





<!-- google_ad_client = "pub-5395599807454886"; /* 468x60, 创建于 09-4-19 */ google_ad_slot = "5917171131"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; // -->




Dim Page Set Page = New kktPageEx Page.SQL.SQLCommand = "select * from Orders" Page.PageInfo.MaxList = 8 if Request.Form("page") <> "" then Page.PageInfo.Page = CInt(Request.Form("page")) page.PageInfo.HtmlFormat = "第{FirstItem}-{LastItem}条信息,共{ItemsCount}条信息,第{Page}/{PageCount}页,当前页面显示{ListCount}条信息,设定最大显示条数为:{MaxList}.<br>" Page.Template.Setup "pagetest.tpl", "TplHandle", "OrderList", "EmptyInfo" Page.Template.Columns.Add "OrderID", "OrderID", "ID", 0, "" Page.Template.Columns.Add "运输商", "ShipName", "Title", 20, "" Page.Template.Columns.Add "下单日期", "OrderDate", "DateTime", 0, "DateValue" Page.Process Page.Display Set Page = Nothing


<form name="Form" method="post" action="PageExTest.asp">

<table width="400" border="1" bordercolor="#000000">

<tr><td><div align="center">kktPage类测试</div></td></tr>

<tr><td>我的订单</td> </tr>

<!-- google_ad_client = "pub-5395599807454886"; /* 728x90, 创建于 09-4-19 */ google_ad_slot = "3527615303"; google_ad_width = 728; google_ad_height = 90; // -->

<!-- BEGIN OrderList -->

<tr><td><a href="viewdetail.asp?id={ID}">{Title} [{DateTime}]</a></td></tr>

<!-- END OrderList -->

<!-- BEGIN EmptyInfo -->


<!-- END EmptyInfo -->


{PageInfo} , {Buttons} {PageList}



Toms Spezialitäten [1996-7-5]
Victuailles en stock [1996-7-8]
Ernst Handel [1996-7-17]
Ottilies Käseladen [1996-7-19]
Blondel père et fils [1996-7-25]
Frankenversand [1996-7-29]
White Clover Markets [1996-7-31]
Wartian Herkku [1996-8-1]
,[首页][上页][下页][未页]<!-- for (var i=1;i<=104;i++) if (i==1) document.writeln('<OPTION VALUE='+i+' selected>'+i); else document.writeln('<OPTION VALUE='+i+'>'+i); // -->12345…







<%%> <mce:script runat=server language=jscript><!-- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*\ | CLASS NAME: kktPageInc 分页查询对象支持模块 | | DESIGN BY : 彭国辉 | | DATE: 2004-03-12 | | SITE: | | EMAIL: | \*______________________________________________________________*/ /* < script runat=server language=vbscript > function ToHtml(FmtStr, Values) dim RegEx, Matches, Result, i Set RegEx = new RegExp RegEx.Pattern = "\{(\w+)\}" RegEx.IgnoreCase = true RegEx.Global = true Set Matches = RegEx.Execute(FmtStr) Result = FmtStr i = 0 For Each Match In Matches Result = Replace(Result, Match.Value, Values(i)) 'VBScript的数组与JScript数组不一致 i = i + 1 Next set Matches = nothing set RegEx = nothing ToHtml = Result End Function < /script > */ //将FmtStr中特定内容以实际值替代,主要用于各对象中输出HTML内容 // FmtStr:待替代内容用{var_name}形式标记 // Obj:调用的对象,替代内容将从此对象中取得 function ToHtml(FmtStr, Obj) { var re = /\{\w+\}/ig; var matches = FmtStr.match(re); var result = FmtStr; for (var i=0; i<matches.length; i++) { re.compile(matches[i], "gi"); var value = eval("Obj."+matches[i].substring(1, matches[i].length-1)); if (value==undefined) value=""; //{var_name}所代表的值不存在时,用空值替代 result = result.replace(re, value); } return result; } //取子项功能,各对象共用函数 function GetSubItem(Index) { return this[Index]; } Begin ImageList /************************************************************* 图像列表 属性: Count:总数 方法: Add(img_str):添加图像,img_str: "path/filename.ext" Remove(Index):删除指定图像 Clear():清除所有图像 Items(Index):取子项内容,兼容VBScript 事件:(无) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*/ function ImageList_Component() { this.Add = AddImage; this.Remove = RemoveImage this.Clear = ClearImage; this.Count = 0; this.Items = GetSubItem; //for VBScript 取子项内容, Ex: imglist.Items(0) } function AddImage(Image) { this[this.Count++] = Image; } function RemoveImage(Index) { if (Index<0 || Index>=this.Count) return; var i = Index; while (i < this.Count) this[i] = this[++i]; delete this[this.Count--]; } function ClearImage() { while (this.Count>0) delete this[this.Count--];} //以下为兼容VBScript而设 //建立ImageList_Component, Ex: set imglist = CreateImageList() function CreateImageList() { return new ImageList_Component(); } End ImageList Begin Button /************************************************************* 按钮对象 属性: ImageIndex:图像索引号 Enabled: 按钮有效性 方法:(无) 事件:(无) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*/ function Button_Component(ImageIndex, Enabled) { this.ImageIndex = ImageIndex; this.Enabled = Enabled; //this.toString = Button_ToString; //**重载toString函数** } //function Button_ToString() { return this.ImageIndex; } //以下为兼容VBScript而设 function CreateButton(ImageIndex, Enabled) { return new Button_Component(ImageIndex, Enabled); } End Button Begin ButtonList /************************************************************* 按钮组对象 属性: Count:总数 方法: Add(imgindex, enabled):添加按钮,Ex: btnlist(1, true); Items(Index):取子项内容,兼容VBScript 事件:(无) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*/ function ButtonList_Component() { this.Add = AddButton; this.Remove = RemoveButton; this.Clear = ClearButton; this.Count = 0; this.Items = GetSubItem; } function AddButton(ImageIndex, Enabled) { this[this.Count++] = new Button_Component(ImageIndex, Enabled); } function RemoveButton(Index) { if (Index<0 || Index>=this.Count) return; var i = Index; while (i < this.Count) this[i] = this[++i]; delete this[this.Count--]; } function ClearButton() { while (this.Count>0) delete this[this.Count--];} //以下为兼容VBScript而设 //建立ButtonList_Component, Ex: set btnlist = CreateButtonList() function CreateButtonList() { return new ButtonList_Component(); } End ButtonList /*=======================以下与页面相关对象======================*/ Begin NavigateButtons /************************************************************* 导航按钮组 属性: FirstButton、PreviousButton、NextButton、LastButton:各按钮对象 HtmlFormat:GetHtml返回的Html格式字符串 EnabledImages、DisabledImages:按钮有效及无效时相应的图像列表 方法: ToHtml:输出HTML格式内容 事件:(无) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*/ function NavigateButtons() { this.FirstButton = new Button_Component(0, false); this.PreviousButton = new Button_Component(1, false); this.NextButton = new Button_Component(2, false); this.LastButton = new Button_Component(3, false); this.EnabledImages = new ImageList_Component(); this.DisabledImages = new ImageList_Component(); this.EnabledImages.Add("<input type=image src="/image/first.gif" mce_src="image/first.gif" οnclick='page.selectedIndex=0;'>"); this.EnabledImages.Add("<input type=image src="/image/pre.gif" mce_src="image/pre.gif" οnclick='page.selectedIndex-=1;'>"); this.EnabledImages.Add("<input type=image src="/image/next.gif" mce_src="image/next.gif" οnclick='page.selectedIndex+=1;'>"); this.EnabledImages.Add("<input type=image src="/image/last.gif" mce_src="image/last.gif" οnclick='page.selectedIndex=page.options.length-1;'>"); this.DisabledImages.Add("<img src="/image/first_d.gif" mce_src="image/first_d.gif" border =0>"); this.DisabledImages.Add("<img src="/image/pre_d.gif" mce_src="image/pre_d.gif" border =0>"); this.DisabledImages.Add("<img src="/image/next_d.gif" mce_src="image/next_d.gif" border =0>"); this.DisabledImages.Add("<img src="/image/last_d.gif" mce_src="image/last_d.gif" border =0>"); this.HtmlFormat = "{FirstButton}{PreviousButton}{NextButton}{LastButton}"; this.ToHtml = GetNavigateButtonsHtml; this.toString = GetNavigateButtonsHtml; } function GetNavigateButtonsHtml() //输入出HTML格式内容 { var re = /\{\w+\}/ig; var matches = this.HtmlFormat.match(re); var result = this.HtmlFormat; var btn; for (var i=0; i<matches.length; i++) { //matches[i] = "{var_aname}" re.compile(matches[i], "gi"); btn = eval("this."+matches[i].substring(1, matches[i].length-1)); if (btn == undefined) result = result.replace(re, ""); else { var value = (btn.Enabled ? this.EnabledImages[btn.ImageIndex] : this.DisabledImages[btn.ImageIndex]) result = result.replace(re, value); } } return result; } //以下为兼容VBScript而设 //建立NavigateButtons, Ex: set navbtns = CreateNavigateButtons() function CreateNavigateButtons() { return new NavigateButtons(); } End NavigateButtons Begin PageInfo /************************************************************* 页面相关信息 属性: FirstItem、LastItem:当前页显示的第一条数据和最后一条数据在总数据中的顺序号 ItemsCount:数据总数 MaxList:每面显示的最大数目 ListCount:当前页显示的数据数目 Page:当前页号 PageCount:总页数 方法: ToHtml:输出HTML格式内容 事件:(无) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*/ function PageInfo() { this.FirstItem = 0; this.LastItem = 0; this.ItemsCount = 0; this.MaxList = 15; //数据显示的最大行数 this.ListCount = 0; //当前页面显示的数据行数 this.Page = 0; //当前页号 this.PageCount = 0; this.HtmlFormat = "第{FirstItem}-{LastItem}条信息,共{ItemsCount}条信息"; //默认并不输出页码跳转下拉列表框 this.ToHtml = GetPageInfoHtml; this.toString = GetPageInfoHtml; this.PageListFormat = "<SELECT id=page name=page οnchange='this.form.submit();'><s"+"cript language=javascript>for (var i=1;i<={PageCount};i++) if (i=={Page}) document.writeln('<OPTION VALUE='+i+' selected>'+i); else document.writeln('<OPTION VALUE='+i+'>'+i);</s"+"cript></SELECT>" this.GetPageList = GetPageList; } function GetPageInfoHtml() //输入出HTML格式内容 { return ToHtml(this.HtmlFormat, this); } function GetPageList() {return ToHtml(this.PageListFormat, this);} //以下为兼容VBScript而设 //建立PageInfo, Ex: set pageinfo = CreatePageInfo() function CreatePageInfo() { return new PageInfo(); } End PageInfo Begin Columns /************************************************************* 数据列对象 属性: Title、Field、MaxLength、Count(说明略) 方法: Add、Remove(说明略) 事件:(无) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*/ function Column_Component(Title, Field, TagName, MaxLength, Func) { this.Title = Title; //显示的标题 this.Field = Field; //保存字段名 this.TplTagName = TagName //模板标记名 this.MaxLength = MaxLength; //显示的最大长度 this.Function = Func; //调用的函数(主要用于实现类型转换) this.toString = Column_ToString; } function Column_ToString() { return "Title:"+this.Title+",Field:"+this.Field+",TagName:"+this.TplTagName+",MaxLength:"+this.MaxLength+",Function:"+this.Function; } function Columns() { this.Count = 0; this.Add = AddColumn; this.Remove = RemoveColumn; this.Clear = ClearColumn; this.Items = GetSubItem; //for VBScript 取子项内容, Ex: data.Items(0) } function AddColumn(Title, Field, TagName, MaxLength, Func) { this[this.Count++] = new Column_Component(Title, Field, TagName, MaxLength, Func); } function RemoveColumn(Index) { if (Index<0 || Index>=this.Count) return; var i = Index; while (i < this.Count) this[i] = this[++i]; delete this[this.Count--]; } function ClearColumn() { while (this.Count>0) delete this[this.Count--];} //以下为兼容VBScript而设 //建立Columns, Ex: set Columns = CreateColumns() function CreateColumns() { return new Columns(); } End Columns // --></mce:script> <mce:script runat=server language=vbscript><!-- '========================================================== ' 内置于分页类中的数据库组件(需clsDB支持) '========================================================== Class SQL_Component Private m_SqlCmd, m_SqlCreateBySelf Public DB ' 构造函数 Private Sub Class_Initialize Me.DB = Null m_SqlCmd = "" m_SqlCreateBySelf = False End Sub ' 析构函数 Private Sub Class_Terminate If Not (IsNull(Me.DB) And m_SqlCreateBySelf) then Set Me.DB = Nothing m_SqlCmd = "" End Sub ' 操作数据库对象 ' Public Default Property Get SQL() ' SQL = DB ' End Property ' Public Property Set DB(Byref Value) ' If Not (IsNull(Me.DB) And m_SqlCreateBySelf) Then Set Me.DB = nothing : m_SqlCreateBySelf = false ' set Me.DB = Value ' End Property Public sub AssignTo(Byref Value) If Not (IsNull(Me.DB) And m_SqlCreateBySelf) Then Set Me.DB = nothing : m_SqlCreateBySelf = false set Me.DB = Value End sub ' 操作SQL查询命令 Public Property Get SQLCommand() SQLCommand = m_SqlCmd End Property Public Property Let SQLCommand(Value) m_SqlCmd = Value End Property ' 查询数据库 Public Function Process() If IsNull(Me.DB) Then Set Me.DB = New clsDB : m_SqlCreateBySelf = true Me.DB.Query(m_SqlCmd) End Function End Class '========================================================== ' 内置于分页类(kktPageEx)中的模板组件(需kktTemplate支持) '========================================================== Class TPL_Component Private m_Filename, m_Handle, m_Block, m_Block2, m_TplCreateBySelf Private m_ShowNavBar, m_PageInfoBlock, m_ButtonBlock, m_PageNavBlock Public TPL, Columns Private Sub Class_Initialize Me.TPL = Null set Columns = CreateColumns() m_TplCreateBySelf = False m_ShowNavBar = true m_PageInfoBlock = "PageInfo" m_ButtonBlock = "Buttons" m_PageNavBlock = "PageList" End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate If Not (IsNull(Me.TPL) And m_TplCreateBySelf) then Set Me.TPL = Nothing Set Columns = Nothing End Sub Public sub AssignTo(Byref Value) If Not (IsNull(Me.TPL) And m_TplCreateBySelf) Then Set Me.TPL = nothing : m_TplCreateBySelf = false set Me.TPL = Value End Sub ' 模板文件,请参阅kktTemplate中set_file函数 ' 仅当Tpl对象由本对象生成实例时使用 Public Property Get FileName() FileName = m_Filename End Property Public Property Let FileName(Value) m_Filename = Value End Property ' 模板句柄,请参阅kktTemplate中set_file函数 ' 仅当Tpl对象由本对象生成实例时使用 Public Property Get Handle() Handle = m_Handle End Property Public Property Let Handle(Value) m_Handle = Value End Property ' 模板块的名称,请参阅kktTemplate中set_block函数 Public Property Get Block() Block = m_Block End Property Public Property Let Block(Value) m_Block = Value End Property ' 模板块2的名称,数据为空时使用 Public Property Get Block2() Block2 = m_Block2 End Property Public Property Let Block2(Value) m_Block2 = Value End Property ' 设置模板相关变量 Public Sub Setup(FileName, Handle, Block, Block2) m_Filename = FileName m_Handle = Handle m_Block = Block m_Block2 = Block2 End Sub ' 是否输出导航条 Public Property Get ShowNavigateBar() ShowNavigateBar = m_ShowNavBar End Property Public Property Let ShowNavigateBar(value) m_ShowNavBar = value End Property ' 显示页面信息的模板标记名称,页面信息参见PageInfo对象 Public Property Get PageInfoBlock() PageInfoBlock = m_PageInfoBlock End Property Public Property Let PageInfoBlock(value) m_PageInfoBlock = value End Property ' 显示导航的模板标记名称,页面信息参见NavigateButtons对象 Public Property Get ButtonBlock() ButtonBlock = m_ButtonBlock End Property Public Property Let ButtonBlock(value) m_ButtonBlock = value End Property ' 显示页面跳转列表的模板标记名称,页面信息参见PageInfo.GetPageListBox Public Property Get PageNavigateBlock() PageNavigateBlock = m_PageNavBlock End Property Public Property Let PageNavigateBlock(value) m_PageNavBlock = value End Property ' 设置导航条相关信息 Public Sub SetNaviageBar(Visible, PageInfoBlock, ButtonBlock, PageNavigateBlock) m_ShowNavBar = Visible m_PageInfoBlock = PageInfoBlock m_ButtonBlock = ButtonBlock m_PageNavBlock = PageNavigateBlock End Sub Public Function Process(ByRef DB, ByVal MaxList) Dim data1, data2, cnt If m_Filename="" Or m_Handle="" Or m_Block="" Or Columns.Count=0 Then Err.Raise 65535, "TPL_Component", "进行模板处理之前请先设置相关变量" If IsNull(Me.TPL) Then Set Me.TPL = New kktTemplate m_TplCreateBySelf = True Me.TPL.set_file m_Handle, m_FileName End If data1 = "tpl_data" & Right(CDbl(Now()), 8) data2 = "tpl_prompt" & Right(CDbl(Now()), 8) Me.TPL.Set_block m_Handle, m_Block, data1 If m_Block2<>"" then Me.TPL.Set_block m_Handle, m_Block2, data2 If DB.Eof Then Me.TPL.parse data2, m_Block2, False End If cnt = 0 While cnt<MaxList and Not DB.Eof For i=0 To Me.Columns.Count-1 data2 = "" data2 = DB.Data(Me.Columns.Items(i).Field) If Me.Columns.Items(i).Function<>"" Then Execute("data2=" & Me.Columns.Items(i).Function & "(data2)") If Me.Columns.Items(i).MaxLength>0 And Len(data2)>Me.Columns.Items(i).MaxLength Then data2 = Left(data2, Me.Columns.Items(i).MaxLength-1) & "..." data2 = Server.HTMLEncode(data2) Me.TPL.Set_var Me.Columns.Items(i).TplTagName, data2, False Next Me.TPL.parse data1, m_Block, True DB.MoveNext cnt = cnt + 1 Wend End Function Public sub BindNavigateInfo(byref Page, ByRef Btn) If IsNull(Me.TPL) Then Set Me.TPL = New kktTemplate m_TplCreateBySelf = True Me.TPL.set_file m_Handle, m_FileName End If Me.TPL.set_var m_PageInfoBlock, Page.ToHtml(), False Me.TPL.set_var m_PageNavBlock, Page.GetPageList(), false Me.TPL.set_var m_ButtonBlock, Btn.ToHtml(), False End Sub Public Sub Display() If isnull(Me.Tpl) Then Err.Raise 65535, "TPL_Component", "模板对象尚未创建" Me.TPL.parse "kktpage_tpl_out", m_Handle, False Me.TPL.p "kktpage_tpl_out" End Sub End Class // --></mce:script>

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<%%> <!--#INCLUDE file="kktpageinc.asp"--> <% '======================================================================= ' CLASS NAME: kktPage 查询分页类 ' DESIGN BY : 彭国辉 ' DATE: 2004-03-12 ' SITE: ' EMAIL: '======================================================================= Class kktPage 'Private m_PageInfo, m_Buttons, m_SQL Public PageInfo, Buttons, SQL ' 构造函数 Private Sub Class_Initialize Set Me.PageInfo = CreatePageInfo() Set Me.Buttons = CreateNavigateButtons() set Me.SQL = New SQL_Component End Sub ' 析构函数 Private Sub Class_Terminate Set Me.Buttons = Nothing Set Me.PageInfo = Nothing Set Me.SQL = nothing End Sub Public Property Get ClassName() ' 若使用Public Default Property Get方式声明,则过程中定义的属性为类的缺省属性 ClassName = "kktPage" End Property Public Property Get Version() Version = "1.0" End Property Public Sub About() Response.Write("kktPage 查询分页类<br>" & vbCrLf &_ "程序设计:彭国辉 2004-03-12<br>" & vbCrLf &_ "个人网站:<a href="" mce_href=""></a><br>" & vbCrLf &_ "电子邮件:<a href="" mce_href=""></a><br>") End Sub ' Public Property Get PageInfo() ' PageInfo = m_PageInfo ' End Property ' ' Public Property Get Buttons() ' Buttons = m_Buttons ' End Property ' ' Public Property Get SQL() ' SQL = m_SQL '***************** ' End Property ' Public Property Let SQL(ByRef value) ' m_SQL.SQL = value ' End Property ' 查询数据库、生成相关信息 Public sub Process() Me.SQL.Process If Me.SQL.DB.Eof Then ' 更新PageInfo Me.PageInfo.FirstItem = 0 Me.PageInfo.LastItem = 0 Me.PageInfo.ItemsCount = 0 Me.PageInfo.ListCount = 0 Me.PageInfo.Page = 0 Me.PageInfo.PageCount = 0 ' 更新Buttons Me.Buttons.FirstButton.Enabled = False Me.Buttons.PreviousButton.Enabled = False Me.Buttons.NextButton.Enabled = False Me.Buttons.LastButton.Enabled = False Else ' 更新PageInfo Me.PageInfo.ItemsCount = Me.SQL.DB.RecordCount Me.SQL.DB.PageSize = Me.PageInfo.MaxList Me.PageInfo.PageCount = Me.SQL.DB.PageCount If Me.PageInfo.Page < 1 Then Me.PageInfo.Page = 1 If Me.PageInfo.Page > Me.PageInfo.PageCount Then Me.PageInfo.Page = Me.PageInfo.PageCount Me.PageInfo.FirstItem = (Me.PageInfo.Page-1) * Me.PageInfo.MaxList + 1 If Me.PageInfo.Page < Me.PageInfo.PageCount Then Me.PageInfo.ListCount = Me.PageInfo.MaxList Else Me.PageInfo.ListCount = Me.PageInfo.ItemsCount mod Me.PageInfo.MaxList End If Me.PageInfo.LastItem = Me.PageInfo.FirstItem + Me.PageInfo.ListCount - 1 Me.SQL.DB.AbsolutePage = Me.PageInfo.Page ' 更新Buttons If Me.PageInfo.Page <= 1 then Me.Buttons.FirstButton.Enabled = False Me.Buttons.PreviousButton.Enabled = False else Me.Buttons.FirstButton.Enabled = true Me.Buttons.PreviousButton.Enabled = true End If If Me.PageInfo.Page >= Me.PageInfo.PageCount then Me.Buttons.NextButton.Enabled = False Me.Buttons.LastButton.Enabled = False else Me.Buttons.NextButton.Enabled = true Me.Buttons.LastButton.Enabled = true End If End If End sub End Class %>


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<%%> <!--#INCLUDE file="kktpageinc.asp"--> <% '======================================================================= ' CLASS NAME: kktPageEx 带模板的查询分页类 ' DESIGN BY : 彭国辉 ' DATE: 2004-03-12 ' SITE: ' EMAIL: '======================================================================= Class kktPageEx 'Private m_PageInfo, m_Buttons, m_SQL Public PageInfo, Buttons, SQL, Template ' 构造函数 Private Sub Class_Initialize Set Me.PageInfo = CreatePageInfo() Set Me.Buttons = CreateNavigateButtons() set Me.SQL = New SQL_Component set Me.Template = New TPL_Component End Sub ' 析构函数 Private Sub Class_Terminate Set Me.Buttons = Nothing Set Me.PageInfo = Nothing Set Me.SQL = Nothing Set Me.Template = nothing End Sub Public Property Get ClassName() ClassName = "kktPageEx" End Property Public Property Get Version() Version = "1.0" End Property Public Sub About() Response.Write("kktPageEx 带模板的查询分页类<br>" & vbCrLf &_ "程序设计:彭国辉 2004-03-12<br>" & vbCrLf &_ "个人网站:<a href="" mce_href=""></a><br>" & vbCrLf &_ "电子邮件:<a href="" mce_href=""></a><br>") End Sub ' 查询数据库、生成相关信息 Public sub Process() Me.SQL.Process If Me.SQL.DB.Eof Then ' 更新PageInfo Me.PageInfo.FirstItem = 0 Me.PageInfo.LastItem = 0 Me.PageInfo.ItemsCount = 0 Me.PageInfo.ListCount = 0 Me.PageInfo.Page = 0 Me.PageInfo.PageCount = 0 ' 更新Buttons Me.Buttons.FirstButton.Enabled = False Me.Buttons.PreviousButton.Enabled = False Me.Buttons.NextButton.Enabled = False Me.Buttons.LastButton.Enabled = False Else ' 更新PageInfo Me.PageInfo.ItemsCount = Me.SQL.DB.RecordCount Me.SQL.DB.PageSize = Me.PageInfo.MaxList Me.PageInfo.PageCount = Me.SQL.DB.PageCount If Me.PageInfo.Page < 1 Then Me.PageInfo.Page = 1 If Me.PageInfo.Page > Me.PageInfo.PageCount Then Me.PageInfo.Page = Me.PageInfo.PageCount Me.PageInfo.FirstItem = (Me.PageInfo.Page-1) * Me.PageInfo.MaxList + 1 If Me.PageInfo.Page < Me.PageInfo.PageCount Then Me.PageInfo.ListCount = Me.PageInfo.MaxList Else Me.PageInfo.ListCount = Me.PageInfo.ItemsCount mod Me.PageInfo.MaxList End If Me.PageInfo.LastItem = Me.PageInfo.FirstItem + Me.PageInfo.ListCount - 1 Me.SQL.DB.AbsolutePage = Me.PageInfo.Page ' 更新Buttons If Me.PageInfo.Page <= 1 then Me.Buttons.FirstButton.Enabled = False Me.Buttons.PreviousButton.Enabled = False else Me.Buttons.FirstButton.Enabled = true Me.Buttons.PreviousButton.Enabled = true End If If Me.PageInfo.Page >= Me.PageInfo.PageCount then Me.Buttons.NextButton.Enabled = False Me.Buttons.LastButton.Enabled = False else Me.Buttons.NextButton.Enabled = true Me.Buttons.LastButton.Enabled = true End If End If Me.Template.Process Me.SQL.DB, Me.PageInfo.MaxList End Sub Public Sub Display() If Me.Template.ShowNavigateBar Then Me.Template.BindNavigateInfo Me.PageInfo, Me.Buttons Me.Template.Display End Sub End Class %>







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