Hacking The Interwebs


“With great power comes great responsibility”, but those with great power
usually aren’t that responsible. Nevertheless, we try to be responsible as
much as we can. In the following post, ap
<http://www.gnucitizen.org/about/ap>  (Adrian Pastor; pagvac) and I
<http://www.gnucitizen.org/about/pdp>  (pdp) are going to expose some
secrets, which may make you question our values at first, will definitely
make you feel worried about “Why is all this possible?”, and may even make
you hate us in your guts for what we have done. It is important to
understand the magnitude of the problem we are planning to talk about, and
that we cannot go to any vendor to ask for a solution, because it is not a
bug what we have to deal with, but rather a combination of design problems.
It is an issue, which needs to be resolved right now and the only way to do
that is to go public with whatever we’ve got on our table.

During the last week we’ve tried to prepare you for this very moment by
exposing bits
and pieces on how UPnP works and why it is so important to keep it in mind
when testing and securing networks. We’ve also talked
<http://www.gnucitizen.org/blog/bt-home-flub-pwnin-the-bt-home-hub-5>  about
how the Universal Plug and Play can be combined with simple XSS attacks in
order to create a powerful mechanism for remotely reconfiguring vulnerable
routers without any means of authentication or authorization with the
targeted device. Today, we are going to show you that UPnP can be exploited
across the Web without the need of XSS. This is the next logical,
evolutionary step of UPnP exploitation which by far has the highest level of

We’ve talked
earlier that the UPnP stack consists of several technologies: SSDP (Simple
Service Discovery Protocol), GENA (Generic Event Notification Architecture),
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) and XML. The UPnP control process
starts with the discovery stage. Here, a multicast SSDP packet is submitted
to Any device that listens on this multicast port will
then respond with information about their service description if they are
happy with the body of the discovery packet. The UPnP control actuator will
then read the description and look for available methods. Each method is
associated with a control point (URL and a header) and method parameters
which may or may not be required. Once the method information is obtained,
the UPnP actuator will pick the method that suits best the given task that
needs to be performed and submit a SOAP message to the control point in
order to actualize it. “This is how UPnP works in general!”

When attacking UPnP from within the network where the UPnP enabled device is
located, we pretty much proceed with the method described above. If we want
to attack a UPnP enabled device across the Web, then we have a few problems
that needs to be solved. First of all, from the Web, we cannot send and
process SSDP. SSDP is based on UDP and it deals with multicast packets which
is something browsers and Web technologies in general will probably never
learn how to work with. The only stage that we can safely perform from the
Web is the actual SOAP request, which is the very last stage of the control
mechanism described in the previous paragraph.

Adrian did an amazing job explaining
<http://www.gnucitizen.org/blog/bt-home-flub-pwnin-the-bt-home-hub-5>  how
someone can reconfigure your BT Home Hub router via a pre-auth XSS. In his
post, Adrian describes a mechanism where the victim visits a malicious page,
which makes use of a XSS vulnerability that exists within the BT Home Hub
router, in order to add a portforwarding rule within the targeted device
firewall. Once the XSSed SOAP request is actualized, the attacker will be
able to get access to an internal service over the portforward. Given the
fact that the attacker can change the primary DNS server of the target
router, as well, the problem seams to be more then scary and very, very
concerning. At this stage you are probably thinking that closing the XSS
hole on the router pre-auth pages will definitely solve the problem for
good, but I am afraid to inform you that you will be wrong.

To the point: SOAP Messages are nothing but POST requests with contentType
equal to application/xml, a SOAPAction header and a request body that
complies with the SOAP message format. These three request values cannot be
changed with JavaScript unless we deal with the XMLHttpRequest object.
Though, in order to successfully use this object, we need to comply with the
Same Origin Policies (SOP) and that will mean that we need an XSS
vulnerability, as Adrian proposed
<http://www.gnucitizen.org/blog/bt-home-flub-pwnin-the-bt-home-hub-5>  in
his article. However, it is less known that these values can be easily set
with Flash. The following code demonstrates the attack vector:


The Test.mxml Flash Application performs several operations.

1.      At first, the MXML script creates an URLRequest object to the
targeted UPnP control point URL. In our case, this is, which is the PPP
control point of BT Home Hub. Keep in mind that other devices can be
exploited as well by changing that URL to match their setup.
2.      Then we define the request method which has to be POST.
3.      The next expression defines the request data. This is the actual
SOAP Message which will add the portforwarding rule.
4.      We need to set the contentType to application/xml.
5.      Then we push the SOAPAction header into the Array of headers.
6.      And finally we open the URLRequest with navigateToURL. The respond
will render within _self.

Shockwave Flash 9.0 r115 (the latest at the time of writing but not
automatically deployed) seams to incorrectly supply the request headers.
This may make the attack to fail if you use Firefox, Opera or Safari and the
attacked router or UPnP device is picky about CR and CRLF line endings.
Earlier flash versions does not have this problem/bug. Keep in mind that
most devices will accept the request although the line endings are mixed up
a bit.

When the victim visits the malicious SWF file, the above 6 steps will
silently execute in the background. At that moment the attacker will have
control over the service the portforwarding rule was assigned for for. Keep
in mind that no XSS is required, it is a matter of visiting the wrong
resource at the wrong time. Also, keep in mind that 99% of home routers are
vulnerable to this attack as all of them support UPnP to one degree or

I repeat myself far too much, but I guess I have another opportunity to
mention that adding a portforwarding is only one of the many things someone
can do to your router. The most malicious of all malicious things is to
change the primary DNS server. That will effectively turn the router and the
network it controls into a zombie which the attacker can take advantage of
whenever they feel like it. It is also possible to reset the admin
credentials and create the sort of onion routing network all the bad guys
want. We hope that by exposing this information, we will drastically improve
the situation for the future. I think that this is a lot better than keeping
it for ourselves or risking it all by given the criminals the opportunity to
have in possession a secret which no one else is aware of.

GNUCITIZEN is a Cutting Edge, Ethical Hacker Outfit, Information Think Tank,
which primarily deals with all aspects of the art of hacking. Our work has
been featured in established magazines and information portals, such as
Wired, Eweek, The Register, PC Week, IDG, BBC and many others. The members
of the GNUCITIZEN group are well known and well established experts in the
Information Security, Black Public Relations (PR) Industries and Hacker
Circles with widely recognized experience in the government and corporate
sectors and the open source community.

GNUCITIZEN is an ethical, white-hat organization that doesn’t hide
anything. We strongly believe that knowledge belongs to everyone and we make
everything to ensure that our readers have access to the latest cutting-edge
research and get alerted of the newest security threats when they come. Our
experience shows that the best way of protection is mass information. And we
mean that literally!!! It is in the public’s best interest to make our
findings accessible to vast majority of people, simply because it is proven
that the more people know about a certain problem, the better.

download: Harmless/Useless
<http://www.gnucitizen.org/projects/hacking-the-interwebs/Test.mxml>  Proof
of Concept - use for demonstration and eduction purposes only

The only way to protect yourself is to turn off UPnP. Yes, that will make
your life harder and probably your skype or msn wont work as flawlessly as
before but it is a trade-off you have to learn to live with.





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