今天下载了一些学习电子书,以加强我的基础。In this book I'll draw on my experience and industry knowledge to help you design and develop solutions that work in practice, without the need for you to go through a painful process of discovering the difference between J2EE theory and reality.看到这句话了么?“在这本书里,我将贡献出我的经验和产业化知识来帮助你通过练习来设计和开发解决方案,除非你准备随我度过一个痛苦的过程来发现J2EE的理论和现实的区别。“ 这句话出自Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development 这本书中,可以了解到,作者已经说过了,想要真正了解j2ee 理论和现实的差距是要经过一个痛苦的过程的,我希望我有这个决心读完它。<o:p></o:p>
最新推荐文章于 2024-08-28 07:51:54 发布