开发自己的Excell控件 转自Winfar




主页地址: Http://www.winfarsoft.com/

Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Public Class WinFar_Cell
   Public InitFlag As Boolean
   Public BorderStyle As WinFar_BorderStyle = WinFar_BorderStyle.Normal
   Public BackColor As Color = Color.White
   Public ForeColor As Color = Color.Black
   Public MergeFlag As Boolean = False
   Public MergeRows As Integer = 0
   Public MergeCols As Integer = 0
   Public MergeRowStep As Integer = 0
   Public MergeColStep As Integer = 0
   Public LeftLineStyle As WinFar_LineStyle = WinFar_LineStyle.None
   Public TopLineStyle As WinFar_LineStyle = WinFar_LineStyle.None
   Public RightLineStyle As WinFar_LineStyle = WinFar_LineStyle.None
   Public BottomLineStyle As WinFar_LineStyle = WinFar_LineStyle.None
   Public Image As Image = Nothing
   Public ImageAlignment As WinFar_Alignment = WinFar_Alignment.LeftCenter
   Public Font As Font = New Font(New FontFamily("宋体"), 10)
   Public ShowStyle As WinFar_ShowStyle = WinFar_ShowStyle.Normal
   Public MultiLineFlag As Boolean = False
   Public TextAlignment As WinFar_Alignment = WinFar_Alignment.CenterCenter
   Public TextStyle As WinFar_TextStyle = WinFar_TextStyle.Normal
   Public Text As String = ""
   Public LockFlag As Boolean = False
   Public LoadString As String = ""
   Public HyperLink As String = ""
   Public CalcExpress As String = ""
   Public CheckExpress As String = ""
End Class

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Text
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class WinFar_DataSheet
Public Sub New(Optional ByVal Rows As Integer = 50, Optional ByVal Cols As Integer = 26)
   Dim I As Integer
   Dim J As Integer
   Rows = 1000
   M_Rows = Rows
   M_Cols = Cols
   M_DataTable = New ArrayList()
   For I = 0 To M_Rows - 1
      M_DataRow = New ArrayList()
      For J = 0 To M_Cols - 1
         If I = 0 Then
         End If
         'Dim S_Cell As New WinFar_Cell()
         'S_Cell.InitFlag = True

End Sub
<Description("初始化属性")> _
Public Sub InitProperty()
   M_Zoom = 1
   M_Password = ""
   M_GridVisibledFlag = True
   M_GridColor = Color.Black
   M_GridStyle = DashStyle.Dot
   M_SelectBackColor = Color.FromArgb(88, 148, 158, 168)
   M_SelectForeColor = Color.Black
   M_LockBackColor = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Control)
   M_LockForeColor = Color.Gray
   M_CalcBackColor = Color.Transparent
   M_CalcForeColor = Color.Green
   M_HyperLinkBackColor = Color.Transparent
   M_HyperLinkForeColor = Color.Black
   M_DefaultBackColor = Color.Transparent
   M_DefaultForeColor = Color.Black
   M_LineColor = Color.Black
   M_AccountCount = 10
   M_DecimalCount = 2
   M_InitCell = New WinFar_Cell()

   M_Fixed3DStyleFlag = True
   M_FixedForeColor = Color.Black
   M_FixedBackColor = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Control)
   M_FixedDarkColor = GetDarkColor(M_FixedBackColor)
   M_FixedMiddleColor = GetMiddleColor(M_FixedBackColor)
   M_FixedLightColor = GetLightColor(M_FixedBackColor)
   If M_Rows < 10000 Then
      M_FixedWidth = 35
      M_FixedWidth = 42
   End If
   M_FixedHeight = 26
   M_FixedTextStyle = WinFar_TextStyle.Raised3DStyle
   M_FixedFont = New Font(New FontFamily("宋体"), 10)
   M_FixedRows = 0
   M_FixedCols = 0

   M_DataTable = New ArrayList()                    '单元行集合,每一个元素是一个ArrayList类
   M_DataRow = New ArrayList()                      '单元列集合,每一个元素是一个WinFar_Cell类
   M_RowitemCollection = New ArrayList()                '每一行高度的集合
   M_ColitemCollection = New ArrayList()                '每一列宽度的集合
   M_Rowitem = New WinFar_Rowitem()
   M_Colitem = New WinFar_Colitem()
   M_InitRowitem = New WinFar_Rowitem()
   M_InitColitem = New WinFar_Colitem()

   M_Row = 0                                        '选择区域的最上行,也就是当前行
   M_Col = 0                                        '选择区域的最左列,也就是当前列
   M_EndRow = 0                                     '选择区域的最下行
   M_EndCol = 0                                     '选择区域的最右列
   M_TopRow = 0                                     '最上边可见行
   M_LeftCol = 0                                    '最左边可见列
   M_CopyString = ""
   M_UndoOpenFlag = True
   M_UndoType = New Specialized.StringCollection()
   M_UndoTable = New ArrayList()
   M_RedoType = New Specialized.StringCollection()
   M_RedoTable = New ArrayList()
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal E As PaintEventArgs)
   Dim I As Integer
   Dim J As Integer
   Dim S_Left As Integer                         '获取单元的Left
   Dim S_Top As Integer                          '获取单元的Top
   Dim S_Width As Integer                        '获取单元的Width
   Dim S_Height As Integer                       '获取单元的Height
   Dim S_Rect As Rectangle                       '当前单元的Rect
   Dim S_Pen As Pen                              '打印表格线的铅笔
   Dim S_StringFormat As New StringFormat()      '打印折行文本时对齐方式
   M_Rect = New Rectangle(M_BorderWidth, M_BorderWidth, ClientRectangle.Width - M_VScrollSize - 2 * M_BorderWidth, ClientRectangle.Height - M_HScrollSize - 2 * M_BorderWidth)
   M_DataSheet.Rect = M_Rect
   Select Case M_BackStyle
      Case WinFar_BackStyle.BackColorStyle
         E.Graphics.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(M_BackColor), M_Rect)
      Case WinFar_BackStyle.BackHatchStyle
         E.Graphics.FillRectangle(New HatchBrush(M_BackHatchStyle, M_BackHatchColor, M_BackColor), M_Rect)
      Case WinFar_BackStyle.BackGradientSingleStyle
         Dim S_LinearGradientBrush As New LinearGradientBrush(M_Rect, M_BackGradientBeginColor, M_BackGradientEndColor, M_BackGradientAngle)
         Dim S_RelativeIntensities As Single() = {0.0F, M_BackGradientPercent, 1.0F}
         Dim S_RelativePositions As Single() = {0.0F, M_BackGradientPosition, 1.0F}
         Dim S_Blend As New Blend()
         S_Blend.Factors = S_RelativeIntensities
         S_Blend.Positions = S_RelativePositions
         S_LinearGradientBrush.Blend = S_Blend
         S_LinearGradientBrush.Blend = S_Blend
         E.Graphics.FillRectangle(S_LinearGradientBrush, M_Rect)
      Case WinFar_BackStyle.BackGradientDoubleStyle
         If M_BackGradientAngle = 0 Then
            Dim S_LinearGradientBrush1 As New LinearGradientBrush(New Rectangle(M_Rect.X, M_Rect.Y, Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Width / 2), M_Rect.Height), M_BackGradientBeginColor, M_BackGradientEndColor, 0)
            Dim S_LinearGradientBrush2 As New LinearGradientBrush(New Rectangle(M_Rect.X + Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Width / 2), M_Rect.Y, M_Rect.Width - Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Width / 2), M_Rect.Height), M_BackGradientBeginColor, M_BackGradientEndColor, 180)
            Dim S_RelativeIntensities As Single() = {0.0F, M_BackGradientPercent, 1.0F}
            Dim S_RelativePositions As Single() = {0.0F, M_BackGradientPosition, 1.0F}
            Dim S_Blend As New Blend()
            S_Blend.Factors = S_RelativeIntensities
            S_Blend.Positions = S_RelativePositions
            S_LinearGradientBrush1.Blend = S_Blend
            S_LinearGradientBrush1.Blend = S_Blend
            S_LinearGradientBrush2.Blend = S_Blend
            S_LinearGradientBrush2.Blend = S_Blend
            E.Graphics.FillRectangle(S_LinearGradientBrush1, New Rectangle(M_Rect.X, M_Rect.Y, Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Width / 2), M_Rect.Height))
            E.Graphics.FillRectangle(S_LinearGradientBrush2, New Rectangle(M_Rect.X + Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Width / 2), M_Rect.Y, M_Rect.Width - Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Width / 2), M_Rect.Height))
            E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(M_BackGradientEndColor), M_Rect.X + Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Width / 2), M_Rect.Y, M_Rect.X + Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Width / 2), M_Rect.Bottom)
            Dim S_LinearGradientBrush1 As New LinearGradientBrush(New Rectangle(M_Rect.X, M_Rect.Y, M_Rect.Width, Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Height / 2)), M_BackGradientBeginColor, M_BackGradientEndColor, 90)
            Dim S_LinearGradientBrush2 As New LinearGradientBrush(New Rectangle(M_Rect.X, M_Rect.Y + Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Height / 2), M_Rect.Width, M_Rect.Height - Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Height / 2)), M_BackGradientBeginColor, M_BackGradientEndColor, 270)
            Dim S_RelativeIntensities As Single() = {0.0F, M_BackGradientPercent, 1.0F}
            Dim S_RelativePositions As Single() = {0.0F, M_BackGradientPosition, 1.0F}
            Dim S_Blend As New Blend()
            S_Blend.Factors = S_RelativeIntensities
            S_Blend.Positions = S_RelativePositions
            S_LinearGradientBrush1.Blend = S_Blend
            S_LinearGradientBrush1.Blend = S_Blend
            S_LinearGradientBrush2.Blend = S_Blend
            S_LinearGradientBrush2.Blend = S_Blend
            E.Graphics.FillRectangle(S_LinearGradientBrush1, New Rectangle(M_Rect.X, M_Rect.Y, M_Rect.Width, Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Height / 2)))
            E.Graphics.FillRectangle(S_LinearGradientBrush2, New Rectangle(M_Rect.X, M_Rect.Y + Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Height / 2), M_Rect.Width, M_Rect.Height - Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Height / 2)))
            E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(M_BackGradientEndColor), M_Rect.X, M_Rect.Y + Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Height / 2), M_Rect.Right, M_Rect.Y + +Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Height / 2))
         End If
      Case WinFar_BackStyle.BackPathSideStyle
         Dim S_Path As New GraphicsPath()
         Dim S_PathGrBrush As New PathGradientBrush(S_Path)
         S_PathGrBrush.CenterColor = M_BackGradientBeginColor
         Dim S_EndColor() As Color = {M_BackGradientEndColor}
         S_PathGrBrush.SurroundColors = S_EndColor
         If M_BackGradientAngle = 0 Then
            S_PathGrBrush.CenterPoint = New PointF(M_Rect.X, M_Rect.Y + M_Rect.Height / 2)
         ElseIf M_BackGradientAngle = 45 Then
            S_PathGrBrush.CenterPoint = New PointF(M_Rect.X, M_Rect.Y)
         ElseIf M_BackGradientAngle = 90 Then
            S_PathGrBrush.CenterPoint = New PointF(M_Rect.X + M_Rect.Width / 2, M_Rect.Y)
         ElseIf M_BackGradientAngle = 135 Then
            S_PathGrBrush.CenterPoint = New PointF(M_Rect.Right, M_Rect.Y)
         ElseIf M_BackGradientAngle = 180 Then
            S_PathGrBrush.CenterPoint = New PointF(M_Rect.Right, M_Rect.Y + M_Rect.Height / 2)
         ElseIf M_BackGradientAngle = 225 Then
            S_PathGrBrush.CenterPoint = New PointF(M_Rect.Right, M_Rect.Bottom)
         ElseIf M_BackGradientAngle = 270 Then
            S_PathGrBrush.CenterPoint = New PointF(M_Rect.X + M_Rect.Width / 2, M_Rect.Bottom)
         ElseIf M_BackGradientAngle = 315 Then
            S_PathGrBrush.CenterPoint = New PointF(M_Rect.X, M_Rect.Bottom)
            S_PathGrBrush.CenterPoint = New PointF(M_Rect.X + (M_Rect.Right - M_Rect.X) / 2, M_Rect.Y + (M_Rect.Bottom - M_Rect.Y) / 2)
         End If
         E.Graphics.FillRectangle(S_PathGrBrush, M_Rect)
      Case WinFar_BackStyle.BackPathCenterStyle
         Dim S_Path As New GraphicsPath()
         Dim S_PathGrBrush As New PathGradientBrush(S_Path)
         S_PathGrBrush.CenterColor = M_BackGradientBeginColor
         Dim S_EndColor() As Color = {M_BackGradientEndColor}
         S_PathGrBrush.SurroundColors = S_EndColor
         S_PathGrBrush.CenterPoint = New PointF(M_Rect.X + (M_Rect.Right - M_Rect.X) / 2, M_Rect.Y + (M_Rect.Bottom - M_Rect.Y) / 2)
         E.Graphics.FillRectangle(S_PathGrBrush, M_Rect)
      Case WinFar_BackStyle.BackImageStyle
         If Not M_BackImage Is Nothing Then
            E.Graphics.FillRectangle(New TextureBrush(M_BackImage), M_Rect)
         End If
   End Select
   S_StringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
   S_StringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
   E.Graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias
   E.Graphics.DrawString("Winfarsoft  Foxcell", New Font(New FontFamily("Times New Roman"), 32), New SolidBrush(Color.WhiteSmoke), New RectangleF(M_Rect.X, M_Rect.Y - 80, M_Rect.Width, M_Rect.Height), S_StringFormat)
   E.Graphics.DrawString("1992~2004", New Font(New FontFamily("Times New Roman"), 32), New SolidBrush(Color.WhiteSmoke), New RectangleF(M_Rect.X, M_Rect.Y, M_Rect.Width, M_Rect.Height), S_StringFormat)
   E.Graphics.DrawString("Copyright (C) LiangZhongQi", New Font(New FontFamily("Times New Roman"), 32), New SolidBrush(Color.WhiteSmoke), New RectangleF(M_Rect.X, M_Rect.Y + 80, M_Rect.Width, M_Rect.Height), S_StringFormat)
   E.Graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.SystemDefault
   Dim S_FixedWidth As Integer
   Dim S_FixedHeight As Integer
   S_FixedHeight = M_Rect.Y + M_DataSheet.GetFixedHeight()
   S_FixedWidth = M_Rect.X + M_DataSheet.GetFixedWidth()
   If M_BorderStyle = WinFar_BorderStyle.BorderEmbossStyle Then
      If M_DataSheet.FixedRows > 0 Then
         M_DataSheet.DrawFixedCols(E.Graphics, 0, M_DataSheet.FixedRows - 1, M_Rect.Y + M_DataSheet.FixedHeight * M_DataSheet.Zoom, True)
         M_DataSheet.DrawCell(E.Graphics, 0, M_DataSheet.LeftCol, M_DataSheet.FixedRows - 1, M_DataSheet.Cols - 1, S_FixedWidth, M_Rect.Y + M_DataSheet.FixedHeight * M_DataSheet.Zoom, M_EditingFlag)
      End If
      If M_DataSheet.FixedCols > 0 Then
         M_DataSheet.DrawFixedRows(E.Graphics, 0, M_DataSheet.FixedCols - 1, M_Rect.X + M_DataSheet.FixedWidth * M_DataSheet.Zoom, True)
         M_DataSheet.DrawCell(E.Graphics, M_DataSheet.TopRow, 0, M_DataSheet.Rows - 1, M_DataSheet.FixedCols - 1, M_Rect.X + M_DataSheet.FixedWidth * M_DataSheet.Zoom, S_FixedHeight, M_EditingFlag)
      End If
      If M_DataSheet.FixedRows > 0 And M_DataSheet.FixedCols > 0 Then
         M_DataSheet.DrawCell(E.Graphics, 0, 0, M_DataSheet.FixedRows - 1, M_DataSheet.FixedCols - 1, M_Rect.X + M_DataSheet.FixedWidth * M_DataSheet.Zoom, M_Rect.Y + M_DataSheet.FixedHeight * M_DataSheet.Zoom, M_EditingFlag)
      End If
      M_DataSheet.DrawCell(E.Graphics, M_DataSheet.TopRow, M_DataSheet.LeftCol, M_DataSheet.Rows - 1, M_DataSheet.Cols - 1, S_FixedWidth, S_FixedHeight, M_EditingFlag)
      If M_DataSheet.FixedWidth > 0 Then
         M_DataSheet.DrawFixedCols(E.Graphics, M_DataSheet.TopRow, M_DataSheet.Rows - 1, S_FixedHeight, True)
      End If
      If M_DataSheet.FixedHeight > 0 Then
         M_DataSheet.DrawFixedRows(E.Graphics, M_DataSheet.LeftCol, M_DataSheet.Cols - 1, S_FixedWidth, True)
      End If
      If M_DataSheet.FixedWidth > 0 And M_DataSheet.FixedHeight > 0 Then
         M_DataSheet.DrawConner(E.Graphics, True)
      End If
      If M_DataSheet.FixedRows > 0 Then
         M_DataSheet.DrawFixedCols(E.Graphics, 0, M_DataSheet.FixedRows - 1, M_Rect.Y + M_DataSheet.FixedHeight * M_DataSheet.Zoom, False)
         M_DataSheet.DrawCell(E.Graphics, 0, M_DataSheet.LeftCol, M_DataSheet.FixedRows - 1, M_DataSheet.Cols - 1, S_FixedWidth, M_Rect.Y + M_DataSheet.FixedHeight * M_DataSheet.Zoom, M_EditingFlag)
      End If
      If M_DataSheet.FixedCols > 0 Then
         M_DataSheet.DrawFixedRows(E.Graphics, 0, M_DataSheet.FixedCols - 1, M_Rect.X + M_DataSheet.FixedWidth * M_DataSheet.Zoom, False)
         M_DataSheet.DrawCell(E.Graphics, M_DataSheet.TopRow, 0, M_DataSheet.Rows - 1, M_DataSheet.FixedCols - 1, M_Rect.X + M_DataSheet.FixedWidth * M_DataSheet.Zoom, S_FixedHeight, M_EditingFlag)
      End If
      If M_DataSheet.FixedRows > 0 And M_DataSheet.FixedCols > 0 Then
         M_DataSheet.DrawCell(E.Graphics, 0, 0, M_DataSheet.FixedRows - 1, M_DataSheet.FixedCols - 1, M_Rect.X + M_DataSheet.FixedWidth * M_DataSheet.Zoom, M_Rect.Y + M_DataSheet.FixedHeight * M_DataSheet.Zoom, M_EditingFlag)
      End If
      M_DataSheet.DrawCell(E.Graphics, M_DataSheet.TopRow, M_DataSheet.LeftCol, M_DataSheet.Rows - 1, M_DataSheet.Cols - 1, S_FixedWidth, S_FixedHeight, M_EditingFlag)
      If M_DataSheet.FixedWidth > 0 Then
         M_DataSheet.DrawFixedCols(E.Graphics, M_DataSheet.TopRow, M_DataSheet.Rows - 1, S_FixedHeight, False)
      End If
      If M_DataSheet.FixedHeight > 0 Then
         M_DataSheet.DrawFixedRows(E.Graphics, M_DataSheet.LeftCol, M_DataSheet.Cols - 1, S_FixedWidth, False)
      End If
      If M_DataSheet.FixedWidth > 0 And M_DataSheet.FixedHeight > 0 Then
         M_DataSheet.DrawConner(E.Graphics, False)
      End If
   End If
   Select Case M_MouseState
      Case WinFar_MouseState.ResizeColing
         S_Pen = New Pen(Color.Gray)
         S_Pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash
         E.Graphics.DrawLine(S_Pen, M_RBPoint.X, 0, M_RBPoint.X, Me.Height)
      Case WinFar_MouseState.ResizeRowing
         S_Pen = New Pen(Color.Gray)
         S_Pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash
         E.Graphics.DrawLine(S_Pen, 0, M_RBPoint.Y, Me.Width, M_RBPoint.Y)
      Case WinFar_MouseState.DrawLineing
         If Math.Abs(M_RBPoint.X - M_LTPoint.X) > Math.Abs(M_RBPoint.Y - M_LTPoint.Y) Then
            E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Blue, 3), M_LTPoint, New Point(M_RBPoint.X, M_LTPoint.Y))
            E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Blue, 3), M_LTPoint, New Point(M_LTPoint.X, M_RBPoint.Y))
         End If
      Case WinFar_MouseState.DeleLineing
         If Math.Abs(M_RBPoint.X - M_LTPoint.X) > Math.Abs(M_RBPoint.Y - M_LTPoint.Y) Then
            E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Red, 3), M_LTPoint, New Point(M_RBPoint.X, M_LTPoint.Y))
            E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Red, 3), M_LTPoint, New Point(M_LTPoint.X, M_RBPoint.Y))
         End If
      Case WinFar_MouseState.MoveRowing
         M_DataSheet.DrawDragRow(E.Graphics, M_EndRow)
      Case WinFar_MouseState.MoveColing
         M_DataSheet.DrawDragCol(E.Graphics, M_EndCol)
      Case WinFar_MouseState.MoveCelling
         M_DataSheet.DrawDragCell(E.Graphics, M_EndRow, M_EndCol, M_DataSheet.EndRow - M_DataSheet.Row, M_DataSheet.EndCol - M_DataSheet.Col)
      Case WinFar_MouseState.CopyFormating
         S_Left = M_DataSheet.GetCellLeft(M_DataSheet.Col) + M_Rect.X
         S_Top = M_DataSheet.GetCellTop(M_DataSheet.Row) + M_Rect.Y
         S_Pen = New Pen(Color.Black)
         S_Pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash
         S_Rect = New Rectangle(S_Left, S_Top, M_DataSheet.ColWidth(M_DataSheet.Col) * M_DataSheet.Zoom, M_DataSheet.RowHeight(M_DataSheet.Row) * M_DataSheet.Zoom)
         E.Graphics.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.White), S_Rect)
         E.Graphics.DrawRectangle(S_Pen, S_Rect)
         S_Rect = New Rectangle(S_Left + 1, S_Top + 1, M_DataSheet.ColWidth(M_DataSheet.Col) * M_DataSheet.Zoom - 2, M_DataSheet.RowHeight(M_DataSheet.Row) * M_DataSheet.Zoom - 2)
         E.Graphics.DrawRectangle(S_Pen, S_Rect)
         M_DataSheet.DrawDragCell(E.Graphics, M_Row, M_Col, M_EndRow - M_Row, M_EndCol - M_Col)
      Case WinFar_MouseState.DrawShapeing
         E.Graphics.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.Gray), M_LTPoint.X, M_LTPoint.Y, M_RBPoint.X - M_LTPoint.X, M_RBPoint.Y - M_LTPoint.Y)
      Case WinFar_MouseState.DrawCharting
         E.Graphics.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.Gray), M_LTPoint.X, M_LTPoint.Y, M_RBPoint.X - M_LTPoint.X, M_RBPoint.Y - M_LTPoint.Y)
   End Select
   If M_DataLabelFlag = True Then
      S_Rect = New Rectangle(M_BorderWidth, ClientRectangle.Bottom - M_BorderWidth - 18, ClientRectangle.Width - M_BorderWidth, 18)
      E.Graphics.FillRectangle(New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.Percent50, M_DataSheet.FixedBackColor, Color.White), S_Rect)
      S_Rect = New Rectangle(M_BorderWidth, S_Rect.Top, 17, 18)
      M_DataSheet.DrawButton(E.Graphics, S_Rect, 1)
      S_Rect = New Rectangle(S_Rect.Right + 1, S_Rect.Top, 17, 18)
      M_DataSheet.DrawButton(E.Graphics, S_Rect, 2)
      S_Rect = New Rectangle(S_Rect.Right + 1, S_Rect.Top, 17, 18)
      M_DataSheet.DrawButton(E.Graphics, S_Rect, 3)
      S_Rect = New Rectangle(S_Rect.Right + 1, S_Rect.Top, 17, 18)
      M_DataSheet.DrawButton(E.Graphics, S_Rect, 4)
      Dim S_Points(3) As PointF
      Dim S_Font As Font
      Dim S_LightColor As Color = M_DataSheet.GetLightColor(M_DataSheet.FixedBackColor)
      Dim S_DarkColor As Color = M_DataSheet.GetDarkColor(M_DataSheet.FixedBackColor)
      S_Font = New Font(New FontFamily("宋体"), 9)
      S_StringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
      S_StringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
      S_StringFormat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap
      S_Left = M_BorderWidth + 72
      For I = M_LeftMember To M_DataLabel.Count - 1
         S_Width = E.Graphics.MeasureString(M_DataLabel(I), S_Font).Width + 4
         S_Points(0) = New PointF(S_Left, ClientRectangle.Bottom - M_BorderWidth - 18)
         S_Points(1) = New PointF(S_Left + 17, ClientRectangle.Bottom - M_BorderWidth - 1)
         S_Points(2) = New PointF(S_Left + S_Width + 17, ClientRectangle.Bottom - M_BorderWidth - 1)
         S_Points(3) = New PointF(S_Left + S_Width + 17 + 17, ClientRectangle.Bottom - M_BorderWidth - 18)
         E.Graphics.FillPolygon(New SolidBrush(M_DataSheet.FixedBackColor), S_Points)
         E.Graphics.DrawPolygon(New Pen(Color.Black), S_Points)
         S_Rect = New Rectangle(S_Left + 17, ClientRectangle.Bottom - M_BorderWidth - 18, S_Width, 18)
         E.Graphics.DrawString(M_DataLabel(I), S_Font, New SolidBrush(Color.Black), New RectangleF(S_Rect.X + 2, S_Rect.Y + 2, S_Rect.Width, S_Rect.Height), S_StringFormat)
         S_Left = S_Left + S_Width + 17
         If M_Scrollbars = WinFar_Scrollbars.None Then
            If S_Left >= ClientRectangle.Width - M_BorderWidth Then
               Exit For
            End If
         ElseIf M_Scrollbars = WinFar_Scrollbars.Vertical Then
            If S_Left >= ClientRectangle.Width - M_HScrollSize - M_BorderWidth Then
               Exit For
            End If
         ElseIf M_Scrollbars = WinFar_Scrollbars.Horizontal Or M_Scrollbars = WinFar_Scrollbars.Both Then
            If S_Left >= ClientRectangle.Width * 0.75 Then
               Exit For
            End If
         End If
      S_Left = M_BorderWidth + 72
      For I = M_LeftMember To M_DataLabel.Count - 1
         S_Width = E.Graphics.MeasureString(M_DataLabel(I), S_Font).Width + 4
         If I = M_DataMember Then
            S_Points(0) = New PointF(S_Left, ClientRectangle.Bottom - M_BorderWidth - 18)
            S_Points(1) = New PointF(S_Left + 17, ClientRectangle.Bottom - M_BorderWidth - 1)
            S_Points(2) = New PointF(S_Left + S_Width + 17, ClientRectangle.Bottom - M_BorderWidth - 1)
            S_Points(3) = New PointF(S_Left + S_Width + 17 + 17, ClientRectangle.Bottom - M_BorderWidth - 18)
            E.Graphics.FillPolygon(New SolidBrush(S_LightColor), S_Points)
            E.Graphics.DrawPolygon(New Pen(Color.Black), S_Points)
            S_Rect = New Rectangle(S_Left + 17, ClientRectangle.Bottom - M_BorderWidth - 18, S_Width, 18)
            E.Graphics.DrawString(M_DataLabel(I), S_Font, New SolidBrush(Color.Black), New RectangleF(S_Rect.X + 2, S_Rect.Y + 2, S_Rect.Width, S_Rect.Height), S_StringFormat)
            Exit For
         End If
         S_Left = S_Left + S_Width + 17
      If M_Scrollbars = WinFar_Scrollbars.None Then
         S_Rect = New Rectangle(ClientRectangle.Width - M_BorderWidth - 7, S_Rect.Top, 6, 18)
      ElseIf M_Scrollbars = WinFar_Scrollbars.Vertical Then
         S_Rect = New Rectangle(ClientRectangle.Width - M_HScrollSize - M_BorderWidth - 7, S_Rect.Top, 6, 18)
      ElseIf M_Scrollbars = WinFar_Scrollbars.Horizontal Or M_Scrollbars = WinFar_Scrollbars.Both Then
         S_Rect = New Rectangle(ClientRectangle.Width * 0.75 - 7, S_Rect.Top, 6, 18)
      End If
      E.Graphics.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(M_DataSheet.FixedBackColor), S_Rect)
      M_DataSheet.DrawButton(E.Graphics, S_Rect, 0)
   End If
   If M_HScrollSize = 18 And M_VScrollSize = 18 Then
      E.Graphics.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Control)), New Rectangle(ClientRectangle.Width - M_BorderWidth - 18, ClientRectangle.Height - M_BorderWidth - 18, 18, 18))
   End If
   Select Case BorderStyle
      Case WinFar_BorderStyle.BorderSingle
         E.Graphics.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.Black), New Rectangle(0, 0, ClientRectangle.Width - 1, ClientRectangle.Height - 1))
      Case WinFar_BorderStyle.BorderEmbossStyle
         E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(M_DataSheet.GetDarkColor(M_DataSheet.FixedBackColor)), 0, 0, 0, ClientRectangle.Height)
         E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(M_DataSheet.GetLightColor(M_DataSheet.FixedBackColor)), 1, 0, 1, ClientRectangle.Height)
         E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(M_DataSheet.GetDarkColor(M_DataSheet.FixedBackColor)), 0, 0, ClientRectangle.Width, 0)
         E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(M_DataSheet.GetLightColor(M_DataSheet.FixedBackColor)), 1, 1, ClientRectangle.Width, 1)
         E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Control)), ClientRectangle.Width - 2, 1, ClientRectangle.Width - 2, ClientRectangle.Height - 3)
         E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.White), ClientRectangle.Width - 1, 0, ClientRectangle.Width - 1, ClientRectangle.Height - 1)
         E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Control)), 1, ClientRectangle.Height - 2, ClientRectangle.Width - 2, ClientRectangle.Height - 2)
         E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.White), 0, ClientRectangle.Height - 1, ClientRectangle.Width - 1, ClientRectangle.Height - 1)
      Case WinFar_BorderStyle.BorderIn3DStyle, WinFar_BorderStyle.BorderOut3DStyle
         E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Silver), 0, 0, ClientRectangle.Width, 0)
         E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), 1, 1, ClientRectangle.Width, 1)
         'E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), 1, 2, ClientRectangle.Width, 2)
         E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Silver), 0, 0, 0, ClientRectangle.Height)
         E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), 1, 1, 1, ClientRectangle.Height)
         'E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), 2, 1, 2, ClientRectangle.Height)
         E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Control)), 1, ClientRectangle.Height - 2, ClientRectangle.Width - 2, ClientRectangle.Height - 2)
         E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.White), 0, ClientRectangle.Height - 1, ClientRectangle.Width - 1, ClientRectangle.Height - 1)
         E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Control)), ClientRectangle.Width - 2, 1, ClientRectangle.Width - 2, ClientRectangle.Height - 3)
         E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.White), ClientRectangle.Width - 1, 0, ClientRectangle.Width - 1, ClientRectangle.Height - 1)
   End Select
End Sub
End Class



Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Public Class WinFar_Cell
Public InitFlag As Boolean
Public BorderStyle As WinFar_BorderStyle = WinFar_BorderStyle.Normal
Public BackColor As Color = Color.White
Public ForeColor As Color = Color.Black
Public MergeFlag As Boolean = False
Public MergeRows As Integer = 0
Public MergeCols As Integer = 0
Public MergeRowStep As Integer = 0
Public MergeColStep As Integer = 0
Public LeftLineStyle As WinFar_LineStyle = WinFar_LineStyle.None
Public TopLineStyle As WinFar_LineStyle = WinFar_LineStyle.None
Public RightLineStyle As WinFar_LineStyle = WinFar_LineStyle.None
Public BottomLineStyle As WinFar_LineStyle = WinFar_LineStyle.None
Public Image As Image = Nothing
Public ImageAlignment As WinFar_Alignment = WinFar_Alignment.LeftCenter
Public Font As Font = New Font(New FontFamily("宋体"), 10)
Public ShowStyle As WinFar_ShowStyle = WinFar_ShowStyle.Normal
Public MultiLineFlag As Boolean = False
Public TextAlignment As WinFar_Alignment = WinFar_Alignment.CenterCenter
Public TextStyle As WinFar_TextStyle = WinFar_TextStyle.Normal
Public Text As String = ""
Public LockFlag As Boolean = False
Public LoadString As String = ""
Public HyperLink As String = ""
Public CalcExpress As String = ""
Public CheckExpress As String = ""
End Class


Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Text
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class WinFar_DataSheet
Public Sub New(Optional ByVal Rows As Integer = 50, Optional ByVal Cols As Integer = 26)
Dim I As Integer
Dim J As Integer
Rows = 1000
M_Rows = Rows
M_Cols = Cols
M_DataTable = New ArrayList()
For I = 0 To M_Rows - 1
M_DataRow = New ArrayList()
For J = 0 To M_Cols - 1
If I = 0 Then
End If
'Dim S_Cell As New WinFar_Cell()
'S_Cell.InitFlag = True

End Sub
<Description("初始化属性")> _
Public Sub InitProperty()
M_Zoom = 1
M_Password = ""
M_GridVisibledFlag = True
M_GridColor = Color.Black
M_GridStyle = DashStyle.Dot
M_SelectBackColor = Color.FromArgb(88, 148, 158, 168)
M_SelectForeColor = Color.Black
M_LockBackColor = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Control)
M_LockForeColor = Color.Gray
M_CalcBackColor = Color.Transparent
M_CalcForeColor = Color.Green
M_HyperLinkBackColor = Color.Transparent
M_HyperLinkForeColor = Color.Black
M_DefaultBackColor = Color.Transparent
M_DefaultForeColor = Color.Black
M_LineColor = Color.Black
M_AccountCount = 10
M_DecimalCount = 2
M_InitCell = New WinFar_Cell()

M_Fixed3DStyleFlag = True
M_FixedForeColor = Color.Black
M_FixedBackColor = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Control)
M_FixedDarkColor = GetDarkColor(M_FixedBackColor)
M_FixedMiddleColor = GetMiddleColor(M_FixedBackColor)
M_FixedLightColor = GetLightColor(M_FixedBackColor)
If M_Rows < 10000 Then
M_FixedWidth = 35
M_FixedWidth = 42
End If
M_FixedHeight = 26
M_FixedTextStyle = WinFar_TextStyle.Raised3DStyle
M_FixedFont = New Font(New FontFamily("宋体"), 10)
M_FixedRows = 0
M_FixedCols = 0

M_DataTable = New ArrayList() '单元行集合,每一个元素是一个ArrayList类
M_DataRow = New ArrayList() '单元列集合,每一个元素是一个WinFar_Cell类
M_RowitemCollection = New ArrayList() '每一行高度的集合
M_ColitemCollection = New ArrayList() '每一列宽度的集合
M_Rowitem = New WinFar_Rowitem()
M_Colitem = New WinFar_Colitem()
M_InitRowitem = New WinFar_Rowitem()
M_InitColitem = New WinFar_Colitem()

M_Row = 0 '选择区域的最上行,也就是当前行
M_Col = 0 '选择区域的最左列,也就是当前列
M_EndRow = 0 '选择区域的最下行
M_EndCol = 0 '选择区域的最右列
M_TopRow = 0 '最上边可见行
M_LeftCol = 0 '最左边可见列
M_CopyString = ""
M_UndoOpenFlag = True
M_UndoType = New Specialized.StringCollection()
M_UndoTable = New ArrayList()
M_RedoType = New Specialized.StringCollection()
M_RedoTable = New ArrayList()
End Sub

Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal E As PaintEventArgs)
Dim I As Integer
Dim J As Integer
Dim S_Left As Integer '获取单元的Left
Dim S_Top As Integer '获取单元的Top
Dim S_Width As Integer '获取单元的Width
Dim S_Height As Integer '获取单元的Height
Dim S_Rect As Rectangle '当前单元的Rect
Dim S_Pen As Pen '打印表格线的铅笔
Dim S_StringFormat As New StringFormat() '打印折行文本时对齐方式
M_Rect = New Rectangle(M_BorderWidth, M_BorderWidth, ClientRectangle.Width - M_VScrollSize -

2 * M_BorderWidth, ClientRectangle.Height - M_HScrollSize - 2 * M_BorderWidth)
M_DataSheet.Rect = M_Rect
Select Case M_BackStyle
Case WinFar_BackStyle.BackColorStyle
E.Graphics.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(M_BackColor), M_Rect)
Case WinFar_BackStyle.BackHatchStyle
E.Graphics.FillRectangle(New HatchBrush(M_BackHatchStyle, M_BackHatchColor,

M_BackColor), M_Rect)
Case WinFar_BackStyle.BackGradientSingleStyle
Dim S_LinearGradientBrush As New LinearGradientBrush(M_Rect, M_BackGradientBeginColor,

M_BackGradientEndColor, M_BackGradientAngle)
Dim S_RelativeIntensities As Single() = {0.0F, M_BackGradientPercent, 1.0F}
Dim S_RelativePositions As Single() = {0.0F, M_BackGradientPosition, 1.0F}
Dim S_Blend As New Blend()
S_Blend.Factors = S_RelativeIntensities
S_Blend.Positions = S_RelativePositions
S_LinearGradientBrush.Blend = S_Blend
S_LinearGradientBrush.Blend = S_Blend
E.Graphics.FillRectangle(S_LinearGradientBrush, M_Rect)
Case WinFar_BackStyle.BackGradientDoubleStyle
If M_BackGradientAngle = 0 Then
Dim S_LinearGradientBrush1 As New LinearGradientBrush(New Rectangle(M_Rect.X,

M_Rect.Y, Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Width / 2), M_Rect.Height), M_BackGradientBeginColor,

M_BackGradientEndColor, 0)
Dim S_LinearGradientBrush2 As New LinearGradientBrush(New Rectangle(M_Rect.X +

Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Width / 2), M_Rect.Y, M_Rect.Width - Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Width / 2),

M_Rect.Height), M_BackGradientBeginColor, M_BackGradientEndColor, 180)
Dim S_RelativeIntensities As Single() = {0.0F, M_BackGradientPercent, 1.0F}
Dim S_RelativePositions As Single() = {0.0F, M_BackGradientPosition, 1.0F}
Dim S_Blend As New Blend()
S_Blend.Factors = S_RelativeIntensities
S_Blend.Positions = S_RelativePositions
S_LinearGradientBrush1.Blend = S_Blend
S_LinearGradientBrush1.Blend = S_Blend
S_LinearGradientBrush2.Blend = S_Blend
S_LinearGradientBrush2.Blend = S_Blend
E.Graphics.FillRectangle(S_LinearGradientBrush1, New Rectangle(M_Rect.X, M_Rect.Y,

Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Width / 2), M_Rect.Height))
E.Graphics.FillRectangle(S_LinearGradientBrush2, New Rectangle(M_Rect.X +

Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Width / 2), M_Rect.Y, M_Rect.Width - Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Width / 2),

E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(M_BackGradientEndColor), M_Rect.X +

Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Width / 2), M_Rect.Y, M_Rect.X + Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Width / 2),

Dim S_LinearGradientBrush1 As New LinearGradientBrush(New Rectangle(M_Rect.X,

M_Rect.Y, M_Rect.Width, Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Height / 2)), M_BackGradientBeginColor,

M_BackGradientEndColor, 90)
Dim S_LinearGradientBrush2 As New LinearGradientBrush(New Rectangle(M_Rect.X,

M_Rect.Y + Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Height / 2), M_Rect.Width, M_Rect.Height -

Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Height / 2)), M_BackGradientBeginColor, M_BackGradientEndColor, 270)
Dim S_RelativeIntensities As Single() = {0.0F, M_BackGradientPercent, 1.0F}
Dim S_RelativePositions As Single() = {0.0F, M_BackGradientPosition, 1.0F}
Dim S_Blend As New Blend()
S_Blend.Factors = S_RelativeIntensities
S_Blend.Positions = S_RelativePositions
S_LinearGradientBrush1.Blend = S_Blend
S_LinearGradientBrush1.Blend = S_Blend
S_LinearGradientBrush2.Blend = S_Blend
S_LinearGradientBrush2.Blend = S_Blend
E.Graphics.FillRectangle(S_LinearGradientBrush1, New Rectangle(M_Rect.X, M_Rect.Y,

M_Rect.Width, Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Height / 2)))
E.Graphics.FillRectangle(S_LinearGradientBrush2, New Rectangle(M_Rect.X, M_Rect.Y +

Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Height / 2), M_Rect.Width, M_Rect.Height - Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Height

/ 2)))
E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(M_BackGradientEndColor), M_Rect.X, M_Rect.Y +

Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Height / 2), M_Rect.Right, M_Rect.Y + +Convert.ToInt32(M_Rect.Height /

End If
Case WinFar_BackStyle.BackPathSideStyle
Dim S_Path As New GraphicsPath()
Dim S_PathGrBrush As New PathGradientBrush(S_Path)
S_PathGrBrush.CenterColor = M_BackGradientBeginColor
Dim S_EndColor() As Color = {M_BackGradientEndColor}
S_PathGrBrush.SurroundColors = S_EndColor
If M_BackGradientAngle = 0 Then
S_PathGrBrush.CenterPoint = New PointF(M_Rect.X, M_Rect.Y + M_Rect.Height / 2)
ElseIf M_BackGradientAngle = 45 Then
S_PathGrBrush.CenterPoint = New PointF(M_Rect.X, M_Rect.Y)
ElseIf M_BackGradientAngle = 90 Then
S_PathGrBrush.CenterPoint = New PointF(M_Rect.X + M_Rect.Width / 2, M_Rect.Y)
ElseIf M_BackGradientAngle = 135 Then
S_PathGrBrush.CenterPoint = New PointF(M_Rect.Right, M_Rect.Y)
ElseIf M_BackGradientAngle = 180 Then
S_PathGrBrush.CenterPoint = New PointF(M_Rect.Right, M_Rect.Y + M_Rect.Height / 2)
ElseIf M_BackGradientAngle = 225 Then
S_PathGrBrush.CenterPoint = New PointF(M_Rect.Right, M_Rect.Bottom)
ElseIf M_BackGradientAngle = 270 Then
S_PathGrBrush.CenterPoint = New PointF(M_Rect.X + M_Rect.Width / 2, M_Rect.Bottom)
ElseIf M_BackGradientAngle = 315 Then
S_PathGrBrush.CenterPoint = New PointF(M_Rect.X, M_Rect.Bottom)
S_PathGrBrush.CenterPoint = New PointF(M_Rect.X + (M_Rect.Right - M_Rect.X) / 2,

M_Rect.Y + (M_Rect.Bottom - M_Rect.Y) / 2)
End If
E.Graphics.FillRectangle(S_PathGrBrush, M_Rect)
Case WinFar_BackStyle.BackPathCenterStyle
Dim S_Path As New GraphicsPath()
Dim S_PathGrBrush As New PathGradientBrush(S_Path)
S_PathGrBrush.CenterColor = M_BackGradientBeginColor
Dim S_EndColor() As Color = {M_BackGradientEndColor}
S_PathGrBrush.SurroundColors = S_EndColor
S_PathGrBrush.CenterPoint = New PointF(M_Rect.X + (M_Rect.Right - M_Rect.X) / 2,

M_Rect.Y + (M_Rect.Bottom - M_Rect.Y) / 2)
E.Graphics.FillRectangle(S_PathGrBrush, M_Rect)
Case WinFar_BackStyle.BackImageStyle
If Not M_BackImage Is Nothing Then
E.Graphics.FillRectangle(New TextureBrush(M_BackImage), M_Rect)
End If
End Select
S_StringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
S_StringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
E.Graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias
E.Graphics.DrawString("Winfarsoft Foxcell", New Font(New FontFamily("Times New Roman"), 32),

New SolidBrush(Color.WhiteSmoke), New RectangleF(M_Rect.X, M_Rect.Y - 80, M_Rect.Width,

M_Rect.Height), S_StringFormat)
E.Graphics.DrawString("1992~2004", New Font(New FontFamily("Times New Roman"), 32), New

SolidBrush(Color.WhiteSmoke), New RectangleF(M_Rect.X, M_Rect.Y, M_Rect.Width, M_Rect.Height),

E.Graphics.DrawString("Copyright (C) LiangZhongQi", New Font(New FontFamily("Times New

Roman"), 32), New SolidBrush(Color.WhiteSmoke), New RectangleF(M_Rect.X, M_Rect.Y + 80,

M_Rect.Width, M_Rect.Height), S_StringFormat)
E.Graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.SystemDefault
Dim S_FixedWidth As Integer
Dim S_FixedHeight As Integer
S_FixedHeight = M_Rect.Y + M_DataSheet.GetFixedHeight()
S_FixedWidth = M_Rect.X + M_DataSheet.GetFixedWidth()
If M_BorderStyle = WinFar_BorderStyle.BorderEmbossStyle Then
If M_DataSheet.FixedRows > 0 Then
M_DataSheet.DrawFixedCols(E.Graphics, 0, M_DataSheet.FixedRows - 1, M_Rect.Y +

M_DataSheet.FixedHeight * M_DataSheet.Zoom, True)
M_DataSheet.DrawCell(E.Graphics, 0, M_DataSheet.LeftCol, M_DataSheet.FixedRows - 1,

M_DataSheet.Cols - 1, S_FixedWidth, M_Rect.Y + M_DataSheet.FixedHeight * M_DataSheet.Zoom,

End If
If M_DataSheet.FixedCols > 0 Then
M_DataSheet.DrawFixedRows(E.Graphics, 0, M_DataSheet.FixedCols - 1, M_Rect.X +

M_DataSheet.FixedWidth * M_DataSheet.Zoom, True)
M_DataSheet.DrawCell(E.Graphics, M_DataSheet.TopRow, 0, M_DataSheet.Rows - 1,

M_DataSheet.FixedCols - 1, M_Rect.X + M_DataSheet.FixedWidth * M_DataSheet.Zoom, S_FixedHeight,

End If
If M_DataSheet.FixedRows > 0 And M_DataSheet.FixedCols > 0 Then
M_DataSheet.DrawCell(E.Graphics, 0, 0, M_DataSheet.FixedRows - 1, M_DataSheet.FixedCols

- 1, M_Rect.X + M_DataSheet.FixedWidth * M_DataSheet.Zoom, M_Rect.Y + M_DataSheet.FixedHeight *

M_DataSheet.Zoom, M_EditingFlag)
End If
M_DataSheet.DrawCell(E.Graphics, M_DataSheet.TopRow, M_DataSheet.LeftCol, M_DataSheet.Rows

- 1, M_DataSheet.Cols - 1, S_FixedWidth, S_FixedHeight, M_EditingFlag)
If M_DataSheet.FixedWidth > 0 Then
M_DataSheet.DrawFixedCols(E.Graphics, M_DataSheet.TopRow, M_DataSheet.Rows - 1,

S_FixedHeight, True)
End If
If M_DataSheet.FixedHeight > 0 Then
M_DataSheet.DrawFixedRows(E.Graphics, M_DataSheet.LeftCol, M_DataSheet.Cols - 1,

S_FixedWidth, True)
End If
If M_DataSheet.FixedWidth > 0 And M_DataSheet.FixedHeight > 0 Then
M_DataSheet.DrawConner(E.Graphics, True)
End If
If M_DataSheet.FixedRows > 0 Then
M_DataSheet.DrawFixedCols(E.Graphics, 0, M_DataSheet.FixedRows - 1, M_Rect.Y +

M_DataSheet.FixedHeight * M_DataSheet.Zoom, False)
M_DataSheet.DrawCell(E.Graphics, 0, M_DataSheet.LeftCol, M_DataSheet.FixedRows - 1,

M_DataSheet.Cols - 1, S_FixedWidth, M_Rect.Y + M_DataSheet.FixedHeight * M_DataSheet.Zoom,

End If
If M_DataSheet.FixedCols > 0 Then
M_DataSheet.DrawFixedRows(E.Graphics, 0, M_DataSheet.FixedCols - 1, M_Rect.X +

M_DataSheet.FixedWidth * M_DataSheet.Zoom, False)
M_DataSheet.DrawCell(E.Graphics, M_DataSheet.TopRow, 0, M_DataSheet.Rows - 1,

M_DataSheet.FixedCols - 1, M_Rect.X + M_DataSheet.FixedWidth * M_DataSheet.Zoom, S_FixedHeight,

End If
If M_DataSheet.FixedRows > 0 And M_DataSheet.FixedCols > 0 Then
M_DataSheet.DrawCell(E.Graphics, 0, 0, M_DataSheet.FixedRows - 1, M_DataSheet.FixedCols

- 1, M_Rect.X + M_DataSheet.FixedWidth * M_DataSheet.Zoom, M_Rect.Y + M_DataSheet.FixedHeight *

M_DataSheet.Zoom, M_EditingFlag)
End If
M_DataSheet.DrawCell(E.Graphics, M_DataSheet.TopRow, M_DataSheet.LeftCol, M_DataSheet.Rows

- 1, M_DataSheet.Cols - 1, S_FixedWidth, S_FixedHeight, M_EditingFlag)
If M_DataSheet.FixedWidth > 0 Then
M_DataSheet.DrawFixedCols(E.Graphics, M_DataSheet.TopRow, M_DataSheet.Rows - 1,

S_FixedHeight, False)
End If
If M_DataSheet.FixedHeight > 0 Then
M_DataSheet.DrawFixedRows(E.Graphics, M_DataSheet.LeftCol, M_DataSheet.Cols - 1,

S_FixedWidth, False)
End If
If M_DataSheet.FixedWidth > 0 And M_DataSheet.FixedHeight > 0 Then
M_DataSheet.DrawConner(E.Graphics, False)
End If
End If
Select Case M_MouseState
Case WinFar_MouseState.ResizeColing
S_Pen = New Pen(Color.Gray)
S_Pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash
E.Graphics.DrawLine(S_Pen, M_RBPoint.X, 0, M_RBPoint.X, Me.Height)
Case WinFar_MouseState.ResizeRowing
S_Pen = New Pen(Color.Gray)
S_Pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash
E.Graphics.DrawLine(S_Pen, 0, M_RBPoint.Y, Me.Width, M_RBPoint.Y)
Case WinFar_MouseState.DrawLineing
If Math.Abs(M_RBPoint.X - M_LTPoint.X) > Math.Abs(M_RBPoint.Y - M_LTPoint.Y) Then
E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Blue, 3), M_LTPoint, New Point(M_RBPoint.X,

E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Blue, 3), M_LTPoint, New Point(M_LTPoint.X,

End If
Case WinFar_MouseState.DeleLineing
If Math.Abs(M_RBPoint.X - M_LTPoint.X) > Math.Abs(M_RBPoint.Y - M_LTPoint.Y) Then
E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Red, 3), M_LTPoint, New Point(M_RBPoint.X,

E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Red, 3), M_LTPoint, New Point(M_LTPoint.X,

End If
Case WinFar_MouseState.MoveRowing
M_DataSheet.DrawDragRow(E.Graphics, M_EndRow)
Case WinFar_MouseState.MoveColing
M_DataSheet.DrawDragCol(E.Graphics, M_EndCol)
Case WinFar_MouseState.MoveCelling
M_DataSheet.DrawDragCell(E.Graphics, M_EndRow, M_EndCol, M_DataSheet.EndRow -

M_DataSheet.Row, M_DataSheet.EndCol - M_DataSheet.Col)
Case WinFar_MouseState.CopyFormating
S_Left = M_DataSheet.GetCellLeft(M_DataSheet.Col) + M_Rect.X
S_Top = M_DataSheet.GetCellTop(M_DataSheet.Row) + M_Rect.Y
S_Pen = New Pen(Color.Black)
S_Pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash
S_Rect = New Rectangle(S_Left, S_Top, M_DataSheet.ColWidth(M_DataSheet.Col) *

M_DataSheet.Zoom, M_DataSheet.RowHeight(M_DataSheet.Row) * M_DataSheet.Zoom)
E.Graphics.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.White), S_Rect)
E.Graphics.DrawRectangle(S_Pen, S_Rect)
S_Rect = New Rectangle(S_Left + 1, S_Top + 1, M_DataSheet.ColWidth(M_DataSheet.Col) *

M_DataSheet.Zoom - 2, M_DataSheet.RowHeight(M_DataSheet.Row) * M_DataSheet.Zoom - 2)
E.Graphics.DrawRectangle(S_Pen, S_Rect)
M_DataSheet.DrawDragCell(E.Graphics, M_Row, M_Col, M_EndRow - M_Row, M_EndCol - M_Col)
Case WinFar_MouseState.DrawShapeing
E.Graphics.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.Gray), M_LTPoint.X, M_LTPoint.Y, M_RBPoint.X -

M_LTPoint.X, M_RBPoint.Y - M_LTPoint.Y)
Case WinFar_MouseState.DrawCharting
E.Graphics.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.Gray), M_LTPoint.X, M_LTPoint.Y, M_RBPoint.X -

M_LTPoint.X, M_RBPoint.Y - M_LTPoint.Y)
End Select
If M_DataLabelFlag = True Then
S_Rect = New Rectangle(M_BorderWidth, ClientRectangle.Bottom - M_BorderWidth - 18,

ClientRectangle.Width - M_BorderWidth, 18)
E.Graphics.FillRectangle(New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.Percent50, M_DataSheet.FixedBackColor,

Color.White), S_Rect)
S_Rect = New Rectangle(M_BorderWidth, S_Rect.Top, 17, 18)
M_DataSheet.DrawButton(E.Graphics, S_Rect, 1)
S_Rect = New Rectangle(S_Rect.Right + 1, S_Rect.Top, 17, 18)
M_DataSheet.DrawButton(E.Graphics, S_Rect, 2)
S_Rect = New Rectangle(S_Rect.Right + 1, S_Rect.Top, 17, 18)
M_DataSheet.DrawButton(E.Graphics, S_Rect, 3)
S_Rect = New Rectangle(S_Rect.Right + 1, S_Rect.Top, 17, 18)
M_DataSheet.DrawButton(E.Graphics, S_Rect, 4)
Dim S_Points(3) As PointF
Dim S_Font As Font
Dim S_LightColor As Color = M_DataSheet.GetLightColor(M_DataSheet.FixedBackColor)
Dim S_DarkColor As Color = M_DataSheet.GetDarkColor(M_DataSheet.FixedBackColor)
S_Font = New Font(New FontFamily("宋体"), 9)
S_StringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
S_StringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
S_StringFormat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap
S_Left = M_BorderWidth + 72
For I = M_LeftMember To M_DataLabel.Count - 1
S_Width = E.Graphics.MeasureString(M_DataLabel(I), S_Font).Width + 4
S_Points(0) = New PointF(S_Left, ClientRectangle.Bottom - M_BorderWidth - 18)
S_Points(1) = New PointF(S_Left + 17, ClientRectangle.Bottom - M_BorderWidth - 1)
S_Points(2) = New PointF(S_Left + S_Width + 17, ClientRectangle.Bottom - M_BorderWidth

- 1)
S_Points(3) = New PointF(S_Left + S_Width + 17 + 17, ClientRectangle.Bottom -

M_BorderWidth - 18)
E.Graphics.FillPolygon(New SolidBrush(M_DataSheet.FixedBackColor), S_Points)
E.Graphics.DrawPolygon(New Pen(Color.Black), S_Points)
S_Rect = New Rectangle(S_Left + 17, ClientRectangle.Bottom - M_BorderWidth - 18,

S_Width, 18)
E.Graphics.DrawString(M_DataLabel(I), S_Font, New SolidBrush(Color.Black), New

RectangleF(S_Rect.X + 2, S_Rect.Y + 2, S_Rect.Width, S_Rect.Height), S_StringFormat)
S_Left = S_Left + S_Width + 17
If M_Scrollbars = WinFar_Scrollbars.None Then
If S_Left >= ClientRectangle.Width - M_BorderWidth Then
Exit For
End If
ElseIf M_Scrollbars = WinFar_Scrollbars.Vertical Then
If S_Left >= ClientRectangle.Width - M_HScrollSize - M_BorderWidth Then
Exit For
End If
ElseIf M_Scrollbars = WinFar_Scrollbars.Horizontal Or M_Scrollbars =

WinFar_Scrollbars.Both Then
If S_Left >= ClientRectangle.Width * 0.75 Then
Exit For
End If
End If
S_Left = M_BorderWidth + 72
For I = M_LeftMember To M_DataLabel.Count - 1
S_Width = E.Graphics.MeasureString(M_DataLabel(I), S_Font).Width + 4
If I = M_DataMember Then
S_Points(0) = New PointF(S_Left, ClientRectangle.Bottom - M_BorderWidth - 18)
S_Points(1) = New PointF(S_Left + 17, ClientRectangle.Bottom - M_BorderWidth - 1)
S_Points(2) = New PointF(S_Left + S_Width + 17, ClientRectangle.Bottom -

M_BorderWidth - 1)
S_Points(3) = New PointF(S_Left + S_Width + 17 + 17, ClientRectangle.Bottom -

M_BorderWidth - 18)
E.Graphics.FillPolygon(New SolidBrush(S_LightColor), S_Points)
E.Graphics.DrawPolygon(New Pen(Color.Black), S_Points)
S_Rect = New Rectangle(S_Left + 17, ClientRectangle.Bottom - M_BorderWidth - 18,

S_Width, 18)
E.Graphics.DrawString(M_DataLabel(I), S_Font, New SolidBrush(Color.Black), New

RectangleF(S_Rect.X + 2, S_Rect.Y + 2, S_Rect.Width, S_Rect.Height), S_StringFormat)
Exit For
End If
S_Left = S_Left + S_Width + 17
If M_Scrollbars = WinFar_Scrollbars.None Then
S_Rect = New Rectangle(ClientRectangle.Width - M_BorderWidth - 7, S_Rect.Top, 6, 18)
ElseIf M_Scrollbars = WinFar_Scrollbars.Vertical Then
S_Rect = New Rectangle(ClientRectangle.Width - M_HScrollSize - M_BorderWidth - 7,

S_Rect.Top, 6, 18)
ElseIf M_Scrollbars = WinFar_Scrollbars.Horizontal Or M_Scrollbars =

WinFar_Scrollbars.Both Then
S_Rect = New Rectangle(ClientRectangle.Width * 0.75 - 7, S_Rect.Top, 6, 18)
End If
E.Graphics.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(M_DataSheet.FixedBackColor), S_Rect)
M_DataSheet.DrawButton(E.Graphics, S_Rect, 0)
End If
If M_HScrollSize = 18 And M_VScrollSize = 18 Then
E.Graphics.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Control)), New

Rectangle(ClientRectangle.Width - M_BorderWidth - 18, ClientRectangle.Height - M_BorderWidth -

18, 18, 18))
End If
Select Case BorderStyle
Case WinFar_BorderStyle.BorderSingle
E.Graphics.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.Black), New Rectangle(0, 0,

ClientRectangle.Width - 1, ClientRectangle.Height - 1))
Case WinFar_BorderStyle.BorderEmbossStyle
E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(M_DataSheet.GetDarkColor(M_DataSheet.FixedBackColor)), 0,

0, 0, ClientRectangle.Height)
E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(M_DataSheet.GetLightColor(M_DataSheet.FixedBackColor)), 1,

0, 1, ClientRectangle.Height)
E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(M_DataSheet.GetDarkColor(M_DataSheet.FixedBackColor)), 0,

0, ClientRectangle.Width, 0)
E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(M_DataSheet.GetLightColor(M_DataSheet.FixedBackColor)), 1,

1, ClientRectangle.Width, 1)
E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Control)),

ClientRectangle.Width - 2, 1, ClientRectangle.Width - 2, ClientRectangle.Height - 3)
E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.White), ClientRectangle.Width - 1, 0,

ClientRectangle.Width - 1, ClientRectangle.Height - 1)
E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Control)), 1,

ClientRectangle.Height - 2, ClientRectangle.Width - 2, ClientRectangle.Height - 2)
E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.White), 0, ClientRectangle.Height - 1,

ClientRectangle.Width - 1, ClientRectangle.Height - 1)
Case WinFar_BorderStyle.BorderIn3DStyle, WinFar_BorderStyle.BorderOut3DStyle
E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Silver), 0, 0, ClientRectangle.Width, 0)
E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), 1, 1, ClientRectangle.Width, 1)
'E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), 1, 2, ClientRectangle.Width, 2)
E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Silver), 0, 0, 0, ClientRectangle.Height)
E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), 1, 1, 1, ClientRectangle.Height)
'E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), 2, 1, 2, ClientRectangle.Height)
E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Control)), 1,

ClientRectangle.Height - 2, ClientRectangle.Width - 2, ClientRectangle.Height - 2)
E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.White), 0, ClientRectangle.Height - 1,

ClientRectangle.Width - 1, ClientRectangle.Height - 1)
E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Control)),

ClientRectangle.Width - 2, 1, ClientRectangle.Width - 2, ClientRectangle.Height - 3)
E.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.White), ClientRectangle.Width - 1, 0,

ClientRectangle.Width - 1, ClientRectangle.Height - 1)
End Select
End Sub
End Class








当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


