alter system set control_files的注意事项

当有多个控制文件时, alter system set control_files语句
alter system set control_files='/oradata/test/control01.ctl', '/oradata/test/control02.ctl', '/oradata/test/control03.ctl' scope=spfile;
注意: 每个控制文件路径加引号, 之间用逗号分隔.

不要写成如下的语句, 否则会出现ora-00202错误
alter system set control_files='/oradata/test/control01.ctl, /oradata/test/control02.ctl, /oradata/test/control03.ctl' scope=spfile;


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本数据库(oracle)7个实验报告用于和大家交流,我将这次报告所需要的表和数据材料能够拿出来的都放了在同一个包里的,希望大家能够去看看并且多提点意见,同时我将第一个报告(手工创建数据库库)的记录也放在了包里的,其他的实验报告的部分资料在我的电脑里没有办法拿出来哈,其中有部分代码如果有同学我也可以发给大家哈如果大家有兴趣可以和我联系共同交流哈,希望大家多指教多提意见和建议。 实验过程: 备注:要用记事本保存记录 spool E:\app\oracle\copy\1.txt spool off; 1、设置系统环境变量: ORACLE_HOME=E:\app\oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1 ORACLE_BASE=E:\app\oracle 2、手工创建目录: E:\app\oracle\admin\mydb\adump E:\app\oracle\admin\mydb\bdump E:\app\oracle\admin\mydb\cdump E:\app\oracle\admin\mydb\udump E:\app\oracle\admin\mydb\arch E:\app\oracle\admin\mydb\create E:\app\oracle\oradata\mydb 3、创建初始化参数文件:(特权模式) create pfile from spfile; mydb.__db_cache_size=348127232 mydb.__java_pool_size=12582912 mydb.__large_pool_size=4194304 mydb.__oracle_base='E:\\app\\oracle'#ORACLE_BASE set from environment mydb.__pga_aggregate_target=322961408 orcl.__sga_target=536870912 mydb.__shared_io_pool_size=0 orcl.__shared_pool_size=163577856 orcl.__streams_pool_size=0 *.audit_file_dest='E:\\app\\oracle\\admin\\mydb\\adump' *.audit_trail='db' *.compatible='' *.control_files='E:\\app\\oracle\\oradata\\mydb\\control01.ctl', 'E:\app\oracle\oradata\mydb\control02.ctl','E:\app\oracle\oradata\mydb\control03.ctl' *.db_block_size=8192 *.db_domain='' *.db_name='mydb' *.db_recovery_file_dest='E:\\app\\oracle\\flash_recovery_area' *.db_recovery_file_dest_size=2147483648 *.diagnostic_dest='E:\\app\\oracle' *.dispatchers='(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=orclXDB)' *.memory_target=857735168 *.open_cursors=300 *.processes=150 *.remote_login_passwordfile='EXCLUSIVE' *.undo_tablespace='UNDOTBS1' 4、创建实例与密码文件 oradim -new -sid mydb -startmode manual -intpwd mydb -pfile E:\app\oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1\database\initmydb.ora orapwd file=E:\app\oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1\database\pwdmydb.ora password=ora entries=5; 5、启动实例: set oracle_sid=mydb sqlplus/nolog conn sys/mydb as sysdba startup nomount pfile='E:\\app\\oracle\\product\\11.1.0\\db_1\\database\\initmydb.ora' 6、创建数据文件脚本 create database mydb controlfile reuse maxinstances 1 maxdatafiles 100 maxlogfiles 5 maxlogmembers 5 maxloghistory 2 logfile 'E:\app\oracle\oradata\mydb\log01.log' size 10m, 'E:\app\oracle\oradata\mydb\log02.log' size 10m, 'E:\app\oracle\oradata\mydb\log03.log' size 10m datafile 'E:\app\oracle\oradata\mydb\system01.dbf' size 100M reuse autoextend on next 10M maxsize 200M sysaux datafile 'E:\app\oracle\oradata\mydb\sysaux01.dbf' size 100M default tablespace user01 datafile 'E:\app\oracle\oradata\mydb\user01.dbf' size 10M reuse default temporary tablespace temp tempfile 'E:\app\oracle\oradata\mydb\temp01.dbf' size 10M reuse undo tablespace UNDOTBS1 datafile 'E:\app\oracle\oradata\mydb\undotbs1.dbf' size 10m character set ZHS16GBK national character set AL16UTF16 7、创建额外表空间 alter user system temporary tablespace temp; alter user system default tablespace users01; 8、 创建数据字典 start E:\app\oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1\RDBMS\ADMIN\catalog.sql 9、创建package 包 start E:\app\oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1\RDBMS\ADMIN\catproc.sql 10、实验结果如图:
EurekaLog 7.5 (18-August-2016) 1)..Important: Installation layout was changed. All packages now have version suffix (e.g. EurekaLogCore240.bpl). No files are copied to \bin folder of IDE. Run-time package (EurekaLogCore) is copied to Windows\System32 folder. Refer to help for more info. 2)....Added: RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin support 3)....Added: IDE F1 help integration (on CHM-based IDEs only, i.e. XE8+) 4)....Added "--el_injectjcl", "--el_createjcl", and "--el_createdbg" command-line options for ecc32/emake to inject JEDI/JCL debug info, create .jdbg file, and create .dbg file (Microsoft debug format). Later is supported when map2dbg.exe tool is placed in \Bin folder of EurekaLog installation (separate download is required) 5)....Added: Exception2HRESULT in EAppDLL to simplify developing DLLs with "DLL" profile 6)....Added: Use ShellExecute option for mailto send method 7)....Added: "Mandatory e-mail only when sending" option 8)....Added: Exception line highlighting in disassember view in EurekaLog exception dialog and Viewer 9)....Added: Detection/logging Delphi objects in disassembly view 10)..Added: Support for multi-monitor info 11)..Added: Support for detection of Windows 10 updates 12)..Added: OS edition detection 13)..Added: "User" and "Session" columns to processes list, processes list is also sorted by session first 14)..Added: Support for showing current user processes only 15)..Added: Expanding environment variables for "Support URL" 16)..Fixed: Range-check error on systems with MBCS ACP 17)..Fixed: 64-bit shared memory manager may not work 18)..Fixed: Possible "Unit XYZ was compiled with a different version of ABC" when using packages 19)..Fixed: FastMM shared MM compatibility 20)..Fixed: Minor bugs in stack tracing (which usually affected stacks for leaks) 21)..Fixed: Rare deadlocks in multi-threaded applications 22)..Fixed: Taking screenshot of minimized window 23)..Fixed: NT service may not log all exceptions 24)..Fixed: SSL port number for Bugzilla 25)..Fixed: Disabling "Activate Exception Filters" option was ignored 26)..Fixed: Missing FTP proxy settings 27)..Fixed: IntraWeb support is updated up to 14.0.64 28)..Fixed: Retrieving some process paths in processes list 29)..Fixed: CPU view rendering in EurekaLog exception dialog and Viewer 30)..Fixed: Some issues in naming threads 31)..Fixed: Removed exported helper _462EE689226340EAA982C5E8307B3F9E function (replaced with mapped file) 32)..Changed: Descriptions of EurekaLog project options now list corresponding property names of TEurekaModuleOptions class. 33)..Changed: Default template of HTML/web dialog now includes call stack by default 34)..Changed: EurekaLog 7 now can be installed over EurekaLog 6 automatically, with no additional actions/tools EurekaLog 7.4 (, 26-January-2016 1)....Fixed: Performance issue in DLL exports debug information provider 2)....Fixed: Range-check error in Send dialog 3)....Fixed: Possible FPU control word unexpected change 4)....Fixed: JIRA sending to project with no version info 5)....Fixed: Viewer sorting affected by local region settings 6)....Fixed: Exception filters ignore settings for restart/terminate EurekaLog 7.3 Hotfix 2 (, 20-October-2015 1)....Fixed: Added workaround for codegen bug in Delphi 7 (possibly - other), bug manifests itself as wrong date-time in reports or integer overflows 2)....Fixed: Some MAPI DLLs may not be loaded correctly 3)....Fixed: Handling SEC_I_INCOMPLETE_CREDENTIALS in SSPI code (added searching client certificate) 4)....Fixed: Range-check error when closing WinAPI dialog EurekaLog 7.3 Hotfix 1 (, 2-October-2015 1)....Fixed: Long startup time on terminal services servers EurekaLog 7.3 (, 24-September-2015 1)....Added: RAD Studio 10 Seattle support 2)....Added: Performance counters for run-time (internal logging with --el_debug) 3)....Fixed: spawned by ecc32/emake processes now start with the same priority 4)....Fixed: ThreadID = 0 in StandardEurekaNotify 5)....Fixed: Dialog auto-close timer may reset without user input 6)....Fixed: Possible hang when quickly loading/unloading EurekaLog-enabled DLL 7)....Fixed: Possible hang in COM DLLs 8)....Fixed: Removed some unnecessary file system access on startup 9)....Fixed: Possible wrong font size in EurekaLog tools 10)..Fixed: Ignore timeouts from Shell_NotifyIcon 11)..Fixed: Possible failure to handle/process stack overflow exceptions 12)..Changed: VCL/CLX/FMX now will assign Application.OnException handler when low-level hooks are disabled EurekaLog 7.2 Hotfix 6 (, 14-July-2015 1)....Added: csoCaptureDelphiExceptions option 2)....Fixed: Handling of SECBUFFER_EXTRA in SSPI code 3)....Fixed: Several crashes in sending code for very old Delphi versions 4)....Fixed: Regression (from hotfix 5) crash in some IDEs EurekaLog 7.2 Hotfix 5 (, 1-July-2015 1)....Added: HKCU\Software\EurekaLab\Viewer\4.0\UI\Statuses registry key to allow status customizations in Viewer 2)....Added: "Disable hang detection under debugger" option 3)....Fixed: Wrong button caption in standalone "Steps to reproduce" dialog 4)....Fixed: Wrong passing of Boolean parameters in JSON (affects JIRA) 5)....Fixed: Wrong sorting of BugID, Count and DateTime columns in Viewer 6)....Fixed: Empty "Count" field/column is now displayed as "1" in Viewer 7)....Fixed: Generic names with "," could not be decoded in Viewer 8)....Fixed: Updated Windows 10 detection for latest builds of Windows 10 9)....Fixed: Sleep and hybernation no longer trigger false-positive "application freeze" 10)..Fixed: Wrong function codes for hooking (affects ISAPI application type) 11)..Fixed: Wrong button caption in "Steps to Reproduce" dialog 12)..Fixed: Crash when taking snapshot of some proccesses by Threads Snapshot tool 13)..Fixed: Minor improvements in leak detection EurekaLog 7.2 Hotfix 4 (, 10-June-2015 1)....Added "ECC32TradeSpeedForMemory" option - defaults to 0/False, could be changed to 1 via Custom/Manual tab. This option will switch from fast-methods to slower methods, but which take less memory. Use 0 (default) for small projects, use 1 for large projects (if ecc32 runs out of memory). 2)....Added: --el_DisableDebuggerPresent command-line option for compatibility with 3rd party debuggers (AQTime, etc.) 3)....Added: AQTime auto-detect 4)....Fixed: Performance optimizations 5)....Fixed: Windows 8+ App Menu shortcuts 6)....Fixed: Unmangling on x64 EurekaLog 7.2 Hotfix 3 (, 20-May-2015 1)....Added: Support for token auth in Bugzilla (latest 4.x builds) 2)....Added: Support for API key auth in Bugzilla (5.x) 3)....Added: Support for /EL_DisableMemoryFilter command-line option 4)....Added: Asking e-mail when user switches to "details" from MS Classic without entering e-mail 5)....Fixed: Compatibility issues with older Bugzilla versions (3.x) 6)....Fixed: Passing settings between dialogs 7)....Fixed: "Ask for steps to reproduce" dialog is now DPI-aware 8)....Fixed: Silently ignore and fix invalid values in project options EurekaLog 7.2 Hotfix 2 (, 30-April-2015 1)....Fixed: Confusing message in Manage tool when using with Trial/Pro 2)....Fixed: Range check error in processes information for x64 machines (affects startup of any EurekaLog-enabled module) 3)....Fixed: Auto-detect personality by project extension if --el_mode switch is missing 4)....Fixed: More details for diagnostic sending 5)....Fixed: Wrong settings for MAP files in C++ Builder 6)....Fixed: Wrong code page was used to decode ANSI bug reports 7)....Fixed: Attaching .PAS files instead of .OBJ in C++ Builder 2006+ Pro/Trial EurekaLog 7.2 Hotfix 1 (, 3-April-2015 1)....Fixed: Wrong float-str convertion when ThousandSeparator is '.' EurekaLog 7.2 (, 1-April-2015 1)....Important: TEurekaLogV7 component was renamed to TEurekaLogEvents. Please, update your projects by renaming or recreating the component 2)....Important: File layout was changed for BDS 2006+. Delphi and C++ Builder files are now located in StudioNum folders instead of old DelphiNum and CBuilderNum folders. Update your search paths if needed 3)....Added: Major improvements in DumpAllocationsToFile function (EMemLeaks unit) 4)....Added: MemLeaksSetParentBlock, MemLeaksOwn, EurekaTryGetMem functions (EMemLeaks unit) 5)....Added: Improvements for call stack of dynarrays/strings allocations (leaks) 6)....Added: "Elem size" when reporting leaks in dynarrays 7)....Added: Streaming unpacked debug info into temporal files instead of memory - this greatly reduces run-time application memory usage at cost of slightly slower exception processing. This also reduces memory footprint for ecc32/emake 8)....Added: Showing call stacks for 2 new types of fatal memory errors 9)....Added: EMemLeaks._ReserveOutOfMemory to control reserve size of out of memory errors (default is 50 Mb) 10)..Added: "MinLeaksLimitObjs" option (EMemLeaks unit) 11)..Added: Fatal memory problem now pauses all threads in application 12)..Added: Fatal memory problem now change thread name (to simplify debugging) 13)..Added: boPauseELThreads and boDoNotPauseELServiceThread options (currently not visible in UI) 14)..Added: Support for texts collections out of default path 15)..Added: Support for relative file paths to text collections and external settings 16)..Added: Support for environment variables in project option's paths 17)..Added: Support for relative file paths and environment variables for events and various module paths 18)..Added: Logging in Manage tool 19)..Added: Windows 10 version detection 20)..Added: Stack overflow tracing 21)..Added: Major improvements in removal of recursive areas from call stack 22)..Added: Statistics collection 23)..Added: Support for uploading multiple files in JIRA 24)..Added: EResLeaks improvements (new funcs: ResourceAdd, ResourceDelete, ResourceName; support for realloc-like functions) 25)..Fixed: Added workaround for bug in JIRA 5.x 26)..Fixed: Rare EurekaLog internal error 27)..Fixed: Ignored unhandled thread exceptions (when EurekaLog is disabled) now triggers default OS processing (WER) 28)..Fixed: Irnored exceptions (via per-exception/events) now bring up default RTL handler 29)..Fixed: Format error in Viewer 30)..Fixed: Leak of EurekaLog exception information object 31)..Fixed: Wrong chaining exceptions inside GetMem/FreeMem 32)..Fixed: Memory leak after low-level unhook of function 33)..Fixed: Re-parenting after ReallocMem 34)..Fixed: Editing SMTP server options 35)..Fixed: SMTP server not using real user e-mail in FROM field 36)..Fixed: Some multi-threading crashes 37)..Fixed: Fixed crashes in Manage tool 38)..Fixed: Range-check error in Viewer 39)..Fixed: EurekaLog error dialog appearing under other windows 40)..Fixed: AV when parsing TDS (emake/C++ Builder specific) 41)..Fixed: Unable to build call stacks for other threads due to insufficient rights 42)..Fixed: Version checks for BugZilla and JIRA 43)..Fixed: Not catching out-of-module AVs when "Capture exceptions only from current module" option is checked 44)..Fixed: Checking for remaining exceptions at shutdown (C++ Builder specific, AcquireExceptionObject returns wrong info) 45)..Fixed: "get call stack of ... threads" / "suspend ... threads" options (avoid rare multithreading race conditions) 46)..Fixed: Crash when naming thread without EurekaLog thread info 47)..Fixed: Detection of immediate caller for memory funcs 48)..Fixed: Non-working Assign for options 49)..Fixed: Handling of explicitly chained exceptions 50)..Fixed: Various exception/threading fixes for MS debug provider 51)..Fixed: Processing hardware unhandled exceptions (QC #55007) 52)..Fixed: Unchecking dialog options when export/import 53)..Fixed: BSTR leak 54)..Fixed: JIRA decimal separator bug 55)..Changed: Now unhandled exceptions will be handled by EurekaLog even if EurekaLog is disabled in the thread - only global EurekaLog-enabled status is respected 56)..Changed: Viewer version now matches version of EurekaLog 57)..Changed: DeleteServiceFilesOption now always False by default 58)..Changed: Speed improvements for known memory leaks (reserved leaks) 59)..Changed: Improved logging for sending 60)..Changed: Switching to detailed mode without entering (mandatory) e-mail: now EL will not block this 61)..Changed: .ToString for exception info now uses compact stack formatter 62)..Removed: Custom field editor (replaced it with link to "Custom" page) 63)..Removed: EurekaLog 7 no longer could be installed over EurekaLog 6. Manage tool from EurekaLog 7 will no longer work with EurekaLog 6. EurekaLog 7.1 update 1 (, 19-October-2014 1)....Added: "Send in separated thread" option 2)....Added: Hang detection will now use Wait Chain Traversal (WCT) on Vista+ systems to detect deadlocks in any EurekaLog-enabled threads 3)....Added: OS install language and UI language fields in bug report 4)....Fixed: Viewer is not able to decrypt reports with generics 5)....Fixed: EVariantTypeCastError in Viewer when changing status of some bug reports 6)....Fixed: EcxInvalidDataControllerOperation in Viewer 7)....Fixed: Stack overflow at run-time for certain combination of project options 8)....Fixed: BMP re-draw bug in UI dialogs 9)....Fixed: Rogue "corrupted" error message for valid ZIPs of certain structure 10)..Fixed: Various range check errors in Viewer 11)..Fixed: Possible encoding errors for non-ASCII reports in Viewer on certain environments 12)..Fixed: Wrong count in Viewer when importing reports without proper "count" field 13)..Fixed: Duplicate reports may appear in bug report file when "Do not save duplicate errors" option is checked 14)..Fixed: False-positive detection of some virtual machines 15)..Fixed: Processing of exceptions from message handlers during message pumping cycle inside exception dialogs 16)..Fixed: Access Violation if exception dialog was terminated by exception 17)..Fixed: Hardware exceptions from unit's initialization/finalization may be unprocessed 18)..Changed: "VIEW" action for Viewer now will open ALL bug reports inside bug report file; reports will not be merged by BugID. "IMPORT" action remains the same: duplicate reports are merged, "count" is increased 19)..Changed: Charset field in bug report now shows both charset and code page EurekaLog 7.1 (, 23-September-2014 1)....Added: XE7 support 2)....Added: XE6 support 3)....Added: New DLL demo 4)....Added: Custom profiles are now shown in "Application type" combo-box 5)....Added: Non-empty "steps to reproduce" will be added to existing bug tracker issues with empty "steps to reproduce" 6)....Added: Support for custom fields in FogBugz (API version 8 and above) 7)....Added: Support for unsequenced line numbers in PDB/DBG files (--el_source switch) 8)....Fixed: XML bug report were generated wrong 9)....Fixed: Strip relocations code for Win64 10)..Fixed: EurekaLog conditional symbols removed improperly when deactivating EurekaLog 11)..Fixed: Sending reports to non-default port numbers (affects web-based methods) 12)..Fixed: SSL validation check may reject valid SSL certificate (SMTP Client/Server) 13)..Fixed: SSL errors may be not reported 14)..Fixed: Viewer did not consider empty bug reports as corrupted 15)..Fixed: "DLL" profile now can be used with packages properly 16)..Fixed: Few rare memory leaks 17)..Fixed: Possible deadlock when using MS debug info provider 18)..Fixed: C++ Builder project files was saved incorrectly (RAD Studio 2007+) 19)..Fixed: "Show restart checkbox after N errors" counts handled exceptions 20)..Fixed: IDE expert's DPR parser (added support for multi-part idents) 21)..Fixed: Rare access violation in hook code 22)..Fixed: Thread handle leaks (added _NotifyThreadGone/_CleanupFinishedThreads functions to be called manually - only when low-level hooks are not installed) 23)..Fixed: EurekaLog's installer hang 24)..Fixed: Bug in object/class validation 25)..Fixed: Bug when using TThreadEx without EurekaLog 26)..Fixed: Leaks detection may not work with certain combination of options 27)..Fixed: Deadlock in some cases when using EurekaLog threading option set to "enabled in RTL threads, disabled in Windows threads". 28)..Changed: TEurekaExceptionInfo.CallStack will be nil until exception is actually raised 29)..Changed: FogBugz and BugZilla: changed bugs identification within project (to allow two bugs exists with same BugID in different projects) 30)..Changed: Blocked manual creation/destruction of ExceptionManager class and EurekaExceptionInfo 31)..Changed: ECC32/EMAKE runs from IDE without changing priority, added ECC32PriorityClass option 32)..Improved: Minor help and text improvements EurekaLog 7.0.07 Hotfix 2 (, 11-December-2013 1)....Fixed: Delphi compiler code generation bug (Delphi 2007 and below) 2)....Fixed: Code hooks may rarely be set incorrectly (code stub relocation fails) 3)....Fixed: Win64 call stacks functions now work more similar to 32 bit call stacks EurekaLog 7.0.07 Hotfix 1 (, 2-December-2013 1)....Added: Alternative caption for e-mail input control when e-mail is mandatory 2)....Fixed: Rare range check error in WinAPI visual dialogs 3)....Fixed: Wrong error detection for OnExceptionError event 4)....Fixed: Wrong TResponce processing 5)....Fixed: Problems with encrypted call stack decoding 6)....Fixed: OnPasswordRequest event may have no effect EurekaLog 7.0.07 (, 25-November-2013 1)....Added: Ability to use Assign between call stack and TStrings 2)....Added: 64-bit disassembler 3)....Added: Support for variables and relative file paths in "Additional Files" send option 4)....Added: --el_source switch for ecc32/emake compilers 5)....Added: support for post-processing non-Embarcadero executables 6)....Added: EOTL.pas unit for better OmniThreadLibrary integration 7)....Added: RAD Studio XE5 support 8)....Added: New "Capture call stacks of EurekaLog-enabled threads" option 9)....Added: "Deferred call stacks" option for 64-bit 10)..Added: Copy report to clipboard now copies both report text and report file 11)..Added: "AttachBothXMLAndELReports" option to include both .elx and .el files into bug report 12)..Added: EMemLeaks.MemLeaksErrorsToIgnore option to exclude certain memory errors from being considered as fatal 13)..Added: Call stack with any encrypted entry will be fully encrypted now 14)..Added: Option to exclude certain memory errors from being considered as fatal (EMemLeaks.MemLeaksErrorsToIgnore) 15)..Added: New "HTTP Error Code" option for all web-based dialogs (CGI, ISAPI, etc.) 16)..Added: Support for Unicode in Simple MAPI send method (requires Windows 8 or latest Microsoft Office) 17)..Added: New value for call stack detalization option (show any addresses, including those not belonging to any executable module) 18)..Fixed: Wrong JSON escaping for strings (affects JIRA send method) 19)..Fixed: Range-check error in Viewer when viewing bug reports with high addresses 20)..Fixed: Selecting Win32 service application type is no longer resets to custom/unsupported 21)..Fixed: Possible hang when testing dialogs from EurekaLog project options dialog 22)..Fixed: Rare resetting of some options when saving .eof file 23)..Fixed: Exception pointer could be removed from call stack due to debug details filtering 24)..Fixed: Rare case when LastThreadException returned nil while there was active thread exception 25)..Fixed: Rare case when ShowLastThreadException do nothing 26)..Fixed: Improved compatibility for OmniThreadLibrary and AsyncCalls 27)..Fixed: Included fix for QC #72147 28)..Fixed: 64-bit MS Debug Info Provider (please, re-setup cache options using configuration dialog) 29)..Fixed: "Deferred call stacks" option failed to capture call stack when exception is re-raised between threads 30)..Fixed: "Deferred call stacks" option may produce cutted call stack in rare cases 31)..Fixed: Several minor call stacks improvements and optimizations 32)..Fixed: Several 64-bit Pointer Integer convertion issues 33)..Fixed: Multi-threading deadlock issue 34)..Fixed: Black screenshots in 64 bit applications 35)..Fixed: Copying to clipboard hot-key was registered globally 36)..Fixed: Shell (mailto) send method may fail (64 bit) 37)..Fixed: Possible wrong file paths for attaches in (S)MAPI send methods 38)..Fixed: Environment variables were not expanded in MAPI send method 39)..Fixed: (non-Unicode IDE) EurekaLog is not activated when application started from folder with Unicode characters 40)..Fixed: Encrypted call stacks may be encrypted partially by EurekaLog Viewer in rare cases 41)..Fixed: Crash when sending leak report with visual progress dialog (only some IDEs are affected) 42)..Fixed: ecc32/emake could not see external configuration file with the same name as project (e.g. Project1.eof for Project1.dpr) 43)..Fixed: Added missed RTL implementation for ExternalProps in Delphi 6 (affects Mantis sending) 44)..Fixed: IDE crash when switching to threads window 45)..Changed: Removed temporal solution which was used before option to defer call stack creation was introduced 46)..Changed: "Default EurekaLog state in new threads" option is changed from Boolean flag into enum. You need to re-setup this option 47)..Changed: Disable EurekaLog for thread when creating call stack or handle exception - this increases stability and performance 48)..Changed: LastException property is remove from exception manager as not thread safe. Use LastThreadException property instead 49)..Changed: Lock/Unlock from thread manager and exception manager are removed to avoid deadlocks 50)..Changed: ThreadsSnapshot tool now tries to capture call stack without injecting DLL 51)..Changed: Build events now runs with CREATE_NO_WINDOW flag (console window is hidden) 52)..Improved: More articles in help EurekaLog 7.0.06 (, 1-June-2013 1)....Added: Experimental 64 bit C++ Builder support 2)....Added: New tab in EurekaLog project options: "External tools" 3)....Added: Option to catch all IDE errors (to debug your own IDE packages) 4)....Added: Option to catch only exceptions from current module 5)....Added: Option to defer building call stack 6)....Added: RAD Studio XE4 support 7)....Added: Support for AppWave 8)....Fixed: Fixed event handlers declarations for the EurekaLog component 9)....Fixed: Infinite recursive calls when using ToString from EndReport event handler 10)..Fixed: UPX compatibility issue 11)..Fixed: Range check errors for system error codes 12)..Fixed: Rare IDE stack overflow 13)..Fixed: JIRA unit was not added automatically 14)..Fixed: EurekaLog no longer tries to check for leaks when memory manager filter is disabled 15)..Fixed: Possible deadlock on shutdown with freeze checks active 16)..Fixed: Issues with settings dialog and Win32 Service application type 17)..Fixed: ThreadSnapshot tool was not able to take snapshots of Win64 processes 18)..Fixed: WCT is disabled for leaks 19)..Fixed: TContext declarations for Win64 20)..Fixed: Check for updates now correctly sets time of last check 21)..Fixed: (Win64) Several Pointer Integer convertion errors 22)..Fixed: Internal error when exception info object was deleted while it was still used by SysUtils exception object 23)..Fixed: Semeral problems with "EurekaLog look & feel" style for EurekaLog error dialog 24)..Fixed: Using text collection resets exception filters 25)..Fixed: Rare access violation if registering event handlers is placed too early 26)..Fixed: SMTP RFC date formatting 27)..Fixed: Rare empty call stack bug 28)..Fixed: Hang detection was not working if EurekaLog was disabled in threads 29)..Fixed: AV for double-free TEncoding 30)..Changed: ecc32/emake no longer alters arguments for dcc32/make unless new options --el_add_default_options is specified 31)..Changed: Save/load options methods was moved to TEurekaModuleOptions class 32)..Changed: Saving options to EOF file now adds hidden options and removes obsolete options (only when compatibility mode is off) 33)..Changed: Compiling installed packages now silently ignores EurekaLog instead of showing "File is in use" error message 34)..Improved: More readable disk/memory sizes in bug reports 35)..Improved: More descriptive settings dialog when using external configuration 36)..Improved: ThreadSnapshot tool now aquired DEBUG priviledge for taking snapshot. This allows it to bypass security access checks when opening target process. 37)..Improved: Changed BugID default generation to include error code for OS errors and error message for DB errors 38)..Improved: Mantis API (WSDL) was updated to the latest version (1.2.14) 39)..Improved: IntraWeb compatibility (old and new versions) 40)..Improved: COM applications compatibility 41)..Improved: Build events now accept shell commands 42)..Improved: More articles in help EurekaLog 7.0.05 (, 7-February-2013 1)....Added: JIRA support 2)....Added: Virtual machine detection (new field in bug reports) 3)....Fixed: "Use Main Module options" option was loading empty options for some cases 4)....Fixed: Wrong record declarations for Simple MAPI on Win64 5)....Fixed: Performance issues with batch module options updating 6)....Fixed: Wrong leaks report with both MemLeaks/ResLeaks options active 7)....Fixed: Wrong info for nested exceptions in some cases 8)....Fixed: AV under debugger for Win64 (added support for _TExitDllException) 9)....Fixed: Wrong record declarations for process/thread info on Win64 10)..Fixed: Support for FinalBuilder on XE2/XE3 with spaces in file paths 11)..Fixed: Rare double-free of module information (ModuleInfoList) 12)..Fixed: Rare External Exception C000071C on shutdown (only under debuggger) 13)..Fixed: Added large addresses support in Viewer 14)..Fixed: Counter options in memory leaks category is now working properly 15)..Fixed: Rare range-check error in TEurekaModulesList.AddModuleFromFileName 16)..Fixed: FTP force directories dead lock 17)..Fixed: Fixed wrong index being used when clearing compatibility mode (EurekaLog project options dialog) 18)..Fixed: Default thread state do not affect main thread now 19)..Fixed: Sometimes wrong thread may be used when altering EurekaLog active state for external thread 20)..Fixed: Wrong DNS lookup on ANSI 21)..Fixed: Problems with IDE expert and projects on network paths 22)..Fixed: Added support for arguments in URLs (HTTP sending) 23)..Fixed: Possible deadlock in multithreaded applications 24)..Fixed: Problems with unicode characters in project files on non-Unicode IDEs 25)..Fixed: Infinite recursive calls when using ToString from EndReport event handler 26)..Fixed: Win64 GetCaller now returns pointer to call instruction, not return address 27)..Improved: Standalone Editor do not force save/load folder by default 28)..Improved: DLL profile now can use additional application type hooks automatically 29)..Improved: EurekaLog now able to work with read-only projects (see help for more info) EurekaLog 7.0.04 (, 2-December-2012 1)....Added: Support for nested exceptions in DLLs 2)....Fixed: Options bug in EurekaLogSendEmail function 3)....Fixed: Weird behaviour for steps to reproduce and custom fields 4)....Fixed: Installation for single personality (BDS) 5)....Fixed: Range check error in EModules 6)....Fixed: Bug in exception destroy hook 7)....Fixed: OnExceptionNotify event is no longer called for handled exceptions without option checked 8)....Fixed: DEP checks on startup no longer cause exception 9)....Fixed: Invalid declaration for MS Debug API 10)..Fixed: OLE mode change error for "Test" send button 11)..Fixed: Fixes for multiply loading of the same DLL 12)..Fixed: Removed PNG compression from icons (tools) 13)..Fixed: Range-check error in dialogs with EurekaLog style enabled 14)..Fixed: Send progress dialog may keep busy forever processing window messages (message flood from rapid application GUI updates) 15)..Fixed: Thread pausing options now work correctly 16)..Improved: New features in exception filters - marking exceptions as "expected", filtering by properties (RTTI) 17)..Improved: Recovery from memory errors without debugging memory manager 18)..Improved: Viewer's password edit now hides password with asterisks 19)..Updated: Changed names of .inc files to avoid name conflicts with other libraries 20)..Updated: Help EurekaLog 7.0.03 (, 6-October-2012 1)....Fixed: Removed some consts keywords for event handlers, so now C++ Builder can alter arguments (this change may require you to adjust your custom code) 2)....Fixed: Fallback code for false-positive results on memory probing 3)....Fixed: Range check errors in SSL/TLS implementation 4)....Fixed: "EurekaLog is not active" error message during send testing 5)....Fixed: Incorrect memory probing when DEP is off (old systems) 6)....Fixed: Installation of 64-bit BPLs 7)....Fixed: Dialog preview 8)....Fixed: Win64 fixes for XE3 9)....Fixed: Support for project groups (mixed project types) 10)..Fixed: Windows 2000 hooks compatibility 11)..Fixed: mailto double quotes escaping 12)..Fixed: Simple MAPI WOW compatibility 13)..Fixed: Simple MAPI modal issues 14)..Fixed: Various range check errors 15)..Changed: Removed minor version number from program group name 16)..Updated: Help EurekaLog 7.0.02 hot-fix 1 (, 12-September-2012 1)....Fixed: Range check error in Viewer 2)....Fixed: Bug in hooking code EurekaLog 7.0.02 (, 11-September-2012 1)....Added: Improved memory problems detection 2)....Added: Minor IDE Expert usability improvements 3)....Added: Auto-size feature for detailed error dialog 4)....Added: Workaround for QC #106935 5)....Added: Workaround for bug in InvokeRegistry (SOAP/Mantis) 6)....Fixed: Nested OS exceptions 7)....Fixed: Multiply Win64 fixes 8)....Fixed: Compatibility mode fixes 9)....Fixed: Altered behaviour of "Add BugID/Date/ComputerName" options 10)..Fixed: Blank screenshots 11)..Fixed: Check file for corruptions 12)..Fixed: Viewer is unable to decrypt certain bug reports 13)..Fixed: Internal DoNoTouch option now works for post-processing and condtionals 14)..Fixed: Possible out of memory error for "Do not store class/procedure names" option 15)..Fixed: EurekaLog did not properly install itself when there is only Delphi installed, but no C++ Builder of the same version (or visa versa) 16)..Fixed: Wrong argument for OnRaise event 17)..Fixed: Handling memory errors in initialization/finalization sections 18)..Fixed: Updating steps to reproduce and user e-mail in bug report 19)..Fixed: Proper Success/Failure for some errors during SMTP send 20)..Added: Workaround for wrong GUI fonts 21)..Added: Delphi XE3 support 22)..Added: Individual options for each exception EurekaLog 7.0.01 (, 28-June-2012 1)....Added: New "Modal window" option (MS Classic and EurekaLog dialogs) 2)....Added: New "Owned window" option (MS Classic and EurekaLog dialogs) 3)....Added: New "Catch EurekaLog IDE Expert errors" option 4)....Added: Backup memory manager to recover from critical errors 5)....Added: Alternative methods to provide additional features when memory filter is not set 6)....Fixed: Contains fixes from hotfixes 1-3 7)....Fixed: Performance improvements 8)....Fixed: Improved IDE Expert's speed, stability and compatibility with other 3rd party extensions 9)....Fixed: MS Classic dialog size adjustments for large "click here" translations 10)..Fixed: Fixed resetting few EurekaLog project options to defaults 11)..Fixed: Multiplying exception filters when options are assigned (for example: when switching to/from "Custom" page in project options) 12)..Fixed: (Compatibility mode) Fixed send options merging 13)..Fixed: Updated help EurekaLog 7.0 hot-fix 3 (, 20-June-2012 --------------------------- 1)....Fixed: ERangeError in EResLeaks (THandle Integer) 2)....Fixed: C++ Builder breakpoints for large projects 3)....Fixed: Help (updates policy changed) 4)....Fixed: Text collections applying 5)....Fixed: Build events are now called for unlocked file 6)....Fixed: Proper handling of C++ Builder project options files from Delphi code (settings editor and IDE expert) 7)....Fixed: Terminate/Checked sub-option for MS Classic dialog 8)....Fixed: Confusing message for already post-processed executables 9)....Fixed: Access violation for some EurekaLog IDE menu items when no project was loaded 10)..Fixed: Invoking help for "Variables" window 11)..Fixed: EurekaLog Viewer version info 12)..Fixed: Events in components 13)..Added: Retry option for "Sorry, you must close all running IDE instances before installation" 14)..Added: Italian translation 15)..Added: Actual change log is now included into installer 16)..Added: Even more setup logging 17)..Added: New help articles (recompilation and manual installation) EurekaLog 7.0 hot-fix 2 (, 10-June-2012 --------------------------- 1)....Fixed: Wrong version info reporting to IDE 2)....Added: Workaround for Delphi 2005 TListView bug 3)....Added: Workaround for possible invalid FPU state in exception handlers 4)....Added: Missed declarations for ExceptionLog (compatibility mode) 5)....Fixed: Work for unsaved projects 6)....Added: Escaping for '--' in options (confuses IDE's XML parsing) 7)....Added: Storing thread's class/name in call stack for terminated threads 8)....Added: More setup logging 9)....Fixed: Help (broken links) 10)..Added: "Upgrade to EurekaLog 7" help topic 11)..Fixed: Clean up installed files EurekaLog 7.0 hot-fix 1 (, 6-June-2012 --------------------------- 1)....Fixed: Invalid Format() arguments in ELogBuilder. EurekaLog 7.0, 1-June-2012 --------------------------- 1)....Improved: Main change - EurekaLog's core was rewritten (refactored) to allow more easy modification and remove hacks. 2)....Improved: New plugin-like architecture now allows you to exclude unused code. 3)....Improved: New plugin-like architecture now allows you to easily extends EurekaLog. 4)....Improved: Greatly extended documentation. 5)....Improved: Installer is now localized. 6)....Improved: Greatly speed ups creation of minimal bug report (with most information disabled). 7)....Changed: EurekaLog's root IDE menu was relocated to under Tools and extended with new items. 8)....Added: New examples. 9)....Added: New tools (address lookup, error lookup, threads snapshot, standalone settings editor). 10)..Added: Support for DBG/PDB formats of debug information (including symbol server support and auto-downloading). 11)..Added: Support for madExcept debug information (experimental). 12)..Added: WER (Windows Error Reporting) support. 13)..Added: Full unicode support. 14)..Added: Professional and Trial editions: added source code (interface sections only) 15)..Improved: Dialogs - new options and new customization possibilities: 16)..Added: All GUI dialogs: ability to test dialog directly from configuration dialog by displaying a sample window with currently specified settings. 17)..Improved: All GUI dialogs: dialogs are DPI-awared now (auto-scale for different DPI). 18)..Added: MessageBox dialog: added detailed mode (shows a compact call stack). 19)..Added: MessageBox dialog: added ability for asking a send consent. 20)..Added: MessageBox dialog: added support to switch to "native" message box for application. 21)..Added: MS Classic dialog: added control over "user e-mail" edit's visibility. 22)..Added: MS Classic dialog: added ability to personalize dialog view with application's name and icon. 23)..Added: MS Classic dialog: added ability to show terminate/restart checkbox initially checked. 24)..Added: EurekaLog dialog: added ability to personalize dialog view with application's name and icon. 25)..Added: EurekaLog dialog: added ability to show terminate/restart checkbox initially checked. 26)..Added: EurekaLog dialog: added ability to switch back to non-detailed view. 27)..Added: WEB dialog: added new tags to customize bug report page. 28)..Improved: WEB dialog: improved support for unicode and charset. 29)..Added: New dialog type: RTL dialog. 30)..Added: New dialog type: console output. 31)..Added: New dialog type: system logging. 32)..Added: New dialog type: Windows Error Reporting. 33)..Improved: Sending - new options and new customization possibilities: 34)..Added: All send methods: added ability to setup multiply send methods. 35)..Added: All send methods: added ability to change send method order. 36)..Added: All send methods: added separate settings for each send method. 37)..Added: All send methods: ability to test send method directly from configuration dialog by sending a demo bug report. 38)..Added: SMTP client send method: added SSL support. 39)..Added: SMTP client send method: added TLS support. 40)..Added: SMTP client send method: added option for using real e-mail address. 41)..Added: SMTP server send method: added option for using real e-mail address. 42)..Added: HTTP upload send method: added support for custom backward feedback messages. 43)..Added: FTP upload send method: added creating folders on FTP (like remote ForceDirectories). 44)..Added: Mantis send method: added API support (MantisConnect, out-of-the-box since Mantis 1.1.0, available as add-on for previous versions). 45)..Added: Mantis send method: added support for custom "Count" field. 46)..Added: Mantis send method: added options for controlling duplicates. 47)..Added: Mantis send method: added support for SSL/TLS. 48)..Added: FogBugz send method: added API support (out-of-the-box since ForBugz 7, available as add-on for FogBugz 6). 49)..Added: FogBugz send method: EurekaLog will update "Occurrences" field (count of bugs). 50)..Added: FogBugz send method: EurekaLog will respect "Stop reporting" option (BugzScout's setting). 51)..Added: FogBugz send method: EurekaLog will respect "Scout message" option (BugzScout's setting). 52)..Added: FogBugz send method: EurekaLog will store client's e-mail as issue's correspondent. 53)..Added: FogBugz send method: added options for controlling duplicates. 54)..Added: FogBugz send method: added support for "Area" field. 55)..Added: FogBugz send method: added support for SSL/TLS. 56)..Added: BugZilla send method: added API support. 57)..Added: BugZilla send method: added support for custom "Count" field. 58)..Added: BugZilla send method: added options for controlling duplicates. 59)..Added: BugZilla send method: added support for SSL/TLS. 60)..Added: New send method: Shell (mailto protocol). 61)..Added: New send method: extended MAPI. 62)..Added: Support for separate code and debug info injection. 63)..Added: Ability to use custom units before EurekaLog's units. 64)..Added: Support for external configuration file in IDE expert. 65)..Added: Now EurekaLog stores only those project options which are different from defaults (to save disk space and reduce noise in project file). 66)..Added: Now EurekaLog stores project options sorted (alphabet order). 67)..Added: Separate settings for saving modules and processes lists to bug report. 68)..Added: Support for taking screenshots of multiply monitors. 69)..Added: More screenshot customization options. 70)..Added: More control over bug report's file names. 71)..Added: New environment variables. 72)..Added: Deleting .map file after compilation. 73)..Added: Support for different .dpr and .dproj file names. 74)..Improved: memory leaks detection feature - new options and new customization possibilities: 75)..Added: Ability to track memory problems without activation of leaks checking. 76)..Added: Support for sharing memory manager. 77)..Added: Support for tracking leaks in applications built with run-time packages. 78)..Added: Option to zero-fill freed memory. 79)..Added: Option to enable leaks detection only when running under debugger. 80)..Added: Option for manual activation control for leaks detection (via command-line switches). 81)..Added: Option to select stack tracing method for memory problems. 82)..Added: Option to trigger memory leak reporting only for large leaked memory's size. 83)..Added: Option to control limit of number of reported leak. 84)..Added: CheckHeap function to force check of heap's consistency. 85)..Added: DumpAllocationsToFile function to save information about allocated memory to log file. 86)..Added: Registered leaks feature. 87)..Added: Run-time control over memory leak registering. 88)..Added: New recognized leak type: String (both ANSI and Unicode are supported). 89)..Added: Memory features support for C++ Builder. 90)..Added: Resource leaks detection feature. 91)..Improved: Compilation speed increased. 92)..Added: Support for generics in debug information. 93)..Added: Chained/nested exceptions support. 94)..Added: Wait Chain Traversal support. 95)..Added: Support for named threads. 96)..Added: Additional information for threads in call stack. 97)..Improved: EurekaLog Viewer Tool: 98)..Added: Now Viewer has its own help file 99)..Added: Viewer now supports a FireBird based database on local file or remote server. 100).Added: You can have more that one user account for FireBird based database. 101).Added: Viewer now can be launched in View mode (Viewer can be configured to any DB or View mode). 102).Added: Viewer's database now supports storing files, associated with the report (you can also add and remove files manually). 103).Added: Viewer supports "Import" and "View" commands for report files. 104).Improved: Extended support for more log formats (XML, packed ELF, etc). 105).Added: Columns in report's list now can be configured (you can hide and show them). 106).Added: There are a plenty of new columns added to report's list. 107).Added: Ability of auto-download reports from e-mail account. 108).Improved: printing - now you can print the entire report (including screenshots). Old behaviour of printing just one tab (call stack only, for example) also remains. 109).Added: Viewer can now have more that one run-time instance . 110).Added: File import status dialog is now configurable (you can disable it, if you want to). 111).Added: There is a preview area for screenshots, available in reports. 112).Improved: Now Viewer is more Vista-friendly (i.e. file associations are managed in HKCU, rather that in HKLM, storing configuration in user's Application Data, etc, etc). 113).Added: Report's list now supports multi-select, so operations can be performed on many reports at time. 114).Added: There are plenty of new command line abilities, like specifying several files and new switches. 115).Improved: Bunch of minor changes and improvements. WARNING: -------- There are many changes in this release. See the "Changed from the old 6.x version" help topic for further information! EurekaLog 7 also have "EurekaLog 6 backward compatibility mode". Please, refer to help file for more information. We also have the detailed "Upgrade guide" in our help system.
oracle学习文档 笔记 全面 深刻 详细 通俗易懂 doc word格式 清晰 第一章 Oracle入门 一、 数据库概述 数据库(Database)是按照数据结构来组织、存储和管理数据的仓库,它产生于距今五十年前。简单来说是本身可视为电子化的文件柜——存储电子文件的处所,用户可以对文件中的数据运行新增、截取、更新、删除等操作。 常见的数据模型 1. 层次结构模型: 层次结构模型实质上是一种有根结点的定向有序树,IMS(Information Manage-mentSystem)是其典型代表。 2. 网状结构模型:按照网状数据结构建立的数据库系统称为网状数据库系统,其典型代表是DBTG(Data Base Task Group)。 3. 关系结构模型:关系式数据结构把一些复杂的数据结构归结为简单的二元关系(即二维表格形式)。常见的有Oracle、mssql、mysql等 二、 主流数据库 数据库名 公司 特点 工作环境 mssql 微软 只能能运行在windows平台,体积比较庞大,占用许多系统资源, 但使用很方便,支持命令和图形化管理,收费。 中型企业 Mysql 甲骨文 是个开源的数据库server,可运行在多种平台, 特点是响应速度特别快,主要面向中小企业 中小型企业 PostgreSQL 号称“世界上最先进的开源数据库“,可以运行在多种平台下,是tb级数据库,而且性能也很好 中大型企业 oracle 甲骨文 获得最高认证级别的ISO标准安全认证,性能最高, 保持开放平台下的TPC-D和TPC-C的世界记录。但价格不菲 大型企业 db2 IBM DB2在企业级的应用最为广泛, 在全球的500家最大的企业中,几乎85%以上用DB2数据库服务器。收费 大型企业 Access 微软 Access是一种桌面数据库,只适合数据量少的应用,在处理少量 数据和单机访问的数据库时是很好的,效率也很高 小型企业 三、 Oracle数据库概述 ORACLE数据库系统是美国ORACLE公司(甲骨文)提供的以分布式数据库为核心的一组软件产品,是目前最流行的客户/服务器(CLIENT/SERVER)或B/S体系结构的数据库之一。  拉里•埃里森  就业前景 从就业与择业的角度来讲,计算机相关专业的大学生从事oracle方面的技术是职业发展中的最佳选择。 其一、就业面广:全球前100强企业99家都在使用ORACLE相关技术,中国政府机构,大中型企事业单位都能有ORACLE技术的工程师岗位。 其二、技术层次深:如果期望进入IT服务或者产品公司(类似毕博、DELL、IBM等),Oracle技术能够帮助提高就业的深度。 其三、职业方向多:Oracle数据库管理方向、Oracle开发及系统架构方向、Oracle数据建模数据仓库等方向。 四、 如何学习 认真听课、多思考问题、多动手操作、有问题一定要问、多参与讨论、多帮组同学 五、 体系结构 oracle的体系很庞大,要学习它,首先要了解oracle的框架。oracle的框架主要由物理结构、逻辑结构、内存分配、后台进程、oracle例程、系统改变号 (System Change Number)组成  物理结构 物理结构包含三种数据文件: 1) 控制文件 2) 数据文件 3) 在线重做日志文件  逻辑结构 功能:数据库如何使用物理空间 组成:表空间、段、区、块的组成层次 六、 oracle安装、卸载和启动  硬件要求 物理内存:1GB 可用物理内存:50M 交换空间大小:3.25GB 硬盘空间:10GB  安装 1. 安装程序成功下载,将会得到如下2个文件: 解压文件将得到database文件夹,文件组织如下: 点击setup.exe执行安装程序,开始安装。 2. 点击安装程序将会出现如下安装界面,步骤 1/9:配置安全更新 填写电子邮件地址(可以不填),去掉复选框,点击下一步 3. 步骤2/9:选择安装选项 勾选第一个,安装和配置数据库,点击下一步 4. 步骤3/8:选择系统类 勾选第一个:桌面类,点击下一步 5. 步骤4/8:配置数据库安装 选择安装路径,选择数据库版本(企业版),选择字符集(默认值) 填写全局数据库名,管理口令 6. 步骤5/8:先决条件检查 如果你的电脑满足要求但仍然显示检查失败,这时候直接忽略,勾选全部忽略 7. 步骤6/8:概要信息 核对将要安装数据的详细信息,并保存响应文件,以备以后查看。然后点击完成数据库安装 8. 步骤7/8:安装产品 产品安装过程中将会出现以上2个界面 9. 步骤8/8:完成安装  卸载Oracle 1. 在运行services.msc打开服务,停止Oracle的所有服务。 2. oracle11G自带一个卸载批处理\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\deinstall\deinstall.bat 3. 运行该批处理程序将自动完成oracle卸载工作,最后手动删除\app文件夹(可能需要重启才能删除) 4. 运行regedit命令,打开注册表窗口。删除注册表中与Oracle相关的内容,具体如下:  删除HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/ORACLE目录。  删除HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services中所有以oracle或OraWeb为开头的键。  删除HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSETM/CurrentControlSet/Services/Eventlog/application中所有以oracle开头的键。  删除HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT目录下所有以Ora、Oracle、Orcl或EnumOra为前缀的键。  删除HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/MenuOrder/Start Menu/Programs中所有以oracle 开头的键。  删除HKDY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/ODBC/ODBCINST.INI中除Microsoft ODBC for Oracle注册表键以外的所有含有Oracle的键。  删除环境变量中的PATHT CLASSPATH中包含Oracle的值。  删除“开始”/“程序”中所有Oracle的组和图标。  删除所有与Oracle相关的目录,包括: C:\Program file\Oracle目录。 ORACLE_BASE目录。 C:\Documents and Settings\系统用户名、LocalSettings\Temp目录下的临时文件。 七、 oracle中的数据库 八、 常用的工具  Sql Plus  Sql Developer  Oracle Enterprise Manager   第二章 用户和权限 一、 用户介绍 ORACLE用户是学习ORACLE数据库中的基础知识,下面就介绍下类系统常用的默认ORACLE用户: 1. sys用户:超级用户,完全是个SYSDBA(管理数据库的人)。拥有dba,sysdba,sysoper等角色或权限。是oracle权限最高的用户,登录时不能用normal。 2. system用户:超级用户,默认是SYSOPT(操作数据库的人),不过它也能以SYSDBA的权限登陆。拥有普通dba角色权限。 3. scott用户:是个演示用户,是让你学习Oracle用的。 二、 常用命令 学习oracle,首先我们必须要掌握常用的基本命令,oracle中的命令比较多,常用的命令如下: 1. 登录命令(sqlplus) 说明:用于登录到oracle数据库 用法:sqlplus 用户名/密码 [as sysdba/sysoper] 注意:当用特权用户登录时,必须带上sysdba或sysoper 例子: 普通用户登录 sys用户登录 操作系统的身份登录 2. 连接命令(conn) 说明:用于连接到oracle数据库,也可实现用户的切换 用法:conn 用户名/密码 [as sysdba/sysoper] 注意:当用特权用户连接时,必须带上sysdba或sysoper 例子: 3. 断开连接(disc) 说明:断开与当前数据库的连接 用法:disc 4. 显示用户名(show user) 说明:显示当前用户名 用法:show user 5. 退出(exit) 说明:断开与当前数据库的连接并会退出 用法:exit 6. 编辑脚本(edit/ed) 说明:编辑指定或缓冲区的sql脚本 用法:edit [文件名] 列子: 7. 运行脚本 (start/@) 说明:运行指定的sql脚本 用法:start/@ 文件名 列子: 8. 印刷屏幕 (spool) 说明:将sql*plus屏幕中的内容输出到指定的文件 用法:开始印刷->spool 文件名 结束印刷->spool off 列子: 文件内容 9. 显示宽度 (linesize) 说明:设置显示行的宽度,默认是80个字符 用法:set linesize 120 10. 显示页数 (pagesize) 说明:设置每页显示的行数,默认是14页 用法:set pagesize 20 三、 用户管理 1. 创建用户 说明:Oracle中需要创建用户一定是要具有dba(数据库管理员)权限的用户才能创建,而且创建的新用户不具备任何权限,连登录都不可以。 用法:create user 新用户名 identified by 密码 例子: 2. 修改密码 说明:修改用户密码一般有两种方式,一种是通过命令password修改,另一种是通过语句alter user实现,如果要修改他人的密码,必须要具有相关的权限才可以 用法: 方式一 password [用户名] 方式二 alert user 用户名 identified by 新密码 例子: 修改当前用户(方式一) 修改当前用户(方式二) 修改其他用户(方式一) 修改其他用户(方式二) 3. 用户禁用与启用 说明:Oracle中想要禁用或启用一个账户也同样是使用alter user 命令来完成,只是语法和修改密码有所不同。 用法: 禁用 alert user 用户名 account lock 启用 alert user 用户名 account unlock 4. 删除用户 说明:Oracle中要删除一个用户,必须要具有dba的权限。而且不能删除当前用户,如果删除的用户有数据对象,那么必须加上关键字cascade。 用法:drop user 用户名 [cascade] 四、 用户权限与角色 1. 权限 Oracle中权限主要分为两种,系统权限和实体权限。  系统权限:系统规定用户使用数据库的权限。(系统权限是对用户而言)。  DBA: 拥有全部特权,是系统最高权限,只有DBA才可以创建数据库结构。  RESOURCE:拥有Resource权限的用户只可以创建实体,不可以创建数据库结构。  CONNECT:拥有Connect权限的用户只可以登录Oracle,不可以创建实体,不可以创建数据库结构。 注意: 对于普通用户:授予connect, resource权限。 对于DBA管理用户:授予connect,resource, dba权限。  授予系统权限 说明:要实现授予系统权限只能由DBA用户授出。 用法:grant 系统权限1[,系统权限2]… to 用户名1[,用户名2]…. 例子:  系统权限回收: 说明:系统权限只能由DBA用户回收 用法:revoke 系统权限 from 用户名 例子:  实体权限:某种权限用户对其它用户的表或视图的存取权限。(是针对表或视图而言的)。主要包括select, update, insert, alter, index, delete, all其中all包括所有权限。  授予实体权限 用法:grant 实体权限1[,实体权限2]… on 表名 to用户名1[,用户名2]…. 例子:  实体权限回收 用法:revoke 实体权限 on 表名from 用户名 例子:  查询用户拥有哪里权限: SQL> select * from role_tab_privs;//查询授予角色的对象权限 SQL> select * from role_role_privs;//查询授予另一角色的角色 SQL> select * from DBA_tab_privs;//查询直接授予用户的对象权限 SQL> select * from dba_role_privs;//查询授予用户的角色 SQL> select * from dba_sys_privs;//查询授予用户的系统权限 SQL> select * from role_sys_privs;//查询授予角色的系统权限 SQL> Select * from session_privs;// 查询当前用户所拥有的权限 2. 角色 角色。角色是一组权限的集合,将角色赋给一个用户,这个用户就拥有了这个角色中的所有权限。  系统预定义角色 预定义角色是在数据库安装后,系统自动创建的一些常用的角色。下面我们就简单介绍些系统角色:  CONNECT, RESOURCE, DBA这些预定义角色主要是为了向后兼容。其主要是用于数据库管理。oracle建议用户自己设计数据库管理和安全的权限规划,而不要简单的使用这些预定角色。将来的版本中这些角色可能不会作为预定义角色。  DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE, EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE,SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE这些角色主要用于访问数据字典视图和包。  EXP_FULL_DATABASE, IMP_FULL_DATABASE这两个角色用于数据导入导出工具的使用。  自定义角色 Oracle建议我们自定义自己的角色,使我们更加灵活方便去管理用户  创建角色 SQL> create role admin;  授权给角色 SQL> grant connect,resource to admin;  撤销角色的权限 SQL> revoke connect from admin;  删除角色 SQL> drop role admin;   第三章 Sql查询与函数 一、 SQL概述 SQL(Structured Query Language)结构化查询语言,是一种数据库查询和程序设计语言,用于存取数据以及查询、更新和管理关系数据库系统。同时也是数据库脚本文件的扩展名。  SQL语言主要包含5个部分  数据定义语言Data Definition Language(DDL),用来建立数据库、数据对象和定义其列。例如:CREATE、DROP、ALTER等语句。  数据操作语言Data Manipulation Language(DML),用来插入、修改、删除、查询,可以修改数据库中的数据。例如:INSERT(插入)、UPDATE(修改)、DELETE(删除)语句  数据查询语言 (Data Query Language, DQL) 是SQL语言中,负责进行数据查询而不会对数据本身进行修改的语句,这是最基本的SQL语句。例如:SELECT(查询)  数据控制语言Data Controlling Language(DCL),用来控制数据库组件的存取允许、存取权限等。例如:GRANT、REVOKE、COMMIT、ROLLBACK等语句。  事务控制语言(Transactional Control Language,TCL),用于维护数据的一致性,包括COMMIT(提交事务)、ROLLBACK(回滚事务)和SAVEPOINT(设置保存点)3条语句 二、 Oracle的数据类型 类型 参数 描述 字符类型 char 1~2000字节 固定长度字符串,长度不够的用空格补充 varchar2 1~4000字节 可变长度字符串,与CHAR类型相比,使用VARCHAR2可以节省磁盘空间,但查询效率没有char类型高 数值类型 Number(m,n) m(1~38) n(-84~127) 可以存储正数、负数、零、定点数和精度为38位的浮点数,其中,M表示精度,代表数字的总位数;N表示小数点右边数字的位数 日期类型 date 7字节 用于存储表中的日期和时间数据,取值范围是公元前4712年1月1日至公元9999年12月31日,7个字节分别表示世纪、年、月、日、时、分和秒 二进制数据类型 row 1~2000字节 可变长二进制数据,在具体定义字段的时候必须指明最大长度n long raw 1~2GB 可变长二进制数据 LOB数据类型 clob 1~4GB 只能存储字符数据 nclob 1~4GB 保存本地语言字符集数据 blob 1~4GB 以二进制信息保存数据 三、 DDL语言 1. Create table命令 用于创建表。在创建表时,经常会创建该表的主键、外键、唯一约束、Check约束等  语法结构 create table 表名( [字段名] [类型] [约束] ……….. CONSTRAINT fk_column FOREIGN KEY(column1,column2,…..column_n) REFERENCES tablename(column1,column2,…..column_n) )  例子: create table student( stuNo char(32) primary key,--主键约束 stuName varchar2(20) not null,--非空约束 cardId char(20) unique,--唯一约束 sex char(2) check(sex='男' or sex='女'),--检查约束 address varchar2(100) default '地址不详'--默认约束 ) create table mark( mid int primary key,--主键约束 stuNo char(32) not null, courseName varchar2(20) not null,--非空约束 score number(3) not null check(score>=0 and scoreselect * from em--查询所有数据 SQL>select ename,job from em--查询指定的字段数据 SQL> select * from emp where sal>1000--加条件 2. 聚合函数 聚合函数对一组值执行计算并返回单一的值。聚合函数忽略空值。聚合函数经常与 SELECT 语句的 GROUP BY 子句一同使用。不能在 WHERE 子句中使用组函数。  AVG(expression): 返回集合中各值的平均值 --查询所有人都的平均工资 select avg(sal) from emp  COUNT(expression): 以 Int32 形式返回集合中的项数 --查询工资低于2000的人数 select count(*) from emp where sal2000 5. 连接查询 连接查询是关系数据库中最主要的查询,主要包括内连接、外连接和交叉连接等。通过连接运算符可以实现多个表查询。  内连接 内连接也叫连接,是最早的一种连接。还可以被称为普通连接或者自然连接,内连接是从结果表中删除与其他被连接表中没有匹配行的所有行,所以内连接可能会丢失信息。  等值连接: select * from emp inner join dept on emp.deptno=dept.deptno select * from emp,dept where emp.deptno=dept.deptno  不等值连接: select * from emp inner join dept on emp.deptno!=dept.deptno  外连接 外连接分为三种:左外连接,右外连接,全外连接。对应SQL:LEFT/RIGHT/FULL OUTER JOIN。通常我们省略outer 这个关键字。写成:LEFT/RIGHT/FULL JOIN。  左外连接(left join): 是以左表的记录为基础的 select * from emp left join dept on emp.deptno=dept.deptno  右外连接(right join): 和left join的结果刚好相反,是以右表(BL)为基础的 select * from emp right join dept on emp.deptno=dept.deptno  全外连接(full join): 左表和右表都不做限制,所有的记录都显示,两表不足的地方用null 填充 select * from emp full join dept on emp.deptno=dept.deptno  交叉连接 交叉连接即笛卡儿乘积,是指两个关系中所有元组的任意组合。一般情况下,交叉查询是没有实际意义的。 select * from cross full join dept 6. 常用查询  like模糊查询 --查询姓名首字母为S开始的员工信息 select * from emp where ename like 'S%' --查询姓名第三个字母为A的员工信息 select * from emp where ename like '__A%'  is null/is not null 查询 --查询没有奖金的雇员信息 select * from emp where comm is null --查询有奖金的雇员信息 select * from emp where comm is not null  in查询 --查询雇员编号为7566、7499、7844的雇员信息 select * from emp where empno in(7566,7499,7844)  exists/not exists查询(效率高于in) --查询有上级领导的雇员信息 select * from emp e where exists (select * from emp where empno=e.mgr) --查询没有上级领导的雇员信息 select * from emp e where not exists (select * from emp where empno=e.mgr)  all查询 --查询比部门编号为20的所有雇员工资都高的雇员信息 select * from emp where sal > all(select sal from emp where deptno=20)  union合并不重复 select * from emp where comm is not null union select * from emp where sal>3000  union all合并重复 select * from emp where comm is not null union all select * from emp where sal>3000 7. 子查询 当一个查询是另一个查询的条件时,称之为子查询。子查询是一个 SELECT 语句,它嵌套在一个 SELECT、SELECT...INTO 语句、INSERT...INTO 语句、DELETE 语句、或 UPDATE 语句或嵌套在另一子查询中。  在CREATE TABLE语句中使用子查询 --创建表并拷贝数据 create table temp(id,name,sal) as select empno,ename,sal from emp  在INSERT语句中使用子查询 --当前表拷贝 insert into temp(id,name,sal) select * from temp --从其他表指定字段拷贝 insert into temp(id,name,sal) select empno,ename,sal from emp  在DELETE语句中使用子查询 --删除SALES部门中的所有雇员 delete from emp where deptno in (select deptno from dept where dname='SALES')  在UPDATE语句中使用子查询 --修改scott用户的工资和smith的工资一致 update emp set sal=(select sal from emp where ename='SMITH') where ename='SCOTT' --修改black用户的工作,工资,奖金和scott一致 update emp set(job,sal,comm)=(select job,sal,comm from emp where ename='SCOTT') where ename='BLAKE'  在SELECT语句中使用子查询 --查询和ALLEN同一部门的员工信息 select * from emp where deptno in (select deptno from emp where ename='ALLEN') --查询工资大于部门平均工资的雇员信息 select * from emp e (select avg(sal) asal,deptno from emp group by deptno) t where e.deptno=t.deptno and e.sal>t.asal 六、 TCL语言 1. COMMIT commit --提交事务 2. ROLLBACK rollback to p1 --回滚到指定的保存点 rollback --回滚所有的保存点 3. SAVEPOINT savepoint p1 --设置保存点 4. 只读事务 只读事务是指只允许执行查询的操作,而不允许执行任何其它dml操作的事务,它的作用是确保用户只能取得某时间点的数据。 set transaction read only 七、 oracle函数 1. 字符串函数 字符串函数是oracle中比较常用的,下面我们就介绍些常用的字符串函数:  concat:字符串连接函数,也可以使用’||’ --将职位和雇员名称显示在一列中 select concat(ename,concat('(',concat(job,')'))) from emp select ename || '(' || job || ')' from emp  length:返回字符串的长度 --查询雇员名字长度为5个字符的信息 select * from emp where length(ename)=5  lower:将字符串转换成小写 --以小写方式显示雇员名 select lower(ename) from emp  upper:将字符串转换成大写 --以大写方式显示雇员名 select upper (ename) from emp  substr:截取字符串 --只显示雇员名的前3个字母 select substr(ename,0,3) from emp  replace:替换字符串 --将雇员的金额显示为*号 select ename,replace(sal,sal,’*’) from emp  instr:查找字符串 --查找雇员名含有’LA’字符的信息 select * from emp where instr(ename,’LA’)>0 2. 日期函数  sysdate:返回当前session所在时区的默认时间 --获取当前系统时间 select sysdate from dual  add_months:返回指定日期月份+n之后的值,n可以为任何整数 --查询当前系统月份+2的时间 select add_months(sysdate,2) from dual --查询当前系统月份-2的时间 select add_months(sysdate,-2) from dual  last_day:返回指定时间所在月的最后一天 --获取当前系统月份的最后一天 select last_day(sysdate) from dual  months_between:返回月份差,结果可正可负,当然也有可能为0 --获取入职日期距离当前时间多少天 select months_between(sysdate, hiredate) from emp  trunc:为指定元素而截去的日期值 --获取当前系统年,其他默认 select trunc(sysdate,'yy') from dual --查询81年2月份入职的雇员 select * from emp where trunc(hiredate,'mm')=trunc(to_date('1981-02','yyyy-mm'),'mm') 3. 转换函数  to_char:将任意类型转换成字符串 --日期转换 select to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') from dual --数字转换 select to_char(-100.789999999999,'L99G999D999') from dual  数字格式控制符 符号 描述 9 代表一位数字,如果当前位有数字,显示数字,否则不显示(小数部分仍然会强制显示) 0 强制显示该位,如果当前位有数字,显示数字,否则显示0 $ 增加美元符号显示 L 增加本地货币符号显示 . 小数点符号显示 , 千分位符号显示  to_date:将字符串转换成日期对象 --字符转换成日期 select to_date('2011-11-11 11:11:11', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') from dual  to_number:将字符转换成数字对象 --字符转换成数字对象 select to_number('209.976')*5 from dual select to_number('209.976', '9G999D999')*5 from dual 4. 数学函数  abs:返回数字的绝对值 select abs(-1999) from dual  ceil:返回大于或等于n的最小的整数值 select ceil(2.48) from dual  floor:返回小于等于n的最大整数值 select floor(2.48) from dual  round:四舍五入 select round(2.48) from dual select round(2.485,2) from dual  bin_to_num:二进制转换成十进制 select bin_to_num(1,0,0,1,0) from dual   第四章 锁 一、 概述 锁是实现数据库并发控制的一个非常重要的技术。当事务在对某个数据对象进行操作前,先向系统发出请求,对其加锁。加锁后事务就对该数据对象有了一定的控制,在该事务释放锁之前,其他的事务不能对此数据对象进行更新操作。 在数据库中有两种基本的锁类型:排它锁(Exclusive Locks,即X锁)和共享锁(Share Locks,即S锁)。当数据对象被加上排它锁时,其他的事务不能对它读取和修改。加了共享锁的数据对象可以被其他事务读取,但不能修改。 根据保护的对象不同,Oracle数据库锁可以分为以下几大类:  DML锁(data locks,数据锁),用于保护数据的完整性  DDL锁(dictionary locks,字典锁),用于保护数据库对象的结构,如表、索引等的结构定义  内部锁和闩(internal locks and latches),保护数据库的内部结构 二、 DML锁 DML锁的目的在于保证并发情况下的数据完整性,在Oracle数据库中,DML锁主要包括TM锁和TX锁,其中TM锁称为表级锁,TX锁称为事务锁或行级锁。 1. 行级锁 当事务执行数据库插入、更新、删除操作时,该事务自动获得操作表中操作行的排它锁 --不允许其他用户对雇员表的部门编号为20的数据进行修改 select * from emp where deptno=20 for update --不允许其他用户对雇员表的所有数据进行修改 select * from emp for update --如果已经被锁定,就不用等待 select * from emp for update nowait --如果已经被锁定,更新的时候等待5秒 select * from emp for update wait 5 2. 锁模式  0(none)  1(null)  2(rs):行共享  3(rx):行排他  4(s):共享  5(srx):共享行排他  6(x):排他 数字越大,锁级别越高 3. 表级锁 当事务获得行锁后,此事务也将自动获得该行的表锁(行排他),以防止其它事务进行DDL语句影响记录行的更新  行共享锁(RS锁):允许用户进行任何操作,禁止排他锁 lock table emp in row share mode  行排他锁(RX锁):允许用户进行任何操作,禁止共享锁 lock table emp in row exclusive mode  共享锁(R锁):其他用户只能看,不能修改 lock table emp in share mode  排他锁(X锁):其他用户只能看,不能修改,不能加其他锁 lock table emp in exclusive mode  共享行排他(SRX锁):比行排他和共享锁级别高,不能添加共享锁 lock table emp in share row exclusive mode 4. 锁兼容性 S X RS RX SRX N/A S Y N Y N N Y X N N N N N Y RS Y N Y Y Y Y RX N N Y Y N Y SRX N N Y N N Y N/Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 5. 死锁 当两个事务需要一组有冲突的锁,而不能将事务继续下去的话,就出现死锁。 1) 用户A修改A表,事务不提交 2) 用户B修改B表,事务不提交 3) 用户A修改B表,阻塞 4) 用户B修改A表,阻塞 Oracle系统能自动发现死锁,并会自动选择工作量最少的事务进行撤销和释放所有锁 6. 悲观锁和乐观锁 数据的锁定分为两种方法,第一种叫做悲观锁,第二种叫做乐观锁  悲观锁:就是对数据的冲突采取一种悲观的态度,也就是说假设数据肯定会冲突,所以在数据开始读取的时候就把数据锁定住。  乐观锁:就是认为数据一般情况下不会造成冲突,所以在数据进行提交更新的时候,才会正式对数据的冲突与否进行检测,如果发现冲突了,则让用户返回错误的信息,让用户决定如何去做。 三、 DDL锁 1. 排它DDL锁 创建、修改、删除一个数据库对象的DDL语句获得操作对象的排它锁。 2. 共享DDL锁 需在数据库对象之间建立相互依赖关系的DDL语句通常需共享获得DDL锁 3. 分析锁 分析锁是一种独特的DDL锁类型,ORACLE使用它追踪共享池对象及它所引用数据库对象之间的依赖关系 四、 内部锁和闩 这是ORACLE中的一种特殊锁,用于顺序访问内部系统结构。当事务需向缓冲区写入信息时,为了使用此块内存区域,ORACLE首先必须取得这块内存区域的闩锁,才能向此块内存写入信息。   第五章 数据库对象 一、 概述 ORACLE数据库主要有如下数据库对象:  tablespace and datafile(表空间和数据文件)  table(表)  constraints(约束)  index(索引)  view(试图)  sequence(序列)  synonyms(同义词)  DB-link(数据库链路) 二、 表空间和数据文件 表空间是数据库的逻辑组成部分,从物理上讲,数据库数据是存放在数据文件中,从逻辑上讲数据库则是存放在表空间中,表空间是由一个或多个数据文件组成。  表空间  某一时刻只能属于一个数据库  由一个或多个数据文件组成  可进一步划分为逻辑存储  表空间主要分为两种  System表空间  随数据库创建  包含数据字典  包含system还原段  非system表空间  用于分开存储段  易于空间管理  控制分配给用户的空间量  数据文件  只能属于一个表空间和一个数据库  是方案对象数据的资料档案库  创建表空间  语法 CREATE TABLESPACE tablespacename [DATAFILE clause] [MINIMUM EXTENT integer[k|m]] [BLOCKSIZE integer[k]] [LOGGING|NOLOGGING] [DEFAULT storage_clause] [ONLINE|OFFLINE] [PERMANENT|TEMPORARY] [extent_management_clause] [segment_management_clause]  例子 --创建本地管理表空间 create tablespace firstSpance datafile 'e:/firstspance.dbf'size 100M extent management local uniform size 256k --修改文件大小 alter database datafile 'e:/firstspance.dbf' resize 110m --删除表空间 drop tablespace firstSpance INCLUDING CONTENTS and datafiles --使用数据库表空间 --创建用户指定表空间 create user guest identified by 123456 default tablespace firstSpance --表中指定表空间 create table account( accountid number(4), accountName varchar2(20) )tablespace firstSpance --表空间脱机 alter tablespace firstSpance offline --表空间联机 alter tablespace firstSpance online --表空间只读,不能进行dml操作 alter tablespace firstSpance read only 三、 同义词 Oracle数据库中提供了同义词管理的功能。同义词是数据库方案对象的一个别名,经常用于简化对象访问和提高对象访问的安全性。Oracle同义词有两种类型,分别是公用Oracle同义词与私有Oracle同义词。  公有同义词  语法 CREATE [OR REPLACE] PUBLIC SYNONYM sys_name FOR [SCHEMA.] object_name  创建(需拥有CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM权限才可以创建) --创建同义词 create public synonym syn_emp for scott.emp --访问同义词 select * from syn_emp  删除 drop public synonym syn_emp  私有同义词  语法 CREATE [OR REPLACE] SYNONYM sys_name FOR [SCHEMA.] object_name  创建 --创建同义词 create synonym syn_pri_emp for emp --访问同义词 select * from syn_ pri _emp  删除 drop public synonym syn_emp 四、 表分区 当表中的数据量不断增大,查询数据的速度就会变慢,应用程序的性能就会下降,这时就应该考虑对表进行分区。表进行分区后,逻辑上表仍然是一张完整的表,只是将表中的数据在物理上存放到多个表空间(物理文件上),这样查询数据时,不至于每次都扫描整张表。  优点:  改善查询性能:对分区对象的查询可以仅搜索自己关心的分区,提高检索速度。  增强可用性:如果表的某个分区出现故障,表在其他分区的数据仍然可用;  维护方便:如果表的某个分区出现故障,需要修复数据,只修复该分区即可;  均衡I/O:可以把不同的分区映射到磁盘以平衡I/O,改善整个系统性能。  使用场合  表的大小超过2GB  表中包含历史数据,新的数据被增加都新的分区中  常见分区方法:  范围 --- 8  Hash --- 8i  列表 --- 9i  组合 --- 8i 1. 范围分区 范围分区将数据基于范围映射到每一个分区,这个范围是你在创建分区时指定的分区键决定的。这种分区方式是最为常用的,并且分区键经常采用日期。  特点:  最早、最经典的分区算法  Range分区通过对分区字段值的范围进行分区  Range分区特别适合于按时间周期进行数据的存储。日、周、月、年等。  数据管理能力强(数据迁移、数据备份、数据交换)  范围分区的数据可能不均匀  范围分区与记录值相关,实施难度和可维护性相对较差  例子  按值划分 --创建 CREATE TABLE book ( bookid NUMBER(5), bookname VARCHAR2(30), price NUMBER(8) )PARTITION BY RANGE (price)--分区字段 ( PARTITION P1 VALUES LESS THAN (4) TABLESPACE system, PARTITION P2 VALUES LESS THAN (8) TABLESPACE system, PARTITION P3 VALUES LESS THAN (maxvalue) TABLESPACE system, ) --MAXVALUE代表了一个不确定的值,这个值高于其它分区中的任何分区键的值  按日期划分 CREATE TABLE student ( stuno NUMBER(5), stuname VARCHAR2(30), birthday date )PARTITION BY RANGE (birthday)--分区字段 ( PARTITION P1990 VALUES LESS THAN (to_date('1990-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) TABLESPACE system, PARTITION P1991 VALUES LESS THAN (to_date('1991-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) TABLESPACE system ); 2. Hash分区(散列分区) 这类分区是在列值上使用散列算法,以确定将行放入哪个分区中。当列的值没有合适的条件时,建议使用散列分区。散列分区为通过指定分区编号来均匀分布数据的一种分区类型。如果你要使用hash分区,只需指定分区的数量即可。建议分区的数量采用2的n次方,这样可以使得各个分区间数据分布更加均匀。  特点  基于分区字段的HASH值,自动将记录插入到指定分区。  分区数一般是2的幂  易于实施  总体性能最佳  适合于静态数据  HASH分区适合于数据的均匀存储  数据管理能力弱  HASH分区对数据值无法控制  例子 CREATE TABLE classes ( clsno NUMBER(5), clsname VARCHAR2(30) )PARTITION BY HASH(clsno)--分区字段 ( PARTITION ph1 tablespace system, PARTITION ph2 tablespace system ) 3. List分区(列表分区) 该分区的特点是某列的值只有几个,基于这样的特点我们可以采用列表分区。  特点  List分区通过对分区字段的离散值进行分区  List分区是不排序的,而且分区之间也没有关联  List分区适合于对数据离散值进行控制  List分区只支持单个字段  List分区具有与range分区相似的优缺点  数据管理能力强  各分区的数据可能不均匀  例子 CREATE TABLE users ( userid NUMBER(5), username VARCHAR2(30), province char(5) )PARTITION BY list(province)--分区字段 ( PARTITION pl1 values('广东') tablespace system, PARTITION pl2 values('江西') tablespace system, PARTITION pl3 values('广西') tablespace system, PARTITION pl4 values('湖南') tablespace system ); 4. 组合分区 常见的组合分区主要有范围散列分区和范围列表分区  特点  既适合于历史数据,又适合于数据均匀分布  与范围分区一样提供高可用性和管理性  实现粒度更细的操作  组合范围列表分区 这种分区是基于范围分区和列表分区,表首先按某列进行范围分区,然后再按某列进行列表分区,分区之中的分区被称为子分区。  例子 CREATE TABLE student ( stuno NUMBER(5), stuname VARCHAR2(30), birthday date, province char(5) )PARTITION BY RANGE (birthday) --主分区字段 subpartition BY LIST(province)--子分区字符 ( PARTITION P1990 VALUES LESS THAN(to_date('1990-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) TABLESPACE system ( SUBPARTITION pl1 values('广东') tablespace system, SUBPARTITION pl2 values('江西') tablespace system, SUBPARTITION pl3 values('广西') tablespace system, SUBPARTITION pl4 values('湖南') tablespace system ), PARTITION P1991 VALUES LESS THAN(to_date('1991-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) TABLESPACE system ( SUBPARTITION p21 values('广东') tablespace system, SUBPARTITION p22 values('江西') tablespace system, SUBPARTITION p23 values('广西') tablespace system, SUBPARTITION p24 values('湖南') tablespace system ) );  组合范围散列分区 这种分区是基于范围分区和散列分区,表首先按某列进行范围分区,然后再按某列进行散列分区。  例子 CREATE TABLE student ( stuno NUMBER(5), stuname VARCHAR2(30), birthday date )PARTITION BY RANGE(birthday) --主分区字段 SUBPARTITION BY HASH(stuno)--子分区字符 ( PARTITION P1990 VALUES LESS THAN(to_date('1990-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) TABLESPACE system ( SUBPARTITION ph12 tablespace system, SUBPARTITION ph13 tablespace system ), PARTITION P1991 VALUES LESS THAN(to_date('1991-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) TABLESPACE system ( SUBPARTITION ph21 tablespace system, SUBPARTITION ph22 tablespace system ) ); 5. 表分区常用操作  添加分区 --添加主分区 alter table book add partition p4 values less than(maxvalue) tablespace system --添加子分区 ALTER TABLE student MODIFY PARTITION P1990 ADD SUBPARTITION pl5 values('福建')  删除分区 --删除主分区 ALTER TABLE student DROP PARTITION P1990 --删除子分区 ALTER TABLE student DROP SUBPARTITION p15  重命名表分区 ALTER TABLE student RENAME PARTITION P21 TO P2  显示数据库所有分区表的信息 select * from DBA_PART_TABLES  显示当前用户所有分区表的信息 select * from USER_PART_TABLES  查询指定表分区数据 select * from users partition(pl2)--主分区 select * from users subpartition(phl2)--子分区  删除分区表一个分区的数据 alter table book truncate partition p11   第六章 视图 一、 概述 视图是基于一个表或多个表或视图的逻辑表,本身不包含数据,通过它可以对表里面的数据进行查询和修改。视图基于的表称为基表。视图是存储在数据字典里的一条select语句。 通过创建视图可以提取数据的逻辑上的集合或组合。  为什么使用视图  控制数据访问  简化查询  数据独立性  避免重复访问相同的数据  使用修改基表的最大好处是安全性,即保证那些能被任意人修改的列的安全性  Oracle中视图分类  关系视图  内嵌视图  对象视图  物化视图 二、 关系视图 关系视图是作为数据库对象存在的,创建之后也可以通过工具或数据字典来查看视图的相关信息。关系视图是4种视图中最简单,同时也最常用的视图。  语法 CREATE [OR REPLACE] [FORCE|NOFORCE] VIEW view_name [(alias[, alias]...)] AS subquery [WITH CHECK OPTION [CONSTRAINT constraint]] [WITH READ ONLY] 1. OR REPLACE:若所创建的试图已经存在,ORACLE自动重建该视图 2. FORCE:不管基表是否存在ORACLE都会自动创建该视图 3. NOFORCE:只有基表都存在ORACLE才会创建该视图 4. Alias:为视图产生的列定义的别名 5. subquery:一条完整的SELECT语句,可以在该语句中定义别名 6. WITH CHECK OPTION:插入或修改的数据行必须满足视图定义的约束 7. WITH READ ONLY:该视图上不能进行任何DML操作  例子 create or replace view view_Account_dept as select * from emp where deptno=10 --只读视图 create or replace view view_Account_dept as select * from emp where deptno=10 order by sal with read only --约束视图 create or replace view view_Account_dept as select * from emp where deptno=10 with check option  查询视图 select * from emp where view_Account_dept  修改视图 通过OR REPLACE 重新创建同名视图即可  删除视图 DROP VIEW VIEW_NAME语句删除视图  视图上的DML 操作原则 1. 简单视图可以执行DML操作; 2. 在视图包含GROUP函数,GROUP BY子句,DISTINCT关键字时不能执行delete语句 3. 在视图包含GROUP函数,GROUP BY子句,DISTINCT关键字,ROWNUM为例,列定义为表达式时不能执行update语句 4. 在视图包含GROUP函数,GROUP BY子句,DISTINCT关键字,ROWNUM为例,列定义为表达式,表中非空的列子视图定义中未包括时不能执行insert语句 5. 可以使用WITH READ ONLY来屏蔽DML操作 三、 内嵌视图 内嵌视图是在from语句中的可以把表改成一个子查询。内嵌视图不属于任何用户,也不是对象,内嵌视图是子查询的一种。  例子 Select * from (select * from emp where deptno=10) where sal>2000 四、 对象视图 对象类型在数据库编程中有许多好处,但有时,应用程序已经开发完成。为了迎合对象类型而重建数据表是不现实的。对象视图正是解决这一问题的优秀策略。 五、 物化视图 常用于数据库的容灾,不是传统意义上虚拟视图,是实体化视图,和表一样可以存储数据、查询数据。主备数据库数据同步通过物化视图实现,主备数据库通过data link连接,在主备数据库物化视图进行数据复制。当主数据库垮掉时,备数据库接管,实现容灾。  语法 create materialized view materialized_view_name build [immediate|deferred] --1.创建方式 refresh [complete|fast|force|never] --2.物化视图刷新方式 on [commit|demand] --3.刷新触发方式 start with (start_date) --4.开始时间 next (interval_date) --5.间隔时间 with [primary key|rowid] --默认 primary key ENABLE QUERY REWRITE --7.是否启用查询重写 as --8.关键字 select statement; --9.基表选取数据的select语句 1. 创建方式  immediate(默认):立即  deferred:延迟,至第一次refresh时,才生效 2. 物化视图刷新方式  force(默认):如果可以快速刷新,就执行快速刷新,否则,执行完全刷新  complete:完全刷新,即刷新时更新全部数据,包括视图中已经生成的原有数据  fast:快速刷新,只刷新增量部分。前提是,需要在基表上创建物化视图日志。该日志记录基表数据变化情况,所以才能实现增量刷新  never:从不刷新 3. 刷新触发方式  on commit:基表有commit动作时,刷新视图,不能跨库执行(因为不知道别的库的提交动作)  on demand,在需要时刷新,根据后面设定的起始时间和时间间隔进行刷新,或者手动调用dbms_mview包中的过程刷新时再执行刷新。 4. 开始时间和间隔时间  4和5即开始刷新时间和下次刷新的时间间隔。如:start with sysdate next sysdate+1/1440表示马上开始,刷新间隔为1分钟。(与 on commit选项冲突) 5. 创建模式  primary key(默认):基于基表的主键创建  rowed:不能对基表执行分组函数、多表连结等需要把多个rowid合成一行的操作 6. 是否启用查询重写  如果设置了初始化参数query_rewrite_enabled=true则默认就会启用查询重写。但是,数据库默认该参数为false。并且,不是什么时候都应该启用查询重写。所以,该参数应该设置为false,而在创建特定物化视图时,根据需要开启该功能。 7. 注意  如果选择使用了上面第4,5选项,则不支持查询重写功能(原因很简单,所谓重写,就是将对基表的查询定位到了物化视图上,而4、5选项会造成物化视图上部分数据延迟,所以,不能重写)。  例子 --创建增量刷新的物化视图时应先创建存储的日志空间 --在scott.emp表中创建物化视图日志 create materialized view log on emp tablespace users with rowid; --开始创建物化视图 --方式一 create materialized view mv_emp tablespace users --指定表空间 build immediate --创建视图时即生成数据 refresh fast --基于增量刷新 on commit --数据DML操作提交就刷新 with rowid --基于ROWID刷新 as select * from emp --方式二 create materialized view mv_emp2 tablespace users --指定表空间 refresh fast --基于增量刷新 start with sysdate --创建视图时即生成数据 next sysdate+1/1440 /*每隔一分钟刷新一次*/ with rowid --基于ROWID刷新 as select * from emp --删除物化视图日志 drop materialized view mv_emp   第七章 索引 一、 概述 索引是建立在表上的可选对象,设计索引的目的是为了提高查询的速度。但同时索引也会增加系统的负担,进行影响系统的性能。 索引一旦建立后,当在表上进行DML操作时,Oracle会自动维护索引,并决定何时使用索引。 索引的使用对用户是透明的,用户不需要在执行SQL语句时指定使用哪个索引及如何使用索引,也就是说,无论表上是否创建有索引,SQL语句的用法不变。用户在进行操作时,不需要考虑索引的存在,索引只与系统性能相关。  索引的原理 当在一个没有创建索引的表中查询符合某个条件的记录时,DBMS会顺序地逐条读取每个记录与查询条件进行匹配,这种方式称为全表扫描。全表扫描方式需要遍历整个表,效率很低。  索引的类型 Oracle支持多种类型的索引,可以按列的多少、索引值是否唯一和索引数据的组织形式对索引进行分类,以满足各种表和查询条件的要求。  单列索引和复合索引  B树索引  位图索引  函数索引  创建索引 CREATE [UNIQUE] | [BITMAP] INDEX index_name ON table_name([column1 [ASC|DESC],column2 [ASC|DESC],…] | [express]) [TABLESPACE tablespace_name] [PCTFREE n1] [STORAGE (INITIAL n2)] [NOLOGGING] [NOLINE] [NOSORT]  UNIQUE:表示唯一索引,默认情况下,不使用该选项。  BITMAP:表示创建位图索引,默认情况下,不使用该选项。  PCTFREE:指定索引在数据块中的空闲空间。对于经常插入数据的表,应该为表中索引指定一个较大的空闲空间。  NOLOGGING:表示在创建索引的过程中不产生任何重做日志信息。默认情况下,不使用该选项。  ONLINE:表示在创建或重建索引时,允许对表进行DML操作。默认情况下,不使用该选项。  NOSORT:默认情况下,不使用该选项。则Oracle在创建索引时对表中记录进行排序。如果表中数据已经是按该索引顺序排列的,则可以使用该选项。 二、 单列索引和复合索引 一个索引可以由一个或多个列组成。基于单个列所创建的索引称为单列索引,基于两列或多列所创建的索引称为多列索引。 三、 B树索引 B树索引是Oracle数据库中最常用的一种索引。当使用CREATE INDEX语句创建索引时,默认创建的索引就是B树索引。B树索引就是一棵二叉树,它由根、分支节点和叶子节点三部分构成。叶子节点包含索引列和指向表中每个匹配行的ROWID值。叶子节点是一个双向链表,因此可以对其进行任何方面的范围扫描。 B树索引中所有叶子节点都具有相同的深度,所以不管查询条件如何,查询速度基本相同。另外,B树索引能够适应各种查询条件,包括精确查询、模糊查询和比较查询。  例子 --创建B树索引,属于单列索引 create index idx_emp_job on emp(job) --创建B树索引,属于复合索引 create index idx_emp_nameorsal on emp(ename,sal) --创建唯一的B树索引,属于单列索引 create unique index idx_emp_ename on emp(ename) --删除索引 drop index idx_emp_job drop index idx_emp_nameorsal drop index idx_emp_ename --如果表已存在大量的数据,需要规划索引段 create index idx_emp_nameorsal on emp(ename,sal) pctfree 30 tablespace system 四、 位图索引 在B树索引中,保存的是经排序过的索引列及其对应的ROWID值。但是对于一些基数很小的列来说,这样做并不能显著提高查询的速度。所谓基数,是指某个列可能拥有的不重复值的个数。比如性别列的基数为2(只有男和女)。 因此,对于象性别、婚姻状况、政治面貌等只具有几个固定值的字段而言,如果要建立索引,应该建立位图索引,而不是默认的B树索引。  例子 --创建位图索引,单列索引 create bitmap index idx_bm_job on emp(job) --创建位图索引,复合索引 create bitmap index idx_bm_jobordeptno on emp(job,deptno) --删除位图索引 drop index idx_bm_job drop index idx_bm_jobordeptno 五、 函数索引 函数索引既可以使用B树索引,也可以使用位图索引,可以根据函数或表达式的结果的基数大小来进行选择,当函数或表达式的结果不确定时采用B树索引,当函数或表达式的结果是固定的几个值时采用位图索引。  例子 --合并索引 alter index idx_emp_ename COALESCE 六、 并和重建索引 表在使用一段时间后,由于用户不断对其进行更新操作,而每次对表的更新必然伴随着索引的改变,因此,在索引中会产生大量的碎片,从而降低索引的使用效率。有两种方法可以清理碎片:合并索引和重建索引。  合并索引就是将B树叶子节点中的存储碎片合并在一起,从而提高存取效率,但这种合并并不会改变索引的物理组织结构。 --创建B树类型的函数索引 create index idx_fun_emp_hiredate on emp(to_char(hiredate,'yyyy-mm-dd')) --创建位图类型的函数索引 create index idx_fun_emp_job on emp(upper(job))  重建索引相当于删除原来的索引,然后再创建一个新的索引,因此,CREAT INDEX语句中的选项同样适用于重建索引。如果在索引列上频繁进行UPDATE和DELETE操作,为了提高空间的利用率,应该定期重建索引。 七、 管理索引的原则 使用索引的目的是为了提高系统的效率,但同时它也会增加系统的负担,进行影响系统的性能,因为系统必须在进行DML操作后维护索引数据。 在新的SQL标准中并不推荐使用索引,而是建议在创建表的时候用主键替代。因此,为了防止使用索引后反而降低系统的性能,应该遵循一些基本的原则: 1. 小表不需要建立索引。 2. 对于大表而言,如果经常查询的记录数目少于表中总记录数目的15%时,可以创建索引。这个比例并不绝对,它与全表扫描速度成反比。 3. 对于大部分列值不重复的列可建立索引。 4. 对于基数大的列,适合建立B树索引,而对于基数小的列适合建立位图索引。 5. 对于列中有许多空值,但经常查询所有的非空值记录的列,应该建立索引。 6. LONG和LONG RAW列不能创建索引。 7. 经常进行连接查询的列上应该创建索引。 8. 在使用CREATE INDEX语句创建查询时,将最常查询的列放在其他列前面。 9. 维护索引需要开销,特别时对表进行插入和删除操作时,因此要限制表中索引的数量。对于主要用于读的表,则索引多就有好处,但是,一个表如果经常被更改,则索引应少点。 10. 在表中插入数据后创建索引。如果在装载数据之前创建了索引,那么当插入每行时,Oracle都必须更改每个索引。 八、 ROWID和ROWNUM 1. ROWID rowid是一个伪列,是用来确保表中行的唯一性,它并不能指示出行的物理位置,但可以用来定位行。rowid是存储在索引中的一组既定的值(当行确定后)。我们可以像表中普通的列一样将它选出来, 利用rowid是访问表中一行的最快方式。rowid的是基于64位编码的18个字符显示(数据对象编号(6)+文件编号(3) +块编号(6)+行编号(3)=18位) select rowid from emp  ROWID的使用 --快速删除重复的记录 delete from temp t where rowid not in( select max(rowid) from temp where and and t.sal = sal ) 2. ROWNUM ROWNUM是一个序列,是oracle数据库从数据文件或缓冲区中读取数据的顺序。它取得第一条记录则rownum值为1,第二条为2,依次类推。 select rownum,emp.* from emp  ROWID的使用 --取前3条记录 select * from emp where rownum<=3--方式一 select * from emp where rownum!=4--方式二 --分页 select * from emp where empno not in( select empno from emp where rownum<5--方式一 ) and rownum <4   第八章 PL/SQL编程 一、 介绍 PL/SQL是oracle在标准sql语言上的扩展,PL/SQL不仅允许嵌入sql语言,还可以定义变量和常量,允许使用例外处理各种错误,这样使它的功能变得更加强大。 PL/SQL也是一种语言,叫做过程化sql语言(procedural language/sql),通过此语言可以实现复杂功能或者复杂的计算。  优点 1. 提高应用程序的运行性能 2. 模块化的设计思想 3. 减少网络传输量 4. 提高安全性  缺点 1. 可移植性差 2. 违反MVC设计模式 3. 无法进行面向对象编程 4. 无法做成通用的业务逻辑框架 5. 代码可读性差,相当难维护  分类 二、 PL/SQL基础 1. 编写规范 1) 注释 --单行注释 /*块注释*/ 2) 标识符的命名规范  定义变量:建议用v_作为前缀v_price  定义常量:建议用c_作为前缀c_pi  定义游标:建议用_cursor作为后缀emp_cursor  定义例外:建议用e_作为前缀e_error 2. 块结构 PL/SQL块由三个部分组成:定义部分、执行部分、例外处理部分 Declare /* 定义部分(可选):定义常量、变量、游标、例外,复杂数据类型 */ begin /* 执行部分(必须):要执行的PL/SQL语句和SQL语句 */ exception /*例外部分(可选):处理运行各种错误*/ end 案例一 :只定义执行部分 begin /* dbms_output是oracle提供的包(类似java开发包) 该包包含一些过程,put_line就是其一个过程 */ dbms_output.put_line('HELLO WORLD'); --控制台输出 end; 案例二 :定义声明部分和执行部分 declare --声明变量 v_name varchar2(20); v_sal number(7,2); begin --执行查询 select ename,sal into v_name,v_sal from emp where rownum=1; --控制台输出 dbms_output.put_line('用户名:' || v_name); dbms_output.put_line('工资:' || v_sal); end; 案例三 :定义声明部分、执行部分和例外部分 declare --声明变量 v_name varchar2(20); v_sal number(7,2); begin --执行查询,条件中的&表示从控制接受数据 select ename,sal into v_name,v_sal from emp where empno=&no; --控制台输出 dbms_output.put_line('用户名:' || v_name); dbms_output.put_line('工资:' || v_sal); exception --例外处理(no_data_found) when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('执行查询没有结果'); end; 3. 预定义例外 1) case_not_found预定义例外 在开发pl/sql块中编写case语句时,如果在when子句中没有包含必须的条件分支,就会触发case_not_found例外。 2) cursor_already_open预定义例外 当重新打开已经打开的游标时,会隐含的触发cursor_already_open例外。 3) dup_val_on_index预定义例外 在唯一索引所对应的列上插入重复的值时,会隐含的触发例外 4) invalid_cursorn预定义例外 当试图在不合法的游标上执行操作时,会触发该例外 5) invalid_number预定义例外 当输入的数据有误时,会触发该例外 6) no_data_found预定义例外 当执行select into没有返回行,就会触发该例外 7) too_many_rows预定义例外 当执行select into语句时,如果返回超过了一行,则会触发该例外 8) zero_divide预定义例外 当执行2/0语句时,则会触发该例外 9) value_error预定义例外 当在执行赋值操作时,如果变量的长度不足以容纳实际数据,则会触发该例外value_error 10) others 4. 变量类型分类 在编写PL/SQL时,可以定义变量和常量,常用的类型主要有:  标量类型(scalar)  复合类型(composite)  参照类型(reference)  lob(large object) 5. 标量类型:常用类型 declare --定义一个变长字符串 v_name varchar2(20); --定义小数,并赋值 v_sal number(7,2) :=9.8; --定义整数 v_num number(4); --定义日期 v_birthday date; --定义布尔类型,不能为空,初始值为false v_flg boolean not null default false; --使用%type类型 v_job emp.job%type; begin v_flg := true; v_birthday :=sysdate; dbms_output.put_line('当前时间:' || v_birthday); end; 6. 复合类型:可以存放多个值。主要包括PL/SQL记录、PL/SQL表、嵌入表和varray这四种类型 记录类型:类似于c中的结构体 declare --定义记录类型 type emp_record_type is record( empno emp.empno%type, ename emp.ename%type, sal emp.sal%type ); --定义变量引用记录类型 v_record emp_record_type; begin --使用记录类型 select empno,ename,sal into v_record from emp where rownum=1; --控制台输出 dbms_output.put_line('雇员编号:' || v_record.empno); dbms_output.put_line('雇员姓名:' || v_record.ename); dbms_output.put_line('雇员工资:' || v_record.sal); end; 表类型:类似于java语言中的数组 declare --声明表类型 type emp_table_type is table of varchar2(20) index by PLS_INTEGER;--表示表按整数来排序 v_enames emp_table_type;--定义变量引用表类型 begin select ename into v_enames(0) from emp where rownum=1; select ename into v_enames(1) from emp where empno=7499; select ename into v_enames(2) from emp where empno=7698; --输出 dbms_output.put_line('下标0:' || v_enames(0)); dbms_output.put_line('下标1:' || v_enames(1)); dbms_output.put_line('下标2:' || v_enames(2)); end; varray类型:可变长数组 declare --定义varray类型 type varray_list is varray(20) of number(4); --定义变量引用varray类型 v_list varray_list:=varray_list(7369,7499,7566); begin --for i in v_list.first..v_list.last for i in 1..v_list.count loop dbms_output.put_line(v_list(i)); end loop; end; PL/SQL集合方法 1) exists():用于确定特定集合元素是否存在 2) count:用于返回集合变量的元素总个数 3) limit:用于返回varray变量所允许的最大元素个数 4) first:用于返回集合变量中的一个元素的下标 5) last:用于返回集合变量中最后一个元素的下标 6) prior():返回当前元素前一个元素的下标 7) next():返回当前元素后一个元素的下标 8) extend:为集合变量添加元素,此方法适合用于嵌套表和varray 9) trim:从集合变量尾部删除元素,此方法适用于嵌套表和varray 10) delete:从集合变量中删除特定的元素,此方法适用于嵌套表和index-by表 7. 参照类型:类似c语言中的指针,oracle的游标 三、 PL/SQL控制语句 1. 条件分支语句 1) if—then declare --声明变量 v_empno emp.empno%type; v_sal emp.sal%type; begin --根据雇员编号查询工资 select empno,sal into v_empno,v_sal from emp where empno=&no; --如果工资小于2000就加100 if v_sal<2000 then --工资加100 update emp set sal = sal+100 where empno=v_empno; --提交 commit; end if; end; 2) if—then—else declare --声明变量 v_loginname varchar2(10); v_password varchar2(10); begin --从控制台接收数据 v_loginname := '&ln'; v_password := '&pw'; if v_loginname = 'admin' and v_password = '123456' then dbms_output.put_line('用户登录成功!'); else dbms_output.put_line('用户登录失败!'); end if; end; 3) if—then—elsif—else declare --声明变量 v_empno emp.empno%type; v_job emp.job%type; begin --根据雇员编号查询职位 select empno,job into v_empno,v_job from emp where empno=&no; /*如果雇员所属职位是manager工资加1000 职位是salesman工资加500 其他职位加200 */ if v_job = 'MANAGER' then --MANAGER职位工资加1000 update emp set sal = sal+1000 where empno=v_empno; elsif v_job = 'SALESMAN' then --SALESMAN职位工资加500 update emp set sal = sal+500 where empno=v_empno; else --其他职位工资加200 update emp set sal = sal+200 where empno=v_empno; end if; --提交 commit; end; 4) case declare --声明变量 v_mark number(4); v_outstr varchar2(40); begin --从控制台接收成绩 v_mark := &m; case when v_mark=90 then v_outstr := '优秀'; when v_mark=80 then v_outstr := '良好'; when v_mark=70 then v_outstr := '中等'; when v_mark=60 then v_outstr := '及格'; when v_mark=0 then v_outstr := '不及格'; else v_outstr := '成绩输入有误'; end case; --控制台输出 dbms_output.put_line(v_outstr); end; 2. 循环语句 1) loop LOOP 要执行的语句; EXIT WHEN /*条件满足,退出循环语句*/ END LOOP; 其中:EXIT WHEN 子句是必须的,否则循环将无法停止。 declare v_num number(4):=1; begin --从控制台接收数据并插入到account表中 loop insert into account values(v_num,'&name'); exit when v_num =10; v_num :=v_num+1; end loop; end; 2) while WHILE LOOP要执行的语句;END LOOP; 其中:  循环语句执行的顺序是先判断的真假,如果为真则循环执行,否则退出循环  在WHILE循环语
Contents Overview 1 Lesson 1: Index Concepts 3 Lesson 2: Concepts – Statistics 29 Lesson 3: Concepts – Query Optimization 37 Lesson 4: Information Collection and Analysis 61 Lesson 5: Formulating and Implementing Resolution 75 Module 6: Troubleshooting Query Performance Overview At the end of this module, you will be able to:  Describe the different types of indexes and how indexes can be used to improve performance.  Describe what statistics are used for and how they can help in optimizing query performance.  Describe how queries are optimized.  Analyze the information collected from various tools.  Formulate resolution to query performance problems. Lesson 1: Index Concepts Indexes are the most useful tool for improving query performance. Without a useful index, Microsoft® SQL Server™ must search every row on every page in table to find the rows to return. With a multitable query, SQL Server must sometimes search a table multiple times so each page is scanned much more than once. Having useful indexes speeds up finding individual rows in a table, as well as finding the matching rows needed to join two tables. What You Will Learn After completing this lesson, you will be able to:  Understand the structure of SQL Server indexes.  Describe how SQL Server uses indexes to find rows.  Describe how fillfactor can impact the performance of data retrieval and insertion.  Describe the different types of fragmentation that can occur within an index. Recommended Reading  Chapter 8: “Indexes”, Inside SQL Server 2000 by Kalen Delaney  Chapter 11: “Batches, Stored Procedures and Functions”, Inside SQL Server 2000 by Kalen Delaney Finding Rows without Indexes With No Indexes, A Table Must Be Scanned SQL Server keeps track of which pages belong to a table or index by using IAM pages. If there is no clustered index, there is a sysindexes row for the table with an indid value of 0, and that row will keep track of the address of the first IAM for the table. The IAM is a giant bitmap, and every 1 bit indicates that the corresponding extent belongs to the table. The IAM allows SQL Server to do efficient prefetching of the table’s extents, but every row still must be examined. General Index Structure All SQL Server Indexes Are Organized As B-Trees Indexes in SQL Server store their information using standard B-trees. A B-tree provides fast access to data by searching on a key value of the index. B-trees cluster records with similar keys. The B stands for balanced, and balancing the tree is a core feature of a B-tree’s usefulness. The trees are managed, and branches are grafted as necessary, so that navigating down the tree to find a value and locate a specific record takes only a few page accesses. Because the trees are balanced, finding any record requires about the same amount of resources, and retrieval speed is consistent because the index has the same depth throughout. Clustered and Nonclustered Indexes Both Index Types Have Many Common Features An index consists of a tree with a root from which the navigation begins, possible intermediate index levels, and bottom-level leaf pages. You use the index to find the correct leaf page. The number of levels in an index will vary depending on the number of rows in the table and the size of the key column or columns for the index. If you create an index using a large key, fewer entries will fit on a page, so more pages (and possibly more levels) will be needed for the index. On a qualified select, update, or delete, the correct leaf page will be the lowest page of the tree in which one or more rows with the specified key or keys reside. A qualified operation is one that affects only specific rows that satisfy the conditions of a WHERE clause, as opposed to accessing the whole table. An index can have multiple node levels An index page above the leaf is called a node page. Each index row in node pages contains an index key (or set of keys for a composite index) and a pointer to a page at the next level for which the first key value is the same as the key value in the current index row. Leaf Level contains all key values In any index, whether clustered or nonclustered, the leaf level contains every key value, in key sequence. In SQL Server 2000, the sequence can be either ascending or descending. The sysindexes table contains all sizing, location and distribution information Any information about size of indexes or tables is stored in sysindexes. The only source of any storage location information is the sysindexes table, which keeps track of the address of the root page for every index, and the first IAM page for the index or table. There is also a column for the first page of the table, but this is not guaranteed to be reliable. SQL Server can find all pages belonging to an index or table by examining the IAM pages. Sysindexes contains a pointer to the first IAM page, and each IAM page contains a pointer to the next one. The Difference between Clustered and Nonclustered Indexes The main difference between the two types of indexes is how much information is stored at the leaf. The leaf levels of both types of indexes contain all the key values in order, but they also contain other information. Clustered Indexes The Leaf Level of a Clustered Index Is the Data The leaf level of a clustered index contains the data pages, not just the index keys. Another way to say this is that the data itself is part of the clustered index. A clustered index keeps the data in a table ordered around the key. The data pages in the table are kept in a doubly linked list called the page chain. The order of pages in the page chain, and the order of rows on the data pages, is the order of the index key or keys. Deciding which key to cluster on is an important performance consideration. When the index is traversed to the leaf level, the data itself has been retrieved, not simply pointed to. Uniqueness Is Maintained In Key Values In SQL Server 2000, all clustered indexes are unique. If you build a clustered index without specifying the unique keyword, SQL Server forces uniqueness by adding a uniqueifier to the rows when necessary. This uniqueifier is a 4-byte value added as an additional sort key to only the rows that have duplicates of their primary sort key. You can see this extra value if you use DBCC PAGE to look at the actual index rows the section on indexes internal. . Finding Rows in a Clustered Index The Leaf Level of a Clustered Index Contains the Data A clustered index is like a telephone directory in which all of the rows for customers with the same last name are clustered together in the same part of the book. Just as the organization of a telephone directory makes it easy for a person to search, SQL Server quickly searches a table with a clustered index. Because a clustered index determines the sequence in which rows are stored in a table, there can only be one clustered index for a table at a time. Performance Considerations Keeping your clustered key value small increases the number of index rows that can be placed on an index page and decreases the number of levels that must be traversed. This minimizes I/O. As we’ll see, the clustered key is duplicated in every nonclustered index row, so keeping your clustered key small will allow you to have more index fit per page in all your indexes. Note The query corresponding to the slide is: SELECT lastname, firstname FROM member WHERE lastname = ‘Ota’ Nonclustered Indexes The Leaf Level of a Nonclustered Index Contains a Bookmark A nonclustered index is like the index of a textbook. The data is stored in one place and the index is stored in another. Pointers indicate the storage location of the indexed items in the underlying table. In a nonclustered index, the leaf level contains each index key, plus a bookmark that tells SQL Server where to find the data row corresponding to the key in the index. A bookmark can take one of two forms:  If the table has a clustered index, the bookmark is the clustered index key for the corresponding data row. This clustered key can be multiple column if the clustered index is composite, or is defined to be non-unique.  If the table is a heap (in other words, it has no clustered index), the bookmark is a RID, which is an actual row locator in the form File#:Page#:Slot#. Finding Rows with a NC Index on a Heap Nonclustered Indexes Are Very Efficient When Searching For A Single Row After the nonclustered key at the leaf level of the index is found, only one more page access is needed to find the data row. Searching for a single row using a nonclustered index is almost as efficient as searching for a single row in a clustered index. However, if we are searching for multiple rows, such as duplicate values, or keys in a range, anything more than a small number of rows will make the nonclustered index search very inefficient. Note The query corresponding to the slide is: SELECT lastname, firstname FROM member WHERE lastname BETWEEN ‘Master’ AND ‘Rudd’ Finding Rows with a NC Index on a Clustered Table A Clustered Key Is Used as the Bookmark for All Nonclustered Indexes If the table has a clustered index, all columns of the clustered key will be duplicated in the nonclustered index leaf rows, unless there is overlap between the clustered and nonclustered key. For example, if the clustered index is on (lastname, firstname) and a nonclustered index is on firstname, the firstname value will not be duplicated in the nonclustered index leaf rows. Note The query corresponding to the slide is: SELECT lastname, firstname, phone FROM member WHERE firstname = ‘Mike’ Covering Indexes A Covering Index Provides the Fastest Data Access A covering index contains ALL the fields accessed in the query. Normally, only the columns in the WHERE clause are helpful in determining useful indexes, but for a covering index, all columns must be included. If all columns needed for the query are in the index, SQL Server never needs to access the data pages. If even one column in the query is not part of the index, the data rows must be accessed. The leaf level of an index is the only level that contains every key value, or set of key values. For a clustered index, the leaf level is the data itself, so in reality, a clustered index ALWAYS covers any query. Nevertheless, for most of our optimization discussions, we only consider nonclustered indexes. Scanning the leaf level of a nonclustered index is almost always faster than scanning a clustered index, so covering indexes are particular valuable when we need ALL the key values of a particular nonclustered index. Example: Select an aggregate value of a column with a clustered index. Suppose we have a nonclustered index on price, this query is covered: SELECT avg(price) from titles Since the clustered key is included in every nonclustered index row, the clustered key can be included in the covering. Suppose you have a nonclustered index on price and a clustered index on title_id; then this query is covered: SELECT title_id, price FROM titles WHERE price between 10 and 20 Performance Considerations In general, you do want to keep your indexes narrow. However, if you have a critical query that just is not giving you satisfactory performance no matter what you do, you should consider creating an index to cover it, or adding one or two extra columns to an existing index, so that the query will be covered. The leaf level of a nonclustered index is like a ‘mini’ clustered index, so you can have most of the benefits of clustering, even if there already is another clustered index on the table. The tradeoff to adding more, wider indexes for covering queries are the added disk space, and more overhead for updating those columns that are now part of the index. Bug In general, SQL Server will detect when a query is covered, and detect the possible covering indexes. However, in some cases, you must force SQL Server to use a covering index by including a WHERE clause, even if the WHERE clause will return ALL the rows in the table. This is SHILOH bug #352079 Steps to reproduce 1. Make copy of orders table from Northwind: USE Northwind CREATE TABLE [NewOrders] ( [OrderID] [int] NOT NULL , [CustomerID] [nchar] (5) NULL , [EmployeeID] [int] NULL , [OrderDate] [datetime] NULL , [RequiredDate] [datetime] NULL , [ShippedDate] [datetime] NULL , [ShipVia] [int] NULL , [Freight] [money] NULL , [ShipName] [nvarchar] (40) NULL, [ShipAddress] [nvarchar] (60) , [ShipCity] [nvarchar] (15) NULL, [ShipRegion] [nvarchar] (15) NULL, [ShipPostalCode] [nvarchar] (10) NULL, [ShipCountry] [nvarchar] (15) NULL ) INSERT into NewOrders SELECT * FROM Orders 2. Build nc index on OrderDate: create index dateindex on neworders(orderdate) 3. Test Query by looking at query plan: select orderdate from NewOrders The index is being scanned, as expected. 4. Build an index on orderId: create index orderid_index on neworders(orderID) 5. Test Query by looking at query plan: select orderdate from NewOrders Now the TABLE is being scanned, instead of the original index! Index Intersection Multiple Indexes Can Be Used On A Single Table In versions prior to SQL Server 7, only one index could be used for any table to process any single query. The only exception was a query involving an OR. In current SQL Server versions, multiple nonclustered indexes can each be accessed, retrieving a set of keys with bookmarks, and then the result sets can be joined on the common bookmarks. The optimizer weighs the cost of performing the unindexed join on the intermediate result sets, with the cost of only using one index, and then scanning the entire result set from that single index. Fillfactor and Performance Creating an Index with a Low Fillfactor Delays Page Splits when Inserting DBCC SHOWCONTIG will show you a low value for “Avg. Page Density” when a low fillfactor has been specified. This is good for inserts and updates, because it will delay the need to split pages to make room for new rows. It can be bad for scans, because fewer rows will be on each page, and more pages must be read to access the same amount of data. However, this cost will be minimal if the scan density value is good. Index Reorganization DBCC SHOWCONTIG Provides Lots of Information Here’s some sample output from running a basic DBCC SHOWCONTIG on the order details table in the Northwind database: DBCC SHOWCONTIG scanning 'Order Details' table... Table: 'Order Details' (325576198); index ID: 1, database ID:6 TABLE level scan performed. - Pages Scanned................................: 9 - Extents Scanned..............................: 6 - Extent Switches..............................: 5 - Avg. Pages per Extent........................: 1.5 - Scan Density [Best Count:Actual Count].......: 33.33% [2:6] - Logical Scan Fragmentation ..................: 0.00% - Extent Scan Fragmentation ...................: 16.67% - Avg. Bytes Free per Page.....................: 673.2 - Avg. Page Density (full).....................: 91.68% By default, DBCC SHOWCONTIG scans the page chain at the leaf level of the specified index and keeps track of the following values:  Average number of bytes free on each page (Avg. Bytes Free per Page)  Number of pages accessed (Pages scanned)  Number of extents accessed (Extents scanned)  Number of times a page had a lower page number than the previous page in the scan (This value for Out of order pages is not displayed, but is used for additional computations.)  Number of times a page in the scan was on a different extent than the previous page in the scan (Extent switches) SQL Server also keeps track of all the extents that have been accessed, and then it determines how many gaps are in the used extents. An extent is identified by the page number of its first page. So, if extents 8, 16, 24, 32, and 40 make up an index, there are no gaps. If the extents are 8, 16, 24, and 40, there is one gap. The value in DBCC SHOWCONTIG’s output called Extent Scan Fragmentation is computed by dividing the number of gaps by the number of extents, so in this example the Extent Scan Fragmentation is ¼, or 25 percent. A table using extents 8, 24, 40, and 56 has three gaps, and its Extent Scan Fragmentation is ¾, or 75 percent. The maximum number of gaps is the number of extents - 1, so Extent Scan Fragmentation can never be 100 percent. The value in DBCC SHOWCONTIG’s output called Logical Scan Fragmentation is computed by dividing the number of Out of order pages by the number of pages in the table. This value is meaningless in a heap. You can use either the Extent Scan Fragmentation value or the Logical Scan Fragmentation value to determine the general level of fragmentation in a table. The lower the value, the less fragmentation there is. Alternatively, you can use the value called Scan Density, which is computed by dividing the optimum number of extent switches by the actual number of extent switches. A high value means that there is little fragmentation. Scan Density is not valid if the table spans multiple files; therefore, it is less useful than the other values. SQL Server 2000 allows online defragmentation You can choose from several methods for removing fragmentation from an index. You could rebuild the index and have SQL Server allocate all new contiguous pages for you. To rebuild the index, you can use a simple DROP INDEX and CREATE INDEX combination, but in many cases using these commands is less than optimal. In particular, if the index is supporting a constraint, you cannot use the DROP INDEX command. Alternatively, you can use DBCC DBREINDEX, which can rebuild all the indexes on a table in one operation, or you can use the drop_existing clause along with CREATE INDEX. The drawback of these methods is that the table is unavailable while SQL Server is rebuilding the index. When you are rebuilding only nonclustered indexes, SQL Server takes a shared lock on the table, which means that users cannot make modifications, but other processes can SELECT from the table. Of course, those SELECT queries cannot take advantage of the index you are rebuilding, so they might not perform as well as they would otherwise. If you are rebuilding a clustered index, SQL Server takes an exclusive lock and does not allow access to the table, so your data is temporarily unavailable. SQL Server 2000 lets you defragment an index without completely rebuilding it. DBCC INDEXDEFRAG reorders the leaf-level pages into physical order as well as logical order, but using only the pages that are already allocated to the leaf level. This command does an in-place ordering, which is similar to a sorting technique called bubble sort (you might be familiar with this technique if you've studied and compared various sorting algorithms). In-place ordering can reduce logical fragmentation to 2 percent or less, making an ordered scan through the leaf level much faster. DBCC INDEXDEFRAG also compacts the pages of an index, based on the original fillfactor. The pages will not always end up with the original fillfactor, but SQL Server uses that value as a goal. The defragmentation process attempts to leave at least enough space for one average-size row on each page. In addition, if SQL Server cannot obtain a lock on a page during the compaction phase of DBCC INDEXDEFRAG, it skips the page and does not return to it. Any empty pages created as a result of compaction are removed. The algorithm SQL Server 2000 uses for DBCC INDEXDEFRAG finds the next physical page in a file belonging to the index's leaf level and the next logical page in the leaf level to swap it with. To find the next physical page, the algorithm scans the IAM pages belonging to that index. In a database spanning multiple files, in which a table or index has pages on more than one file, SQL Server handles pages on different files separately. SQL Server finds the next logical page by scanning the index's leaf level. After each page move, SQL Server drops all locks and saves the last key on the last page it moved. The next iteration of the algorithm uses the last key to find the next logical page. This process lets other users update the table and index while DBCC INDEXDEFRAG is running. Let us look at an example in which an index's leaf level consists of the following pages in the following logical order: 47 22 83 32 12 90 64 The first key is on page 47, and the last key is on page 64. SQL Server would have to scan the pages in this order to retrieve the data in sorted order. As its first step, DBCC INDEXDEFRAG would find the first physical page, 12, and the first logical page, 47. It would then swap the pages, using a temporary buffer as a holding area. After the first swap, the leaf level would look like this: 12 22 83 32 47 90 64 The next physical page is 22, which is also the next logical page, so no work would be necessary. DBCC INDEXDEFRAG would then swap the next physical page, 32, with the next logical page, 83: 12 22 32 83 47 90 64 After the next swap of 47 with 83, the leaf level would look like this: 12 22 32 47 83 90 64 Then, the defragmentation process would swap 64 with 83: 12 22 32 47 64 90 83 and 83 with 90: 12 22 32 47 64 83 90 At the end of the DBCC INDEXDEFRAG operation, the pages in the table or index are not contiguous, but their logical order matches their physical order. Now, if the pages were accessed from disk in sorted order, the head would need to move in only one direction. Keep in mind that DBCC INDEXDEFRAG uses only pages that are already part of the index's leaf level; it allocates no new pages. In addition, defragmenting a large table can take quite a while, and you will get a report every 5 minutes about the estimated percentage completed. However, except for the locks on the pages being switched, this command needs no additional locks. All the table's other pages and indexes are fully available for your applications to use during the defragmentation process. If you must completely rebuild an index because you want a new fillfactor, or if simple defragmentation is not enough because you want to remove all fragmentation from your indexes, another SQL Server 2000 improvement makes index rebuilding less of an imposition on the rest of the system. SQL Server 2000 lets you create an index in parallel—that is, using multiple processors—which drastically reduces the time necessary to perform the rebuild. The algorithm SQL Server 2000 uses, allows near-linear scaling with the number of processors you use for the rebuild, so four processors will take only one-fourth the time that one processor requires to rebuild an index. System availability increases because the length of time that a table is unavailable decreases. Note that only the SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition supports parallel index creation. Indexes on Views and Computed Columns Building an Index Gives the Data Physical Existence Normally, views are only logical and the rows comprising the view’s data are not generated until the view is accessed. The values for computed columns are typically not stored anywhere in the database; only the definition for the computation is stored and the computation is redone every time a computed column is accessed. The first index on a view must be a clustered index, so that the leaf level can hold all the actual rows that make up the view. Once that clustered index has been build, and the view’s data is now physical, additional (nonclustered) indexes can be built. An index on a computed column can be nonclustered, because all we need to store is the index key values. Common Prerequisites for Indexed Views and Indexes on Computed Columns In order for SQL Server to create use these special indexes, you must have the seven SET options correctly specified: ARITHABORT, CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL, QUOTED_IDENTIFIER, ANSI_NULLS, ANSI_PADDING, ANSI_WARNING must be all ON NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT must be OFF Only deterministic expressions can be used in the definition of Indexed Views or indexes on Computed Columns. See the BOL for the list of deterministic functions and expressions. Property functions are available to check if a column or view meets the requirements and is indexable. SELECT OBJECTPROPERTY (Object_id, ‘IsIndexable’) SELECT COLUMNPROPERTY (Object_id, column_name , ‘IsIndexable’ ) Schema Binding Guarantees That Object Definition Won’t Change A view can only be indexed if it has been built with schema binding. The SQL Server Optimizer Determines If the Indexed View Can Be Used The query must request a subset of the data contained in the view. The ability of the optimizer to use the indexed view even if the view is not directly referenced is available only in SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition. In Standard edition, you can create indexed views, and you can select directly from them, but the optimizer will not choose to use them if they are not directly referenced. Examples of Indexed Views: The best candidates for improvement by indexed views are queries performing aggregations and joins. We will explain how the useful indexed views may be created for these two major groups of queries. The considerations are valid also for queries and indexed views using both joins and aggregations. -- Example: USE Northwind -- Identify 5 products with overall biggest discount total. -- This may be expressed for example by two different queries: -- Q1. select TOP 5 ProductID, SUM(UnitPrice*Quantity)- SUM(UnitPrice*Quantity*(1.00-Discount)) Rebate from [order details] group by ProductID order by Rebate desc --Q2. select TOP 5 ProductID, SUM(UnitPrice*Quantity*Discount) Rebate from [order details] group by ProductID order by Rebate desc --The following indexed view will be used to execute Q1. create view Vdiscount1 with schemabinding as select SUM(UnitPrice*Quantity) SumPrice, SUM(UnitPrice*Quantity*(1.00-Discount)) SumDiscountPrice, COUNT_BIG(*) Count, ProductID from dbo.[order details] group By ProductID create unique clustered index VDiscountInd on Vdiscount1 (ProductID) However, it will not be used by the Q2 because the indexed view does not contain the SUM(UnitPrice*Quantity*Discount) aggregate. We can construct another indexed view create view Vdiscount2 with schemabinding as select SUM(UnitPrice*Quantity) SumPrice, SUM(UnitPrice*Quantity*(1.00-Discount)) SumDiscountPrice, SUM(UnitPrice*Quantity*Discount) SumDiscoutPrice2, COUNT_BIG(*) Count, ProductID from dbo.[order details] group By ProductID create unique clustered index VDiscountInd on Vdiscount2 (ProductID) This view may be used by both Q1 and Q2. Observe that the indexed view Vdiscount2 will have the same number of rows and only one more column compared to Vdiscount1, and it may be used by more queries. In general, try to design indexed views that may be used by more queries. The following query asking for the order with the largest total discount -- Q3. select TOP 3 OrderID, SUM(UnitPrice*Quantity*Discount) OrderRebate from dbo.[order details] group By OrderID Q3 can use neither of the Vdiscount views because the column OrderID is not included in the view definition. To address this variation of the discount analysis query we may create a different indexed view, similar to the query itself. An attempt to generalize the previous indexed view Vdiscount2 so that all three queries Q1, Q2, and Q3 can take advantage of a single indexed view would require a view with both OrderID and ProductID as grouping columns. Because the OrderID, ProductID combination is unique in the original order details table the resulting view would have as many rows as the original table and we would see no savings in using such view compared to using the original table. Consider the size of the resulting indexed view. In the case of pure aggregation, the indexed view may provide no significant performance gains if its size is close to the size of the original table. Complex aggregates (STDEV, VARIANCE, AVG) cannot participate in the index view definition. However, SQL Server may use an indexed view to execute a query containing AVG aggregate. Query containing STDEV or VARIANCE cannot use indexed view to pre-compute these values. The next example shows a query producing the average price for a particular product -- Q4. select ProductName, od.ProductID, AVG(od.UnitPrice*(1.00-Discount)) AvgPrice, SUM(od.Quantity) Units from [order details] od, Products p where od.ProductID=p.ProductID group by ProductName, od.ProductID This is an example of indexed view that will be considered by the SQL Server to answer the Q4 create view v3 with schemabinding as select od.ProductID, SUM(od.UnitPrice*(1.00-Discount)) Price, COUNT_BIG(*) Count, SUM(od.Quantity) Units from dbo.[order details] od group by od.ProductID go create UNIQUE CLUSTERED index iv3 on v3 (ProductID) go Observe that the view definition does not contain the table Products. The indexed view does not need to contain all tables used in the query that uses the indexed view. In addition, the following query (same as above Q4 only with one additional search condition) will use the same indexed view. Observe that the added predicate references only columns from tables not present in the v3 view definition. -- Q5. select ProductName, od.ProductID, AVG(od.UnitPrice*(1.00-Discount)) AvgPrice, SUM(od.Quantity) Units from [order details] od, Products p where od.ProductID=p.ProductID and p.ProductName like '%tofu%' group by ProductName, od.ProductID The following query cannot use the indexed view because the added search condition od.UnitPrice>10 contains a column from the table in the view definition and the column is neither grouping column nor the predicate appears in the view definition. -- Q6. select ProductName, od.ProductID, AVG(od.UnitPrice*(1.00-Discount)) AvgPrice, SUM(od.Quantity) Units from [order details] od, Products p where od.ProductID=p.ProductID and od.UnitPrice>10 group by ProductName, od.ProductID To contrast the Q6 case, the following query will use the indexed view v3 since the added predicate is on the grouping column of the view v3. -- Q7. select ProductName, od.ProductID, AVG(od.UnitPrice*(1.00-Discount)) AvgPrice, SUM(od.Quantity) Units from [order details] od, Products p where od.ProductID=p.ProductID and od.ProductID in (1,2,13,41) group by ProductName, od.ProductID -- The previous query Q6 will use the following indexed view V4: create view V4 with schemabinding as select ProductName, od.ProductID, SUM(od.UnitPrice*(1.00-Discount)) AvgPrice, SUM(od.Quantity) Units, COUNT_BIG(*) Count from dbo.[order details] od, dbo.Products p where od.ProductID=p.ProductID and od.UnitPrice>10 group by ProductName, od.ProductID create unique clustered index VDiscountInd on V4 (ProductName, ProductID) The same index on the view V4 will be used also for a query where a join to the table Orders is added, for example -- Q8. select ProductName, od.ProductID, AVG(od.UnitPrice*(1.00-Discount)) AvgPrice, SUM(od.Quantity) Units from dbo.[order details] od, dbo.Products p, dbo.Orders o where od.ProductID=p.ProductID and o.OrderID=od.OrderID and od.UnitPrice>10 group by ProductName, od.ProductID We will show several modifications of the query Q8 and explain why such modifications cannot use the above view V4. -- Q8a. select ProductName, od.ProductID, AVG(od.UnitPrice*(1.00-Discount)) AvgPrice, SUM(od.Quantity) Units from dbo.[order details] od, dbo.Products p, dbo.Orders o where od.ProductID=p.ProductID and o.OrderID=od.OrderID and od.UnitPrice>25 group by ProductName, od.ProductID 8a cannot use the indexed view because of the where clause mismatch. Observe that table Orders does not participate in the indexed view V4 definition. In spite of that, adding a predicate on this table will disallow using the indexed view because the added predicate may eliminate additional rows participating in the aggregates as it is shown in Q8b. -- Q8b. select ProductName, od.ProductID, AVG(od.UnitPrice*(1.00-Discount)) AvgPrice, SUM(od.Quantity) Units from dbo.[order details] od, dbo.Products p, dbo.Orders o where od.ProductID=p.ProductID and o.OrderID=od.OrderID and od.UnitPrice>10 and o.OrderDate>'01/01/1998' group by ProductName, od.ProductID Locking and Indexes In General, You Should Let SQL Server Control the Locking within Indexes The stored procedure sp_indexoption lets you manually control the unit of locking within an index. It also lets you disallow page locks or row locks within an index. Since these options are available only for indexes, there is no way to control the locking within the data pages of a heap. (But remember that if a table has a clustered index, the data pages are part of the index and are affected by the sp_indexoption setting.) The index options are set for each table or index individually. Two options, Allow Rowlocks and AllowPageLocks, are both set to TRUE initially for every table and index. If both of these options are set to FALSE for a table, only full table locks are allowed. As described in Module 4, SQL Server determines at runtime whether to initially lock rows, pages, or the entire table. The locking of rows (or keys) is heavily favored. The type of locking chosen is based on the number of rows and pages to be scanned, the number of rows on a page, the isolation level in effect, the update activity going on, the number of users on the system needing memory for their own purposes, and so on. SAP databases frequently use sp_indexoption to reduce deadlocks Setting vs. Querying In SQL Server 2000, the procedure sp_indexoption should only be used for setting an index option. To query an option, use the INDEXPROPERTY function. Lesson 2: Concepts – Statistics Statistics are the most important tool that the SQL Server query optimizer has to determine the ideal execution plan for a query. Statistics that are out of date or nonexistent seriously jeopardize query performance. SQL Server 2000 computes and stores statistics in a completely different format that all earlier versions of SQL Server. One of the improvements is an increased ability to determine which values are out of the normal range in terms of the number of occurrences. The new statistics maintenance routines are particularly good at determining when a key value has a very unusual skew of data. What You Will Learn After completing this lesson, you will be able to:  Define terms related to statistics collected by SQL Server.  Describe how statistics are maintained by SQL Server.  Discuss the autostats feature of SQL Server.  Describe how statistics are used in query optimization. Recommended Reading  Statistics Used by the Query Optimizer in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Definitions Cardinality The cardinality means how many unique values exist in the data. Density For each index and set of column statistics, SQL Server keeps track of details about the uniqueness (or density) of the data values encountered, which provides a measure of how selective the index is. A unique index, of course, has the lowest density —by definition, each index entry can point to only one row. A unique index has a density value of 1/number of rows in the table. Density values range from 0 through 1. Highly selective indexes have density values of 0.10 or lower. For example, a unique index on a table with 8345 rows has a density of 0.00012 (1/8345). If a nonunique nonclustered index has a density of 0.2165 on the same table, each index key can be expected to point to about 1807 rows (0.2165 × 8345). This is probably not selective enough to be more efficient than just scanning the table, so this index is probably not useful. Because driving the query from a nonclustered index means that the pages must be retrieved in index order, an estimated 1807 data page accesses (or logical reads) are needed if there is no clustered index on the table and the leaf level of the index contains the actual RID of the desired data row. The only time a data page doesn’t need to be reaccessed is when the occasional coincidence occurs in which two adjacent index entries happen to point to the same data page. In general, you can think of density as the average number of duplicates. We can also talk about the term ‘join density’, which applies to the average number of duplicates in the foreign key column. This would answer the question: in this one-to-many relationship, how many is ‘many’? Selectivity In general selectivity applies to a particular data value referenced in a WHERE clause. High selectivity means that only a small percentage of the rows satisfy the WHERE clause filter, and a low selectivity means that many rows will satisfy the filter. For example, in an employees table, the column employee_id is probably very selective, and the column gender is probably not very selective at all. Statistics Statistics are a histogram consisting of an even sampling of values for a column or for an index key (or the first column of the key for a composite index) based on the current data. The histogram is stored in the statblob field of the sysindexes table, which is of type image. (Remember that image data is actually stored in structures separate from the data row itself. The data row merely contains a pointer to the image data. For simplicity’s sake, we’ll talk about the index statistics as being stored in the image field called statblob.) To fully estimate the usefulness of an index, the optimizer also needs to know the number of pages in the table or index; this information is stored in the dpages column of sysindexes. During the second phase of query optimization, index selection, the query optimizer determines whether an index exists for a columns in your WHERE clause, assesses the index’s usefulness by determining the selectivity of the clause (that is, how many rows will be returned), and estimates the cost of finding the qualifying rows. Statistics for a single column index consist of one histogram and one density value. The multicolumn statistics for one set of columns in a composite index consist of one histogram for the first column in the index and density values for each prefix combination of columns (including the first column alone). The fact that density information is kept for all columns helps the optimizer decide how useful the index is for joins. Suppose, for example, that an index is composed of three key fields. The density on the first column might be 0.50, which is not too useful. However, as you look at more key columns in the index, the number of rows pointed to is fewer than (or in the worst case, the same as) the first column, so the density value goes down. If you are looking at both the first and second columns, the density might be 0.25, which is somewhat better. Moreover, if you examine three columns, the density might be 0.03, which is highly selective. It does not make sense to refer to the density of only the second column. The lead column density is always needed. Statistics Maintenance Statistics Information Tracks the Distribution of Key Values SQL Server statistics is basically a histogram that contains up to 200 values of a given key column. In addition to the histogram, the statblob field contains the following information:  The time of the last statistics collection  The number of rows used to produce the histogram and density information  The average key length  Densities for other combinations of columns In the statblob column, up to 200 sample values are stored; the range of key values between each sample value is called a step. The sample value is the endpoint of the range. Three values are stored along with each step: a value called EQ_ROWS, which is the number of rows that have a value equal to that sample value; a value called RANGE_ROWS, which specifies how many other values are inside the range (between two adjacent sample values); and the number of distinct values, or RANGE_DENSITY of the range. DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS The DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS output shows us the first two of these three values, but not the range density. The RANGE_DENSITY is instead used to compute two additional values:  DISTINCT_RANGE_ROWS—the number of distinct rows inside this range (not counting the RANGE_HI_KEY value itself. This is computed as 1/RANGE_DENSITY.  AVG_RANGE_ROWS—the average number of rows per distinct value, computed as RANGE_DENSITY * RANGE_ROWS. In addition to statistics on indexes, SQL Server can also keep track of statistics on columns with no indexes. Knowing the density, or the likelihood of a particular value occurring, can help the optimizer determine an optimum processing strategy, even if SQL Server can’t use an index to actually locate the values. Statistics on Columns Column statistics can be useful for two main purposes  When the SQL Server optimizer is determining the optimal join order, it frequently is best to have the smaller input processed first. By ‘input’ we mean table after all filters in the WHERE clause have been applied. Even if there is no useful index on a column in the WHERE clause, statistics could tell us that only a few rows will quality, and those the resulting input will be very small.  The SQL Server query optimizer can use column statistics on non-initial columns in a composite nonclustered index to determine if scanning the leaf level to obtain the bookmarks will be an efficient processing strategy. For example, in the member table in the credit database, the first name column is almost unique. Suppose we have a nonclustered index on (lastname, firstname), and we issue this query: select * from member where firstname = 'MPRO' In this case, statistics on the firstname column would indicate very few rows satisfying this condition, so the optimizer will choose to scan the nonclustered index, since it is smaller than the clustered index (the table). The small number of bookmarks will then be followed to retrieve the actual data. Manually Updating Statistics You can also manually force statistics to be updated in one of two ways. You can run the UPDATE STATISTICS command on a table or on one specific index or column statistics, or you can also execute the procedure sp_updatestats, which runs UPDATE STATISTICS against all user-defined tables in the current database. You can create statistics on unindexed columns using the CREATE STATISTICS command or by executing sp_createstats, which creates single-column statistics for all eligible columns for all user tables in the current database. This includes all columns except computed columns and columns of the ntext, text, or image datatypes, and columns that already have statistics or are the first column of an index. Autostats By Default SQL Server Will Update Statistics on Any Index or Column as Needed Every database is created with the database options auto create statistics and auto update statistics set to true, but you can turn either one off. You can also turn off automatic updating of statistics for a specific table in one of two ways:  UPDATE STATISTICS In addition to updating the statistics, the option WITH NORECOMPUTE indicates that the statistics should not be automatically recomputed in the future. Running UPDATE STATISTICS again without the WITH NORECOMPUTE option enables automatic updates.  sp_autostats This procedure sets or unsets a flag for a table to indicate that statistics should or should not be updated automatically. You can also use this procedure with only the table name to find out whether the table is set to automatically have its index statistics updated. ' However, setting the database option auto update statistics to FALSE overrides any individual table settings. In other words, no automatic updating of statistics takes place. This is not a recommended practice unless thorough testing has shown you that you do not need the automatic updates or that the performance overhead is more than you can afford. Trace Flags Trace flag 205 – reports recompile due to autostats. Trace flag 8721 – writes information to the errorlog when AutoStats has been run. For more information, see the following Knowledge Base article: Q195565 “INF: How SQL Server 7.0 Autostats Work.” Statistics and Performance The Performance Penalty of NOT Having Up-To-Date Statistics Far Outweighs the Benefit of Avoiding Automatic Updating Autostats should be turned off only after thorough testing shows it to be necessary. Because autostats only forces a recompile after a certain number or percentage of rows has been changed, you do not have to make any adjustments for a read-only database. Lesson 3: Concepts – Query Optimization What You Will Learn After completing this lesson, you will be able to:  Describe the phases of query optimization.  Discuss how SQL Server estimates the selectivity of indexes and column and how this estimate is used in query optimization. Recommended Reading  Chapter 15: “The Query Processor”, Inside SQL Server 2000 by Kalen Delaney  Chapter 16: “Query Tuning”, Inside SQL Server 2000 by Kalen Delaney  Whitepaper about SQL Server Query Processor Architecture by Hal Berenson and Kalen Delaney Phases of Query Optimization Query Optimization Involves several phases Trivial Plan Optimization Optimization itself goes through several steps. The first step is something called Trivial Plan Optimization. The whole idea of trivial plan optimization is that cost based optimization is a bit expensive to run. The optimizer can try a great many possible variations trying to find the cheapest plan. If SQL Server knows that there is only one really viable plan for a query, it could avoid a lot of work. A prime example is a query that consists of an INSERT with a VALUES clause. There is only one possible plan. Another example is a SELECT where all the columns are in a unique covering index, and that index is the only one that is useable. There is no other index that has that set of columns in it. These two examples are cases where SQL Server should just generate the plan and not try to find something better. The trivial plan optimizer finds the really obvious plans, which are typically very inexpensive. In fact, all the plans that get through the autoparameterization template result in plans that the trivial plan optimizer can find. Between those two mechanisms, the plans that are simple tend to be weeded out earlier in the process and do not pay a lot of the compilation cost. This is a good thing, because the number of potential plans in 7.0 went up astronomically as SQL Server added hash joins, merge joins and index intersections, to its list of processing techniques. Simplification and Statistics Loading If a plan is not found by the trivial plan optimizer, SQL Server can perform some simplifications, usually thought of as syntactic transformations of the query itself, looking for commutative properties and operations that can be rearranged. SQL Server can do constant folding, and other operations that do not require looking at the cost or analyzing what indexes are, but that can result in a more efficient query. SQL Server then loads up the metadata including the statistics information on the indexes, and then the optimizer goes through a series of phases of cost based optimization. Cost Based Optimization Phases The cost based optimizer is designed as a set of transformation rules that try various permutations of indexes and join strategies. Because of the number of potential plans in SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000, if the optimizer just ran through all the combinations and produced a plan, the optimization process would take a very long time to run. Therefore, optimization is broken up into phases. Each phase is a set of rules. After each phase is run, the cost of any resulting plan is examined, and if SQL Server determines that the plan is cheap enough, that plan is kept and executed. If the plan is not cheap enough, the optimizer runs the next phase, which is another set of rules. In the vast majority of cases, a good plan will be found in the preliminary phases. Typically, if the plan that a query would have had in SQL Server 6.5 is also the optimal plan in SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000, the plan will tend to be found either by the trivial plan optimizer or by the first phase of the cost based optimizer. The rules were intentionally organized to try to make that be true. The plan will probably consist of using a single index and using nested loops. However, every once in a while, because of lack of statistical information, or some other nuance, the optimizer will have to proceed with the later phases of optimization. Sometimes this is because there is a real possibility that the optimizer could find a better plan. When a plan is found, it becomes the optimizer’s output, and then SQL Server goes through all the caching mechanisms that we have already discussed in Module 5. Full Optimization At some point, the optimizer determines that it has gone through enough preliminary phases, and it reverts to a phase called full optimization. If the optimizer goes through all the preliminary phases, and still has not found a cheap plan, it examines the cost for the plan that it has so far. If the cost is above the threshold, the optimizer goes into a phase called full optimization. This threshold is configurable, as the configuration option ‘cost threshold for parallelism’. The full optimization phase assumes that this plan should be run this in parallel. If the machine is very busy, the plan will end up running it in serial, but the optimizer has a goal to produce a good parallel. If the cost is below the threshold (or a single processor machine), the full optimization phase just uses a brute force method to find a serial plan. Selectivity Estimation Selectivity Is One of The Most Important Pieces of Information One of the most import things the optimizer needs to know is the number of rows from any table that will meet all the conditions in the query. If there are no restrictions on a table, and all the rows will be needed, the optimizer can determine the number of rows from the sysindexes table. This number is not absolutely guaranteed to be accurate, but it is the number the optimizer uses. If there is a filter on the table in a WHERE clause, the optimizer needs statistics information. Indexes automatically maintain statistics, and the optimizer will use these values to determine the usefulness of the index. If there is no index on the column involved in the filter, then column statistics can be used or generated. Optimizing Search Arguments In General, the Filters in the WHERE Clause Determine Which Indexes Will Be Useful If an indexed column is referenced in a Search Argument (SARG), the optimizer will analyze the cost of using that index. A SARG has the form:  column <operator> value  value <operator> column  Operator must be one of =, >, >= <, <= The value can be a constant, an operation, or a variable. Some functions also will be treated as SARGs. These queries have SARGs, and a nonclustered index on firstname will be used in most cases: select * from member where firstname < 'AKKG' select * from member where firstname = substring('HAAKGALSFJA', 2,5) select * from member where firstname = 'AA' + 'KG' declare @name char(4) set @name = 'AKKG' select * from member where firstname < @name Not all functions can be used in SARGs. select * from charge where charge_amt < 2*2 select * from charge where charge_amt < sqrt(16) Compare these queries to ones using = instead of <. With =, the optimizer can use the density information to come up with a good row estimate, even if it’s not going to actually perform the function’s calculations. A filter with a variable is usually a SARG The issue is, can the optimizer come up with useful costing information? A filter with a variable is not a SARG if the variable is of a different datatype, and the column must be converted to the variable’s datatype For more information, see the following Knowledge Base article: Q198625 Enter Title of KB Article Here Use credit go CREATE TABLE [member2] ( [member_no] [smallint] NOT NULL , [lastname] [shortstring] NOT NULL , [firstname] [shortstring] NOT NULL , [middleinitial] [letter] NULL , [street] [shortstring] NOT NULL , [city] [shortstring] NOT NULL , [state_prov] [statecode] NOT NULL , [country] [countrycode] NOT NULL , [mail_code] [mailcode] NOT NULL ) GO insert into member2 select member_no, lastname, firstname, middleinitial, street, city, state_prov, country, mail_code from member alter table member2 add constraint pk_member2 primary key clustered (lastname, member_no, firstname, country) declare @id int set @id = 47 update member2 set city = city + ' City', state_prov = state_prov + ' State' where lastname = 'Barr' and member_no = @id and firstname = 'URQYJBFVRRPWKVW' and country = 'USA' These queries don’t have SARGs, and a table scan will be done: select * from member where substring(lastname, 1,2) = ‘BA’ Some non-SARGs can be converted select * from member where lastname like ‘ba%’ In some cases, you can rewrite your query to turn a non-SARG into a SARG; for example, you can rewrite the substring query above and the LIKE query that follows it. Join Order and Types of Joins Join Order and Strategy Is Determined By the Optimizer The execution plan output will display the join order from top to bottom; i.e. the table listed on top is the first one accessed in a join. You can override the optimizer’s join order decision in two ways:  OPTION (FORCE ORDER) applies to one query  SET FORCEPLAN ON applies to entire session, until set OFF If either of these options is used, the join order is determined by the order the tables are listed in the query’s FROM clause, and no optimizer on JOIN ORDER is done. Forcing the JOIN order may force a particular join strategy. For example, in most outer join operations, the outer table is processed first, and a nested loops join is done. However, if you force the inner table to be accessed first, a merge join will need to be done. Compare the query plan for this query with and without the FORCE ORDER hint: select * from titles right join publishers on titles.pub_id = publishers.pub_id -- OPTION (FORCE ORDER) Nested Loop Join A nested iteration is when the query optimizer constructs a set of nested loops, and the result set grows as it progresses through the rows. The query optimizer performs the following steps. 1. Finds a row from the first table. 2. Uses that row to scan the next table. 3. Uses the result of the previous table to scan the next table. Evaluating Join Combinations The query optimizer automatically evaluates at least four or more possible join combinations, even if those combinations are not specified in the join predicate. You do not have to add redundant clauses. The query optimizer balances the cost and uses statistics to determine the number of join combinations that it evaluates. Evaluating every possible join combination is inefficient and costly. Evaluating Cost of Query Performance When the query optimizer performs a nested join, you should be aware that certain costs are incurred. Nested loop joins are far superior to both merge joins and hash joins when executing small transactions, such as those affecting only a small set of rows. The query optimizer:  Uses nested loop joins if the outer input is quite small and the inner input is indexed and quite large.  Uses the smaller input as the outer table.  Requires that a useful index exist on the join predicate for the inner table.  Always uses a nested loop join strategy if the join operation uses an operator other than an equality operator. Merge Joins The columns of the join conditions are used as inputs to process a merge join. SQL Server performs the following steps when using a merge join strategy: 1. Gets the first input values from each input set. 2. Compares input values. 3. Performs a merge algorithm. • If the input values are equal, the rows are returned. • If the input values are not equal, the lower value is discarded, and the next input value from that input is used for the next comparison. 4. Repeats the process until all of the rows from one of the input sets have been processed. 5. Evaluates any remaining search conditions in the query and returns only rows that qualify. Note Only one pass per input is done. The merge join operation ends after all of the input values of one input have been evaluated. The remaining values from the other input are not processed. Requires That Joined Columns Are Sorted If you execute a query with join operations, and the joined columns are in sorted order, the query optimizer processes the query by using a merge join strategy. A merge join is very efficient because the columns are already sorted, and it requires fewer page I/O. Evaluates Sorted Values For the query optimizer to use the merge join, the inputs must be sorted. The query optimizer evaluates sorted values in the following order: 1. Uses an existing index tree (most typical). The query optimizer can use the index tree from a clustered index or a covered nonclustered index. 2. Leverages sort operations that the GROUP BY, ORDER BY, and CUBE clauses use. The sorting operation only has to be performed once. 3. Performs its own sort operation in which a SORT operator is displayed when graphically viewing the execution plan. The query optimizer does this very rarely. Performance Considerations Consider the following facts about the query optimizer's use of the merge join:  SQL Server performs a merge join for all types of join operations (except cross join or full join operations), including UNION operations.  A merge join operation may be a one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many operation. If the merge join is a many-to-many operation, SQL Server uses a temporary table to store the rows. If duplicate values from each input exist, one of the inputs rewinds to the start of the duplicates as each duplicate value from the other input is processed.  Query performance for a merge join is very fast, but the cost can be high if the query optimizer must perform its own sort operation. If the data volume is large and the desired data can be obtained presorted from existing Balanced-Tree (B-Tree) indexes, merge join is often the fastest join algorithm.  A merge join is typically used if the two join inputs have a large amount of data and are sorted on their join columns (for example, if the join inputs were obtained by scanning sorted indexes).  Merge join operations can only be performed with an equality operator in the join predicate. Hashing is a strategy for dividing data into equal sets of a manageable size based on a given property or characteristic. The grouped data can then be used to determine whether a particular data item matches an existing value. Note Duplicate data or ranges of data are not useful for hash joins because the data is not organized together or in order. When a Hash Join Is Used The query optimizer uses a hash join option when it estimates that it is more efficient than processing queries by using a nested loop or merge join. It typically uses a hash join when an index does not exist or when existing indexes are not useful. Assigns a Build and Probe Input The query optimizer assigns a build and probe input. If the query optimizer incorrectly assigns the build and probe input (this may occur because of imprecise density estimates), it reverses them dynamically. The ability to change input roles dynamically is called role reversal. Build input consists of the column values from a table with the lowest number of rows. Build input creates a hash table in memory to store these values. The hash bucket is a storage place in the hash table in which each row of the build input is inserted. Rows from one of the join tables are placed into the hash bucket where the hash key value of the row matches the hash key value of the bucket. Hash buckets are stored as a linked list and only contain the columns that are needed for the query. A hash table contains hash buckets. The hash table is created from the build input. Probe input consists of the column values from the table with the most rows. Probe input is what the build input checks to find a match in the hash buckets. Note The query optimizer uses column or index statistics to help determine which input is the smaller of the two. Processing a Hash Join The following list is a simplified description of how the query optimizer processes a hash join. It is not intended to be comprehensive because the algorithm is very complex. SQL Server: 1. Reads the probe input. Each probe input is processed one row at a time. 2. Performs the hash algorithm against each probe input and generates a hash key value. 3. Finds the hash bucket that matches the hash key value. 4. Accesses the hash bucket and looks for the matching row. 5. Returns the row if a match is found. Performance Considerations Consider the following facts about the hash joins that the query optimizer uses:  Similar to merge joins, a hash join is very efficient, because it uses hash buckets, which are like a dynamic index but with less overhead for combining rows.  Hash joins can be performed for all types of join operations (except cross join operations), including UNION and DIFFERENCE operations.  A hash operator can remove duplicates and group data, such as SUM (salary) GROUP BY department. The query optimizer uses only one input for both the build and probe roles.  If join inputs are large and are of similar size, the performance of a hash join operation is similar to a merge join with prior sorting. However, if the size of the join inputs is significantly different, the performance of a hash join is often much faster.  Hash joins can process large, unsorted, non-indexed inputs efficiently. Hash joins are useful in complex queries because the intermediate results: • Are not indexed (unless explicitly saved to disk and then indexed). • Are often not sorted for the next operation in the execution plan.  The query optimizer can identify incorrect estimates and make corrections dynamically to process the query more efficiently.  A hash join reduces the need for database denormalization. Denormalization is typically used to achieve better performance by reducing join operations despite redundancy, such as inconsistent updates. Hash joins give you the option to vertically partition your data as part of your physical database design. Vertical partitioning represents groups of columns from a single table in separate files or indexes. Subquery Performance Joins Are Not Inherently Better Than Subqueries Here is an example showing three different ways to update a table, using a second table for lookup purposes. The first uses a JOIN with the update, the second uses a regular introduced with IN, and the third uses a correlated subquery. All three yield nearly identical performance. Note Note that performance comparisons cannot just be made based on I/Os. With HASHING and MERGING techniques, the number of reads may be the same for two queries, yet one may take a lot longer and use more memory resources. Also, always be sure to monitor statistics time. Suppose you want to add a 5 percent discount to order items in the Order Details table for which the supplier is Exotic Liquids, whose supplierid is 1. -- JOIN solution BEGIN TRAN UPDATE OD SET discount = discount + 0.05 FROM [Order Details] AS OD JOIN Products AS P ON OD.productid = P.productid WHERE supplierid = 1 ROLLBACK TRAN -- Regular subquery solution BEGIN TRAN UPDATE [Order Details] SET discount = discount + 0.05 WHERE productid IN (SELECT productid FROM Products WHERE supplierid = 1) ROLLBACK TRAN -- Correlated Subquery Solution BEGIN TRAN UPDATE [Order Details] SET discount = discount + 0.05 WHERE EXISTS(SELECT supplierid FROM Products WHERE [Order Details].productid = Products.productid AND supplierid = 1) ROLLBACK TRAN Internally, Your Join May Be Rewritten SQL Server’s query processor had many different ways of resolving your JOIN expressions. Subqueries may be converted to a JOIN with an implied distinct, which may result in a logical operator of SEMI JOIN. Compare the plans of the first two queries: USE credit select member_no from member where member_no in (select member_no from charge) select distinct m.member_no from member m join charge c on m.member_no = c.member_no The second query uses a HASH MATCH as the final step to remove the duplicates. The first query only had to do a semi join. For these queries, although the I/O values are the same, the first query (with the subquery) runs much faster (almost twice as fast). Another similar looking join is


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