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转载 世界首席黑客

我的主页http://www.tigerion.cn十大超级老牌黑客之一:约翰*德拉浦    1943年出生于美国乡村的德拉浦,从小就表现出了极强的反叛性格,这样的性格决定了 日后他那特立独行的骇客面目。不过尽管他的个性孤辟,但是他却拥有了一个异常发达的大脑,这使他常常可以比别人更快地获得新的知识。上世纪60年代初期, 德拉浦开始接触到计算机这个新生的事物,尽管当时的计算机还只是个庞大、繁杂、呆板

2007-09-30 23:06:00 1458

原创 示波器小动画

我的网站 :http://www.tigerion.cn/*操作说明:Tab:竖直移动   空格:水平选择加下划线字母  快捷键:增加E:退出*/#include #include #include #include #include #include #include int locy[4]={370,405,430,455};/*四紫灯的竖坐标*/struct  {      float i

2007-09-27 21:58:00 876

原创 泡泡屏保

我的网站 :http://www.tigerion.cn/* 泡泡屏保 */#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX 12typedef struct  {     float x,y;      float  vx,vy;     int color;  }ball; void main(

2007-09-27 21:52:00 859

原创 两正点电荷产生电场线

我的网站http://www.tigerion.cn /* 两异号电荷产生电场线 */#include "stdio.h"#include "graphics.h"#include "math.h"#define K 300.0#define PI 3.141592653typedef struct  /*点元素*/   {         double x;         double y; 

2007-09-27 21:45:00 1655 2

转载 十大IT危机处理高手

我的网站http://www.tigerion.cnIT人物黑名单:十大冤家  一、十大IT危机处理高手      陈永正 微软大中华区CEO 46岁   从空降到微软的那一天起,很多人对于他是否能平衡各方面的利益,超越前几任心存疑问,而他到任后以铁腕手段对微软中国进行的“维新”,获得了总部的肯定。     郭为 神州数码有限公司总裁 40岁   11年中他换了13个岗位,在联想郭为有着“救火队长

2007-09-27 21:39:00 2533

原创 ubuntu简单安装

  Ubuntu简单安装 来源:http://www.tigerion.cn 作者:虎成 发布时间:2007-09-18  

2007-09-27 21:35:00 514

原创 Fedora7 的虚拟机安装

我的主页 http://www.tigerion.cn虚拟机安装Fedora 7  1、启动VMware并新建虚拟机,打开虚拟机向导窗口  2、下一步后在客户机操作系统中选择Linux,版本中选择Red Hat Linux    3、点下一步,填入虚拟机名称和位置。注意所选的位置所在的盘一定要有足够大的空间,        不然下来无法安装完成Linux       4、下一步,在

2007-09-27 21:30:00 962 2

原创 ubuntu下qq安装和SCIM输入法配置

 我的主页 http://www.tigerion.cn  在安装过程发生网络中断或跳过中文语言包下载安装都会导致ubuntu汉化不完全问题解决方法如下: sudo apt-get install language-pack-zh language-pack-gnome-zh 系统的简体中文语言包。  sudo apt-get install fcitx 输入法,

2007-09-27 21:27:00 1016

原创 我对C语言文件的理解

我的网站 http://www.tigerion.cn我对C语言文件的理解以前在对C语言文件操作时,产生了很多困惑,于是便尝试建立一些观点,来解释这些困惑。下面则是我的观点。一.文件读写函数有自己的规则,该规则不受文件打开方式("wt"还是"wb")的影响。1 fprintf();该函数将要输出的项转化为字符串,然后将字符串输出到文件里。对打开方式是"w"或"wb"作用都一样。

2007-09-26 13:34:00 854

原创 编程技巧有多重要

我的网站http://www.tigerion.cn  本文章撇开技巧,谈谈别的东西,看到底你就知道我要说什么了。    很多人孜孜不倦地寻求技巧,然而技巧到底要做什么,达到一定的目的或标准吧,然而现实生活中大多是低俗的标准。从小学初中高中走过来,标准时时‘激励’着我,帮助我炼成了很多独门秘技(考试专用),既然是独门,那就不外传了,我又不想收徒弟。    不过还是透露一点,我一贯的作法是:在

2007-09-26 13:33:00 435

原创 怎样学习C语言

我的网站http://www.tigerion.cn  题目是关于C语言,其实我主要想说说程序该怎么学,或者一点感悟罢了,在这里,我只想引用身边的几个人的例子,来谈一下对程序学习的理解 第一个人要说到我了,我对程序产生兴趣,是听说程序可以作游戏,那时候是在初一,然而借来一本"G"-BASIC简明教材后,我便傻了眼。陌生的词汇,古怪的逻辑,都是些天文的中文译本,头疼了好一阵子。然而

2007-09-26 13:23:00 536

数据结构习题总结 拾荒小记

从链表到模式匹配,矩阵,广义表,树,图,回溯,排序等等,严蔚敏书中 80% 的算法都自己实现,用C++语言,做个总结,也做点贡献。 拾荒小记


结合telnet与ftp 功能服务器wasd第三版源码

################################################################################ # # Super Ftp Server and Client for Wall-e # # Sun May 30 2009 # # author: supertiger # # version: 3.0 # ################################################################################ Introduct Wall-e is a team for a project about two-demision code ,for details at this:http://hi.baidu.com/hzau_wall_e this server and client programs is created for the s3c2410 platform board to conveniencely control it and fulfil files transferring at the same time , that is a simple combinationfor telnet and ftp server. Of course there are many fails and bugs in it , I'll appreciate the correction and criticism! Functions 1 no count and no authentication , the shell running level result in who run the server in server side 2 basic ftp transferring functions as get files (g files ) and send files(s fname). 3 running common shells in client side(!cmd) and server side(cmd) 4 support multi-connections for multi-clients 5 Ctrl+C to break client and server shells, but also file transferring 6 error return: the server side will print error message in /var/log/wasd.log, and the client side will print these to stderr 7 help message (h) 8 see server's log(logv) 9 edit remote file, use vi ,vim ,gedit, gvim 9 cmd line params to fulfil client running a series tasks at once(before login) eg: was -s hello -d /tmp -r -p supertiger Usage 0 make the server and client change to this direction in console and run make [target] target: 1) [null] equal to bestl 2) all make server and client for both platform (arm and x86 linux) 3) host server (server_h) and client (client_h) for x86 linux 4) arm server (server_a) and client (client_a) for arm linux 5) hsac server (wasd) for x86 and client(was) for arm linux 6) ashc server (wasd) for arm and client (was) for x86 linux 7) best equals to ashc 8) you can change thest by edit Makefile 1 run the server and client server: ./wasd client: 1)login to run /was xx.xx.xx.xx then you can operate in the client side. the prompt of client side will be: Walle> 2) run a series operations through cmd lines before login ./was xx.xx.xx.xx [-s object] [-d dest ][-r [-p param] ] [-l ] [s]: send a file (object) [d]: specify the destination to change into, also where the object to save [r]: run it in the server [p]: specify the params [l]: lively, without this option client wll close after it's performance you can add this to Makefile to fulfill downloading and running programs automatically. eg:(my hello world test prog, i put the was to /usr/bin/ ) #Makefile ... smart: hello was -s hello -d /tmp -r -p supertiger hello supertiger! #Makefile ... smart: hello was -s hello -d /tmp -r -p supertiger -l hello supertiger! Walle> 2 run server side shells [usage] : cmd [return]: return what the shell will return to stdout and stderr . [eg]: Walle>ping baidu.com PING baidu.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=45.9 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=55 time=46.7 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=55 time=45.3 ms break by user! # user press Ctrl+C Walle>ls -l 总计 152 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 17382 05-30 22:00 client_a -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 13060 05-30 22:00 client_h -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4485 05-30 16:01 common.h -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 462 05-30 21:43 Makefile -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 579 05-30 22:00 README -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 577 05-30 22:00 README~ -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 20835 05-30 22:00 server_a -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 16176 05-30 22:00 server_h -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5225 05-30 21:47 sock_client.c -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4362 05-30 15:09 sock_server.c Walle>cd /root Walle>pwd /root Walle> Walle>get aaa sh: get: command not found Walle> 3 run client side local shells [usage] :! cmd [return]: return what the shell will return to stdout and stderr . [eg] : Walle>!ls /root a es OperaDownloads aa f Pictures anaconda-ks.cfg fcitx Public automake_cn.htm g save_usb b install server_a client_h install.log server_h common.c install.log.syslog src common.h~ ked tcpd-0.2.0.tar.gz dairy Music Templates Desktop my_fs tmp Documents myos Unsaved Document 1 4 send files [usage] :s localfilename [return]: return successfully message,if success, or print error messages error message will be introduced below [eg] : Walle>s /usr/src/qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.4.3.tar.gz send files successfully! Walle>ls -l ...... 1 root root 124238957 05-30 22:09 qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.4.3.tar.gz Walle> tar xzvf qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.4.3.tar.gz ...... [note] : /usr/src/qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.4.3.tar.gz will be sent to server's `pwd` as qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.4.3.tar.gz 5 get files [usage] : g remotefilename [return]: return successfully message,if success, or print error messages error message will be introduced below [eg] : Walle> ls .... Walle>g /root/tcpd-0.2.0.tar.gz get remote files successfully! Walle> [note] : file /root/tcpd-0.2.0.tar.gz will be save in local's `pwd` as tcpd-0.2.0.tar.gz 5 error return the server side will print error message in /var/log/wasd.log, and the client side will print these to stderr 6 help message print h and enter in client, and you will see the help message 8 see server's log [eg]: Walle>logv login at Fri Jul 3 02:41:38 2009 run shell cat /var/log/wasd.log successfully! at Fri Jul 3 03:01:22 2009 7 edit files [usage]: <edit tool> filename [edit tool]: vi, vim ,gedit, gvim you can specify a file to edit with gvim, vi, vim, gedit , during this processing , the client will download the file first ,edit it , and then send it over, at last remove the local file,you can also specify a file with its path 8 bugs 1)client can only send keyboard signal Ctrl+C to server, so there are many shells programs couldn't be runned by client side(I'm really sorry for this): eg:ex,ed ,top ... but you can press Ctrl+C to break it! and server and client will still work normally. 2) during edit remote file , if you press gedit and there is already gedit windows opened , you will failed to modify the remote file, for gedit will not block the proc in such case. 9 contact if you've any questions please send Email to me at [email protected] or chat me by QQ : 547268476, I'll appreciate it !



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linux 下 结合ftp 和部分telnet 功能的服务器源码

################################################################################ # # # Super Ftp Server and Client for Wall-e # #


linux 下 带shell功能ftp源代码

################################################################################ # # # Super Ftp Server and Client for Wall-e # # # # SatMay30 2009 # # # ################################################################################ ////////\\\\\\\ ||Introduct || \\\\\\\\/////// Wall-e is a team for a project about two-demision code , for details at this:http://hi.baidu.com/hzau_wall_e this server and client programs is created for the s3c2410 platform board to conveniencely control it and fulfil files transferring at the same time , that is a simple combination for telnet and ftp server. Of course there are many fails and bugs in it , I'll appreciate the correction and criticism! ////////\\\\\\\ ||Functions || \\\\\\\\/////// 1 no count and no authentication , the shell running level result in who run the server in server side 2 basic ftp transferring functions as get files (g files ) and send files(s fname). 3 running common shells in client side(!cmd) and server side(cmd) ////////\\\\\\\ || Usage || \\\\\\\\/////// 1 run the server and client server: ./server_x # x is for your platform h for host pc, a for arm, as details to see Makefile client: ./client_x xx.xx.xx.xx then you can operate in the client side. the prompt of client side will be: Walle> 2 run server side shells [usage] : cmd [return]: return what the shell will return to stdout and stderr . [eg]: Walle>ls -l 总计 152 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 17382 05-30 22:00 client_a -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 13060 05-30 22:00 client_h -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4485 05-30 16:01 common.h -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 462 05-30 21:43 Makefile -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 579 05-30 22:00 README -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 577 05-30 22:00 README~ -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 20835 05-30 22:00 server_a -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 16176 05-30 22:00 server_h -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5225 05-30 21:47 sock_client.c -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4362 05-30 15:09 sock_server.c Walle>cd /root Walle>pwd /root Walle> Walle>get aaa sh: get: command not found Walle> 3 run client side local shells [usage] :! cmd [return]: return what the shell will return to stdout and stderr . [eg] : Walle>!ls /root a es OperaDownloads aa f Pictures anaconda-ks.cfg fcitx Public automake_cn.htm g save_usb b install server_a client_h install.log server_h common.c install.log.syslog src common.h~ ked tcpd-0.2.0.tar.gz dairy Music Templates Desktop my_fs tmp Documents myos Unsaved Document 1 4 send files [usage] :s localfilename [return]: return successfully message,if success, or print error messages error message will be introduced below [eg] : Walle>! cd /usr/src/ Walle>s qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.4.3.tar.gz send files successfully! Walle>ls -l ...... 1 root root 124238957 05-30 22:09 qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.4.3.tar.gz Walle> tar xzvf qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.4.3.tar.gz ...... 5 get files [usage] : g remotefilename [return]: return successfully message,if success, or print error messages error message will be introduced below [eg] : Walle> ls .... Walle>g tcpd-0.2.0.tar.gz get remote files successfully! Walle> 5 error return xsh:cmd: xxx xxx : error return from shells F_N_EST : file does not exists! SOCK_SEND_ERR : send socket data err! case S_RPC_TIMEOUT : socket rpc timeout!(wait for 5 secs no sequential data arrives from server) case F_C_ERR : file create error! default : unknown error! 6 bugs both side couldn't send control signal to each other, that is you can only send message that after a line break. so there are many shells programs couldn't be runned by client side: vi, ex,ed ,top ... , I'm really sorry for this. 7 contact if you've any questions please send Email to me at [email protected] or chat me by QQ : 547268476, I'll appreciate it !


VC MAPX 经典教程

VC MAPX 经典教程 chm 版 01vcgis控件显示 02vcmapx工具条 03全图工具 04图层控制控件实现 05经纬度显示 06测距工具 07数据绑定基础 08基于图层的数据绑定 09基于ADO的数据绑定 10基于安全数组的数据绑定 11经纬坐标的绑定 12基于点的数据绑定 13专题图 14图元查找 15在地图上显示位图文字 index 以上内容为本人开发 wince下 GIS 项目的总结.


ADOCE 的封装类 可用于WINCE 下SQL server 和 pocket access 操作

将Connection 类和 Recordset 类 的指针封装在一个类中, 对数据库的打开,表的建立,SQL 查询 字段及记录的操作提供了详尽且方便的接口



========== 功能 : 1支持简单的浮点算术运算,包括:+,-,*,/,^, 其中 .作0处理 3.为3.0 4 支持连加连乘 ++,** 如 3++#, (2+5)** 2 支持正负号如 -3+4 , (-.5)+6 , -(-3*5.5+12)+2 2 支持多层嵌套括号运算如 (((3)))结果为3 ,但空括号视为非法 如() 3 实现排错处理 如 1) 空格过滤: 3 3 3+ 5 视 333+5 2) 括号不匹配 )(3+(3.5), 3) 非法 字符 如 2+3! , 3+3= 4) 表达式语法错误 例 (3+2)(2*3), 3+), 2.22.2*5, 3++2,6/*3, 3+ 5) 除零错误: 如 3.2*3/(5-5) 输出 DIVIDE ZERO! 注:上述表达式均通过测试 使用说明: 1 程序运行后输入表达式 (((((-.5)))) )^2+.+ 134.00/ 2+(3.5*((4 .6/2.3)-2))+ 32 0 则输出结果387.25 2 作者: 虎成 2007 QQ:547268476


utf8 文件转换gb2312

可将某一目录中符合指定扩展名(可多个)的utf8 的所有文件(递归探索) 转换成gb2312 字符集, 并按原目录形式存放于另一指定位置


gnu as 汇编手册及翻译

gnu as 汇编手册, 本人自己翻译的,仅供参考!





My Life (我的生活)

美国前任总统Bill Clinton本人写的传记,pdf格式,非常清晰,学习英语的好帮手。


数据结构 代码集 拾荒小记

自己写的一本数据结构程序集,电子书chm版,实现了严蔚敏版的数据结构中80%以上的算法,书中100% 的代码都是由个人编写. 是本人学习编程,学习数据结构的一个总结. 取名为拾荒小记 亦为总结,亦为追忆



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