China Investigates Baby Products

中国卫生部门正在对强生公司(Johnson & Johnson)生产的婴儿产品进行调查;此前美国一个消费者团体指控这些婴儿产品中包含的某些化学物质可能致癌,但强生公司对此予以否认。上海食品药品监督管理局高级官员顾振华周三透露,正在对强生产品进行调查。此前,上海的农工商超市集团周一决定在旗下3,500多家门店暂停销售强生公司的婴儿沐浴液洗发香波和肥皂。此次调查是由美国安全化妆品运动组织(Campaign for Safe Cosmetics)的一份报告引发的,这是美国一个非盈利健康和环保组织联合会。这份报告称,在婴儿护理产品中发现的两种微量化学物质1,4二氧杂环己烷和甲醛已知会引发动物癌症,其中包括强生公司和全球销售的产品。这份报告最初于3月12日公布在美国安全化妆品运动组织网站上,被中国媒体发现后在网络上迅速传播。强生公司供应中国市场的产品是在本地生产的。该报告并没有谈及供应链控制,而是批评了没有在产品标签上注明所含全部化学物质的做法。总部位于新泽西州的强生公司表示,强生产品牵涉安全风险的说法是不真实的。强生公司发表声明称,上述两种微量化合物成分是来源于我们为保证婴儿产品的温和质地并避免细菌繁殖而采用的生产过工艺。美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)和全球其他的政府相关机构均认可在这一水平微量成分的安全性。而且,我们所有的产品都符合甚至超过销售所在国的法规要求。FDA发言人基斯内克(Stephanie Kwisnek)说,她没有看过美国安全化妆品运动组织的那份报告,拒绝对此详细置评;但她表示,FDA了解有关1,4二氧杂环己烷的潜在健康忧虑,但目前没有证据显示像此次在化妆品中发现的微量成分会对人体有害。她说,FDA会继续监控这一化合物。基斯内克还说,美国没有禁止或限制在化妆品成分中使用甲醛,因为FDA不认为包含甲醛的产品是有害的。这一事件彰显出,在经过一系列涉及有毒婴儿奶粉和其他假冒伪劣产品的丑闻之后,中国消费者对产品安全问题敏感程度日益加强。虽然大多数产品质量丑闻都与本地生产商有关,但当外国厂商的产品面临质疑时,消费者有时会显得格外愤怒。2006年,宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble Co.)旗下SK-II品牌的一款高级护肤霜接受了有关部门的微量化合物检测,结果证明产品是安全的。但中国消费者对宝洁公司处理此事的手法感到非常不满,他们聚集在宝洁上海分公司前,还砸破了办公楼的玻璃门。顾振华没有说他上海食品药品监督管理局何时会完成调查。中国国家质量监督检验检疫总局的一位官员表示,他们也在关注强生产品,并会很快完成相关调查。在当前全球经济衰退背景下,中国是唯一一个仍在增长的主要经济体。对卫生产品厂商来说,中国市场的重要性与日俱增。根据市场研究公司欧睿信息咨询公司(Euromonitor International)的数据,强生公司是中国最大的婴儿护肤产品和其他婴儿护理用品销售厂商,按收入计算,2008年强生公司占据了中国69%的市场份额。欧睿预计,去年中国这一市场的总销售额为人民币27亿元(约合3.95亿美元),较2005年增长了43%;2010年有望达到37亿元。Loretta Chao相关阅读原声视频:中国开始审理三聚氰胺事件嫌犯(中文字幕) 2009-01-02FDA在美国产婴儿配方奶粉中检出三聚氰胺 2008-11-26亨氏婴儿食品不再采用中国产牛奶 2008-09-30 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年03月19日09:21', 'JNJ'));强生公司英文名称:Johnson & Johnson总部地点:美国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:JNJ

Chinese health authorities are investigating baby products made by Johnson & Johnson in response to a U.S. consumer group's charges, disputed by the company, that some chemicals contained in the products could cause cancer.The investigation by Shanghai's Food and Drug Administration, which was disclosed Wednesday by Gu Zhenhua, a senior official at the agency, follows a move Monday by Shanghai-based Nonggongshan Supermarkets Corp. to halt sales of J&J's baby shampoo, soap and lotion at its more than 3,500 outlets.The investigation was prompted by a report by Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, a coalition of American nonprofit health and environmental groups. It said that formaldehyde and 1,4 dioxane, chemicals found in small amounts in baby-care products, including those by J&J and sold world-wide, are known to cause cancer in animals. The report, originally published March 12 on the group's Web site, was picked up by Chinese media and disseminated on the Internet here. J&J's products for the China market are made in China. The report doesn't implicate supply-chain controls, but rather criticizes the practice of including the chemicals in the products without full disclosure on labels.J&J, based in New Brunswick, N.J., said the allegations of health risks are untrue. Trace levels of the two compounds 'can result from processes that make our products gentle for babies and safe from bacteria growth,' the company said in a statement. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration 'and other government agencies around the world consider these trace levels safe, and all our products meet or exceed the regulatory requirements in every country where they are sold,' the company said.Stephanie Kwisnek, a spokeswoman for the U.S. FDA, said she hadn't seen the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics report and declined to comment on it specifically, but said the FDA 'has been aware of potential health concerns regarding 1,4 dioxane' but that there currently is no evidence to show that trace levels, such as those found in cosmetics, are harmful. She said the FDA continues to monitor the chemical.She also said formaldehyde isn't prohibited or restricted as a cosmetic ingredient in the U.S. because the FDA hasn't concluded products that contain it are harmful.The episode highlights growing sensitivity of Chinese consumers to allegations of product safety problems following a string of scandals over tainted infant milk powder and other shoddy or dangerous goods. Although most of those scandals have involved domestic producers, consumers have sometimes responded especially angrily when the products in question are made by foreign companies.In 2006, a high-end skin cream sold under Procter & Gamble Co.'s SK-II brand was investigated for trace amounts of chemicals that turned out to be safe. But crowds, angry about how the company handled the issue, gathered at P&G's Shanghai office and smashed portions of the building's glass exterior.Mr. Gu declined to say when his agency would complete the investigation. An official at China's General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine in Beijing, which sets national guidelines, said it is also looking into J&J products, and that its inquiry should be concluded 'soon.'China, the only major economy in the world still reporting economic growth during the global economic recession, is increasingly important for health-product makers. J&J is the largest seller of infant skin lotions and other baby-care products in China, with 69% of the market by revenue in 2008, according to Euromonitor International. The market research firm estimates that total sales in the China market were 2.7 billion yuan, or about $395 million in 2008, up 43% from 2005. It projects total sales will reach 3.7 billion yuan in 2010.Loretta Chao




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