Xamarin Getting Started翻译系列四--图像和动画

图像和动画Graphics and Animation

介绍Xamarin.Android 中的图像和动画

An Introduction to Graphics and Animation in Xamarin.Android



Despite running on what are, traditionally, devices with limited power, the highest rated mobile applications often have a sophisticated User Experience (UX), complete with high quality graphics and animations that provide an intuitive, yet responsive and dynamic feel. And as mobile applications get more and more sophisticated, users have begun to expect more and more from applications.


Luckily for us, modern mobile platformshave very powerfulframeworks for creating sophisticated animations and custom graphics,while being easy to use. This enables developers to add rich interactivity with very little effort.

Android的UI API框架可粗略分为两类:图像和动画。

UI API frameworksin Android can roughly be split into two categories: Graphics and Animation.


图像进一步分为2D和3D图像两种不同的实现方式。3D图像由大量内建框架如OpenGL ES(移动版本的OpenGL)、三方框架如MonoGame(与XNA兼容的跨平台工具)。3D图像超出本文范围,这里只讨论内建的2D绘制技术。

Graphics are further split into differentapproaches for doing 2D and 3D graphics.3D graphics are available via a number of built in frameworkssuch as OpenGL ES (a mobile specificversion of OpenGL),and 3rd party frameworks such as MonoGame(a cross platformtoolkit compatible with the XNA toolkit). 3D graphics are out of scope for this article,but we will examine the built- in 2D drawing techniques.


Android provides two different API’s for creating 2D graphics.One is a high level declarative approach and the other a programmatic low-level API:



Drawable Resources These are use to create custom graphicseither programmatically or, more typically, by embedding drawing instructions in XML files. Drawable resources

are typically defined as XML files that contain instructions or actions for Android to render a 2D graphic.

Canvas this is a low level API that involves drawing directly on an underlyingbitmap and providesvery fine-grained controlover what is displayed.

Drawable资源—通过编程或嵌入XML文件来创建自定义图像。Drawable资源通常定义为包含指令和动作的XML文件,用来渲染Android 2D图像。



In addition to these 2D graphics techniques, Android also providesseveral different ways to createanimations:



Drawable Animations -Android also supportsframe-by-frame animations known as DrawableAnimation . This is the simplest animationAPI - Android will sequentially load and display Drawable resourcesin sequence, much like a cartoon.

View Animations -View Animation s are the original animationAPI’s in Android and are available in all versionsof Android. This API is limited in that it will only work with View objects and can only perform simple transformations on those Views. View animationsare typically defined in XML files found in the /Resources/anim folder.

Property Animations -Android 3.0 introduced a new set of animationAPI’s known as Property Animations . These new API’s introduced an extensible and flexible system that can be used to animate the properties of any object, not just View objects.This flexibility allows animations to be encapsulated in distinct classes that will make code sharing easier.





View Animations are more suitablefor applications that must support the older pre-Android 3.0


API’s (API level 11). Otherwise applications should use the newer PropertyAnimation API’s for the reasons that were mentioned above.


All of these frameworks are viable options, however were possible preferenceshould be given to PropertyAnimations, as it is a more flexibleAPI to work with. PropertyAnimations allow for animation logic to be encapsulated in distinct classes that makes code sharing easier and simplifies code maintenance.

2D 图像


Drawable Resources are common and popular technique in Android applications. As with other resources, DrawableResources are declarative – they’re defined in XML files. This approach allows for a clean separation of code from resources. This can simplifydevelopment and maintenance because it is not necessaryto change code to update or change the graphicsin an Android application.

然而,drawable资源仅可用于简单常见的图像需求,缺少对Canvas的控制 API。

However, while Drawable Resourcesare useful for many simple and common graphic requirements, but the lack the power and control of the Canvas API.

另一种技术,使用Canvas对象,与其他商业API框架如System.Drawing、IOS的Core Drawing相似。使用Canvas对象可更加灵活的创建2D图像。适用于drawable资源不可用或不能满足要求的情况。例如,需要计算滑块位置来绘制自定义的滑块控件。

The other technique, using the Canvas object, is very similarto other traditional API frameworkssuch as System.Drawing, or iOS’s Core Drawing. Using the Canvas object provides the most control of how 2D graphics are created. It is appropriate for situations where a DrawableResource will not work or will be difficult to work with. For example,it may be necessary to draw a custom slider control whose appearance will change based on calculations related to the

value of the slider.


Let’s examine Drawable Resourcesfirst. They are simpler and cover the most common custom drawing cases.



Drawable Resourcesare defined in an XML file in the directory/Resources/drawable. Unlikeembedding PNG or JPEG’s, it is not necessary to provide density-specific versions of DrawableResources. At runtime,an Android application will load these resources and use the instructions containedin these XML files to create 2D graphics. Android defines severaldifferent

types of DrawableResources:






This is a Drawable object that draws a primitive geometric shape and applying a limited set of graphical effects on that shape. They are very useful for things such as customizing Buttons or setting the background of TextViews. We will see an example of how to use a ShapeDrawable lateron this article.



This is a Drawable Resource that will change appearance based on the state of a widget/control. For example, a button may change its appearance depending on if it is pressed or not.



This Drawable Resource that will stack several other drawables one on top of another. An example of a LayerDrawable is shown in the following



This is a LayerDrawable but with one difference. A TransitionDrawable is able to animate one layer showing up over top another



This is very similar to a StateListDrawable in that it will display an image based on certain conditions. However, unlike a StateListDrawable, the LevelListDrawable displays an image based on an integer value. An example of a LevelListDrawable would be to display the strength of a WiFi signal. As the strength of the WiFi signal changes, the drawable that is displayed will change accordingly

ScaleDrawable/ ClipDrawable


As their name implies, these Drawables provide both scaling and clipping functionality. The ScaleDrawable will scale another Drawable, while the ClipDrawable will clip another Drawable



It is used when a View needs a background that is smaller than the View’s actual bounds



This file is a set of instructions, in XML, that are to be performed on an actual bitmap. Some actions that Android can perform are tiling, dithering, and anti-aliasing. One of the very common uses of this is to tile a bitmap across the background of a layout






Let’s look at a quick exampleof how to create a 2D graphic using a ShapeDrawable. A ShapeDrawable can define one of the four basic shapes: rectangle,oval, line, and ring. It is also possible to apply basic effects, such as gradient,colour, and size. The followingXML is a ShapeDrawable that maybe found in the AnimationsDemo companionproject, in the file Resources/drawable/shape_rounded_blue_rect.xml. It defines a rectanglewith a purple gradient backgroundand rounded corners:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"android:shape="rectangle">

<!-- Specify a gradient for the background -->

<gradient android:angle="45"android:startColor="#55000066"android:centerColor="#00000000"android:endColor="#00000000" android:centerX="0.75" />

<padding android:left="5dp"android:right="5dp" android:top="5dp" android:bottom="5dp" />

<corners android:topLeftRadius="10dp"android:topRightRadius="10dp"android:bottomLeftRadius="10dp" android:bottomRightRadius="10dp" />




We can reference this Drawable Resourcedeclaratively in a Layout or other Drawable,as shown in the followingXML:




<TextView android:layout_width="wrap_content"android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_centerInParent="true"android:background="@drawable/shape_rounded_blue_rect"




Drawable Resources can also be applied programmatically. The following code snippet shows how to programmatically set the background of a TextView:


TextView tv = FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.shapeDrawableTextView);



To see what this would look like, run the AnimationsDemo project and select the Shape Drawable item from the main menu. We should see somethingsimilar to the following screenshot:


For more details about the XML elements and syntax of Drawable Resources, consult  Google’sdocumentation.




Drawable资源很强大但有一定限制。有的效果很难或不可能实现。例如,对摄像机设备拍摄的图像应用滤镜。很难使用drawable资源实现去红眼效果。然而,使用Canvas API可让应用程序更细粒度的控制图像特定区域中的颜色变化。

Drawables are powerful but have their limitations. Certainthings are either not possibleor very complex. For example,applying a filter to a picture that was taken by a camera on the device. It would be very difficult to apply red-eyereduction by using a DrawableResource. Instead, the Canvas API allows an application very find grainedcontrol to selectively change colors in a specificpart of the picture.


One class that is commonly used with the Canvas is the Paint class. This class holds colour and style information about how to draw on the class. It is used to provide things such a color andtransparency.

CanvasAPI使用打印机模型来绘制2D图像。操作按层次生效。每个操作将覆盖同区域的下层位图。当区域重叠时新的绘制将部分或全部覆盖原有的绘制。这与其他绘制API如System.Drawing和IOS CoreGraphics相同。

The Canvas API uses the painter’smodel to draw 2D graphics.Operations are applied in successive layers on top of each other. Each operation will cover some area of the underlyingbitmap. When the area overlapsa previously paintedarea the new paint will partially or completely obscure the old. This is the same way many other drawing APIs such asSystem.Drawing and iOS’s Core Graphics work.


There are two ways to obtain a Canvasobject. The first way involves defining a Bitmapobject, and then instantiate a Canvasobject with it. For example, the following code snippet createsa new canvas with an underlying bitmap:

Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.CreateBitmap(100, 100, Bitmap.Config.Argb8888); 

Canvas canvas = new Canvas(b);


The other way to obtain a Canvasobject is by the OnDrawcallback method that is provided the View base class. Android calls this method when it decidesa View needs to draw itself, and passing in a Canvasobject for the View to work with.


Canvas.DrawPaint(Paint p) 用指定的paint填充整个位图的画布

Canvas.DrawPath(Path path, Paint paint) 用指定的paint绘制几何图形

Canvas.DrawText(String text, float x, float y, Paint paint) 在画布上绘制文字,指定颜色、位置(xy坐标)

The Canvas class exposes methodsto programmatically providethe draw instructions. These methods are named Draw…(), for example:

Canvas.DrawPaint(Paint p) Fills the entire canvas’sbitmap with the specified paint.

Canvas.DrawPath(Path path, Paint paint) Draws the specified geometricshape using the specified paint.

Canvas.DrawText(String text, float x, float y, Paint paint) Draws thetext on the canvas, with the specifiedcolour, with the at x,y.


使用Canvas API进行绘制


下面看一下Canvas API的范例。下面的代码片段演示如何绘制视图:

Let’s see an example of the Canvas API. The followingcode snippet is from the The followingcode snippet shows how to draw view:


public class MyView : View


protected overridevoid OnDraw(Canvas canvas)


Color = Color.Rgb(0x99, 0xcc, 0),


Paint green = newPaint{

AntiAlias = true,  };


Paint red = new Paint { AntiAlias= true,

Color = Color.Rgb(0xff, 0x44, 0x44)



float middle = canvas.Width * 0.25f;


canvas.DrawRect(0, 0, middle, canvas.Height, green);



上面的代码首先创建一个红色和绿色paint对象。将画布填充为红色,在指示画布绘制一个25%宽度的绿色区域。范例源码可在AnimationsDemo项目中的查找。启动应用程序后,选择主菜单中的Drawing Item项,可看到如下截图:

This code above first creates a red paint and a green paint object. It fills the content of the canvaswith red, and then instructsthe canvas to draw a green rectanglethat is 25% of the width of the canvas.An example of this can be seen by in AnimationsDemo project that is includedwith the source code for this article.By starting up the application and selecting the Drawing item from the main menu, we should a screen similar to the following:








Users like things that move in their applications. Animations are a great way to improve the user experience of an application and help it stand out. The best animations are the ones that users don’t notice because they feel natural.Android provides the following three API’s for:



View Animation This is the original API that Android provided. These animations are tied to a specificView and can perform simple transformations on the contentsof the View. Because of it’s simplicity, this API still useful for things like alpha animations,rotations, and so forth.

Property Animation Property animations were introduced in Android 3.0 and enable an application to animate almost anything. Propertyanimations can be used change any property of any object, even if that object is not visible on the screen.

Drawable Animation This a special Drawable resourcethat used to apply a very simple animation effect to layouts.


In general property animationis the preferred system to use as it is more flexibleand offers more features.




View animations are limitedto Views and can only perform animations on values such as start and end points, size, rotation, and transparency. These types of animations are typically referred to as tween animations. View animations can be defined two ways – programmaticallyin code or by using XML files. XML files are the preferred way to declare view animations, as they are more readableand easier to maintain.

XML动画文件存储在Xamarin Android项目的/Resources/anim目录中。根节点必须有如下元素:




translate 水平或绘制移动.



The animation XML files will be stored in the /Resources/animdirectory of a

Xamarin.Android project. This file must have one of the following elementsas the root element :



alpha- This is a fade-in or fade-outanimation.

rotate- This is a rotationanimation.

scale- A resizinganimation.

translate - This is a horizontal and/or vertical motion.

set- This is a containerthat may hold one or more of the other animation elements.




AcclerateInterpolator / DecelerateInterpolator 这个插值算法增加或减少动画频率.

BounceInterpolator 反复变化(the change bouncesat the end.


LinearInterpolator 频率恒定变化.


By default, all animations in an XML file will be applied simultaneously. To make animationsoccur sequential, set the android:startOffset attribute on one of the elementsdefined above.

It is possible to affect the rate of change in an animation by use an interpolator . An interpolatorallows animate effects to be accelerated, repeated,or decelerated. The Android frameworkprovides several interpolators out of the box, such as (but not limitedto):



AcclerateInterpolator / DecelerateInterpolator these interpolatorsincrease or decreasethe rate of change in an animation.

BounceInterpolator the change bouncesat the end.


LinearInterpolator the rate of changes is constant.



The following XML shows an example of an animation file that combinessome of these elements:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<set xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/androidandroid:shareInterpolator="false">



android:fromXScale="1.0"android:toXScale="1.4" android:fromYScale="1.0"android:toYScale="0.6" android:pivotX="50%"android:pivotY="50%" android:fillEnabled="true"android:fillAfter="false" android:duration="700" />

<set android:interpolator=


<scale android:fromXScale="1.4"android:toXScale="0.0" android:fromYScale="0.6"android:toYScale="0.0" android:pivotX="50%"android:pivotY="50%" android:fillEnabled="true"android:fillBefore="false" android:fillAfter="true"android:startOffset="700" android:duration="400" />

<rotate android:fromDegrees="0"android:toDegrees="-45" android:toYScale="0.0"android:pivotX="50%" android:pivotY="50%"android:fillEnabled="true" android:fillBefore="false"android:fillAfter="true"

android:startOffset="700" android:duration="400" />






Thisanimation will perform all the animations simultaneously – the first scale animation will stretch the image horizontally and shrink it vertically. Then the image will simultaneously be rotated 45 degrees counter-clockwise and shrunk as it is not on the screen.


Once the animation is applied, it can be programmatically appliedto a View by inflatingthe animation and then applyingit to a View. Androidprovides the helper class Android.Views.Animations.AnimationUtils that will inflate an animationresource and returnan instance of Android.Views.Animations.Animation. This object is applied to a View by calling StartAnimation and passing the Animation object. The following code snippet shows an example of this:


Animation myAnimation =AnimationUtils.LoadAnimation(Resource.Animation.MyAnimation); ImageView myImage= FindViewById<ImageView>(Resource.Id.imageView1);myImage.StartAnimation(myAnimation);


Now that we have a fundamental understanding of how View Animations work, lets move on to


Property Animations.







ValueAnimator 这个类是整个属性动画API中非常重要的类。计算属性值的变化。然而ViewAnimator不直接更新这些值。而是触发事件让用户更新动画对象。

ObjectAnimatorValueAnimator的子类. 简化了动画过程,只接受一个目标对象和要更新的属性值。

AnimationSet 这个类负责调度其他动画的执行。动画可以并发执行、顺序执行,或指定之间的间隔。


Property animators are a new API that was introduced in Android 3.0. They provide a more extensible API that can be used to animate any property on any object.

All property animationsare created by instances of the Animator subclass. Applications do not directly use this class, instead the will use one of it’s subclasses:

ValueAnimatorThis class is the most important class in the entire propertyanimation API. It calculates the values of properties that need to be changed. The ViewAnimator does not directlyupdate those values however. Instead it will raise events that can be used to update animated objects.

ObjectAnimatorThis class is a subclassof ValueAnimator. It is meant to simplifythe process of animating objects accepting a target object and property to update.

AnimationSet This class is responsible for orchestrating how animations run in relationto one another. Animations may run simultaneously, sequentially, or with a specifieddelay between them.




IntEvaluator 计算整数属性的值.


ArgbEvaluator 计算颜色属性.

Evaluators are special classes that are used by animatorsto calculate the new values during an animation. Out of the box, Android provides the following evaluators:



IntEvaluator This will calculate values for integer properties. FloatEvaluatorThis will calculatevalues for float properties. ArgbEvaluatorThis will calculatevalues for colour properties.


If the property that is being animated is not a float,intor colour, applications may create their own evaluator by implementing the ITypeEvaluator interface. Implementing custom evaluators is beyond the scope of this documentand will be covered in future documentationfrom Xamarin.









There are two parts to any animation: calculating animated values and the settingthose values on properties on some object.ValueAnimator will only calculate the values, but it will not operateon objects directly.Instead, objects will be updated inside event handlers that will be invoked during the animation lifespan. This design allows several properties to be updated from one animated value.


You obtain an instance of ValueAnimator by callingone of the following factory methods:



ValueAnimator.OfIntValueAnimator.OfFloat ValueAnimator.OfObject


Once that is done, the ValueAnimator instance must have its durationset, and then it can be started.The following exampleshows how to animate a value from 0 to 1 over the span of 1000milliseconds:

  ValueAnimator animator = ValueAnimator.OfInt(0,100);





But itself, the code snippet above is not very useful – the animator will run but there is no target for the updated value. The Animator class will raise the Update event when it decides it is necessary to inform listenersof a new value. Applications may provide an event handlerto respond to this event as shown in the following code snippet:


MyCustomObject myObj = new MyCustomObject();

myObj.SomeIntegerValue = -1;


animator.Update+= (object sender,ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateEventArgse) =>


int newValue = (int) e.Animation.AnimatedValue;

// Apply this new value to the object being animated.myObj.SomeIntegerValue = newValue;



Now that we have an understanding of ValueAnimator, lets learn more about the







ObjectAnimator是非常简单的ViewAnimator API,只需要提供一个对象和一个要更新的属性名称。下面代码是ObjectAnimator范例:

ObjectAnimatoris a subclass of ViewAnimator that combines the timing engine and value computation of the ValueAnimator with the logic required to wire up event handlers. The ValueAnimator required applications to explicitly wire up an event handler– ObjectAnimatorwill take care of this step for us.


The API for ObjectAnimator is very similar to the API for ViewAnimator, but requiresyou provide the object and the name of the property to update. The following exampleshows an example of using ObjectAnimator:

MyCustomObject myObj = new MyCustomObject();

myObj.SomeIntegerValue = -1;

ObjectAnimator animator = ObjectAnimator.OfFloat(myObj, “SomeIntegerValue”, 0, 100);





As you can see from the previous code snippet ObjectAnimator can reduce and simplifythe code the code that is necessaryto animate an object.


Drawable Animations





The final animationAPI is the Drawable animation. Drawable animations load a series of

Drawable resources one after the other and display them sequentially, similarto a flip-it cartoon.


Drawable resources are definedin an XML file that has an element as the root element and a series of elements that define each frame in the animation. This XML file is stored in the

/Resource/drawable folder of the application. The following XML is an example of a drawableanimation:



<item android:drawable="@drawable/asteroid01" android:duration="100" />


<item android:drawable="@drawable/asteroid02" android:duration="100" />


<item android:drawable="@drawable/asteroid03" android:duration="100" />


<item android:drawable="@drawable/asteroid04" android:duration="100" />


<item android:drawable="@drawable/asteroid05" android:duration="100" />


<item android:drawable="@drawable/asteroid06" android:duration="100" />




This animation will run through six frames. The android:duration attribute declares how long each frame will be displayed.The next code snippet shows an example of creating a Drawableanimation and startingit when the user clicks a button on the screen:


protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)



_asteroidDrawable= (Android.Graphics.Drawables.AnimationDrawable)Resources.GetDrawable(Resource.Drawable.spinning_asteroid);

ImageView asteroidImage = FindViewById<ImageView> (Resource.Id.imageView2);



Button asteroidButton = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.spinAsteroid);

asteroidButton.Click += (sender, e) =>







At this point we have covered the foundations of the animationAPIs available in an Androidapplication.






This article introduced a lot of new conceptsand API’s to help add some graphicto an Android application. First it discussedthe various 2D graphics API’s and demonstrated how Android allows applications to draw directly using a Canvas object. We also saw some alternatetechniques that allow graphics to be declaratively created using XML files. Then we went on to discuss the old and new API’s for creating animations in Android.





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