
USD/JPY 为84.00,那么JPY/USD就是1/84.00=0.0119
外汇买卖,一般是个人通过银行交易,银行通过外汇市场交易,因此一般同时会有三个价位,也就是TTS, TTB 还有一个是TTM。
TTS(Telegraphic transfer selling rate的简称),是银行对个人的卖出价。
TTB(Telegraphic transfer buying rate的简称)是银行对个人的买入价。
TTM (Telegraphic transfer market rate的简称)银行外汇市场的市场价。
例如外汇市场价美元兑日元120,即TTM=120。那么银行对个人的卖出价一定高于这个价格(银行为了赚钱)TTS>TTM, 比如120.5;银行的买入价一定低于这个价格,TTB<TTM, 比如119.5。这样的话点差是100点。
TTB(Telegraphic transfer buying rate的简称)是指对顾客的电信买入价。
TTS(Telegraphic transfer selling rate的简称)是指对顾客的电信卖出价。

Rates for Transaction’ application provides information to the customers about Foreign Exchange, Savings and Time Deposits Interest Rates. It caters to following transaction rates:
FX Rates
Multi Money (MM) Savings and Foreign Currency (FCY) Time Deposit Interest Rates
Step Up Time Deposit Interest Rates
Multi Money Credit Repayment (MMCR) Interest Rates
Yen Saving Account (SA) and Time Deposit Interest Rates
Premium Deposit Interest Rates ( Please refer to NAP_JP_FS_JFP_PD Rate Sheet_1.0.doc)
Monthly Smile Interest Rates
World Currency Mix Rates

Following is an overview of the interaction between the customer and the application and between the application and the front- end or back-end.
1. On clicking of ‘Rates for Transaction’ present on the menu the customer is shown a number of links for display of system rates.
2. The customer selects the information he requires from the displayed links.
3. On clicking the menu item, the application will trigger an online service call to RC+ for Multimoney products and IMPACS for IMPACS products like savings to fetch the latest rates and display on the CBOL Screen.
4. If the RC+ call is successful, the application performs the following:
a. The application displays the Rates Screen displaying the rates returned from RC+. The customer then has the option to do an immediate print of the current screen or execute a FX or TD transaction.
b. The application writes an MIS log for the transaction with the Transaction Type Logged as 28.
5. In case of RC+ call failing, End of Transaction (EOT) screen RCM972 is displayed to the customer.

Planning tools help CitiBank Customers to make decisions on rates to buy/sell foreign currency, open MultiMoney TD and change MultiMoney TD maturity instructions.

This application provides the following functionalities ?

Yield Calculator
FCY Breakeven Calculator
FCY Buy Calculator
FCY Sell Calculator
Following is an overview of the interaction between the customer and the application and between the application and the front- end or back-end.
1. On clicking of ‘Rates for Transaction’ present on the menu the customer is shown a number of links for display of system rates.
2. The customer selects the information he requires from the displayed links.
3. On clicking the menu item, the application will trigger an online service call to RC+ for Multimoney products and IMPACS for IMPACS products like savings to fetch the latest rates and display on the CBOL Screen.
4. If the RC+ call is successful, the application performs the following:
a. The application displays the Rates Screen displaying the rates returned from RC+. The customer then has the option to do an immediate print of the current screen or execute a FX or TD transaction.
b. The application writes an MIS log for the transaction with the Transaction Type Logged as 28.
5. In case of RC+ call failing, End of Transaction (EOT) screen RCM972 is displayed to the customer.




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