

在 pom.xml 文件中,我们可以看到,dependencies 是 dependency 的父元素,而 dependencyManagement 又是 dependencies 的父元素,而 dependencies 元素的使用情况又分为两种,一种,dependencies 元素外没有 dependencyManagement父元素,另一种,dependencies 元素外还存在 dependencyManagement 父元素。当然,两种使用情况可以在同一 pom.xml文件中共存,因为二者的作用不同。

我们知道 dependency 元素是用来定义本项目对其他项目的依赖关系的。那么, dependencies 和 dependencyManagement中 dependency 的作用又有什么不同呢?从宏观上讲,dependencies 中的 dependency 元素下声明的依赖会被引入当前项目,而且在子项目中即使不写该依赖项,依旧会从父项目中继承该依赖项(全部继承),而 dependencyManagement 中的 dependencies 中的 dependency 元素下声明的依赖不会被引入当前项目,它仅仅是一个声明,如果在子项目中不写该依赖项,则不会从父项目中继承该依赖项,如果子项目真的需要引入该依赖,则在声明的时候,可以不用指定具体版本号,会自动继承父项目 dependencyManagement 中声明的版本号,从而实现了对依赖版本的统一管理。当然,如果子项目需要使用不同于父项目中声明的版本号,则需要在声明时指定版本号。


通过 dependencyManagement 元素,可以将项目的依赖关系细节收归一处,方便管理和升级。然而,我们在享受 dependencyManagement 元素带来的巨大便利的同时,需要特别注意的是,通过依赖传递而被引入的项目依赖的版本(version)和有效范围(scope)都会受到 dependencyManagement 元素中对应依赖的控制(如果存在对应依赖的话)。例如:项目A需要依赖项目B和项目C,项目A的 dependencyManagement 元素中声明了项目B的版本为1.0,如果此时项目C也依赖项目B,而且只有项目B的版本大于等于2.0,项目C才能运行。这时候,项目A中引入对项目B的依赖,其版本按照 dependencyManagement 中的声明为1.0版本,这时候就会导致项目不能正常运行。这一点,需要特别注意。

<!-- 声明版本号 在<dependencyManagement>中<version>${键} 加入键也就是 properties 中
加入<键> 值:版本号 </键>一至更改版本-->
		<!-- lib version -->

		<!-- plugins version -->
<!-- 锁定版本,并不会真的引入jar包 -->
			<!-- mybais -->

    <!-- 插件 -->


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Book Description Manage your Java and JEE project dependencies with ease with this hands-on guide to Maven Overview Improve your productivity by efficiently managing dependencies. Learn how to detect and fix dependency conflicts Learn how to share transitive relations and to visualize your dependencies In Detail Managing dependencies in a multi-module project is difficult. In a multi-module project, libraries need to share transitive relations with each other. Maven eliminates this need by reading the project files of dependencies to figure out their inter-relations and other related information. Gaining an understanding of project dependencies will allow you to fully utilize Maven and use it to your advantage. Aiming to give you a clear understanding of Maven’s functionality, this book focuses on specific case studies that shed light on highly useful Maven features which are often disregarded. The content of this book will help you to replace homebrew processes with more automated solutions. This practical guide focuses on the variety of problems and issues which occur during the conception and development phase, with the aim of making dependency management as effortless and painless as possible. Throughout the course of this book, you will learn how to migrate from non-Maven projects to Maven, learn Maven best practices, and how to simplify the management of multiple projects. The book emphasizes the importance of projects as well as identifying and fixing potential conflicts before they become issues. The later sections of the book introduce you to the methods that you can use to increase your team’s productivity. This book is the perfect guide to help make you into a proud software craftsman. What you will learn from this book Learn how to use profiles, POM, parent POM, and modules Increase build-speed and decrease archive size Set, rationalize, and exclude transitive dependencies Optimize your POM and its dependencies Migrate projects to Maven including projects with exotic dependencies Approach An easy-to-follow, tutorial-based guide with chapters progressing from basic to advanced dependency management. Who this book is written for If you are working with Java or Java EE projects and you want to take advantage of Maven dependency management, then this book is ideal for you. This book is also particularly useful if you are a developer or an architect. You should be well versed with Maven and its basic functionalities if you wish to get the most out of this book. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Basic Dependency Management Chapter 2: Dependency Mechanism and Scopes Chapter 3: Dependency Designation (advanced) Chapter 4: Migration of Dependencies to Apache Maven Chapter 5: Tools within Your IDE Chapter 6: Release and Distribute Appendix: Useful Public Repositories Book Details Title: Apache Maven Dependency Management Author: Jonathan Lalou Length: 158 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: Packt Publishing Publication Date: 2013-10-25 ISBN-10: 1783283017 ISBN-13: 9781783283019


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