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ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [15700], [3], [0x1DDE1AAB0], [], [], [], [], []


ora-600一共有两大类,一类的错误类型以数字标识,另外一类则以字符串标识。数字表示不同的内核层,而字符串则是具体的函数或者模块名。在Metalink的Doc ID: 175982.1中,oracle列举了这两类错误的详细信息,转录在这里以供需要是查询:


Ora-600 BaseFunctionalityDescription
1Service Layer The service layer has within it a variety of service
related components which are associated with in memory related activities in the SGA such as, for example : the management of Enqueues,
System Parameters, System state objects (these objects track the use of structures in the SGA by Oracle server processes), etc..
In the main, this layer provides support to allow process communication and provides support for locking and the management of structures to support multiple user processes connecting and interacting within the SGA. 


Note : vos  – Virtual Operating System provides features to support the functionality above.  As the name suggests it provides base functionality in much the same way as is provided by an Operating System.

Ora-600 BaseFunctionalityDescription
1vosComponent notifier 
900vosSystem Parameters 
1100vosSystem State object 
1110vosGeneric Linked List management 
1180vosInstance Locks 
1200vosUser State object 
1400vosAsync Msgs 
1700voslicense Key 
1800vosInstance Registration 
1850vosI/O Services components
2000Cache Layer Where errors are generated in this area, it is advisable
to check whether the error is repeatable and whether the error is perhaps associated with recovery or undo type operations; where
this is the case and the error is repeatable, this may suggest some kind of hardware or physical issue with a data file, control
file or log file. The Cache layer is responsible for making the changes to the underlying files and well as managing the related memory structures in the SGA. 


Note :rcvindicates recovery. It is important to remember that the Oracle cache layer is effectively going through the same code paths as used by the recovery mechanism.

Ora-600 BaseFunctionalityDescription
2000server/rcvCache Op
2100server/rcvControl File mgmt 
2200server/rcvMisc (SCN etc.) 
2400server/rcvBuffer Instance Hash Table 
2600server/rcvRedo file component 
2800server/rcvDb file 
3000server/rcvRedo Application 
3200server/cacheBuffer manager 
3400server/rcvArchival & media recovery component 
3600server/rcvrecovery component
3700server/rcvThread component 
3800server/rcvCompatibility segment

It is important  to consider when the error occurred and the context in which the error was generated. If the error does not reproduce, it may be an in memory issue.

4000Transaction Layer Primarily the transaction layer is involved with maintaining
structures associated with the management of transactions.  As with the cache layer , problems encountered in this layer may indicate some kind of issue at a physical level. Thus it is important to try and repeat the same steps to see if the problem recurs. 


Ora-600 BaseFunctionalityDescription
4000server/txnTransaction Undo 
4100server/txnTransaction Undo 
4210server/txnTransaction Parallel 
4250server/txnTransaction List 
4300space/spcmgmtTransaction Segment 
4400txn/lcltxTransaction Control 
4450txn/lcltxdistributed transaction control
4500txn/lcltxTransaction Block 
4600space/spcmgmtTransaction Table 
4800dict/rowcacheQuery Row Cache 
4900space/spcmgmtTransaction Monitor 
5000space/spcmgmtTransaction Extent 

It is important to try and determine what the object involved in any reproducible problem is. Then
use the analyze command. For more information, please refer to the analyze command as detailed in the context of Note 28814.1; in addition, it may be worth using the dbverify as discussed inNote 35512.1.

6000Data Layer The data layer is responsible for maintaining and managing
the data in the database tables and indexes. Issues in this area may indicate some kind of physical issue at the object level and
therefore, it is important to try and isolate the object and then perform. an anlayze on the object to validate its structure. 


Ora-600 BaseFunctionalityDescription
6000 ram/data
data, analyze command and index related activity
7000ram/objectlob related errors
8000ram/datageneral data access
8110ram/indexindex related
8150ram/objectgeneral data access

Again, it is important to try and determine what the object involved in any reproducible problem is.
Then use the analyze command. For more information, please refer to the analyze command as detailed in the context of Note 28814.1; in addition, it may be worth using the dbverify as discussed inNote 35512.1.

12000User/Oracle Interface & SQL Layer Components This layer governs the user interface with the Oracle
server. Problems generated by this layer usually indicate : some kind of presentation or format error in the data received by the
server, i.e. the client may have sent incomplete information; or there is some kind of issue which indicates that the data is received out of sequence


Ora-600 BaseFunctionalityDescription
12200 progint/kpo
lob related
errors at interface level on server side, xa , etc.
12300progint/ifOCI interface to coordinating global transactions 
12400sqlexec/rowsrctable row source access
12600space/spcmgmtoperations associated with tablespace : alter / create / drop operations ; operations associated with create table / cluster
12700sqlexec/rowsrc bad rowid
13000dict/ifdictionary access routines associated with kernel compilation
13080ram/indexkernel Index creation
13080sqllang/integconstraint mechanism
13100progint/opiarchival and Media Recovery component
13200dict/sqlddlalter table mechanism
13250security/auditaudit statement processing
13300objsupp/objdatasupport for handling of object generation and object access
14000dict/sqlddlsequence generation
15000progint/kpologon to Oracle
16000tools/sqlldrsql loader related

You should try and repeat the issue and with the use of sql trace , try and isolate where exactly the issue may be occurring within the application.

14000System Dependent Component internal error values This layer manages interaction with the OS. Effectively
it acts as the glue which allows the Oracle server to interact with the OS. The types of operation which this layer manages are indicated as follows.


Ora-600 BaseFunctionalityDescription
14000osdsFile access
14100osdsConcurrency management; 
14200osdsProcess management;
14300osdsException-handler or signal handler management
14500osdsMemory allocation
15000 security/dac,
local user access validation; challenge / response activity for
remote access validation; auditing operation; any activities associated with granting and revoking of privileges; validation of password with external password file
15100dict/sqlddlthis component manages operations associated with creating, compiling (altering), renaming, invalidating, and dropping  procedures, functions, and packages.
15160optim/cbocost based optimizer layer is used to determine optimal path to the data based on statistical information available on the relevant tables and indexes.
15190optim/cbocost based optimizer layer. Used in the generation of a new index to determine how the index should be created. Should it be constructed from the table data or from another index.
15200dict/shrdcursused to in creating sharable context area associated with shared cursors
15230dict/sqlddlmanages the compilation of triggers
15260 dict/dictlkup
dictionary lookup and library cache access
15400server/drvmanages alter system and alter session operations
15410progint/ifmanages compilation of pl/sql packages and procedures
15500dict/dictlkupperforms dictionary lookup to ensure semantics are correct
15550 sqlexec/execsvc
hash join execution management; 
parallel row source management
15600sqlexec/pqcomponent provides support for Parallel Query operation
15620repl/snapshotsmanages the creation of snapshot or materialized views as well as related snapshot / MV operations
15640repl/defrdrpclayer containing various functions for examining the deferred transaction queue and retrieving information
15660jobqs/jobqmanages the operation of the Job queue background processes
15670sqlexec/pqcomponent provides support for Parallel Query operation
15700sqlexec/pqcomponent provides support for Parallel Query operation; specifically mechanism for starting up and shutting down query slaves
15800sqlexec/pqcomponent provides support for Parallel Query operation
15810sqlexec/pqcomponent provides support for Parallel Query operation; specifically functions for creating mechanisms through which Query co-ordinator can communicate with PQ slaves;
15820sqlexec/pqcomponent provides support for Parallel Query operation
15850sqlexec/execsvccomponent provides support for the execution of SQL statements
15860sqlexec/pqcomponent provides support for Parallel Query operation
16000loadersql Loader direct load operation;
16150loaderthis layer is used for ‘C’ level call outs to direct loader operation;
16200dict/libcachethis is part of library Cache operation. Amongst other things it manages the dependency of SQL objects and tracks who is permitted to access these objects;
16230dict/libcachethis component is responsible for managing access to remote objects as part of library Cache operation;
16300mts/mtsthis component relates to MTS (Multi Threaded Server) operation
16400dict/sqlddlthis layer contains functionality which allows tables to be loaded / truncated and their definitions to be modified. This is part of dictionary operation;
16450dict/libcachethis layer layer provides support for multi-instance access to the library cache; this functionality is applicable therefore to OPS environments;
16500dict/rowcachethis layer provides support to load / cache Oracle’s dictionary in memory in the library cache;
16550sqlexec/fixedtabthis component maps data structures maintained in the Oracle code to fixed tables such that they can be queried using the SQL layer;
16600dict/libcachethis layer performs management of data structures within the library cache;
16651dict/libcachethis layer performs management of dictionary related information within library Cache;
16701dict/libcachethis layer provides library Cache support to support database creation and forms part of the bootstrap process;
17000dict/libcachethis is the main library Cache manager. This Layer maintains the in memory representation of cached sql statements together will all the necessary support that this demands;
17090generic/vosthis layer implementations error management operations: signalling errors, catching  errors, recovering from errors, setting error frames, etc.;
17100generic/vosHeap manager. The Heap manager manages the storage of internal
data in an orderly and consistent manner. There can be many heaps serving various purposes; and heaps within heaps. Common examples
are the SGA heap, UGA heap and the PGA heap. Within a Heap there are consistency markers which aim to ensure that the Heap is always in a consistent state. Heaps are use extensively and are in memory structures – not on disk. 
17200dict/libcachethis component deals with loading remote library objects into the local library cache with information from the remote database.
17250dict/libcachemore library cache errors ; functionality for handling pipe operation associated with dbms_pipe
17270dict/instmgmtthis component manages instantiations of procedures, functions,
packages, and cursors in a session. This provides a means to keep track of what has been loaded in the event of process death; 
17300generic/vosmanages certain types of memory allocation structure.  This functionality is an extension of the Heap manager.
17500generic/vosrelates to various I/O operations. These relate to async i/o operation,  direct i/o operation and the management of writing buffers from the buffer cache by potentially a number of database writer processes;
17625dict/libcacheadditional library Cache supporting functions
17990plsqlplsql ’standard’ package related issues
18000txn/lcltxtransaction and savepoint management operations 
19000optim/cbocost based optimizer related operations
20000ram/indexbitmap index and index related errors.
20400ram/partnmapoperations on partition related objects
20500server/rcvserver recovery related operation
21000 repl/defrdrpc, 
replication related features
23000oltp/qsAQ related errors.
24000dict/libcacheoperations associated with managing stored outlines
25000server/rcvtablespace management operations







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