

ab2admin - Command-Line Interface for AnswerBook2 Administration 
ab2cd - Run AnswerBook2 Server from the Documentation CD 
ab2regsvr - Register an Answerbook2 Document Server with the Federated Naming Service 
accept, reject - Accept or Reject Print Requests 
acct - Overview of Accounting and Miscellaneous Accounting Commands 
acctcms - Command Summary from Process Accounting Records 
acctcon, acctcon1, acctcon2 - Connect-Time Accounting 
acctdisk - Convent Accounting Data to Total Accounting Records 
acctdusg - Compute Disk Resources Consumption by Login 
acctmerg - Merged or Add Total Accounting Files 
accton - Append Process Accounting Records to an Existing File 
acctprc, acctprc1, acctprc2 - Process Accounting 
acctsh, chargefee, ckpacct, dodisk, lastlogin, monacct, nulladm, prctmp, prdaily, prtacct, shutacct, startup, turnascct - Shell Procedures for Accounting 
acctwtmp - Write a utmpx Record to a File 
adbgen - Generate aab Script 
add_drv - Add a New Device Driver to the System 
add_install_client - Script to Add or Remove Clients for Network Installation 
add_to_install_server - Script to Copy Packages from Additional Solaris Copackaged CDs to an Existing Net Install Server 
addbadsec - Map Out Defective Disk Blocks 
admintool - System Administration with a Graphical User Interface 
afbconfig, SUNWafb_config - Configure the AFB Graphics Accelerator 
aliasadm - Manipulate the NIS+ Aliases Map 
allocate - Device Allocation 
amiserv - AMI Keyserver 
answerbook2_ admin - AnswerBook2 GUI Administration Tool 
arp - Address Resolution Display and Control 
aset - Monitor or Resolution Access to System Files and Directories 
aset. restore - Restore System Files Affected by ASET 
asspppd, aspppls - Asynchronous PPP Link Manager 
aspppls - Asynchronous PPP Link Manager 
audit - Control the Behavior of the Audit Daemon 
auditconfig - Configure Auditing 
auditd - Control the Generation and Location of Audit Trail Files 
auditreduce - Merge and Select Audit Record from Audit Trail Files 
audit_startup - Audit Subsystem Initialization Script 
auditstat - Display Kernel Audit Statistics 
audit_warn - Audit Daemon Warning Script 
automount - Install Automatic Mount Points 
automountd - Mount/Unmount Daemon for autofs 
autopush - Configure Lists of Automaticalling Pushed STREAMS Modules 
bdconfig - Configure the Buttons and Dials Stream 
boot - Start the System Kernel or a Stand-Alone Program 
bootparamd - Boot Parameter Server 
bsmconv, bsmunconv - Enable or Disable the Basic Security Module (BSM) 
busstat - Report Bus-Related Performance Statistics 
cachefslog - Cache File-System Logging 
cachefspack - Pack Files and File Systems in the Cache 
cachefsstat - Cache File-System Statistics 
cachefswssize - Determine Working Set Size for Cache File 
captoinfo - Convert a termcap Description into a terminfo Description 
cfgadm - Configuration Administration 
cfgadm_ac - EXX00 Memory System Administration 
cfgadm_pci - Configuration Administration Command for PCI Hot Plug 
cfgadm_scsi - SCSI Hardware-Specific Commands for cfgadm 
cfgadm_sysctrl - EXX00 System Board Administration 
cfgadmin - Administer Disk Space for Cache File System 
cg14config - Configure the SX/CG14 Graphics Accelerator Device 
chargefree - Shell Procedures for Accounting 
check-hostname - Check if sendmail Can Determine the Fully Qualified Host Name 
check-permissions - Check Permissions on Mail Rerouting Files 
check - Script to Validate the Rules in a JumpStart rules File 
chown - Change Owner 
chroot- Change Root Directory for a Command 
ckpacct - Accounting Command to Periodocally Check the Size of /var/adm/pacct 
clear_locks - Clear Locks Held on Behalf of an NFS Client 
clinfo - Display Cluster Information 
closewtmp - Put a False Dead Process Record in the /var/adm/wtmpx File 
clri, dcopy - Clear Inode 
comsat - Biff Server 
consadm - Specify or Display Devices Used as Auxiliary Console Devices 
conv_lp - Convert LP Configuration 
conv_lpd - Convert LPD Configuration 
coreadm - Core File Administration 
cpustat - Monitor System Behavior by Using CPU Performance Counters 
crash - Examine System Images 
cron - Clock Daemon 
cvcd - Virtual Console Daemon 
dcopy - Clear Inode 
dd - Convert and Copy a File 
deallocate - Device Deallocation 
devattr - Display Device Attributes 
devconfig - Configure Device Attributes 
devfree - Release Devices from Exclusive Use 
devfsadm - Administration Command for /dev and /devices 
devfseventd - Kernel Event Notification Daemon for devfsadm 
devinfo - Print Device-Specific Information 
devlinks - Add /dev Entries for Miscellaneous Devices and Pseudodevices 
devnm - Device Name 
devreserv - Reserve Devices for Exclusive Use 
df - Display Number of Free Disk Blocks and Files 
df_ufs - Report Free Disk Space on UFS File System 
dfmounts - Display Mounted Resource Information 
dfmounts_nfs - Display Mounted NFS Resource Inforamtion 
dfshares - List Available Resources from Remote or Local Systems 
dfshares_nfs - List Available NFS Resources from Remote 
dhcpagent - Daemon from Client DHCP 
dhcpconfig - DHCP Service Configuration Command 
dhcpmgr - Graphic Interface for Managing DHCP Services 
dhtadm - DHCP Configuration Table Management Command 
disks - Create /dev Entries for Hard Disks Attached to the System 
diskscan - Perform Surface Analysis 
dispadmin - Process Scheduler Administration 
dmesg - Collect System Diagnostic Messages to Form Error Log 
dmi_cmd - DMI Command-Line Interface Command 
dmiget - DMI Command-Line Retrieval Command 
dminfo - Report Information About a Device Entry in a Device Maps File 
dmispd - Sun Solstice Enterprise DMI Service Provider 
dodisk - Shell Procedure invoked by cron to Perform Disk Accounting Functions 
domainname - Display or Set Name of the Current Domain 
dr_daemon - Enterprise 10000 Dynamic Reconfiguration Daemon 
drvconfig - Configure the /devices Directory 
du - Summarize Disk Usage 
dumpadm - Configure Operating System Crash Dump 
edquota - Edit User Quotas for UFS File System 
eeprom - EEPROM Display Operating System Crash Dump 
fbconfig - Frame Buffer Configuration Command 
fdetach - Detach a Name from a STREAMS-Based File Descriptor 
fdisk - Create or Modify Fixed-Disk Partition Table 
ff - List File Names and Statistics for a UFS File System 
ff_ufs - List File Names and Statistics for a UFS File System 
ffbconfig - Configure the FFB Graphics Accelerator 
fingerd - Remote User Information Server 
firmware - Bootable Firmware Programs and Filmware Commands 
fmthard - Populate VTOC on Hard Disks 
fncheck - Check for Consistency Between FNS Data and NIS+ Data 
fncopy - Copy FNS Contexts, Possibly from One Naming Serrvice to Another 
fncreate - Create an FNS Context 
fncreate_fs - Create FNS File-System Contexts 
fncreate_printer - Create New Printers in FNS Namespace 
fndestroy - Destroy and FNS Context 
fnselect - Select a Specific Naming Service to Use for the FNS Initial Context 
fnsypd - Update FNS Context on an NIS Master Server 
format - Partition and Maintain Disks 
fsck - Check and Repair File Systems 
fsck_cachefs - Check Integrity of Data Cached with cacheFS 
fsck_s5fs - File-System Consistency Check and Interactive Repair 
fsck_udfs - File System Consistency Check and Interactive 
fsck_ufs - File-System Consistency Check and Interactive Repair 
fsdb - File System Debugger 
fsdb_udfs - UDFS File-System Debugger 
fsdb_ufs - fsdb - File-System Debugger 
fsirand - Install Random Inode Generation Numbers 
fstyp - Determine File-System Type 
ftpd - File Transfer Protocol Server 
fuser - Identity Processes Using a File or File Structure 
fwtmp, wtmpfix - Manipulate Connect Accounting Records 
gencc - Create a Front End to the cc Command 
getdev - List Devices Based on Criteria 
getdgrp - List Device Groups That Contain Devices That Match Criteria 
getent - Get Entries from Administrative Databases 
gettable - Get DoD Internet Format Host Table from a Host 
getty - Set Terminal Type 
getvol - Verify Device Accessibility 
GFXconfig - Configure the PGX32 (Raptor GFX) Graphics Accelerator 
groupadd - Add (Create) a New Group Definition on a System 
groupdel - Delete a Group Definition from the System 
groupmod - Modify a Group Definition on the System 
grpck - Password and Group File Checkers 
gsscred - Add, Remove, and List gsscred Table Entries 
gssd - Generate and Validate GSS-API Tokens for Kernal RPC 
halt, poweroff - Stop the Procesdsor 
hostconfig - Configure a System\'s Host Parameters 
htable - Convert DoD Internet Format Host Table 
id - Return User Identity 
ifconfig - Configure Network Interface Parameters 
in.comsat, comsat - Biff Server 
in.dhcpd - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Server 
in.fingerd, fingerd - Remote User Information Server 
in.ftpd, ftpd - File Transfer Protocol Server 
in.lpd - BSD Print Protocol 
in.named, named - Internet Domain Name Server 
in.ndpd - Daemon for IPv6 Autoconfiguration 
in.rarpd, rarpd - DARPA Reverse Address Resolution Protocol Server 
in.rdisc, rdisc - Network Router Discovery Daemon 
in.rexecd, rexecd - Remote Execution Server 
in.ripngd - Network Routing Daemon for IPv6 
in.rlogind, rlogind - Remote Login Server 
in.routed, routed - Network Routing Daemon 
in.rshd, rshd - Remote Shell Server 
in.rwhod, rwhod - System Status Server 
in.talkd, talkd - Server for Talk Program 
in.telnetd, telnetd - DARPA TELNET Protocol Server 
in.tftpd, tftpd - Internet Trivial File Protocol Server 
in.tnamed, tnamed - DARPA Trivial Name Server 
in.uucpd, uucpd - UUCP Server 
inetd - Internet Services Daemon 
infocmp - Compare or Print terminfo Descriptions 
init, telinit - Process Control Initialization 
init.wbem - Start and Stop the CIM Boot Manager 
install - Install Commands 
installboot - Install Bootblocks in a Disk Partition 
install_scripts - Scripts to Install the Solaris Software 
installboot - Install Bootblocks in a in a Disk Partition 
installf - Add a file to the software Installation Database 
Intro, intro - Introduction to Maintenance Commands and Application Programs 
iostat - Report I/O Statistics 
ipsecconf - Configure Systemwide IPsec Policy 
ipseckey - Manually Manipulate on IPsec Security Association Database (SADB) 
kadb - Kernel Debugger 
kdmconfig - Configure or Unconfigure Keyboard, Display, and Mouse Options 
kerbd - Generate and Validate Kerberos Tickets for Kernel RPC 
kernel - UNIX System Executable File Containing Basic Operating System Services 
keyserv - Server for Storing Private Encryption Keys 
killall - Kill All Active Processes 
ktkt_warnd - Kerberos Warning Daemon 
kstat - Display Kernel Statistics 
labelit - List or Provide Labels for Filing Systems 
labelit_hsfs - Provide and Print Labels for HSFS File Systems 
labelit_udfs - Provide and Print labels for UDF File System 
labelit_ufs - Provide and Print Labels for UFS File Systems 
lastlogin - Show the Last Date on Which Each Person Logged In 
ldap_cachemgr - LDAP Daemon to Cache Server and Client Information for NIS Lookups 
ldapclient, ldap_gen_profile - Initialize LDAP Client Machine or Create an LDIF of an LDAP Client Profile 
link, unlink - Link and Unlink Files and Directories 
list_devices - List Allocate Devices 
listdgrp - List Members of a Device Group 
listen - Network Listener Daemon 
llc2_loop - Loopback Diagnostics to Test the Driver, Adapter, and Network 
lockd - Network Lock Daemon 
lockfs - Change or Report File-System Locks 
lockstat - Report Kernel Lock Statistics 
lofiadm - Administer Files Available as Block Devices Through lofi 
logins - List User and System Login Information 
lpadmin - Configure the LP Print Services 
lpfilter - Administer Filters Used with the LP Print Service 
lpforms - Administer Forms Used with the LP Print Service 
lpget - Get Printing Configuration 
lpmove - Move Print Requests 
lpsched - Start the LP Print Service 
lpset - Set Printing Configuration in /etc/printers.conf or FNS 
lpshut - Stop the LP Print Service 
lpsystem - Register Remote Systems with the Print Service 
lpusers - Set Printing Queue Priorities 
luxadm - Administration Program for the Sun Enterprise Network Array (SENA), RSM, and SPARCstorage Array (SSA) Subsystems 
m64config - Configure the M64 Graphics Accelerator 
mail.local - Store Mail in a Mailbox 
makedbm - Make a dbm File or Get a Text File from a dbm File 
makemap - Create Database Maps for sendmail 
mibiisa - Sun SNMP Agent 
mk - Remake the Binary System and Commands from Source Code 
mkfifo - Make FIFO Special File 
mkfile Create a File 
mkfs - Construct a File System 
mkfs_pcfs - Construct a FAT File System 
mkfs_udfs - Construct a UDFS File System 
mkfs_ufs - Construct a UFS File System 
mknod - Make a Special File 
Modify_install_server - Script to Replace miniroot on an existing Net Install Server 
modinfo - Display Information About Loaded Kernel Modules 
modload - Load a Kernel Modulesmodunload - Unload a Module 
mofcomp - Compile MOF Files into CIM Classes 
monacct - Invoke Accounting Monthly 
monitor - SPARC System PROM Monitor 
mount, umount - Mount Or Unmount File Systems and Remote Resources 
mountall, umountall - Mount, Unmount Multiple File Systems 
mount_cachefs - Mount, Unmount Multiple File Systems 
mountd - Server for NFS Mount Requests and NFS Access Checks 
mount_hsfs - Mount HSFS File Systems 
mount_nfs - Mount Remote NFS Resources 
mount_pcfs - Mount PCFS file Systems 
mount_s5fs - Mount s5 File Systems 
mount_tmpfs - Mount tmpfs File System 
mount_udfs - Mount a UDFS File System 
mount_ufs - Mount UFS File System 
mount_xmemfs - Mount xmemfs File System 
mpstat - Report Per-Processor Statistics 
msgid - Generate Message IDs 
mvdir - Move a Directory 
named-bootconf - Convert Configuration File to a Format Suitable for Bind 8.1 
named-xfer -Ancillary Agent for Inbound Zone Transfers 
named - Internet Domain Server 
ncheck - Generate a List of Path Names Versus i-Numbers 
ncheck_ufs - Generate Path Names Versus i-Numbers for UFS File Systems 
ndd - Get and Set Driver Configuration Parameters 
netstat - Show Network Status 
newfs - Construct a New UFS File System 
newkey - Create a New Diffie-Hellman Key Pair in the publickey Database 
nfsd - NFS Daemo 
nfslogd - NFS Logging Daemon 
nis_cachemgr - NIS+ Command to Cache Location Information About NIS+ Servers 
nfsstat - Display NFS Statistics 
nisaddcred - Create NIS+ Credentials 
nisaddent - Create NIS+ Tables from Corresponding /etc Files or NIS Maps 
nisauthconf - Configure NIS+ Security 
nisbackup - Back Up NIS+ Directories 
nisclient - Initialize NIS+ Credentials for NIS+ Principals 
nisd - NIS+ Service Daemon 
nisd_resolv - NIS+ Service Daemon 
nisinit - NIS+ Client and Server Initialization Command 
nislog - Display the Contents of the NIS+ Transaction Log 
nispasswdd - NIS+ Password Update Daemon 
nisping - Send ping to NIS+ Servers 
nispopulate - Populate tthe NIS+ Tables in an NIS+ Domain 
nisprefadm - NIS+ Command to Set Server Preference for NIS+ Clients 
nisrestore - Restore NIS+ Directory Backup 
nisserver - Set Up NIS+ Servers 
nissetup - Initialize an NIS+ Domain 
nisshowcache - NIS+ Command to Print the Contents of the Shared Cache File 
nisstat - Report NIS+ Server Statistics 
nisupdkeys - Update the Public Keys in an NIS+ Directory Object 
nlsadmin - Network Listener Service Administration 
nscd - Nameservice Cache Daemon 
nslookup - Query Nameservers Interactivity 
nstest - DNS Test Shell 
nsupdate - Update DNS Nameservers 
ntpdate - Set the Local Date and Time with the Network Time Protocol (NTP) 
ntpq - Standard Network Time Protocol Query Program 
ntptrace - Trace a Chain of NTP Hosts Back to Their Master Time Source 
nulladm - Create File Name with Mode 664 and Ensure That Owner and Group Are adm 
obpsym - OpenBoot Firmware Kernel Symbolic Debugging 
ocfserv - OCF Server 
parse_dynamic_clustertoc - Parse clustertoc File Based on Dynamic Entries 
passmgmt - Password Files Management 
patchadd - Apply a Patch Package to a Solaris System 
patchrm - Remove a Patch Package and Restore Previously Saved Files 
pbind - Control and Query Bindings of Processes to Processors 
pcmciad - PCMCIA User Daemon 
pfinstall - Test Installation Profiles 
pgxconfig , GFXconfig - Configure the PGX32 (Raptor GFX) Graphics Accelerator 
ping - Send ICMP (ICMP6) ECHO_REQUEST Packets to Network Hosts 
pkgadd - Transfer Software Packages to the System 
pkgask - Store Answers to a Request Scrip 
pkgchk - Check Package Installation Accuracy 
pkgrm - Remove a Package from the System 
pmadm - Port Monitor Administration 
pmconfig - Configure the Power Management System 
pntadm - DHCP Network Table Management Command 
ports - Create /dev and inittab Entries for Serial Lines 
powerd - Power Manager Daemon 
poweroff - Stop the Processor 
praudit - Print Contents od an Audit Trail File 
prctmp, prdaily, prtacct - Print Various Accounting Files 
printmgr - Graphical User Interface for Managing Printers in a Network 
prstat - Report Active Process Statistics 
prtconf - Print System Configuration 
prtdiag - Display System Diagnostic Information 
prtvtoc - Report Information About Disk Geometry and Partitioning 
psradm - Change Processor Operational Status 
psrinfo - Display Information About Processors 
psrset - Create and Manage Processor Sets 
putdev - Edit Device Group Table 
pwck, grpck - Password/Group File Checkers 
pwconv - Install and Update /etc/shadow with Information from /etc/passwd 
quot - Summarize File-System Ownership 
quota - Display a Users File-System Disk Quota and Usage 
quotacheck - UFS File-System Quota Consistency Checker 
quotaon, quotaoff - Turn UFS File-System Quotas On and Off 
rarpd - DARPA Reverse Address Resolution Protocol Server 
rdate - Set System Date from a Remote Host 
rdisc - Network Router Discovery Daemon 
re-preinstall - Install the JumpStart Software on a System 
reboot - Restart the Operating System 
reject - Reject Print Requests 
rem_drv - Remove a Device Driver from the System 
removef - Remove a File from Software Database 
repquota - Summarize Quotas for a UFS File System 
restricted_shell - Restricted Shell Command Interpreterexd 
rexd - RPC-Based Remote Execution Server 
rexecd - Remote Execution 
rlogind - Remote Login Server 
rm_install_client - Script to Remove Clients for Network Installation 
rmmount - Removable Media Mounter for CD-ROM and Diskette 
rmt - Remote Magtape Protocol Module 
roleadd - Administer a New Role Account 
roledel - Delete the Login for a Role 
rolemod - Modify an Existing Role Account 
route - Manually Manipulate the Routing Tables 
routed - Network Routing Daemon 
rpc.bootparamd, bootparamd - Boot Parameter Server 
rpc.nisd, nisd - NIS+ Service Daemon 
rpc.nisd_resolv, nisd_resolv - NIS+ Service Daemon 
rpc.nispasswd, nispasswdd - NIS+ Password Update Daemon 
rpc.rexd, rexd - RPC-Based Remote Execution Server 
rpc. rstatd, rstatd - Kernel Statistics Server 
rpc.rusersd, rusersd - Server for Modifying NIS Password File 
rpc.walld, rwalld - Network rwall Server 
rpc.sprayd, sprayd - Spray Server 
rpc.yppasswdd, yppasswdd - Server for Modifying NIS Password File 
rpc.ypupdated, ypupdated - Server for Changing NIC Information 
rpcbind - Universal Addresses to RPC Program Number Mapper 
rpcinfo - Repeort RPC Information 
rpld - IA Network Booting RPL (Remote Program Load) Server 
rquotad - Remote Quota Server 
rsh - Restricted Shell 
rshd - Remote Shell Server 
rstatd - Kernel Statistics Server 
rtc - Provide All Real-Time Clock and GMT-Tag Management 
runacct - Run Daily Accounting 
rusersd - Network User Name Server 
rwall - Write to All Users Over a Network 
rwalld - Network rwall Server 
rwhod - System Status Server 
sa1, sa2, sadc - System Activity Report Package 
sac - Service Access Controller 
sacadm - Service Access Controller Administration 
sadc - System Activity Report Package 
sadmind - Distributed System Administration Daemon 
saf - Service Access Facility 
sar, sa1, sa2, sadc - System Activity Report Package 
savecore - Save a Crash Dump of the Operating System 
sendmail - Send Mail Over the Internet 
server_upgrade - Upgrade Clients of a Heterogeneous OS Server 
setmnt - Establish Mount Table 
setuname - Change System Information 
setup_nstall_server - Script to Copy the Solaris CD to a Disk 
share - Make Local Resource Available for Remote Mounting 
share_nfs - Make Local NFS File Systems Available for Remote Mounting 
shareall, unshareall - Share, Unshare Multiple Resources 
showmount - Show All Remote Mounts 
showrev - Show Machine and Software Revision Information 
shutacct - Turn Process Accounting Off at Shutdown 
shutdown - Shut Down System, Change System State 
slpd - Service Location Protocol Daemon 
smartcard - Configure and Administer a Smartcard 
smrsh - Restricted Shell for Sendmail 
snmpdx - Sun Solstice Enterprise Master Agent 
snmpXdmid - Sun Solstice Enterpris SNMP-DMI Mapper Subagent 
snoop - Capture and Inspect Network Packets 
soconfig - Configure Transport Providers for Use by Sockets 
soladdapp - Add an Application to the Solstice Application Registry 
soldelapp - Remove an Application from the Solstice Application Registry 
solstice - Access System Administration Tools with a Graphical User Interface 
spray - Spray Packets 
sprayd - Spray Server 
ssaadm - Administration Program frp SPARCstorage Array and SPARCstorage RSM Disk Systems 
startup - Turn Process Accounting On at Startup 
ststd - Network Ststus Monitor 
strace - Print STREAMS Trace Messages Messages 
strclean - STREAMS Error Logger Cleanup Program 
strerr - STREAMS Error Logger Daemon 
sttydefs - maintain Line Settings and Hunt Sequence for TTY Ports 
su - Become Superuser or Another User 
sulogin - Access Single-User Mode 
suninstall - Install the Solaris Operating Environment 
swap - Swap Administrative Interface 
swmtool - Install, Upgrade, and Remove Software Packages 
sxconfig - Configure Continuous Memory for the SX Video Subsystem 
sync - Update the Superblock 
syncinit - Set Serial Line Interface Operating Parameters 
suncloop - Synchronous Serial Loopback Test Program 
syncstat - Report Driver Statistics from a Synchronous Serial Link 
sys-unconfig - Undo a System\'s Configuration 
sysdef - Output System Definition 
sysidconfig - Execute or Define System Configuration Applications 
sysidtool, sysidnet, sysidns, sysidsys, sysidroot, sysidp - System\'s Configuration 
syslogd - Log System Messages 
talkd - Server for Talk Program 
tapes - Create /dev Entries for tape Drives 
taskstst - Print ASET Task Status 
tcxconfig - Configure S24 (TCX) Frame Buffer 
telinit - Process Control Initialization 
telnetd - DARPA TELNIT Protocol Server 
tftpd - Internet Trivial File Transfer Protocol Server 
tic - terminfo Compiler 
tnamed - DARPA Trivial Name Server 
traceroute - Print the Route Packets Take to Network Host 
ttymadm - Port Monitor for Terminal Ports 
tunefs - Tune an Existing File System 
turnacct - Turn Process Accounting On or Off 
uadmin - Administrative Control 
ufsdump - Incremental File System Dump 
ufsrestore - Incremental File System Dump 
umount - Unmount File Systems and Remote Resources 
umountall - Unmount Multiple File Systems 
unlink - Unlink Files and Directories 
unshare - Make Local Resource Unavailable for Mounting by Remote Systems 
unshare_nfs - Make Local NFS File Systems Unavailable for Mounting by Remote Systems 
unshareall - Unshare Multiple Resources 
useradd - Administer a New User Login or Role on a System 
userdel - Delete a User Login from a System 
usermod - Modify User Login or Role Information on a System 
utmp2wtmp - Create a Entry in /var/adm/wtmpx Created by runacct 
utmpd - utmpx Monitoring Daemon 
uucheck - Check the UUCP Directories and Permissions File 
uucico - File Transport Program for the UUCP System 
uucleanup - UUCP Spool Directory Cleanup 
uucpd - UUCP Server 
uucsched - UUCP File Transport Program Scheduler 
uutry, uutry - Try to Contact Remote System with Debugging On 
uuxqt - Execute Remote Command Requests 
vmstst - Report Virtual Memory Statisticsw 
volcopy - Make an Image Copy of a UFS File System 
volCopy_ufs - Make an Image Copy of a UFS File System 
vold - Volume Management Daemon to Manage CD_ROM and Diskette Devices 
wall - Write to All Users 
wbemadmin - Start Sun WBEM User Manager 
wbemlogviewer - Start WBEM Log Viewer 
whodo - Report Who Is Doing What 
wtmpfix - Manipulate Connect Accounting Records 
xntpd - Network Time Protocol Daemon 
xntpdc - Special NTP Query Program 
ypbind - NIS Binder Process 
ypinit - Set Up NIS Client 
ypmake - Rebuild NIS Database 
yppasswdd - Server for Modifying NIS Password File 
yppoll - Return Current Version of an NIS Map at an NIS Server Host 
yppush - Force Propogation of a Changed NIS Map 
ypserv, ypxfrd - NIS Server and Binder Processes 
ypset - Point ypbind at a Particular Server 
ypstart, ypstop - Start and Stop NIS Services 
ypupdated - Server for Changing NIS Inforamtion 
ypxfr, ypxfr_1perday, ypxfr_1perhour, ypxfr_2perday - Transfer NIS Map from an NIS Server to Host 
ypxfrd - NIS Server and Binder Processes 
zdump - Time-Zone Dumper 
zic - Time-Zone Compiler




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