续前文: http://atian25.iteye.com/blog/431545
// Ext.menu.MenuMgr function onMouseDown(e){ if(lastShow.getElapsed() > 50 && active.length > 0 && !e.getTarget(".x-menu")){ hideAll(); } }
var combo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ fieldLabel: '修复后的Combo', store: data, mode: 'local', triggerAction:'all', /* * 关键点 * 1. x-menu使combo在选择的时候不会隐藏掉menu,看Ext.menu.MenuMgr.onMouseDown源码即知 * 2. x-menu里面的"z-index: 15000;",因为menu里面的layer的z-index是15000,则这里大于15000即可.. * 3.因为这个cls已经有个z-index,所以前文中我们自定义的那个class可以去掉了 */ listClass:' x-menu ' });
Ext.onReady(function(){ Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = '/images/s.gif'; Ext.QuickTips.init(); fixMenuBug() }); function fixMenuBug(){ //Defined combo var data = []; for(var i=0;i<20;i++){ data.push('option'+i); } var combo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ fieldLabel: '修复后的Combo', store: data, mode: 'local', triggerAction:'all', /* * 关键点 * 1. x-menu使combo在选择的时候不会隐藏掉menu,看Ext.menu.MenuMgr.onMouseDown源码即知 * 2. x-menu里面的"z-index: 15000;",因为menu里面的layer的z-index是15000,则这里大于15000即可.. */ listClass:' x-menu ' }); var bugcombo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ fieldLabel: '菜单被遮盖住的Combo', store: data, mode: 'local', triggerAction:'all', listClass:'' }); var bugcombo2 = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ fieldLabel: '点击下拉滚动条/选择子项会隐藏的Combo', store: data, mode: 'local', triggerAction:'all', listClass:' comboInMenu ' }); var combo2 = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ fieldLabel: 'fixedCombo2', store: ['选我,不隐藏'].concat(data), value:'选我,不隐藏', mode: 'local', triggerAction:'all', listClass:' x-menu ' }); var noHideText=new Ext.form.TextField({ value: '点我,不会被隐藏', //关键点:让组件被选中的时候不隐藏掉menu hideOnClick:false }); var hideText=new Ext.form.TextField({ value: '点我,隐藏' }); var form = new Ext.FormPanel({ labelWidth: 250, frame:true, width: 550, height:150, items: [ {xtype:'textfield',fieldLabel:'输入框'}, bugcombo, bugcombo2, combo ], buttons: [{text: 'Save'},{text: 'Cancel'}] }); var btn = new Ext.SplitButton({ renderTo: document.body, text: 'Options', menu: new Ext.menu.Menu({ items: [ form,combo2,noHideText,hideText, /* 2.2版本中需要对Adapter的第二个参数中加入hideOnClick:false new Ext.menu.Adapter(form,{hideOnClick:false}), new Ext.menu.Adapter(combo2,{hideOnClick:false}), new Ext.menu.Adapter(noHideText), new Ext.menu.Adapter(hideText), */ {text:'点击我,不隐藏',hideOnClick:false}, {text:'点击我,2.0隐藏,3.0不隐藏'} ] }) }); }
2010-07-08 更新:
因为DF里面还有个datemenu,所以需要设置该属性allowOtherMenus: true
var dateField = new Ext.form.DateField({ fieldLabel:'日期1', menu: new Ext.menu.DateMenu({ hideOnClick: false, allowOtherMenus: true }) })
2010-07-04 更新:
ExtJS 3.2.0 文档中提到的一种解决方法:
getListParent() : void ComboBox Returns the element used to house this ComboBox's pop-up list. Defaults to the document body. A custom implementation... Returns the element used to house this ComboBox's pop-up list. Defaults to the document body. A custom implementation may be provided as a configuration option if the floating list needs to be rendered to a different Element. An example might be rendering the list inside a Menu so that clicking the list does not hide the Menu: var store = new Ext.data.ArrayStore({ autoDestroy: true, fields: ['initials', 'fullname'], data : [ ['FF', 'Fred Flintstone'], ['BR', 'Barney Rubble'] ] }); var combo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ store: store, displayField: 'fullname', emptyText: 'Select a name...', forceSelection: true, getListParent: function() { return this.el.up('.x-menu'); }, iconCls: 'no-icon', //use iconCls if placing within menu to shift to right side of menu mode: 'local', selectOnFocus: true, triggerAction: 'all', typeAhead: true, width: 135 }); var menu = new Ext.menu.Menu({ id: 'mainMenu', items: [ combo // A Field in a Menu ] });