

来源:www.accessoft.com  点击数:1328  评论数:1 评论 | 收藏 | 复制

时 间:2013-12-17 20:22:36
作 者:Aaron   ID:20267  城市:闵行
摘 要:根据表的字段,自动生成对应的类模块。
正 文:




Option Compare Database
 Option Explicit

 Private Sub btnGenerateClassFile_Click()

    Dim strLineText As String
     Dim strMessage As String
     Dim clsModule As Module
     Dim strFilePath As String
     Dim strModuelVariant As String
     Dim strAreaVariant As String
     Dim strRecordSet As String
     Dim strOptional As String

    If IsNull(Me.cboClassModule) Or IsNull(Me.cboTableList) Then Exit Sub
     LoadFieldList Me.cboTableList, Me     '//选择的表的字段记录集加载到窗体的记录集
    With Me.Recordset
         If .EOF Then Exit Sub
        strFilePath = DeskTopPath & "\Test.cls"
         If Len(Dir(strFilePath)) > 0 Then
             Kill strFilePath
         End If
         Open strFilePath For Append Shared As #1
        '        Print #1, "VERSION 1.0 CLASS"
         '        Print #1, "BEGIN"
         '        Print #1, "     MultiUse = -1  'True"
         '        Print #1, "End"
         '        Print #1, "Attribute VB_Name =cls_tblSupplier"    '//替换成选择的表"
         '        Print #1, "Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False"
         '        Print #1, "Attribute VB_Creatable = False"
         '        Print #1, "Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False"
         '        Print #1, "Attribute VB_Exposed = False"
         Print #1, "Option Compare Database"
         Print #1, "Option Explicit"
         Print #1,
         strRecordSet = "mrst" & Me.cboClassModule
        Do Until .EOF
             strLineText = "private " & FieldVariant(!Name, !Type) & " AS " & FieldTypeText(!Type)
             Print #1, strLineText
        Print #1, "Private mblnCorrectData As Boolean"
         Print #1, "Private mstrWrongMessage As String"
         Print #1, "Public Event InvalidData(strMessage As String)"
         Print #1, "Private " & strRecordSet & " as DAO.RecordSet"
         Print #1, "Private mblnAddFlag As Boolean"
         Print #1, "Private mblnSaveEnable as Boolean"
         Print #1,
         Do Until .EOF
            Print #1, "'//" & !Name & "属性"
             strModuelVariant = FieldVariant(!Name, !Type)
             strAreaVariant = FieldVariant(!Name, !Type, 1)
             If !Required Then
                 strOptional = "Optional strMessage As String"
                 strOptional = ""
             End If
             Print #1, "Public Property Get " & !Name & "(" & strOptional & ") As " & FieldTypeText(!Type)
             Print #1, "     " & !Name & "= " & strModuelVariant
             Print #1, "End Property"
             If Len(strOptional) > 0 Then strOptional = strOptional & ","
             Print #1, "Public Property Let " & !Name & "(" & strOptional & "ByVal " & strAreaVariant & " As " & FieldTypeText(!Type) & ")"
            If !Type = 4 Or !Type = 5 Then
                 Print #1, "     Dim blnCorrectData as boolean"
                 Print #1, "     blnCorrectData=IsNumeric(" & strAreaVariant & ")"
                 Print #1, "     mblnCorrectData = mblnCorrectData And blnCorrectData"
                 Print #1, "     if not mblnCorrectData then"
                 Print #1, "             mstrWrongMessage=mstrWrongMessage & strMessage & " & """" & "需要输入数字! " & """"
                 Print #1, "             RaiseEvent InvalidData(mstrWrongMessage)"
                 Print #1, "             Exit Property"
                 Print #1, "      End if"
                 If !Required Then
                     Print #1, "     Dim blnCorrectData as boolean"
                    Print #1, "     blnCorrectData=CheckNull(" & strAreaVariant & ")"
                     Print #1, "     mblnCorrectData = mblnCorrectData And blnCorrectData"
                     Print #1, "     if not mblnCorrectData then"
                     Print #1, "             mstrWrongMessage=mstrWrongMessage & strMessage & " & """" & "不能为空! " & """"
                     Print #1, "             RaiseEvent InvalidData(mstrWrongMessage)"
                     Print #1, "             Exit Property"
                     Print #1, "      End if"
                    Print #1, "     blnCorrectData=CheckUnique(" & """" & !Name & """" & "," & strAreaVariant & ")"
                     Print #1, "     mblnCorrectData = mblnCorrectData And blnCorrectData"
                     Print #1, "     if not mblnCorrectData then"
                     Print #1, "             mstrWrongMessage=mstrWrongMessage & strMessage & " & """" & "不能重复! " & """"
                     Print #1, "             RaiseEvent InvalidData(mstrWrongMessage)"
                     Print #1, "             Exit Property"
                     Print #1, "      End if"
                 End If
             End If

            Print #1, "      " & strModuelVariant & "= " & strAreaVariant
             Print #1, "End Property"
             Print #1,

        Print #1, "'//CorrectData方法"
         Print #1, "Public Function CorrectData() As Boolean"
         Print #1, "     CorrectData = mblnCorrectData"
         Print #1, "     mblnSaveEnable = mblnCorrectData"
         Print #1, "     If Not CorrectData Then"
         Print #1, "             RaiseEvent InvalidData(mstrWrongMessage)"
         Print #1, "     End If"
         Print #1, "End Function"
        Print #1, "Private Sub Class_Initialize()"
         Print #1, "     mblnCorrectData = True"
         Print #1, "     mstrWrongMessage =" & """" & """"
         Print #1, "     Set " & strRecordSet & "=CurrentDb.OpenRecordSet(" & """" & "Select * FROM " & Me.cboTableList & """" & ")"
         Print #1, "     Call Scatter"
         Print #1, "End Sub"
        Print #1, "'//Scatter方法"
         Print #1, "public sub Scatter()"
         Print #1, "     With " & strRecordSet
         Do Until .EOF
             If !Type = 4 Or !Type = 5 Then
                 Print #1, "         " & FieldVariant(!Name, !Type) & " =Nz( !" & !Name & ",0)"
                 Print #1, "         " & FieldVariant(!Name, !Type) & " =Nz( !" & !Name & "," & """" & """" & ")"
             End If
         Print #1, "     End With"
         Print #1, "End Sub"
        Print #1, "'//设置添加还是编辑标志变量"
         Print #1, "Public Property Get AddFlag() as Boolean"
         Print #1, "     AddFlag=mblnAddFlag"
         Print #1, "End Property"
         Print #1, "Public Property Let AddFlag(ByVal ablnAddFlag as Boolean)"
         Print #1, "     mblnAddFlag=ablnAddFlag"
         Print #1, "End Property"
        Print #1, "'//ModifyRecord方法"
         Print #1, "public sub ModifyRecord()"
         Print #1, "'//根据主键字段类型的不同需要自行设置"
         Print #1, "     If not mblnSaveEnable Then "
         Print #1, "         MsgBox " & """" & "不能保存,请先调用StartSave方法!" & """" & ",vbCritical," & """" & "提示" & """"
         Print #1, "        Exit Sub"
         Print #1, "     End if"
         Print #1, "     With " & strRecordSet
         Print #1, "         If mblnAddFlag Then"
         Print #1, "             .AddNew"
         Print #1, "             !ID=GetNewID()"
         Print #1, "         else"
         Print #1, "              .Edit"
         Print #1, "         End If "
         Do Until .EOF
             If !Name <> "ID" Then
                 Print #1, "         " & "!" & !Name & "=" & FieldVariant(!Name, !Type)
             End If
         Print #1, "      .Update"
         Print #1, "         If mblnAddFlag Then"
         Print #1, "             mlngID=!ID"
         Print #1, "         End If "
         Print #1, "     End With"
         Print #1, "End Sub"
        Print #1, "'//GotoRecord方法"
         Print #1, "Public Sub GotoRecord(ByVal alngID as long )"
         Print #1, "     " & strRecordSet & ".FindFirst " & """" & "ID=" & """" & " & alngID"
         Print #1, "     If alngID=0 then"
         Print #1, "         " & strRecordSet & ".AddNew"
         Print #1, "     End if"
         Print #1, "     Call Scatter"
         Print #1, "End Sub"
        Print #1, "'//GetNewID方法"
         Print #1, "Public Function GetNewID() As Long"
         Print #1, "     GetNewID=DMax(" & """" & "ID" & """" & "," & """" & Me.cboTableList & """" & ")+1"
         Print #1, "End Function"
        Print #1, "'//CheckLength方法"
         Print #1, "Public Function CheckLength(lngLength as long, CheckValue as string) As Boolean"
         Print #1, "    CheckLength=(len(CheckValue)>lnglength)"
         Print #1, "End Function"
        Print #1, "'//CheckUnique方法"
         Print #1, "Public Function CheckUnique(FieldName as string , CheckValue as string) As Boolean"
         Print #1, "     dim lngCurrentID"
         Print #1, "     If mblnAddFlag then"
         Print #1, "         lngCurrentID=0"
         Print #1, "     Else"
         Print #1, "         lngCurrentID=mlngID"
         Print #1, "     End If"
         Print #1, "     If DCount(FieldName," & """" & Me.cboTableList & """" & "," & _
                   """" & "ID<> " & """" & " & lngCurrentID & " & """" & " And " & _
                   """" & " & FieldName & " & """" & "='" & """" & "& CheckValue &" & """" & "'" & """" & ")=0 Then"
         Print #1, "         CheckUnique=true"
         Print #1, "     End If"
         Print #1, "End Function"
        Print #1, "'//CheckNull方法"
         Print #1, "Public Function CheckNull(CheckValue as string) As Boolean"
         Print #1, "    CheckNull=(len(CheckValue)>0 )"
         Print #1, "End Function"
        Print #1, "'//StartSave方法"
         Print #1, "Public Function StartSave()"
         Print #1, "     mblnCorrectData=True"
         Print #1, "     mstrWrongMessage=" & """" & """"
         Print #1, "    mblnSaveEnable=True"
         Print #1, "End Function"
        Print #1, "'//Delete方法"
         Print #1, "Public Function Delete()"
         Print #1, "     With " & strRecordSet
         Print #1, "         .Delete"
         Print #1, "     End With"
         Print #1, "     Call MoveNext "
         Print #1, "End Function"
        Print #1, "'//MovePreviouis方法"
         Print #1, "Public Function MovePreviouis()"
         Print #1, "     With " & strRecordSet
         Print #1, "         If Not .BOF Then"
         Print #1, "             .MovePrevious"
         Print #1, "              If .BOF Then"
         Print #1, "                 .MoveFirst"
         Print #1, "              End If"
         Print #1, "         End If"
         Print #1, "     End With"
         Print #1, "     Call Scatter"
         Print #1, "End Function"
        Print #1, "'//MoveNext方法"
         Print #1, "Public Function MoveNext()"
         Print #1, "     With " & strRecordSet
         Print #1, "         If Not .EOF Then"
         Print #1, "             .MoveNext"
         Print #1, "              If .EOF Then"
         Print #1, "                 .MoveLast"
         Print #1, "              End If"
         Print #1, "         End If"
         Print #1, "     End With"
         Print #1, "     Call Scatter"
         Print #1, "End Function"
        Print #1, "Public Property Get InvalidData() as Boolean"
         Print #1, "     InvalidData=not mblnCorrectData"
         Print #1, "End Property"
     End With
    Close #1

    If Not IsNull(Me.cboClassModule) Then
         DoCmd.OpenModule Me.cboClassModule

        Set clsModule = Modules(Me.cboClassModule)
         With clsModule
             If .CountOfLines = 0 Then
                 .AddFromFile strFilePath
                 MsgBox "代码添加成功!", vbInformation, "提示"
                 DoCmd.OpenModule Me.cboClassModule
                 MsgBox "请检查是否选择了正确的类模块" & vbCrLf & " 如果正确请清空类模块的所有文本!", vbExclamation, "提示"
             End If
         End With
     End If
 End Sub

Private Function FieldVariant(FieldName As String, FieldType As Integer, Optional VariantArea As Integer = 0) As String
     Dim strPrefix As String
     Dim strArea As String
     Select Case VariantArea
     Case 0
         strArea = "m"
     Case 1
         strArea = "a"
     End Select
     Select Case FieldType
     Case 4
         strPrefix = strArea & "lng"
     Case 10
         strPrefix = strArea & "str"
     Case 1
         strPrefix = strArea & "bln"
     Case 5
         strPrefix = strArea & "cur"
     Case 8
         strPrefix = strArea & "dat"
     Case Else
         strPrefix = strArea & "var"
     End Select
     FieldVariant = strPrefix & FieldName
 End Function

Private Function FieldTypeText(FieldType As Integer) As String
     Dim strVariantText As String
     Select Case FieldType
     Case 4
         strVariantText = "long"
     Case 10
         strVariantText = "string"
     Case 1
         strVariantText = "boolean"
     Case 5
         strVariantText = "currency"
     Case 8
         strVariantText = "date"
     Case Else
         strVariantText = "variant"
     End Select
     FieldTypeText = strVariantText
 End Function

Private Function DeskTopPath() As String
     Dim wshshell As Object
     Set wshshell = CreateObject("wscript.shell")
     DeskTopPath = wshshell.regread("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\desktop")
     Set wshshell = Nothing
 End Function

Private Sub btnRefresh_Click()
     Dim objAccess As Object
     Dim objModule As Module
     Dim i As Integer
     Dim strModuleName As String
     Application.Echo False
     Me.cboClassModule.RowSource = ""
     For Each objAccess In CurrentProject.AllModules
         strModuleName = objAccess.Name
         DoCmd.OpenModule strModuleName
         If Modules(strModuleName).Type = acStandardModule Or (Modules(strModuleName).CountOfLines > 0) Then
             '            DoCmd.Close acModule, strModuleName
             '            Me.SetFocus
             Me.cboClassModule.AddItem strModuleName
         End If
     Application.Echo True
 End Sub

 Private Sub Form_Load()
     LoadRDPObjectList rotTable, Me.cboTableList
 End Sub

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