NOPCOMMERCE1.* 版本演变及每个版本更新说明 【下】

11、Release Notes - nopCommerce 1.40 (December 6, 2009)

Highlight features

  • W3C compliance (XHTML)
  • Admin area localization
  • Paypal IPN (Instant Payment Notification)
  • FedEx shipping provider
  • Export/Import customers (Excel) - doesn't work in medium trust
  • Export/Import products (Excel) - doesn't work in medium trust
  • Export orders (Excel) - doesn't work in medium trust
  • Private messaging
  • eWay payment module (hosted solution - UK, NZ, AU)
  • "Fixed rate" shipping provider
  • "Fixed rate" tax provider
  • Product specifications: Multi-Value (pre-defind). Store owner can define multi-value Product specs, such as Processor (AMD 64X2, Intel Core 2 Duo), and not having to repeat them typing again and again for each product
  • Product specifications: Filtering by specification on category/manufacturer pages (e.g. color, size)
  • PDF Order receipts - doesn't work in medium trust
  • Unlimited textbox product attributes
  • "Customers who bought this item also bought" option



  • Admin area permomance optimization
  • Improved image generation
  • Downloadable products
    • Allow store owners to upload sample files
    • Store owners can specify maximum number of allowed downloads of purchased products.
    • Made storing downloads in database configurable
  • Show best sellers on home page
  • Generic provider model (source code)
  • Refactoring (source code)
  • Admin area requires SSL now (if enabled)
  • Moved "UseSSL" and "SharedSSL" settings to web.config
  • All credit card info is encrypted now
  • Allow store owner to add a custom note to a customer
  • Admin area. Allow store owner to view shopping carts of customers
  • Admin area. Don't show "" email for guest customers
  • Admin area. Allow store to filter guest customers (customers page)
  • Admin area. DashBoard enhancements
  • Customers can be tax exempt
  • New product review, news comment, blog comment notifications (email)
  • Google Checkout. Capture support
  • Google Checkout. Authorize callback request
  • Checkour. Navigation back support
  • "Allow navigation only for registered customers" option.
  • Allow store owner to search customers/orders/queued emails using null dates by default
  • Use 4 digits to store currency rate
  • Added resource expression builder that supports nop resourses
  • Forums. Navigate to the latest page of topic after new post is added
  • Confirm new password on password recovery page
  • More user-friendly forum support
  • Extended %Order.Product(s)% email token to display product attributes, text options and order totals
  • Moved ScriptManager to master page
  • Masked credit card numbers
  • Show warning when Captcha code is not entered
  • Allow store owner to delete order notes
  • Allow store owner to specify whether to hide advertisements on admin area dashboard
  • Updated AjaxControlToolkit.dll to the latest version
  • Updated MS Enterprise Library (4.1)
  • Updated jQuery (1.3.2)


  • Discounts were not displayed on wishlist page
  • Paypal PDT bug
  • "Contact Us" form (sending emails bug)
  • Real-time shipping rate computation methods bugs (multiply packages)
  • Allow to get fixed shipping rates for non registered customers
  • Use category/manufacturer thumbnail size instead of product thumbnail size
  • CAPTCHA image caching
  • Validate category hierarchy
  • [Nop_OrderProductVariantReport] stored procedure bug fixed
  • Shipping fee, payment fee formatting bug on order details page
  • OrderManager.OrderPlaced() method. Reset customer checkout data only if an order was successfully placed
  • Checkout page. Don't hide "Confirm" button
  • Payment method gateways. Encode all values
  • Product ratings were not display correctly

12、Release Notes - nopCommerce 1.50 (March 23, 2010)

Highlight features

  • Gift Cards
  • Access Control List
  • Activity Log
  • Recurring Products
  • New Payment Statuses: Refund, Void
  • Stock Management by Product Attributes (such as, color and size)
  • One-page Checkout
  • Do Not Store Credit Card Information (even encrypted). PA DSS Compliance Requirement!
  • Restrict Available Shipping Methods by Country
  • Restrict Available Payment Methods by Country
  • Live Chat Integration
  • SMS Notifications
  • New Discount Type - "Assigned to Shipping"
  • Discount Requirements
    • None
    • Must be assigned to customer role
    • Had purchased all of these product variants
    • Had purchased one of these product variants
  • Discount Limitations
    • Unlimited
    • Can be used one time only
    • Can be used one time per customer
  • Discount Usage History
  • New Shipping Modules:
    • Australia Post
    • Canada Post
  • New Payment Modules:
    • Amazon (SimplePay)
    • Assist (Russia)
    • Beanstream
    • ChronoPay
    • CyberSource
    • Dibs (Sweden)
    • iDeal (Netherlands)
    • Moneris
    • Pay in store
    • PayJunction
    • PayPoint
    • QuickPay (Denmark)
    • SagePay
    • SecurePay (Australia)
    • Sermepa (Spain)
    • Svea (Sweden)
    • USAePay
  • Several Shipping Rate Computation Methods used Simultaneously (such as, FedEx and UPS)
  • System Maintenance (Backup/Restore Database)
  • Weights and Dimensions (Managed by Administrator)



  • Simplified CSS
  • More user friendly administration area
  • Allowed IP address list (administration area access)
  • Mini shopping cart
  • Copy product option
  • New product template
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Shipping tracking number
  • Configurable Customer Registration Methods
    • Standard
    • Email Validation
    • Admin Approval
    • Disabled
  • Downloadable Products
    • License file can be attached
    • Can have an user agreement
    • 'Unlimited downloads' or 'Number of days' (when customer has access to product)
    • User friendly file names
    • "Download activation type" option
      • When order payment status is Paid
      • Manual activation
    • More user friendly work (client side)
  • New newsletter implementation
    • Guests can subscribe
    • Ability to export customers (emails) subscribed to newsletters
  • Pictures stored on dard disk (configurable Option)
  • Display Order Notes to Customers
  • ‘Out of Stock’ Orders
  • Display product stock availability option
  • Reorder
  • SiteMap
  • USPS supports international requests
  • FedEx supports residential rates
  • Forums
    • Active topics page
    • "Quote" option
    • Allow guests to create posts (Configurable Option)
  • Language pack export
  • Store owner can send emails to a customer (via Administration Area)
  • Store owner can send private messages to a customer (via Administration Area)
  • Customers can mark private messages as Unread
  • Separate login page for administration Area
  • FCKEditor replaced by HTMLEditor
  • iTextSharp was replaced by PdfSharp
  • PDF capabilities
    • User friendly PDF Invoices
    • Customers can print invoices in PDF Format
    • PDF Catalog
    • Packaging slips (generated in PDF)
  • Improved WorldPay payment module
  • Improved 2Checkout payment module
  • Improved Paypal IPN
  • Administrator can enter additional payment fee for most payment methods
  • User friendly installation process
  • Administrator can reset customer password
  • Product reviews must be approved (configurable option)
  • Allow anonymous users to write product reviews (configurable option)
  • Allow anonymous users to set product ratings (configurable option)
  • Store owner can set number of
    • Recently viewed products
    • Recently added products
    • Best sellers on home page
    • Products also purchased
  • Administrators can specify BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) for each message template
  • Administrators can view shipping address using google maps
  • SEO can be specified for topics
  • New 'Add to cart' button in Wishlist
  • Product cost property
  • Order paid date property is stored now
  • Store owner can update favicon via administration Area
  • Display validation summary on registration and account pages
  • Customer can change email address
  • Manufacturers page
  • Store purchased product attributes in XML
  • Store owner can clear popular search stats
  • Updated jQuery to Version 1.4 (development)
  • Better StoreRoleProvider (development)
  • New pre-defined Countries
  • User friendly import functionality (administration area)
  • Optimized "DeleteExpiresCustomerSessions" task
  • ScriptManager removed from master page (development)
  • CSS adapters removed (development)


  • Import / Export bugs
  • Filter by attributes
  • Compare products
  • 'Assigned to whole order' discount (with tax enabled)
  • PayPal Standard return page
  • Order details page localization
  • "Server cannot modify cookies after HTTP headers have been sent" error does not exist
  • Google Checkout and anonymous checkout bug
  • Wrong Meta Description and Meta Keywords (after Postback)
  • DatePicker control - date formatting bug (not US locales)
  • Login page and CAPTCHA bug in IE 6.0
  • Froogle expiration date bug
  • Unicode characters are now supported in PDF
  • PDF invoice includes product attributes
  • Google Checkout image button and SSL issue resolved
  • Does not display deleted and unpublished categories in Bread Crumb
  • Updated product details page (specification tab was displayed with "reviews" tab Only)
  • "Navigation only for registered customers" option restrictions removed
  • Downloadable products could not be downloaded by anonymous customers
  • Email templates missed some shipping information

13、Release Notes - nopCommerce 1.60 (June 1, 2010)

Highlight features

  • Catalog (categories, products etc) localization
  • Reward Points System
  • Product tags
  • Configurable checkout attributes (such as "Gift Wrap" or "Enter custom message")
  • Configurable customer attributes (such as "Date of birth", "Phone number")
  • Individual prices can be specified for individual customer groups
  • Allow customers to enter product price (if enabled)
  • More analytics and reporting
  • Backend order editing


  • Social bookmarking
  • Allow store owner to hide prices for non-registered customers
  • Allow store owner to manage whether checkout terms and condition should be accepted before checkout
  • Dynamic price update on product details page when a product has attributes with price adjustments (disabled by default)
  • Gift cards are applied to order total now (not order subtotal)
  • Batch product editing/deleting
  • Batch product image uploading
  • Products sorting (front end)
  • AliPay (China) payment module (beta)
  • Ability to upload images using HTML Editor (admin area)
  • More SEO friendly
  • New shipping status – Delivered
  • New product attribute control type supported - multiline textbox
  • Performance optimization
  • Allow store owner to upload PDF logo
  • Allow store owner to decide whether a message template is active (should be sent)
  • Allow store owner to display certain categories on home page
  • Allow store owner to specify flag image for a language and use a new flag image control for language selection (disabled by default)
  • Allow store owner to send a test SMS
  • Product image thumbnails in admin area (disabled by default)
  • Store IP for news comments, blog comments, product reviews
  • Allow anonymous users to email a friend (configurable)
  • Simplified input of a customer birth date
  • Display recurring product period info on shopping cart page (for recurring products)
  • URL rewriting for forum groups, forums and topics
  • Paging on localization page (admin area)
  • Paging on blog page
  • News archive page
  • Allow store owner to view customer wishlist on a customer details page (admin area)
  • More user friendly %Order.Product(s)% message template token
  • Rename Froogle to Google Base
  • Added select all checkbox for Activity Types grid (admin area)
  • New date time format on product review/news/blog/forums pages
  • Allow store owner to edit customer avatar
  • Allow store owner to create sticky forum topics
  • Forums. Added a confirmation box for "Delete" post/topic buttons
  • More forum subscription validation (a subscribed user should be active and not deleted)
  • Allow a customer to remove applied gift cards during checkout
  • New admin category view
  • Customer notifications when receiving new PM (alert)
  • Show warning if a discount could not be applied during checkout
  • Renamed "apply to order total" discount type to "apply to order subtotal"
  • Source code refactoring


  • Import language pack connection timeout issue fixed
  • Minor CSS bug fixes
  • Save Order.PaidDate when order total is zero
  • Product specification attribute filter control issue fixed (with international names)
  • Nop_NewsLetterSubscriptionLoadAll stored procedure bug fixed
  • "When creating an attribute, an 'is pre-selected' value can cause an error" bug fixed
  • "Order totals" report minor bug (admin area > dashboard)
  • SecurePay and one page checkout bug fixed
  • SagePay bug fixed
  • iDeal product names error fixed
  • One-page checkout issue fixed
  • PayPal Direct recurring payment issue. CreditCardTypeSpecified property was not specified.
  • Froogle issue. "Missing Product Type Values"
  • Continue shipping rate computation on error with multiple providers
  • Issue with a creation date for the "product copy" option
  • Renamed "Is sender notified" to "Is recipient notified" (gift cards)
  • Minor discount issue fixed

14、Release Notes - nopCommerce 1.70 (July 7, 2010)

No major features have been introduced with this release as our development efforts were focused on moving to ASP.NET 4.0, further enhancements and fixing bugs, but it does include the following changes:

Highlight features

  • Moving to ASP.NET 4.0 (Visual Studio 2010 is required to edit source code)
  • Simplified data access. Using ORM now (Entity framework 4.0)
  • QuickBooks integration
  • Performance optimization


  • USA ePay (integrated) payment module (Thanks, Chris Curtis)
  • Added refund/capture support for QuickPay payment method
  • Google AdSense integration
  • Updated PayPal SOAP API to the latest version (63.0)
  • Global event context (developers)
  • Splitted "Assigned to product variants" discount type to "Assigned to product variants" and "Assigned to categories"
  • New promotion providers management UI
  • PriceGrabber / Yahoo Shopping, promotion providers
  • New exchange rate provider (disabled by default)
  • Gift card activation/deactivation by order status (similar to reward points)
  • Skip/hide "Payment info" page if order total is 0 (configurable for each payment method)
  • More user friendly specification attribute details page
  • More user friendly message template & topic localization
  • Zoom-in capability for main product image
  • Allow store owner to disable PDF/Excel options for the entire store (useful in medium trust)
  • "Check all" for "Payment/Shipping restrictions by country" option
  • Added tooltip resources for RSS buttons
  • Minor admin UI changes
  • Queued email bulk delete option
  • Extended polls with "Show on home page" and "start/end date" properties
  • The option to display the breadcrumb or not
  • Moved MenuControl.ascx from \Modules to \Administration\Modules directory
  • More user friendly weight formatting on order details pages
  • Packaging slips are saved into file/ImportExport folder now


  • Copy product feature didn't copy 'prices by customer roles'
  • HTMLEditor caused JS errors on some servers
  • Uploading "image/icon" (not "image/x-icon") favicon issue fixed
  • Typo fixed in function/property names (Weigth > Weight)
  • Fixed design issue on advanced search page in IE 6.0
  • Returning to a wrong page after clicking "Continue shopping" button
  • In Administration\Tax\General\TaxRates.ascx file the HeaderText field should match the Text field
  • Minor language flag images issue fixed
  • Australia Post issues fixed (minimum dimension validation and multiple packages)
  • UPS issue fixed (when shipped from outside US)
  • Tier price and product attributes with price adjustment issue fixed
  • "Assigned to product variant" discount minor issue fixed (when discount amount is more than product price)
  • "Assigned to shipping" discount issue fixed
  • Product bulk edit issue fixed
  • Textboxes didn't feet column width on "Bulk Edit Products" page
  • SEOHelper.RenderMetaTag() function didn't create a new tag
  • Added the language name, as a tool tip (html title) and alternate text, to the image button when images (flags) are used for language selection.
  • We don't need to reset default customer billing/shipping addresses after updating shopping cart (CustomerManager.ResetCheckoutData method)
  • Filenames with spaces were truncated upon download in FireFox

15、Release Notes - nopCommerce 1.80 (August 30, 2010)

Highlight features

  • Phone order support (allow store owner to place an order via admin panel)
  • RMA (return management). Customers can submit return requests from your store
  • Display all applied tax rates (e.g. 7%, 15%) on shopping cart and order details pages (configurable - disabled by default)
  • The European Union Value Added Tax (EU VAT) support (Company VAT Number)
  • Partial refund support
  • Multiple email accounts (senders) support
  • Backorder support
  • Cross-sells support
  • 'Customers Online' module
  • Use ASP.NET Chart control for reports
  • New discount requirement - 'Billing country is...'
  • New discount requirement - 'Shipping country is...'
  • New discount requirement - 'Applies if customer has previously spent x.xx amount'
  • New discount limitation - 'N Times Only'
  • New discount limitation - 'N Times Per Customer'
  • CCAvenue (India) payment method
  • Physical gift card support (customer is not asked for sender/recipient emails)


  • Performance optimization
  • Source code refactoring
  • Added an 'Estimate shipping' option on shopping cart page (can be disabled)
  • Allow store owner to view all existing shopping carts on a single page
  • Allow store owner to manage newsletter subscription list
  • Allow store owner to import subscriber list from CSV (tab-delimited) file (Line format: email_address \t is_active (e.g. \t true))
  • Allow store owner to find customers by date of birth (ability to offer birthday gifts to customers)
  • Allow store owner to find orders by GUID (or part of GUID)
  • 'Call for price' option
  • Enhanced 'Fixed rate' tax provider. Now a store owner can configure fixed rate per tax category (should be reconfigured if this provider was active)
  • Allow store owner to limit shipping methods to configured ones (applied to 'Shipping By Order Total', 'Shipping By Order Weight' and 'Shipping By Country & Order Weight' shipping rate computation providers)
  • More user friendly sitemap page
  • PDF. Packaging slips and invoices include the shipping method now
  • Blog. Added tag support.
  • Blog. Group posts by year/month.
  • Blog. Moved blog page URLs to SEOHelper.
  • Forums. Advanced search support
  • Topics. 'Include in sitemap' option
  • Topics. Allow store owner to create password protected pages
  • Topics. Added 'Topic URL' on topic details page (admin area)
  • Admin area. Added 'Affiliate URL' tooltip on affiliate details page
  • Pass product names to PayPal Standard (configurable - disabled by default)
  • Forums. Added the following message template tokens %Forums.PostAuthor%, %Forums.PostBody%
  • Forums. Latest forum posts paging support on profile page
  • Display detailed payment info (supports capture/refund/void/recurring payments) for each payment method
  • Configurable minimum order amount
  • Display product SKU in public store (configurable)
  • Option to display the quantity of a particular product which is in stock
  • New checkout/product attribute control type – DatePicker
  • Allow users to manage their forum subscriptions
  • Ensure that gift cards could not be applied for recurring orders
  • More user friendly order details page (public store)
  • Localized some of hard-coded locale resources
  • Allow store owner to enter product prices more than 999,999
  • Disabled viewstate on some of user controls (reduced page size)
  • 'Order to subtotal' discounts are applied to order total now ( + renamed to 'Order to total')
  • Allow store owner to submit Froogle feed via FTP
  • Added Preview buttons on category/manufacturer/product pages
  • Added 'select all' checkbox on private message details page (Inbox)
  • Added 'select all' checkbox on 'add product to category', 'add product to manufacturer', 'related products' pages
  • Allow store owner to select preferred exchange rate provider
  • Allow store owner to enable currency rate auto updating (disabled by default)
  • Improved SMS implementation
  • Added email SMS provider (Verizon)
  • More user friendly 'Tax Settings'page (admin area)
  • More user-friendly 'Global Settings' page (new 'Products' tab, changed some options ordering)
  • Allow store owner to search product variants by SKU
  • Moved Google Analytics settings to Global Settings page
  • Option to remove favicon ('Global settings' page)
  • Option to support non-western chars in SEO names (e.g. convert 'é' to 'e')
  • Ensure that gift card activation/deactivation order status and reward points awarded/canceled order status could not be set to Pending
  • Option to enable/disable a 'Newsletter' form field on registration/my account pages
  • Admin area. Allow store owner to hide newsletter subscription box
  • New 'Display cart after adding product' option
  • Option to show/hide 'My Downloadable Products' tab on My Account page
  • Allow store owner to disable URL ReWriting
  • Option to remove of hide the Gift card / Discount options
  • Minor poll changes
  • Admin area. New blog/news comments, product reviews pages
  • Allow store owner to update CC for manual payment method
  • Admin area. Enhanced categories page by 'Published' and 'Display Order'
  • Admin area. Display payment details on order details page (transaction identifiers)
  • Better jQuery binding (header)
  • Added CVV2 validator for Credit Card payments (3-4 digits)
  • Display manufacturer info on product details page
  • Admin area. Minor product details page ('Product Variants' tab) changes (don't display stock when manage stock option is set 'Don't track inventory' or 'Track inventory by product attributes')
  • Minor SEOHelper changes
  • Registered customers can click on their own email/username to access 'My Account' page
  • Simplified ProductBox1.ascx and ProductBox2.ascx controls
  • Product prices were displayed without discount in ProductBox1.ascx and ProductBox2.ascx controls
  • Admin area. More user friendly paging on the following admin area pages: Activity Log, Categories, Customers, Locale string resources, Log, Manufacturers, Message queue, Products, Settings
  • Removed Nop_ProductType table because it was not used
  • Moved DatePicker control to Nop.Controls assembly
  • More user friendly range error messages
  • Added Target='_blank' to 'View address on Google Maps' hyperlink (admin area - order details page)
  • Changed request validation mode on Login.aspx and Register.aspx pages
  • Modified category 'Products in Lines 1' control to display subcategories with images
  • Product with 'customer enters prices'. Allow customer to enter decimal prices.
  • Changed tab ordering on customer details page (admin area)
  • Minor DecimalTextBox enhancements (new decimal format used)
  • Changed admin area tooltip wrapping


  • Issue fixed. Gift cards were not created on recurring orders except the first one
  • Increased zip code maximum length to 30 chars
  • USPS minor issue fixed (international requests)
  • Shopping cart page and terms of services issue fixed
  • 'New products' issue fixed
  • 'Related products' issue fixed
  • Copy product issue fixed (product attribute combinations)
  • Topic control minor bug fixed (rendered empty meta keywords and meta description)
  • Total forum post count wasn't updated after deleting a forum post
  • Deleting the first post of forum topic caused an exception
  • Formatting too long customer name issue fixed (configurable maximum length)
  • Zip code was not passed to PayPal Standard
  • Fixed issue with nested quotes on forum
  • Export to Excel. Not all of long description was exported (200 chars maximum)
  • Nop_ProductLoadAllPaged, Nop_ProductAlsoPurchasedLoadByProductID stored procedures small issue fixed
  • Too long Order.CardName issue fixed (caused decryption error)
  • Minor issue in ShoppingCartManager.GetShoppingCartItemWarnings method fixed
  • Added no-wrap style to the header menu
  • LocalizationManager.DefaultAdminLanguage minor issue fixed
  • + SSL issue fixed
  • Fixed some typos (order editing tooltips)

16、Release Notes - nopCommerce 1.90 (December 7, 2010)

Highlight features

  • Architecture improvements
  • Improved existing themes (usage of three-column master page & increased page width)
  • Allow store owner to manage category access by customer role (a store owner can deny access to any customer role)


  • Performance optimization
  • New discount type - 'Applied to order subtotal' (discount applied before tax)
  • New discount requirement - 'Customer must be registered'
  • New discount requirement - 'Customer has all of these product variants in the cart'
  • New discount requirement - 'Customer has one of these product variants in the cart'
  • More user-friendly admin area. Added "Save and Continue Edit" buttons. When editing an item, "Save" returns to continue editing which is great at times. A "Save and return to list" would save the edits and return to the list in one click, rather than 2 clicks.
  • More user-friendly shopping cart page
  • Improved one-page checkout to work without postbacks
  • Canonical URL support for products, categories, and manufacturers (used to eliminate loss of search engine page rank due to duplicate content penalties for multiple URLs linking to same page content)
  • Allow store owner to change 'Pictures are stored into database / file system' option in production environment
  • Negative price adjustment support for product variant attributes
  • Allow customers to email their wish lists (configurable)
  • Minimum order sub-total support
  • Email a store owner when a customer makes a return request
  • Email a customer after return request state change
  • Allow customers to remove applied discounts with coupon code (shopping cart page)
  • USPS Selectable Rates (Services). USPS carrier services selectable in admin area
  • UPS Selectable Rates (Services). UPS carrier services selectable in admin area
  • FedEx Improvements: FedEx carrier services selectable in admin area, additional fee added to each rate (optional), option to use discount or list rates, text names for services (e.g. "FedEx Priority Overnight" instead of "PRIORITY OVERNIGHT")
  • Improved 'Fixed Rate Shipping' shipping rate computation method. Allow store owner to specify rate for each shipping method (NOTE: This method should be reconfigured if it was used)
  • SEO friendly URLs for product tags
  • SEO friendly page title of product tag page
  • SEO changes (use <h1> tag on product details page)
  • Allow store owner to select a Google Analytics script placement (before </head> or </body> tag)
  • Allow store owner to view product variants on products page (admin area > products)
  • Admin Area. Added a 'Warnings' page
  • Allow store owner to view 'System information' in admin area
  • Forums. Relative date format support (option to display 'Today, Yesterday, 1 month ago...')
  • Allow store owner to filter system log by date range, message or log type
  • Allow store owners to view the store while it is set to closed
  • Option to select time zone during registration ('Time zone' form field)
  • Option to display page execution time at the bottom of all pages in public store
  • Allow store owner to manage maximum number of items allowed in cart/wish list
  • Option to show the number of products besides each category (configurable)
  • Option to display manufacturer part number (disabled by default)
  • Option to vote on polls for anonymous users (configurable)
  • PM (private messages) email notifications (configurable)
  • Allow customers to change their username (configurable)
  • 'Search Products' page. Allow store owner to set product page size
  • 'New customer registered' store owner e-mail notification (configurable - disabled by default)
  • Allow store owner to choose whether he wants to export all or only active (confirmed) newsletter subscriptions
  • When clicking 'Use same as shipping address' button (checkout process) automatically select the address for the user and move to next step. Rather than copying values then having to click 'Next' button.
  • Admin area. Advanced search of locale string resources
  • 'Online customers' module. Display total number of registered customers and total number of visitors
  • 'Online Customers' module. Store maximum number of visitors
  • Allow customers to select a store theme (configurable - disabled by default)
  • Improved PDF packaging slips
  • Display tooltip that EU VAT numbers should be entered without country code
  • Improved 'New VAT submitted' message template (include the status of VAT number and name and address of registrant - very useful info when checking validity)
  • Modified 'Products in Lines 2' category template to support price and specification filters
  • Allow store owners to download backups
  • When a customer registers during checkout, after completing registration they should be redirected back to shopping cart page
  • Skip 'select payment method' checkout step if order total equals zero
  • If customers were using reward points and they had more reward point value than the total order value, they were still required to select a payment method
  • PayPal Standard. Validate order total in PaypalPDTHandler.aspx
  • Allow store owner to delete old PDF and excel files (Admin area > System > Maintenance)
  • Added advanced search hyperlink to the main forum page
  • Render order notes in PDF order invoices (disabled by default)
  • Promotion providers. Added input box for product thumbnail size
  • Promotion providers. Allow store owner to generate product feeds in distinct currencies
  • Display entity name during its editing (product/category/manufacturer/customer details pages)
  • Web.config file. Set ValidateRequest to "false"
  • Shipping settings (admin area). Hide 'Value of X' field in case 'Free shipping over X' is unchecked
  • Added a hyperlink to 'Forgot password' page to administration login page
  • Standardized use of color definitions in style sheets to hexadecimal
  • CSS. Removed several hard-coded styles
  • Show 'Password successfully changed' message after changing password in admin area
  • Preselect a shipping method and payment method during checkout
  • 'Impersonate customer' functionality. 'Finish session' link should take administrator back to the 'administration' page a store owner started from
  • Localized 'DuplicateEmailErrorMessage' and 'DuplicateUserNameErrorMessage' properties of CustomerRegister control
  • Admin area. Bigger input box for setting & localization values
  • Ensure that reward points are applied only to registered user
  • Display customer email on 'customer reports' page (admin area)
  • Developers. Source code refactoring
  • Developers. Usage of IoC/DI pattern
  • Developers. Pass entities as parameters to manager methods
  • Developers. Use T4 for generating NopObjectContext
  • Developers. Naming changes (Manager -> Service)
  • Developers. Moved all promotion provider libraries to the new 'PromotionProviders' folder
  • Developers. Removed a lot of stored procedures
  • Developers. Added OrderPaid event to EventContext class
  • Developers. Merged CreditCardTypeManager, PaymentStatusManager, PaymentMethodManager and PaymentManager classes
  • Developers. Merged ShippingMethodManager, ShippingRateComputationMethodManager, ShippingStatusManager and ShippingManager
  • Developers. Merged LocalizationManager and LocaleStringResourceManager classes
  • Developers. Renamed IpBlacklistManager to BlacklistManager
  • Developers. The following tables were deleted: Nop_DiscountLimitation, Nop_DiscountRequirement, Nop_DiscountType, Nop_LogType, Nop_LowStockActivity, Nop_OrderStatus, Nop_PaymentStatus, Nop_ShippingStatus, Nop_ShoppingCartType
  • Developers. Better control over 'Online Customers' module (you can decide which page should or should not be tracked)
  • Developers. Renamed Picture.Extension property to MimeType
  • Developers. Removed Nop.HttpModules.BlacklistModule and Nop.HttpModules.MembershipModule assemblies
  • Developers. Removed BaseNopNestedMasterPage class
  • Developers. Added BaseNopFrontendMasterPage base class for public store master pages
  • Developers. Added BaseNopFrontendPage base class for public store pages
  • Developers. Added BaseNopFrontendUserControl base class for public store user controls


  • Medium trust issue fixed (use FCKEditor instead of HTMLEditor)
  • Added ‘MultipleActiveResultSets=True’ to connection string
  • PNG/GIF transparency issue fixed
  • Deleting product variant attribute issue fixed
  • One-page checkout and PayPal Express issue fixed
  • Turned off case sensitivity for discount coupon codes
  • EURO currency format issue fixed
  • Sitemap issue fixed. 'changefreq' property should be lowercase (SiteMapSEO.aspx)
  • Credit card number and trailing spaces issue fixed
  • Free shipping issue fixed. If one product that has free shipping and one product that doesn't require shipping are placed in the basket, a shipping fee is applied here but shouldn't be
  • Added missed 'ManageEmailSettings' customer action (ACL)
  • Category details page. Filtering products by specification attributes with international names issue fixed (Internet Explorer)
  • Shared SSL issue fixed ('SharedSSL' app setting renamed to 'SharedSSLUrl'; new 'NonSharedSSLUrl' app setting)
  • Anonymous checkout discount issue fixed
  • Minor dynamic price update issue fixed
  • 'Customer enters prices' products in distinct currencies minor issue fixed
  • Admin area. Editing guest minor issue fixed
  • Pictures stored on file system minor issue fixed. When you click 'delete' for a product image it does not delete the original image
  • Fixed bug in BBEditor "quote" button functionality (in case we have [code] tag inside [quote] tag)
  • Autocomplete issue fixed for FF and Chrome browsers (replaced AutoCompleteType='Disabled' with autocomplete='off')
  • Continue shipping rate computation on error with multiple providers
  • SagePay payment method issue fixed
  • Svea (hosted) payment gateway issue fixed. 'Success' parameter was not validated on return page
  • PayPal Standard issue fixed when 'Pass product names and order totals to PayPal' option is enabled (shipping fee is missing)
  • Tier pricing/Customer role and product variant discounts issue fixed
  • 'Online customers' module. Last URL query string parameters were not stored
  • Mini shopping cart + 'shopping cart' link displayed incorrect product quantity when there is more than one of an individual product in the cart
  • Currency issue fixed when 'Display all applied tax rates' option was enabled
  • 'Allow anonymous users to write product reviews' and 'Allow anonymous users to set product ratings' issue fixed
  • One-page checkout minor issue fixed
  • Admin area ('affiliates' and ' topics). Generating a link issue fixed
  • LogTypeEnum.Unknown issue fixed
  • Admin area > DashBoard. DateTime (timezone) issue fixed
  • Password protected topics issue fixed when they are used as nested topics (Topic.ascx control)
  • Wrong order date in customer emails issue fixed
  • Exporting orders to excel minor issue fixed
  • Cancelling recurring payments minor issue fixed
  • CSS minor issue fixed (Customer profile > User latest posts)
  • Maximum length of customer email/username was increased to 100
  • Added static lock object to SEOHelper.InitializeSeoCharacterTable method

【1.* 版本演变结束】

CSDN海神之光上传的代码均可运行,亲测可用,直接替换数据即可,适合小白; 1、代码压缩包内容 主函数:main.m; 调用函数:其他m文件;无需运行 运行结果效果图; 2、代码运行版本 Matlab 2019b或2023b;若运行有误,根据提示修改;若不会,私信博主; 3、运行操作步骤 步骤一:将所有文件放到Matlab的当前文件夹中; 步骤二:双击打开main.m文件; 步骤三:点击运行,等程序运行完得到结果; 4、仿真咨询 如需其他服务,可私信博主或扫描博客文章底部QQ名片; 4.1 博客或资源的完整代码提供 4.2 期刊或参考文献复现 4.3 Matlab程序定制 4.4 科研合作 功率谱估计: 故障诊断分析: 雷达通信:雷达LFM、MIMO、成像、定位、干扰、检测、信号分析、脉冲压缩 滤波估计:SOC估计 目标定位:WSN定位、滤波跟踪、目标定位 生物电信号:肌电信号EMG、脑电信号EEG、心电信号ECG 通信系统:DOA估计、编码译码、变分模态分解、管道泄漏、滤波器、数字信号处理+传输+分析+去噪(CEEMDAN)、数字信号调制、误码率、信号估计、DTMF、信号检测识别融合、LEACH协议、信号检测、水声通信 1. EMD(经验模态分解,Empirical Mode Decomposition) 2. TVF-EMD(时变滤波的经验模态分解,Time-Varying Filtered Empirical Mode Decomposition) 3. EEMD(集成经验模态分解,Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition) 4. VMD(变分模态分解,Variational Mode Decomposition) 5. CEEMDAN(完全自适应噪声集合经验模态分解,Complementary Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise) 6. LMD(局部均值分解,Local Mean Decomposition) 7. RLMD(鲁棒局部均值分解, Robust Local Mean Decomposition) 8. ITD(固有时间尺度分解,Intrinsic Time Decomposition) 9. SVMD(逐次变分模态分解,Sequential Variational Mode Decomposition) 10. ICEEMDAN(改进的完全自适应噪声集合经验模态分解,Improved Complementary Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise) 11. FMD(特征模式分解,Feature Mode Decomposition) 12. REMD(鲁棒经验模态分解,Robust Empirical Mode Decomposition) 13. SGMD(辛几何模态分解,Spectral-Grouping-based Mode Decomposition) 14. RLMD(鲁棒局部均值分解,Robust Intrinsic Time Decomposition) 15. ESMD(极点对称模态分解, extreme-point symmetric mode decomposition) 16. CEEMD(互补集合经验模态分解,Complementary Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition) 17. SSA(奇异谱分析,Singular Spectrum Analysis) 18. SWD(群分解,Swarm Decomposition) 19. RPSEMD(再生相移正弦辅助经验模态分解,Regenerated Phase-shifted Sinusoids assisted Empirical Mode Decomposition) 20. EWT(经验小波变换,Empirical Wavelet Transform) 21. DWT(离散小波变换,Discraete wavelet transform) 22. TDD(时域分解,Time Domain Decomposition) 23. MODWT(最大重叠离散小波变换,Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform) 24. MEMD(多元经验模态分解,Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition) 25. MVMD(多元变分模态分解,Multivariate Variational Mode Decomposition




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