JS 的OOP 模式 还算可以模仿

* Swipe 1.0
* Brad Birdsall, Prime
* Copyright 2011, Licensed GPL & MIT
; window . Swipe = function ( element , options ) {
   // return immediately if element doesn't exist
   if ( ! element ) return null ;
   var _this = this ;
   // retreive options
   this . options = options || {};
   this . index = this . options . startSlide || 0 ;
   this . speed = this . options . speed || 300 ;
   this . callback = this . options . callback || function () {};
   this . delay = this . options . auto || 0 ;
   // reference dom elements
   this . container = element ;
   this . element = this . container . children [ 0 ]; // the slide pane
   // static css
   this . container . style . overflow = 'hidden' ;
   this . element . style . listStyle = 'none' ;
   this . element . style . margin = 0 ;
   // trigger slider initialization
   this . setup ();
   // begin auto slideshow
   this . begin ();
   // add event listeners
   if ( this . element . addEventListener ) {
     this . element . addEventListener ( 'touchstart' , this , false );
     this . element . addEventListener ( 'touchmove' , this , false );
     this . element . addEventListener ( 'touchend' , this , false );
     this . element . addEventListener ( 'touchcancel' , this , false );
     this . element . addEventListener ( 'webkitTransitionEnd' , this , false );
     this . element . addEventListener ( 'msTransitionEnd' , this , false );
     this . element . addEventListener ( 'oTransitionEnd' , this , false );
     this . element . addEventListener ( 'transitionend' , this , false );
     window . addEventListener ( 'resize' , this , false );
Swipe . prototype = {
   setup : function () {
     // get and measure amt of slides
     this . slides = this . element . children ;
     this . length = this . slides . length ;
     // return immediately if their are less than two slides
     if ( this . length < 2 ) return null ;
     // determine width of each slide
     this . width = Math . ceil (( "getBoundingClientRect" in this . container ) ? this . container . getBoundingClientRect (). width : this . container . offsetWidth );
     // Fix width for Android WebView (i.e. PhoneGap)
     if ( this . width === 0 && typeof window . getComputedStyle === 'function' ) {
       this . width = window . getComputedStyle ( this . container , null ). width . replace ( 'px' , '' );
     // return immediately if measurement fails
     if ( ! this . width ) return null ;
     // hide slider element but keep positioning during setup
     var origVisibility = this . container . style . visibility ;
     this . container . style . visibility = 'hidden' ;
     // dynamic css
     this . element . style . width = Math . ceil ( this . slides . length * this . width ) + 'px' ;
     var index = this . slides . length ;
     while ( index -- ) {
       var el = this . slides [ index ];
       el . style . width = this . width + 'px' ;
       el . style . display = 'table-cell' ;
       el . style . verticalAlign = 'top' ;
     // set start position and force translate to remove initial flickering
     this . slide ( this . index , 0 );
     // restore the visibility of the slider element
     this . container . style . visibility = origVisibility ;
   slide : function ( index , duration ) {
     var style = this . element . style ;
     // fallback to default speed
     if ( duration == undefined ) {
         duration = this . speed ;
     // set duration speed (0 represents 1-to-1 scrolling)
     style . webkitTransitionDuration = style . MozTransitionDuration = style . msTransitionDuration = style . OTransitionDuration = style . transitionDuration = duration + 'ms' ;
     // translate to given index position
     style . MozTransform = style . webkitTransform = 'translate3d(' + - ( index * this . width ) + 'px,0,0)' ;
     style . msTransform = style . OTransform = 'translateX(' + - ( index * this . width ) + 'px)' ;
     // set new index to allow for expression arguments
     this . index = index ;
   getPos : function () {
     // return current index position
     return this . index ;
   prev : function ( delay ) {
     // cancel next scheduled automatic transition, if any
     this . delay = delay || 0 ;
     clearTimeout ( this . interval );
     if ( this . index ) this . slide ( this . index - 1 , this . speed ); // if not at first slide
     else this . slide ( this . length - 1 , this . speed ); //if first slide return to end
   next : function ( delay ) {
     // cancel next scheduled automatic transition, if any
     this . delay = delay || 0 ;
     clearTimeout ( this . interval );
     if ( this . index < this . length - 1 ) this . slide ( this . index + 1 , this . speed ); // if not last slide
     else this . slide ( 0 , this . speed ); //if last slide return to start
   begin : function () {
     var _this = this ;
     this . interval = ( this . delay )
       ? setTimeout ( function () {
         _this . next ( _this . delay );
       }, this . delay )
       : 0 ;
   stop : function () {
     this . delay = 0 ;
     clearTimeout ( this . interval );
   resume : function () {
     this . delay = this . options . auto || 0 ;
     this . begin ();
   handleEvent : function ( e ) {
     switch ( e . type ) {
       case 'touchstart' : this . onTouchStart ( e ); break ;
       case 'touchmove' : this . onTouchMove ( e ); break ;
       case 'touchcancel' :
       case 'touchend' : this . onTouchEnd ( e ); break ;
       case 'webkitTransitionEnd' :
       case 'msTransitionEnd' :
       case 'oTransitionEnd' :
       case 'transitionend' : this . transitionEnd ( e ); break ;
       case 'resize' : this . setup (); break ;
   transitionEnd : function ( e ) {
     if ( this . delay ) this . begin ();
     this . callback ( e , this . index , this . slides [ this . index ]);
   onTouchStart : function ( e ) {
     this . start = {
       // get touch coordinates for delta calculations in onTouchMove
       pageX : e . touches [ 0 ]. pageX ,
       pageY : e . touches [ 0 ]. pageY ,
       // set initial timestamp of touch sequence
       time : Number ( new Date () )
     // used for testing first onTouchMove event
     this . isScrolling = undefined ;
     // reset deltaX
     this . deltaX = 0 ;
     // set transition time to 0 for 1-to-1 touch movement
     this . element . style . MozTransitionDuration = this . element . style . webkitTransitionDuration = 0 ;
     e . stopPropagation ();
   onTouchMove : function ( e ) {
     // ensure swiping with one touch and not pinching
     if ( e . touches . length > 1 || e . scale && e . scale !== 1 ) return ;
     this . deltaX = e . touches [ 0 ]. pageX - this . start . pageX ;
     // determine if scrolling test has run - one time test
     if ( typeof this . isScrolling == 'undefined' ) {
       this . isScrolling = !! ( this . isScrolling || Math . abs ( this . deltaX ) < Math . abs ( e . touches [ 0 ]. pageY - this . start . pageY ) );
     // if user is not trying to scroll vertically
     if ( ! this . isScrolling ) {
       // prevent native scrolling
       e . preventDefault ();
       // cancel slideshow
       clearTimeout ( this . interval );
       // increase resistance if first or last slide
       this . deltaX =
         this . deltaX /
           ( ( ! this . index && this . deltaX > 0 // if first slide and sliding left
             || this . index == this . length - 1 // or if last slide and sliding right
             && this . deltaX < 0 // and if sliding at all
           ) ?
           ( Math . abs ( this . deltaX ) / this . width + 1 ) // determine resistance level
           : 1 ); // no resistance if false
       // translate immediately 1-to-1
       this . element . style . MozTransform = this . element . style . webkitTransform = 'translate3d(' + ( this . deltaX - this . index * this . width ) + 'px,0,0)' ;
       e . stopPropagation ();
   onTouchEnd : function ( e ) {
     // determine if slide attempt triggers next/prev slide
     var isValidSlide =
           Number ( new Date ()) - this . start . time < 250 // if slide duration is less than 250ms
           && Math . abs ( this . deltaX ) > 20 // and if slide amt is greater than 20px
           || Math . abs ( this . deltaX ) > this . width / 2 , // or if slide amt is greater than half the width
     // determine if slide attempt is past start and end
         isPastBounds =
           ! this . index && this . deltaX > 0 // if first slide and slide amt is greater than 0
           || this . index == this . length - 1 && this . deltaX < 0 ; // or if last slide and slide amt is less than 0
     // if not scrolling vertically
     if ( ! this . isScrolling ) {
       // call slide function with slide end value based on isValidSlide and isPastBounds tests
       this . slide ( this . index + ( isValidSlide && ! isPastBounds ? ( this . deltaX < 0 ? 1 : - 1 ) : 0 ), this . speed );
     e . stopPropagation ();
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