url_effective The URL that was fetched last. This is most meaningful if you've told curl to follow location: headers. filename_effective The ultimate filename that curl writes out to. This is only meaningful if curl is told to write to a file with the --remote-name or --output option. It's most useful in combination with the --remote-header-name option. (Added in 7.25.1) http_code http状态码,如200成功,301转向,404未找到,500服务器错误等。(The numerical response code that was found in the last retrieved HTTP(S) or FTP(s) transfer. In 7.18.2 the alias response_code was added to show the same info.) http_connect The numerical code that was found in the last response (from a proxy) to a curl CONNECT request. (Added in 7.12.4) time_total 总时间,按秒计。精确到小数点后三位。 (The total time, in seconds, that the full operation lasted. The time will be displayed with millisecond resolution.) time_namelookup DNS解析时间,从请求开始到DNS解析完毕所用时间。(The time, in seconds, it took from the start until the name resolving was completed.) time_connect 连接时间,从开始到建立TCP连接完成所用时间,包括前边DNS解析时间,如果需要单纯的得到连接时间,用这个time_connect时间减去前边time_namelookup时间。以下同理,不再赘述。(The time, in seconds, it took from the start until the TCP connect to the remote host (or proxy) was completed.) time_appconnect 连接建立完成时间,如SSL/SSH等建立连接或者完成三次握手时间。(The time, in seconds, it took from the start until the SSL/SSH/etc connect/handshake to the remote host was completed. (Added in 7.19.0)) time_pretransfer 从开始到准备传输的时间。(The time, in seconds, it took from the start until the file transfer was just about to begin. This includes all pre-transfer commands and negotiations that are specific to the particular protocol(s) involved.) time_redirect 重定向时间,包括到最后一次传输前的几次重定向的DNS解析,连接,预传输,传输时间。(The time, in seconds, it took for all redirection steps include name lookup, connect, pretransfer and transfer before the final transaction was started. time_redirect shows the complete execution time for multiple redirections. (Added in 7.12.3)) time_starttransfer 开始传输时间。在client发出请求之后,Web 服务器返回数据的第一个字节所用的时间(The time, in seconds, it took from the start until the first byte was just about to be transferred. This includes time_pretransfer and also the time the server needed to calculate the result.) size_download 下载大小。(The total amount of bytes that were downloaded.) size_upload 上传大小。(The total amount of bytes that were uploaded.) size_header 下载的header的大小(The total amount of bytes of the downloaded headers.) size_request 请求的大小。(The total amount of bytes that were sent in the HTTP request.) speed_download 下载速度,单位-字节每秒。(The average download speed that curl measured for the complete download. Bytes per second.) speed_upload 上传速度,单位-字节每秒。(The average upload speed that curl measured for the complete upload. Bytes per second.) content_type 就是content-Type,不用多说了,这是一个访问我博客首页返回的结果示例(text/html; charset=UTF-8);(The Content-Type of the requested document, if there was any.) num_connects Number of new connects made in the recent transfer. (Added in 7.12.3) num_redirects Number of redirects that were followed in the request. (Added in 7.12.3) redirect_url When a HTTP request was made without -L to follow redirects, this variable will show the actual URL a redirect would take you to. (Added in 7.18.2) ftp_entry_path The initial path libcurl ended up in when logging on to the remote FTP server. (Added in 7.15.4) ssl_verify_result ssl认证结果,返回0表示认证成功。( The result of the SSL peer certificate verification that was requested. 0 means the verification was successful. (Added in 7.19.0))
#curl -o /dev/null -s -w %{http_code}:%{http_connect}:%{content_type}:%{time_namelookup}:%{time_redirect}:%{time_pretransfer}:%{time_connect}:%{time_starttransfer}:%{time_total}:%{speed_download}
-w 指定格式化文件
-o 请求重定向到,不带此参数则控制台输出返回结果
-s 静默,不显示进度
#vim curl-time.txt \n http: %{http_code}\n dns: %{time_namelookup}s\n redirect: %{time_redirect}s\n time_connect: %{time_connect}s\n time_appconnect: %{time_appconnect}s\n time_pretransfer: %{time_pretransfer}s\n time_starttransfer: %{time_starttransfer}s\n size_download: %{size_download}bytes\n speed_download: %{speed_download}B/s\n ----------\n time_total: %{time_total}s\n \n
#curl -w "@curl_time.txt" -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" --insecure --header 'Host:' --data '{"platform":"android","userimei":"F5D815EA2BD8DBARD","app_channel":"10000","mbimei":"9DB358AF","version":"3.1.4","username":"hqzx","userpass":"976af4"}' --compressed
#curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"data":"1"}'
#curl -d "data=7778a8143f111272&score=19&app_key=8d49f16fe034b98b&_test_user=test01" ""
3) 附带文本数据,比如通过"浏览"选择本地的card.txt并上传发送post请求,其中-F 为带文件的形式发送post请求, blob为文本框中的name元素对应的属性值。<type="text" name="blob">
安卓手机可以通过安装终端模拟器,然后在模拟器按以上方法使用curl调试定位app在移动数据网络环境下哪个环节出现慢的问题。#curl -F "blob=@card.txt;type=text/plain" ""