

#ifndef _SUPER_IMAGE_
#define _SUPER_IMAGE_

typedef short Pixel;

template <class T>
class SuperImage
 SuperImage(const int w, const int h);
 T* data;
 int width;
 int height;


class EnhancedImage
 SuperImage<Pixel>* superImage;
 int load(const char* name);
 int save(const char* name);
 int copy(EnhancedImage* copy);
 int film(EnhancedImage* film);
 int binv();
 int otsu();
 int line();
 int roii();
 int trac();
 int edge();
 int thin();
 int tidy(); 
 int kerf(); 
 int join();


#include "superImage.h"
#include "ximage.h"

template <class T>
SuperImage<T>::SuperImage(const int w, const int h)
 width = w;
 height = h;
 data = new T[w * h];

template <class T>
  delete[] data;


  delete superImage;

int EnhancedImage::load(const char* name)
 CxImage input;
    input.Load(name, CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_J2K); 
  return 1;
  int h=input.GetHeight();
  int w=input.GetWidth();  
  superImage = new SuperImage<Pixel>(w,h);
  for(int y=0;y<h;y++)
   for(int x=0;x<w;x++)
    RGBQUAD rgbQUAD = CxImage::RGBtoXYZ(input.GetPixelColor(x,y));
    Pixel pixel = 255;
     pixel = (rgbQUAD.rgbRed + rgbQUAD.rgbGreen + rgbQUAD.rgbBlue) / 3.0;
                 double yy = (0.299 * rgbQUAD.rgbRed + 0.587 * rgbQUAD.rgbGreen + 0.114 * rgbQUAD.rgbBlue) / 256.0;
                 pixel = (int) (219.0 * yy + 16.5);
    return 0;

int EnhancedImage::save(const char* name)
 CxImage output;
 output.Create(superImage->width,superImage->height,24,CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_BMP);  //1 4 8 24
 for(int y=0;y<superImage->height;y++)
  for(int x=0;x<superImage->width;x++)
   Pixel pixel = superImage->data[y*superImage->width + x];
   if(pixel == -1)
    rgbQUAD.rgbRed = 255;
    rgbQUAD.rgbGreen = 0;
    rgbQUAD.rgbBlue = 0;
   else if(pixel == -2)
    rgbQUAD.rgbRed = 0;
    rgbQUAD.rgbGreen = 255;
    rgbQUAD.rgbBlue = 0;
   else if(pixel == -3)
    rgbQUAD.rgbRed = 0;
    rgbQUAD.rgbGreen = 0;
    rgbQUAD.rgbBlue = 255;
    rgbQUAD.rgbRed = pixel;
    rgbQUAD.rgbGreen = pixel;
    rgbQUAD.rgbBlue =pixel;
    return 0;
int EnhancedImage::copy(EnhancedImage* copy)
 int w = copy->superImage->width;
 int h = copy->superImage->height; 
 short* cpy = copy->superImage->data;
 this->superImage = new SuperImage<Pixel>(w,h);
 short* tgt = this->superImage->data;
 for (int y=0; y<h; y++)
  for (int x=0; x<w; x++)
   tgt[w*(y)+(x)] = cpy[w*(y)+(x)];
 return 0;
int EnhancedImage::film(EnhancedImage* film)
 int h = film->superImage->height;
 int w = film->superImage->width;
 short* flm = film->superImage->data;
 short* tgt = this->superImage->data;
 for (int y=0; y<h; y++)
  for (int x=0; x<w; x++)
   unsigned char source = flm[w*(y)+(x)];
   unsigned char target = tgt[w*(y)+(x)]; 
   if(source < 0 || target < 0)
                printf("x=%d  y=%d    src=%d  tgt=%d\n",x,y,source,target);
   if(source==0 && target == 255)
    tgt[w*(y)+(x)] = source;
 return 0;
int EnhancedImage::binv()
 int threshold = 256 / 8 * 7;
 for(int y2=0;y2<superImage->height;y2++)
  for(int x2=0;x2<superImage->width;x2++)
   Pixel pixel = superImage->data[y2*superImage->width+x2];
    superImage->data[y2*superImage->width+x2] = 255;
    superImage->data[y2*superImage->width+x2] = 0;
 return 0;

int EnhancedImage::otsu()
 int ihist[256];
 memset(ihist, 0, sizeof(ihist)); 
 int gmin=255;
 int gmax=0;
 for (int y=0; y<superImage->height; y++)
  for (int x=0; x<superImage->width; x++)
   unsigned char point = superImage->data[y*superImage->width+x];
   if(point > gmax)
   if(point < gmin)
 double sum = 0.0;
 int n = 0; 
 for (int k = 0; k <= 255; k++)
  sum += (double) k * (double) ihist[k];    // x*f(x) 质量矩
  n   += ihist[k];                          // f(x) 质量
 // do the otsu global thresholding method
 int threshold = 127;
 double fmax = -1.0;
 int n1 = 0;
 double csum = 0.0;
 for (k = 0; k < 255; k++)
  n1 += ihist[k];
  if (!n1)
  int n2 = n - n1;
  if (n2 == 0)
  csum += (double) k *ihist[k];
  int m1 = csum / n1;
  int m2 = (sum - csum) / n2;
  int sb = (double) n1 *(double) n2 *(m1 - m2) * (m1 - m2);
  //note: can be optimized.
  if (sb > fmax)
   fmax = sb;
   threshold = k;
 for(int y2=0;y2<superImage->height;y2++)
  for(int x2=0;x2<superImage->width;x2++)
   Pixel pixel = superImage->data[y2*superImage->width+x2];
    superImage->data[y2*superImage->width+x2] = 255;
    superImage->data[y2*superImage->width+x2] = 0;
 return 0;

 * 函数名称:
 *   Hough()
 * 参数:
 *   LPSTR lpDIBBits    - 指向源DIB图像指针
 *   LONG  lWidth       - 源图像宽度(象素数,必须是4的倍数)
 *   LONG  lHeight      - 源图像高度(象素数)
 * 返回值:
 *   BOOL               - 运算成功返回TRUE,否则返回FALSE。
 * 说明:
 * 该函数用于对检测图像中的平行直线。如果图像中有两条平行的直线,则将这两条平行直线
 * 提取出来。
 * 要求目标图像为只有0和255两个灰度值的灰度图像。

// 在计算图像大小时,采用公式:biSizeImage = biWidth' × biHeight。
// 是biWidth',而不是biWidth,这里的biWidth'必须是4的整倍数,表示
// 大于或等于biWidth的,离4最近的整倍数。WIDTHBYTES就是用来计算
// biWidth'
#define WIDTHBYTES(bits)    (((bits) + 31) / 32 * 4)
#define pi 3.1415927
typedef struct{
 int Value;
 int Dist;
 int AngleNumber;
int EnhancedImage::line()
 LONG lWidth = superImage->width;
 LONG lHeight = superImage->height;
 LPSTR lpDIBBits = (char *)LocalAlloc(LHND, lWidth * lHeight);
 if (lpDIBBits == NULL)
  return false ;
 lpDIBBits = (char *)LocalLock(lpDIBBits);
 for (int y=0; y<superImage->height; y++)
  for (int x=0; x<superImage->width; x++)
   unsigned char point = superImage->data[y*superImage->width+x];           
   lpDIBBits[lWidth * y + x] = point;
 // 指向源图像的指针
 LPSTR lpSrc;
 // 指向缓存图像的指针
 LPSTR lpDst;
 // 指向变换域的指针
 LPSTR   lpTrans;
 // 图像每行的字节数
 LONG lLineBytes;
 // 指向缓存DIB图像的指针
 LPSTR lpNewDIBBits;
 LPSTR lpTransArea;
 HLOCAL hTransArea;
 int iMaxDist;
 int iMaxAngleNumber;
 int iDist;
 int iAngleNumber;
 long i;
 long j;
 unsigned char pixel;
 MaxValue MaxValue1;
 MaxValue MaxValue2;
 // 暂时分配内存,以保存新图像
 hNewDIBBits = LocalAlloc(LHND, lWidth * lHeight);
 if (hNewDIBBits == NULL)
  // 分配内存失败
  return FALSE;
 // 锁定内存
 lpNewDIBBits = (char * )LocalLock(hNewDIBBits);
 // 初始化新分配的内存,设定初始值为255
 lpDst = (char *)lpNewDIBBits;
 memset(lpDst, (BYTE)255, lWidth * lHeight);
 iMaxDist = (int) sqrt(lWidth*lWidth + lHeight*lHeight);
 iMaxAngleNumber = 90;
 hTransArea = LocalAlloc(LHND, lWidth * lHeight * sizeof(int));
 if (hNewDIBBits == NULL)
  // 分配内存失败
  return FALSE;
 // 锁定内存
 lpTransArea = (char * )LocalLock(hTransArea);
 // 初始化新分配的内存,设定初始值为0
 lpTrans = (char *)lpTransArea;
 memset(lpTrans, 0, lWidth * lHeight * sizeof(int));
 // 计算图像每行的字节数
 for(j = 0; j <lHeight; j++)
  for(i = 0;i <lWidth; i++)
   // 指向源图像倒数第j行,第i个象素的指针   
   lpSrc = (char *)lpDIBBits + lWidth * j + i;
   //取得当前指针处的像素值,注意要转换为unsigned char型
   pixel = (unsigned char)*lpSrc;
   if(pixel != 255 && *lpSrc != 0)
    return FALSE;
   if(pixel == 0)
    for(iAngleNumber=0; iAngleNumber<iMaxAngleNumber; iAngleNumber++)
     iDist = (int) fabs(i*cos(iAngleNumber*2*pi/180.0) + j*sin(iAngleNumber*2*pi/180.0));
     *(lpTransArea+iDist*iMaxAngleNumber+iAngleNumber) = *(lpTransArea+iDist*iMaxAngleNumber+iAngleNumber) +1;
 for (iDist=0; iDist<iMaxDist;iDist++)
  for(iAngleNumber=0; iAngleNumber<iMaxAngleNumber; iAngleNumber++)
    MaxValue1.Value = (int)*(lpTransArea+iDist*iMaxAngleNumber+iAngleNumber);
    MaxValue1.Dist = iDist;
    MaxValue1.AngleNumber = iAngleNumber;
 for (iDist = -9;iDist < 10;iDist++)
  for(iAngleNumber=-1; iAngleNumber<2; iAngleNumber++)
   if(iDist+MaxValue1.Dist>=0 && iDist+MaxValue1.Dist<iMaxDist && iAngleNumber+MaxValue1.AngleNumber>=0 && iAngleNumber+MaxValue1.AngleNumber<=iMaxAngleNumber)
 for (iDist=0; iDist<iMaxDist;iDist++)
  for(iAngleNumber=0; iAngleNumber<iMaxAngleNumber; iAngleNumber++)
    MaxValue2.Value = (int)*(lpTransArea+iDist*iMaxAngleNumber+iAngleNumber);
    MaxValue2.Dist = iDist;
    MaxValue2.AngleNumber = iAngleNumber;
  for(j = 0; j <lHeight; j++)
   for(i = 0;i <lWidth; i++)
    // 指向缓存图像倒数第j行,第i个象素的指针   
    lpDst = (char *)lpNewDIBBits + lLineBytes * j + i; 
    iDist = (int) fabs(i*cos(MaxValue1.AngleNumber*2*pi/180.0) + j*sin(MaxValue1.AngleNumber*2*pi/180.0));
    if (iDist == MaxValue1.Dist)
     *lpDst = (unsigned char)0;
    iDist = (int) fabs(i*cos(MaxValue2.AngleNumber*2*pi/180.0) + j*sin(MaxValue2.AngleNumber*2*pi/180.0));
    if (iDist == MaxValue2.Dist)
     *lpDst = (unsigned char)0;
 // 复制腐蚀后的图像
 memcpy(lpDIBBits, lpNewDIBBits, lWidth * lHeight);
 // 释放内存
 // 释放内存
 for (int yy=0; yy<superImage->height; yy++)
  for (int xx=0; xx<superImage->width; xx++)
   unsigned char point = lpDIBBits[lWidth * yy + xx];           
            superImage->data[yy*superImage->width+xx] = point;
 // 返回
 return TRUE;
int EnhancedImage::roii()
    int minX = superImage->width;
 int minY = superImage->height;
 int maxX = 0;
 int maxY = 0;
 for (int y=0; y<superImage->height; y++)
  for (int x=0; x<superImage->width; x++)
   unsigned char point = superImage->data[y*superImage->width+x];
     minX = x;     
                    minY = y;
     maxX = x;
     maxY = y;
  minX = minX -1;
  minY = minY -1;
  maxX= maxX+1;
  maxY = maxY+1;
 int tmpW = maxX - minX+1;
 int tmpH = maxY - minY+1;
 SuperImage<Pixel>* tmpD = new SuperImage<Pixel>(tmpW,tmpH);
 for(int y2=minY,y3=0;y3<tmpH;y2++,y3++)
  for(int x2=minX,x3=0;x3<tmpW;x2++,x3++)
   Pixel pixel = superImage->data[y2*superImage->width+x2];
   tmpD->data[y3*tmpW+x3] = pixel;
  delete superImage;
  superImage = NULL;
 superImage = tmpD;
 return 0;
 * 函数名称:
 *   TraceDIB()
 * 参数:
 *   LPSTR lpDIBBits    - 指向源DIB图像指针
 *   LONG  lWidth       - 源图像宽度(象素数,必须是4的倍数)
 *   LONG  lHeight      - 源图像高度(象素数)
 * 返回值:
 *   BOOL               - 运算成功返回TRUE,否则返回FALSE。
 * 说明:
 * 该函数用于对图像进行轮廓跟踪运算。
 * 要求目标图像为只有0和255两个灰度值的灰度图像。
int EnhancedImage::trac()
 typedef struct
  int Height;
  int Width;
 LONG lWidth = superImage->width;
 LONG lHeight = superImage->height;
 LPSTR lpDIBBits = (char *)LocalAlloc(LHND, lWidth * lHeight);
 if (lpDIBBits == NULL)
  return false ;
 lpDIBBits = (char *)LocalLock(lpDIBBits);
 for (int y=0; y<superImage->height; y++)
  for (int x=0; x<superImage->width; x++)
   unsigned char point = superImage->data[y*superImage->width+x];           
   lpDIBBits[lWidth * y + x] = point;
 // 指向源图像的指针
 LPSTR lpSrc;
 // 指向缓存图像的指针
 LPSTR lpDst;
 // 指向缓存DIB图像的指针
 LPSTR lpNewDIBBits;

 long i;
 long j;
 unsigned char pixel;
 bool bFindStartPoint;
 bool bFindPoint;
 Point StartPoint,CurrentPoint;
 int Direction[8][2]={{-1,1},{0,1},{1,1},{1,0},{1,-1},{0,-1},{-1,-1},{-1,0}};
 int BeginDirect;
 // 图像每行的字节数
 //LONG lLineBytes;
 // 计算图像每行的字节数
 //lLineBytes = WIDTHBYTES(lWidth * 8);
 // 暂时分配内存,以保存新图像
 hNewDIBBits = LocalAlloc(LHND, lWidth * lHeight);
 if (hNewDIBBits == NULL)
  // 分配内存失败
  return FALSE;
 // 锁定内存
 lpNewDIBBits = (char * )LocalLock(hNewDIBBits);
 // 初始化新分配的内存,设定初始值为255
 lpDst = (char *)lpNewDIBBits;
 memset(lpDst, (BYTE)255, lWidth * lHeight);
 bFindStartPoint = false;
 for (j = 0;j < lHeight && !bFindStartPoint;j++)
  for(i = 0;i < lWidth && !bFindStartPoint;i++)
   // 指向源图像倒数第j行,第i个象素的指针   
   lpSrc = (char *)lpDIBBits + lWidth * j + i;
   //取得当前指针处的像素值,注意要转换为unsigned char型
   pixel = (unsigned char)*lpSrc;
   if(pixel == 0)
    bFindStartPoint = true;
    StartPoint.Height = j;
    StartPoint.Width = i;
    // 指向目标图像倒数第j行,第i个象素的指针   
    lpDst = (char *)lpNewDIBBits + lWidth * j + i; 
    *lpDst = (unsigned char)0;
 BeginDirect = 0;
 bFindStartPoint = false;
 CurrentPoint.Height = StartPoint.Height;
 CurrentPoint.Width = StartPoint.Width;
  bFindPoint = false;
   lpSrc = (char *)lpDIBBits + lWidth * ( CurrentPoint.Height + Direction[BeginDirect][1]) + (CurrentPoint.Width + Direction[BeginDirect][0]);
   pixel = (unsigned char)*lpSrc;
   if(pixel == 0)
    bFindPoint = true;
    CurrentPoint.Height = CurrentPoint.Height + Direction[BeginDirect][1];
    CurrentPoint.Width = CurrentPoint.Width + Direction[BeginDirect][0];
    if(CurrentPoint.Height == StartPoint.Height && CurrentPoint.Width == StartPoint.Width)
     bFindStartPoint = true;
    lpDst = (char *)lpNewDIBBits + lWidth * CurrentPoint.Height + CurrentPoint.Width;
    *lpDst = (unsigned char)0;
    if(BeginDirect == -1)
     BeginDirect = 7;
    if(BeginDirect == -1)
     BeginDirect = 7;
    if(BeginDirect == 8)
     BeginDirect = 0;
 // 复制腐蚀后的图像
 memcpy(lpDIBBits, lpNewDIBBits, lWidth * lHeight);
 // 释放内存
 for (int yy=0; yy<superImage->height; yy++)
  for (int xx=0; xx<superImage->width; xx++)
   unsigned char point = lpDIBBits[lWidth * yy + xx];           
            superImage->data[yy*superImage->width+xx] = point;
 // 返回
 return TRUE;
int EnhancedImage::edge()
 LONG lWidth = superImage->width;
 LONG lHeight = superImage->height;
 LPSTR lpDIBBits = (char *)LocalAlloc(LHND, lWidth * lHeight);
 if (lpDIBBits == NULL)
  return false ;
 lpDIBBits = (char *)LocalLock(lpDIBBits);
 for (int y=0; y<superImage->height; y++)
  for (int x=0; x<superImage->width; x++)
   unsigned char point = superImage->data[y*superImage->width+x];           
   lpDIBBits[lWidth * y + x] = point;
 // 指向源图像的指针
 LPSTR lpSrc;
 // 指向缓存图像的指针
 LPSTR lpDst;
 // 指向缓存DIB图像的指针
 LPSTR lpNewDIBBits;
 long i;
 long j;
 unsigned char n,e,s,w,ne,se,nw,sw;
 unsigned char pixel;
 // 暂时分配内存,以保存新图像
 hNewDIBBits = LocalAlloc(LHND, lWidth * lHeight);
 if (hNewDIBBits == NULL)
  // 分配内存失败
  return FALSE;
 // 锁定内存
 lpNewDIBBits = (char * )LocalLock(hNewDIBBits);
 // 初始化新分配的内存,设定初始值为255
 lpDst = (char *)lpNewDIBBits;
 memset(lpDst, (BYTE)255, lWidth * lHeight);
 for(j = 1; j <lHeight-1; j++)
  for(i = 1;i <lWidth-1; i++)
   // 指向源图像倒数第j行,第i个象素的指针 
   lpSrc = (char *)lpDIBBits + lWidth * j + i;
   // 指向目标图像倒数第j行,第i个象素的指针
   lpDst = (char *)lpNewDIBBits + lWidth * j + i;
   //取得当前指针处的像素值,注意要转换为unsigned char型
   pixel = (unsigned char)*lpSrc;
   if(pixel == 0)
    *lpDst = (unsigned char)0;
    nw = (unsigned char)*(lpSrc + lWidth -1);
    n  = (unsigned char)*(lpSrc + lWidth );
    ne = (unsigned char)*(lpSrc + lWidth +1);
    w = (unsigned char)*(lpSrc -1);
    e = (unsigned char)*(lpSrc +1);
    sw = (unsigned char)*(lpSrc - lWidth -1);
    s  = (unsigned char)*(lpSrc - lWidth );
    se = (unsigned char)*(lpSrc - lWidth +1);
     *lpDst = (unsigned char)255;
 // 复制腐蚀后的图像
 memcpy(lpDIBBits, lpNewDIBBits, lWidth * lHeight);
 // 释放内存
 for (int yy=0; yy<superImage->height; yy++)
  for (int xx=0; xx<superImage->width; xx++)
   unsigned char point = lpDIBBits[lWidth * yy + xx];           
            superImage->data[yy*superImage->width+xx] = point;
 // 返回
 return TRUE;

int EnhancedImage::thin()
 LONG lWidth = superImage->width;
 LONG lHeight = superImage->height;
 LPSTR lpDIBBits = (char *)LocalAlloc(LHND, lWidth * lHeight);
 if (lpDIBBits == NULL)
  return false ;
 lpDIBBits = (char *)LocalLock(lpDIBBits);
 for (int y=0; y<superImage->height; y++)
  for (int x=0; x<superImage->width; x++)
   unsigned char point = superImage->data[y*superImage->width+x];           
            lpDIBBits[lWidth * y + x] = point;
 LPSTR lpSrc;    
 LPSTR lpDst; 
 LPSTR lpNewDIBBits; 
 BOOL bModified;    
 long i,j,m,n;  
 BOOL con1;
 BOOL con2;
 BOOL con3;
 BOOL con4;
 unsigned char nCount;  
 unsigned char pixel;  
 unsigned char ne[5][5]; 
 hNewDIBBits = LocalAlloc(LHND, lWidth * lHeight);
 if (hNewDIBBits == NULL)
  return false ;
 lpNewDIBBits = (char * )LocalLock(hNewDIBBits);
 // 初始化新分配的内存,设定初始值为255
 lpDst = (char *)lpNewDIBBits;
 memset(lpDst, (BYTE)255, lWidth * lHeight);
 bModified = TRUE;
  bModified = FALSE;
  lpDst = (char *)lpNewDIBBits;
  memset(lpDst, (BYTE)255, lWidth * lHeight);
  for(j = 2; j <lHeight-2; j++)
   for(i = 2;i <lWidth-2; i++)
    con1 = FALSE;
    con2 = FALSE;
    con3 = FALSE;
    con4 = FALSE;
    lpSrc = (char *)lpDIBBits + lWidth * j + i;  
    lpDst = (char *)lpNewDIBBits + lWidth * j + i;
    pixel = (unsigned char)*lpSrc;
    if(pixel != 255 && *lpSrc != 0)
    else if(pixel == 255)
    for (m = 0;m < 5;m++ )
     for (n = 0;n < 5;n++)
      ne[m][n] =(255 - (unsigned char)*(lpSrc + ((4 - m) - 2)*lWidth + n - 2 )) / 255;
    nCount =  ne[1][1] + ne[1][2] + ne[1][3]
     + ne[2][1]            + ne[2][3]
     + ne[3][1] + ne[3][2] + ne[3][3];
    if ( nCount >= 2 && nCount <=6)
     con1 = TRUE;
    nCount = 0;
    if (ne[1][2] == 0 && ne[1][1] == 1)
    if (ne[1][1] == 0 && ne[2][1] == 1)
    if (ne[2][1] == 0 && ne[3][1] == 1)
    if (ne[3][1] == 0 && ne[3][2] == 1)
    if (ne[3][2] == 0 && ne[3][3] == 1)
    if (ne[3][3] == 0 && ne[2][3] == 1)
    if (ne[2][3] == 0 && ne[1][3] == 1)
    if (ne[1][3] == 0 && ne[1][2] == 1)
    if (nCount == 1)
     con2 = TRUE;
    //判断P2*P4*P6=0 or Z0(p4)!=1
    if (ne[1][2]*ne[2][1]*ne[3][2] == 0)
     con3 = TRUE;
     nCount = 0;
     if (ne[1][1] == 0 && ne[1][0] == 1)
     if (ne[1][0] == 0 && ne[2][0] == 1)
     if (ne[2][0] == 0 && ne[3][0] == 1)
     if (ne[3][0] == 0 && ne[3][1] == 1)
     if (ne[3][1] == 0 && ne[3][2] == 1)
     if (ne[3][2] == 0 && ne[2][2] == 1)
     if (ne[2][2] == 0 && ne[1][2] == 1)
     if (ne[1][2] == 0 && ne[1][1] == 1)
     if (nCount != 1)
      con3 = TRUE;
    //判断P2*P4*P8=0 or Z0(p2)!=1
    if (ne[1][2]*ne[2][1]*ne[2][3] == 0)
     con4 = TRUE;
     nCount = 0;
     if (ne[0][2] == 0 && ne[0][1] == 1)
     if (ne[0][1] == 0 && ne[1][1] == 1)
     if (ne[1][1] == 0 && ne[2][1] == 1)
     if (ne[2][1] == 0 && ne[2][2] == 1)
     if (ne[2][2] == 0 && ne[2][3] == 1)
     if (ne[2][3] == 0 && ne[1][3] == 1)
     if (ne[1][3] == 0 && ne[0][3] == 1)
     if (ne[0][3] == 0 && ne[0][2] == 1)
     if (nCount != 1)
      con4 = TRUE;
    if(con1 && con2 && con3 && con4)
     *lpDst = (unsigned char)255;
     bModified = TRUE;
     *lpDst = (unsigned char)0;
  memcpy(lpDIBBits, lpNewDIBBits, lWidth * lHeight);
 memcpy(lpDIBBits, lpNewDIBBits, lWidth * lHeight);
 for (int yy=0; yy<superImage->height; yy++)
  for (int xx=0; xx<superImage->width; xx++)
   unsigned char point = lpDIBBits[lWidth * yy + xx];           
            superImage->data[yy*superImage->width+xx] = point;
int EnhancedImage::tidy()
 int h = this->superImage->height;
 int w = this->superImage->width;
 short* src = this->superImage->data;
 for (int y=0; y<h; y++)
  for (int x=0; x<w; x++)
   unsigned char o = src[w*(y)+(x)];
   unsigned char u = -1;     
   unsigned char ur = -1;     
   unsigned char r = -1;     
   unsigned char br = -1;     
   unsigned char b = -1;     
   unsigned char bl = -1;     
   unsigned char l = -1;     
   unsigned char ul = -1; 
    u = src[w*(y+1)+(x)];
   if(y<h && x< w)
    ur =src[w*(y+1)+(x+1)];
   if(y>0 && x<w)
    br = src[w*(y-1)+(x+1)];
    b = src[w*(y-1)+(x)];
   if(y>0 && x>0)
    bl = src[w*(y-1)+(x-1)];
    l = src[w*(y)+(x-1)];
   if(y<h && x>0)
    ul = src[w*(y+1)+(x-1)];
    if(r==0 && u==0 &&  br==0)
     src[w*(y)+(x+1)] = 255;
    if(r==0 && ur==0 &&  r==0)
     src[w*(y)+(x+1)] = 255;
    if(r==0 && ul==0 &&  br==0)
     src[w*(y)+(x+1)] = 255;
    if(l==0 && u==0 &&  bl==0)
                    src[w*(y)+(x-1)] = 255;
    if(l==0 && u==0 &&  ur==0)
                    src[w*(y)+(x-1)] = 255;
    if(l==0 && bl==0 &&  ur==0)
                    src[w*(y)+(x-1)] = 255;
    if(l==0 && bl==0 &&  r==0)
                    src[w*(y)+(x-1)] = 255;
    if(l==0 && ul==0 &&  r==0)
                    src[w*(y)+(x-1)] = 255;
    if(l==0 && ul==0 &&  br==0)
                    src[w*(y)+(x-1)] = 255;
 return 0;

int EnhancedImage::kerf()
 int w = this->superImage->width;
 int h = this->superImage->height; 
 short* src = this->superImage->data;
 SuperImage<Pixel>* tmpD = new SuperImage<Pixel>(w,h);
 short* tgt = tmpD->data;
 for (int y=0; y<h; y++)
  for (int x=0; x<w; x++)
   int count = 0;
   unsigned char p = src[y*w+x];
   tgt[y*w+x] = p;
   if(y<h && src[w*(y+1)+(x)]  == 0)
    count = count + 1;
   if(y<h && x< w && src[w*(y+1)+(x+1)]  == 0)
    count = count + 1;
   if(x<w && src[w*(y)+(x+1)]  == 0)
    count = count + 1;
   if(y>0 && x<w && src[w*(y-1)+(x+1)]  == 0)
    count = count + 1;
   if(y>0 && src[w*(y-1)+(x)]  == 0)
    count = count + 1;
   if(y>0 && x>0 && src[w*(y-1)+(x-1)]  == 0)
    count = count + 1;
   if(x>0 && src[w*(y)+(x-1)]  == 0)
    count = count + 1;
   if(y<h && x>0 && src[w*(y+1)+(x-1)]  == 0)
    count = count + 1;
   if(p == 0 && count > 2)
    tgt[y*w+x] = -1;
  delete superImage;
  superImage = NULL;
 superImage = tmpD;
 return 0;
int EnhancedImage::join()
 return 0;

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <windows.h>
#include "common.h"
void process(char* loadPathName,char* tempPathName)
 EnhancedImage otsuImage;
  char convPathName[MAX_PATH];
  char binvPathName[MAX_PATH];
  char otsuPathName[MAX_PATH];
  char linePathName[MAX_PATH];
  char roiiPathName[MAX_PATH];
 EnhancedImage tracImage;
  char tracPathName[MAX_PATH];
 EnhancedImage edgeImage;
  char edgePathName[MAX_PATH];
 EnhancedImage thinImage;
  char thinPathName[MAX_PATH];
  char tidyPathName[MAX_PATH];
 EnhancedImage kerfImage;
  char kerfPathName[MAX_PATH];
 EnhancedImage filmImage;
  char filmPathName[MAX_PATH];
void travel()
    char homePathName[MAX_PATH];
 WIN32_FIND_DATA findDataDelete;
 HANDLE hHandleDelete  =  FindFirstFile("*.*", &findDataDelete);
 int hasNextFileDelete = (hHandleDelete !=  INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
 while (hasNextFileDelete !=  0)
  char deletePathName[MAX_PATH];
  GetFullPathName(findDataDelete.cFileName, MAX_PATH, deletePathName, NULL);
  printf("Delete %s\n",deletePathName);
        hasNextFileDelete = FindNextFile(hHandleDelete, &findDataDelete);
 if(hHandleDelete !=  INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
 WIN32_FIND_DATA findData;
 HANDLE hFindHandle  =  FindFirstFile("*.jpg", &findData);
 int hasNextFile = (hFindHandle !=  INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
 while (hasNextFile !=  0)
  char loadPathName[MAX_PATH];
  GetFullPathName(findData.cFileName, MAX_PATH, loadPathName, NULL);  
  char tempPathName[MAX_PATH];
  for(int i=strlen(tempPathName);i>=0;i--)
  printf("Process %s to %s\n",loadPathName,tempPathName);
  hasNextFile = FindNextFile(hFindHandle, &findData);
 if(hFindHandle !=  INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
void main(int argc, char* argv[])
 printf("Anti Captcha ...\n");
 printf("Anti Captcha !!!\n");





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


