根据wikipedia的解释:脚本语言(Script language,scripting language,scripting programming language),是为了缩短传统的编写-编译-链接-运行(edit-compile-link-run)过程而创建的计算机编程语言。此命名起源于一个脚本“screenplay”,每次运行都会使对话框逐字重复。早期的脚本语言经常被称为批次处理语言或工作控制语言。一个脚本通常是解释运行而非编译。脚本语言通常都有简单、易学、易用的特性,目的就是希望能让程序设计师快速完成程序的编写工作。
对于脚本语言,想必我们这些Java程序员都再熟悉不过,因为我们每天都在使用的Java,从严格意义上讲也是一种解释型语言——毕竟class是凭借JVM进行字节码解释才得以执行,故而长期被排斥于编译型语言的门槛之外(但是,由于Java有编译过程,若CPU支持字节码那么class就可以脱离JVM限制,说Java是纯粹的解释型语言似乎也很不妥+︿+……期待java cpu普及中……)。
比如TJS(就是做吉里吉里那个)及RGSS (Ruby Game Scripting System)等,都是为了更加适应自身游戏引擎而开发出来的游戏脚本语言。
package org.loon.framework.game.command; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.loon.framework.game.LSystem; import org.loon.framework.game.collection.ArrayMap; import org.loon.framework.game.resource.ResourceLoader; /** * Copyright 2008 - 2009 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. * * @project loonframework * @author chenpeng * @email??ceponline@yahoo.com.cn * @version 0.1 */ public class Command extends Conversion implements Serializable { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; final static private Map cacheScript = Collections .synchronizedMap(new HashMap(1500)); private String cacheCommandName; // 函数列表 final public ArrayMap functions = new ArrayMap(20); // 变量列表 final Map setEnvironmentList = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap(20)); // 条件分支列表 ArrayMap conditionEnvironmentList = new ArrayMap(30); // 读入连续数据 final static private StringBuffer reader = new StringBuffer(3000); // 注释标记中 private boolean flaging = false; // 判断标记中 private boolean ifing = false; // 函数标记中 private boolean functioning = false; // 分支标记 private boolean esleflag = false; private boolean backIfBool = false; private String executeCommand; private String nowPosFlagName; private boolean addCommand; private boolean isInnerCommand; private boolean isRead; private boolean isCall; private boolean isCache; private boolean if_bool; private boolean elseif_bool; private Command innerCommand; private String commandString; private List temps; private List printTags; private List randTags; private int scriptSize; private int offsetPos; // 脚本数据列表 private List scriptList; // 脚本名 private String scriptName; /** * 构造函数,载入指定脚本文件 * * @param fileName */ public Command(String fileName) { formatCommand(fileName); } /** * 构造函数,载入指定list脚本 * * @param resource */ public Command(String fileName, List resource) { formatCommand("function", resource); } public void formatCommand(String fileName) { formatCommand(fileName, Command.includeFile(fileName)); } public void formatCommand(String name, List resource) { setEnvironmentList.clear(); conditionEnvironmentList.clear(); // 默认选择项 setEnvironmentList.put(V_SELECT_KEY, "-1"); scriptName = name; scriptList = resource; scriptSize = scriptList.size(); offsetPos = 0; flaging = false; ifing = false; isCache = true; esleflag = false; backIfBool = false; } private boolean setupIF(String commandString, String nowPosFlagName, Map setEnvironmentList, Map conditionEnvironmentList) { boolean result = false; conditionEnvironmentList.put(nowPosFlagName, new Boolean(false)); try { List temps = commandSplit(commandString); Object valueA = (String) temps.get(1); Object valueB = (String) temps.get(3); valueA = setEnvironmentList.get(valueA) == null ? valueA : setEnvironmentList.get(valueA); valueB = setEnvironmentList.get(valueB) == null ? valueB : setEnvironmentList.get(valueB); // 非纯数字 if (!isNumber(valueB)) { try { // 尝试四则运算公式匹配 valueB = compute.parse(valueB); } catch (Exception e) { } } String condition = (String) temps.get(2); // 无法判定 if (valueA == null || valueB == null) { conditionEnvironmentList .put(nowPosFlagName, new Boolean(false)); } // 相等 if ("==".equals(condition)) { conditionEnvironmentList.put(nowPosFlagName, new Boolean( result = valueA.toString().equals(valueB.toString()))); // 非等 } else if ("!=".equals(condition)) { conditionEnvironmentList.put(nowPosFlagName, new Boolean( result = !valueA.toString().equals(valueB.toString()))); // 大于 } else if (">".equals(condition)) { int numberA = Integer.parseInt(valueA.toString()); int numberB = Integer.parseInt(valueB.toString()); conditionEnvironmentList.put(nowPosFlagName, new Boolean( result = numberA > numberB)); // 小于 } else if ("<".equals(condition)) { int numberA = Integer.parseInt(valueA.toString()); int numberB = Integer.parseInt(valueB.toString()); conditionEnvironmentList.put(nowPosFlagName, new Boolean( result = numberA < numberB)); // 大于等于 } else if (">=".equals(condition)) { int numberA = Integer.parseInt(valueA.toString()); int numberB = Integer.parseInt(valueB.toString()); conditionEnvironmentList.put(nowPosFlagName, new Boolean( result = numberA >= numberB)); // 小于等于 } else if ("<=".equals(condition)) { int numberA = Integer.parseInt(valueA.toString()); int numberB = Integer.parseInt(valueB.toString()); conditionEnvironmentList.put(nowPosFlagName, new Boolean( result = numberA <= numberB)); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } /** * 打开脚本缓存 * */ public void openCache() { isCache = true; } /** * 关闭脚本缓存 * */ public void closeCache() { isCache = false; } /** * 当前脚本行缓存名 * * @return */ public String nowCacheOffsetName() { return (scriptName + FLAG + offsetPos + FLAG + commandString) .toLowerCase(); } /** * 重启脚本缓存 * */ public static void resetCache() { cacheScript.clear(); } public boolean isRead() { return isRead; } public void setRead(boolean isRead) { this.isRead = isRead; } /** * 返回当前的读入数据集合 * * @return */ public synchronized String[] getReads() { String result = reader.toString(); result = result.replace(SELECTS_TAG, ""); return split(result, FLAG); } /** * 返回指定索引的读入数据 * * @param index * @return */ public synchronized String getRead(int index) { try { return getReads()[index]; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } /** * 截取第一次出现的指定标记 * * @param messages * @param startString * @param endString * @return */ public static String getNameTag(String messages, String startString, String endString) { List results = getNameTags(messages, startString, endString); return (results == null || results.size() == 0) ? null : (String) results.get(0); } /** * 截取指定标记内容为list * * @param messages * @param startString * @param endString * @return */ public static List getNameTags(String messages, String startString, String endString) { return Command.getNameTags(messages.toCharArray(), startString .toCharArray(), endString.toCharArray()); } /** * 截取指定标记内容为list * * @param messages * @param startString * @param endString * @return */ public static List getNameTags(char[] messages, char[] startString, char[] endString) { int dlength = messages.length; int slength = startString.length; int elength = endString.length; List tagList = new ArrayList(10); boolean lookup = false; int lookupStartIndex = 0; int lookupEndIndex = 0; int length; StringBuffer sbr = new StringBuffer(100); for (int i = 0; i < dlength; i++) { char tag = messages[i]; if (tag == startString[lookupStartIndex]) { lookupStartIndex++; } if (lookupStartIndex == slength) { lookupStartIndex = 0; lookup = true; } if (lookup) { sbr.append(tag); } if (tag == endString[lookupEndIndex]) { lookupEndIndex++; } if (lookupEndIndex == elength) { lookupEndIndex = 0; lookup = false; length = sbr.length(); if (length > 0) { tagList.add(sbr.substring(1, sbr.length() - elength)); sbr.delete(0, length); } } } return tagList; } /** * 注入选择变量 * * @param type */ public void select(int type) { if (innerCommand != null) { innerCommand.setVariable(V_SELECT_KEY, String.valueOf(type)); } setVariable(V_SELECT_KEY, String.valueOf(type)); } public String getSelect() { return (String) getVariable(V_SELECT_KEY); } /** * 插入变量 * * @param key * @param value */ public void setVariable(String key, Object value) { setEnvironmentList.put(key, value); } /** * 插入变量集合 * * @param vars */ public void setVariables(Map vars) { setEnvironmentList.putAll(vars); } /** * 返回变量集合 * * @return */ public Map getVariables() { return setEnvironmentList; } public Object getVariable(String key) { return setEnvironmentList.get(key); } /** * 删除变量 * * @param key */ public void removeVariable(String key) { setEnvironmentList.remove(key); } /** * 判定脚本是否允许继续解析 * * @return */ public boolean next() { return (offsetPos < scriptSize); } /** * 跳转向指定索引位置 * * @param offset * @return */ public boolean gotoIndex(final int offset) { boolean result = offset < scriptSize && offset > 0 && offset != offsetPos; if (result) { offsetPos = offset; } return result; } /** * 批处理执行脚本,并返回可用list结果 * * @return */ public List batchToList() { List reslist = new ArrayList(scriptSize); for (; next();) { String execute = doExecute(); if (execute != null) { reslist.add(execute); } } return reslist; } /** * 批处理执行脚本,并返回可用string结果 * * @return */ public String batchToString() { StringBuffer resString = new StringBuffer(scriptSize * 10); for (; next();) { String execute = doExecute(); if (execute != null) { resString.append(execute); resString.append("\n"); } } return resString.toString(); } private void setupSET() { if (commandString.startsWith(SET_TAG)) { List temps = commandSplit(commandString); int len = temps.size(); String result = null; if (len == 4) { result = temps.get(3).toString(); } else if (len > 4) { StringBuffer sbr = new StringBuffer(len); for (int i = 3; i < temps.size(); i++) { sbr.append(temps.get(i)); } result = sbr.toString(); } if (result != null) { // 替换已有变量字符 Set set = setEnvironmentList.entrySet(); for (Iterator it = set.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Entry entry = (Entry) it.next(); result = replaceMatch(result, (String) entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toString()); } // 当为普通字符串时 if (result.startsWith("\"") && result.endsWith("\"")) { setEnvironmentList.put(temps.get(1), result.substring(1, result.length() - 1)); } else if (isChinese(result) || isEnglishAndNumeric(result)) { setEnvironmentList.put(temps.get(1), result); } else { // 当为数学表达式时 setEnvironmentList.put(temps.get(1), compute.parse(result)); } } addCommand = false; } } /** * 随机数处理 * */ private void setupRandom() { // 随机数判定 if (commandString.indexOf(RAND_TAG) != -1) { randTags = Command.getNameTags(commandString, RAND_TAG + BRACKET_LEFT_TAG, BRACKET_RIGHT_TAG); if (randTags != null) { for (Iterator it = randTags.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String key = (String) it.next(); Object value = setEnvironmentList.get(key); // 已存在变量 if (value != null) { commandString = Command .replaceMatch( commandString, (RAND_TAG + BRACKET_LEFT_TAG + key + BRACKET_RIGHT_TAG) .intern(), value.toString()); // 设定有随机数生成范围 } else if (isNumber(key)) { commandString = Command .replaceMatch( commandString, (RAND_TAG + BRACKET_LEFT_TAG + key + BRACKET_RIGHT_TAG) .intern(), String .valueOf(GLOBAL_RAND .nextInt(Integer .parseInt((String) key)))); // 无设定 } else { commandString = Command .replaceMatch( commandString, (RAND_TAG + BRACKET_LEFT_TAG + key + BRACKET_RIGHT_TAG) .intern(), String .valueOf(GLOBAL_RAND.nextInt())); } } } } } /** * 逐行执行脚本命令 * * @return */ public synchronized String doExecute() { executeCommand = null; addCommand = true; isInnerCommand = (innerCommand != null); if_bool = false; elseif_bool = false; try { nowPosFlagName = String.valueOf(offsetPos); int length = conditionEnvironmentList.size(); if (length > 0) { Object ifResult = conditionEnvironmentList.get(length - 1); if (ifResult != null) { backIfBool = ((Boolean) ifResult).booleanValue(); } } // 获得全行命令 commandString = ((String) scriptList.get(offsetPos)); // 清空脚本缓存 if (commandString.startsWith(RESET_CACHE_TAG)) { resetCache(); return executeCommand; } if (isCache) { // 获得缓存命令行名 cacheCommandName = nowCacheOffsetName(); // 读取缓存的脚本 Object cache = cacheScript.get(cacheCommandName); if (cache != null) { return (String) cache; } } // 注释中 if (flaging) { flaging = !(commandString.startsWith(FLAG_LS_E_TAG) || commandString .endsWith(FLAG_LS_E_TAG)); return executeCommand; } if (!flaging) { // 全局注释 if (commandString.startsWith(FLAG_LS_B_TAG) && !commandString.endsWith(FLAG_LS_E_TAG)) { flaging = true; return executeCommand; } else if (commandString.startsWith(FLAG_LS_B_TAG) && commandString.endsWith(FLAG_LS_E_TAG)) { return executeCommand; } } if (backIfBool) { // 加载内部脚本 if (commandString.startsWith(INCLUDE_TAG)) { temps = commandSplit(commandString); String fileName = (String) temps.get(1); if (fileName != null) { innerCommand = new Command(fileName); isInnerCommand = true; offsetPos++; } } // 执行内部脚本 if (isInnerCommand && !isCall) { setVariables(innerCommand.getVariables()); if (innerCommand.next()) { return innerCommand.doExecute(); } else { innerCommand = null; return executeCommand; } } } // 执行随机数标记 setupRandom(); // 执行获取变量标记 setupSET(); // 结束脚本中代码段标记 if (commandString.endsWith(END_TAG)) { functioning = false; return executeCommand; } // 标注脚本中代码段标记 if (commandString.startsWith(BEGIN_TAG)) { temps = commandSplit(commandString); if (temps.size() == 2) { functioning = true; functions.put(temps.get(1), new ArrayList(10)); return executeCommand; } } // 开始记录代码段 if (functioning) { ArrayList function = (ArrayList) functions .get(functions.size() - 1); function.add(commandString); return executeCommand; } // 执行代码段调用标记 if (commandString.startsWith(CALL_TAG) && !isCall) { temps = commandSplit(commandString); if (temps.size() == 2) { String functionName = (String) temps.get(1); List funs = (ArrayList) functions.get(functionName); if (funs != null) { innerCommand = new Command(scriptName + FLAG + functionName, funs); innerCommand.setVariables(getVariables()); innerCommand.closeCache(); isCall = true; isInnerCommand = true; offsetPos++; } } } // 执行call命令 if (isInnerCommand && isCall) { setVariables(innerCommand.getVariables()); if (innerCommand.next()) { return innerCommand.doExecute(); } else { isCall = false; innerCommand = null; return executeCommand; } } if (!if_bool && !elseif_bool) { // 获得循序结构条件 if_bool = commandString.startsWith(IF_TAG); elseif_bool = commandString.startsWith(ELSE_TAG); } // 条件判断a if (if_bool) { esleflag = setupIF(commandString, nowPosFlagName, setEnvironmentList, conditionEnvironmentList); addCommand = false; ifing = true; // 条件判断b } else if (elseif_bool) { String[] value = split(commandString, " "); if (!backIfBool && !esleflag) { // 存在if判断 if (value.length > 1 && IF_TAG.equals(value[1])) { esleflag = setupIF(commandString.replaceAll(ELSE_TAG, "").trim(), nowPosFlagName, setEnvironmentList, conditionEnvironmentList); addCommand = false; } } else { addCommand = false; conditionEnvironmentList.put(nowPosFlagName, new Boolean( false)); } } // 分支结束 if (commandString.startsWith(IF_END_TAG)) { conditionEnvironmentList.clear(); backIfBool = false; addCommand = false; ifing = false; if_bool = false; elseif_bool = false; } // 选择项列表结束 if (commandString.startsWith(OUT_TAG)) { isRead = false; addCommand = false; executeCommand = (SELECTS_TAG + " " + reader.toString()) .intern(); } // 累计选择项 if (isRead) { reader.append(commandString); reader.append(FLAG); addCommand = false; } // 选择项列表 if (commandString.startsWith(IN_TAG)) { reader.delete(0, reader.length()); isRead = true; return executeCommand; } // 输出脚本判断 if (addCommand && ifing) { if (backIfBool && esleflag) { executeCommand = commandString; } } else if (addCommand) { executeCommand = commandString; } // 替换脚本字符串内容 if (executeCommand != null) { printTags = Command.getNameTags(executeCommand, PRINT_TAG + BRACKET_LEFT_TAG, BRACKET_RIGHT_TAG); if (printTags != null) { for (Iterator it = printTags.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String key = (String) it.next(); Object value = setEnvironmentList.get(key); if (value != null) { executeCommand = Command .replaceMatch( executeCommand, (PRINT_TAG + BRACKET_LEFT_TAG + key + BRACKET_RIGHT_TAG) .intern(), value.toString()); } else { executeCommand = Command .replaceMatch( executeCommand, (PRINT_TAG + BRACKET_LEFT_TAG + key + BRACKET_RIGHT_TAG) .intern(), key); } } } if (isCache) { // 注入脚本缓存 cacheScript.put(cacheCommandName, executeCommand); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } finally { if (!isInnerCommand) { offsetPos++; } } return executeCommand; } /** * 包含指定脚本内容 * * @param fileName * @return */ private static List includeFile(String fileName) { InputStream in = null; BufferedReader reader = null; List result = new ArrayList(1000); try { in = ResourceLoader.getResourceToInputStream(fileName); reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, LSystem.encoding)); String record = null; while ((record = reader.readLine()) != null) { record = record.trim(); if (record.length() > 0) { if (!(record.startsWith(FLAG_L_TAG) || record.startsWith(FLAG_C_TAG) || record .startsWith(FLAG_I_TAG))) { result.add(record); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return result; } /** * 过滤指定脚本文件内容为list * * @param src * @return */ public static List commandSplit(final String src) { String[] cmds; String result = src; result = result.replace("\r", ""); result = (FLAG + result).intern(); result = result.replaceAll(" ", FLAG); result = result.replace("\t", FLAG); result = result.replace("<=", (FLAG + "<=" + FLAG).intern()); result = result.replace(">=", (FLAG + ">=" + FLAG).intern()); result = result.replace("==", (FLAG + "==" + FLAG).intern()); result = result.replace("!=", (FLAG + "!=" + FLAG).intern()); if (result.indexOf("<=") == -1) { result = result.replace("<", (FLAG + "<" + FLAG).intern()); } if (result.indexOf(">=") == -1) { result = result.replace(">", (FLAG + ">" + FLAG).intern()); } result = result.substring(1); cmds = result.split(FLAG); return Arrays.asList(cmds); } /* public static void main(String[] args) { Command command = new Command("script/start.txt"); for (Iterator it = command.batchToList().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { System.out.println(it.next()); } }*/ }
为了与游戏相交互,此示例构建了一个顺序执行的动态解释型脚本语言,其中每一行实际上就是一组独立的命令,无论分支或者输入输出都仅在程序读取到本行时才会活性化, 以此保证与游戏主程序数据交互的实时性。
/* 这是一个随Java版AVG游戏开发入门示例发布的脚本文件,用于演示脚本引擎开发的基本原理及应用 */ set bgImage = "image/avg/backgroud/hospital.jpg" set heroName = "三石.圣光.丁" set cg0Image = "image/avg/friend/ding/ding0.png" set cg1Image = "image/avg/friend/ding/ding1.png" set cg2Image = "image/avg/friend/ding/ding2.png" set cg3Image = "image/avg/friend/ding/ding3.png" set roleName = "那厮为金网瘾集中营女医师—上岛床子" set ecg0Image = "image/avg/enemy/shang/shang0.png" set ecg1Image = "image/avg/enemy/shang/shang1.png" set ecg2Image = "image/avg/enemy/shang/shang2.png" set ecg3Image = "image/avg/enemy/shang/shang3.png" set content = "" set mount = 0 gb print(bgImage) //显示三石.圣光.丁惊讶画面到画面x坐标200 cg print(cg1Image) 200 mes {print(heroName)}你说我有网瘾?!但我已不摸电脑好多年,我,我现在只是个养猪的…… //三石移动到30 cg print(cg1Image) 30 //上岛床子乱入……250位置 cg print(ecg0Image) 250 mes {print(roleName)}哼哼哼哼哼,别狡辩了,根据我们伟大的[<o那厮为金网瘾集中营/>]<r文明用语/>的推断。你的,良民的不是,网瘾的,大大的有! //变更cg0为cg1 cg print(cg1Image) to print(cg2Image) mes {print(heroName)}<o那厮为金网瘾集中营/>的<r文明用语/>?!是什么鬼东西? //变更ecg0为ecg1 cg print(ecg0Image) to print(ecg1Image) mes {print(roleName)}放肆!你竟敢说我们尊贵的<r文明用语/>是东西?! //变更cg2为cg1 cg print(cg2Image) to print(cg1Image) mes {print(heroName)}难道<r文明用语/>还不是东西吗?! //变更ecg1为ecg2 cg print(ecg1Image) to print(ecg2Image) //变更cg1为cg0 cg print(cg1Image) to print(cg0Image) mes {print(roleName)}真是傻孩子!<r文明用语/>怎么可能是东西,<r文明用语/>当然不是东西!更何况是我们营长这个<r文明用语/>,那就更加更加的不是东西! //变更cg0为cg1 cg print(cg0Image) to print(cg1Image) mes {print(heroName)}营长?!你是说,你讲的<r文明用语/>是指你们的营长?! mes {print(roleName)}蠢话!不是我们营长这样身份高贵的人,怎么可能用<r文明用语/>作为尊称呢?<r文明用语/>当然就是指我们杨营长! //变更cg1为cg3 cg print(cg1Image) to print(cg3Image) mes {print(heroName)}姓杨?!我想起来了,莫非是传说中的杨~<r哔/>~<r哔/>~?! mes {print(roleName)}孺子可教也,想不到你年纪轻轻竟也知道他这种身份的大人,要用[<r文明用语/>]、[<r哔/>]、[<r不雅词汇/>]这些[<o象征高贵的辞藻/>]来加以尊称。 //变更cg3为cg2 cg print(cg3Image) to print(cg2Image) mes {print(heroName)}你,你想怎么样?……(可恶,如果是战斗力媲美十大神兽的十二生肖兽之一——[<o羊叫兽/>]亲自介入,就算是我恐怕也劫数难逃了|||) mes {print(roleName)}不想怎么样——毕竟我们也不都是虐待狂,如果我们的网瘾测试你能顺利通过,还是有免于被抓的机会的(哼哼,做梦)。 mes {print(heroName)}见鬼!好,谁怕谁啊,放马过来吧! //变更ecg2为ecg0 cg print(ecg2Image) to print(ecg0Image) mes {print(roleName)}接招吧! cg del cg print(ecg2Image) 20 //显示题目用函数(因为这仅是一个演示用的脚本引擎,故未做传参功能,请自行改进添加) begin issue mes {print(roleName)}print(content) in A.完全没有 B.很少 C.偶尔 D.经常 E.总是 out end //题目1 set content = "你多少次发现你在网上逗留的时间比你原来打算的时间要长?" call issue set mount = SELECT + mount + 1 //题目2 set content = "你有多少次忽视了你的家务而把更多时间花在网上?" call issue set mount = SELECT + mount + 1 //题目3 set content = "你有多少次更喜欢因特网的刺激而不是与你配偶之间的亲密?" call issue set mount = SELECT + mount + 1 //题目4 set content = "你有多少次与网友形成新的朋友关系?" call issue set mount = SELECT + mount + 1 //题目5 set content = "你生活中的其他人有多少次向你抱怨你在网上所花的时间太长?" call issue set mount = SELECT + mount + 1 //题目6 set content = "在你需要做其他事情之前,你有多少次去检查你的电子邮件?" call issue set mount = SELECT + mount + 1 //题目7 set content = "由于因特网的存在,你的工作表现或生产效率有多少次受到影响?" call issue set mount = SELECT + mount + 1 //题目8 set content = "你认为脱离互联网便无法正常工作吗?" call issue set mount = SELECT + mount + 1 //题目9 set content = "当有人问你在网上干些什么时,你有多少次变得好为自己辩护或者变得遮遮掩掩?" call issue set mount = SELECT + mount + 1 //题目10 set content = "你有多少次用因特网的安慰想象来排遣关于你生活的那些烦人考虑?" call issue set mount = SELECT + mount + 1 //题目11 set content = "你有多少次发现你自己期待着再一次上网的时间?" call issue set mount = SELECT + mount + 1 //题目12 set content = "你有多少次担心没有了因特网,生活将会变得烦闷,空虚和无趣?" call issue set mount = SELECT + mount + 1 //题目13 set content = "如果有人在你上网时打扰你,你有多少次厉声说话,叫喊或者表示愤怒?" call issue set mount = SELECT + mount + 1 //题目14 set content = "你有多少次因为深夜上网而睡眠不足?" call issue set mount = SELECT + mount + 1 //题目15 set content = "你有多少次在下网时为因特网而出神,或者幻想自己在网上?" call issue set mount = SELECT + mount + 1 //题目16 set content = "当你在网上时,你有多少次发现你自己在说'就再玩几分钟'?" call issue set mount = SELECT + mount + 1 //题目17 set content = "你有多少次试图减少你花在网上的时间但却失败了?" call issue set mount = SELECT + mount + 1 //题目18 set content = "你有多少次试图隐瞒你在网上所花的时间?" call issue set mount = SELECT + mount + 1 //题目19 set content = "你有多少次选择把更多的时间花在网上而不是和其他人一起外出?" call issue set mount = SELECT + mount + 1 //题目20 set content = "当下网时,你感到沮丧,忧郁或者神经质,而这些情绪一旦回到网上就会无影无踪?" call issue set mount = SELECT + mount + 1 if mount<40 mes 你有时候可能会在网上花较长的时间"冲浪",但尚能控制你对网络的使用,因此你属于[<l轻度网瘾患者/>](切,才仅仅这样嘛,不过不要紧,等我来慢慢玩弄他(=‵′=))。 else if mount<70 mes 由于因特网的存在,你正越来越频繁地遇到各种各样的问题,你应当认真考虑它们对你生活的全部影响,因此你属于[<y中度网瘾患者/>](真遗憾,只能使用抑郁性药物,过两天才能电刑……)。 else if mount<100 cg print(ecg2Image) to print(ecg3Image) mes 你的因特网使用正在给你的生活造成许多严重的问题,你需要现在就去解决它们,因此你属于[<r重度网瘾患者/>]!(哈哈哈哈,能电了,能电了,我要玩死这小子!)。 else if mount==100 cg print(ecg2Image) to print(ecg3Image) mes 来人啊!快把我的整套SM道具……不,是整套抢救用具拿来!我要立刻[<r挽救/>]这个可爱的小家伙!!! endif flash 255,255,255 mes {print(roleName)}你是我的了! shake 20 cg del cg print(cg1Image) mes {print(heroName)}救命啊!<r不要啊/>!!!! flash 241,26,26 cg del mes {路人H}由于这是一个示例,并没有真正完成这个游戏,暂时到此为止。想继续请自己动手丰衣足食……想添加过场特校、按钮、物品栏等组件可以给我blog留言,偶可以抽空帮忙,其余的自己解决…… run title