Anatomy of a Program in Memory(程序运行时内存结构)


Memory management is the heart of operating systems; it is crucial for both programming and system administration.In the next few posts I'll cover memory with an eye towards practical aspects, but without shying away from internals.While the concepts are generic, examples are mostly from Linux and Windows on 32-bit x86.This first post describes how programs are laid out in memory.

Each process in a multi-tasking OS runs in its own memory sandbox.This sandbox is thevirtual address space, which in 32-bit mode isalways a 4GB block of memory addresses.These virtual addresses are mapped to physical memory bypage tables, which are maintained by the operating system kernel and consulted by the processor.Each process has its own set of page tables, but there is a catch.Once virtual addresses are enabled, they apply toall softwarerunning in the machine,including the kernel itself.Thus a portion of the virtual address space must be reserved to the kernel:

Kernel/User Memory Split

This doesnotmean the kernel uses that much physical memory, only that it has that portion of address space available to map whatever physical memory it wishes.Kernel space is flagged in the page tables as exclusive toprivileged code(ring 2 or lower), hence a page fault is triggered if user-mode programs try to touch it.In Linux, kernel space is constantly present and maps the same physical memory in all processes.Kernel code and data are always addressable, ready to handle interrupts or system calls at any time.By contrast, the mapping for the user-mode portion of the address space changes whenever a process switch happens:

Process Switch Effects on Virtual Memory

Blue regions represent virtual addresses that are mapped to physical memory, whereas white regions are unmapped.In the example above, Firefox has used far more of its virtual address space due to its legendary memory hunger.The distinct bands in the address space correspond tomemory segmentslike the heap, stack, and so on.Keep in mind these segments are simply a range of memory addresses andhave nothing to dowithIntel-style segments.Anyway, here is the standard segment layout in a Linux process:

Flexible Process Address Space Layout In Linux

When computing was happy and safe and cuddly, the starting virtual addresses for the segments shown above wereexactly the samefor nearly every process in a machine.This made it easy to exploit security vulnerabilities remotely.An exploit often needs to reference absolute memory locations: an address on the stack, the address for a library function, etc. Remote attackers must choose this location blindly, counting on the fact that address spaces are all the same.When they are, people get pwned.Thus address space randomization has become popular.Linux randomizes thestack,memory mapping segment, andheapby adding offsets to their starting addresses.Unfortunately the 32-bit address space is pretty tight, leaving little room for randomization andhampering its effectiveness.

The topmost segment in the process address space is the stack, which stores local variables and function parameters in most programming languages.Calling a method or function pushes a newstack frameonto the stack.The stack frame is destroyed when the function returns.This simple design, possible because the data obeys strictLIFOorder, means that no complex data structure is needed to track stack contents – a simple pointer to the top of the stack will do.Pushing and popping are thus very fast and deterministic.Also, the constant reuse of stack regions tends to keep active stack memory in thecpu caches, speeding up access.Each thread in a process gets its own stack.

It is possible to exhaust the area mapping the stack by pushing more data than it can fit.This triggers a page fault that is handled in Linux byexpand_stack(), which in turn callsacct_stack_growth()to check whether it's appropriate to grow the stack.If the stack size is belowRLIMIT_STACK(usually 8MB), then normally the stack grows and the program continues merrily, unaware of what just happened.This is the normal mechanism whereby stack size adjusts to demand.However, if the maximum stack size has been reached, we have astack overflowand the program receives a Segmentation Fault.While the mapped stack area expands to meet demand, it does not shrink back when the stack gets smaller.Like the federal budget, it only expands.

Dynamic stack growth is theonly situationin which access to an unmapped memory region, shown in white above, might be valid.Any other access to unmapped memory triggers a page fault that results in a Segmentation Fault.Some mapped areas are read-only, hence write attempts to these areas also lead to segfaults.

Below the stack, we have the memory mapping segment.Here the kernel maps contents of files directly to memory.Any application can ask for such a mapping via the Linuxmmap()system call (implementation) orCreateFileMapping()/MapViewOfFile()in Windows.Memory mapping is a convenient and high-performance way to do file I/O, so it is used for loading dynamic libraries.It is also possible to create ananonymous memory mappingthat does not correspond to any files, being used instead for program data.In Linux, if you request a large block of memory viamalloc(), the C library will create such an anonymous mapping instead of using heap memory.'Large' means larger thanMMAP_THRESHOLDbytes, 128 kB by default and adjustable viamallopt().

Speaking of the heap, it comes next in our plunge into address space.The heap provides runtime memory allocation, like the stack, meant for data that must outlive the function doing the allocation, unlike the stack.Most languages provide heap management to programs.Satisfying memory requests is thus a joint affair between the language runtime and the kernel.In C, the interface to heap allocation ismalloc()and friends, whereas in a garbage-collected language like C# the interface is thenewkeyword.

If there is enough space in the heap to satisfy a memory request, it can be handled by the language runtime without kernel involvement.Otherwise the heap is enlarged via thebrk()system call (implementation) to make room for the requested block.Heap management iscomplex, requiring sophisticated algorithms that strive for speed and efficient memory usage in the face of our programs' chaotic allocation patterns.The time needed to service a heap request can vary substantially.Real-time systems havespecial-purpose allocatorsto deal with this problem.Heaps also becomefragmented, shown below:

Fragmented Heap

Finally, we get to the lowest segments of memory: BSS, data, and program text.Both BSS and data store contents for static (global) variables in C. The difference is that BSS stores the contents ofuninitializedstatic variables, whose values are not set by the programmer in source code.The BSS memory area is anonymous: it does not map any file.If you saystatic int cntActiveUsers, the contents ofcntActiveUserslive in the BSS.

The data segment, on the other hand, holds the contents for static variables initialized in source code.This memory areais not anonymous.It maps the part of the program's binary image that contains the initial static values given in source code.So if you saystatic int cntWorkerBees = 10, the contents of cntWorkerBees live in the data segment and start out as 10.Even though the data segment maps a file, it is aprivate memory mapping, which means that updates to memory are not reflected in the underlying file.This must be the case, otherwise assignments to global variables would change your on-disk binary image.Inconceivable!

The data example in the diagram is trickier because it uses a pointer.In that case, thecontentsof pointergonzo– a 4-byte memory address – live in the data segment.The actual string it points to does not, however.The string lives in thetextsegment, which is read-only and stores all of your code in addition to tidbits like string literals.The text segment also maps your binary file in memory, but writes to this area earn your program a Segmentation Fault.This helps prevent pointer bugs, though not as effectively as avoiding C in the first place.Here's a diagram showing these segments and our example variables:

ELF Binary Image Mapped Into Memory

You can examine the memory areas in a Linux process by reading the file/proc/pid_of_process/maps.Keep in mind that a segment may contain many areas.For example, each memory mapped file normally has its own area in the mmap segment, and dynamic libraries have extra areas similar to BSS and data.The next post will clarify what 'area' really means.Also, sometimes people say “data segment” meaning all of data + bss + heap.

You can examine binary images using thenmandobjdumpcommands to display symbols, their addresses, segments, and so on.Finally, the virtual address layout described above is the “flexible” layout in Linux, which has been the default for a few years.It assumes that we have a value forRLIMIT_STACK.When that's not the case, Linux reverts back to the “classic” layout shown below:

Classic Process Address Space Layout In Linux

That's it for virtual address space layout.The next post discusses how the kernel keeps track of these memory areas.Coming up we'll look at memory mapping, how file reading and writing ties into all this and what memory usage figures mean.














这是可能的映射由堆栈推它可以容纳更多的数据比用尽的面积。这将触发一个页故障处理在Linuxexpand_stack() ,这反过来又调用acct_stack_growth()来检查它是否是适当的增长堆栈。如果栈的大小低于RLIMIT_STACK(通常为8MB),那么通常是堆栈的增长和程序继续愉快,不知道刚刚发生了什么。这是正常的机制,堆栈大小调整要求。然而,如果已达到最大堆栈大小,我们有一个堆栈溢出,程序接收到一个分割故障。映射的堆栈区域扩展,以满足需求,它不退缩,当堆栈变小。联邦预算一样,它不仅扩展。


下面的堆栈,我们的内存映射段。在这里,内核直接到内存映射文件的内容。任何应用程序都可以问这样的映射,通过对Linux的mmap()系统调用(执行)或CreateFileMapping()/MapViewOfFile()在Windows中。执行文件I / O,内存映射是一个方便的和高性能的方式,因此,它被用于加载动态库。另外,也可以创建一个匿名的,不对应于任何文件,节目数据,而不是正在使用的存储器映射。在Linux中,如果你要求一个大的内存块,通过malloc()函数,C库会创建这样一个匿名映射而不是使用堆内存。“大型”是指大于128 KBMMAP_THRESHOLD字节,默认情况下,可调通过mallopt() 。





上,另一方面,在所述数据段持有在源代码中初始化的静态变量的内容。此存储区是不是匿名的。它的一部分,该程序的二进制图象,其中包含在源代码中的给定值的初始静态映射。所以,如果你说静态诠释cntWorkerBees的= 10,的cntWorkerBees住在数据段中的内容,并开始为10。尽管数据段映射了一个文件,它是一个私有内存映射,这意味着更新到内存中不反映在底层的文件。这必须是这样,否则对全局变量的赋值会改变你的磁盘上的二进制图像。不可思议!



您可以检查一个Linux进程的内存区域读取文件/ proc / pid_of_process /图。请记住,一个段可能包含许多领域。例如,每个存储器映射的文件通常具有其自己的区域在mmap段,和动态库有额外的区域类似的BSS和数据。下一篇文章将澄清'区域'的真正含义是什么。此外,有时人们说,“数据段”,这意味着所有的数据+ bss +堆。








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