Eyes are the window of the mind

Eyes are the window of the mind, from the moment the baby to face all kinds of eye disease, pain and aggressive, want the baby has a pair of bright and clear, bright eyes, mom would according to the different ages, baby adopted different protection measures. after

Before the baby is adverse to avoid: mom, the growth and development of the eyes from the first day of pregnancy. In the long period of prenatal eyes, the chance of injury, therefore, many from pregnancy, mammy you should avoid may be various adverse factors, such as infections, pregnancy, improper use of toxic drugs, poisons and radiation exposure, which may affect the normal development of the fetal eyes. after

The neonatal period (born - 28 days), try to find the congenital anomaly, pay attention to the eyes of size, shape, eyes, sports, colour and lustre position, such as congenital cataract, glaucoma, and positive control from the birth of eye disease, such as candida infections caused by infection of the eye. after

Infantile (1 month to 1) : avoid adverse factors on the outside of the eyes, within the eye. Many parents like hanging above the baby bed in some cute toys, if so often, the child's eyes may develop into an oblique. But some parents may find baby eyes, but to some

Hospital check, doctor said not inclined, this is mainly because they are two scleras exposure to black eyeball to eyeball to judge whether the symmetry is a mistake, and whether the pseudo strabismus. This kind of situation will gradually, the growth of the eyes. after

Eye protection

Prevent intraocular foreign bodies. Because the baby blink reflex is unsound, should pay special attention to intraocular foreign bodies, once the baby's eyes redness, that should be tears, go to hospital as early as possible. After infancy (1-3) : activities increased, beware, prevent ocular injury, burns and foreign firm. At this stage, we should strengthen the education of children, such as safety when running don't take a pencil, etc, in order to avoid down spikes injured eyes, In the use of strong acid, strong alkali etc, let the child detergent, lest liquid splashed in children. Once in place, rinse immediately burns completely ", go to hospital treatment. If the diagnosis of strabismus, should actively treatment in daily life advertent observed the child's eye is normal, once discovered, children have strabismus hospital promptly, under the guidance of doctors, determining operative time. Formed the good habit of using eye. From the very beginning should allow children to develop good habits, sit up straight away, and was reading books about 1 foot eyes, while reading time shoulds not be too long, every 20 minutes advisable. after

Shoulds not be long in eye, don't make eye fatigue. The child's eyes is still in development, long time, closely with eyes, will cause the child to eyesight. During this time, we must pay special attention to limit the time close. Generally should not exceed 30 minutes each. after

To prevent infectious eye. With the increasing of contact with the child, infectious eye also significantly increased, such as trachomatis etc, conjunctivitis and sty common is also common. These are caused by infection, therefore, had better let children have their own special towel, washbasin, lest make the eye in the family.

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机器学习是一种人工智能(AI)的子领域,致力于研究如何利用数据和算法让计算机系统具备学习能力,从而能够自动地完成特定任务或者改进自身性能。机器学习的核心思想是让计算机系统通过学习数据中的模式和规律来实现目标,而不需要显式地编程。 机器学习应用非常广泛,包括但不限于以下领域: 图像识别和计算机视觉: 机器学习在图像识别、目标检测、人脸识别、图像分割等方面有着广泛的应用。例如,通过深度学习技术,可以训练神经网络来识别图像中的对象、人脸或者场景,用于智能监控、自动驾驶、医学影像分析等领域。 自然语言处理: 机器学习在自然语言处理领域有着重要的应用,包括文本分类、情感分析、机器翻译、语音识别等。例如,通过深度学习模型,可以训练神经网络来理解和生成自然语言,用于智能客服、智能助手、机器翻译等场景。 推荐系统: 推荐系统利用机器学习算法分析用户的行为和偏好,为用户推荐个性化的产品或服务。例如,电商网站可以利用机器学习算法分析用户的购买历史和浏览行为,向用户推荐感兴趣的商品。 预测和预测分析: 机器学习可以用于预测未来事件的发生概率或者趋势。例如,金融领域可以利用机器学习算法进行股票价格预测、信用评分、欺诈检测等。 医疗诊断和生物信息学: 机器学习在医疗诊断、药物研发、基因组学等领域有着重要的应用。例如,可以利用机器学习算法分析医学影像数据进行疾病诊断,或者利用机器学习算法分析基因数据进行疾病风险预测。 智能交通和物联网: 机器学习可以应用于智能交通系统、智能城市管理和物联网等领域。例如,可以利用机器学习算法分析交通数据优化交通流量,或者利用机器学习算法分析传感器数据监测设备状态。 以上仅是机器学习应用的一部分,随着机器学习技术的不断发展和应用场景的不断拓展,机器学习在各个领域都有着重要的应用价值,并且正在改变我们的生活和工作方式。
Based on the following story, continue the story by writing two paragraphs, paragraph 1 beginning with "A few weeks later, I went to the farm again. " and paragraph 2 beginning with "I was just about to leave when the hummingbird appeared."respectively with 150 words. I was invited to a cookout on an old friend's farm in western Washington. I parked my car outside the farm and walked past a milking house which had apparently not been used in many years.A noise at a window caught my attention,so I entered it. It was a hummingbird,desperately trying to escape. She was covered in spider-webs and was barely able to move her wings. She ceased her struggle the instant I picked her up. With the bird in my cupped hand, I looked around to see how she had gotten in. The broken window glass was the likely answer. I stuffed a piece of cloth into the hole and took her outside,closing the door securely behind me. When I opened my hand, the bird did not fly away; she sat looking at me with her bright eyes.I removed the sticky spider-webs that covered her head and wings. Still, she made no attempt to fly.Perhaps she had been struggling against the window too long and was too tired? Or too thirsty? As I carried her up the blackberry-lined path toward my car where I kept a water bottle, she began to move. I stopped, and she soon took wing but did not immediately fly away. Hovering,she approached within six inches of my face. For a very long moment,this tiny creature looked into my eyes, turning her head from side to side. Then she flew quickly out of sight. During the cookout, I told my hosts about the hummingbird incident. They promised to fix the window. As I was departing, my friends walked me to my car. I was standing by the car when a hummingbird flew to the center of our group and began hovering. She turned from person to person until she came to me. She again looked directly into my eyes, then let out a squeaking call and was gone. For a moment, all were speechless. Then someone said, “She must have come to say good-bye.”


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