程序来自 http://fssnip.net/cJ
open System.Net
open System.Windows.Forms
open System.Drawing
/// Download a picture of an unpunched punched card from the internet
let punchCard =
let wc = new WebClient()
use sr = wc.OpenRead("http://www.columbia.edu/cu/computinghistory/card05.gif")
/// Display an image in a newly opened windows form
let show (bmp:Image) =
new Form(BackgroundImage=bmp, Visible=true,
ClientSize=Size(bmp.Width, bmp.Height))
// Specifies where the places to punch are on the punched card
let offsX, offsY = 0.0f, 12.0f
let spaceX, spaceY = 7.15f, 20.4f
let widthX, widthY = 3.2f, 8.0f
/// Create a punched card showing the specified text
let punch text =
/// Generate a bitmap that contains the text in a big font
let textLayer =
let bmp = new Bitmap(punchCard.Width, punchCard.Height)
use gr = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
gr.DrawString(text, new Font("Consolas", 160.0f),
Brushes.Black, PointF(-40.0f, 30.0f))
/// Calculate if the specified rectangle contains some part
/// of the text (in the 'textLayer' bitmap)
let mostlyBlack (rect:RectangleF) =
let l = int rect.X
let t = int rect.Y
// Average the 'A' component over the given rectangle
let avg =
seq { for x in 0 .. int rect.Width do
for y in 0 .. int rect.Height do
let rx a = max 0 (min (textLayer.Width - 1) a)
let ry a = max 0 (min (textLayer.Height - 1) a)
let pix = textLayer.GetPixel(rx (l + x), ry (t + y))
yield (float pix.A) / 255.0 }
|> Seq.average
avg > 0.1
/// Create a new layer to represent punches in the card
let punchLayer = new Bitmap(punchCard.Width, punchCard.Height)
use gr = Graphics.FromImage(punchLayer)
/// Iterate over the possible holes in the punched card
for x in 0 .. punchCard.Width / int spaceX do
for y in 0 .. punchCard.Height / int spaceY do
// A rectangle representing the hole location
let rect =
(offsX + (float32 x) * spaceX,
offsY + (float32 y) * spaceY, widthX, widthY)
// If the rectangle overlaps with text, then punch it!
if mostlyBlack rect then
rect.Inflate(0.3f, 2.0f)
gr.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, rect)
// Generate composed bitmap and return it
let img = new Bitmap(punchCard.Width, punchCard.Height)
use gr = Graphics.FromImage(img)
gr.DrawImage(punchCard, Point(0, 0))
gr.DrawImage(punchLayer, Point(0, 0))
// Enterprise punched card
show (punch "<?xml")
show (punch "大/小")