Axure RP Pro - 翻译 - 5.5 Tutorial教程 - AXURE 401 Article 1: Collaboration协作 - Shared Projects共享工程

Axure RP Pro - 翻译 - 5.5 Tutorial教程 - AXURE 401 Article 1: Collaboration协作 - Shared Projects共享工程


概 述

    1. Shared Projects Demo
    1. 共享工程演示
    2. What is a Shared Project?
    2. 什么是共享工程?
    3. Creating a New Shared Project
    3. 创建一个新的共享工程
    4. Creating a New Shared Project from an Existing RP File
    4. 基于现有的RP文件创建共享工程
    5. Getting an Existing Shared Project
    5. 获取一个现有的共享工程
    6. Editing a Shared Project
    6. 编辑一个共享工程
    7. Exporting to an RP File
    7. 导出到一个RP文件
    8. Browsing a Shared Project History
    8. 浏览一个共享工程的历史
    9. Using the Shared Project Manager
    9. 使用共享工程管理器
    10. Moving a Shared Project Directory

    10. 移动一个共享工程文件夹
    11. Setting up an SVN Server
    11. 配置一个SVN服务器

1. Shared Projects Demo

1. 共享工程演示


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2. What is a Shared Project?

2. 什么是共享工程

A shared project is an Axure RP project that can be edited by multiple people at the same time. A shared project also maintains a history of revisions of the project.
共享工程是一个可供多人同时编辑的Axure RP工程。一个共享工程也能维护工程的修订历史。
A shared project is stored in a typical file directory. This directory is frequently on a network drive where each person who will be making changes to the project has access. There is no additional software to install on the server or computer where a shared project is stored. However, you have the option to store a shared project on an SVN server for remote collaboration.
共享工程存储在一个普通的文件夹中。该文件夹通常位于每个能修改工程的人都能访问的网络驱动器上。在共享工程保存的服务器或电脑上不需要安装额外 的软件。也可以为远程协作选择将一个共享工程存储在一个SVN服务器上。

Working with a shared project in Axure RP is similar to working with files in a version control system. Each person has a copy of the shared project on their local computer. To make changes to a page, master, or project property, the item is first checked out . After the changes are made, the item is checked in to the shared directory for others to retrieve by updating their local copy of the project. In fact, SVN is the version control software used to manage shared projects.
在Axure RP中操作共享工程类似于在版本控制系统中操作文件。每个人在他们的本地计算机上都有共享工程的一个副本。要修改一个页面、主控文档或项目属性时,首先检 出该项,在修改后提交该项以供其他人在更新他们的本地工程副本时获取。事实上,管理共享工程使用的版本控制系统是SVN。

3. Creating a New Shared Project

3. 创建一个新的共享工程

To create a new shared project, use File->New Shared Project in the main menu. This will bring up the Create Shared Project dialog. Follow the instructions to specify a project name, create the shared directory for the shared project, and create your local copy of the shared project.
在主菜单中使用File“文件”菜单,New Shared Project“新的共享工程”菜单项将创建一个新的共享工程。将显示Create Shared Project“创建共享工程”对话框。按说明设定一个工程名称,创建共享工程的共享文件夹,和创建共享工程的本地副本。

After the shared project is created, there is a [ProjectName].rpprj file in your local directory. This project file is automatically opened when you create a new shared project. To work on the shared project (after closing it), open this [ProjectName].rpprj file. You do not need to get the project from the shared directory from this computer again unless you want to create a new copy.
在创建共享工程后,在本地文件夹中出现一个[工程名称].rpprj 文件, 在创建一个新的共享工程时将自动打开工程文件。在关闭后可以打开这个[工程名称].rpprj文件继续操作该共享工程。如果不想创建一个新的副本则不需要 再次从该计算机的共享文件夹中获取工程。
There is also a DO_NOT_EDIT folder in the local directory with the .rpprj file. This folder contains the project data and version control information and should not be modified outside of Axure RP. If you move the .rpprj file, the associated DO_NOT_EDIT folder must be moved with it.
在本地文件夹中和.rpprj文件在一起的还有一个 DO_NOT_EDIT文件夹。该文件夹中包含工程数据和版本控制信息,不应在Axure RP之外修改。如果移动.rpprj文件,相关联的DO_NOT_EDIT文件夹也应随之移动。

The shared directory that contains the shared project contains a number of files and folders associated with SVN. The contents of that folder should also not be modified directly without strong knowledge of SVN.

4. Creating a New Shared Project from an Existing RP File

4. 基于现有的RP文件创建共享工程

Existing .rp files can be converted to shared projects. Open the .rp file and use Share->Create Shared Project from Current File in the main menu. This also opens the Create Shared Project dialog for setting up the project.
现有的.rp文件可以被转换成共享工程。打开.rp文件,在主菜单中使用Share“共享”菜单,Create Shared Project from Current File“基于当前文件创建共享工程”菜单项,也打开Create Shared Project“创建共享工程”对话框来设置工程。
After the shared project is created, there will be a [ProjectName].rpprj file in your local directory. Open the [ProjectName].rpprj file to work on the shared project. The original .rp file is not connected to the shared project.
在创建共享工程后,在本地文件夹中将出现一个[工程名 称].rpprj 文件,打开[工程名称].rpprj文件操作共享工程。原始的.rp文件不和共享工程关联。

5. Getting an Existing Shared Project

5. 获取一个现有的共享工程

To work on a shared project, the computer you are using must have a local copy of the shared project.
To get a local copy of an existing shared project use Share->Get and Open Shared Project in the main menu. This will open the Get Shared Project dialog.
在主菜单中使用Share“共享”菜单,Get and Open Shared Project“获取并打开共享工程”菜单项可以获取一个现有的共享工程的本地副本。将打开Get Shared Project“获取共享工程”对话框。

You do not need to do this if a local copy already exists on the computer, for example, when the shared project was first created. If you already have a local copy, open the [ProjectName].rpprj file in your local directory to work on the project.
在电脑上已存在本地副本 时不需要进行该操作。例如,当共享工程被首次创建时。如果已有本地副本,在本地文件夹中打开[工程名称].rpprj文件即可操作工程。
Copying a local copy of a project from one computer to another can cause conflicts in the project. If you are working from multiple computers, use Get and Open Shared Project from each computer that does not already have a local copy.
从一台电脑复制一个工程的一个本 地副本到另一个电脑将导致工程内部冲突。如果要在多台电脑上工作,则在每一台还没有本地副本的电脑上使用Get and Open Shared Project“获取并打开共享工程”。

6. Editing a Shared Project

6. 编辑一个共享工程

Once a shared project has been opened in Axure RP, you will notice a number of changes in the Axure RP environment. There are different icons next to the pages in the Sitemap Pane and masters in the Masters Pane indicating the current status of a page or master.
在Axure RP中一但打开一个共享工程,可以注意到Axure RP环境有一些变化。在Sitemap“站点地图”面板中的页面和Masters“主控文档”面板中的主控文档前有不同的图标指示一个页面或一个主控文档 的不同状态。

There is also a toolbar above the open wireframe with information about the current status of the page or master and a button to change the status.

To make changes to a page or master, use Check Out. To share those changes, use Send Changes or if you are done making changes, use Check In. To retrieve the latest changes, use Get Changes.
使用 Check Out“检出”来修改一个页面或主控文档。使用Send Changes“发送变更”或者在完成修改后使用Check In“检入”。使用Get Changes“获取变更”获取最新的更改。
Project level properties including annotation fields, page notes fields, variables, styles, and generators also need to be checked out to make changes.
The exceptions are the sitemap and master list. They can be changed without check out giving the team the ability to simultaneously add, remove, and organize pages.
站点地图和主控文 档列表是例外。不需要检出就可以修改,因此团队有能力同时增加、删除和组织页面。

Check Out

To edit a page, master, or project level property in a shared project, the page (or master, etc.) must first be checked out. To check out a page, right click on the page in the Sitemap pane and select Check Out. Checking out a page will also update the page if changes were found in the shared project. Additionally, some project properties may be updated. Once the page is checked out, it can be edited normally. Checking out the page reserves it for you to make changes and (mostly) prevents others from editing that page.
要在一个共享工程中编辑一个页 面、主控文档或工程级属性。先要检出页面(或主控文档等)。要检出一个页面,在Sitemap“站点地图”面板中右击页面,然后选择Check Out“检出”。当共享工程中有更新时检出一个页面也将更新该页面。进一步的,也更新一些工程属性。一旦检出一个页面,就可以正常的编辑,检出页面可以保 持用于修改并(通常)阻止其他人编辑该页面。
If you try to check out a page that is already checked out, you will be notified. You can however choose to edit the page anyway by doing an Unsafe Check Out . This is not recommended because it can result in a Conflict . A conflict occurs when multiple people make changes to the page at the same time. Only one person's changes can be saved in the shared project. The other changes may be lost or overwritten and will need to be reapplied manually.
如果希望检出一个已经被检出的页面将收到提示。无论如何执行Unsafe Check Out(不安全检出) 都可以编辑该页面,由于能导致Conflict (冲突)所以 不建议该方法。当多人同时修改一个页面时将导致冲突。在共享工程中仅能保存一个人的修改。需要手工重新应用,可以丢弃或覆盖其他的修改。
Unsafe check outs are allowed in case the page (for whatever reason) cannot be checked in from the computer where it is checked out or if you are unable to connect to the shared directory.

Send Changes

Changes to the page or master can also be shared by using Send Changes. This allows you to share your changes while keeping the page or master checked out.
使用Send Changes“发送更新”也可以共享对页面或主控文档的修改。可以共享修改并保持检出页面或主控文档。

Check In

After a page (or master, etc.) has been checked out and edited, you can save those changes locally using File->Save. This saves the changes only to the local copy of the shared project on your computer.
When you are ready to submit your changes to the shared project directory, you can check in the page. To check in a page, right click on the page in the Sitemap pane and select Check In. After the page is checked in, others can update their local copy to view your changes. You will also no longer have the page reserved for editing, and others can check out the page to make their changes.
当准备提交到修改到共享工程文件夹时,可以检入页面。在Sitemap“站点地图”面板上右击页面后选择Check In“检入”可以检入页面。在检入页面后,其他人更新他们的本地副本可以查看更新。也不在为了编辑保留该页面,其他人可以检出页面进行他们的修改。
Checking in a page may require you to also check in changes to project properties as well as pages or masters that the page uses.

Get Changes

To retrieve the latest version of a page (or master, etc.) from the shared project directory, you can right click on the page in the Sitemap pane and select Get Changes. Some project properties may also be updated when getting changes for a page.
要从共享工程文件夹中获 取一个页面(或主控文档等)的最新版本,可以在Sitemap“站点地图”面板中右击页面后选择Get Changes“获取更新”。在获取一个页面的更新时也可能更新一些工程属性。
It is good practice to get changes to your copy of the shared project frequently to keep it up to date. You can do this using Share->Get All Changes from Shared Directory or clicking the toolbar button to Get All Changes.
经常从共享工程的副本中获取更新以便保持最 新是一个好习惯,使用Share“共享”菜单,Get All Changes from Shared Directory“从共享文件夹中获取所有共享”菜单或者单击工具栏按钮Get All Changes“获取所有更新”可以完成该任务。

Sitemap and Master List
Sitemap “站点地图”和Master List“主控文档列表”

Pages and masters can be added, moved, renamed, and removed from your local copy of the shared project without check out. Not having to check out the sitemap or master list allows multiple people to add, remove, and organize pages and masters at the same time. If multiple people make changes at the same time, the changes are merged automatically when the project is updated.
不需要检出就可以在共享工程的本地副本中增加、移动、重 命名和删除页面和主控文档。不需要检出站点地图或主控文档列表就允许多用户同时增加、删除和组织页面及主控文档。当多用户同时修改时,在更新工程时将自动 合并修改。
To submit your changes to the sitemap or master list to the shared project, use Share->Send All Changes to Shared Directory or Check In Everything. This will also send any changes to pages, masters, or project properties to the shared directory. To update your copy use Share->Get All Changes from Shared Project.
要向共享工程中提交修改到站点地图或主控文档列表,可以使用Share“共享”菜单中Send All Changes to Shared Directory“发送所有修改到共享工程”菜单项或Check In Everything“检入所有”菜单项。这也将发送页面、主控文档或项目属性的所有变更到共享工程。要更新副本使用Share“共享”菜单中Get All Changes from Shared Project“从共享工程中获取所有更改”菜单项。
Below is a typical workflow for editing and sharing changes to a page.

7. Exporting to an RP File

7. 导出到一个RP文档

To export a shared project to an RP file, open the shared project and use File->Export Shared Project to File in the main menu. Once exported, the RP file can be opened and edited as usual, but will no longer be connected to shared project.
要导出一个共享工程到一个RP文 件,打开共享工程,然后在主菜单中使用File“文件”菜单中Export Shared Project to File“导出共享工程到文档”菜单项,导出后,可以打开RP文件并照常编辑,但是不再链接到共享工程。
To incorporate changes made in an RP file to a shared project, open the shared project and use File->Import. This will allow you to import pages, masters, and project properties from the file to the shared project. Note that the pages (or masters, etc.) must be checked out in the shared project if you are replacing those pages with imported pages.
要把一个RP文件中做的修改合并到一个共享工程中,可以打开 共享工程然后使用File“文件”菜单,Import“导入”菜单项。这将允许从文件中导入页面、主控文档和工程属性到共享工程。注意页面(或主控文档 等)如果使用导入的页面替换则必需在共享工程中检出。

8. Browsing a Shared Project History

8. 浏览一个共享工程历史

Each check in creates a new revision of the shared project in the shared directory. With each check in, you can add notes to keep track of changes made in that revision.
每次检入都在共享文件夹中共享工程中创建一个 新版本,每次检入可以在该版本中增加注释以便于保持跟踪修订。
To browse and retrieve previous revisions of a shared project, use Share->Browse Shared Project History.
使用Share“共享”菜单中Browse Shared Project History“浏览共享工程历史”菜单项可以浏览并获取一个共享工程的之前的版本。

In the history browser, you can view all revisions of a shared project and the notes associated with each revision. You can also export a revision to an RP file for viewing.
在历史浏览器中,可以看到一个共享工程所 有的版本以及与每个版本相关的注释,也可以导出一个版本到一个RP文件来观看。

9. Using the Shared Project Manager

9. 使用共享工程管理器

Use Share->Manage Shared Project in the main menu to open the Shared Project Manager. In this dialog, you can see the current status of items in the shared project such as which team member has which pages or masters checked out.
在主菜单中使用Share“共享”菜单,Manage Shared Project“管理共享工程”菜单项可以打开Shared Project Manager“共享工程管理器”。在这个对话框中,可能性看到共享工程中项目的当前状态,例如哪个队员已检出哪个页面或主控文档。

Clicking the Refresh button will retrieve the current status of pages, masters, and document properties of the shared project. You can also right click on an item or selection to check in, check out, and get the latest changes.
单击Refresh“更新”按钮将获取共享工程中页面、主控文档和文档属性的当前状 态。也可以右击一个条目选择范围来检入、检出和获取更新的修改。

10. Moving a Shared Project Directory

10. 移动一个共享工程文件夹

If a shared project directory is moved or the path to the shared project directory changes, the existing local copies of the shared project will no longer be pointing to the correct location. It is recommended that each local copy of the project be checked in before moving the shared project directory.
如果移动了一个共享工程文件夹或修改了 共享工程文件夹的路径,共享工程的本地副本将不再指向当前位置,建议在移动共享工程文件夹之前检入工程的每一个本地副本。
To repoint an existing local copy to the new shared project directory, open the existing copy and use Share->Repoint to Moved Shared Directory.
要把一个已存在的本地副本重新指向新的共享工程文件夹,可以打开已 存在的副本,然后使用Share“共享”菜单中Repoint to Moved Shared Directory“重新指向共享文件夹”菜单项。
You could also retrieve a new local copy using Share->Get Shared Project, but if you had any local changes or any pages checked out when the shared directory was move, those changes and check out status will not be maintained.
也能使用Share“共享”菜单中Get Shared Project“获取共享工程”菜单项获取一个新的本地副本,但是当移动共享文件夹时,对于任何已经在本地的修改或者检出任何页面,将不能再维护这些修改 和检出状态。

11. Setting up a SVN server


By default shared projects uses a file server to store the project. If the network connection is slow or you are connecting through VPN, the performance can be slow. Setting up an SVN server can alleviate this issue because SVN optimizes the data being sent.
共享工程在默认情况下使用文件服务器存储工程。当网络速度较慢或者通过VPN连接时,性能也随之降低,由于SVN在发送 数据前优化数据,因此配置一个SVN服务器能减轻该问题。
If you are unfamiliar with SVN, there is a free online resource that should help you get started. For Windows environments, VisualSVN has a free product called VisualSVN Server that automates setting up a SVN server. Another option is to get a hosted SVN server. Here are a couple of options we have used:
如果对SVN不熟悉,在线资源 能帮您开 始工作,对于Windows环境,VisualSVN有一个称为VisualSVN Server“VisualSVN服务器”,能自动配置SVN服务器的免费产品。或者获取一个托管SVN服务器,下列可以做为备选:
Once you have set up the server, you can create users to access the SVN server or if you are using a hosted SVN site there should be an interface to add users. Finally, you can use the link to the SVN server as the shared directory when you create a shared project.
在配置服务器后,可以 创建能访问SVN服务器的用户,使用托管SVN站点将有一个添加用户的界面。最后将SVN服务器的链接地址作为共享文件夹创建一个共享工程。

[Axure RP Pro - 5.5 Tutorial教程 - AXURE 401: Collaboration协作 - Article 1: Shared Projects共享工程 - 文档]

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如何获取IFrame的URL,How to retrieve the URL of IFrame widget

如何在 Axure RP Pro生成的HTML原型文档中使用自定义脚本, How to integrate customized javascript into HTML prototype document generated by Axure RP Pro

“移 到最前”效果,"Bring to Front" Interaction

如何实现淡入淡出效果,How to implement fade in and fade out effects

如何设置焦点,How to implement the "set focus" action

[Axure RP Pro - 相关问题]

Manual Installation


让规格文档中的页面图片和标题保持在同一页,fit section header and page image on one page








在规格文档中描述Inline Frame部件的Default Target规格



Style Editor样式编辑器以及已知的一些缺陷

Text Panel部件在设计时的效果与原型不一致










Open Link in Current Window,Close Current Window,Open Link in Parent Frame将忽略其余动作

使用Google Code服务分享工程的限制及原因






dynamic panel动态面板上的image图片部件设置了rollover翻转图片后在OnClick事件中不能正确隐藏所在面板




Text Panel文本部件不支持超链接及迂回处理办法



master共用区块文档的behavior行为是custom widget自定义部件时丢失raised event可触发事件





checkbox 复选框部件的OnClick事件中复选框的状态已发生了改变



Wireframe 线框绘制尺寸的范围及处理方案






Specification规格文档中仅包含Dynamic Panel动态面板部件在默认状态下的页面截图






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


