Programming Tips Summary

rails is a collection of libraries, each with a specialized task.Assembled together, these

individual libraries make up the rails framework.
#active record: a library that handles database abstraction andinteration;
#active view: a templating system that generates the html documentsthe visitor get backs

as the result of a request to a rails application;
#action controller: a library for manipulation both applicationflow and the data coming from

the database on its way to being displayed in a view;

zend_cache provides a generic way to cache any data.

Caching in zend framework is operated by frontends while cacherecords are stored

through backend adapater(file, sqlite,memcache) through a flexiblesystem of ids and


There are three key concepts in zend_cache. One is the uniqueidentifier that is used to

identify cache records.The second one is the lifetime directive ;it defines for how long the

cached resource is considered fresh. The third key concept isconditional execution so

that parts of your code can be skipped entirely,boostingperformance.

It is the nature of application to require a multitude of caches ofany type often dependent

on the controller, library or domain model being accessed.

A joomla module is in its most basic form two files: an xmlconfiguration file and a php

controller file.The xml configuration file contains generalinformation about the module as

well as module paramters which may be supplied to fine tune theappearance/functionality

of the module.The php file provides the controlling logic for themodule.

Wheneve a function is invoked in javascript, an execution contextis created. This context

is created with the following process:
#The arguments object is created;
#The function's scope is created;
#variables for the function are instantiated;
#The this property(for the context itself) is created.

this property is a reference to the object that is considered thecontext(or scope) of the

funcion's invocation.The behavior layer describes a conceptualgrouping of all the event

binding that occurs during the lifetime of<wbr> apage.<br><br> what is the jsonp's technique anyway? unlike xhr, the browser doesnot prevent scripts<br><br> from being loaded across domains. jsonp works by dynamicallyinserting a &lt;script&gt;<br><br> element onto a page, and executing the response when itreturns.<br><br> Drupal's trigger module allows to associate some action with acertain event.In the code,<br><br> an event is defined as a unique hook-operation combination.<br><br> xml message exchanges is the basis of most varieties of webservices, including both<br><br> soap and REST approaches.<br><br><br></wbr>




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