
So I said to him, well, let's back off on this. Do we think this is a good idea at all? He said, I have no idea if this is a good idea. I was like, OK, well we've got common ground there. Then I said, well is this really your call? Isn't this the call of the Dean of Sponsored Research if it's an IP issue? And he said, yeah, that's true. I said, but so if he's happy you're happy? [So he says] Yeah, then I'd be fine. Whoosh! Like Wile E. Coyote [inaudible] And I find myself in Gene Blocks office, who is the most fantastic man in the world. And I start talking to Gene Block and I say let's start at the high level, since I don't want to have to back out again. So let's start at the high level. Do you think this is a good idea? He said, well if you're asking me if it's a good idea, I don't have very much information. All I know is that one of my star faculty members is in my office and he's really excited, so tell me more. Here's a lesson for everybody in administration. They both said the same thing. But think about how they said it, right? [In a loud, barking voice] I don't know! [In a pleasant voice] Well, I don't have much information, but one of my start faculty members is here and he's all excited so I want to learn more. They're both ways of saying I don't know, but boy there's a good way and a bad way. So anyway, we got it all worked out. I went to Imagineering. Sweetness and light. And all's well that ends well.

所以我对他说,好,让我们先退一步。你觉得幻想工程这事对我们是个好主意吗?他说,我也心中无数。我想,好,我们有共同点。然后我说,关于知识产权问题,是以你说的为准吗,这不应该是赞助研究院院长来判断吗?他说,嗯,那是。我说,如果他同意你就同意? [他说] 嗯,那我没问题。呼的一下,像大笨狼怀尔去追逐必必鸟必必鸟[卡通] ,嗖的一下,我已经在基因布若克的办公室,他是世界上最棒的人。我跟他说,让我们从宏观谈起,因为我不想再重蹈前辙。那在总体水平,你觉得这是不是个好主意?他说,如果你问我,我手头资料有限,但我知道我的明星教员在我的办公室而且他真的很为此兴奋,所以跟我仔细说说。这里是给管理人员的一个教训。他们都表示了同样的事。但想想他们是怎么说的? [大嗓门咆哮 ] :我不知道! [宜人声音]好,我知道不多,但我的明星教员在我这里很兴奋,所以我想进一步了解。他们两个人都在说,我不知道,但一个是很好的方式,一个坏的方式。不管怎样,最后我们解决了问题。我去了幻想工程。皆大欢喜,如愿以尝。

Some brick walls are made of flesh. So I worked on the Aladdin Project. It was absolutely spectacular, I mean just unbelievable. Here's my nephew Christopher. [Shows slide of Christopher on Aladdin apparatus] This was the apparatus. You would sit on this sort of motorcycle-type thing. And you would steer your magic carpet and you would put on the head-mounted display. The head-mounted display is very interesting because it had two parts, and it was a very very clever design. To get throughput through, the only part that touched the guest's head was this little cap and everything else clicked onto itall the expensive hardware. So you could replicate the caps because they were basically free to manufacture. And this is what I really did is I was a cap cleaner during the sabbatical. [laughter]
一些砖墙是由人组成。我的工作是阿拉丁项目。这是美妙决仑,简直难以置信。这里是我的侄子克里斯托弗。 [放克里斯在阿拉丁装置上的幻灯 ]这是装置。你坐在这种像摩托车样的东西上。你可以驾驶你的魔毯,戴上头盔显示器。这头盔显示器是非常有趣,因为它有两个部分,这是一个非常巧妙的设计。只有一个小帽接触客户的头部以传输数据,其它部分,--所有昂贵的硬件—都可以卡在帽子上。所以你可以大量生产帽子,它们基本上没有成本。所以我在学术假其间实际上就是洗帽子。 []

I loved Imagineering. It was just a spectacular place. Just spectacular. Everything that I had dreamed. I loved the model shop. People crawling around on things the size of this room that are just big physical models. It was just an incredible place to walk around and be inspired. I'm always reminded of when I went there and people said, do you think the expectations are too high? And I said, you ever see the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory? Where Gene Wilder says to the little boy Charlie, he's about to give him the chocolate factory. He saysWell Charlie, did anybody ever tell you the story of the little boy who suddenly got everything he ever wanted?Charlie's eyes get like saucers and he says,No, what happened to him?Gene Wilder says,He lived happily ever after.[laughter]

我热爱幻想工程。这是个宁人叹为观止的地方。真是壮观。有我所梦寐以求的一切。我喜欢模型工作室。人们在这个房间大小的的实体模型上爬来爬去。在那不可思议的地方走走,你会受到激励。我总是记得当我去那里时有人问,你认为期望是不是太高?我说,你们都过电影“查理和巧克力工厂”吗?或威利 ·旺卡和巧克力工厂?当王尔德对小男孩查理说,他要把巧克力工厂给他。他说: " 查理,有没有人告诉过你小男孩突然得到他所想要的一切的故事 " ?查理瞪大眼睛说: " 没有,他后来怎么样了 " ?王尔德说, " 他从此生活在幸福快乐中 "[]
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