Understanding Play2 Iteratees for Normal Humans

You may have remarked that Play2 provides an intriguing feature called Iteratee (and its counterparts Enumerator and Enumeratee).
The main aim of this article is (to try) to make the Iteratee concept understandable for most of us with reasonably simple arguments and without functional/math theory.

This article is not meant to explain everything about Iteratee / Enumerator / Enumeratee but just the ideas behind it.
Ill try to write another article to show practical samples of coding with Iteratee/Enumerator/Enumeratee.

In Play2 doc, Iteratees are presented as a great tool to handle data streams reactively in a non-blocking, generic & composable way for modern web programming in distributed environments.
Seems great, isnt it?
But what is an Iteratee exactly?
What is the difference between the Iteratee and the classic Iterator you certainly know?
Why use it? In which cases?
A bit obscure and complex, isnt it?
If you are lazy and want to know just a few things
Iteratee is an abstraction of iteration over chunks of data in a non-blocking and asynchronous way
Iteratee is able to consume chunks of data of a given type from a producer generating data chunks of the same type called Enumerator
Iteratee can compute a progressive result from data chunks over steps of iteration (an incremented total for ex)
Iteratee is a thread-safe and immutable object that can be re-used over several Enumerators
When you search on Google for Iteratee, you find very obscure explanations based on pure functional approach or even mathematical theories. Even the documentation on Play Framework (there) explains Iteratee with a fairly low-level approach which might be hard for beginners

As a beginner in Play2, it might seem a bit tough to handle Iteratee concept presented in a really abstract way of manipulating data chunks.
It might seem so complicated that you will occult it and wont use it.
It would be a shame because Iteratees are so powerful and provide a really interesting and new way to manipulate your data flows in a web app.

So, lets try to explain things in a simple way. I dont pretend to be a theoretical expert on those functional concepts and I may even say wrong things but I want to write an article that reflects what Iteratee means for me. Hope this could be useful to somebody

This article uses Scala for code samples but the code should be understandable by anyone having a few notions of coding and I promise not to use any weird operator (but in last paragraph) ><> ><> ><> ><>
The code samples are based on incoming Play2.1 master code which greatly simplifies and rationalizes the code of Iteratee. So dont be surprised if API doesnt look like Play2.0.x sometimes
Reminders about iteration

Before diving into deep Iteratee sea, I want to clarify what I call iteration and to try to go progressively from the concept of Iterator to Iteratee.

You may know the Iterator concept you can find in Java. An Iterator allows to run over a collection of elements and then do something at each step of iteration. Lets begin with a very simple iteration in Java classic way that sums all the integers of a List[Int]

The first very naive implementation with Java-like Iterator
val l = List(1, 234, 455, 987)

var total = 0 // will contain the final total
var it = l.iterator
while( it.hasNext ) {
total += it.next

=> resXXX : Int = 1677
Without any surprise, iterating over a collection means :

Get an iterator from the collection,
Get an element from the iterator (if there are any),
Do something : here add the element value to the total,
If there are other elements, go to the next element,
Do it again,
Etc till there are no more element to consume in the iterator
While iterating over a collection, we manipulate:
A state of iteration (is iteration finished ? This is naturally linked to the fact that there are more elements or not in the iterator?)
A context updated from one step to the next (the total)
An action updating the context
Rewrite that using Scala for-comprehension
for( item <- l ) { total += item }
Its a bit better because you dont have to use the iterator.

Rewrite it in a more functional way
l.foreach{ item => total += item }
Here we introduce List.foreach function accepting an anonymous function (Int => Unit) as a parameter and iterating over the list: for each element in the list, it calls the function which can update the context (here the total).

The anonymous function contains the action executed at each loop while iterating over the collection.

Rewrite in a more generic way
The anonymous function could be stored in a variable so that it can be reused in different places.

val l = List(1, 234, 455, 987)
val l2 = List(134, 664, 987, 456)
var total = 0
def step(item: Int) = total += item
l foreach step

total = 0
l2 foreach step
You should then say to me: This is ugly design, your function has side-effects and uses a variable which is not a nice design at all and you even have to reset total to 0 at second call!
Thats completely true:

Side-effect functions are quite dangerous because they change the state of something that is external to the function. This state is not exclusive to the function and can be changed by other entities, potentially in other threads. Function with side-effects are not recommended to have clean and robust designs and functional languages such as Scala tend to reduce side-effects functions to the strict necessary (IO operations for ex).
Mutable variables are also risky because if your code is run over several threads, if 2 threads try to change the value of the variable, who wins? In this case, you need synchronization which means blocking threads while writing the variable which means breaking one of the reason of being of Play2 (non-blocking web apps)
Rewrite the code in an immutable way without side-effects
def foreach(l: List[Int]) = {
def step(l: List[Int], total: Int): Int = {
l match {
case List() => total
case List(elt) => total + elt
case head :: tail => step(tail, total + head)

step(l, 0)

A bit more code, isnt it ?
But please notice at least:
var total disappeared.
step function is the action executed at each step of iteration but it does something more than before: step also manages the state of the iteration. It executes as following:
If the list is empty, return current total
If the list has 1 element, return total + elt
If the list has more than 1 element, calls step with the tail elements and the new total total + head
So at each step of iteration, depending on the result of previous iteration, step can choose between 2 states:

Continue iteration because it has more elements
Stop iteration because it reached end of list or no element at all
Notice also that :
step is a tail-recursive function (doesnt unfold the full call stack at the end of recursion and returns immediately) preventing from stack overflow and behaving almost like the previous code with Iterator
step transmits the remaining elements of the list & the new total to the next step
step returns the total without any side-effects at all
So, yes, this code consumes a bit more memory because it re-copies some parts of the list at each step (only the references to the elements) but it has no side-effect and uses only immutable data structures. This makes it very robust and distributable without any problem.
Notice you can write the code in a very shorter way using the wonderful functions provided by Scala collections:

l.foldLeft(0){ (total, elt) => total + elt }

In this article, I consider iteration based on immutable structures propagated over steps. From this point of view, iterating involves:
receiving information from the previous step: context & state
getting current/remaining element(s)
computing a new state & context from remaining elements
propagating the new state & context to next step
Step by Step to Iterator & Iteratees

Now that we are clear about iteration, lets go back to our Iteratee!!!

Imagine you want to generalize the previous iteration mechanism and be able to write something like:
def sumElements(…) = …
def prodElements(…) = …
def printElements(…) = …
Yes I know, with Scala collection APIs, you can do many things :)
Imagine you want to compose a first iteration with another one:
def groupElements(…) = …
def printElements(…) = …
Imagine you want to apply this iteration on something else than a collection:
a stream of data produced progressively by a file, a network connection, a database connection,
a data flow generated by an algorithm,
a data flow from an asynchronous data producer such as a scheduler or an actor.
Iteratees are exactly meant for this

Just to tease, here is how you would write the previous sum iteration with an Iteratee.

val enumerator = Enumerator(1, 234, 455, 987)
enumerator.run(Iteratee.fold(0){ (total, elt) => total + elt }
Ok, it looks like the previous code and doesnt seem to do much more
Not false but trust me, it can do much more.
At least, it doesnt seem so complicated?

But, as you can see, Iteratee is used with Enumerator and both concepts are tightly related.

Now lets dive into those concepts on a step by step approach.

<> About Enumerator ><>
Enumerator is a more generic concept than collections or arrays
Till now, we have used collections in our iterations. But as explained before, we could iterate over something more generic, simply being able to produce simple chunks of data available immediately or asynchronously in the future.

Enumerator is designed for this purpose.

A few examples of simple Enumerators:

// an enumerator of Strings
val stringEnumerator: Enumerator[String] = Enumerate(“alpha”, “beta”, “gamma”)
// an enumerator of Integers
val integerEnumerator: Enumerator[Int] = Enumerate(123, 456, 789)
// an enumerator of Doubles
val doubleEnumerator: Enumerator[Double] = Enumerate(123.345, 456.543, 789.123)

// an Enumerator from a file
val fileEnumerator: Enumerator[Array[Byte]] = Enumerator.fromFile(“myfile.txt”)

// an Enumerator generated by a callback
// it generates a string containing current time every 500 milliseconds
// notice (and forget for the time being) the Promise.timeout which allows non-blocking mechanism
val dateGenerator: Enumerator[String] = Enumerator.generateM(
Some(“current time %s”.format((new java.util.Date()))),
Enumerator is a PRODUCER of statically typed chunks of data.
Enumerator[E] produces chunks of data of type E and can be of the 3 following kinds:

Input[E] is a chunk of data of type E : for ex, Input[Pizza] is a chunk of Pizza.
Input.Empty means the enumerator is empty : for ex, an Enumerator streaming an empty file.
Input.EOF means the enumerator has reached its end : for ex, Enumerator streaming a file and reaching the end of file.
You can draw a parallel between the kinds of chunks and the states presented above (has more/no/no more elements).

Actually, Enumerator[E] contains Input[E] so you can put an Input[E] in it:

// create an enumerator containing one chunk of pizza
val pizza = Pizza(“napolitana”)
val enumerator: Enumerator[Pizza] = Enumerator.enumInput(Input.el(pizza))

// create an enumerator containing no pizza
val enumerator: Enumerator[Pizza] = Enumerator.enumInput(Input.Empty)
Enumerator is a non-blocking producer
The idea behind Play2 is, as you may know, to be fully non-blocking and asynchronous. Thus, Enumerator/Iteratee reflects this philosophy. The Enumerator produces chunks in a completely asynchronous and non-blocking way. This means the concept of Enumerator is not by default related to an active process or a background task generating chunks of data.

Remember the code snippet above with dateGenerator which reflects exactly the asynchronous and non-blocking nature of Enumerator/Iteratee?

// an Enumerator generated by a callback
// it generates a string containing current time every 500 milliseconds
// notice the Promise.timeout which provide a non-blocking mechanism
val dateGenerator: Enumerator[String] = Enumerator.generateM(
Some(“current time %s”.format((new java.util.Date()))),
Whats a Promise?
It would require a whole article but lets say the name corresponds exactly to what it does.
A Promise[String] means : It will provide a String in the future (or an error), thats all. Meanwhile, it doesnt block current thread and just releases it.
Enumerator requires a consumer to produce
Due to its non-blocking nature, if nobody consumes those chunks, the Enumerator doesnt block anything and doesnt consume any hidden runtime resources.
So, Enumerator MAY produce chunks of data only if there is someone to consume them.

So what consumes the chunks of data produced by Enumerator?
You have deduced it yourself: the Iteratee

<> About Iteratee ><>
Iteratee is a generic stuff that can iterate over an Enumerator
Lets be windy for one sentence:

Iteratee is the generic translation of the concept of iteration in pure functional programming.
While Iterator is built from the collection over which it will iterate, Iteratee is a generic entity that waits for an Enumerator to be iterated over.
Do you see the difference between Iterator and Iteratee? No? Not a problem Just remember that:

an Iteratee is a generic entity that can iterate over the chunks of data produced by an Enumerator (or something else)
an Iteratee is created independently of the Enumerator over which it will iterate and the Enumerator is provided to it
an Iteratee is immutable, stateless and fully reusable for different enumerators
Thats why we say:

An Iteratee is applied on an Enumerator or run over an Enumerator.
Do you remember the example above computing the total of all elements of an Enumerator[Int] ?
Here is the same code showing that an Iteratee can be created once and reused several times on different Enumerators.

val iterator = Iteratee.fold(0){ (total, elt) => total + elt }

val e1 = Enumerator(1, 234, 455, 987)
val e2 = Enumerator(345, 123, 476, 187687)

// we apply the iterator on the enumerator
e1(iterator) // or e1.apply(iterator)

// we run the iterator over the enumerator to get a result
val result1 = e1.run(iterator) // or e1 run iterator
val result2 = e2.run(iterator)
Enumerator.apply and Enumerator.run are slightly different functions and we will explain that later.
Iteratee is an active consumer of chunks of data
By default, the Iteratee awaits a first chunk of data and immediately after, it launches the iteration mechanism. The Iteratee goes on consuming data until it considers it has finished its computation.
Once initiated, the Iteratee is fully responsible for the full iteration process and decides when it stops.

// creates the iteratee
val iterator = Iteratee.fold(0){ (total, elt) => total + elt }

// creates an enumerator
val e = Enumerator(1, 234, 455, 987)

// this injects the enumerator into the iteratee
// = pushes the first chunk of data into the iteratee
// the iteratee then consumes as many chunks as it requires
// don’t bother about the result of this, we will explain later
As explained above, the Enumerator is a producer of chunks of data and it expects a consumer to consume those chunks of data.
To be consumed/iterated, the Enumerator has to be injected/plugged into an Iteratee or more precisely the first chunk of data has to be injected/pushed into the Iteratee.
Naturally the Iteratee is dependent on speed of production of Enumerator: if its slow, the Iteratee is also slow.

Notice the relation Iteratee/Enumerator can be considered with respect to inversion of control and dependency injection pattern.
Iteratee is a 1-chunk-loop function
The Iteratee consumes chunks one by one until it considers it has ended iteration.
Actually, the real scope of an Iteratee is limited to the treatment of one chunk. Thats why it can be defined as a function being able to consume one chunk of data.

Iteratee accepts static typed chunks and computes a static typed result
Whereas an Iterator iterates over chunks of data coming from the collection that created it, an Iteratee is a bit more ambitious : it can compute something meanwhile it consumes chunks of data.

Thats why the signature of Iteratee is :

trait Iteratee[E, +A]
// E is the type of data contained in chunks. So it can only be applied on a Enumerator[E]
// A is the result of the iteration
Lets go back to our first sample : compute the total of all integers produced by an Enumerator[Int]:

// creates the iteratee
val iterator = Iteratee.fold(0){ (total, elt) => total + elt }
val e = Enumerator(1, 234, 455, 987)

// runs the iteratee over the enumerator and retrieve the result
val total: Promise[Int] = enumerator run iterator
Notice the usage of run: You can see that the result is not the total itself but a Promise[Int] of the total because we are in an asynchronous world.
To retrieve the real total, you could use scala concurrent blocking Await._ functions. But this is NOT good because its a blocking API. As Play2 is fully async/non-blocking, the best practice is to propagate the promise using Promise.map/flatMap.
But a result is not mandatory. For ex, lets just println all consumed chunks:

// creates the iteratee
val e = Enumerator(1, 234, 455, 987)
e(Iteratee.foreach( println _ ))
// or
e.apply(Iteratee.foreach( println _ ))
// yes here the usage of _ is so trivial that you shall use it
The result is not necessarily a primitive type, it can just be the concatenation of all chunks into a List for ex:

val enumerator = Enumerator(1, 234, 455, 987)

val list: Promise[List[Int]] = enumerator run Iteratee.getChunks[Int]
Iteratee can propagate the immutable context & state over iterations
To be able to compute final total, the Iteratee needs to propagate the partial totals along iteration steps.
This means the Iteratee is able to receive a context (the previous total for ex) from the previous step, then compute the new context with current chunk of data (new total = previous total + current element) and can finally propagate this context to the next step (if there need to be a next step).

Iteratee is simply a state machine
Ok this is cool but how does the Iteratee know it has to stop iterating?
What happens if there were an error/ EOF or it has reached the end of Enumerator?
Therefore, in addition to the context, the Iteratee should also receive previous state, decides what to do and potentially computes the new state to be sent to next step.

Now, remember the classic iteration states described above. For Iteratee, there are almost the same 2 possible states of iteration:

State Cont : the iteration can continue with next chunk and potentially compute new context
State Done : it signals it has reached the end of its process and can return the resulting context value
and a 3rd one which seems quite logical:

State Error : it signals there was an Error during current step and stops iterating
From this point of view, we can consider the Iteratee is just a state machine in charge of looping over state Cont until it detects conditions to switch to terminal states Done or Error.
Iteratee states Done/Error/Cont are also Iteratee
Remember, the Iteratee is defined as a 1-chunk-loop function and its main purpose is to change from one state to another one. Lets consider those states are also Iteratee.

We have 3 State Iteratees:

Done[E, A](a: A, remaining: Input[E])

a:A the context received from previous step
remaining: Input[E] representing the next chunk

Error[E](msg: String, input: Input[E])

Very simple to understand also: an error message and the input on which it failed.

Cont[E, A](k: Input[E] => Iteratee[E, A])

This is the most complicated State as its built from a function taking an Input[E] and returning another Iteratee[E,A]. Without going too deep in the theory, you can easily understand that Input[E] => Iteratee[E, A] is simply a good way to consume one input and return a new state/iteratee which can consume another input and return another state/iteratee etc till reaching state Done or Error.
This construction ensures feeding the iteration mechanism (in a typical functional way).

Ok lots of information, isnt it? You certainly wonder why I explain of all of that? This is just because if you understand that, you will understand how to create an custom Iteratee.

Lets write an Iteratee computing the total of the 2 first elements in an Enumerator[Int] to show an example.

// Defines the Iteratee[Int, Int]
def total2Chunks: Iteratee[Int, Int] = {
// step function is the consuming function receiving previous context (idx, total) and current chunk
// context : (idx, total) idx is the index to count loops
def step(idx: Int, total: Int)(i: Input[Int]): Iteratee[Int, Int] = i match {
// chunk is EOF or Empty => simply stops iteration by triggering state Done with current total
case Input.EOF | Input.Empty => Done(total, Input.EOF)
// found one chunk
case Input.El(e) =>
// if first or 2nd chunk, call step again by incrementing idx and computing new total
if(idx < 2) Cont[Int, Int](i => step(idx+1, total + e)(i))
// if reached 2nd chunk, stop iterating
else Done(total, Input.EOF)

// initiates iteration by initialize context and first state (Cont) and launching iteration
(Cont[Int, Int](i => step(0, 0)(i)))

// Using it
val promiseTotal = Enumerator(10, 20, 5) run total2Chunks
promiseTotal.map(println _)
=> prints 30
With this example, you can understand that writing an Iteratee is not much different than choosing what to do at each step depending on the type of Chunk you received and returning the new State/Iteratee.

A few candy for those who did not drown yet
Enumerator is just a helper to deal with Iteratee
As you could see, in Iteratee API, there is nowhere any mention about Enumerator.
This is just because Enumerator is just a helper to interact with Iteratee: it can plug itself to Iteratee and injects the first chunk of data into it.
But you dont need Enumerator to use Iteratee even if this is really easier and well integrated everywhere in Play2.

Difference between Enumerator.apply(Iteratee) and Enumerator.run(Iteratee)
Lets go back to this point evoked earlier. Have a look at the signature of main APIs in Enumerator:

trait Enumerator[E] {

def apply[A](i: Iteratee[E, A]): Promise[Iteratee[E, A]]

def run[A](i: Iteratee[E, A]): Promise[A] = |>>>(i)
apply returns last Iteratee/State
The apply function injects the Enumerator into the Iteratee which consumes the chunks, does its job and returns a Promise of Iteratee. From previous explanation, you may deduce by yourself that the returned Iteratee might simply be the last state after it has finished consuming the chunks it required from Enumerator.

run returns a Promise[Result]
run has 3 steps:

Call previous apply function
Inject Input.EOF into Iteratee to be sure it has ended
Get the last context from Iteratee as a promise.
Here is an example:

// creates the iteratee
val iterator = Iteratee.fold(0){ (total, elt) => total + elt }
val e = Enumerator(1, 234, 455, 987)

// just lets the iterator consume all chunks but doesn’t require result right now
val totalIteratee: Promise[Iteratee[Int, Int]] = enumerator apply iterator

// runs the iteratee over the enumerator and retrieves the result as a promise
val total: Promise[Int] = enumerator run iterator
To Remember
When you need the result of Iteratee, you shall use run
When you need to apply an Iteratee over an Enumerator without retrieving the result, you shall use apply

Iteratee is a Promise[Iteratee] (IMPORTANT TO KNOW)
One more thing to know about an Iteratee is that Iteratee is a Promise[Iteratee] by definition.

// converts a Promise[Iteratee] to Iteratee
val p: Promise[Iteratee[E, A]] = …
val it: Iteratee[E, A] = Iteratee.flatten(p)

// converts an Iteratee to a Promise[Iteratee]
// pure promise
val p1: Promise[Iteratee[E, A]] = Promise.pure(it)
// using unflatten
val p2: Promise[Iteratee[E, A]] = it.unflatten.map( _.it )
// unflatten returns a technical structure called Step wrapping the Iteratee in _.it
Iteratee <=> Promise[Iteratee]
This means that you can build your code around Iteratee in a very lazy way : with Iteratee, you can switch to Promise and back as you want.

Final words about Enumeratee
You discovered Iteratee, then Enumerator
And now you come across this Enumeratee???
What is that new stuff in XXXtee ?????
2nd advice : DONT PANIC NOW Enumeratee concept is really simple to understand
Enumeratee is just a pipe adapter between Enumerator and Iteratee

Imagine you have an Enumerator[Int] and an Iteratee[String, Lis[String]].
You can transform an Int into a String, isnt it?
So you should be able to transform the chunks of Int into chunks of String and then inject them into the Iteratee.

Enumeratee is there to save you.

val enumerator = Enumerator(123, 345, 456)
val iteratee: Iteratee[String, List[String]] =

val list: List[String] = enumerator through Enumeratee.map( _.toString ) run iteratee
What happened there?

You just piped Enumerator[Int] through and Enumeratee[Int, String] into Iteratee[String, List[String]]

In 2 steps:

val stringEnumerator: Enumerator[String] = enumerator through Enumeratee.map( _.toString )
val list: List[String] = stringEnumerator run iteratee
So, you may understand that Enumeratee is a very useful tool to convert your custom Enumerator to be used with generic Iteratee provided by Play2 API.
Youll see that this is certainly the tool you will use the most while coding with Enumerator / Iteratee.

Enumeratee can be applied to an Enumerator without Iteratee
This is a very useful feature of Enumeratee. You can transform Enumerate[From] into Enumerator[To] with an Enumeratee[From, To]

Signature of Enumeratee is quite explicit:

Enumeratee[From, To]
So you can use it as following:

val stringEnumerator: Enumerator[String] = enumerator through Enumeratee.map( _.toString )
Enumeratee can transform an Iteratee
This is a bit stranger feature because you can transform an Iteratee[To, A] to an Iteratee[From, A] with Enumeratee[From, To]

val stringIteratee: Iteratee[String, List[String]] =

val intIteratee: Iteratee[Int, List[String]] = Enumeratee.mapInt, String transform stringIteratee
Enumeratee can be composed with an Enumeratee
Yes, this is the final very useful feature of Enumeratee.

val enumeratee1: Enumeratee[Type1, Type2] =
val enumeratee2: Enumeratee[Type2, Type3] =

val enumeratee3: Enumeratee[Type1, Type3] = enumeratee1 compose enumeratee2
So once again, very easy to see that you can create your generic Enumeratees and then compose them into the custom Enumeratee you need for your custom Enumerator / Iteratee.

Now I hope you have a bit more information and are not lost anymore.
Next step is to use Iteratee / Enumerator / Enumeratee all together.
Ill write other articles presenting more specific and practical ideas and concepts and samples
There are a lot of interesting features that are worth precise explanations.
Understanding clearly whats an Iteratee is important because it helps writing new Iteratees but you can also stay superficial and use the many helpers provided by Play2 Iteratee API.

Ok, documentation is not yet as complete as it should but we are working on this!!!

Anyway, why should I use Iteratee / Enumerator / Enumeratee ?
I want to tell you that Iteratee / Enumerator / Enumeratee is not a funny tool for people found of functional constructions. They are useful in many domains and once you will understand how they work, I can promise you that you will begin to use it more and more.

Modern web applications are not only dynamically generated pages anymore. Now you manipulate flows of data coming from different sources, in different formats, with different availability timing. You may have to serve huge amount of data to huge number of clients and to work in distributed environments.

Iteratee are made for those cases because there are safe, immutable and very good to deal with data flows in realtime. Lets tell the buzzword you can see more & more Realtime WebApp and Iteratee is associated to that ;)

Note on weird operators
You will certainly see lots of those operators in code based on Iteratee / Enumerator / Enumeratee such as &>, |>>, |>>> and the famous fish operator ><>. Dont focus on those operators right now, there are just aliases of real explicit words such as through, apply, applyOn or compose. Ill try to write an article about those operators to demystify them. With practice, some people will find the code with operators clearer and more compact, some people will prefer words.
Have fun

Posted by Pascal Voitot Aug 27th, 2012 asynchronous, enumeratee, enumerator, iteratee, non-blocking, play2, reactive, scala, web






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