Hyperledger Fabric 1.3 官方文档翻译(三)关键概念 (Key Concepts) - 3.1 介绍 (Introduction)


Hyperledger Fabric is a platform for distributed ledger solutions underpinned by a modular architecture delivering high degrees of confidentiality, resiliency, flexibility, and scalability. It is designed to support pluggable implementations of different components and accommodate the complexity and intricacies that exist across the economic ecosystem.
Hyperledger Fabric是一个用于分布式账本的解决方案平台,其基础是提供高度机密性、弹性、灵活性和可伸缩性的模块化架构。它的设计目的是支持不同组件的可插入实现,并适应经济生态系统中存在的复杂性和精细之处。

We recommend first-time users begin by going through the rest of the introduction below in order to gain familiarity with how blockchains work and with the specific features and components of Hyperledger Fabric.
我们建议初次用户从下面的介绍开始,以便熟悉区块链是如何工作的,以及Hyperledger Fabric的特定特性和组件。

Once comfortable — or if you’re already familiar with blockchain and Hyperledger Fabric — go to Getting Started and from there explore the demos, technical specifications, APIs, etc.
一旦合适或你已经熟悉了区块链和Hyperledger Fabric,那么你可以从开始着手那里探索演示、技术规范、API等等。

什么是区块链 (What is a Blockchain)?

一种分布式账本(A Distributed Ledger)

At the heart of a blockchain network is a distributed ledger that records all the transactions that take place on the network.

A blockchain ledger is often described as decentralized because it is replicated across many network participants, each of whom collaborate in its maintenance. We’ll see that decentralization and collaboration are powerful attributes that mirror the way businesses exchange goods and services in the real world.


In addition to being decentralized and collaborative, the information recorded to a blockchain is append-only, using cryptographic techniques that guarantee that once a transaction has been added to the ledger it cannot be modified. This property of “immutability” makes it simple to determine the provenance of information because participants can be sure information has not been changed after the fact. It’s why blockchains are sometimes described as systems of proof.

智能合约 (Smart Contracts)

To support the consistent update of information — and to enable a whole host of ledger functions (transacting, querying, etc) — a blockchain network uses smart contracts to provide controlled access to the ledger.


Smart contracts are not only a key mechanism for encapsulating information and keeping it simple across the network, they can also be written to allow participants to execute certain aspects of transactions automatically.

A smart contract can, for example, be written to stipulate the cost of shipping an item where the shipping charge changes depending on how quickly the item arrives. With the terms agreed to by both parties and written to the ledger, the appropriate funds change hands automatically when the item is received.

共识 (Consensus)

The process of keeping the ledger transactions synchronized across the network — to ensure that ledgers update only when transactions are approved by the appropriate participants, and that when ledgers do update, they update with the same transactions in the same order — is called consensus.


You’ll learn a lot more about ledgers, smart contracts and consensus later. For now, it’s enough to think of a blockchain as a shared, replicated transaction system which is updated via smart contracts and kept consistently synchronized through a collaborative process called consensus.

为什么区块链有用 (Why is a Blockchain useful)?

当前的记录系统 (Today’s Systems of Record)

The transactional networks of today are little more than slightly updated versions of networks that have existed since business records have been kept. The members of a business network transact with each other, but they maintain separate records of their transactions. And the things they’re transacting — whether it’s Flemish tapestries in the 16th century or the securities of today — must have their provenance established each time they’re sold to ensure that the business selling an item possesses a chain of title verifying their ownership of it.

What you’re left with is a business network that looks like this:


Modern technology has taken this process from stone tablets and paper folders to hard drives and cloud platforms, but the underlying structure is the same. Unified systems for managing the identity of network participants do not exist, establishing provenance is so laborious it takes days to clear securities transactions (the world volume of which is numbered in the many trillions of dollars), contracts must be signed and executed manually, and every database in the system contains unique information and therefore represents a single point of failure.

It’s impossible with today’s fractured approach to information and process sharing to build a system of record that spans a business network, even though the needs of visibility and trust are clear.

区块链差异 (The Blockchain Difference)

What if, instead of the rat’s nest of inefficiencies represented by the “modern” system of transactions, business networks had standard methods for establishing identity on the network, executing transactions, and storing data? What if establishing the provenance of an asset could be determined by looking through a list of transactions that, once written, cannot be changed, and can therefore be trusted?

That business network would look more like this:


This is a blockchain network, wherein every participant has their own replicated copy of the ledger. In addition to ledger information being shared, the processes which update the ledger are also shared. Unlike today’s systems, where a participant’s private programs are used to update their private ledgers, a blockchain system has shared programs to update shared ledgers.

With the ability to coordinate their business network through a shared ledger, blockchain networks can reduce the time, cost, and risk associated with private information and processing while improving trust and visibility.

You now know what blockchain is and why it’s useful. There are a lot of other details that are important, but they all relate to these fundamental ideas of the sharing of information and processes.

什么是 (What is) Hyperledger Fabric?

The Linux Foundation founded the Hyperledger project in 2015 to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies. Rather than declaring a single blockchain standard, it encourages a collaborative approach to developing blockchain technologies via a community process, with intellectual property rights that encourage open development and the adoption of key standards over time.

Hyperledger Fabric is one of the blockchain projects within Hyperledger. Like other blockchain technologies, it has a ledger, uses smart contracts, and is a system by which participants manage their transactions.
Hyperledger Fabric是Hyperledger的区块链项目之一。像其他区块链技术一样,它有一个帐本,使用智能合约,并且是一个参与者管理他们的交易的系统。

Where Hyperledger Fabric breaks from some other blockchain systems is that it is private and permissioned. Rather than an open permissionless system that allows unknown identities to participate in the network (requiring protocols like “proof of work” to validate transactions and secure the network), the members of a Hyperledger Fabric network enroll through a trusted Membership Service Provider (MSP).
Hyperledger Fabric网络与其他区块链系统的不同之处在于它是私有的并且要许可的。Hyperledger Fabric的成员通过受信任的**会员服务提供者(MSP)**注册,而不是允许未知身份参与网络(需要“工作证明”之类的协议来验证交易并保护网络)的开放免许可系统。

Hyperledger Fabric also offers several pluggable options. Ledger data can be stored in multiple formats, consensus mechanisms can be swapped in and out, and different MSPs are supported.
Hyperledger Fabric还提供了几个可插入选项。账本数据可以以多种格式存储,共识机制可以被换进和换去,并且支持不同的MSP。

Hyperledger Fabric also offers the ability to create channels, allowing a group of participants to create a separate ledger of transactions. This is an especially important option for networks where some participants might be competitors and not want every transaction they make — a special price they’re offering to some participants and not others, for example — known to every participant. If two participants form a channel, then those participants — and no others — have copies of the ledger for that channel.
Hyperledger Fabric还提供了创建通道(channels)的功能,允许一组参与者创建单独的交易帐本。对于网络来说,这是一个特别重要的选项,因为有些参与者可能是竞争对手,并不希望他们所做的每一笔交易——例如他们提供给某些参与者的一个特殊价格,而没给其他参与者——让每个参与者都知道。如果两个参与者组成一个通道,那么这两个参与者——而不是其他参与者——就拥有该通道的帐本副本。

共享账本 (Shared Ledger)

Hyperledger Fabric has a ledger subsystem comprising two components: the world state and the transaction log. Each participant has a copy of the ledger to every Hyperledger Fabric network they belong to.
Hyperledger Fabric具有一个帐本子系统,它由两个组件组成:世界状态和交易日志。每个参与者都有一份他们所属Hyperledger Fabric网络的帐本副本。

The world state component describes the state of the ledger at a given point in time. It’s the database of the ledger. The transaction log component records all transactions which have resulted in the current value of the world state; it’s the update history for the world state. The ledger, then, is a combination of the world state database and the transaction log history.

The ledger has a replaceable data store for the world state. By default, this is a LevelDB key-value store database. The transaction log does not need to be pluggable. It simply records the before and after values of the ledger database being used by the blockchain network.

智能合约 (Smart Contracts)

Hyperledger Fabric smart contracts are written in chaincode and are invoked by an application external to the blockchain when that application needs to interact with the ledger. In most cases, chaincode interacts only with the database component of the ledger, the world state (querying it, for example), and not the transaction log.
Hyperledger Fabric智能合约是用链代码编写的,当应用程序需要与帐本交互时,由位于区块链外部的应用程序调用。在大多数情况下,链代码只与帐本的数据库组件世界状态(例如查询它)进行交互,而不与交易日志进行交互。

Chaincode can be implemented in several programming languages. Currently, Go and Node are supported.
链代码可以用几种编程语言实现。目前支持Go和Node。(Java在 v1.3版已经支持)

隐私 (Privacy)

Depending on the needs of a network, participants in a Business-to-Business (B2B) network might be extremely sensitive about how much information they share. For other networks, privacy will not be a top concern.

Hyperledger Fabric supports networks where privacy (using channels) is a key operational requirement as well as networks that are comparatively open.
Hyperledger Fabric支持网络,其中隐私(使用通道)是一个关键的操作需求,以及相对开放的网络。

共识 (Consensus)

Transactions must be written to the ledger in the order in which they occur, even though they might be between different sets of participants within the network. For this to happen, the order of transactions must be established and a method for rejecting bad transactions that have been inserted into the ledger in error (or maliciously) must be put into place.

This is a thoroughly researched area of computer science, and there are many ways to achieve it, each with different trade-offs. For example, PBFT (Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance) can provide a mechanism for file replicas to communicate with each other to keep each copy consistent, even in the event of corruption. Alternatively, in Bitcoin, ordering happens through a process called mining where competing computers race to solve a cryptographic puzzle which defines the order that all processes subsequently build upon.

Hyperledger Fabric has been designed to allow network starters to choose a consensus mechanism that best represents the relationships that exist between participants. As with privacy, there is a spectrum of needs; from networks that are highly structured in their relationships to those that are more peer-to-peer.
Hyperledger Fabric被设计用来允许网络初学者选择一个最能代表参与者之间存在关系的共识机制。与隐私一样,人们的需求也不尽相同;从关系高度结构化的网络到更对等的网络。

We’ll learn more about the Hyperledger Fabric consensus mechanisms, which currently include SOLO and Kafka.
我们将学习更多关于Hyperledger Fabric的共识机制,目前包括SOLO和Kafka。

哪里能学到更多 (Where can I learn more)?

A conceptual doc that will take you through the critical role identities play in a Fabric network (using an established PKI structure and x.509 certificates).

Talks through the role of a Membership Service Provider (MSP), which converts identities into roles in a Fabric network.

  • Peers (conceptual documentation)

Peers — owned by organizations — host the ledger and smart contracts and make up the physical structure of a Fabric network.

Learn how to download Fabric binaries and bootstrap your own sample network with a sample script. Then tear down the network and learn how it was constructed one step at a time.

Deploys a very simple network — even simpler than Build Your First Network — to use with a simple smart contract and application.

A high level look at a sample transaction flow.

A high level look at some of components and concepts brought up in this introduction as well as a few others and describes how they work together in a sample transaction flow.

Hyperledger Fabric开源区块链分布式账本-学习参考资料合集,共37份。 一、Hyperledger开发资料 0. 票据背书详细介绍 1. 设置组织结构 2. 网络环境 3. 使用Fabric SDK Go 4.0. 链码开发_数据结构 4.1. 链码开发_票据相关请求处理 4.2. 链码开发_背书相关请求处理 4.3. 链码安装及实例化 5. 链码调用 6. 在网络应用程序中进行设置 GoWeb编程 二、Hyperledger技术资料 超级账本Hyperledger白皮书(中文版) 快速带你上手Hyperledger Fabric环境搭建+开发测试 性能基准测试和优化Hyperledger Fabric 区块链平台 An Introduction to Hyperledger Architecture of the Hyperledger Blockchain Fabric Cryptography and Protocols in Hyperledger Fabric FabNet- an Automatic Hyperledger Fabric Network Wizard Hyperledger 白皮书 Hyperledger 源码分析之 Fabric - 整体结构 Hyperledger Blockchain Performance Metrics Hyperledger Fabric - A Distributed Operating System for Permissioned Blockchains Hyperledger Fabric 实验指导 HyperLedger Fabric 在携程区块链平台中的应用实战 Hyperledger Fabric Access Control System for Internet of Things Layer in Blockchain-Based Applications Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain:Secure and Efficient Solution for Electronic Health Records Hyperledger fabric- towards scalable blockchain for business Hyperledger Fabric架构概览 hyperledger-fabricdocs Documentation-release-2.0 HyperLedgerFabric智能合约速成 Integrating Blockchain for Data Sharing and Collaboration Support in Scientific Ecosystem Platform Performance Analysis of Hyperledger Fabric Platforms Performance Benchmarking & Optimizing Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain Platform Performance Modeling & Analysis of Hyperledger Fabric (Permissioned Blockchain Network)-177页 Principle Foundations of Hyperledger Fabric Supporting Private Data on Hyperledger Fabric with Secure Multiparty Computation The privacy protection mechanism of Hyperledger Fabric and its application in supply chain finance




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