来源: http://www.exetools.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8432 附件:bambam004_source.zip 引用: bedrock 11-03-2005, 04:10 End of last year and begining of this year, i had some spare time and set about creating a basic PE packer entirely in C/C++, following mostly bigboote's excellent tutorials and guessing the bit i didn't know. I learnt a lot from this exercise and back in may i release the first version of my packer on here http://www.exetools.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6948 Since then i have had very little time and the project has basically come to a complete halt now, so i am deciding to release all my source, it isn't pretty or well commented, but hopefully some will beable to learn, especially from the stub code, as this is all C and is my interpretation of bigboote's notes. This is a VC6 project and possibly needs the Platform SDK, but you can probably get it to compile without that to be honest. I am providing this AS IS. I may start from scratch if i ever get the time, using the new VS2005 and learning from my mistakes.