windows 程序禁用中文输入法

windows 程序禁用中文输入法方法:
#include <imm.h>  
#pragma comment (lib ,"imm32.lib") 

HIMC g_hIMC = NULL;//g_hIMC 用于恢复时使用  
g_hIMC = ImmAssociateContext(handle, NULL);//handle 为要禁用的窗口句柄

ImmAssociateContext(handle, g_hIMC);//handle 为要启用的窗口句柄 

注意:如果是mfc程序,最好在InitInstance() 中加入 ImmDisableIME(GetCurrentThreadId());
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使用MFC编写的基于WINCE, WM6.x操作系统的 关于输入法控制函数的示例代码。 10/29/2008 The following table shows Input Method Manager (IMM) functions with a description of the purpose of each. In This Section EnumRegisterWordProc This function is an application-defined callback function used with the ImmEnumRegisterWord function. It is used to process data of register strings. ImmAssociateContext This function associates the specified input context with the specified window. ImmAssociateContextEx This function changes the association between the input method context and the specified window or its children. ImmConfigureIME This function displays the configuration dialog box for the IME. ImmCreateContext This function creates a new input context, allocating memory for the context and initializing it. ImmCreateIMCC This function enables an IME to create a new input method context (IMC) component that is a member of an IMC. ImmDestroyContext This function releases the input context and frees any memory associated with it. ImmDestroyIMCC This function enables an IME to destroy an input method context (IMC) component that is a member of an IMC. ImmDisableIME This function disables the IME for the current thread. ImmEnumRegisterWord This function enumerates the register strings having the specified reading string, style, and register string. ImmEscape This function carries out IME–specific subfunctions and is used mainly for locale-specific functions. ImmGenerateMessage This function enables an IME to generate messages that are sent to the window associated with the input method context (IMC). ImmGetCandidateList This function retrieves a specified candidate list, copying the list to the specified buffer. ImmGetCandidateListCount This function retrieves the size, in bytes, of the candidate lists. ImmGetCandidateWindow This function gets information about the candidate list window. ImmGetCompositionFont This function retrieves information about the logical font currently used to display characters in the composition window. ImmGetCompositionString This function retrieves information about the composition string. ImmGetCompositionWindow This function gets information about the composition window. ImmGetContext This function retrieves the input context associated with the specified window. ImmGetConversionList This function retrieves the list of characters or words from one character or word. ImmGetConversionStatus This function gets the current conversion status. ImmGetConversionStatusForeground This function retrieves the current IME conversion and sentences modes for the foreground thread. ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd This function gets the default window handle to the IME class. ImmGetDescription This function copies the description of the IME to the specified buffer. ImmGetGuideLine This function gets information about errors. Applications use the information to notify users. ImmGetHotKey This function retrieves the value of the IME hot key. ImmGetIMCCLockCount This function enables an IME to get the lock count of the input method context (IMC) component. ImmGetIMCCSize This function enables an IME to get the size of the input method context (IMC) component. ImmGetIMEFileName This function gets the file name of the IME associated with the specified keyboard layout. ImmGetImeMenuItems This function retrieves the menu items that are registered in the IME menu. ImmGetOpenStatus


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