jar -xvf jfreechart-1.0.14-demo.jar
如果对-xvf不懂得可以用 输入jar查看
2)下载jad的软件,到http://www.varaneckas.com/jad下载一个,解压缩jad.exe 复制到jdk的bin文件夹下面,输入
jad -o -r -sjava -dsrc demo/**/*.class
This command decompiles all .class files located in all subdirectories of 'demo' and creates output files in subdirectories of 'src' according to package names of classes. For example, if file 'demo/a/b/c.class' contains class 'c' from package 'a.b', then output file will have a name 'src/a/b/c.java'.
Note the use of the "two stars" wildcard ('**') in the previous command. It is handled by Jad rather than the command shell, so on UNIX the last argument should be single-quoted:
jad -o -r -sjava -dsrc 'demo/**/*.class