

Intel Compilers for Linux Versions 10.1 and 11.0 Silent Installation Guide

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Intel Compilers for Linux Silent Installation Guide, Versions 10.1 and 11.0

Problem : How to install the Intel Compilers for Linux without using the interactive installer.  Valid for versions 10.1 and 11.0

Environment : Linux, supported distributions.  Please see your ReleaseNotes for your compiler version to determine the supported Linux environments.  This guide covers both the Intel Fortran Compiler for Linux and the Intel C++ Compiler for Linux.  SUDO users should read the notes at the end of this document.

The Intel Compilers for Linux Silent Installation Guide demonstrates how to install the Intel Compilers for Linux (versions 10.1 and 11.0) with minimal user interaction.  This is useful for remote, automated installations and avoiding prerequisite checking.


0) Prerequisites:  It is assumed you have obtained and mounted your product CD or have downloaded a compiler package.   If you have downloaded the compressed tarfile from the web, find a suitable temporary directory and uncompress/untar your package ( tar -zxvf can be used, for example).

1) Create a local copy of the silent installation file template.  This file is provided in your installation package.  It is a file named 'SilentInstallConfigFile.ini'.

  • CD Media: 
    cp /mnt/cdrom/SilentInstallConfigFile.ini    /home/my_account/my_silent.ini

    where /home/my_account is your home directory or other directory where you have write permission.
    "x.xxx" is replaced with your minor version and build, for example "0.074"
  • Web download, Version 11.0:
    cp l_cprof_p_11.0.xxx/l_cprof_p_11.0.xxx/SilentInstallConfigFile.ini  /home/my_account/my_silent.ini
    cp l_cprof_p_11.0.xxx_intel64/l_cprof_p_11.0.xxx/SilentInstallConfigFile.ini  /home/my_account/my_silent.ini
    cp l_cprof_p_11.0.xxx_ia32/l_cprof_p_11.0.xxx/SilentInstallConfigFile.ini  /home/my_account/my_silent.ini
  • Web Download, Version 10.1
    cp l_fc_p_10.1.022/data/SilentInstallConfigFile.ini /home/my_account/my_silent.ini
    cp l_cc_p_10.1.022/data/SilentInstallConfigFile.ini /home/my_account/my_silent.ini

    where /home/my_account is your home directory or other directory where you have write permission.
    ".xxx" is replaced with your minor version and build, for example ".074"
If you are installing the Intel C++ Compiler for Linux, replace "cprof" above with "cproc", and "l_fc" with "l_cc". 
C++ users please replace "cprof" with "cproc" and "l_fc" with "l_cc" throughout the remainder of this document.

2) Edit your copy of the configuration file, my_silent.ini for example, to accept license agreements and allow for overwrite of existing installations as appropriate.   Edit the file to set preferences for installation target directories and any other changes necessary.  The template file contains reasonably thorough explanations for each of the fields which may be required.  See the notes at the end of this guide for configuration suggestions.

3) Change to a root user.   If you are using 'sudo', please see notes at the end of this guide, " Sudo User Notes ".

4) Run the install program manually
  • v11.0:  Change directory to the main package directory.  For example, if you untarred a web package, this would be:
    cd  ./l_cprof_p_11.0.xxx
    cd ./l_cprof_p_11.0.xxx_intel64
    cd ./l_cprof_p_11.0.xxx_ia32
  • v10.1: Change directory to the main package directory.  For example,
    cd ./l_fc_p_10.1.xxx
    cd ./l_cc_p_10.1.xxx
  • Change directory to the product installation directory:
    • For version 11.0 kits, this is name the same as the package, l_cprof_p_11.0.xxx.
      Your current working directory should now look like:
      <parent directory path>/l_cprof_p_11.0.xxx/l_cprof_p_11.0.xx
    • For version 10.1 kits, this is the "data" subdirectory:
      <parent directory path>/l_fc_p_10.1.xxx/data
  • Run install_fc.sh to start the installation:

    ./install_fc.sh  --run  --silent /home/my_account/my_silent.ini

    Note:  This line is typed in as:

    C++ users run 'install_cc.sh'
  • If there are omissions or errors due to minor mistakes in the local copy of the silent .ini file, simply correct the errors and re-run the command (use the option to overwrite prior installations).

5) Additional Installation Options:
There are additional options for 'install_fc.sh' and 'install_cc.sh'.  These options should be used by knowledgeable users and system administrators only:
<!-- --> -v                    Enables display of large amounts of verbose install internals to during the install process.

--arch              Causes the install program to install the files specific to the architecture of the next argument.  For example:

--arch x86       (or ia32)
--arch ia64      (Itanium users)
--arch intel64  (or x86_64 or em64t)

--default           Sets default options for the install process (uses TYPICAL install choice and default install path, if path is not specified

--install-path    Uses next argument as install path for top of tree install directory.  For example:
--install-path /opt/intel/cc/10.1.053

--help              Causes the install program to display a usage message and exit

--imagedir       Forces installer to use the following argument as the location for RPM file installation, instead of the default location

--license-path  Uses the next argument as the location of the license file for this installation.  For example:
--license-path /opt/inte/licenses/productx.lic

-n                   Forces the installer to perform a non-RPM installation, whether or not the target operating system supports RPM.

--tmp-path      Use the following argument as the path for temporary file extraction.  For example:
--tmp-path /alt/tmp

<!-- EndFragment-->

6)  Configuration file template example:

Below is a sample of the SilentInstallConfigFile.ini. 

EULA should be changed to 'accept' ONLY AFTER you read the End User License Agreement (EULA).

NON_SUPPORTED_OS_INSTALL should be set to 'Yes' for users experiencing missing prerequisites.

<!-- -->

Template Silent Install Configuration File (C/C++ Version)
#   Specify the directory to which this product will be installed.
#   Specify the command-lines options to be passed to RPM.
#   Do you accept or reject the terms of the end user license agreement?
#   The set of valid values for EULA is: {accept, reject}.
#   Do you accept or reject the terms of the Lesser GNU Public License?
#   The set of valid values for LGPL is: {accept, reject}.
#   Do you accept or reject the terms of the CPL for Eclipse?
#   The set of valid values for ECL_DISCLAIMER is: {accept, reject}.
#   If your operating system is not supported by this installer, do you still
#   wish to install this product?  The set of valid values for
#   If this product already exists on your system, do you still wish to
#   continue the current installation?  The set of valid values for
#   Replace if nessary with release number for this install pacakge (e.g. 10.0.032)


OPTIONS=-U --replacefiles --force --nodeps


Notes for Sudo Users

Non-root users can use sudo to install the compiler.  For this method, the username must be registered by your system administrator in the 'sudoers' file.  If you receive the error: "<username> is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported." please contact your systems administrator.

1) The easiest method is to use sudo to obtain a bash shell.  This new shell will run as the root user:

sudo bash
<password must be entered.  Use your user password.>

With the invoked shell, run the silent installation as shown in the steps for this guide.  Type 'exit' to exit the root shell.

2) Invoke the installer using sudo.  Follow the procedure in this guide up to the Step 4), Run the installer.   For Step 4, invoke the installer using sudo.  This method still requires the user to interactively enter their password:

sudo ./install_fc.sh  --run --silent FILENAME
<password for user>

3) Fully remote sudo install:  If you wish to fully automate the installation, including passing your user password to sudo and have no prompts whatsoever, use this command:

echo 'your password'  | sudo -S ./install_fc.sh  --run --silent FILENAME





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