SQLWarning ignored:
SQL state 'HY000', error code '1592',
message [Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.]
SQLWarning ignored:
SQL state '01000', error code '1265',
message [Data truncated for column 'f_birthday' at row 1]
3. 连接数已达到pool的上限,无法再创建新的连接。
Could not get JDBC Connection;
nested exception is com.atomikos.jdbc.AtomikosSQLException: Failed to grow the connection pool
4. 连接数用尽
Data source rejected establishment of connection,
message from server: "Too many connections"
5. 未知的XID(分布式事务错误)
SQLWarning ignored: SQL state 'HY000',
error code '1397',
message [XAER_NOTA: Unknown XID]
6. 初步判断:数据源状态异常,导致分布式事务无法将该数据源添加到global transaction中。
com.atomikos.datasource.ResourceException: XA resource 'db/dataSourceDefault':
resume for XID '746D2D706C6174666F726D30303036303030303031:746D2D706C6174666F726D3539' raised -9:
the XA resource is currently involved in a local (non-XA) transaction
com.atomikos.datasource.ResourceException: XA resource 'db/dataSourceDefault': resume for XID '746D2D706C6174666F726D30303032393030303031:
746D2D706C6174666F726D3239' raised -7: the XA resource has become unavailable
8.[Err] 1292 - Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value
error sql:
update shop
set shop_name = '又及' and nick_name = '又及'
where shop_id = 10002
right sql:
update shop
set shop_name = '又及' , nick_name = '又及'
where shop_id = 10002