using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
using MapClient.ServiceReference1;
using System.Windows.Browser;
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Client;
namespace MapClient
public partial class MapTip : UserControl
string _placeName = string.Empty; //监测点名称
string _areaID = string.Empty; //地区编号
string _monitorID = string.Empty; //监测点ID
string _year = string.Empty; //年份
string _issueNum = string.Empty; //期号
string _cycleID = string.Empty; //生育周期ID
string _seedingTypeID = string.Empty; //苗情等级ID
private Point _location;
private bool _isShowing;
private Popup _popup;
private Grid _grid;
private Canvas _canvas;
private FrameworkElement _content;
public void Show(Point location)
if (_isShowing)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
_isShowing = true;
_location = location;
_popup.IsOpen = true;
public void Close()
_isShowing = false;
if (_popup != null)
_popup.IsOpen = false;
//Default behavior for OnClickOutside() is to close the context menu when there is a mouse click event outside the context menu
protected virtual void OnClickOutside()
// 用Grid来布局,初始化弹出窗体
private void ConstructPopup()
if (_popup != null)
_popup = new Popup();
_grid = new Grid();
_popup.Child = _grid;
_canvas = new Canvas();
_canvas.MouseLeftButtonDown += (sender, args) => { OnClickOutside(); };
_canvas.MouseRightButtonDown += (sender, args) => { args.Handled = true; OnClickOutside(); };
_canvas.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent);
_content = this;
_content.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
_content.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
_content.Margin = new Thickness(_location.X, _location.Y, 0, 0);
/// <summary>
/// 更新大小
/// </summary>
private void UpdateSize()
_grid.Width = Application.Current.Host.Content.ActualWidth;
_grid.Height = Application.Current.Host.Content.ActualHeight;
if (_canvas != null)
_canvas.Width = _grid.Width;
_canvas.Height = _grid.Height;
public MapTip(string name, string areaID, string monitorID, string year, string cycleID, string issueNum, string seedingTypeID)
this._placeName = name;
this._areaID = areaID;
this._monitorID = monitorID;
this._issueNum = issueNum;
this._year = year;
this._cycleID = cycleID;
this._seedingTypeID = seedingTypeID;
private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
getData1SoapClient client = new getData1SoapClient();
client.GetMonitorInfoByIssueNumCompleted += new EventHandler<GetMonitorInfoByIssueNumCompletedEventArgs>(client_GetMonitorInfoByIssueNumCompleted);
client.GetMonitorInfoByIssueNumAsync(_areaID, _monitorID, _year, _issueNum, _cycleID);
void client_GetMonitorInfoByIssueNumCompleted(object sender, GetMonitorInfoByIssueNumCompletedEventArgs e)
string result = e.Result;
if (result.Split('|').Length == 1)
this.tb_title.Text = _placeName;
this.tb_zjyl.Text = result.Split('|')[0].ToString();
this.tb_zjyl.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
this.tb_zjyl.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
this.tb_title.Text = result.Split('|')[0].ToString(); //标题
this.tb_grade.Text = result.Split('|')[1].ToString(); //所属类型
this.tb_area.Text = result.Split('|')[2].ToString(); //代表面积
this.tb_variety.Text = result.Split('|')[3].ToString(); //品种
this.tb_varietyType.Text = result.Split('|')[4].ToString(); //品种类型
switch (_cycleID)
case "5":
this.tb_zjyl.Text = result.Split('|')[5].ToString(); //主茎叶龄
this.tb_dzjn.Text = result.Split('|')[6].ToString(); //单株茎蘖
this.tb_csg.Text = result.Split('|')[7].ToString(); //次生根
this.tb_mjn.Text = result.Split('|')[8].ToString(); //亩茎蘖
case "6":
this.tb_zjyl.Text = result.Split('|')[5].ToString(); //主茎叶龄
this.tb_dzjn.Text = result.Split('|')[6].ToString(); //单株茎蘖
this.tb_csg.Text = result.Split('|')[7].ToString(); //次生根
this.tb_mjn.Text = result.Split('|')[8].ToString(); //亩茎蘖
case "8":
this.tb_zjyl.Text = result.Split('|')[5].ToString(); //主茎叶龄
this.tb_dzjn.Text = result.Split('|')[6].ToString(); //单株茎蘖
this.tb_csg.Text = result.Split('|')[7].ToString(); //亩茎蘖
case "10":
this.tb_zjyl.Text = result.Split('|')[5].ToString(); //主茎叶龄
this.tb_dzjn.Text = result.Split('|')[6].ToString(); //亩茎蘖
btn1.Content = result.Split('|')[0].ToString().Split(')')[0] + ")苗情评价信息";
btn2.Content = result.Split('|')[0].ToString().Split(')')[0] + ")小麦苗情数据报表";
btn3.Content = result.Split('|')[0].ToString().Split(')')[0] + ")苗情监测报告";
catch (Exception)
this.tb_title.Text = _placeName;
this.tb_zjyl.Text = "暂无数据!";
this.tb_zjyl.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
this.tb_zjyl.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
void btn1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
ScriptObject SetMaterial = HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("GotoHomeMenuName") as ScriptObject;
string firstMenuName = "农情分析";
string secondMenuName = "苗情评价";
string menuName = "GIS地图监测点小麦苗情评价";
string str = "?pAreaType=&pCounty=" + _areaID + "&pYear=" + _year + "&pPeriod=" + _issueNum + "&pStageID=" + _cycleID + "&pSeedlingType=" +
_seedingTypeID + "&pMonitorID=" + _monitorID;
SetMaterial.InvokeSelf(firstMenuName, secondMenuName, menuName, str);
catch (Exception ex)
throw (ex);
void btn2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
ScriptObject SetMaterial = HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("GotoHomeUrlStr") as ScriptObject;
string firstMenuName = "农情分析";
string secondMenuName = "苗情分布统计分析";
string thirdMenuName = "苗情分布统计";
string str = "?AreaName=" + _placeName;
SetMaterial.InvokeSelf(firstMenuName, secondMenuName, thirdMenuName, str);
void btn3_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
ScriptObject SetMaterial = HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("GotoHomeUrlStr") as ScriptObject;
string firstMenuName = "农情管理";
string secondMenuName = "信息录入";
string thirdMenuName = "小麦苗情监测报告";
string str = "?AreaName=" + _placeName;
SetMaterial.InvokeSelf(firstMenuName, secondMenuName, thirdMenuName, str);
private void tb_zjhy_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e)
ScriptObject SetMaterial = HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("GotoHomeUrlStr") as ScriptObject;
string firstMenuName = "农情监控";
string secondMenuName = "农情监控";
string thirdMenuName = "农田监控";
string str = "?AreaName=" + _placeName;
SetMaterial.InvokeSelf(firstMenuName, secondMenuName, thirdMenuName, str);
private void tb_xcld_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e)
ScriptObject SetMaterial = HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("GotoHomeUrlStr") as ScriptObject;
string firstMenuName = "农情监控";
string secondMenuName = "农情监控";
string thirdMenuName = "农田图像监控";
string str = "?AreaName=" + _placeName;
SetMaterial.InvokeSelf(firstMenuName, secondMenuName, thirdMenuName, str);
private void tb_tjsp_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e)
// 田间视频
ScriptObject SetMaterial = HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("GotoHomeUrlStr") as ScriptObject;
string firstMenuName = "农情监控";
string secondMenuName = "农情监控";
string thirdMenuName = "农田图像监控";
string str = "?AreaName=" + _placeName;
SetMaterial.InvokeSelf(firstMenuName, secondMenuName, thirdMenuName, str);
private void tb_zwtp_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e)
// 作物图片
ScriptObject SetMaterial = HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("GotoHomeUrlStr") as ScriptObject;
string firstMenuName = "农情监控";
string secondMenuName = "农情监控";
string thirdMenuName = "农田图像监控";
string str = "?AreaName=" + _placeName;
SetMaterial.InvokeSelf(firstMenuName, secondMenuName, thirdMenuName, str);
void Feature_MouseLeftButtonUp( object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
Graphic g = sender as Graphic;
for ( int i = 0; i < areaId.Length; i++)
if (areaId[i] == g.Attributes[ "Id"].ToString())
MapTip tip = new MapTip(g.Attributes[ "Name"].ToString(), g.Attributes[ "AreaID"].ToString(), areaId[i], year[i], cycleId[i], issueNum[i], seedlingType[i]);
Point p = e.GetPosition(LayoutRoot);
p.X = p.X - 220;
p.Y = p.Y + 80;