ORACLE 19C版本PGA使用率告警问题分析处理

近期,某客户数据库告警平台经常发出告警“告警名称: PGA超限使用”,需要进行分析处理。在ORACLE 11G时代,PGA基本可以任务是不受参数限制的,因此对于老DBA来说,PGA参数随便设置的情况是存在的。描述如下:

在自动化 PGA 内存管理模式下,Oracle 数据库通过动态控制分配到工作区的 PGA 内存量来尝试遵从 PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET 值。但是,有时因为以下原因,PGA 内存使用量可能会超过 PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET 设置:

PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET 设置起到的是目标的作用,而非限制。
使用大量 PGA 可能会导致高交换率。出现这种情况时,系统可能会无法响应,并且不稳定。这种时候需要考虑使用 PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT 初始化参数限制整体 PGA 使用量。

12c 引入了新的参数 PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT 以允许数据库管理员限制 pga 内存使用总量。
使用 PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT初始化参数可以为 PGA 内存使用量指定硬性限制。

因此,对于这个19C环境的告警,需要进行分析。对于分析思路,可以参考:诊断并解决 ORA-4030 错误 (文档 ID 1548826.1) 这个文档的思路进行。在本次排查中,基本遵循的思路如下:








SQL> col username for a20
SQL> col machine for a25
SQL> select * from (SELECT 
  2     b.sid,
  3     b.username,
  4     spid,
  5     b.machine,
  6     PGA_USED_MEM/1024/1024 as PGA_USED_MB,
  7     PGA_ALLOC_MEM/1024/1024 as PGA_ALLOC_MB,
  8     PGA_MAX_MEM/1024/1024 as PGA_MAX_MB  
  9  FROM v$process a, v$session b
 10  WHERE a.addr = b.paddr order by PGA_ALLOC_MEM desc)
 11  where rownum<51;

       SID USERNAME             SPID                     MACHINE                   PGA_USED_MB PGA_ALLOC_MB PGA_MAX_MB
---------- -------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------- ----------- ------------ ----------
      1975                      364229                   TESTrac1                      .0519104    108.38915  124.13915
      5294                      241764                   TESTrac1                    64.0871325   79.6912584 95.2537584
      3668                      364659                   TESTrac1                    53.0227251   74.2099352 80.2099352
         2                      111708                   TESTrac1                    43.6799517   67.2700243 83.3325243
       409                      212468                   TESTrac1                    42.5518923   64.3325243 77.7075243
      3575                      364656                   TESTrac1                    53.0245333   61.7561693 96.1936693
      3480                      364654                   TESTrac1                    53.0190096   56.7099352 83.0224352
      6512                      261646                   TESTrac1                    39.9251299   55.6287584 71.6912584
     12127                      364524                   TESTrac1                    47.9498339   48.8429155 48.8429155
      3292                      364650                   TESTrac1                    41.9651232   46.0224352 46.0224352
      6983 TEST6                 27789                    TEST-NODE25\TEST-NODE25    34.5816851   42.7537584 483.691258
      8860 TEST6                 28198                    TEST-NODE27\TEST-NODE27    31.5961657   38.6450243 477.270024
      4435 TEST6                 27380                    TEST-NODE21\TEST-NODE21    31.2776232   38.6287584 641.566258
      9240 TEST6                 27491                    TEST-NODE26\TEST-NODE26    33.1303148   38.6287584 471.503758
      3037 TEST6                 355915                   TEST-NODE23\TEST-NODE23    31.9022036   38.5662584 474.753758
     12888 TEST6                 27579                    WORKGROUP\TEST-NODE28       33.100728   38.5037584 1209.56626
      9523 TEST6                 27497                    TEST-NODE29\TEST-NODE29    30.9502535   38.3787584 474.316258
      4995 TEST6                 27392                    TEST-NODE29\TEST-NODE29    30.3972673   37.7700243 471.832524
      3857 TEST6                 27367                    TEST-NODE21\TEST-NODE21    31.7128267   37.7537584 475.753758
      5929 TEST6                 27413                    TEST-NODE21\TEST-NODE21     32.123044   37.6912584 474.628758
     13461 TEST6                 355893                   TEST-NODE23\TEST-NODE23    30.1634951   37.6287584 477.003758
     12601 TEST6                 27573                    TEST-NODE24\TEST-NODE24    31.3100863   37.6287584 477.316258
      8680 TEST6                 28168                    TEST-NODE27\TEST-NODE27     30.694272   37.5662584 472.191258
      3390 TEST6                 27699                    TEST-NODE22\TEST-NODE22    30.2268114   37.0662584 483.941258
      4151 TEST6                 27374                    TEST-NODE29\TEST-NODE29     30.799161   36.8787584 484.128758
       568 TEST6                 26667                    TEST-NODE12\TEST-NODE12     29.902791   36.6287584 140.503758
      4348 TEST6                 27720                    TEST-NODE22\TEST-NODE22    29.5242891   36.6287584 478.066258
     10349 TEST6                 62019                    TEST-NODE17\TEST-NODE17    29.7735033   36.5662584 142.941258
      2641 TEST6                 27683                    TEST-NODE22\TEST-NODE22    30.0684862   36.4575243 474.520024
      8003 TEST6                 60844                    WORKGROUP\TEST-NODE18       29.311902   36.4412584 141.878758
      9135 TEST6                 27489                    TEST-NODE26\TEST-NODE26    31.2508211   36.3787584 480.128758
      4812 TEST6                 27388                    TEST-NODE21\TEST-NODE21     31.020833   36.3162584 478.378758
      3131 TEST6                 27693                    TEST-NODE30\TEST-NODE30    30.4302492   36.3162584 475.003758
       861 TEST6                 61518                    TEST-NODE14\TEST-NODE14    32.1184206   36.1912584 139.253758
       865 TEST6                 27637                    TEST-NODE30\TEST-NODE30    29.1715441   36.1912584 481.316258
      8868 TEST6                 27478                    TEST-NODE26\TEST-NODE26    31.3521242   36.1450243 474.645024
      4612 TEST6                 27384                    TEST-NODE26\TEST-NODE26    29.6634417   36.1287584 478.066258
      2461 TEST6                 27679                    TEST-NODE22\TEST-NODE22    31.5339556   35.6287584 476.753758
      5082 TEST6                 26659                    TEST-NODE12\TEST-NODE12    29.4387712   35.5662584 141.753758
      9707 TEST6                 28200                    TEST-NODE27\TEST-NODE27    30.0545092   35.5037584 477.628758
      4332 ODS                  60710                    WORKGROUP\MXZZJH-DB        34.7556581   35.3950243 453.645024
      5568 TEST6                 27407                    TEST-NODE26\TEST-NODE26    29.1018877   35.3787584 554.441258
     10077 TEST6                 27510                    TEST-NODE26\TEST-NODE26    29.4150972   35.3787584 474.816258
      8394 TEST6                 27470                    TEST-NODE26\TEST-NODE26    30.2359438   35.3787584 474.878758
      8774 TEST6                 27476                    TEST-NODE21\TEST-NODE21    31.7019854   35.2537584 476.753758
      1709 TEST6                 27655                    TEST-NODE22\TEST-NODE22    31.0543413   35.2537584 598.503758
     10543 TEST6                 27520                    TEST-NODE24\TEST-NODE24    28.5224352   35.2537584 468.066258
      4242 TEST6                 27376                    TEST-NODE26\TEST-NODE26    29.9703951   35.1912584 478.691258
      7161 TEST6                 27794                    TEST-NODE25\TEST-NODE25    29.2323885   35.1287584 475.066258
       847 TEST6                 355902                   TEST-NODE23\TEST-NODE23    30.2834826   35.0662584 482.878758

50 rows selected.


SQL> set linesize 180
SQL> SELECT SNAP_ID,INSTANCE_NUMBER,name,value FROM DBA_HIST_PGASTAT where name in('max processes count') and snap_id between 43841 and 43941;

   SNAP_ID INSTANCE_NUMBER NAME                                                                  VALUE
---------- --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
     43841               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43841               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43842               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43842               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43843               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43843               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43844               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43844               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43845               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43845               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43846               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43846               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43847               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43847               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43848               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43848               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43849               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43849               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43850               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43850               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43851               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43851               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43852               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43852               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43853               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43853               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43854               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43854               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43855               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43855               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43856               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43856               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43857               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43857               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43858               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43858               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43859               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43859               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43860               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43860               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43861               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43861               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43862               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43862               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43863               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43863               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43864               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43864               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43865               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43865               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43866               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43866               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43867               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43867               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43868               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43868               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43869               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43869               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43870               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43870               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43871               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43871               2 max processes count                                                    4751
     43872               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43872               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43873               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43873               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43874               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43874               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43875               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43875               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43876               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43876               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43877               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43877               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43878               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43878               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43879               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43879               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43880               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43880               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43881               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43881               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43882               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43882               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43883               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43883               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43884               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43884               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43885               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43885               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43886               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43886               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43887               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43887               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43888               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43888               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43889               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43889               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43890               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43890               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43891               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43891               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43892               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43892               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43893               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43893               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43894               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43894               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43895               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43895               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43896               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43896               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43897               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43897               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43898               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43898               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43899               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43899               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43900               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43900               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43901               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43901               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43902               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43902               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43903               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43903               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43904               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43904               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43905               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43905               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43906               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43906               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43907               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43907               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43908               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43908               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43909               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43909               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43910               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43910               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43911               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43911               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43912               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43912               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43913               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43913               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43914               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43914               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43915               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43915               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43916               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43916               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43917               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43917               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43918               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43918               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43919               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43919               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43920               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43920               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43921               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43921               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43922               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43922               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43923               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43923               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43924               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43924               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43925               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43925               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43926               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43926               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43927               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43927               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43928               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43928               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43929               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43929               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43930               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43930               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43931               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43931               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43932               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43932               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43933               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43933               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43934               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43934               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43935               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43935               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43936               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43936               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43937               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43937               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43938               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43938               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43939               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43939               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43940               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43940               2 max processes count                                                    4755
     43941               1 max processes count                                                    4785
     43941               2 max processes count                                                    4755

202 rows selected.

SQL> set linesize 180
SQL> SELECT SNAP_ID,INSTANCE_NUMBER,name,value/1024/1024 mb FROM DBA_HIST_PGASTAT where name in('total PGA allocated') and snap_id between 43841 and 43941;

   SNAP_ID INSTANCE_NUMBER NAME                                                                     MB
---------- --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
     43841               1 total PGA allocated                                              51978.3174
     43841               2 total PGA allocated                                              51210.0518
     43842               1 total PGA allocated                                              52188.9863
     43842               2 total PGA allocated                                              51851.8701
     43843               1 total PGA allocated                                              52305.3232
     43843               2 total PGA allocated                                              51428.2461
     43844               1 total PGA allocated                                              52313.5566
     43844               2 total PGA allocated                                                51556.46
     43845               1 total PGA allocated                                              52524.0635
     43845               2 total PGA allocated                                              53078.8818
     43846               1 total PGA allocated                                              52771.8154
     43846               2 total PGA allocated                                               51768.584
     43847               1 total PGA allocated                                              52634.8936
     43847               2 total PGA allocated                                              52215.0713
     43848               1 total PGA allocated                                              51923.4492
     43848               2 total PGA allocated                                              51456.8398
     43849               1 total PGA allocated                                              52907.2734
     43849               2 total PGA allocated                                              51655.9375
     43850               1 total PGA allocated                                              54241.3398
     43850               2 total PGA allocated                                               51844.709
     43851               1 total PGA allocated                                              51003.2764
     43851               2 total PGA allocated                                              50699.6406
     43852               1 total PGA allocated                                              52419.1445
     43852               2 total PGA allocated                                                   51785
     43853               1 total PGA allocated                                              52634.0117
     43853               2 total PGA allocated                                               51795.292
     43854               1 total PGA allocated                                              52604.6689
     43854               2 total PGA allocated                                              51773.3496
     43855               1 total PGA allocated                                              52285.9834
     43855               2 total PGA allocated                                              51665.8926
     43856               1 total PGA allocated                                              52332.2539
     43856               2 total PGA allocated                                              51774.0244
     43857               1 total PGA allocated                                              52786.9199
     43857               2 total PGA allocated                                              51393.3672
     43858               1 total PGA allocated                                              52306.5127
     43858               2 total PGA allocated                                               51471.876
     43859               1 total PGA allocated                                              52295.8057
     43859               2 total PGA allocated                                              51506.6768
     43860               1 total PGA allocated                                              52271.9043
     43860               2 total PGA allocated                                              51541.2539
     43861               1 total PGA allocated                                              52430.1299
     43861               2 total PGA allocated                                              51717.9404
     43862               1 total PGA allocated                                               52479.748
     43862               2 total PGA allocated                                              51707.4102
     43863               1 total PGA allocated                                              53730.5723
     43863               2 total PGA allocated                                              51790.7285
     43864               1 total PGA allocated                                              52530.3984
     43864               2 total PGA allocated                                              51748.1104
     43865               1 total PGA allocated                                              52918.0762
     43865               2 total PGA allocated                                              52043.9951
     43866               1 total PGA allocated                                              52779.4316
     43866               2 total PGA allocated                                              52714.9082
     43867               1 total PGA allocated                                              53561.2695
     43867               2 total PGA allocated                                              52781.9775
     43868               1 total PGA allocated                                              53608.4541
     43868               2 total PGA allocated                                              52168.5996
     43869               1 total PGA allocated                                              53104.3428
     43869               2 total PGA allocated                                              53097.5137
     43870               1 total PGA allocated                                              53168.5615
     43870               2 total PGA allocated                                              52396.9385
     43871               1 total PGA allocated                                               53107.666
     43871               2 total PGA allocated                                               52946.249
     43872               1 total PGA allocated                                              53820.1045
     43872               2 total PGA allocated                                              52939.5742
     43873               1 total PGA allocated                                               54266.168
     43873               2 total PGA allocated                                              52323.0156
     43874               1 total PGA allocated                                              53064.7949
     43874               2 total PGA allocated                                              52433.6123
     43875               1 total PGA allocated                                              53058.7256
     43875               2 total PGA allocated                                              52330.4141
     43876               1 total PGA allocated                                               52929.584
     43876               2 total PGA allocated                                              53323.0195
     43877               1 total PGA allocated                                              52845.8779
     43877               2 total PGA allocated                                               52213.126
     43878               1 total PGA allocated                                               51906.793
     43878               2 total PGA allocated                                              51259.6299
     43879               1 total PGA allocated                                              52716.6865
     43879               2 total PGA allocated                                              52121.5762
     43880               1 total PGA allocated                                              52806.6396
     43880               2 total PGA allocated                                              52181.2637
     43881               1 total PGA allocated                                              52880.4102
     43881               2 total PGA allocated                                              52108.0693
     43882               1 total PGA allocated                                              53343.4229
     43882               2 total PGA allocated                                              52147.1016
     43883               1 total PGA allocated                                              52996.5947
     43883               2 total PGA allocated                                              52285.5137
     43884               1 total PGA allocated                                              52999.8369
     43884               2 total PGA allocated                                              52277.5742
     43885               1 total PGA allocated                                              53082.7422
     43885               2 total PGA allocated                                              52446.0654
     43886               1 total PGA allocated                                              53274.4014
     43886               2 total PGA allocated                                              52499.8516
     43887               1 total PGA allocated                                              53156.9404
     43887               2 total PGA allocated                                              52420.8945
     43888               1 total PGA allocated                                               53032.416
     43888               2 total PGA allocated                                              52323.4814
     43889               1 total PGA allocated                                              52935.9121
     43889               2 total PGA allocated                                              52662.3311
     43890               1 total PGA allocated                                              52851.7734
     43890               2 total PGA allocated                                              52518.9805
     43891               1 total PGA allocated                                              52893.1582
     43891               2 total PGA allocated                                              52595.6611
     43892               1 total PGA allocated                                              52818.1738
     43892               2 total PGA allocated                                              52176.2764
     43893               1 total PGA allocated                                              52871.2803
     43893               2 total PGA allocated                                              52184.4443
     43894               1 total PGA allocated                                              54058.8877
     43894               2 total PGA allocated                                              52264.6719
     43895               1 total PGA allocated                                              52936.7607
     43895               2 total PGA allocated                                              52264.4912
     43896               1 total PGA allocated                                              52917.6992
     43896               2 total PGA allocated                                              52213.3203
     43897               1 total PGA allocated                                              53161.9072
     43897               2 total PGA allocated                                              52485.7852
     43898               1 total PGA allocated                                              53706.5029
     43898               2 total PGA allocated                                              52326.7822
     43899               1 total PGA allocated                                              53443.3643
     43899               2 total PGA allocated                                              52522.0088
     43900               1 total PGA allocated                                               60484.748
     43900               2 total PGA allocated                                              52398.4707
     43901               1 total PGA allocated                                              69496.2441
     43901               2 total PGA allocated                                              52406.1816
     43902               1 total PGA allocated                                              51755.1963
     43902               2 total PGA allocated                                              52359.0938
     43903               1 total PGA allocated                                              52089.1279
     43903               2 total PGA allocated                                              52537.5352
     43904               1 total PGA allocated                                              52162.7158
     43904               2 total PGA allocated                                              52348.2256
     43905               1 total PGA allocated                                              52293.2705
     43905               2 total PGA allocated                                              52316.9482
     43906               1 total PGA allocated                                              52349.6348
     43906               2 total PGA allocated                                              52353.5889
     43907               1 total PGA allocated                                              52318.5742
     43907               2 total PGA allocated                                               52293.751
     43908               1 total PGA allocated                                              52362.0146
     43908               2 total PGA allocated                                              52279.7324
     43909               1 total PGA allocated                                              52569.1553
     43909               2 total PGA allocated                                              52286.9688
     43910               1 total PGA allocated                                              52757.9326
     43910               2 total PGA allocated                                              52422.9053
     43911               1 total PGA allocated                                              52736.6543
     43911               2 total PGA allocated                                              52369.2285
     43912               1 total PGA allocated                                              52941.3076
     43912               2 total PGA allocated                                              52398.0771
     43913               1 total PGA allocated                                              52963.8477
     43913               2 total PGA allocated                                              52432.9639
     43914               1 total PGA allocated                                              52964.4102
     43914               2 total PGA allocated                                              52612.3525
     43915               1 total PGA allocated                                              52897.9336
     43915               2 total PGA allocated                                              52358.0293
     43916               1 total PGA allocated                                              52905.3887
     43916               2 total PGA allocated                                              52407.9258
     43917               1 total PGA allocated                                              52906.5322
     43917               2 total PGA allocated                                              52414.9385
     43918               1 total PGA allocated                                              52836.1309
     43918               2 total PGA allocated                                              52889.7617
     43919               1 total PGA allocated                                              52814.0098
     43919               2 total PGA allocated                                               52312.751
     43920               1 total PGA allocated                                              52866.4473
     43920               2 total PGA allocated                                              52412.8193
     43921               1 total PGA allocated                                              53184.6914
     43921               2 total PGA allocated                                               52357.748
     43922               1 total PGA allocated                                              52856.4717
     43922               2 total PGA allocated                                              52387.6426
     43923               1 total PGA allocated                                              52801.6748
     43923               2 total PGA allocated                                               52352.502
     43924               1 total PGA allocated                                              52876.7227
     43924               2 total PGA allocated                                              52379.5391
     43925               1 total PGA allocated                                              52928.5469
     43925               2 total PGA allocated                                              52373.1074
     43926               1 total PGA allocated                                              53205.1709
     43926               2 total PGA allocated                                              52415.4893
     43927               1 total PGA allocated                                              52930.0625
     43927               2 total PGA allocated                                               52350.124
     43928               1 total PGA allocated                                              52942.2705
     43928               2 total PGA allocated                                              52430.7656
     43929               1 total PGA allocated                                              52883.0771
     43929               2 total PGA allocated                                              52360.3896
     43930               1 total PGA allocated                                              52771.3984
     43930               2 total PGA allocated                                               52431.084
     43931               1 total PGA allocated                                               52724.958
     43931               2 total PGA allocated                                              52440.0781
     43932               1 total PGA allocated                                              54109.7656
     43932               2 total PGA allocated                                              52468.1572
     43933               1 total PGA allocated                                              52799.0576
     43933               2 total PGA allocated                                              52492.1445
     43934               1 total PGA allocated                                              52936.1611
     43934               2 total PGA allocated                                              52591.6846
     43935               1 total PGA allocated                                               52883.585
     43935               2 total PGA allocated                                              52538.3506
     43936               1 total PGA allocated                                              53063.1719
     43936               2 total PGA allocated                                              52862.5674
     43937               1 total PGA allocated                                              53345.6084
     43937               2 total PGA allocated                                              52955.7725
     43938               1 total PGA allocated                                              53706.7393
     43938               2 total PGA allocated                                              53180.1865
     43939               1 total PGA allocated                                              53920.3125
     43939               2 total PGA allocated                                              53494.1133
     43940               1 total PGA allocated                                              53980.3359
     43940               2 total PGA allocated                                              53449.8936
     43941               1 total PGA allocated                                              54397.6025
     43941               2 total PGA allocated                                              53843.4551

202 rows selected.


SQL> show parameter pga

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
pga_aggregate_limit                  big integer 80G
pga_aggregate_target                 big integer 40G
SQL> show parameter sga

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
allow_group_access_to_sga            boolean     FALSE
lock_sga                             boolean     FALSE
pre_page_sga                         boolean     TRUE
sga_max_size                         big integer 300G
sga_min_size                         big integer 0
sga_target                           big integer 300G
unified_audit_sga_queue_size         integer     1048576
SQL> !free -h
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           503G        388G         71G         13G         43G         96G
Swap:          4.0G        775M        3.2G

SQL> alter system set pga_aggregate_limit=120g;

System altered.

SQL> show parameter pga

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
pga_aggregate_limit                  big integer 120G
pga_aggregate_target                 big integer 40G





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


