHCPScope object.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
.Parameter Scope
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPScope object or the subnet address of the scope. If entering the subnet address, the Server parameter must be defined and be the host of this scope.
Note: This cmdlet will process significantly faster if the Scope variable supplied is a DHCPScope object.
.Parameter StartAddress
This parameter signifies the beginning IP address of the excluded range. The value for this parameter must be in an IP address string format (ie:
.Parameter EndAddress
This parameter signifies the ending IP address of the excluded range. The value for this parameter must be in an IP address string format (ie:
Name: Remove-DHCPExclusionRange
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope] -and !$Server) { $Server = $Scope.Server }
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server scope $Scope delete excluderange $StartAddress $EndAddress")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) {
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) {
$Scope.ExclusionRanges = @($Scope.ExclusionRanges | Where-Object { $_.StartAddress -ne $StartAddress -and $_.EndAddress -ne $EndAddress })
return $Scope
else { return Get-DHCPScope -Server $Server -Scope $Scope }
elseif($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
elseif($result.Contains("The command needs a valid Scope IP Address")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Scope is not a valid scope on $Server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red }
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) { return $Scope }
function Remove-DHCPFilter {
Removes a MAC address filter from the DHCP server.
Remove-DHCPFilter -Server dhcp01.contoso.com -MACAddress 00-00-00-00-00
Removes the filter for the given MAC address on dhcp01.contoso.com.
The Remove-DHCPFilter cmdlet is used to remove MAC address filters from a given server.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
Note: This cmdlet will process significantly faster if the Server variable supplied is a DHCPServer object.
.Parameter MACAddress
This parameter defines the MAC address for the filter. The value for this parameter must be in one of three standard hardware address string formats:
.Parameter FilterObject
This parameter is a DHCPFilter object, and is used to pass the MAC address information to the CmdLet.
Name: Remove-DHCPFilter
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 06.16.2011
$Server = if($FilterObject){$FilterObject.Server}else{$Server}
$MACAddress = if($FilterObject){$FilterObject.MACAddress}else{$MACAddress.Replace("-","").Replace(":","")}
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server v4 delete filter $MACAddress")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) {
if($text.Count -ge 4 -and $text[3].Contains("not a valid DNS Server")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $($text[3])" -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
elseif($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
return Get-DHCPFilterConfiguration -Server $Server
function Remove-DHCPIPRange {
Removes an ip range from a DHCP scope.
Remove-DHCPIPRange -Server dhcp01.contoso.com -Scope -StartAddress -EndAddress
This example removes the IP range from the scope on dhcp01.contoso.com that is between and
$scope | Remove-DHCPIPRange -StartAddress -EndAddress
Given that $scope is the DHCPScope object for subnet on dhcp01.contoso.com, this example accomplishes the same as the one in Example 1.
The Remove-DHCPIPRange cmdlet is used to remove an IP range from a given DHCP scope. The return value for success is the parent DHCPScope object.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
.Parameter Scope
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPScope object or the subnet address of the scope. If entering the subnet address, the Server parameter must be defined and be the host of this scope.
Note: This cmdlet will process significantly faster if the Scope variable supplied is a DHCPScope object.
.Parameter StartAddress
This parameter signifies the beginning IP address of the IP range. The value for this parameter must be in an IP address string format (ie:
.Parameter EndAddress
This parameter signifies the ending IP address of the IP range. The value for this parameter must be in an IP address string format (ie:
Name: Remove-DHCPIPRange
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope] -and !$Server) { $Server = $Scope.Server }
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server scope $Scope delete iprange $StartAddress $EndAddress")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) {
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) {
$Scope.IPRanges = @($Scope.IPRanges | Where-Object { $_.StartAddress -ne $StartAddress -and $_.EndAddress -ne $EndAddress })
return $Scope
else { return Get-DHCPScope -Server $Server -Scope $Scope }
elseif($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
elseif($result.Contains("The command needs a valid Scope IP Address")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Scope is not a valid scope on $Server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red }
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) { return $Scope }
function Remove-DHCPOption {
Removes the value of an option from a given server, scope, or reservation.
Remove-DHCPOption -Owner dhcp01.contoso.com/ -OptionID 200
This example removes the value set for option 200 from the scope of on server dhcp01.contoso.com.
$reservation | Remove-DHCPOption -OptionID 15
This example removes the value set for option 25 from the reservation as defined by the DHCPReservation object, $reservation.
The Remove-DHCPOption cmdlet is used to remove the value set for an option from a given server, scope, or reservation.
.Parameter Owner
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer, DHCPScope, or DHCPReservation object. It can also be a string representation of these objects, defined thus:
.Parameter OptionID
The integer value of the option whose value you wish to remove.
.Parameter VendorClass
A string value for the name of the vendor class of DHCP options. If none is given, the Standard DHCP Options class is used.
.Parameter UserClass
A string value for the name of the user class of the DHCP option. If none is given, the Default User Class is used.
DHCPServer, DHCPScope, or DHCPReservation depending.
Name: Remove-DHCPOption
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
$server = $null
$scope = $null
$reservation = $null
if($Owner.GetType() -eq [DHCPServer]) { $server = $Owner.Name }
elseif($Owner.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) {
$server = $Owner.Server
$scope = $Owner.Address
elseif($Owner.GetType() -eq [DHCPReservation]) {
$server = $Owner.Server
$scope = $Owner.Scope
$reservation = $Owner.IPAddress
else {
$parts = $Owner.ToString().Split("/")
$server = $parts[0]
if($parts.Count -gt 1) { $scope = $parts[1] }
if($parts.Count -gt 2) { $reservation = $parts[2] }
if($reservation) { $command = "\\$server scope $scope delete reservedoptionvalue $reservation" }
else { $command = if($scope){"\\$server scope $scope delete optionvalue"}else{"\\$server delete optionvalue"} }
if(!!$VendorClass) { $VendorClass = "vendor=`"$VendorClass`"" }
if(!!$UserClass) { $UserClass = "user=`"$UserClass`"" }
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server $command $OptionID $VendorClass $UserClass")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) {
if(@([DHCPServer],[DHCPScope],[DHCPReservation]) -contains $Owner.GetType()) {
$Owner.Options = @($Owner.Options | Where-Object { $_.OptionID -ne $OptionID })
return $Owner
else { return $result }
elseif(!$Silent) {
if($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
elseif($result.Contains("The command needs a valid Scope IP Address")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $scope is not a valid scope on $server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
elseif($result.Contains("client is not a reserved")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $reservation is not a valid reservation in $scope on $server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red }
function Remove-DHCPOptionDefinition {
Removes an option from a given server.
Remove-DHCPOptionDefinition -Server dhcp01.contoso.com -OptionID 200
This example removes option 200 from server dhcp01.contoso.com
$server | Remove-DHCPOptionDefinition -OptionID 200
Given that $server is the DHCPServer object for dhcp01.contoso.com, this example accomplishes the same as the one in Example 1 with a description too.
The Remove-DHCPOptionDefinition cmdlet is used to remove an option from a given server. Once removed, the option can no longer be set on that server until it is recreated.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
.Parameter OptionID
An integer between 1 and 254 that is not currently used by another option.
.Parameter Name
A self-explanatory string value.
.Parameter DataType
A string value for the data type of the value(s).
The available options are:
.Parameter IsArray
A boolean value for whether the accepted value is unary or an array.
.Parameter VendorClass
A string value for the name of the vendor class of DHCP options. If none is given, the Standard DHCP Options class is used.
Success = String message
Failure = NULL
Name: Remove-DHCPOptionDefinition
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
if(!!$VendorClass) { $VendorClass = "vendor=`"$VendorClass`"" }
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server delete optiondef $OptionID $VendorClass")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) { return $result }
elseif($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red }
function Remove-DHCPReservation {
Removes a reservation from a scope.
Remove-DHCPReservation -Server dhcp01.contoso.com -Scope -IPAddress -MACAddress 00:00:00:00:00:00
This example removes the reservation for from the scope on dhcp01.contoso.com.
Remove-DHCPReservation -Reservation $reservation
Given that $reservation is the DHCPReservation object for the IP in on dhcp01.contoso.com, this example accomplishes the same as the one in Example 1.
The Remove-DHCPReservation cmdlet is used to remove a reservation from a scope. The return value for success is the parent DHCPScope object.
.Parameter Reservation
The value for this paramater must be the DHCPReservation object of the reservation you wish to remove.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
.Parameter Scope
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPScope object or the subnet address of the scope. If entering the subnet address, the Server parameter must be defined and be the host of this scope.
Note: This cmdlet will process significantly faster if the Scope variable supplied is a DHCPScope object.
.Parameter IPAddress
The value for this parameter must be in an IP address string format (ie:
.Parameter MACAddress
The value for this parameter must be in one of three standard hardware address string formats:
Name: Remove-DHCPReservation
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
if($Reservation -and $Reservation.GetType() -eq [DHCPReservation]) {
$Server = $Reservation.Server
$Scope = $Reservation.Scope
$IPAddress = $Reservation.IPAddress
$MACAddress = $Reservation.MACAddress.Replace("-","").Replace(":","")
else {
if(!$Scope) { Write-Host "ERROR: Invalid null entry for scope." -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
elseif($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope] -and !$Server) { $Server = $Scope.Server }
if(!$IPAddress) { Write-Host "Error: Invalid null entry for IPAddress." -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
if(!$MACAddress) { Write-Host "Error: Invalid null entry for MACAddress." -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
else { $MACAddress = $MACAddress.Replace("-","").Replace(".","") }
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server scope $Scope delete reservedip $IPAddress $MACAddress")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) {
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) {
$Scope.Reservations = @($Scope.Reservations | Where-Object { $_.IPAddress -ne $IPAddress })
return $Scope
else { return $result }
elseif($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
elseif($result.Contains("The command needs a valid Scope IP Address")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Scope is not a valid scope on $Server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red }
function Remove-DHCPScope {
Removes a scope from a server.
Remove-DHCPScope -Server dhcp01.contoso.com -Scope
This example removes the scope on dhcp01.contoso.com.
$scope | Get-DHCPScope
Given that $scope is the DHCPScope object for subnet on dhcp01.contoso.com, this example accomplishes the same as the one in Example 1.
The Remove-DHCPScope cmdlet is used to remove a specific DHCP scopes from a given server. The return value for success is a DHCPServer object.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
Note: This cmdlet will process significantly faster if the Server variable supplied is a DHCPServer object.
.Parameter Scope
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPScope object or the subnet address of the scope. If entering the subnet address, the Server parameter must be defined and be the host of this scope.
Name: Remove-DHCPScope
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope] -and !$Server) { $Server = $Scope.Server }
$forceFlag = if($Force){"DHCPFULLFORCE"}else{"DHCPNOFORCE"}
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server delete scope $Scope $forceFlag")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) {
if($Server.GetType() -eq [DHCPServer]) {
$Server.Scopes = @($Server.Scopes | Where-Object { $_.Address -ne "$Scope" })
return $Server
else { return Get-DHCPServer -Server $Server }
elseif($result.Contains("cannot be removed")) { Write-Host "ERROR: The scope [$Scope] has active leases and cannot be removed without the -Force parameter." -ForeGroundColor Red }
elseif($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
elseif($result.Contains("The command needs a valid Scope IP Address")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Scope is not a valid scope on $Server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red }
function Set-DHCPConflictDetectionAttempts {
Sets the number of confliction detection attempts made by the DHCP server.
Set-DHCPConflictDetectionAttempts -Server dhcp01.contoso.com -Number 2
This example sets the conflict detection attempts on dhcp01.contoso.com to 2.
$server | Set-DHCPConflictDetectionAttempts -Number 2
Given that $server is the DHCPServer object for dhcp01.contoso.com, this example accomplishes the same as the one in Example 1.
The Set-DHCPConflictDetectionAttempts cmdlet is used to set the number of confliction detection attempts made by the DHCP server. The return value for success is a DHCPServer object.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
Note: This cmdlet will process significantly faster if the Server variable supplied is a DHCPServer object.
.Parameter Number
The number of conflict detection attempts to make.
Name: Set-DHCPConflictDetectionAttempts
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
if($Number -gt 5) { Write-Host "WARNING The maximum number of conflict retries is 5. Setting value to 5." -ForeGroundColor Yellow; $Number = 5 }
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server set detectconflictretry $Number")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) {
if($Server.GetType() -eq [DHCPServer]) {
$Server.ConflictDetectionAttempts = $Number
return $Server
else { return Get-DHCPServer -Server $Server }
elseif($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red }
if($Server.GetType() -eq [DHCPServer]) { return $Server }
function Set-DHCPDNSConfiguration {
Defines the DNS update configuration for a given DHCP object.
Set-DHCPDNSConfiguration -Owner dhcp01.contoso.com/ -Value 7
This example defines the DNS update configuration for the reservation in the scope of on server dhcp01.contoso.com.
The resulting configuration would be:
Dynamic Updates: Enabled
Update Trigger: Client Request
Discard Stale DNS Records: Enabled
Legacy Client Updates: Enabled
$scope | Set-DHCPDNSConfiguration -RestoreDefaults
Given that $scope is the DHCPScope object for some scope, this example restores the default DNS update configuration for that scope. The resulting effect is that the scope will henceforth inherit its DNS update configuration from its parent server.
The resulting configuration would be:
Dynamic Updates: Enabled
Update Trigger: Client Request
Discard Stale DNS Records: Enabled
Legacy Client Updates: Disabled
Set-DHCPDNSConfiguration -Owner $reservation -AllowDynamicUpdate -UpdateTrigger Always -DiscardStaleRecords -Allow LegacyClientUpdate
Given that $reservation is either a string representation or the DHCPReservation object for some reservation, this example would define the DNS update configuration thus:
Dynamic Updates: Enabled
Update Trigger: Always
Discard Stale DNS Records: Enabled
Legacy Client Updates: Enabled
The Set-DHCPDNSConfiguration cmdlet is used to define the DNS update configuration for a given DHCP server, scope, or reservation.
.Parameter Owner
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer, DHCPScope, or DHCPReservation object. It can also be a string representation of these objects, defined thus:
.Parameter DNSConfiguration
The value for this parameter is a DHCPDNSConfiguration object. It is used if you have a defined DNS update configuration that you want to apply to a new object.
.Parameter Value
The value for this parameter is an integer. This is used if you want to input the raw option value for DNS update configuration. You can create a valid value using the following logic:
Start at 0. A value of 0 means DNS update configuration is completely disabled.
If you want the Update Trigger to be "Always", add 16.
If you want to discard old DNS records, add 4.
If you want to allow legacy (< Windows 2000) client updates, add 2.
If you want to allow dynamic updates, add 1.
Note: A value of -1 is only applicable within the context of this module and is used to denote no defined configuration, which means that the given object inherits its DNS update configuration from its parent. If the given object is the DHCP server, then it uses the default configuration, which is equal to a value of 5.
.Parameter AllowDynamicUpdate
The value for this parameter is true or false. If declared, the value is true and enables dynamic updates, otherwise dynamic updates is disabled.
.Parameter UpdateTrigger
The value for this parameter is a string value of 'Always' or 'ClientRequest'. If not declared the value defaults to 'ClientRequest'.
.Parameter DiscardStaleDNSRecords
The value for this parameter is true or false. If declared, the value is true and enables the discarding of stale DNS records (A and PTR) when a lease is no longer active, otherwise it is disabled.
.Parameter AllowLegacyClientUpdate
The value for this parameter is true or false. If declared, the value is true and enables the updating of DNS records belonging to legacy (pre Windows 2000) clients, otherwise it is disabled.
.Parameter RestoreDefaults
The value for this parameter is true of false. If declared, the DNS update configuration for the given object inherits its DNS update configuration from its parent. If the given object is the DHCP server, then it uses the default configuration, which is equal to a value of 5.
This parameter supercedes all other configuration parameters.
Name: Get-DHCPDNSConfiguration
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 04.22.2011
if($RestoreDefaults -or $Value -eq -1) { $null = Remove-DHCPOption -Owner $Owner -OptionID 81 -Silent }
else {
if($DNSConfiguration) { $Value = $DNSConfiguration.Value }
if(!$Value) {
if($AllowDynamicUpdate){ $Value += 1 }
if($UpdateTrigger -eq "Always") { $Value += 16 }
if($DiscardStaleRecords) { $Value += 4 }
if($AllowLegacyClientUpdate) { $Value += 2 }
if($Value -gt 7 -and $Value -lt 16) { Write-Host "ERROR: Invalid DNS update configuration value defined." -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
else {
$dnsOptions = @(0,0,0,0)
if($Value -ge 16) { $dnsOptions[1] = 1; $Value -= 16 }
if($Value -ge 4) { $dnsOptions[2] = 1; $Value -= 4 }
if($Value -ge 2) { $dnsOptions[3] = 1; $Value -= 2 }
if($Value -eq 1) { $dnsOptions[0] = 1 }
$server = $null
$scope = $null
$reservation = $null
if($Owner.GetType() -eq [DHCPServer]) { $server = $Owner.Name }
elseif($Owner.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) {
$server = $Owner.Server
$scope = $Owner.Address
elseif($Owner.GetType() -eq [DHCPReservation]) {
$server = $Owner.Server
$scope = $Owner.Scope
$reservation = $Owner.IPAddress
else {
$parts = $Owner.ToString().Split("/")
$server = $parts[0]
if($parts.Count -gt 1) { $scope = $parts[1] }
if($parts.Count -gt 2) { $reservation = $parts[2] }
$command = if($scope -or $reservation){"\\$server scope $scope set dnsconfig"}else{"\\$server set dnsconfig"}
if($reservation) { $command += " $reservation" }
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server $command $($dnsOptions -Join " ")")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) {
if($text[3].Contains("not a valid DNS Server")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $($text[3])" -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
elseif($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
elseif($result.Contains("The command needs a valid Scope IP Address")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $scope is not a valid scope on $server." -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
elseif($result.Contains("client is not a reserved")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $reservation is not a valid reservation in $scope on $server." -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
$DNSConfiguration = Get-DHCPDNSConfiguration -Owner $Owner
if(@([DHCPServer],[DHCPScope],[DHCPReservation]) -contains $Owner.GetType()) {
$Owner.DNSConfiguration = $DNSConfiguration
return $Owner
else { return $DNSConfiguration }
function Set-DHCPFilterConfiguration {
Sets the MAC Filter configuration for a given DHCP server.
Set-DHCPFilterConfiguration -Server dhcp01.contoso.com -DenyList Enabled
This example enables the Deny filter and any MAC addresses defined therein, but does nothing to the Allow filter.
Set-DHCPFilterConfiguration -Server dhcp01.contoso.com -AllowList Disabled -DenyList Disabled
This example disables both the Allow and Deny filters.
The Set-DHCPFilterConfiguration cmdlet is used to enable or disable the Allow and Deny MAC address filters.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
Note: This cmdlet will process significantly faster if the Server variable supplied is a DHCPServer object.
.Parameter AllowList
This parameter defines the state of the Allow filter.
Enabled - Provides DHCP services only to clients whose addresses are in the Allow List
Disabled - Does not filter MAC addresses to see if they are allowed
.Parameter DenyList
This parameter defines the state of the Deny filter.
Enabled - Denies DHCP services only to clients whose addresses are in the Deny List
Disabled - Does not filter MAC addresses to see if they are denied
Name: Set-DHCPFilterConfiguration
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 06.16.2011
$command = "\\$Server v4 set filter"
switch($AllowList) {
"Enabled" { $command += " EnforceAllowList=1" }
"Disabled" { $command += " EnforceAllowList=0" }
switch($DenyList) {
"Enabled" { $command += " EnforceDenyList=1" }
"Disabled" { $command += " EnforceDenyList=0" }
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server $command")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) {
if($text[3].Contains("not a valid DNS Server")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $($text[3])" -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
elseif($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red; return }
return Get-DHCPFilterConfiguration -Server $Server
function Set-DHCPOption {
Set the value of an option from a given server, scope, or reservation.
Set-DHCPOption -Owner dhcp01.contoso.com/ -OptionID 200 -DataType IPADDRESS -Value ""
This example sets the value for option 200 on the scope on server dhcp01.contoso.com with two values: and
$scope | Set-DHCPOption -OptionID 200 -DataType IPADDRESS -Value
Given that $scope is the DHCPScope object for subnet on dhcp01.contoso.com, this example sets the value for option 200 on the scope on server dhcp01.contoso.com to
Set-DHCPOption -Owner dhcp01.contoso.com/ -OptionID 231 -DataType String -Value "This is a multi-word string value"
This example sets the value for option 231 on the scope on server dhcp01.contoso.com to 'This is a multi-word string value'.
The Set-DHCPOption cmdlet is used to set the value for an option on a given server, scope, or reservation. The return value for success is a DHCPServer, DHCPScope, DHCPReservation, or DHCPOption object depending.
.Parameter Owner
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer, DHCPScope, or DHCPReservation object. It can also be a string representation of these objects, defined thus:
If this value is defined as an object, that updated object will be returned upon success.
.Parameter OptionID
The integer value of the option whose value you wish to set.
.Parameter DataType
A string value for the data type of the value(s).
The available options are:
.Parameter VendorClass
A string value for the name of the vendor class of DHCP options. If none is given, the Standard DHCP Options class is used.
.Parameter UserClass
A string value for the name of the user class of the DHCP option. If none is given, the Default User Class is used.
.Parameter Force
This switch parameter is only needed if you want to add IPs to OptionID 6 that are not currently online. This parameter is only valid for Windows 2008 servers and higher.
DHCPServer, DHCPScope, or DHCPReservation, DHCPOption depending.
Name: Remove-DHCPOption
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
if($OptionID -eq 51) { Write-Host "The scope lease must be set using the Set-DHCPScopeLease cmdlet."; return }
if($OptionID -eq 81) { Write-Host "THe DNS Configuration settings must be set using the Set-DHCPDNSConfiguration cmdlet."; return }
$server = $null
$scope = $null
$reservation = $null
if($Owner.GetType() -eq [DHCPServer]) { $server = $Owner.Name }
elseif($Owner.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) {
$server = $Owner.Server
$scope = $Owner.Address
elseif($Owner.GetType() -eq [DHCPReservation]) {
$server = $Owner.Server
$scope = $Owner.Scope
$reservation = $Owner.IPAddress
else {
$parts = $Owner.ToString().Split("/")
$server = $parts[0]
if($parts.Count -gt 1) { $scope = $parts[1] }
if($parts.Count -gt 2) { $reservation = $parts[2] }
$command = if($scope){"\\$server scope $scope set optionvalue"}else{"\\$server set optionvalue"}
if($reservation) { $command = "\\$server scope $scope set reservedoptionvalue $reservation" }
if(!!$VendorClass) { $VendorClass = "vendor=`"$VendorClass`"" }
if(!!$UserClass) { $UserClass = "user=`"$UserClass`"" }
$os = (Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption
$forceFlag = if($os.Contains("2008") -or $os.Contains("7")){if($Force){"DHCPFULLFORCE"}else{"DHCPNOFORCE"}}else{""}
if($DataType -eq "STRING") { $Value = "`"$Value`"" }
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server $command $OptionID $DataType $VendorClass $UserClass $forceFlag $Value")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) {
if($text[3].Contains("not a valid DNS Server")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $($text[3])" -ForeGroundColor Red }
else {
$option = Get-DHCPOption -Owner $Owner -OptionID $OptionID -Force:$Force
if(@([DHCPServer],[DHCPScope],[DHCPReservation]) -contains $Owner.GetType()) {
if(!!$Owner.Options) { $Owner.Options = @($Owner.Options | Where-Object { $_.OptionID -ne $OptionID }) }
$Owner.Options += $option
return $Owner
else { return $option }
elseif($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
elseif($result.Contains("The command needs a valid Scope IP Address")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $scope is not a valid scope on $server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
elseif($result.Contains("client is not a reserved")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $reservation is not a valid reservation in $scope on $server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red }
function Set-DHCPScopeDescription {
Sets the description of a DHCP scope.
Set-DHCPScopeDescription -Server dhcp01.contoso.com -Scope -Description "This is a test scope."
This example sets the description for the scope on dhcp01.contoso.com.
$scope | Remove-DHCPIPRange -Description "This is a test scope."
Given that $scope is the DHCPScope object for subnet on dhcp01.contoso.com, this example accomplishes the same as the one in Example 1.
The Set-DHCPScopeDescription cmdlet is used to set the description of a DHCP scope. The return value for success is the DHCPScope object.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
.Parameter Scope
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPScope object or the subnet address of the scope. If entering the subnet address, the Server parameter must be defined and be the host of this scope.
Note: This cmdlet will process significantly faster if the Scope variable supplied is a DHCPScope object.
.Parameter Description
A self-explanatory string value.
Name: Set-DHCPScopeDescription
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope] -and !$Server) { $Server = $Scope.Server }
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server scope $Scope set comment `"$Description`"")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) {
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) {
$Scope.Description = $Description
return $Scope
else { return Get-DHCPScope -Server $Server -Scope $Scope }
elseif($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
elseif($result.Contains("The command needs a valid Scope IP Address")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Scope is not a valid scope on $Server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red }
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) { return $Scope }
function Set-DHCPScopeLease {
Sets the lease time for clients on a DHCP scope.
Set-DHCPScopeLease -Server dhcp01.contoso.com -Scope -Seconds 691200
This example sets the lease time for the scope on dhcp01.contoso.com to 8 days.
$scope | Remove-DHCPIPRange -Seconds 691200
Given that $scope is the DHCPScope object for subnet on dhcp01.contoso.com, this example accomplishes the same as the one in Example 1.
The Set-DHCPScopeLease cmdlet is used to set the lease time for clients on a DHCP scope. The return value for success is the DHCPScope object.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
.Parameter Scope
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPScope object or the subnet address of the scope. If entering the subnet address, the Server parameter must be defined and be the host of this scope.
Note: This cmdlet will process significantly faster if the Scope variable supplied is a DHCPScope object.
.Parameter Seconds
Time in seconds for the duration fo the lease.
Name: Set-DHCPScopeLease
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope] -and !$Server) { $Server = $Scope.Server }
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server scope $Scope set optionvalue 51 dword $Seconds")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) {
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) {
$Scope.Lease = $Seconds
return $Scope
else { return Get-DHCPScope -Server $Server -Scope $Scope }
elseif($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
elseif($result.Contains("The command needs a valid Scope IP Address")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Scope is not a valid scope on $Server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red }
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) { return $Scope }
function Set-DHCPScopeName {
Sets the name of a DHCP scope.
Set-DHCPScopeName -Server dhcp01.contoso.com -Scope -Name TestScope
This example sets the name for the scope on dhcp01.contoso.com.
$scope | Remove-DHCPIPRange -Name TestScope
Given that $scope is the DHCPScope object for subnet on dhcp01.contoso.com, this example accomplishes the same as the one in Example 1.
The Set-DHCPScopeName cmdlet is used to set the name of a DHCP scope. The return value for success is the DHCPScope object.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPServer object or the name or FQDN of the DHCP server. The designated server must by a valid DHCP server.
.Parameter Scope
The value for this parameter can be a DHCPScope object or the subnet address of the scope. If entering the subnet address, the Server parameter must be defined and be the host of this scope.
Note: This cmdlet will process significantly faster if the Scope variable supplied is a DHCPScope object.
.Parameter Name
A self-explanatory string value.
Name: Set-DHCPScopeName
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 12.16.2010
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope] -and !$Server) { $Server = $Scope.Server }
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp server \\$Server scope $Scope set name `"$Name`"")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) {
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) {
$Scope.Name = $Name
return $Scope
else { return Get-DHCPScope -Server $Server -Scope $Scope }
elseif($result.Contains("Server may not function properly")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Server is inaccessible or is not a DHCP server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
elseif($result.Contains("The command needs a valid Scope IP Address")) { Write-Host "ERROR: $Scope is not a valid scope on $Server." -ForeGroundColor Red }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red }
if($Scope.GetType() -eq [DHCPScope]) { return $Scope }
function Show-DHCPServers {
Displays a list of all DHCP servers in Active Directory.
The Show-DHCPServers cmdlet is used to display all DHCP servers registered in Active Directory.
Name: Show-DHCPServers
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 03.15.2011
$servers = @()
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp show server")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) {
foreach($line in $text) {
if($line.Contains("Server [")) {
$parts = $line.Split("[")
$name = $parts[1].Split("]")[0]
$ip = $parts[2].Split("]")[0]
$server = New-Object PSObject
$server | Add-Member NoteProperty Server($name)
$server | Add-Member NoteProperty IPAddress($ip)
$servers += $server
return $servers
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red }
function Unregister-DHCPServer {
Unregisters a given DHCP server with Active Directory.
Unregister-DHCPServer -Server dhcp01.contoso.com -IPAddress
This example unregisters dhcp01.constoso.com, and the IP address of, as an authorized DHCP server in Active Directory.
The Unregister-DHCPServer cmdlet is used to unregister a DHCP server with Active Directory.
.Parameter Server
The value for this parameter should be the FQDN of the DHCP server.
.Parameter IPAddress
The value for this parameter must be in an IP address string format (ie:
Name: Unregister-DHCPServer
Module: Microsoft.DHCP.PowerShell.Admin.psm1
Author: Jeremy Engel
Date: 03.15.2011
$text = $(Invoke-Expression "cmd /c netsh dhcp delete server $Server $IPAddress")
$result = if($text.GetType() -eq [string]){$text}else{$text[($text.Count-1)]}
if($result.Contains("completed successfully")) { Write-Host "SUCCESS: $Server was successfully unregistered in Active Directory." -ForeGroundColor Green }
elseif($result.Contains("not present")) { Write-Host "ERROR: The specified server is not listed in Active Directory." -ForeGroundColor Red }
else { Write-Host "ERROR: $result" -ForeGroundColor Red }
function Get-DHCPCommand {
$commands = @{
"Add-DHCPExclusionRange"="Add-DHCPExclusionRange [[-Server] <DHCPServer|String>] [-Scope] <DHCPScope|String> [-StartAddress] <String> [-EndAddress] <String>";
"Add-DHCPFilter"="Add-DHCPFilter -Server <DHCPServer|String> -Allow|Deny -MACAddress <String> -Description <String>";
"Add-DHCPIPRange"="Add-DHCPIPRange [[-Server] <DHCPServer|String>] [-Scope] <DHCPScope|String> [-StartAddress] <String> [-EndAddress] <String>";
"Disable-DHCPScope"="Disable-DHCPScope [[-Server] <DHCPServer|String>] [-Scope] <DHCPScope|String>";
"Enable-DHCPScope"="Enable-DHCPScope [[-Server] <DHCPServer|String>] [-Scope] <DHCPScope|String>";
"Get-DHCPDNSConfiguration"="Get-DHCPDNSConfiguration [-Owner] <DHCPServer|DHCPScope|DHCPReservation|String>";
"Get-DHCPFilterConfiguration"="Get-DHCPFilterConfiguration -Server <DHCPServer|String>";
"Get-DHCPOption"="Get-DHCPOption [-Owner] <DHCPServer|DHCPScope|DHCPReservation|String> [[-OptionID] <Int>] [-Force]";
"Get-DHCPOptionDefinitions"="Get-DHCPOptionDefinitions [-Server] <DHCPServer|String>";
"Get-DHCPReservation"="Get-DHCPReservation [[-Server] <DHCPServer|String>] [-Scope] <DHCPScope|String> [[-IPAddress] <String>]";
"Get-DHCPScope"="Get-DHCPScope [-Server] <DHCPServer|String> [[-Scope] <String>]";
"Get-DHCPServer"="Get-DHCPServer [-Server] <DHCPServer|String>";
"Get-DHCPStatistics"="Get-DHCPStatistics [-Server] <DHCPServer|String>";
"New-DHCPOptionDefinition"="New-DHCPOptionDefinition [-Server] <DHCPServer|String> [-OptionID] <Int> [-Name] <String> [-DataType] <String> [-IsArray] [[-VendorClass] <string>] [[-Description] <String>] [[-DefaultValue] <String>]";
"New-DHCPReservation"="New-DHCPReservation [[-Server] <DHCPServer|String>] [-Scope] <DHCPScope|String> [-IPAddress] <string> [-MACAddress] <String> [[-Name] <String>] [[-Description] <String>]";
"New-DHCPScope"="New-DHCPScope [-Server] <DHCPServer|String> [[-Scope] <string>]";
"Register-DHCPServer"="Register-DHCPServer [-Server] <String> [[-IPAddress] <String>]";
"Remove-DHCPExclusionRange"="Remove-DHCPExclusionRange [[-Server] <DHCPServer|String>] [-Scope] <DHCPScope|String> [-StartAddress] <String> [-EndAddress] <String>";
"Remove-DHCPFilter"="Remove-DHCPFilter -Server <DHCPServer|String> -MACAddress <String>`r`n`r`nRemove-DHCPFilter -FilterObject <DHCPFilter>";
"Remove-DHCPIPRange"="Remove-DHCPIPRange [[-Server] <DHCPServer|String>] [-Scope] <DHCPScope|String> [-StartAddress] <String> [-EndAddress] <String>";
"Remove-DHCPOption"="Remove-DHCPOption [-Owner] <DHCPServer|DHCPScope|DHCPReservation|String> [-OptionID] <Int> [[-VendorClass] <String>] [[-UserClass] <String>]";
"Remove-DHCPOptionDefinition"="Remove-DHCPOptionDefinition [-Server] <DHCPServer|String> [-OptionID] <Int> [[-VendorClass] <String>]";
"Remove-DHCPReservation"="Remove-DHCPReservation [-Reservation] <DHCPReservation> | [-Server] <DHCPServer|String> [-Scope] <DHCPScope|String> [-IPAddress] <String> [-MACAddress] <String>";
"Remove-DHCPScope"="Remove-DHCPScope [[-Server] <DHCPServer|String>] [-Scope] <DHCPScope|String>";
"Set-DHCPConflictDetectionAttempts"="Set-DHCPConflictDetectionAttempts [-Server] <DHCPServer|String> [-Number] <Int>";
"Set-DHCPDNSConfiguration"="Set-DHCPDNSConfiguration [-Owner] <DHCPServer|DHCPScope|DHCPReservation|String> [[-DNSConfiguration] <DHCPDNSConfiguration>] [[-Value] <Int32>] [[-AllowDynamicUpdate] [[-UpdateTrigger] <String>] [-DiscardStaleRecords] [-AllowLegacyClientUpdate]] [-RestoreDefaults]";
"Set-DHCPFilterConfiguration"="Set-DHCPFilterConfiguration [-Server] <DHCPServer|String> [[-AllowList] <String>] [[-DenyList] <String>]";
"Set-DHCPOption"="Set-DHCPOption [-Owner] <DHCPServer|DHCPScope|DHCPReservation|String> [-OptionID] <Int> [-DataType] <String> [-Value] <String> [[-VendorClass] <String>] [[-UserClass] <String>] [-Force]";
"Set-DHCPScopeDescription"="Set-DHCPScopeDescription [[-Server] <DHCPServer|String>] [-Scope] <DHCPScope|String> [-Description] <String>";
"Set-DHCPScopeLease"="Set-DHCPScopeLease [[-Server] <DHCPServer|String>] [-Scope] <DHCPScope|String> [-Seconds] <Int>";
"Set-DHCPScopeName"="Set-DHCPScopeName [[-Server] <DHCPServer|String>] [-Scope] <DHCPScope|String> [-Name] <String>";
"Unregister-DHCPServer"="Unregister-DHCPServer [-Server] <String> [-IPAddress] <String>"
if($Command) {
if($commands.Keys -contains $Command) { return $commands[$Command] }
else { return "$Command is not a valid DHCP Module cmdlet." }
else {
$list = @()
foreach($cmd in $commands.Keys) {
$entry = New-Object PSOBject
$entry | Add-Member NoteProperty Name($cmd)
$entry | Add-Member NoteProperty Definition($commands[$cmd])
$list += $entry
return $list | Sort-Object { $_.Name }
Export-ModuleMember Add-DHCPExclusionRange,Add-DHCPFilter,Add-DHCPIPRange,Disable-DHCPScope,Enable-DHCPScope,