WebSocket协议是一种双向通信协议,它建立在TCP之上,同http一样通过TCP来传输数据,但是它和http最大的不同有两 点:
WebSocket是一种双向通信协议,在建立连接后,WebSocket服务器和Browser/UA都能主动的向对方发送或接收数据,就像 Socket一样,不同的是WebSocket是一种建立在Web基础上的一种简单模拟Socket的协议;
WebSocket需要通过握手连接,类 似于TCP它也需要客户端和服务器端进行握手连接,连接成功后才能相互通信。
当Web应用程序调用new WebSocket(url)接口时,Browser就开始了与地址为url的WebServer建立握手连接的过程。
GET /chat HTTP/1.1
Host: server.example.com
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Origin: http://example.com
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat,superchat
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
- WebSocket服务器收到Browser/UA发送来的握手请求后,如果数据包数据和格式正确,客户端和服务器端的协议版本号匹配等等,就接受本次握手连接,并给出相应的数据回复,同样回复的数据包也是采用http协议传输。
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat
- Browser收到服务器回复的数据包后,如果数据包内容、格式都没有问题的话,就表 示本次连接成功,触发onopen消息,此时Web开发者就可以在此时通过send接口想服务器发送数据。否则,握手连接失败,Web应用程序会收到 onerror消息,并且能知道连接失败的原因。
WebSocket与http协议一样都是基于TCP的,所以他们都是可靠的协议,Web开发者调用的WebSocket的send函数在browser 的实现中最终都是通过TCP的系统接口进行传输的。WebSocket和Http协议一样都属于应用层的协议,那么他们之间有没有什么关系呢?答案是肯定 的,WebSocket在建立握手连接时,数据是通过http协议传输的,正如我们上一节所看到的“GET/chat HTTP/1.1”,这里面用到的只是http协议一些简单的字段。但是在建立连接之后,真正的数据传输阶段是不需要http协议参与的。
Websocket 虽然效率高于 HTTP,但你在使用时,需要考虑一些具体问题:
- WebSocket is a low-level protocol, think of it as a socket on the web. Every thing, including a simple request/response design pattern, how to create/update/delete resources need, status codes etc to be build on top of it. All of these are well defined for HTTP.
- WebSocket is a stateful protocol where as HTTP is a stateless protocol. WebSocket connections are know to scale vertically on a single server where as HTTP can scale horizontally. There are some proprietary solutions for WebSocket horizontal scaling, but they are not standards-based.
- HTTP comes with a lot of other goodies such as caching, routing, multiplexing, gzipping and lot more. All of these need to be defined on top of WebSocket.
- How will Search Engine Optimization (SEO) work with WebSocket ? Works very well for HTTP URLs.
- All proxy, DNS, firewalls are not yet fully aware of WebSocket traffic. They allow port 80 but might restrict traffic by snooping on it first.
- Security with WebSocket is all-or-nothing approach.