

#ifndef __USART1_H__

#define __USART1_H__

#include "main.h" //

// #define USART1_DMA   1

#define   USART1_RX_LEN   156      //接受数据缓存区长度

#define   USART1_TX_LEN   128   //接受数据缓存区长度

struct __USART1_ //串口数据结构体


    char  rxBuf[USART1_RX_LEN];   //接收缓存区

    // char  txBuf[USART1_TX_LEN];   //发送缓存区

    u16   rxLen;                   //串口1接收到的数据长度

    u16   txLen;                   //串口1接收到的数据长度

    u8    rxOkFlag;                //RX 数据接收完成标志

    u8    txOkFlag;                //tx数据发送ready flag

    u8 test;

    u32 rxTimeOut;


extern struct __USART1_  Usart1; //串口数据结构体

void usart1Init(u32 baudRate ); //usart1 initial

void usart1Deal(void);  //usart data deal,figure out whether it's data EC800 or data JT808.


#include "usart1.h"

struct __USART1_  Usart1; //串口数据结构体

void usart1DmaInit(u32 baudRate ) //usart1 initial



void usart1IntInit(u32 baudRate)  //usart initial,interupt rx mode



    RCC_EnableAPB2PeriphClk(RCC_APB2_PERIPH_USART1, ENABLE); // Enable USART Clock

    // USART_DeInit(USART1);

    NVIC_InitType NVIC_InitStructure;

    /* Configure the NVIC Preemption Priority Bits */


    /* Enable the USARTy Interrupt */

    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel            = USART1_IRQn;

    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority=0; //

    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;

    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd         = ENABLE;


    GPIO_InitType GPIO_InitStructure;

    GPIO_InitStruct(&GPIO_InitStructure); //初始化结构体

    /* Configure USARTx Tx as alternate function push-pull */

    GPIO_InitStructure.Pin        = GPIO_PIN_9;

    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;

    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode  = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP;

    GPIO_InitPeripheral(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);

    /* Configure USARTx Rx as input floating */

    GPIO_InitStructure.Pin       = GPIO_PIN_10;

    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;

    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IN_FLOATING;

    // GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode  = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP;

    GPIO_InitPeripheral(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);    

    // GPIO_ConfigPinRemap(GPIO_RMP_USART1,ENABLE);

    USART_InitType USART_InitStructure;


    USART_InitStructure.BaudRate            = baudRate;

    USART_InitStructure.WordLength          = USART_WL_8B;

    USART_InitStructure.StopBits            = USART_STPB_1;

    USART_InitStructure.Parity              = USART_PE_NO;

    USART_InitStructure.HardwareFlowControl = USART_HFCTRL_NONE;

    USART_InitStructure.Mode                = USART_MODE_RX | USART_MODE_TX;

    USART_Init(USART1, &USART_InitStructure);







void usart1Init(u32 baudRate )


    #ifdef USART1_DMA

      usart1DmaInit(baudRate); //usart initial,DMA rx mode


    usart1IntInit(baudRate);  //usart initial,interupt rx mode

      // printf("-------------------11111-----------------------------------");



void usart1RxBuf(u8 rxData)




        Usart1.rxBuf[Usart1.rxLen++] = rxData;

        Usart1.rxTimeOut = 0;




        Usart1.rxLen = 0;



#ifdef USART1_DMA

void USART1_IRQHandler(void) //重写串口中断处理函数


    uint32_t temp;  

    if (   (USART_GetIntStatus(USART1, USART_INT_OREF) != RESET)    //Overrun error

          || (USART_GetIntStatus(USART1, USART_INT_NEF) != RESET)       //Noise error flag

          || (USART_GetIntStatus(USART1, USART_INT_FEF) != RESET)       //Framing error



        temp = USART1->STS;

        temp = USART1->DAT;


    if((USART_GetIntStatus(USART1,USART_INT_IDLEF) != RESET))//IDLE line detected


        temp = USART1->STS;//清IDLE标志

        temp = USART1->DAT;


        temp = DMA_GetCurrDataCounter(DMA1_CH5); //应该是当前接收数据缓存器剩余空间长度

        Usart1.rxLen =  USART1_RX_LEN - temp;  //计算出当前接收数据长度




            Usart1.rxOkFlag =1;                //数据包接收完成标志  

            //printf("Usart1 data packet Usart1.rxLen = %d.",Usart1.rxLen);




void USART1_IRQHandler(void)


    u8 rec = 0;



        USART_ClrIntPendingBit(USART1, USART_INT_RXDNE);        

        rec = USART_ReceiveData(USART1);



    if (USART_GetIntStatus(USART1, USART_INT_TXDE) != RESET)





        /*Read the STS register first,and the read the DAT

        register to clear the overflow interrupt*/







#ifdef USART1_DMA

    void usart1Deal(void)  //usart data deal,figure out whether it's data EC800 or data JT808.


        if(Usart1.rxOkFlag == 1) //数据包接收完成标志

        // if((Usart1.rxLen>1)&&(Usart1.rxTimeOut>100))


            Usart1.rxOkFlag =0;

            // if(Usart1.rxBuf[0]==0x7E && Usart1.rxBuf[Usart1.rxLen-1]==0x7E) //JT808数据包

            // {            

            //  memcpy(jt808.rxBuf,Usart1.rxBuf,Usart1.rxLen);  //copy the data to buf

            //  jt808.rxLen = Usart1.rxLen;     //

            //  jt808.rxOkFlag = OK;  //jt808接收数据包完成标志置位

            // }

            // else //EC800 AT指令反馈或自动上传数据


                memcpy(ec800.rxBuf,Usart1.rxBuf,Usart1.rxLen);  //copy the data to buf

                ec800.rxBufLen = Usart1.rxLen;      //

                ec800.rxOkFlag = OK;            

                //if(ec800.debug) log_debug("EC800  receive control CMD ********************************************************* \r\n"); //This code just for test.Edit by kevin.  


        // usartSendBuf(USART3,Usart1.rxBuf,Usart1.rxLen); //发送整包数据到log串口  

            memset(Usart1.rxBuf,0,Usart1.rxLen); //清零串口数据缓存    

            Usart1.rxTimeOut = 0;

            Usart1.rxLen = 0;




    void usart1Deal(void)  //usart data deal,figure out whether it's data EC800 or data JT808.




            Usart1.rxTimeOut = 0;

            Usart1.rxOkFlag = 0;            


            memset(Usart1.rxBuf,0,USART1_RX_LEN); //清零串口数据缓存    

            Usart1.rxLen = 0;




#ifndef AT_COMMAND_H__

#define AT_COMMAND_H__

#include "main.h"

#define   RX_LEN   128       //接受数据缓存区长度

#define   TX_LEN   128       //接受数据缓存区长度

struct AT_COMMAND //  company AT command structure


    // char  rxBuf[RX_LEN];   //接收缓存区

    // char  txBuf[RX_LEN];   //发送缓存区

    u16   rxLen;                   //串口1接收到的数据长度

    u16   txLen;                   //串口1接收到的数据长度

    u8    rxOkFlag;                //RX 数据接收完成标志

    u8    txOkFlag;                // tx数据发送ready flag  


// extern struct AT_COMMAND Command ;   // company AT command structure.

void atCmdParser(char* rxBuf ,u16 rxLen);  // company AT command parser

#endif    //AT_COMMAND_H__

#include "at_command.h"

// struct AT_COMMAND Command ;        // company AT command structure.

#define AT_ACK() printf("+OK\r\n"); // company AT command general ACK.

void atCmdParser(char* rxBuf ,u16 rxLen)  // company AT command parser
    if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=TESTRESET")!=NULL)        // device reset
        // printf("系统立即重启--------------------测试."); //    
        GPS_POWER(FALSE);    //Turn off the gps.
        EC800_POWER_OFF();     //turn of the ec800 power
        EX_POWER(0);  //测试阶段默认打开外电12V电压。1:打开12V  0:关闭12V
        printf("系统立即重启---------------测试."); //    
        // AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.    
        // NVIC_SystemReset();            
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=RESET")!=NULL)        // device reset            
        printf("The system is ready to restart."); //    
        Device.reset = TRUE;        
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.    
        // NVIC_SystemReset();            
    else if(strstr((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=SLEEP,")!=NULL)    //AT set sleep and wake up time指令解析。
        u32 workTime = 0;
        u32 days = 0;
        u32 sleepTime = 0;            
        char bufWorkTime[10];
        char bufDay[10];
        char bufSleepTime[10];
        if(sscanf((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=SLEEP,%[^,]%*[,]  %[^,]%*[,] %[^#]",bufWorkTime,bufDay,bufSleepTime) != 0)
            workTime  = atoi(bufWorkTime); 
            days      = atoi(bufDay); 
            sleepTime = atoi(bufSleepTime); 
            Sleep.workTime = workTime; //Go to sleep after delay Time seconds later.                         
            Sleep.days = days;
            Sleep.sleepTime = sleepTime*60;   //wakeupTime seconds later wake up.
            Sleep.mode = SLEEP_MODE_LOG_SET;  //1:4G set the wake up time mode.   2:Automatic timed wake up mode.0:No-sleep mode.
            Sleep.step = 1;
            printf("The current RTC is %d-%d-%d week:%d %d:%d:%d .\n",rtc.year,rtc.month,rtc.date,rtc.weekDay,rtc.hours,rtc.minutes,rtc.seconds);
            printf("The Sleep.sleepTime = %d senconds.\n",Sleep.sleepTime);
            printf("It will take to %d ms go into sleep mode.\n",Sleep.workTime);    
            printf("The sleep set mode source is %d.\n",Sleep.mode);                    
            printf("AT command is error.");
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=SLEEPTEST")!=NULL)    // Sleep mode test.
    // {
    //     Sleep.sleepTime = 10;         //10 seconds later wake up.
    //     Sleep.workTime = 3*1000; //Go to sleep after delay 3 seconds later.
    //     Sleep.mode = SLEEP_MODE_LOG_TEST; 
    //     printf("The current RTC is %d-%d-%d week:%d %d:%d:%d .\n",rtc.year,rtc.month,rtc.date,rtc.weekDay,rtc.hours,rtc.minutes,rtc.seconds);
    //     printf("The Sleep.sleepTime = %d senconds.\n",Sleep.sleepTime);
    //     printf("It will take to %d ms go into sleep mode.\n",Sleep.workTime);    
    //     printf("The sleep set mode source is %d.\n",Sleep.mode);    
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.   NVIC_SystemReset();                
    // }
    // else if(strstr((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=ATLOGUP,")!=NULL)    //log。
    // {
    //     u32 logFlag = 0;
    //     u32 timeSeconds = 0;
    //     u32 byteNum = 0;
    //     u32 reportTime = 0;            
    //     char buflogF[10];
    //     char bufSeconds[10];
    //     char bufByteNub[10];
    //     char bufReportTime[10];
    //     if(sscanf((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=ATLOGUP,%[^,]%*[,]  %[^,]%*[,] %[^,]%*[,] %[^#]",buflogF,bufSeconds,bufByteNub,bufReportTime) != 0)
    //     {
    //         logFlag     = atoi(buflogF); 
    //         timeSeconds = atoi(bufSeconds); 
    //         byteNum     = atoi(bufByteNub); 
    //         reportTime  = atoi(bufReportTime);             
    //     }
    //     else
    //     {
    //         printf("AT command is error.");
    //     }            
    // }
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=LOG,1")!=NULL)    // Sleep mode test.
        Device.log = TRUE;
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.   NVIC_SystemReset();                
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=LOG,0")!=NULL)    // Sleep mode test.
        Device.log = FALSE;
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.   NVIC_SystemReset();                
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=LOG?")!=NULL)    // Sleep mode test.
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.   NVIC_SystemReset();                
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=TESTPASS,")!=NULL)        //测试信息写入

        char testBuf[128] = {0};        
        if(sscanf(rxBuf,"AT=TESTPASS,%[^#] ",testBuf) != 0)
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);  //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm)); //read back the flash parameter.
            sprintf(Parm.testBuf,testBuf);   //
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.
            AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.   NVIC_SystemReset();    
            printf("The parameter is wrong.\n");
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=TESTPASS?")!=NULL)        //信息查询

        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.   NVIC_SystemReset();    
    else if(strstr((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=SERVERLIST1,")!=NULL)    //AT set sleep and wake up time指令解析。
        u32 port = 0;
        // char* portBuf;
        // char* ipBuf;
        char portBuf[10];
        char ipBuf[SERVER_IP_LEN];
        if(sscanf((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=SERVERLIST1,%[^:]%*[:]  %[^#]",ipBuf,portBuf) != 0)
            port  = atoi(portBuf);         
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);  //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm)); //read back the flash parameter.        
            sprintf(Parm.serverIp[0].addr,ipBuf);    //        
            Parm.serverIp[0].port = port;
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.
            printf("AT=SERVERLIST1,%s,%d .\n", Parm.serverIp[0].addr,Parm.serverIp[0].port);    
            AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.                    
            printf("AT command is error.");
    else if(strstr((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=SERVERLIST1?")!=NULL)    //
        printf("AT=SERVERLIST1,%s,%d .\n", Parm.serverIp[0].addr,Parm.serverIp[0].port);                
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.    
    // else if(strstr((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=SERVERLIST2,")!=NULL)    //AT set sleep and wake up time指令解析。
    // {
    //     u32 port = 0;
    //     char portBuf[10];
    //     char ipBuf[SERVER_IP_LEN];
    //     if(sscanf((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=SERVERLIST1,%[^:]%*[:]  %[^#]",Parm.serverIp[1].addr,portBuf) != 0)
    //     {
    //         port  = atoi(portBuf);                 
    //         u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);  //获取参数结构体地址。
    //         w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm)); //read back the flash parameter.    
    //         sprintf(Parm.serverIp[1].addr,ipBuf);    //                
    //         Parm.serverIp[1].port = port;
    //         w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.
    //         printf("The server IP :%s, port :%d .\n", Parm.serverIp[1].addr,Parm.serverIp[1].port);                        
    //     }
    //     else
    //     {
    //         printf("AT command is error.");
    //     }            
    // }
    // else if(strstr((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=SERVERLIST2?")!=NULL)    //
    // {
    //     printf("The server IP :%s, port :%d .\n", Parm.serverIp[1].addr,Parm.serverIp[1].port);            
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.    
    // }
    // else if(strstr((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=SERVERLIST3,")!=NULL)    //AT set sleep and wake up time指令解析。
    // {
    //     u32 port = 0;
    //     char portBuf[10];
    //     char ipBuf[SERVER_IP_LEN];
    //     if(sscanf((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=SERVERLIST1,%[^:]%*[:]  %[^#]",Parm.serverIp[2].addr,portBuf) != 0)
    //     {
    //         port  = atoi(portBuf);                 
    //         u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);  //获取参数结构体地址。
    //         w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm)); //read back the flash parameter.    
    //         sprintf(Parm.serverIp[2].addr,ipBuf);    //                
    //         Parm.serverIp[2].port = port;
    //         w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.
    //         printf("The server IP :%s, port :%d .\n", Parm.serverIp[2].addr,Parm.serverIp[2].port);                        
    //     }
    //     else
    //     {
    //         printf("AT command is error.");
    //     }            
    // }
    // else if(strstr((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=SERVERLIST3?")!=NULL)    //
    // {
    //     printf("The server IP :%s, port :%d .\n", Parm.serverIp[2].addr,Parm.serverIp[2].port);            
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.    
    // }

    else if(strstr((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=OTASERVER1,")!=NULL)    //AT set sleep and wake up time指令解析。
        u32 port = 0;
        char portBuf[10];
        char ipBuf[SERVER_IP_LEN];
        char filePath[128];
        if(sscanf((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=OTASERVER1,%[^:]%*[:]  %[^,]%*[,]  %[^#]",ipBuf,portBuf,filePath) != 0)
            port  = atoi(portBuf);         
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);  //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm)); //read back the flash parameter.        
            sprintf(Parm.updateServerIp[0].addr,ipBuf);    //        
            Parm.updateServerIp[0].port = port;
            sprintf(Parm.binfilePath[0].name,filePath);    //    
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.
            printf("AT=OTASERVER1,%s:%d%s.\n", Parm.updateServerIp[0].addr,Parm.updateServerIp[0].port,Parm.binfilePath[0].name);            
            AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.                    
            printf("AT command is error.");
    else if(strstr((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=OTASERVER1?")!=NULL)    //
        printf("AT=OTASERVER1,%s:%d%s.\n", Parm.updateServerIp[0].addr,Parm.updateServerIp[0].port,Parm.binfilePath[0].name);            
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.    
    // else if(strstr((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=OTASERVER2,")!=NULL)    //AT set sleep and wake up time指令解析。
    // {
    //     u32 port = 0;
    //     char portBuf[10];
    //     char ipBuf[SERVER_IP_LEN];
    //     char filePath[128];
    //     if(sscanf((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=OTASERVER2,%[^:]%*[:]  %[^,]%*[,]  %[^#]",ipBuf,portBuf,filePath) != 0)
    //     {        
    //         port  = atoi(portBuf);         
    //         u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);  //获取参数结构体地址。
    //         w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm)); //read back the flash parameter.        
    //         sprintf(Parm.updateServerIp[1].addr,ipBuf);    //        
    //         Parm.updateServerIp[1].port = port;
    //         sprintf(Parm.binfilePath[1].name,filePath);    //    
    //         w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.
    //         printf("%s:%d%s.\n", Parm.updateServerIp[1].addr,Parm.updateServerIp[1].port,Parm.binfilePath[1].name);            
    //         AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.                    
    //     }
    //     else
    //     {
    //         printf("AT command is error.");
    //     }            
    // }
    // else if(strstr((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=OTASERVER2?")!=NULL)    //
    // {
    //     printf("%s:%d%s.\n", Parm.updateServerIp[1].addr,Parm.updateServerIp[1].port,Parm.binfilePath[1].name);            
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.    
    // }
    // else if(strstr((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=OTASERVER3,")!=NULL)    //AT set sleep and wake up time指令解析。
    // {
    //     u32 port = 0;
    //     char portBuf[10];
    //     char ipBuf[SERVER_IP_LEN];
    //     char filePath[128];
    //     if(sscanf((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=OTASERVER3,%[^:]%*[:]  %[^,]%*[,]  %[^#]",ipBuf,portBuf,filePath) != 0)
    //     {        
    //         port  = atoi(portBuf);         
    //         u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);  //获取参数结构体地址。
    //         w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm)); //read back the flash parameter.        
    //         sprintf(Parm.updateServerIp[2].addr,ipBuf);    //        
    //         Parm.updateServerIp[2].port = port;
    //         sprintf(Parm.binfilePath[2].name,filePath);    //    
    //         w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.
    //         printf("%s:%d%s.\n", Parm.updateServerIp[2].addr,Parm.updateServerIp[2].port,Parm.binfilePath[2].name);            
    //         AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.                    
    //     }
    //     else
    //     {
    //         printf("AT command is error.");
    //     }            
    // }
    // else if(strstr((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=OTASERVER3?")!=NULL)    //
    // {
    //     printf("%s:%d%s.\n", Parm.updateServerIp[2].addr,Parm.updateServerIp[2].port,Parm.binfilePath[2].name);            
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.    
    // }
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=OTAUPDATE")!=NULL)        // device reset
        printf("Ready to OTA update."); //    
        Device.reset = TRUE;    
        Device.otaFlag = TRUE;        
        app_flag_write(0x00000000 ,APP_UPDATE__DONE_FLAG_ADDR);//擦除APP标志,重新升级。    
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.    
        // NVIC_SystemReset();            
    //DA215   / 
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=GSENSOR?")!=NULL)                  //inquire gsonser chip ID
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=GSENSORLOG,1")!=NULL)    //enable GSENSOR debug log
        da215.log  = TRUE;
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=GSENSORLOG,0")!=NULL)    //disable GSENSOR debug log
        da215.log  = FALSE;
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=GSENSORDEBUG?")!=NULL)          //inquire gsonser debug log mode
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=GSENSORDEBUG,1")!=NULL)    //enable GSENSOR debug log
        da215.debug  = TRUE;
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=GSENSORDEBUG,0")!=NULL)    //disable GSENSOR debug log
        da215.debug  = FALSE;
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=GSENSOROFFSET?")!=NULL)          //GSENSOR Calibration
        printf("AT=GSENSOROFFSET,parameter:offsetX=%d,offsetY=%d,offsetZ=%d",Parm.da215.offSetX,Parm.da215.offSetY,Parm.da215.offSetZ);  //     
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=GSENSOROFFSET")!=NULL)          //GSENSOR Calibration
        da215.status  = DA215_CALIBRATION; //进入校准模式
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=VIBRATE,")!=NULL)                //GSENSOR vibrate set
        u32 vibrateAlarmFlag = 0;
        u32 shreshold = 0;
        u32 wakeUpTimeLimit = 0;            
        int temp1 =sscanf(rxBuf,"AT=VIBRATE,%d%*[,]%d%*[,]%d",&vibrateAlarmFlag,&shreshold,&wakeUpTimeLimit);            
        //printf("AT=VIBRATE,%d,%d,%d temp1 = %d",reportFlag,shreshold,wakeUpTimeLimit,temp1);  //            
        da215.vibrateAlarmFlag = vibrateAlarmFlag;
        da215.shreshold = shreshold;
        da215.wakeUpTimeLimit = wakeUpTimeLimit*1000;  

        u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);  //获取参数结构体地址。
        w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm)); //read back the flash parameter.
        Parm.da215.vibrateAlarmFlag = vibrateAlarmFlag;
        Parm.da215.shreshold = shreshold;
        Parm.da215.wakeUpTimeLimit = wakeUpTimeLimit;      
        w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.    
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=VIBRATE?")!=NULL)                //GSENSOR vibration parameter query
        printf("AT=VIBRATE,%d,%d,%d",Parm.da215.vibrateAlarmFlag,Parm.da215.shreshold,Parm.da215.wakeUpTimeLimit);  //AT=VIBRATE,A,B,C     A :表示震动报警开关    B :表示震动强度数值     C :表示唤醒连续检测的次数, 范围1~60, 默认3次             
        printf(" da215.vibrateFlag = %d.",da215.vibrateFlag);
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=GSENSORTIMER,")!=NULL)          //Gsensor work mode set
        u8  reportFlag   = 0;
        char bufSh[10] = {0};
        u8  shreshold  = 0;
        char bufSamT[10] = {0};
        u16 sampleTime = 0;    
        char bufSamNumL[10] = {0};
        u16 sampleNumber   = 0;                 //Number of sampling points
        int tmep = sscanf(rxBuf,"AT=GSENSORTIMER,%hhd%*[,]%[^,]%*[,]%[^,]%*[,]%[^#]",&reportFlag,bufSh,bufSamT,bufSamNumL);
        shreshold = atoi(bufSh);
        sampleTime = atoi(bufSamT);
        sampleNumber = atoi(bufSamNumL);
        da215.reportFlag = reportFlag;
        da215.shreshold = shreshold;
        // da215.sampleTime = sampleTime;  
        Parm.da215.sampleTime = sampleTime;  
        da215.sampleNumber = sampleNumber;            

        u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);  //获取参数结构体地址。
        w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm)); //read back the flash parameter.
        Parm.da215.reportFlag = da215.reportFlag;
        Parm.da215.shreshold = da215.shreshold;
        // Parm.da215.sampleTime = da215.sampleTime;  
        Parm.da215.sampleNumber = da215.sampleNumber;    
        w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.            
        printf("AT=GSENSORTIMER,report=%d,shreshold=%d,sampleTime=%d,smpleNum=%d",da215.reportFlag,da215.shreshold,da215.sampleTime,da215.sampleNumber);  //                                                
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=GSENSORTIMER?")!=NULL)          //GSENSOR work mode query
        printf("AT=GSENSORTIMER,report=%d,shreshold=%d,sampleTime%d,sampleNum=%d",da215.reportFlag,da215.shreshold,da215.sampleTime,da215.sampleNumber);  //                      
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    //AHT20   // 
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=AHT20DEBUG?")!=NULL)          //inquire gsonser debug log mode
    // {
    //     printf("AT=AHT20DEBUG=%d",da215.debug);
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=AHT20DEBUG,1")!=NULL)    //enable AHT20 debug log
    // {
    //     aht20.debug  = TRUE;
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=AHT20DEBUG,0")!=NULL)    //disable AHT20 debug log
    // {
    //     aht20.debug  = FALSE;
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=TEMPTHRESHOLD,")!=NULL)        // 
    // {
    //     u8  alarmReportFlag   = 0;            
    //     char minTemBuf[10] = {0};            
    //     double minTem = 0;         //Minimum  temperature                
    //     char maxTemBuf[10] = {0};
    //     double  maxTem   = 0;         //Maximum temperature        
    //     u8  minHum   = 0;      //Minimum  humidity        
    //     u8  maxHum   = 0;      //Maximum  humidity                 
    //     int temp = sscanf(rxBuf,"AT=TEMPTHRESHOLD,%hhd%*[,]  %[^,]%*[,]  %[^,]%*[,]  %hhd%*[,]    %hhd",&alarmReportFlag,minTemBuf,maxTemBuf,(char*)&minHum,(char*)&maxHum);                        
    //     minTem = atof(minTemBuf);
    //     maxTem = atof(maxTemBuf);        
    //     aht20.alarmReportFlag = alarmReportFlag;
    //     aht20.minTem = minTem*10;
    //     aht20.maxTem = maxTem*10;
    //     aht20.minHum = minHum*10;
    //     aht20.maxHum = maxHum*10;          
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=TEMPTHRESHOLD?")!=NULL)        // 
    // {        
    //     printf("AT=TEMPTHRESHOLD,%d,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f",aht20.alarmReportFlag,aht20.minTem/10.0,aht20.maxTem/10.0,aht20.minHum/10.0,aht20.maxHum/10.0);  //                            
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=TME?")!=NULL)                  //查询温湿度数值
    // {
    //     printf("AT=TME,%.1f °C,%.1f%%",aht20.tem/10.0,aht20.hum/10.0);  //        
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }        
    //FLASH   //
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=FLASHCHIP?")!=NULL)            //inquire Flash debug log mode
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=FLASHCHIP,ERASE")!=NULL)      //inquire Flash debug log mode
        printf("The system is ready to restart."); //    
        Device.reset = TRUE;    
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // //EPD   //
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=EPDDEBUG?")!=NULL)          //inquire epd debug log mode
    // {
    //     if(epd.debug  == TRUE)  //debug mode
    //     {
    //         printf("AT=EPDDEBUG,1");
    //     }
    //     else
    //     {
    //         printf("AT=EPDDEBUG,0");
    //     }
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=EPDDEBUG,1")!=NULL)    //enable EPD debug log
    // {
    //     epd.debug  = TRUE;
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=EPDDEBUG,0")!=NULL)    //disable EPD debug log
    // {
    //     epd.debug  = FALSE;
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=EPD?")!=NULL)                //inquire epd debug log mode
    // {            
    //   printf("AT=EPD,");
    //     printf("Parm.image.fileId[0] = %08X.\n",Parm.image.fileId[0]);            //This code just for testing.    
    //     printf("Parm.image.fileId[1] = %08X.\n",Parm.image.fileId[1]);            //This code just for testing.    
    //     printf("Parm.image.fileId[2] = %08X.\n",Parm.image.fileId[2]);            //This code just for testing.    
    //     printf("Parm.image.fileId[3] = %08X.\n",Parm.image.fileId[3]);            //This code just for testing.    
    //     printf("Parm.image.fileId[4] = %08X.\n",Parm.image.fileId[4]);            //This code just for testing.    
    //     printf("Parm.image.fileId[5] = %08X.\n",Parm.image.fileId[5]);            //This code just for testing.    
    //     printf("Parm.image.fileId[6] = %08X.\n",Parm.image.fileId[6]);            //This code just for testing.    
    //     printf("Parm.image.totalNum = %08X.\n",Parm.image.totalNum);              //
    //     printf("Parm.image.currentNum = %08X.\n",Parm.image.currentNum);      //
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=EPD,")!=NULL)                //inquire epd debug log mode
    // {    
    //     char buf[ATO_I_F_LEN] = {0};
    //     u32  imageNum = 0;            
    //     if(sscanf(rxBuf,"AT=EPD,%[^#] ",buf) == 1)
    //     {
    //         imageNum = atoi(buf);            
    //         epd.currentImage =  imageNum;//显示图片号码.
    //         epd.currentImage &= 0X07;    
    //         // epd.lastImage =     epd.currentImage+1;
    //         printf("AT=EPD,%d",epd.currentImage);
    //         AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    //         u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);  //获取参数结构体地址。
    //         w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm)); //read back the flash parameter.
    //         Parm.image.currentNum = epd.currentImage; 
    //         w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.
    //     }            
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=EPD=NEXT")!=NULL)            //display the next image.
    // {     
    //   epd.currentImage++;//显示下一张图片.
    //     epd.currentImage &= 0X07;    
    //     epd.lastImage =     epd.currentImage+1;
    //     printf("AT=EPD=NEXT=%d",epd.currentImage);
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }

    //EC800   //
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=ROAM,0")!=NULL)               //inquire EC800 debug log mode
    // {            
    //   ec800.roamSetModeFlag = TRUE;
    //     ec800.roamMode = 0;
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }        
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=ROAM,1")!=NULL)               //inquire EC800 debug log mode
    // {            
    //   ec800.roamSetModeFlag = TRUE;
    //     ec800.roamMode = 1;
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=ROAM?")!=NULL)               //inquire EC800 debug log mode
    // {            
    //   printf("AT=ROAM,%d",ec800.roamMode);
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }        
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=EC800APN?")!=NULL)             //inquire EC800 debug log mode
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=EC800APNMODE,")!=NULL)    
        u32 mode = 0;
        if(sscanf(rxBuf,"AT=EC800APNMODE,%d#",&mode) ==1)
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);  //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm)); //w25qxxRead(u8* pBuffer,u32 ReadAddr,u16 NumByteToRead) 
            Parm.apnSetMode = mode;
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.
            AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
            printf("The parameter is wrong.\n");
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=EC800APN,")!=NULL)    
        char apn[128] ={0};
        u32 number = 0;
        if(sscanf(rxBuf,"AT=EC800APN,%d,%[^#]",&number,apn) ==2)
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);  //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm)); //w25qxxRead(u8* pBuffer,u32 ReadAddr,u16 NumByteToRead) 
            sprintf(Parm.apn[number].name,apn); //默认APN  
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.
            AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
            printf("The parameter is wrong.\n");
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=EC800ID?")!=NULL)             //inquire EC800 debug log mode
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=EC800DEBUG?")!=NULL)           //inquire EC800 debug log mode
        if(ec800.debug  == TRUE)  //debug mode
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=EC800DEBUG,1")!=NULL)         //enable EC800 debug log
        ec800.debug  = TRUE;
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=EC800DEBUG,0")!=NULL)         //disable EC800 debug log
        ec800.debug  = FALSE;
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=EC800TXDEBUG,1")!=NULL)       //enable EC800 txdebug log
        ec800.txDebug  = TRUE;
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=EC800TXDEBUG,0")!=NULL)       //disable EC800 txdebug log
        ec800.txDebug  = FALSE;
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=EC800RXDEBUG,1")!=NULL)       //enable EC800 rxdebug log
        ec800.rxDebug  = TRUE;
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=EC800RXDEBUG,0")!=NULL)       //disable EC800 rxdebug log
        ec800.rxDebug  = FALSE;
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=EC800REVERSION?")!=NULL)       //inquire EC800 debug log mode
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=SETIMEI,")!=NULL)             //set  SETIMEI
        char imei[20] = {0};            
        int temp =  sscanf(rxBuf,"AT=SETIMEI,%[^#]",imei);
        if(strlen(imei) >= 10) //加上末尾的#
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);                      //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));   //read back the flash parameter.        
            Parm.imeiFlag = 1; //IMEI号码获取方式,0:4G模块读取 1:串口自主设置。
            memcpy(Parm.imei,imei,20);    //copy the data to buf
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.    
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);                      //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));   //read back the flash parameter.        
            Parm.imeiFlag = 0; //IMEI号码获取方式,0:4G模块读取 1:串口自主设置。
            memset(Parm.imei,0,20); //清零数据缓存    
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.    
            printf("AT=SETIMEI:ERROR,THE LENGTH IS WRONG.");    
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=IMEI?")!=NULL)                 //inquire IMEI
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=CONNECT?")!=NULL)             //inquire network connections
    // {            
    //     printf("AT=CONNECT:%d",ec800.linkNetFlag);              
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=EC800LOW=POWER")!=NULL)       //EC800低功耗
    // {            
    //     ec800.lowPowerFlag = TRUE;
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=EC800=WAKE")!=NULL)           //EC800低功耗唤醒
    // {            
    //     ec800.wakeupFlag = TRUE;            
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=4G+")!=NULL)                   //4G 数据透传。
        char txBuf[128];
        u16 txLen = 0;
        txLen = rxLen-7;
        ec800.rxDebug = TRUE;
        ec800.txDebug = TRUE;
        // ec800.status = EC800_TEST_MOMOD; 
        // ec800.txDebug = TRUE;
        // AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.

    //jt808   //
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=JT808DEBUG?")!=NULL)        //inquire JT808 debug log mode
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=JT808DEBUG,1")!=NULL)      //enable JT808 debug log
        jt808.debug  = TRUE;
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=JT808EBUG,0")!=NULL)        //disable JT808 debug log
        jt808.debug  = FALSE;
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=JT808RXDEBUG,1")!=NULL)    //enable JT808 debug log
        jt808.rxDebug  = TRUE;
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=JT808RXDEBUG,0")!=NULL)    //disable JT808 debug log
        jt808.rxDebug  = FALSE;
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=JT808TXDEBUG,1")!=NULL)    //enable JT808 debug log
        jt808.txDebug  = TRUE;
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=JT808TXDEBUG,0")!=NULL)    //disable JT808 debug log
        jt808.txDebug  = FALSE;
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=NOWGNSS")!=NULL)          //立即报警
        jt808.alarmFlag = TRUE;
        printf("AT=NOWGNSS"); //
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=HEARBEAT,")!=NULL)          //set jt808 heartbeat time
    // {
    //     u16 heartBeatTimeLimit = 0;
    //     char bufH[10] = {0};
    //     if(sscanf(rxBuf,"AT=HEARBEAT,%[^#]",bufH) ==1)
    //     {
    //         heartBeatTimeLimit = atoi(bufH);                   //字符串转整数
    //         jt808.heartBeatTimeLimit =     heartBeatTimeLimit*1000;        //将秒换算成毫秒
    //         u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);  //获取参数结构体地址。
    //         w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm)); //w25qxxRead(u8* pBuffer,u32 ReadAddr,u16 NumByteToRead) 
    //         Parm.wkMode[Parm.currentMode].heartBeatTimeLimit = heartBeatTimeLimit;
    //         w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.
    //         AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    //     }
    //     else 
    //     {
    //         printf("The parameter is wrong.\n");
    //     }            
    // }

    //ADC1   //
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=ADC1DEBUG?")!=NULL)            //inquire gsonser debug log mode
    // {
    //     if(adc1.debug  == TRUE)  //debug mode
    //     {
    //         printf("AT=ADC1DEBUG,1");
    //     }
    //     else
    //     {
    //         printf("AT=ADC1DEBUG,0");
    //     }
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=ADC1DEBUG,1")!=NULL)      //enable GSENSOR debug log
    // {
    //     adc1.debug  = TRUE;
    //     printf("AT=ADC1DEBUG,1");
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=ADC1DEBUG,0")!=NULL)    //enable GSENSOR debug log
    // {
    //     adc1.debug  = FALSE;
    //     printf("AT=ADC1DEBUG,0");
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }        
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=SYSVDD?")!=NULL)              //查询系统主控电压
    // {
    //     printf("AT=SYSVDD:3.3v,"); //            
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=BATTERY?")!=NULL)              //查询电池电压
    // {
    //     printf("AT=BATTERY:%dmv,soc = %d%%",adc1.voltage,Power.soc); //            
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=BATTERYLP,")!=NULL)               //设置低电压阈值 单位:mv
        char* tempP = strstr(rxBuf,"AT=BATTERYLP,");
        char  tempBuf0[10];
        char  tempBuf1[10];
        u16   lowPowerVoltage = 0;
        u16   recoverPowerVoltage = 0;
        if(sscanf(tempP,"AT=BATTERYLP,%[^,]%*[,] %[^#] ",tempBuf0,tempBuf1) !=  0)
            lowPowerVoltage = atoi(tempBuf0);  
            recoverPowerVoltage = atoi(tempBuf1); 
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);                      //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));   //read back the flash parameter.        
            Parm.lowPowerVoltage = lowPowerVoltage;          //
            Parm.recoverPowerVoltage = recoverPowerVoltage;  //            
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.                
        printf("AT=BATTERYLP:%dmv,%dmv",Parm.lowPowerVoltage,Parm.recoverPowerVoltage); //            
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=BATTERYLP?")!=NULL)              //查询低电压阈值
        printf("AT=BATTERYLP:%dmv,%dmv",Parm.lowPowerVoltage,Parm.recoverPowerVoltage); //            
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=CHARGE,")!=NULL)               //设置低电压阈值 单位:mv
        char* tempP = strstr(rxBuf,"AT=CHARGE,");
        char  tempBuf0[10];
        char  tempBuf1[10];
        char  tempBuf2[10];
        u8    chargeEnable = 0;
        u32   chargeVoltage = 0;
        u32   chargeTime = 0;
        if(sscanf(tempP,"AT=CHARGE,%[^,]%*[,] %[^,]%*[,] %[^#] ",tempBuf0,tempBuf1,tempBuf2) !=  0)
            chargeEnable  = atoi(tempBuf0);  
            chargeVoltage = atoi(tempBuf1); 
            chargeTime    = atoi(tempBuf2); 
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);                      //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));   //read back the flash parameter.        
            Parm.chargeEnable  = chargeEnable;          //
            Parm.chargeVoltage = chargeVoltage;  //    
            Parm.chargeTime    = chargeTime;  //                    
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.                
        printf("AT=CHARGE:%d,%dmv,%dm",Parm.chargeEnable,Parm.chargeVoltage,Parm.chargeTime); //            
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=CHARGE?")!=NULL)              //查询低电压阈值
    // {
    //     printf("AT=CHARGE:%d,%dmv,%dm",Parm.chargeEnable,Parm.chargeVoltage,Parm.chargeTime); //        
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=ADC1?")!=NULL)                //ADC 数据及采样频率
    // {
    //     printf("AT+ADC1:%dmv,SAMPLETIME:%dms",adc1.voltage,adc1.sampleTime); //            
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=ADC1,")!=NULL)                //查询电池电压
    // {
    //     char sampleTimeBuf[ATO_I_F_LEN] = {0};
    //     u32 sampleTime = 0;
    //     sscanf(rxBuf,"AT=ADC1,%[^#]",sampleTimeBuf);    
    //     sampleTime = atoi(sampleTimeBuf);
    //     adc1.sampleTime = sampleTime;            
    //      //缺少参数flash保存、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、            
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // //ADC2   //
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=ADC2DEBUG?")!=NULL)            //inquire gsonser debug log mode
    // {
    //     if(adc2.debug  == TRUE)  //debug mode
    //     {
    //         printf("AT+ADC2DEBUG,1");
    //     }
    //     else
    //     {
    //         printf("AT+ADC2DEBUG,0");
    //     }
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=ADC2DEBUG,1")!=NULL)      //enable GSENSOR debug log
    // {
    //     adc2.debug  = TRUE;
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=ADC2DEBUG,0")!=NULL)    //enable GSENSOR debug log
    // {
    //     adc2.debug  = FALSE;
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=ADC2?")!=NULL)                //查询电池电压
    // {
    //     printf("AT+ADC2:%d,SAMPLETIME:%d",adc2.voltage,adc2.sampleTime); //            
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }        
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=ADC2,")!=NULL)                //设置采样频率
    // {
    //     char sampleTimeBuf[ATO_I_F_LEN] = {0};
    //     u32 sampleTime = 0;
    //     sscanf(rxBuf,"AT=ADC2,%[^#]",sampleTimeBuf);    
    //     sampleTime = atoi(sampleTimeBuf);
    //     adc2.sampleTime = sampleTime;            
    //      //缺少参数flash保存、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、            
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }

    //work mode    //
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=SETWORKMODE,")!=NULL)    // work mode set
    // {
    //     char mode = 0;            
    //     if(sscanf(rxBuf,"AT=SETWORKMODE,%hhd",&mode) == 1)
    //     {    
    //         if(mode<3)    
    //         {
    //             u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);  //获取参数结构体地址。
    //             w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm)); //read back the flash parameter.
    //             Parm.currentMode = mode; 
    //             w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.、
    //             printf("AT=workMode,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",Parm.currentMode,Parm.wkMode[Parm.currentMode].heartBeatTimeLimit,Parm.wkMode[Parm.currentMode].positionReportTimeLimit,Parm.wkMode[Parm.currentMode].inflectionPointFlag,Parm.wkMode[Parm.currentMode].resetTime,Parm.wkMode[Parm.currentMode].sleepTime,Parm.wkMode[Parm.currentMode].workTime);
    //             AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    //         }    
    //         else
    //         {
    //             printf("The work mode is wrong.");
    //         }                
    //     }
    //     else
    //     {
    //         printf("The work mode is wrong.");
    //     }
    // }    
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=WORKMODE,0")!=NULL)    // work mode parameter set
        char mode = 0;
        // u32 heartBeatTimeLimit = 0;
        // u32 positionReportTime = 0;
        // char inflectionPointFlag = 0;
        u32 resetTime = 0;        
        u32 sleepTime = 0;
        u32 workTime = 0;    
        // char bufH[10];  //heart beat time.
        // char bufP[10];  //positionReportTime.
        char bufR[10];    //resetTime.
        char bufS[10];    //sleep time.
        char bufW[10];    //work time.
        if(sscanf(rxBuf,"AT=WORKMODE,%hhd%*[,] %[^,]%*[,] %[^,]%*[,] %[^#]",&mode,bufR,bufS,bufW) == 4)
            // heartBeatTimeLimit = 0xffffffff; //字符串转整形
            // positionReportTime =  0xffffffff;
            // inflectionPointFlag = 0;         //拐点上报关闭
            resetTime = atoi(bufR);    
            sleepTime = atoi(bufS);            
            workTime  = atoi(bufW);            
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);  //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm)); //read back the flash parameter.
            Parm.currentMode = mode; 
            // Parm.wkMode[mode].heartBeatTimeLimit      = heartBeatTimeLimit;    //unit:seconds 更新要修改的参数
            // Parm.wkMode[mode].positionReportTimeLimit = positionReportTime;    //unit:seconds
            // Parm.wkMode[mode].inflectionPointFlag     = inflectionPointFlag;   
            Parm.wkMode[mode].resetTime = resetTime;                      //unit:seconds    
            Parm.wkMode[mode].sleepTime = sleepTime; 
            Parm.wkMode[mode].workTime  = workTime; 
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.
            AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
            addSecondsRTC(&resetRtc,rtc,Parm.wkMode[Parm.currentMode].resetTime);  //下次重启RTC时间
            printf("The parameter is wrong.");
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=WORKMODE,")!=NULL)    // work mode parameter set
        char mode = 0;
        u32 heartBeatTimeLimit = 0;
        u32 positionReportTime = 0;
        char inflectionPointFlag = 0;
        u32 resetTime = 0;        
        u32 sleepTime = 0;
        u32 workTime = 0;    
        char bufH[10];  //heart beat time.
        char bufP[10];  //positionReportTime.
        char bufR[10];    //resetTime.
        char bufS[10];    //sleep time.
        char bufW[10];    //work time.
        if(sscanf(rxBuf,"AT=WORKMODE,%hhd%*[,]%[^,]%*[,]%[^,]%*[,]%hhd%*[,]%[^,]%*[,]%[^,]%*[,]%[^#]",&mode,(char*)bufH,(char*)bufP,&inflectionPointFlag,(char*)bufR,bufS,bufW) == 7)
            heartBeatTimeLimit = atoi(bufH) ; //字符串转整形
            positionReportTime =  atoi(bufP);
            resetTime = atoi(bufR);    
            sleepTime = atoi(bufS);            
            workTime  = atoi(bufW);            
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);  //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm)); //read back the flash parameter.
            Parm.currentMode = mode; 
            Parm.wkMode[mode].heartBeatTimeLimit      = heartBeatTimeLimit;    //unit:seconds 更新要修改的参数
            Parm.wkMode[mode].positionReportTimeLimit = positionReportTime;    //unit:seconds
            Parm.wkMode[mode].inflectionPointFlag     = inflectionPointFlag;   
            Parm.wkMode[mode].resetTime = resetTime;                      //unit:seconds    
            Parm.wkMode[mode].sleepTime = sleepTime; 
            Parm.wkMode[mode].workTime  = workTime; 
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.
            AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
            addSecondsRTC(&resetRtc,rtc,Parm.wkMode[Parm.currentMode].resetTime);  //下次重启RTC时间
            printf("The parameter is wrong.");
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=WORKMODE?")!=NULL)    // work mode query
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.            
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=INFO?")!=NULL)        // device info
        printf("AT=INFO:DEVICE:%s,",Device.id); //
        printf("UPDATE TIME:%s %s,",Device.date,Device.time);
        printf("软件版本:%s.\n",Device.versionS);  //Software version 
        printf("硬件版本:%s.\n",Device.versionH);  //Hardware version     
        // txHeader.id = T_ATTR_ACK_ID;      //发送给平台
        // jt808.ackSendFlag = TRUE;        
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.        
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=PARM=LIST=SIZE?")!=NULL)        // parameter data size
    // {
    //     printf("AT=PARM=LIST=SIZE:%d byte,",sizeof(Parm)); //
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.              
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=SETLPNUM,")!=NULL)    // set car number
    // {
    //     char buf[30] = {0};
    //     int temp =  sscanf(rxBuf,"AT=SETLPNUM,%s",buf);    
    //     memcpy(buf,rxBuf+12,Command.rxLen-12);    //copy the data to buf
    //     memcpy(Device.carNum,rxBuf+12,Command.rxLen-12);    //copy the data to buf            
    //     printf(buf,strlen(buf)); //    
    //     //printf("AT=SETLPNUM, len:%d",sizeof("AT=SETLPNUM,"));     
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.               
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=SETLPNUM?")!=NULL)    // car number?
    // {
    //     if(strlen(Device.carNum)<5)
    //     {
    //         printf("AT=SETLPNUM:EMPTY");
    //     }
    //     else
    //     {
    //         printf("AT=SETLPNUM:");
    //         printf(Device.carNum,8); //    
    //     }      
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.               
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=SETTYPE?")!=NULL)      // T type,DEVICE
    // {        
    //   printf(Device.id,strlen(Device.id)); //    
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.           
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=SETTYPE,")!=NULL)      // T type,DEVICE
    // {
    //     char buf[30] = {0};
    //     int temp =  sscanf(rxBuf,"AT=SETTYPE,%[^#]",buf);    
    //     if(strlen(buf)>2) 
    //     {
    //         memcpy(Device.id,buf,30); //包括后面的空字符,如此就不用清除Device.id[]中的残余数据.                
    //     }
    //     else
    //     {            
    //     }        
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.        
    // }

    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=SETSFCODE?")!=NULL)    // software code/version?
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.   NVIC_SystemReset();                    
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=SETHWCODE?")!=NULL)    // hardware code/version?
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.   NVIC_SystemReset();                
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=SETHWCODE,")!=NULL)    // Set hardware code/version.
        char buf[30] = {0};
        if(sscanf(rxBuf,"AT=SETHWCODE,%[^#]",buf) != 0)
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);  //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm)); //read back the flash parameter.
            sprintf(Parm.versionH,buf);   //
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.
            AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.   NVIC_SystemReset();

    //Buzz   //
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=BUZZSW,")!=NULL)               //BUZZ开关。
    // {
    //     char* tempP = strstr(rxBuf,"AT=BUZZSW,");
    //     char  tempBuf[10];
    //     u8    buzzSw = 0;
    //     if(sscanf(tempP,"AT=BUZZSW,%[^#] ",tempBuf) !=  0)
    //     {
    //         buzzSw = atoi(tempBuf);  
    //         u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);                      //获取参数结构体地址。
    //         w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));   //read back the flash parameter.        
    //         Parm.buzzSw = buzzSw;                            //BUZZ开关。            
    //         w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.    
    //         if (Parm.buzzSw)
    //         {
    //             setBuzz(100,100,1); //buzz param set: T(on off) times    
    //         }                        
    //     }
    //     printf("AT=BUZZSW,%d",Parm.buzzSw);    
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=BUZZSW?")!=NULL)               //BUZZ开关。
    // {        
    //     printf("AT=BUZZSW,%d",Parm.buzzSw);    
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    //RTC   //
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=RTC?")!=NULL)        //RTC 时间查询
    // {
    //     printf("AT+RTC:offsetY:%d,UTC:%d,offset:%d,DATE:%d/%d/%d,WEEK:%d,time:%d:%d:%d\r\n",rtc.offsetY,rtc.utc,rtc.offSet,rtc.year+rtc.offsetY,rtc.month,rtc.date,rtc.weekDay,rtc.hours,rtc.minutes,rtc.seconds);            
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.   NVIC_SystemReset();                    
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=RTCTIME,")!=NULL)    //RTC 时间设置
    // {
    //     char hourBuf[ATO_I_F_LEN] = {0};
    //     char nimuteBuf[ATO_I_F_LEN] = {0};
    //     char secondBuf[ATO_I_F_LEN] = {0};
    //     uint8_t Hours = 0;
    //     uint8_t Minutes = 0;
    //     uint8_t Seconds = 0;        
    //     int temp =  sscanf(rxBuf,"AT=RTCTIME,%[^,]%*[,] %[^,]%*[,] %[^#] ",hourBuf,nimuteBuf,secondBuf);    
    //     Hours = atoi(hourBuf);
    //     Minutes = atoi(nimuteBuf);
    //     Seconds = atoi(secondBuf);    
    //     rtcSetTime.Hours =     Hours;    
    //     rtcSetTime.Seconds =    Seconds;
    //     rtcSetTime.Minutes =  Minutes;
    //     rtc.setTime = 1; //设置RTC 时间
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.   NVIC_SystemReset();            
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=RTCDATE,")!=NULL)    //RTC 日期设置
    // {
    //     char yearBuf[ATO_I_F_LEN] = {0};
    //     char monthBuf[ATO_I_F_LEN] = {0};
    //     char dayBuf[ATO_I_F_LEN] = {0};
    //     u16 Year = 0;
    //     uint8_t Month = 0;
    //     uint8_t Date = 0;        
    //     int temp =  sscanf(rxBuf,"AT=RTCDATE,%[^,]%*[,] %[^,]%*[,] %[^#] ",yearBuf,monthBuf,dayBuf);    
    //     Year = atoi(yearBuf);
    //     Month = atoi(monthBuf);
    //     Date = atoi(dayBuf);    
    //     rtcSetData.Year = Year-2000;
    //     rtcSetData.Month = Month;
    //     rtcSetData.Date = Date;
    //     rtcSetData.WeekDay = weekDay(rtcSetData.Year,rtcSetData.Month,rtcSetData.Date);        
    //     rtc.setDate = 1; //设置RTC 日期
    //     printf("year = %d,month = %d,day =%d,weekDay = %d.\n",rtcSetData.Year,rtcSetData.Month,rtcSetData.Date, rtcSetData.WeekDay);
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.   NVIC_SystemReset();            
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=GMT?")!=NULL)        //时区查询
    // {
    //     printf("AT+GMT:%d,%d",rtc.utc,rtc.offSet);      
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.   NVIC_SystemReset();                    
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=GMT,")!=NULL)        //RTC
    // {
    //     char utcBuf[ATO_I_F_LEN] = {0};
    //     char offsetBuf[ATO_I_F_LEN] = {0};
    //     int16_t utc = 0;
    //     int16_t offset = 0;        
    //     if(sscanf(rxBuf,"AT=GMT,%[^,]%*[,] %[^#] ",utcBuf,offsetBuf) == 2)
    //     {
    //         utc = atoi(utcBuf);
    //         offset = atoi(offsetBuf);
    //         rtc.utc = utc;
    //         rtc.offSet = offset; 
    //         u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);  //获取参数结构体地址。
    //         w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm)); //read back the flash parameter.
    //         Parm.utc = rtc.utc;              //默认北京时间,东八区    
    //         Parm.offSet = rtc.offSet;           //时差
    //         w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.            
    //         AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.   NVIC_SystemReset();    
    //     }    
    //     else
    //     {
    //         printf("The parameter is wrong.\n");
    //     }            
    // }
    //GPS   //
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=GPSDEBUG?")!=NULL)          //inquire gps debug log mode
        if(Gps.debug  == TRUE)  //debug mode
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=GPSDEBUG,1")!=NULL)    //enable gps debug log
        Gps.debug  = TRUE;
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=GPSDEBUG,0")!=NULL)    //disable gps debug log
        Gps.debug  = FALSE;
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=GPSPOWER,0")!=NULL)    //disable gps debug log
        GPS_POWER(FALSE);    //Turn off the gps.
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=GPSPOWER,1")!=NULL)    //disable gps debug log
        GPS_POWER(TRUE);    //Turn on the gps.
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=GPS+")!=NULL)               //4G 数据透传。
    // {
    //     sscanf(rxBuf,"AT=GPS+%[^#]",usart4.txBuf);
    //     usart4.txLen = Command.rxLen-7;
    //     gpsSend((u8*)usart4.txBuf,usart4.txLen);
    //     printf(usart4.txBuf,usart4.txLen);
    //     Gps.debug = TRUE;
    //     // ec800.txDebug = TRUE;
    //     // AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=AGPSNOW")!=NULL)               //4G 数据透传。
        Gps.agpsFlag = TRUE;
        Gps.txDebug = TRUE;
        printf("手动开启AGPS------------------------.\r\n");  //
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=AGPSSW,")!=NULL)               //AGPS开关。
        char* tempP = strstr(rxBuf,"AT=AGPSSW,");
        char  tempBuf[10];
        u8    agpsSwitch = 0;
        if(sscanf(tempP,"AT=AGPSSW,%[^#] ",tempBuf) !=  0)
            agpsSwitch = atoi(tempBuf);  
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);                      //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));   //read back the flash parameter.        
            Parm.agpsSw = agpsSwitch;                        //AGPS开关。            
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.                
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=AGPSNUM,")!=NULL)               //AGPS有效星历阈值。
        char* tempP = strstr(rxBuf,"AT=AGPSNUM,");
        char  tempBuf[10];
        u8    agpsNumLimit = 0;
        if(sscanf(tempP,"AT=AGPSNUM,%[^#] ",tempBuf) !=  0)
            agpsNumLimit = atoi(tempBuf);  
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);                      //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));   //read back the flash parameter.        
            Parm.agpsNumLimit = agpsNumLimit;                        //AGPS有效星历阈值。            
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.                
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=AGPSNUM?")!=NULL)               //AGPS有效星历阈值查询。
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=AGPSLIST,")!=NULL)    //AT set sleep and wake up time指令解析。
        u32 port = 0;
        // char* portBuf;
        // char* ipBuf;
        char type[40];
        char ipBuf[SERVER_IP_LEN];
        char portBuf[10];
        char userNameBuf[SERVER_IP_LEN];
        char userPwdBuf[20];
        char timeOutBuf[20];
        char typeListBuf[SERVER_IP_LEN];
        //                                                        A      ip           port        user name   pwd        超时        包含的芯片型号
        if(sscanf((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=AGPSLIST,%[^,]%*[,] %[^:]%*[:]  %[^,]%*[,]  %[^,]%*[,]  %[^,]%*[,] %[^,]%*[,] %[^#]",type,ipBuf,portBuf,userNameBuf,userPwdBuf,timeOutBuf,typeListBuf) != 0)
            port  = atoi(portBuf);         
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);  //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm)); //read back the flash parameter.        
            sprintf(Parm.agpsIp[0].addr,ipBuf);    //        
            Parm.agpsIp[0].port = port;
            sprintf(Parm.agps0UserName,userNameBuf);    // 
            sprintf(Parm.agps0Pwd,userPwdBuf);    // 
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.
            printf("The server IP :%s, port :%d .\n", Parm.agpsIp[0].addr,Parm.agpsIp[0].port);    
            AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.                    
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=GPSCN,")!=NULL)     //GPS低功耗设置。   
        char* tempP = strstr(rxBuf,"AT=GPSCN,");
        char gpsCnBuf[ATO_I_F_LEN] = {0};            //gps CN值
        char satelliteMinNumBuf[ATO_I_F_LEN] = {0};  //gps工作最小卫星颗数限制。
        char gpsDetTimeLimitBuf[ATO_I_F_LEN] = {0};  //GPS检测时间,获取卫星数据,CN值的时间,不符合要求则直接中断GPS操作。
        char gpsMaxWorkTimeBuf[ATO_I_F_LEN] = {0};   //最大工作时间,单位:秒
        char spsLpTimeLimitBuf[ATO_I_F_LEN] = {0};   //低功耗模式开启时间限制,单位秒。
        char gpsAdvanceTimeBuf[ATO_I_F_LEN] = {0};   //
        char gpsAfter200WorkTimeBuf[ATO_I_F_LEN] = {0};   //定位上报后工作时间,单位:秒
        if(sscanf(tempP,"AT=GPSCN,%[^,]%*[,] %[^,]%*[,] %[^,]%*[,] %[^,]%*[,]  %[^,]%*[,] %[^,]%*[,] %[^#] ",gpsCnBuf,satelliteMinNumBuf,gpsDetTimeLimitBuf,gpsMaxWorkTimeBuf,spsLpTimeLimitBuf,gpsAdvanceTimeBuf,gpsAfter200WorkTimeBuf)!= 0)
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);  //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));   //read back the flash parameter.        
            Parm.gpsCn           = atoi(gpsCnBuf);           //gps CN值过滤参数。
            Parm.satelliteMinNum = atoi(satelliteMinNumBuf); //gps工作最小卫星颗数限制。
            Parm.gpsDetTimeLimit = atoi(gpsDetTimeLimitBuf); //GPS检测时间,获取卫星数据,CN值的时间,不符合要求则直接中断GPS操作。
            Parm.gpsMaxWorkTime  = atoi(gpsMaxWorkTimeBuf);  //最大工作时间,单位:秒
            Parm.gpsLpTimeLimit  = atoi(spsLpTimeLimitBuf);  //gps低功耗开启时间限制,单位秒。
            Parm.gpsAdvanceTime  = atoi(gpsAdvanceTimeBuf);  //提前打开gps时间,单位:秒。
            Parm.gpsAfter200WorkTime  = atoi(gpsAfter200WorkTimeBuf);  //最小工作时间,单位:秒
            Parm.gpsMinWorkTime = Parm.gpsAdvanceTime+Parm.gpsAfter200WorkTime; //定位上报后工作时间,单位:秒
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.
            AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.        
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=GPSCN?")!=NULL)     //
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.        
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=OBDCHARGE,")!=NULL)               //打开充电
        char* tempP = strstr(rxBuf,"AT=OBDCHARGE,");
        char  tempBuf[10];
        u8    open = 0;
        if(sscanf(tempP,"AT=OBDCHARGE,%[^#] ",tempBuf) !=  0)
            open = atoi(tempBuf);  
            if( open == 1)
                EX_POWER(1);  //打开12V充电电源。 
                Power.obdChargeFlag = TRUE;
                addSecondsRTC(&chargeRtc,rtc,Parm.chargeTime*60);    //
                EX_POWER(0);  //关闭12V充电电源。 
                Power.obdChargeFlag = TRUE;
                addSecondsRTC(&chargeRtc,rtc,0);    //
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.    
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=CANVCCOPEN?")!=NULL)     //OBD电压状态查询
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.        
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=CANVCCOPEN,")!=NULL)     //打开OBD系统电压。
        char* tempP = strstr(rxBuf,"AT=CANVCCOPEN,");
        char  tempBuf0[10] = {0};
        char  tempBuf1[10] = {0};
        u8    obdSysPowerStatus = 0; //OBD 系统电源。
        u32 doNotSleepTime = 0;
        if(sscanf(tempP,"AT=CANVCCOPEN,%[^,]%*[,] %[^#] ",tempBuf0,tempBuf1) !=  0)
            obdSysPowerStatus = atoi(tempBuf0);  
            doNotSleepTime = atoi(tempBuf1); 
            Sleep.enable = FALSE;      //休眠使能关闭。
            if( obdSysPowerStatus == 1)
                ODB_POWER(TRUE);  //OBD系统电压。1:打开  0:关闭
                ODB_POWER(FALSE); //OBD系统电压。1:打开 0:关闭
            Sleep.doNotSleepTime =     doNotSleepTime;        
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=READVIN")!=NULL)     //重新读取VIN码
        obd.accFlag = TRUE;
        // obd.status = OBD_POWER_ON;
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.        
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=VINCODE?")!=NULL)     //查询VIN码
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.        
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=VINCODECLEAR")!=NULL)     //VIN CODE clear
        for (u16 i = 0; i < 40; i++)
            obd.vinCodeBuf[i] = 0;
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.        
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=VCCLOW?")!=NULL)         //12V OBD电压状态查询
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=VCCLOW,")!=NULL)               //
        char* tempP = strstr(rxBuf,"AT=VCCLOW,");
        char  tempBuf[10];
        u32    exLowPower = 0; //OBD 外电源电压。
        if(sscanf(tempP,"AT=VCCLOW,%[^#] ",tempBuf) !=  0)
            exLowPower = atoi(tempBuf);  
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);                      //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));   //read back the flash parameter.        
            Parm.exLowPower = exLowPower;   //OBD外电压低压阈值。
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.                        
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=OBDVCCCOMPENSTATE?")!=NULL)     //OBD电压补偿参数补偿。
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=OBDVCCCOMPENSTATE,")!=NULL)               //
        char* tempP = strstr(rxBuf,"AT=OBDVCCCOMPENSTATE,");
        char  tempBuf0[10] = {0};
        char  tempBuf1[10] = {0};
        u32   chargeCompenstateV = 0; //OBD 外电源充电状态拉低电压补偿。
        s32   rsErrorCompenstateV = 0;
        if(sscanf(tempP,"AT=OBDVCCCOMPENSTATE,%[^,]%*[,] %[^#] ",tempBuf0,tempBuf1) !=  0)
            chargeCompenstateV = atoi(tempBuf0); 
            rsErrorCompenstateV = atoi(tempBuf1); 
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);                      //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));   //read back the flash parameter.        
            Parm.chargeCompenstateV = chargeCompenstateV;    //OBD外电源充电状态拉低电压补偿。
            Parm.rsErrorCompenstateV = rsErrorCompenstateV;  //OBD外电ADC分压电阻误差补偿参数
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.                        
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=OBDVERSON?")!=NULL)     //OBD电压补偿参数补偿。
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=ACCVOLTAGE,")!=NULL)               //设置ACC检测电压阈值 单位:mv
        char* tempP = strstr(rxBuf,"AT=ACCVOLTAGE,");
        char  tempBuf0[10];            
        u32   accVoltage = 0;    
        if(sscanf(tempP,"AT=ACCVOLTAGE,%[^#] ",tempBuf0) !=  0)
            accVoltage  = atoi(tempBuf0);  
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);                      //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));   //read back the flash parameter.        
            Parm.accVoltage  = accVoltage;          //    
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.                
        printf("AT=ACCVOLTAGE:%dmv",Parm.accVoltage); //            
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=ACCVOLTAGE?")!=NULL)              //查询低电压阈值
        printf("AT=ACCVOLTAGE:%dmv",Parm.accVoltage); //            
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.

    // //LOCK   //
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=LOCKDEBUG?")!=NULL)          //inquire gps debug log mode
    // {
    //     if(lock.debug  == TRUE)  //debug mode
    //     {
    //         printf("AT=LOCKDEBUG,1");
    //     }
    //     else
    //     {
    //         printf("AT=LOCKDEBUG,0");
    //     }
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=LOCKDEBUG,1")!=NULL)    //enable  debug log
    // {
    //     lock.debug  = TRUE;
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=LOCKDEBUG,0")!=NULL)    //disable  debug log
    // {
    //     lock.debug  = FALSE;
    //     AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    // }
    // else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=UNLOCKOPEN,")!=NULL)    //open lock
    // {
    //     char modeBuf[10];
    //     char openTimeBuf[10];
    //     if(sscanf((const char *)rxBuf,"AT=UNLOCKOPEN,%[^,]%*[,]  %[^#]",modeBuf,openTimeBuf) != 0)
    //     {
    //         lock.mode  = atoi(modeBuf); 
    //         lock.openTime = atoi(openTimeBuf); 
    //         lock.openFlag  = TRUE;
    //       AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    //     }
    //     else 
    //     {
    //         printf("The lock parameter is wrong.\n");
    //     }        
    // }

    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=LIGHT_F_WAKEUP_SW,")!=NULL)               //前光感唤醒。
        char* tempP = strstr(rxBuf,"AT=LIGHT_F_WAKEUP_SW,");
        char  tempBuf[10];
        u8    switchStatus = 0;    //开关信息
        if(sscanf(tempP,"AT=LIGHT_F_WAKEUP_SW,%[^#] ",tempBuf) !=  0)
            switchStatus = atoi(tempBuf);  
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);                      //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));   //read back the flash parameter.        
            LIGHT_F_WAKEUP_SW = switchStatus;                            //BUZZ开关。
            // Parm.crc = getParmCrc(); //计算校验和            
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.                
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=LIGHT_F_ALARM_SW,")!=NULL)                   //前光感报警
        char* tempP = strstr(rxBuf,"AT=LIGHT_F_ALARM_SW,");
        char  tempBuf[10];
        u8    switchStatus = 0;    //开关信息
        if(sscanf(tempP,"AT=LIGHT_F_ALARM_SW,%[^#] ",tempBuf) !=  0)
            switchStatus = atoi(tempBuf);  
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);                      //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));   //read back the flash parameter.        
            LIGHT_F_ALARM_SW = switchStatus;                            //BUZZ开关。
            // Parm.crc = getParmCrc(); //计算校验和            
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.                
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=LIGHT_B_WAKEUP_SW,")!=NULL)               //后光感唤醒
        char* tempP = strstr(rxBuf,"AT=LIGHT_B_WAKEUP_SW,");
        char  tempBuf[10];
        u8    switchStatus = 0;    //开关信息
        if(sscanf(tempP,"AT=LIGHT_B_WAKEUP_SW,%[^#] ",tempBuf) !=  0)
            switchStatus = atoi(tempBuf);  
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);                      //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));   //read back the flash parameter.        
            LIGHT_B_WAKEUP_SW = switchStatus;                            //BUZZ开关。
            // Parm.crc = getParmCrc(); //计算校验和            
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.                
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=LIGHT_B_ALARM_SW,")!=NULL)                      //后光感报警
        char* tempP = strstr(rxBuf,"AT=LIGHT_B_ALARM_SW,");
        char  tempBuf[10];
        u8    switchStatus = 0;    //开关信息
        if(sscanf(tempP,"AT=LIGHT_B_ALARM_SW,%[^#] ",tempBuf) !=  0)
            switchStatus = atoi(tempBuf);  
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);                      //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));   //read back the flash parameter.        
            LIGHT_B_ALARM_SW = switchStatus;                            //BUZZ开关。
            // Parm.crc = getParmCrc(); //计算校验和            
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.                
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    else if(strstr(rxBuf,"AT=VIBRATE_WAKEUP_SW,")!=NULL)               //震动唤醒
        char* tempP = strstr(rxBuf,"AT=VIBRATE_WAKEUP_SW,");
        char  tempBuf[10];
        u8    switchStatus = 0;    //开关信息
        if(sscanf(tempP,"AT=VIBRATE_WAKEUP_SW,%[^#] ",tempBuf) !=  0)
            switchStatus = atoi(tempBuf);  
            u8 * parmP = (u8 *)(&Parm);                      //获取参数结构体地址。
            w25qxxRead(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));   //read back the flash parameter.        
            VIBRATE_WAKEUP_SW = switchStatus;                            //BUZZ开关。    
            // Parm.crc = getParmCrc(); //计算校验和        
            w25qxxWrite(parmP,PARAMETER_ADDR,sizeof(Parm));  //Write system parameters to FLASH.                
        AT_ACK(); // company AT command general ACK.
    //absent command deal   /
    else  //absent AT command.
        printf("AT command maybe absent.\r\n");     //This code just for testing.





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