Cairngorm 3 introduction 介绍

Cairngorm 3 introduction 介绍 Posted by admin | Filed under RIA相关 原文: Cairngorm 3 lays the foundations for delivering successful Flex projects. It consists of: Cairngorm 3 为开发成功的Flex工程做了三件基础工作 1.Guidelines that describe our preferred client-side architecture; Guidelines 描述了首选的客户端架构 2.Tools that help to ensure quality, consistency and efficiency when applying Cairngorm; Tools 确保高质量、一致性、高效率的使用Cairngorm。 3.Libraries that reduce code by solving recurring problems. Libraries 减少代码解决经常性的问题 Cairngorm Libraries Introduction Cairngorm 3 provides a set of optional Flex libraries released under the Cairngorm License. These are designed to support the Cairngorm 3 architecture by providing utilities for navigation, validation, module loading, reduction of view behaviour, task processing and popup management. Cairngorm 3 基于 Cairngorm License 协议下提供了一整套的Flex库应用。在Cairngorm 3 架构中,有导航,校验,模型加载,视图行为的减少,任务处理和弹出对话框管理这些功能的设计 •Observer Library 观察者库 •Popup Library 弹出库 •Task Library 任务库 •Validation Library 校验库 •Integration Library – Parsley Extension 整合库 beta •Module Library – Parsley Extension 模型库beta •Navigation Library – Parsley Extension 导航库beta Several of the Cairngorm 3 libraries are implemented as extensions to the Parsley Application Framework. In order to take advantage of these libraries, you also need to use Parsley. However, other Cairngorm libraries, such as Observer, Popup, Task and Validation are independent of any third-party framework. The Cairngorm 3 Architecture can also be applied with other third-party libraries and frameworks. Cairngorm 3 中有几个库是用来实现 Parsley Application Framework 框架中的功能。为了能使用这些库,你也应该使用Parsley框架。尽管如此,其他的Cairngorm库,比如观察者库,弹出库,任务库,校验库都是独 立的第三方框架。Cairngorm 3 架构也可以作为第三方库和框架被使用。 Several of the Cairngorm 3 libraries are currently in beta and subject to change, but you are encouraged to browse the source code, try them out and submit feedback. For more information about retrieving and following the source code of the SVN repository, click here. The Observer, Task, Popup and Validation libraries have been used in production for several years, but Cairngorm 3 marks their first official open-source release. Cairngorm 3 中的几个库如今还在Beta版本状态,内容也许会改变。但是鼓励你去浏览下源代码 browse the source code,尝试一下 提交下反馈信息。获取更多额信息请点击 hereSVN 查看源代码。任务库,弹出库,校验库已经使用了几年了,但是Cairngorm 3 是首次公开发行的开源版本。 Overview of Libraries 概述 A short summary of each library follows, together with links to the download, source code and documentation. Observer Library 1.0 观察者库 1.0 The Cairngorm Observer library provides a set of non-visual components for declaration in MXML that observe other objects and react to changes in some way and execute view behaviour. These components help to reduce the amount of Script-block logic required in MXML components. Cairngorm 观察者库为在MXML的声明提供了一套不可视的组件来观察其他对象,并以某种方式做出改变或者执行视图的行为,这些组件可以帮助我们减少MXML组件中的 逻辑代码块。 •Download observer-1.0.swc 下载 •Browse the source code and tests 浏览 •How to use the Cairngorm Observer library 如何使用 Popup Library 1.0 The Cairngorm Popup library contains components for managing the opening, closure and general behavior of popups. They are designed to minimize Script-block logic in MXML components and to reduce code duplication across applications that manage multiple popups. 为减少MXML中的逻辑代码量 Cairngorm Popup 库提供了一套管理打开关闭和通用行为的弹出框。 •Download popup-1.0.swc 下载 •Browse the source code and tests 浏览源代码和测试 •How to use the Cairngorm Popup library 如何使用 Task Library 1.0 The Cairngorm Task library provides an abstraction for performing tasks in sequence and parallel. It might be used for coordinating the start-up sequence of an application or for managing a series of asynchronous processes that need to be performed in a certain order. •Download task-1.0.swc •Browse the source code and tests •How to use the Cairngorm Task library Validation Library 1.0 The Cairngorm Validation library is designed to simplify validation of user input and other data. Instead of declaring validators individually in MXML and coordinating them manually, a group of validators can be defined using the ValidatorGroup component. The validity of the whole group can then be determined as one. Validator groups can be nested and detached from the view and applied to other layers of an application, such as a domain model. Additional components are provided for observing validation rules and updating view components to highlight validation errors. 用来对用户的输入或者其他数据做简单的校验,ValidatorGroup组件可以定义一组检验对象,外表看上去就相当于一个校验器。校验组可以嵌 入或者分离出视图,应用于程序的其他层上,比如域模型。 •Download validation-1.0.swc •Browse the source code and tests •How to use the Cairngorm Validation library Integration Library 0.1 – Parsley Extension - beta The integration library provides utilities to loosely-couple concerns of the communication with external environments with other client side architectural layers. Aside from sending and retrieving data, it also offers structures to manage global error handling, conflict resolution, and offers presentation components access progress and error information in a loosely coupled way. Supported are currently RPC, data management using LCDS, and LocalConnection. The current version is implemented as a Parsley 2 extension. 提供了与外部环境和其他客户端架构通讯的松耦合工具。除了接受和推送数据,它也提供了管理全局错误事件和冲突解决方案,以及以松耦合方式能将进度和 错误呈现出来的组件。 支持远程过程调用和使用LCDS的数据管理组件和LocalConnection。当前的版本是作为Parsley2的扩展来实现的。 •Download integration-0.1.swc 下载 •Browse the source code and tests 查看源代码和测试 •How to use the Cairngorm Integration library 使用介绍 Module Library 0.1 – Parsley Extension - beta The Cairngorm Module library is an extension to the Parsley Application Framework designed to simplify the configuration, loading and displaying of modular content. It contains infrastructure class, view components and a mechanism for loading modular content on demand in response to Parsley messages. The library is in beta and expected to change before release 1.0. •Download module-0.1.swc •Browse the source code and tests •[How to use the Cairngorm Module library] Navigation Library 0.1 – Parsley Extension - beta The Cairngorm Navigation library provides utilities to ease the creation of point-to-point navigations, global and local history tracking, wizards, and enter and exit interceptions. It can reduce the amount of Script-block logic needed by allowing dedicated objects to control navigational concerns. The current version is implemented as a Parsley 2 extension. •Download navigation-0.1.swc •Browse the source code and tests •How to use Cairngorm Navigation



Cairngorm3中文简介)Cairngorm 3 类库(Libraries),原文翻译
2010-06-11 11:08


①  Cairngorm3 简介)欢迎来到Cairngorm主页 !!

②  Cairngorm3简介)Cairngorm 3 指引(GuideLines)

③  Cairngorm3 简介)Cairngorm 3 入门

④  Cairngorm3 简介)Cairngorm 3 结构概述

⑤  Cairngorm3简介)Cairngorm 3 类库(Libraries)

⑥  Cairngorm3 中文简介)Cairngorm 3 工具库(Tools)

Cairngorm 类库(Libraries)
Cairngorm 3提供了一系列基于Cairngorm许可发布的Flex类库。
这些类库通过提供ie导航、对象关系映射、验证、模块加载、减少view行为、任务处理和弹出管理,来支持Cairngorm 3架构。

在Cairngorm指引(GuideLines)中描述的 Cairngorm 3架构也可使用第三方库和框架来提供。一些Cairngorm3类库被作为第三方框架的扩展来实现。目前,所有扩张的支持Parsley应用框架和导航库额外提供了一个延伸到Swiz框架的扩展 。

不过,其他Cairngorm库,如Observer,Popup,Task,Persistence,Design by Contract和Validation是独立于任何第三方框架的。

•    Overview of Libraries 类库概览
•    Maven and Bugbase Maven 和Bugbase
•    Expectations on Versioning  版本预期

转载请注明源:, 感谢

每个库的简短摘要如下,连同给下载,源代码和文档的链 接。
•    Design by Contract Library 订单设计库
•    Observer Library 观察者库
•    Popup Library 弹出库
•    Task Library 任务库
•    Validation Library 验证库
•    Persistence Library release candidate 持久性库 发布候选
•    Navigation Library release candidate (Requires Parsley or Swiz) 导 航库 发布候选(需要Parsley或Swiz)
•    Module Library beta (Requires Parsley) 模块库 试用版(需要Parsley)
•    Integration Library alpha (Requires Parsley) 集成库 alpha版(需要Parsley)

Design by Contract Library 订单设计库

•    Contract 1.1:swc-flex4 swc-flex3 文 档
•    Browse the latest source code and tests 浏览最新的源代码和测试
•    如何使用Cairngorm的订单设计库

Observer Library 观察者库

•    Observer 1.8 : swc-flex4 swc-flex3 文档
•    ObserverParsley 1.8 : swc-flex4 swc-flex3 docs (需要 Parsley 2.2.2)
•    浏览最新的源代码和测试
•    如何使用Cairngorm的观察者库

Popup Library 弹出库

•    Popup 1.7 : swc-flex4 swc-flex3 文档
•    PopupParsley 1.7 : swc-flex4 swc-flex3 文档 (需要 Parsley 2.2.2)
•    浏览最新的源代码和测试
•    如何使用Cairngorm弹出库

Task Library 任务库
•    Task 1.7 : swc-flex4 swc-flex3 文档
•    浏览最新的源代码和测试
•    如何使用Cairngorm的任务库

Validation Library 验证库
Cairngorm验证库旨在简化用户输入的数据和其他数据的验证。作为替代个别声明验证器并手动调试,多个验证器可以使用ValidatorGroup定义。整个group的有效性可以被统一定义。验证器组可以嵌套和从视图分离到一个应用程序的其他层,例如一个范围模块(domain model)。额外的组件被监控验证规则和更新视图组件以突出验证错误。
•    Validation 1.8 : swc-flex4 swc-flex3 文档
•    Validation 1.9 : swc-flex4 swc-flex3 文档
•    浏览最新的源代码和测试
•    如何使用Cairngorm的验证库

Persistence Library - release candidate 持久性库- 发布候选

持久性库简化了一个Adobe AIR应用程序和SQLLite数据库之间通信。双方使用不同类型的系统(关系化SQL与面向对象的 ActionScript)。 对象关系映射(ORM)库遵循iBATIS的做法。
•    Persistence 0.9 : swc-flex4 文档
•    浏览最新的源代码和测试
•    如何使用Cairngorm的持久性库

Navigation Library - release candidate (Requires Parsley or Swiz) 导航库- 候选版本(需要Parsley或Swiz)

Cairngorm导航库提供工具来减轻点至点,层次和递延导航,全局和局部的历史跟踪,向导,进入和退出侦听的工作量。它通过允许专用的对象控制导航关注点,可以降低大量脚本块逻辑。目前的版本是作为一个Parsley和Swiz的延伸。一个Spring框架的ActionScript扩展 是目前正在开发 。
•    NavigationParsley 0.8 : swc-flex4 swc-flex3 文档 (需要 Parsley 2.2.2)
•    NavigationParsley 0.9 : swc-flex4 swc-flex3 文档 (需要 Parsley 2.2.2)
•    NavigationSwiz 0.1 Alpha : swc-flex4 文档 (需要 Swiz 1.0.0 beta)
•    NavigationSwiz 0.9 Alpha : swc-flex4 docs (需要 Swiz 1.0.0 RC)
•    浏览源代码和测试
•    如何使用Cairngorm导航库

Module Library - beta (Requires Parsley) 模块库- beta版(需要Parsley)

•    Module 0.8 : swc-flex4 swc-flex3 文档 (需要 Parsley 2.2.2)
•    Module 0.9 : swc-flex4 swc-flex3 文档 (需要 Parsley 2.2.2)
•    浏览最新的源代码和测试
•    如何使用Cairngorm的模块库

Integration Library - alpha (Requires Parsley) 集成库- alpha版(需要Parsley)

该集成库提供了公共与客户端构造层沟通的松耦合结构。除了发送和接收数据,它也提供了结构来管理全局的错误处理,解决冲突,并提供一个松耦合的方式表示组件获得过程和错误信息。目前的RPC支持、数据管理使用LCDS 和LocalConnection。在当前版本 IntegrationParsley和IntegrationDMS库依赖于Parsley框架。该集成库包含有IDataCache实用程序不依赖于Parsley框架,但它使用Spicelib实用工具库反射元数据。你可以使用IdataCache伴随任何IoC框架。
•    Integration 0.11 : swc-flex4 swc-flex3 文档 (独立框架, 包含 IDataCache utility)
•    IntegrationDMS 0.9 : swc-flex4 swc-flex3 文档 (需要 Parsley 2.2.2)
•    IntegrationDMS 0.11 : swc-flex4 swc-flex3 文档 (需要 Parsley 2.2.2)
•    IntegrationRPC 0.9 : swc-flex4 swc-flex3 文档 (近期版本将改名为 IntegrationParsley) (要求 Parsley 2.2.2)
•    IntegrationParsley 0.11 : swc-flex4 swc-flex3 文档 (需要 Parsley 2.2.2)
•    浏览最新的源代码和测试
•    如何使用Cairngorm的集成库

Maven and Bugbase

3.0.11版本的Cairngorm发表在Cairngorm 3 Maven仓库
我们鼓励你浏览trunk的源代码 。
欲了解更多信息和查看svn源代码中,点击这里 。你可以使用Maven建立这个版本从

如有bug提交到 这里

Expectations on Versioning 版本预期

•    观察者、任务、弹出和验证的类库已经被使用了数年,但Cairngorm 3第一次发布开源正式版。
•    正式版的(released)类库(高于0 .*版本)已被广泛使用于实际项目,并被认为是稳定的。
•    标记为候选版本(release candidate)的类库在被内部使用,并且稳定,但可能发生轻微的API变化,直至正式版。
•    标记为测试(beta)的类库是在被内部使用,但可能发生合理的API变化,直至正式版。
•    标记为阿尔法(alpha)的类库是实验中和可能不太成熟,仍然可以进行重大API的变化。





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