ORA-4031相关脚本(Doc ID 430473.1)


Database Started Last
03-Feb-2022 12:50:57

1 row selected.

Setting                                                                MBytes
-------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
16K Cache:  0                                                               0
2K Cache:  0                                                                0
32K Cache:  0                                                               0
4K Cache:  0                                                                0
8K Cache:  0                                                                0
Buffer Cache:  0                                                            0
Java Pool Size:  0                                                          0
Keep Cache:  0                                                              0
Large Pool Size:  0                                                         0
Log Buffer:  7282688                                                        7
Recycle Cache:  0                                                           0
SGA Max:  2097152000                                                    2,000
SGA Target:  1056964608                                                 1,008
Shared Pool Reserved Area:  26004684                                       25
Shared Pool Size:  0                                                        0
Streams Pool Size:  0                                                       0

16 rows selected.

DB Files:  200
Open Cursors:  300
Processes:  300
Session Cached Cursors:  50
Sessions:  472

5 rows selected.

Cache Advice:  ON
Compatible:  19.0.0
Cursor Sharing:  EXACT
Query Rewrite:  TRUE
Statistics Level:  TYPICAL

5 rows selected.

Resource                           Current              HWM Setting
------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------
processes                               85              121        300
sessions                               105              144        472
enqueue_locks                           40               57       5621
enqueue_resources                       34               55       2296
ges_procs                               74              109       1088
ges_ress                             1,330            1,935       6246
ges_locks                              268              337      11300
ges_cache_ress                       1,359            1,963          0
ges_reg_msgs                             2                2       2630
ges_big_msgs                             0                0        478
ges_rsv_msgs                             0                0        478
gcs_resources                       11,250           11,250      52519
dml_locks                                0               19       2076
max_shared_servers                       1                2  UNLIMITED

14 rows selected.

Parameter                           Session Value             Instance Value
----------------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
_4031_dump_bitvec                   67194879                  67194879
_4031_max_dumps                     100                       100
_NUMA_pool_size                     Not specified             Not specified
_PX_use_large_pool                  FALSE                     FALSE
__db_cache_size                     411041792                 411041792
__java_pool_size                    0                         0
__large_pool_size                   8388608                   8388608
__shared_pool_size                  520093696                 520093696
__streams_pool_size                 0                         0
_io_shared_pool_size                4194304                   4194304
_kghdsidx_count                     1                         1
_kgl_heap_size                      4096                      4096
_kill_java_threads_on_eoc           FALSE                     FALSE
_large_pool_min_alloc               65536                     65536
_library_cache_advice               TRUE                      TRUE
_optim_peek_user_binds              TRUE                      TRUE
_px_bind_peek_sharing               TRUE                      TRUE
_shared_pool_reserved_min_alloc     4400                      4400
_shared_pool_reserved_pct           5                         5


Component                 Explicit Setting     Current Size         Min Size         Max Size     Granule Size
------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
shared pool                              0      520,093,696      520,093,696      520,093,696        4,194,304
large pool                               0        8,388,608        8,388,608        8,388,608        4,194,304
java pool                                0                0                0                0        4,194,304
streams pool                             0                0                0                0        4,194,304
unified pga pool                         0                0                0                0        4,194,304
memoptimize buffer cache                 0                0                0                0        4,194,304
DEFAULT buffer cache                     0      411,041,792      411,041,792      411,041,792        4,194,304
KEEP buffer cache                        0                0                0                0        4,194,304
RECYCLE buffer cache                     0                0                0                0        4,194,304
DEFAULT 2K buffer cache                  0                0                0                0        4,194,304
DEFAULT 4K buffer cache                  0                0                0                0        4,194,304
DEFAULT 8K buffer cache                  0                0                0                0        4,194,304
DEFAULT 16K buffer cache                 0                0                0                0        4,194,304
DEFAULT 32K buffer cache                 0                0                0                0        4,194,304
Shared IO Pool                 100,663,296      100,663,296      100,663,296      100,663,296        4,194,304
Data Transfer Cache                      0                0                0                0        4,194,304
In-Memory Area                           0                0                0                0        4,194,304
In Memory RW Extension Ar                0                0                0                0        4,194,304

In Memory RO Extension Ar                0                0                0                0        4,194,304

ASM Buffer Cache                         0                0                0                0        4,194,304
sum                                           1,040,187,392

20 rows selected.

                          Operation       Operation
Component                 Type            Mode            Timestamp
------------------------- --------------- --------------- -------------------------
shared pool               STATIC
large pool                STATIC
java pool                 STATIC
streams pool              STATIC
unified pga pool          STATIC
memoptimize buffer cache  STATIC
DEFAULT buffer cache      INITIALIZING
KEEP buffer cache         STATIC
RECYCLE buffer cache      STATIC
DEFAULT 2K buffer cache   STATIC
DEFAULT 4K buffer cache   STATIC
DEFAULT 8K buffer cache   STATIC
DEFAULT 16K buffer cache  STATIC
DEFAULT 32K buffer cache  STATIC
Shared IO Pool            STATIC
Data Transfer Cache       STATIC
In-Memory Area            STATIC
In Memory RW Extension Ar STATIC

In Memory RO Extension Ar STATIC

ASM Buffer Cache          STATIC

20 rows selected.

Component                 Parameter                          Initial            Final Status     Changed At
------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------- -------------------
shared pool               shared_pool_size                         0      520,093,696 COMPLETE   02/03/2022 12:51:11
DEFAULT buffer cache      db_cache_size                  411,041,792      411,041,792 COMPLETE   02/03/2022 12:51:11
java pool                 java_pool_size                           0                0 COMPLETE   02/03/2022 12:51:11
streams pool              streams_pool_size                        0                0 COMPLETE   02/03/2022 12:51:11
unified pga pool          _unified_pga_pool_size                   0                0 COMPLETE   02/03/2022 12:51:11
memoptimize buffer cache  memoptimize_pool_size                    0                0 COMPLETE   02/03/2022 12:51:11
DEFAULT buffer cache      db_cache_size                            0      411,041,792 COMPLETE   02/03/2022 12:51:11
KEEP buffer cache         db_keep_cache_size                       0                0 COMPLETE   02/03/2022 12:51:11
RECYCLE buffer cache      db_recycle_cache_size                    0                0 COMPLETE   02/03/2022 12:51:11
DEFAULT 2K buffer cache   db_2k_cache_size                         0                0 COMPLETE   02/03/2022 12:51:11
DEFAULT 4K buffer cache   db_4k_cache_size                         0                0 COMPLETE   02/03/2022 12:51:11
DEFAULT 8K buffer cache   db_8k_cache_size                         0                0 COMPLETE   02/03/2022 12:51:11
DEFAULT 16K buffer cache  db_16k_cache_size                        0                0 COMPLETE   02/03/2022 12:51:11
DEFAULT 32K buffer cache  db_32k_cache_size                        0                0 COMPLETE   02/03/2022 12:51:11
Shared IO Pool            _shared_io_pool_size                     0      100,663,296 COMPLETE   02/03/2022 12:51:11
Data Transfer Cache       data_transfer_cache_size                 0                0 COMPLETE   02/03/2022 12:51:11
In-Memory Area            inmemory_size                            0                0 COMPLETE   02/03/2022 12:51:11
In Memory RW Extension Ar _inmemory_ext_rwarea                     0                0 COMPLETE   02/03/2022 12:51:11

In Memory RO Extension Ar _inmemory_ext_roarea                     0                0 COMPLETE   02/03/2022 12:51:11

ASM Buffer Cache          db_cache_size                            0                0 COMPLETE   02/03/2022 12:51:11
large pool                large_pool_size                          0        8,388,608 COMPLETE   02/03/2022 12:51:11

21 rows selected.

Component                           Lowest   MBytes          Highest   MBytes
------------------------- ---------------- -------- ---------------- --------
shared pool                    520,093,696      496      520,093,696      496
java pool                                0        0                0        0
streams pool                             0        0                0        0
DEFAULT 8K buffer cache                  0        0                0        0
In Memory RW Extension Ar                0        0                0        0

DEFAULT 16K buffer cache                 0        0                0        0
unified pga pool                         0        0                0        0
Shared IO Pool                 100,663,296       96      100,663,296       96
DEFAULT buffer cache           411,041,792      392      411,041,792      392
DEFAULT 2K buffer cache                  0        0                0        0
Data Transfer Cache                      0        0                0        0
KEEP buffer cache                        0        0                0        0
RECYCLE buffer cache                     0        0                0        0
DEFAULT 4K buffer cache                  0        0                0        0
In-Memory Area                           0        0                0        0
large pool                       8,388,608        8        8,388,608        8
DEFAULT 32K buffer cache                 0        0                0        0
In Memory RO Extension Ar                0        0                0        0

memoptimize buffer cache                 0        0                0        0
ASM Buffer Cache                         0        0                0        0

20 rows selected.

Name                                          BYTES Auto     CON_ID
---------------------------------------- ---------- ---- ----------
Fixed SGA Size                              9154768 No            0
Redo Buffers                                7618560 No            0
Buffer Cache Size                         511705088 Yes           0
In-Memory Area Size                               0 No            0
Shared Pool Size                          520093696 Yes           0
Large Pool Size                             8388608 Yes           0
Java Pool Size                                    0 Yes           0
Streams Pool Size                                 0 Yes           0
Shared IO Pool Size                       100663296 Yes           0
Data Transfer Cache Size                          0 Yes           0
Granule Size                                4194304 No            0
Maximum SGA Size                         2097148112 No            0
Startup overhead in Shared Pool           261792656 No            0
Free SGA Memory Available                1040187392               0

14 rows selected.


Init Parameter		       Limit		    Usage                                                                           
------------------------------ -------------------- -----                                                                           
session_cached_cursors		  50		     100%                                                                           
open_cursors			 300		      15%      


Script Run TimeStamp                                                                                
03-FEB-2022 14:06:54                                                                                

1 row selected.

Startup Time                                                                                        
03-FEB-2022 12:50:57                                                                                

1 row selected.

Name				 MB                                                                 
-------------------------- --------                                                                 
SQLA				 63                                                                 
KGLH0				 38                                                                 
free memory			 35                                                                 
KGLS				 22                                                                 
gcs resources			 13                                                                 
ksunfy_meta 1			 12                                                                 
SO private sga			 11                                                                 
KQR X PO			 10                                                                 
reader lock mitigation en	 10                                                                 
KGLHD				 10                                                                 

10 rows selected.


Shared Pool Size (MB) Size Factor Estimated Hits in Library Cache Estimate of LC Size Estimate of objects in LC                             
--------------------- ----------- ------------------------------- ------------------- -------------------------                             
		  392	    .7903			   44,212		   44			  3,008                             
		  444	    .8952			   45,198		   96			  4,986                             
		  456	    .9194			   45,500		  107			  5,476                             
		  460	    .9274			   45,612		  111			  5,645                             
		  464	    .9355			   45,722		  115			  5,838                             
		  468	    .9435			   45,832		  115			  5,872                             
		  472	    .9516			   45,941		  115			  5,872                             
		  476	    .9597			   46,051		  115			  5,872                             
		  480	    .9677			   46,160		  115			  5,872                             
		  484	    .9758			   46,269		  115			  5,872                             
		  488	    .9839			   46,377		  115			  5,872                             
		  492	    .9919			   47,175		  115			  5,872                             
		  496		1			   47,976		  115			  5,872                             
		  500	   1.0081			   47,976		  115			  5,872                             
		  504	   1.0161			   47,976		  115			  5,872                             
		  508	   1.0242			   47,976		  115			  5,872                             
		  512	   1.0323			   47,976		  115			  5,872                             
		  516	   1.0403			   47,976		  115			  5,872                             
		  520	   1.0484			   47,976		  115			  5,872                             
		  524	   1.0565			   47,976		  115			  5,872                             
		  528	   1.0645			   47,976		  115			  5,872                             
		  532	   1.0726			   47,976		  115			  5,872                             
		  548	   1.1048			   47,976		  115			  5,872                             
		  600	   1.2097			   47,976		  115			  5,872                             
		  652	   1.3145			   47,976		  115			  5,872                             
		  704	   1.4194			   47,976		  115			  5,872                             
		  756	   1.5242			   47,976		  115			  5,872                             
		  808	    1.629			   47,976		  115			  5,872                             
		  860	   1.7339			   47,976		  115			  5,872                             
		  912	   1.8387			   47,976		  115			  5,872                             
		  964	   1.9435			   47,976		  115			  5,872                             
		1,016	   2.0484			   47,976		  115			  5,872    


  Pool           Failed         Reserved         Reserved         Reserved
  Miss             Size       Free Space              Max              Avg
------ ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
     0                0       26,964,088        2,096,952          219,220

1 row selected.

        Reserved            Total             Area          Size of
            Used         Requests           Misses        Last Miss
---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
       3,977,232                0                0                0

1 row selected.

-------- ----------- --------
perm          120.00      120
freeabl       122.21  138,248
recr        1,537.06    4,184
free        1,868.20    4,008
PinnedCode.sql -- investigates which objects are pinned into the Library Cache?   NOTE:   These queries will work on 9i/9.2.x/10g.  The data provides more detailed information on what objects are pinned and how much memory is needed for them.


KEPT  TYPE				 MEMORY                                                                         
----- -------------------- --------------------                                                                         
NO    CURSOR			     86,949,952                                                                         
NO    PACKAGE BODY		      8,311,032                                                                         
NO    PACKAGE			      4,799,560                                                                         
NO    TABLE			      4,178,680                                                                         
NO    VIEW			      2,290,488                                                                         
NO    TYPE			      2,096,864                                                                         
NO    MULTI-VERSIONED OBJE		978,656                                                                         
NO    SYNONYM				858,896                                                                         
NO    INDEX				801,376                                                                         
NO    CURSOR STATS			667,808                                                                         
NO    FUNCTION				206,600                                                                         
NO    Optimizer Expression		169,344                                                                         
NO    TYPE BODY 			122,016                                                                         
NO    QUEUE				100,968                                                                         
NO    LIBRARY				 60,664                                                                         
NO    SCHEDULER JOB			 60,520                                                                         
NO    OPERATOR				 48,672                                                                         
NO    SEQUENCE				 44,552                                                                         
NO    TRIGGER				 34,248                                                                         
NO    Optimizer Finding 		 28,504                                                                         
NO    SCHEDULER WINDOW			 28,224                                                                         
NO    PUB SUB INTERNAL INF		 25,152                                                                         
NO    RULESET				 24,608                                                                         
NO    RESOURCE MANAGER CON		 24,232                                                                         
      SUMER GROUP                                                                                                       
NO    Optimizer Directive		 24,232                                                                         
NO    Optimizer Expresion		 24,192                                                                         
NO    DIRECTORY 			 16,168                                                                         
NO    SCHEDULER PROGRAM 		 16,128                                                                         
NO    CLUSTER				 16,128                                                                         
NO    RESOURCE MANAGER PLA		 12,216                                                                         
NO    SCHEDULER SCHEDULE		 12,096                                                                         
NO    SCHEDULER GLOBAL ATT		 12,096                                                                         
NO    SUBSCRIPTION			  9,888                                                                         
NO    RESOURCE MANAGER CDB		  8,144                                                                         
NO    SCHEDULER CLASS			  8,104                                                                         
NO    TRANSFORMATION			  8,088                                                                         
NO    AUDIT POLICY			  8,064                                                                         
NO    EDITION				  4,072                                                                         
NO    FED APP				  4,032                                                                         
NO    PDB				      0                                                                         
NO    PROCEDURE 			      0                                                                         
NO    NONE				      0                                                                         
NO    RULE EVALUATION CONT		      0                                                                         
NO    OBJECT ID 			      0                                                                         
YES   CURSOR STATS		      8,046,272                                                                         
YES   RUNTIME STATISTICS	      1,840,544                                                                         
YES   MULTI-VERSIONED OBJE	      1,043,904                                                                         
YES   TABLE				268,352                                                                         
YES   INDEX				 56,448                                                                         
YES   CLUSTER				 48,784     


Inst       Hash SQL
---- ---------- ----------------------------------------
   1  720789879 SELECT /*+ no_monitor */
                to_date(substr(v2.info, 1, v2.pos1 - 2),
                'YYYY:MM:DD:HH24:MI:SS') sql_exec_start,
                to_number(substr(v2.info, v2.pos2,
                v2.pos3 - v2.pos2 - 1)) inst_id,
                to_number(substr(v2.info, v2.pos3,
                v2.pos4 - v2.pos3 - 1))

                to_number(substr(v2.info, v2.pos4,
                v2.pos5 - v2.pos4 - 1))


select sql_fulltext, sharable_mem, invalidations, loads, executions 
from v$sql
where loads > invalidations
and executions > 1000
order by sharable_mem desc

select sql_fulltext, sharable_mem, invalidations, loads 
from v$sql
where loads > invalidations
and sharable_mem > 190000
order by loads desc
Owner                Name                      Type                           Memory Used                               
-------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ----------------                               
SYS                  DBMS_AQADM_SYS            PACKAGE BODY                       641,568                               
SYS                  DBMS_STATS_INTERNAL       PACKAGE BODY                       600,200                               
SYS                  DBMS_SQLTUNE_INTERNAL     PACKAGE BODY                       563,200                               
SYS                  DBMS_XPLAN                PACKAGE BODY                       429,936                               
SYS                  DBMS_ISCHED               PACKAGE BODY                       416,640                               
SYS                  PRVT_HDM                  PACKAGE BODY                       231,392                               
SYS                  PRVT_ADVISOR              PACKAGE BODY                       222,928                               
SYS                  DBMS_SWRF_INTERNAL        PACKAGE BODY                       207,112                               
SYS                  DBMS_STATS_ADVISOR        PACKAGE BODY                       202,344                               
SYS                  DBMS_SQL                  PACKAGE BODY                       145,048                               
DBSNMP               BSLN_INTERNAL             PACKAGE BODY                       140,368                               
SYS                  DBMS_UTILITY              PACKAGE BODY                        94,624                               
SYS                  DBMS_SYSTEM               PACKAGE BODY                        57,176                               
SYS                  DBMS_ASSERT               PACKAGE BODY                        53,040                               
SYS                  DBMS_AQADM_SYSCALLS       PACKAGE BODY                        52,984                               
SYS                  DBMS_STANDARD             PACKAGE                             48,640                               
SYS                  STANDARD                  PACKAGE BODY                        36,600                               
SYS                  DBMS_UMF_PROTECTED        PACKAGE BODY                        32,552                               
SYS                  DBMS_LOB                  PACKAGE BODY                        32,520                               
SYS                  DBMS_AUTO_TASK            PACKAGE BODY                        24,400                               
SYS                  IS_VPD_ENABLED            FUNCTION                            24,304                               
SYS                  DICTIONARY_OBJ_OWNER      FUNCTION                            24,304                               
SYS                  DICTIONARY_OBJ_NAME       FUNCTION                            24,304                               
SYS                  DBMS_PRVT_TRACE           PACKAGE BODY                        20,296                               
SYS                  DBMS_SQLTUNE_UTIL0        PACKAGE BODY                        20,272                               
SYS                  DBMS_SESSION              PACKAGE BODY                        20,232                               
SYS                  DBMS_AQADM_VAR            PACKAGE BODY                        16,232                               
SYS                  DBMS_PDB                  PACKAGE BODY                        12,192                               
SYS                  UTL_RAW                   PACKAGE BODY                        12,152                               
SYS                  DBMS_OUTPUT               PACKAGE BODY                        12,120                               
SYS                  PLITBLM                   PACKAGE                              8,104                               

31 rows selected.

Code Loaded                              Memory Footprint Invalidations        Loads       Executions                   
---------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------ ----------------                   
select obj#,type#,ctime,mtime,stime,               59,749             1            2            1,678                   
status, dataobj#, flags, oid$, spare1,                                                                                  
spare2, spare3, signature, spare7,                                                                                      
spare8, spare9, nvl(dflcollid, 16382),                                                                                  
creappid, creverid, modappid, modverid,                                                                                 
crepatchid, modpatchid from obj$ where                                                                                  
owner#=:1 and name=:2 and namespace=:3                                                                                  
and remoteowner is null and linkname is                                                                                 
null and subname is null 
Code Loaded                              Memory Footprint Invalidations        Loads                                    
---------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------                                    
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS           554,895             0            1                                    
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE                                                                                                       
select partition_name from (select                413,116             0            1    


"TABLE/PROCEDURE"                    3101       3148       3158       3186       3203       3228       3260       3398
"CLUSTER"                                                7             7              7              7             7              7              7              7
"TRIGGER"                                               77           79            79           81           81            83            85           87 

"SQL AREA"                                          724          726         726         726         732         739          740        740 


HWM Information:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
----- Max Invalidations:		     2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
----- Max Versions Loaded:		     6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
----- Versions HWM:			     6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
----- Largest Memory object:	     4,479,177                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


SQL ID		SQL			       VERSION_COUNT                                        
--------------- ------------------------------ -------------                                        
121ffmrc95v7g	select					   6                                        
		.logicalread from ind$ i,                                                           
		ind_stats$ ist, (select                                                             
		enabled, min(intcols)                                                               
		nd(defer,4))) valid# from                                                           
		cdef$ where obj#=:1 and                                                             
		enabled > 1 group by enabled)                                                       
		c where i.obj#=c.enabled(+)                                                         
		and i.obj# = ist.obj#(+) and                                                        
		i.bo#=:1 order by i.obj#                                                            
5u7g54s63p4ts	select toid from type$ where		   6                                        
		package_obj#=:1 and                                                                 

2 rows selected.

***Watch for***
Variance > 0 means more versions tracked in V$SQLAREA
Variance < 0 means more versions tracked in V$SQL_SHARED_CURSOR

no rows selected

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