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原创 Ubuntu 16.04 安装第三方Apps Can’t Install Third-Party Apps on Ubuntu 16.04? You’re No

Having trouble installing third-party .debs on Ubuntu 16.04?You, my friend, are far from alone.A huge number of you have pinged us about a big ol’ bug in the Xenial Xerus’ new Software app. A bug...

2016-04-29 07:09:07 728

原创 Ubuntu 16.04 安装 Openjdk for Aptana How can I install Openjdk on Ubuntu 16.04?

Since I upgrade to the latest version of Ubuntu, cannot install Java OpenJDK needed to compile android custom roms, when I run sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk appear the following error:Readin...

2016-04-29 07:08:27 144

原创 Ubuntu 16.04 安装 LAMP Install Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) stack on Ubuntu 16.04

Verified and Tested 03/1/16 IntroductionIn this How-To, we install LAMP on an Ubuntu 16.04 Server. LAMP is a simple software bundle made of 4 components, Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. L...

2016-04-29 07:04:29 137

原创 Ubuntu 16.04 安装 player Install Flash Player for Watching Video in Ubuntu 16.04 X

 Install Flash Player for Watching Video in Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus (LTS), Ubuntu 15.10 wily werewolf, Ubuntu 15.04 vivid Vervet, ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn, Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr (LTS) and ...

2016-04-29 07:03:10 415

原创 Magento: 判断是否为手机浏览 Optimise Web's Mobile Detect Class for Magento

项目地址:Optimise Web's Mobile Detect Class for Magento Optimise Web's Mobile Detect Class for MagentoMobileDetect.net is a lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices. Optimise Web's Magent...

2016-04-29 07:01:26 251

原创 HTML Character Codes – ASCII Entity and Unicode Symbols

How to use special HTML character codesThere are only so many keys to a keyboard, and you can see from the lists below that there are quite a few characters knocking around! No keyboard could poss...

2016-04-28 02:44:16 386

原创 Magento: Gird 和 form 区域 Module Development Series – Magento Admin Module

In this tutorial, we are going to see all the different form fields we can use in admin forms.Magento has many different type of field available by default, so lets see the syntax of using each o...

2016-04-28 02:39:37 69

原创 Magento: 后台获取menu链接 Getting the admin panel urls

The url for customer page in the admin panel. index.php/admin/customer/edit/id/7echo Mage::helper('adminhtml')->getUrl('adminhtml/customer/edit/index/id',array('id'=>7)); The url for cata...

2016-04-28 02:34:53 131

原创 Magento: addAttributeToFilter 和 addFieldToFilter 的区别 Difference between addAttri

 addAttributeToFilter is used to filter EAV collections and will filter the products based on the attributes that you've included in your collection.EAV-models: product, customer, sales, etc.ad...

2016-04-28 02:34:42 191

原创 JavaScript 语言基础知识点总结(思维导图)

目录[-](1)javascript 数组(2)函数基础(3)运算符(4)流程语句(5)正则表达式(6)字符串函数(7)数据类型(8)变量(9)window 对象(10)DOM基本操作(11)一图知晓整个Javascript ES5语法推荐阅读: (1)javascript 数组JavaScript 语言基...

2016-04-27 01:30:46 1316

原创 JavaScript: 时间处理 Date Library

OverviewDatejs is an open source JavaScript Date library for parsing, formatting and processing.The last 'official' release was Alpha-1 on November 19th, 2007. The project has been mostly dorman...

2016-04-27 01:29:41 184

原创 Magento : 调用文件上传 upload file frontend

bool mkdir ( string $pathname [, int $mode = 0777 [, bool $recursive = false [, resource $context ]]] ) $pathname should be the server path to the file and not a urlTry$path = Mage::getBaseDi...

2016-04-27 01:25:58 277

原创 Bootstrap 3 : 图片上传预览 image upload preview

头部均为:<link href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.1.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"><script type='text/javascript' src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.2/jquery...

2016-04-27 01:24:37 1653

原创 jQuery: 判断指针是否在某元素内 How do I check if the mouse is over an element

代码:// required jquery.min.js$(function(){ var $current_tab_menu = $('#main_menu'); $(document).on('mouseover',function(e) { var xx = e.originalEvent.x || e.originalEvent.lay...

2016-04-27 01:21:10 272

原创 Magento: 自定义用户登录导向页面 Redirect Customer to Previous Page After Login

Configuration Settings – Login to admin panel – Go to System -> Configuration -> CUSTOMERS -> Customer Configuration -> Login Options – Set: Redirect Customers to Account Dashboard af...

2016-04-26 02:45:52 287

原创 图文并茂: 二进制与十进制间的转换方法

一、正整数的十进制转换二进制:要点:除二取余,倒序排列解释:将一个十进制数除以二,得到的商再除以二,依此类推直到商等于一或零时为止,倒取将除得的余数,即换算为二进制数的结果 例如把52换算成二进制数,计算结果如图:图文并茂: 二进制与十进制间的转换方法52除以2得到的余数依次为:0、0、1、0、1、1,倒序排列,所以52对应的二进制数就是110100。 由于计算机内部表示数的字节单...

2016-04-26 02:42:44 261

原创 手机firebug查看网页代码 How to View Website Source Codes on iPad / iPhone

You’re using your iPad to browse the Web and you’re curious to view the source of a webpage but don’t have the options to do so. The next thing you know, you’re swapping back to your Mac or PC to o...

2016-04-26 02:41:53 362

原创 Bootstrap 3: accordion menu 手风琴效果

头部均为:<link href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.1.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"><script type='text/javascript' src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.2/jquer...

2016-04-26 02:22:48 676

原创 新手必须掌握的Linux命令

2.1 强大好用的SHELL 计算机硬件是由运算器、控制器、存储器、输入/输出设备等设备组成的,而能够让机箱内各种设备各司其职东西就叫做——系统内核。内核负责驱动硬件、管理活动和分配/管理硬件资源,如此说来系统内核对计算机来讲可真的是太重要了,所以它不能直接让用户操作。 因为用户不能直接控制硬件也不能直接操作内核,于是便需要基于“系统调用接口”开发出的程序/服务来满足用户日常工...

2016-04-26 02:22:35 482

原创 Dailymotion 视频下载神器,喜欢太阳的后裔的人有福了!

 有很多网站支持在线下载,例如:  telechargerunevideo ,savevideo 等等,但是今天要介绍是超速浏览器插件(支持火狐和chrome):savefrom.net插件下载地址:http://en.savefrom.net/user.php?vid=308 效果如顶图 ↑ 。 原文/转自: Dailymotion 视频下载神器,喜欢太阳的后裔的人有福了...

2016-04-07 13:17:22 1025

原创 jQuery获取div的背景颜色 How to get background color of div?

直接代码:<script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function(){ $("div").click(function(){ var $c=$(this).css("background-color"); alert($c); });});</script> ...

2016-04-07 13:16:39 3976

原创 jquery mobile : 外链接失效 a href not working

1. 根据文档 http://view.jquerymobile.com/master/demos/,可以在 <a> 标签里面添加属性rel="external" 或者 data-ajax="false" 2. 如果无法直接添加,也可以使用js效果:$(document).ready(function(){ $("a").each(function(){ ...

2016-04-07 13:14:19 187

原创 你要了解的11款面向Linux系统的一流备份实用工具


2016-04-07 13:13:51 1027

原创 Google 搜索技巧

这里记录一些非常有用的搜索技巧,熟练运用后可以有效提升自己的效率。 操作符+ 强制搜索由 于Google会忽略和过滤一些常用词(称为stop words / common words),如and、how等。使用+可以让搜索引擎强制包括这些词。使用+还可以强制过滤关键词变体形式(不让搜索结果出现关键词的其它形式),如 单复数、动词时态、ing形式等等。- 逻辑非用于过滤-号...

2016-04-07 13:11:21 137

原创 MySQL: 获取表结构 Get a MySQL table structure with DESCRIBE

Example tableThe example table used in this post was created with the following SQL:CREATE TABLE `products` (`product_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`url` varchar(100) NOT NULL,...

2016-04-06 05:05:16 2362

原创 Magento: 代替flash上传 How to disable Flash uploader in Magento (product images and

 1. 替换产品页flash上传按钮 - 使用 Dull_UploaderHow to disable Flash uploader in Magento 1.4.x - 1.9.xSo what to do if one day you will discover that you simply cannot upload any images in your Magento ...

2016-04-06 05:04:00 240

原创 jQuery Zoom 图片聚焦或者点击放大A plugin to enlarge images on touch, click, or mouseover

  下载: zoom-master 项目地址: https://github.com/jackmoore/zoom Compatible with: jQuery 1.7+ in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer 7+. Install via NPMnpm install jquery-...

2016-04-06 05:03:32 271

原创 jQuery 标签教程 Tabs Tutorial

 Writing the MarkupLets start by writing our markup as if our visitor doesn't even have JavaScript enabled. Even if you do not wish to support users without JavaScript, it is still a good patte...

2016-04-06 05:01:14 58

原创 CSS: 解决100% 高度失效 height 100% is not working when scrolling down page

原代码:<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Sample</title> <style> html, body

2016-04-06 04:58:40 415

原创 jQuery版侧边栏菜单 Minimalist Responsive Push Menu with jQuery and CSS3

A jQuery & CSS3 based off-canvas navigation menu that pushes the main page to the right when toggled. How to use it:1. Create an off-canvas menu with a close menu as follows.<div class...

2016-04-05 14:11:38 140

原创 Bootstrap 3 : 侧边菜单插件 Sliding Side Menu/Panel with jQuery and Bootstrap - BootSid

 A simple lightweight javascript plugin used to create side menus/panels that smoothly slide out from the edge of your screen when toggled, built with jQuery and Bootstrap 3. How to use it:...

2016-04-05 14:10:55 1139

原创 jQuery: 网站截图 jQuery Plugin To Take A Snapshot of A Webpage - url2img

url2img is a minimalist jQuery plugin used to take a screenshot from an user provided URL by using Google Pagespeed Insights API. How to use it:1. Include jQuery JS library and the jQuery url2i...

2016-04-05 14:07:13 121

原创 同一表单内设置两个或两个以上的提交按钮 Two submit buttons in one form

给相同 name就可以了, 类似radio的和checkbox的用法:You can give each input a different value and keep the same name:<input type="submit" name="action" value="Submit" /><input type="submit" name="acti

2016-04-05 14:07:13 323

原创 Magento: 在客户账户中添加自定义链接 My Account Add Link

This extension add new link and a page to that link and enable/disable links in my account left Nav section. 页面: https://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/my-account-add-link.html Magen...

2016-04-05 14:05:58 262



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