
使用js攻击。例:查询时输入查询字符串,如果字符串验证不严格。并且还在输入框再显示出用户输入的字符。则有可能出现被攻击的情况。 解决方法:将字符htmlencode一下。 工具类代码:

import java.lang.String; 
import java.lang.StringBuilder; 
import java.text.StringCharacterIterator; 
import java.text.CharacterIterator; 

public class AntiXSS {
//	 Private variables 
	  private static String EmptyString_JavaScript = "''"; 
	  private static String EmptyString_VBS = "\"\""; 
	  private static String EmptyString = ""; 
	  private static StringBuffer strb; 
	  private static StringCharacterIterator sci; 

	  private static String EncodeHtml(String strInput) { 
	    if (strInput.length() == 0) { 
	      return EmptyString; 
	    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(strInput.length() * 2); 
	    CharacterIterator it = new StringCharacterIterator(strInput); 
	    for (char ch = it.first(); ch != CharacterIterator.DONE; ch = it.next()) { 
	      if ((((ch > '`') && (ch < '{')) || ((ch > '@') && (ch < '['))) 
	          || (((ch == ' ') || ((ch > '/') && (ch < ':'))) || (((ch == '.') || (ch == ',')) || ((ch == '-') || (ch == '_'))))) { 
	      } else { 
	        builder.append("&#" + (int) ch + ";"); 
	    return builder.toString(); 

	  private static String EncodeHtmlAttribute(String strInput) { 
	    if (strInput.length() == 0) { 
	      return EmptyString; 
	    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(strInput.length() * 2); 
	    CharacterIterator it = new StringCharacterIterator(strInput); 
	    for (char ch = it.first(); ch != CharacterIterator.DONE; ch = it.next()) { 
	      if ((((ch > '`') && (ch < '{')) || ((ch > '@') && (ch < '['))) 
	          || (((ch > '/') && (ch < ':')) || (((ch == '.') || (ch == ',')) || ((ch == '-') || (ch == '_'))))) { 
	      } else { 
	        builder.append("&#" + (int) ch + ";"); 
	    return builder.toString(); 

	  private static String EncodeJs(String strInput) { 
	    if (strInput.length() == 0) { 
	      return EmptyString_JavaScript; 
	    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("'"); 
	    CharacterIterator it = new StringCharacterIterator(strInput); 
	    for (char ch = it.first(); ch != CharacterIterator.DONE; ch = it.next()) { 
	      if ((((ch > '`') && (ch < '{')) || ((ch > '@') && (ch < '['))) 
	          || (((ch == ' ') || ((ch > '/') && (ch < ':'))) || (((ch == '.') || (ch == ',')) || ((ch == '-') || (ch == '_'))))) { 
	      } else if (ch > '\u007f') { 
	        builder.append("\\u" + TwoByteHex(ch)); 
	      } else { 
	        builder.append("\\x" + SingleByteHex(ch)); 
	    return builder.toString(); 

	  private static String EncodeUrl(String strInput) { 
	    if (strInput.length() == 0) { 
	      return EmptyString; 
	    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(strInput.length() * 2); 
	    CharacterIterator it = new StringCharacterIterator(strInput); 
	    for (char ch = it.first(); ch != CharacterIterator.DONE; ch = it.next()) { 
	      if ((((ch > '`') && (ch < '{')) || ((ch > '@') && (ch < '['))) 
	          || (((ch > '/') && (ch < ':')) || (((ch == '.') || (ch == '-')) || (ch == '_')))) { 
	      } else if (ch > '\u007f') { 
	        builder.append("%u" + TwoByteHex(ch)); 
	      } else { 
	        builder.append("%" + SingleByteHex(ch)); 
	    return builder.toString(); 

	  private static String EncodeVbs(String strInput) { 
	    if (strInput.length() == 0) { 
	      return EmptyString_VBS; 
	    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(strInput.length() * 2); 
	    boolean flag = false; 
	    CharacterIterator it = new StringCharacterIterator(strInput); 
	    for (char ch = it.first(); ch != CharacterIterator.DONE; ch = it.next()) { 
	      if ((((ch > '`') && (ch < '{')) || ((ch > '@') && (ch < '['))) 
	          || (((ch == ' ') || ((ch > '/') && (ch < ':'))) || (((ch == '.') || (ch == ',')) || ((ch == '-') || (ch == '_'))))) { 
	        if (!flag) { 
	          flag = true; 
	      } else { 
	        if (flag) { 
	          flag = false; 
	        builder.append("&chrw(" + (long) ch + ")"); 
	    if ((builder.length() > 0) && (builder.charAt(0) == '&')) { 
	      builder.delete(0, 1); 
	    if (builder.length() == 0) { 
	      builder.insert(0, "\"\""); 
	    if (flag) { 
	    return builder.toString(); 

	  private static String EncodeXml(String strInput) { 
	    return EncodeHtml(strInput); 

	  private static String EncodeXmlAttribute(String strInput) { 
	    return EncodeHtmlAttribute(strInput); 

	   * Returns a string object encoded to be used in an HTML attribute. 
	   * <p> 
	   * This method will return characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, full stop, comma, dash, 
	   * and underscore unencoded, and encode all other character in decimal HTML 
	   * entity format (i.e. < is encoded as <). 
	   * @param s 
	   * a string to be encoded for use in an HTML attribute context 
	   * @return the encoded string 
	  public static String HtmlAttributeEncode(String s) { 
	    return EncodeHtmlAttribute(s); 

	   * Returns a string object encoded to use in HTML. 
	   * <p> 
	   * This method will return characters a-z, A-Z, space, 0-9, full stop, 
	   * comma, dash, and underscore unencoded, and encode all other character in 
	   * decimal HTML entity format (i.e. < is encoded as <). 
	   * @param s 
	   * a string to be encoded for use in an HTML context 
	   * @return the encoded string 
	  public static String HtmlEncode(String s) { 
	    return EncodeHtml(s); 

	   * Returns a string object encoded to use in JavaScript as a string. 
	   * <p> 
	   * This method will return characters a-z, A-Z, space, 0-9, full stop, 
	   * comma, dash, and underscore unencoded, and encode all other character in 
	   * a 2 digit hexadecimal escaped format for non-unicode characters (e.g. 
	   * \x17), and in a 4 digit unicode format for unicode character (e.g. 
	   * \u0177). 
	   * <p> 
	   * The encoded string will be returned enclosed in single quote characters 
	   * (i.e. '). 
	   * @param s 
	   * a string to be encoded for use in a JavaScript context 
	   * @return the encoded string 
	  public static String JavaScriptEncode(String s) { 
	    return EncodeJs(s); 

	  private static String SingleByteHex(char c) { 
	    long num = c; 
	    return leftPad(Long.toString(num, 16), "0", 2); 

	  private static String TwoByteHex(char c) { 
	    long num = c; 
	    return leftPad(Long.toString(num, 16), "0", 4); 

	   * Returns a string object encoded to use in a URL context. 
	   * <p> 
	   * This method will return characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, full stop, dash, and 
	   * underscore unencoded, and encode all other characters in short 
	   * hexadecimal URL notation. for non-unicode character (i.e. < is encoded as 
	   * %3c), and as unicode hexadecimal notation for unicode characters (i.e. 
	   * %u0177). 
	   * @param s 
	   * a string to be encoded for use in a URL context 
	   * @return the encoded string 
	  public static String UrlEncode(String s) { 
	    return EncodeUrl(s); 

	   * Returns a string object encoded to use in VBScript as a string. 
	   * <p> 
	   * This method will return characters a-z, A-Z, space, 0-9, full stop, 
	   * comma, dash, and underscore unencoded (each substring enclosed in double 
	   * quotes), and encode all other characters in concatenated calls to chrw(). 
	   * e.g. foo' will be encoded as "foo"&chrw(39). 
	   * @param s 
	   * a string to be encoded for use in a JavaScript context 
	   * @return the encoded string 
	  public static String VisualBasicScriptEncodeString(String s) { 
	    return EncodeVbs(s); 

	   * Returns a string object encoded to be used in an XML attribute. 
	   * <p> 
	   * This method will return characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, full stop, comma, dash, 
	   * and underscore unencoded, and encode all other character in decimal 
	   * entity format (i.e. < is encoded as <). 
	   * @param s 
	   * a string to be encoded for use in an XML attribute context 
	   * @return the encoded string 
	  public static String XmlAttributeEncode(String s) { 
	    return EncodeXmlAttribute(s); 

	   * Returns a string object encoded to use in XML. 
	   * <p> 
	   * This method will return characters a-z, A-Z, space, 0-9, full stop, 
	   * comma, dash, and underscore unencoded, and encode all other character in 
	   * decimal entity format (i.e. < is encoded as <). 
	   * @param s 
	   * a string to be encoded for use in an XML context 
	   * @return the encoded string 
	  public static String XmlEncode(String s) { 
	    return EncodeXml(s); 

	  private static String leftPad(String stringToPad, String padder, int size) { 
	    if (padder.length() == 0) { 
	      return stringToPad; 
	    strb = new StringBuffer(size); 
	    sci = new StringCharacterIterator(padder); 

	    while (strb.length() < (size - stringToPad.length())) { 
	      for (char ch = sci.first(); ch != CharacterIterator.DONE; ch = sci 
	          .next()) { 
	        if (strb.length() < size - stringToPad.length()) { 
	          strb.insert(strb.length(), String.valueOf(ch)); 
	    return strb.append(stringToPad).toString(); 



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