redis cluster 管理

add new node as master

./redis-trib.rb add-node


add new node as slave

./redis-trib.rb add-node –slave


add new node as slave of a existing note

./redis-trib.rb add-node –slave –master-id 3c3a0c74aae0b56170ccb03a76b60cfe7dc1912e


Removing a node

./redis-trib del-node <node-id>


Replicas migration


Upgrading nodes in a Redis Cluster节点升级


Use CLUSTER FAILOVER to trigger a manual failover of the master to one of its slaves (see the "Manual failover" section of this documentation).
Wait for the master to turn into a slave.
Finally upgrade the node as you do for slaves.
If you want the master to be the node you just upgraded, trigger a new manual failover in order to turn back the upgraded node into a master.

Migrating to Redis Cluster

Users willing to migrate to Redis Cluster may have just a single master, or may already using a preexisting sharding setup, where keys are split among N nodes, using some in-house algorithm or a sharding algorithm implemented by their client library or Redis proxy.

In both cases it is possible to migrate to Redis Cluster easily, however what is the most important detail is if multiple-keys operations are used by the application, and how. There are three different cases:

Multiple keys operations, or transactions, or Lua scripts involving multiple keys, are not used. Keys are accessed independently (even if accessed via transactions or Lua scripts grouping multiple commands, about the same key, together).
Multiple keys operations, transactions, or Lua scripts involving multiple keys are used but only with keys having the , which means that the keys used together all have a {…} sub-string that happens to be identical. For example the following multiple keys operation is defined in the context of the same hash tag: SUNION {user:1000}.foo {user:1000}.bar.
Multiple keys operations, transactions, or Lua scripts involving multiple keys are used with key names not having an explicit, or the same, hash tag.

The third case is not handled by Redis Cluster: the application requires to be modified in order to don’t use multi keys operations or only use them in the context of the same hash tag.

Case 1 and 2 are covered, so we’ll focus on those two cases, that are handled in the same way, so no distinction will be made in the documentation.

Assuming you have your preexisting data set split into N masters, where N=1 if you have no preexisting sharding, the following steps are needed in order to migrate your data set to Redis Cluster:

Stop your clients. No automatic live-migration to Redis Cluster is currently possible. You may be able to do it orchestrating a live migration in the context of your application / environment.
Generate an append only file for all of your N masters using the BGREWRITEAOF command, and waiting for the AOF file to be completely generated.
Save your AOF files from aof-1 to aof-N somewhere. At this point you can stop your old instances if you wish (this is useful since in non-virtualized deployments you often need to reuse the same computers).
Create a Redis Cluster composed of N masters and zero slaves. You'll add slaves later. Make sure all your nodes are using the append only file for persistence.
Stop all the cluster nodes, substitute their append only file with your pre-existing append only files, aof-1 for the first node, aof-2 for the second node, up to aof-N.
Restart your Redis Cluster nodes with the new AOF files. They'll complain that there are keys that should not be there according to their configuration.
Use redis-trib fix command in order to fix the cluster so that keys will be migrated according to the hash slots each node is authoritative or not.
Use redis-trib check at the end to make sure your cluster is ok.
Restart your clients modified to use a Redis Cluster aware client library.

There is an alternative way to import data from external instances to a Redis Cluster, which is to use the redis-trib import command.

The command moves all the keys of a running instance (deleting the keys from the source instance) to the specified pre-existing Redis Cluster. However note that if you use a Redis 2.8 instance as source instance the operation may be slow since 2.8 does not implement migrate connection caching, so you may want to restart your source instance with a Redis 3.x version before to perform such operation.

redis-cluster-tool 是一个非常便利的 Redis 集群管理工具。help        Usage: redis-cluster-tool [-?hVds] [-v verbosity level] [-o output file]                  [-c conf file] [-a addr] [-i interval]                  [-p pid file] [-C command] [-r redis role]                  [-t thread number] [-b buffer size]    Options:      -h, --help             : this help      -V, --version          : show version and exit      -d, --daemonize        : run as a daemon      -s, --simple           : show the output not in detail      -v, --verbosity=N      : set logging level (default: 5, min: 0, max: 11)      -o, --output=S         : set logging file (default: stderr)      -c, --conf-file=S      : set configuration file (default: conf/rct.yml)      -a, --addr=S           : set redis cluster address (default:      -i, --interval=N       : set interval in msec (default: 1000 msec)      -p, --pid-file=S       : set pid file (default: off)      -C, --command=S        : set command to execute (default: cluster_state)      -r, --role=S           : set the role of the nodes that command to execute on (default: all, you can input: all, master or slave)      -t, --thread=N         : set how many threads to run the job(default: 8)      -b, --buffer=S         : set buffer size to run the job (default: 1048576 byte, unit:G/M/K)        Commands:        cluster_state                 :Show the cluster state.        cluster_used_memory           :Show the cluster used memory.        cluster_keys_num              :Show the cluster holds keys num.        slots_state                   :Show the slots state.        node_slot_num                 :Show the node hold slots number.        new_nodes_name                :Show the new nodes name that not covered slots.        cluster_rebalance             :Show the cluster how to rebalance.        flushall                      :Flush all the cluster.        cluster_config_get            :Get config from every node in the cluster and check consistency.        cluster_config_set            :Set config to every node in the cluster.        cluster_config_rewrite        :Rewrite every node config to echo node for the cluster.        node_list                     :List the nodes            del_keys                      :Delete keys in the cluster. The keys must match a given glob-style pattern.(This command not block the redis)ExampleGet the cluster state:        $redis-cluster-tool -a -C cluster_state -r master    master[] cluster_state is ok     master[] cluster_state is ok     master[] cluster_state is ok     master[] cluster_state is ok     all nodes cluster_state is ok    Get the cluster used memory:    $redis-cluster-tool -a -C cluster_used_memory -r master    master[] used 195 M 25%    master[] used 195 M 25%    master[] used 195 M 25%    master[] used 195 M 25%    cluster used 780 MRebalance the cluster slots:    $redis-cluster-tool -a -C cluster_rebalance    --from e1a4ba9922555bfc961f987213e3d4e6659c9316 --to 785862477453bc6b91765ffba0b5bc803052d70a --slots 2048    --from 437c719f50dc9d0745032f3b280ce7ecc40792ac --to cb8299390ce53cefb2352db34976dd768708bf64 --slots 2048    --from a497fc619d4f6c93bd4afb85f3f8a148a3f35adb --to a0cf6c1f12d295cd80f5811afab713cdc858ea30 --slots 2048    --from 0bdef694d08cb3daab9aac518d3ad6f8035ec896 --to 471eaf98ff43ba9a0aadd9579f5af1609239c5b7 --slots 2048Then you can use "redis-trib.rb reshard --yes --from e1a4ba9922555bfc961f987213e3d4e6659c9316 --to 785862477453bc6b91765ffba0b5bc803052d70a --slots 2048" to rebalance the cluster slots     Flushall the cluster:    $redis-cluster-tool -a -C flushall -s    Do you really want to execute the "flushall"?    please input "yes" or "no" :        yes    OKGet a config from every node in cluster:    $redis-cluster-tool -a -C "cluster_config_get maxmemory" -r master    master[] config maxmemory is 1048576000 (1000MB)    master[] config maxmemory is 1048576000 (1000MB)    master[] config maxmemory is 1048576000 (1000MB)    master[] config maxmemory is 1048576000 (1000MB)    All nodes config are Consistent    cluster total maxmemory: 4194304000 (4000MB)Set a config from every node in cluster:    $redis-cluster-tool -a -C "cluster_config_set maxmemory 10000000" -s    Do you really want to execute the "cluster_config_set"?    please input "yes" or "no" :    yes        OKDelete keys in the cluster:    $redis-cluster-tool -a -C "del_keys abc*"    Do you really want to execute the "del_keys"?    please input "yes" or "no" :    yes    delete keys job is running...    delete keys job finished, deleted: 999999 keys, used: 4 s 标签:redis




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