
Redis tool list

Here is a Redis tool list. I hope you will find one or two of them that you’d like to try out.

Table of Contents

Redis Cluster

Project NameStarsLangDescription
Codis9113(2019/04/06)GoCodis is a proxy based high performance Redis cluster solution written in Go. It is production-ready and widely used at and many companies.
x-pipe791JavaRedis 多数据中心集群,一是为了提升可用性,解决数据中心 DR(Disaster Recovery) 问题,二是提升访问性能,每个数据中心可以读取当前数据中心的数据,无需跨机房读数据。
cc32(2019/04/06)Go & JsThis is a Redis Cluster Controller to control the state of the cluster nodes and provide http api and tools(both command line and web ui). Star: 17(until 2017/08/19).

Redis Variety

Project NameStars(until 2019/04/14)LangDescription
Pika2679C++Pika is a nosql compatible with redis protocol, it is developed by Qihoo’s DBA and infrastructure team, and it is widely used in QiHoo. Pika is a persistent huge storage service , compatible with the vast majority of redis interfaces (details), including string, hash, list, zset, set and management interfaces. With the huge amount of data stored, redis may suffer for a capacity bottleneck, and pika was born for solving it. Except huge storage capacity, pika also support master-slave mode by slaveof command, including full and partial synchronization.
webdis2099CA very simple web server providing an HTTP interface to Redis. It uses hiredis, jansson, libevent, and http-parser
ardb1309C++A redis protocol compatible nosql, it support multiple storage engines as backend like Google’s LevelDB, Facebook’s RocksDB, OpenLDAP’s LMDB, PerconaFT, WiredTiger, ForestDB.
Pedis1027C++NoSQL data store using the SEASTAR framework, compatible with REDIS.
Qedis54C++A C++11 implementation of distributed redis server, use Leveldb for persist storage.(including cluster)
AliRedisCAliRedis, which is developed by Alibaba, use a new nginx-like(one-master-multi-worker) framework, in order to get full use of the CPU cores.
Pushlet139JavaScriptPushlet 是一个开源的 Comet 框架,Pushlet使用了观察者模型:客户端发送请求,订阅感兴趣的事件;服务器端为每个客户端分配一个会话 ID 作为标记,事件源会把新产生的事件以多播的方式发送到订阅者的事件队列里。
xredis-server50C++redis-server is a redis server framework library write by C++, using this library you can develop redis protocol compatible server easily. xredis-server requires libevent.
qdb327GoA fast, high availability, fully Redis compatible store engine.
vire167Cvire (pronounced “vip-redis”) is a multithread redis(based on redis-3.2.0) maintains in vipshop.
swapdb269CA redis compatiable storage which support data exchange between memory and disk.
ApsaraCache848CApsaraCache is based on the Redis official release 4.0 and has many features and performance enhancements. ApsaraCache has proven to be very stable and efficient in production environment.
titan658GoA distributed implementation of Redis compatible layer based on TiKV.
KeyDB1459C++a high performance fork of Redis focussing on multithreading, memory efficiency, and high throughput. In addition to multithreading KeyDB also has features only available in Redis Enterprise such as FLASH storage support, and some not available at all such as direct backup to AWS S3.
rsedis1218RustRedis re-implemented in Rust

Redis Proxy

Project NameStars(until 2019/04/14)LangDescription
aster41RustAster is a light, fast and powerful cache proxy written in rust. the same with twemproxy but support multi-threads. Make redis cluster can be used to simple redis client.
undermoon63RustAims to provide a Redis cluster solution based on Redis Cluster Protocol supporting multiple tenants and easy scaling.
twemproxy8920Ctwemproxy (pronounced “two-em-proxy”), aka nutcracker is a fast and lightweight proxy for memcached and redis protocol. It was built primarily to reduce the number of connections to the caching servers on the backend. This, together with protocol pipelining and sharding enables you to horizontally scale your distributed caching architecture.
Redsmin proxy deamon78JavaScriptAccess local redis instance from Redsmin Redsmin and Redsmin proxy communicate through a secure connection using the TLS 1.2 protocol so no one will be able to inspect the data looking at the traffic.
bilitw57Cbilitw (bilibili twemproxy), which introduce multi process of twemproxy(one master and mutli worker), is order to get full use of the CPU cores.
Corvus640CA fast and lightweight Redis Cluster Proxy for Redis 3.0.
twemproxy-16334Ctwemproxy-163 supports redis-server failover by communicating with redis-sentinel.
twemproxies67Ctwemproxies ( nutcrackers ) is a multithread, fast and lightweight proxy for memcached and redis protocol. It was built primarily to reduce the number of connections to the caching servers on the backend. This, together with protocol pipelining and sharding enables you to horizontally scale your distributed caching architecture.
twemproxy-vip43Ctwemproxy maintained and used at vipshop.
nredis-proxy12JAVAa redis proxy based on netty. arch design. nredis-proxy 是一个以redis 协议为主的高性能稳定的代理中间件服务,不侵入业务代码,与业务毫无联系,不需要改任何应用代码,天然支持分布式部署。
predixy406C++A high performance and full features proxy for redis, support redis sentinel and redis cluster.
onecache216C++OneCache a Redis protocol based distributed cache middleware, as a replacement of Twemproxy or Codis. Unlike twemproxy, OneCache can offer 500,000 or higher QPS for single instance with lower latency.
redis-twemproxy-agent84JavaScriptA simple nodejs application which will connect to Redis-Sentinel and monitor for the master-change event. It will then update TwemProxy (nutcracker) and restart it.
r3proxy22Cwritten by baidu tieba. a twemproxy with rediscluster support.
meitu/twemproxy124Cwritten by meitu. meitu twemproxy is a multi-process, fast and lightweight proxy for memcached and redis protocol. It was built primarily to reduce the number of connections to the caching servers on the backend. This, together with protocol pipelining and sharding enables you to horizontally scale your distributed caching architecture.

Redis Module

Project NameStarsLangDescription
rediSQL890Rust于雨推荐:一个Redis module,可在Redis内实现标准SQL全操作,每秒可执行13万次插入操作

Redis Client

Project NameStarsLangDescription
hiredis-vip169(2019/03/24)Cvip is a C client library for the Redis database, supported redis cluster, fully contained and based on Hiredis
redispipe54(2019/03/24)GoHigh-throughput Redis client for Go with implicit pipelining
lettuce-core2358JavaLettuce is a scalable thread-safe Redis client for synchronous, asynchronous and reactive usage. Multiple threads may share one connection if they avoid blocking and transactional operations such as BLPOP and MULTI/EXEC. Lettuce is built with netty. Supports advanced Redis features such as Sentinel, Cluster, Pipelining, Auto-Reconnect and Redis data models.
redis-tui261(2019/04/28)GoA Redis Text-based UI client in CLI

Redis Data Migration

Project NameStarsLangDescription
RedisShake110GoRedis-shake is a tool for synchronizing data between two redis databases
redis-port110Cparse redis rdb file, sync data between redis master and slave
rdd76Credis database dumper, this tool can be used to dump a redis database, work on dump and put dump into redis this tool not use .rdb file! It’s a beta software, use it at your own risk!
redis-migrate-tool560Credis-migrate-tool is a convenient and useful tool for migrating data between redis. It is based on redis replication. In the process of migrating data, the source redis also can provide services for users.
redis rdb file splitterIn this Chinese blog you will get a script to split Redis rdb db file.
redis-migration52Credis-migration is a fast, light-weight migration tool for redis. Just add redis-migration.c to the redis sources. We scale out our redis clusters by this tool. Star: 35(until 2017/08/22).

Redis Monitor

Project NameStars(until 2019/04/14)LangDescription
RedisLive2845JavaScriptVisualize your redis instances, analyze query patterns and spikes.
redis-rdb-tools3103PythonRdbtools is a parser for Redis’ dump.rdb files. The parser generates events similar to an xml sax parser, and is very efficient memory wise. In addition, rdbtools provides utilities to :Generate a Memory Report of your data across all databases and keys; Convert dump files to JSON; Compare two dump files using standard diff tools. Rdbtools is written in Python, though there are similar projects in other languages.
redmon1530RubyA web interface for managing redis: cli, admin, and live monitoring. Simple sinatra based dashboard for redis. After seeing the fnordmetric project I was inspired to write this. Some of the ideas there have be carried over here.
redis-faina1407PythonAt its core, redis-faina uses the Redis MONITOR command, which echoes every single command (with arguments) sent to a Redis instance. It parses these entries, and aggregates stats on the most commonly-hit keys, the queries that took up the most amount of time, and the most common key prefixes as well.
redis-stat1761Rubyredis-stat is a simple Redis monitoring tool written in Ruby.It is based on INFO command of Redis, and thus generally won’t affect the performance of the Redis instance unlike the other monitoring tools based on MONITOR command.redis-stat allows you to monitor Redis instances either with vmstat-like output from the terminal or with the dashboard page served by its embedded web server.
redispapa378Pythonanother redis monitor by using flask, angular, we use redis info to monitor the redis usage. PAPA means a father who is monitoring the redis. accoding to the redis doc, it is be recommanded to use info other than monitor.
redis-monitor483JavaScriptbase RedisLive,monitor multiple redis-server in product enviroment: monitor multiple redis-instance in one page; monitor memory,comand per sec,HitRate,keyspace, master-slave change,expire; sms alert when crash , master-slave stats changed.
redis-sampler219RubySmall program to understand the composition of your Redis data set.
redis-audit221RubyThis script samples a number of the Redis keys in a database and then groups them with other similar looking keys. It then displays key metrics around those groups of keys to help you spot where efficiencies can be made in the memory usage of your Redis database.Warning: The script cannot be used with AWS Elasticache Redis instances, as the debug command is restricted.
redis_key_sizes.sh125shellA simple script to print the size of all your Redis keys.
redis-rdb-tools3103PythonRdbtools is a parser for Redis’ dump.rdb files. The parser generates events similar to an xml sax parser, and is very efficient memory wise.
redis-full-check76GoRedis-full-check is developed and maintained by NoSQL Team in Alibaba-Cloud Database department. Redis-full-check performs full data verification by comparing the data of the source database and the destination database.

Redis Admin Web & UI

Project NameStars(until 2019/04/16)LangDescription
RedisDesktopManager11780C++Redis Desktop Manager (aka RDM)— is a cross-platform open source Redis DB management tool (i.e. Admin GUI). Redis Desktop Manager developed to replace hundreds of slow and ugly tools for redis.
redmon1530RubyA web interface for managing redis: cli, admin, and live monitoring. Simple sinatra based dashboard for redis. After seeing the fnordmetric project I was inspired to write this. Some of the ideas there have be carried over here.
cachecloud4079JavaA private redis cloud platform developed by Sohu Inc.
django-redisboard207PythonRedis monitoring and inspection tool in django admin.its features: Sever statistics in the admin changelist; Key summary in the inspect view; Value introspection with pagination for lists and sorted sets.
RedisReact302JavaScriptRedis React is a simple user-friendly UI for browsing data in Redis servers which takes advantages of the complex type conventions built in the ServiceStack.Redis Client to provide a rich, human-friendly UI for navigating related datasets, enabling a fast and fluid browsing experience for your Redis servers. Its related project is ServiceStack.Redis.
redis-ctl127PythonRedis Instance Controlling and Distribution Service.
fastoredis270FastoRedis is a crossplatform Redis GUI management tool.
Redsmina developer oriented online administration and monitoring service for Redis and Redis cluster. Redsmin is trusted by more than 10K developers world-wide and manage thousands of Redis servers in real-time.
RedisManager10SwiftSimple Mac Application to manage Redis Server.
redisvo27JavaScripta web-based redis data visualization tool。
medis7352JavaScriptMedis is a beautiful, easy-to-use Redis management application built on the modern web with Electron, React, and Redux. It’s powered by many awesome Node.js modules, especially ioredis and ssh2.

Redis Golang Packages

Project NameStars(until 2019/04/16)LangDescription
redigo66GoRedis Sentinel support for redigo library.
redigomock96GoEasy way to unit test projects using redigo library (Redis client in go).
redi-go-cluster291Goredis-go-cluster is a golang implementation of redis client based on Gary Burd’s Redigo. It caches slot info at local and updates it automatically when cluster change. The client manages a connection pool for each node, uses goroutine to execute as concurrently as possible, which leads to its high efficiency and low lantency.
go-sentinel33GoRedis Sentinel support for redigo library.
redis-failover66GoAutomatic redis monitoring and failover based on Go.
miniredis635GoPure Go Redis test server, used in Go unittests. Sometimes you want to test code which uses Redis, without making it a full-blown integration test. Miniredis implements (parts of) the Redis server, to be used in unittests.
redeo246GoHigh-performance framework for building redis-protocol compatible TCP servers/services. Optimised for speed!
libredis10GoLibredis is intended to be more than a simple client connection library. It will include Redis specific custom operations, Structures, and capabilities suitable for integrating with any Go code which interacts with Redis ranging from simple CRUD operations to service management.
go-redis41Gogo-redis is a Redis client library for the Go programming language. It’s built on the skeleton of gomemcache.
goatee269GoA Redis-backed notification server written in Go. goatee works by listening on a channel via Redis Pub/Sub and then sending the received message to connected clients via WebSockets. Clients may create channels to listen on by using the goatee client library.
juggler65GoJuggler implements highly decoupled, asynchronous RPC and pub-sub over websocket connections using redis as broker. It refers both to a websocket subprotocol and the implementation of a juggler server. The repository also contains implementations of the callee, broker and client roles. This is still experimental. Use at your own risk. Not battle-tested in production environment. API may change. Javascript (and other languages) client not implemented yet.
broadcaster24GoPackage broadcaster implements a websocket server for broadcasting Redis pub/sub messages to web clients.
redisocket.v21GoBase on gorilla/websocket & garyburd/redigo.
redis5486GoRedis client for Golang.
Go-Redis389GoGoogle Go Client and Connectors for Redis.
gosexy/redis168GoRedis client for Go that maps the full redis command list into equivalent Go functions.

Redis Based Lock&Cache

Project NameStars(until 2019/04/16)LangDescription
disgear77JavaDisgear is a distributed cache based on redis, support data segmentation on multiple machines, support HA, write&read separation ,and automatic election support the master node failure. There is also a Chinese translation version of this blog.
Distributed locks using RedisHow to create reliable locks for a distributed architecture.
Redis lock algorithm and implementation list: Distributed locks with Redis
redsync358GoDistributed mutual exclusion lock using Redis for Go.

Redis Ecosystem

Project NameStars(until 2019/04/16)LangDescription
awesome-redis330A curated list of amazingly awesome redis and redis ecosystem resources.
RedisWeeklyA once–weekly e-mail round-up of Redis news, articles, tools and libraries followed by more than 5 000 Redis developers.

  • written by Alex Stocks on 2016/03/22
  • add redmon & redispapa & django-redisboard on 2016/04/15
  • add Redsmin & RedisManager & RedisWeekly on 2016/04/19
  • add twemproxies & fastoredis on 2016/04/20
  • add redis cluster(codis & Pika) on 2016/05/12
  • add redigo & redi-go-cluster & redigomock & go-sentinel on 2016/06/09
  • add ardb & twemproxy-163 on 2016/09/02
  • add Pedis & redis-failover & miniredis & redeo & libredis & go-redis on 2016/09/23
  • add goatee & juggler & broadcaster & redisocket.v2 on 2016/10/02
  • add redis on 2016/10/03
  • add Go-Redis & Pushlet on 2016/10/24
  • add xredis-server on 2016/11/16
  • add x-pipe on 2017/07/01
  • add redisvo on 2017/08/10
  • add gosexy/redis on 2017/08/12
  • add medis on 2017/08/15
  • add qdb & redsync && cc on 2017/08/19
  • add redis-rdb-tools & redis-migration & vire & twemproxy-vip & hiredis-vip & nredis-proxy on 2017/08/22
  • add predixy on 2017/08/27
  • add onecache on 2017/09/04
  • add swapdb on 2017/09/08
  • add redis-twemproxy-agent on 2017/09/22
  • add ApsaraCache on 2017/10/14
  • add r3proxy on 2018/05/16
  • add meitu/twemproxy on 2018/09/07
  • add titan on 2018/12/12
  • add KeyDB & redis-full-check on 2019/03/13
  • add rediSQL & aster on 2019/03/24
  • add undermoon on 2019/04/05
  • add RedisShake & lettuce-core on 2019/04/06
  • add overlord on 2019/04/10
  • add redis-tui on 2019/04/28
  • add rsedis on 2019/07/01




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